Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa MTCC 16036 For Remediation of
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa MTCC 16036 For Remediation of
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas Aeruginosa MTCC 16036 For Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
Assistant Professor, Department of Petroleum and Earth Science, Indian Institute of Petroleum & Energy,
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh 530003, India. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Department of Physiscs, Saveetha Engineering College, Saveetha Nagar, Sriperumbadur Taluk, Chennai,
India. Email: [email protected]
*To whom correspondence should be addressed to: e-mail:[email protected].
procured from Microbial Type Culture Collection Centre and Gene Bank for current
investigation. The biosurfactant were produced using sludge as source of carbon, whichis low-
cost substrates. Biosurfactant has the potential to treat and remediate petroleum sludge. Sludge is
a solid or semisolid mass that settles down in the course of storage tanks. Oil field sludge
Moreover,sand, clays and water were also found in the sludge. Sludge generated by oil refining
industry are hazardous waste and proper management and safe disposal is a major challenge for
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
refiners which get accumulated over time in storage pit as well as in the drilling site while
extracting crude oil. The results obtained shows that biosurfactants has the capability for removal
proposed to reduce the oil content to permissible limit. The retention time for the degradation
The current scenario, more attention has been given towards biosurfactants due to its major
advantages, which are not limited to lower toxicity, higher biodegradability, high selectivity,
foaming and specific activity at extreme temperatures, pH and salinity, and the ability to be
synthesized from agricultural wastes [17]. Biosurfactant are extracellular compound produced by
bacteria, which has the capability to reduce interfacial tension[21]. The foremost advantages of
good foaming activity, zero toxicity at intense temperatures, pH and salinity [12]. Biosurfactants
are classified into two categories such as low-molecular-massand high molecular-mass polymers.
water immiscible hydrocarbons but few biosurfactants are produced on water-soluble substrates
namely sucrose, glucose and ethanol [9]. Eventually, high product titers with vegetable oil as
sole carbon source in combination with Pseudomonas strains [10]. Crude oil behaves sluggish
during measurement of IFT (interfacial tension) against aqueous phases as though they were a
homogeneous hydro- carbon with a particular ACN (alkaline carbon number). Currently,
research on biosurfactants has increased globally to enhance the present production rate of
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
microbial surfactants. Potential usage of biosurfactant in oil industries includes cleaning oil
sludge, mobilizing heavy crude oil and managing oil spillage. In addition to this, biosurfactants
being used in food industries as additives and emulsifiers, which applied in agriculture and
cosmetics [8]. Enhanced soil treatment performed using surfactants consist of anionic, nonionic,
cationic and mixed surfactants, and great washing capabilities for hydrophobic organic
compounds (HOCs) was achieved from contaminated soil [20]. Biosurfactant has the potential to
retrieve unrecoverable oil from the trapped zone, which are held by high capillary pressure. This
is achieved by reducing the interfacial tension between oil and water and improving the recovery
of oil [5]. Application of biosurfactants in microbial enhanced oil recovery depends on their
stability at higher temperature and pH conditions [2]. Certain types of bacteria produce low
molecular weight molecules that efficiently reduce surface and interfacial tension such as
glycolipids and lipopeptides [15]. The negative effects of the synthetic biosurfactant can be
overcome by the microbial biosurfactants. Mostly all the microbes are capable of producing
surfactants among which Yeast are readily grown and are easy to cultivate in large-scale level
[11]. Surfactin and rhamnolipid are the most effective biosurfactants, which are capable of
reducing interfacial tension between water/oil [19]. The major disadvantage faced by oil
industries is about the recovery of oil very economically. Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus
cereus, Bacillus thuringiensis are most widely used for biosurfactant production. Due to the
spontaneous increasing demand for petroleum over recent years, application of biosurfactant in
oil recovery plays a key role. The major problem facing by oil industries is to recover oil to the
maximum possible extent using economical methods. In this regard, microbial enhanced oil
recovery with the aid of biosurfactants is promising. Hence, extensive identification and
characterization of new suitable strain for biosurfactant production and degradation during oil
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
spills is necessary. In our study, biosurfactant is produced by Pseudomonas putida MTCC 2467
and potentially applied to reduce the surface and interfacial tension, which influence the
enhancement of oil. The strain produce biosurfactant can be suitably used in oil fields,
biomedical and environmental applications. This is the first report describing biosurfactant
production using strain Pseudomonas putida MTCC 2467.Recent report on biosurfactant was
production using Candida lipolytica UCP 0988 with cost effective medium formulation along
with 2% of waste frying oil, 2% corn steep liquor and 5% molasses at 120 h, 30° C maintained at
180 rpm. Surface and IFT was reduced until 24 mN/m and 11 mN/m respectively [4]. Bacillus
subtilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are the well-known bacteria for producing biosurfactant
named surfactin and rhamnolipid, whichwere applied in microbial enhanced oil recovery process
[1]. MEOR found to be relatively low because of the following factors: (a) understanding the
mechanism on in-situ geo-environmental aspects of bacteria (b) stability of key parameters such
aeruginosa (ATCC 9027) has the potential of producing biosurfactant which in turn helped in
reduction of IFT from 73 mN/m to 33 mN/m at 30 C and pH 8.0 [3]. Pseudomonas putida
MTCC 2467 produced biosurfactant (2.7 g/L) when glucose was used as carbon source (2%
w/v). Further, the stability of the biosurfactant was unaffected at high temperature and pH
conditions [5]. The prime most difficulty for bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil is mass
transfer of the oil pollutants in the soil that leads to poor nutrient and microbe interaction, which
accounts for efficient biodegradation[13]. Method to enhance the bioavailability of the oil
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 was procured from Microbial Type Culture Collection
(MTCC), Institute of Microbial Technology, India for the present research work. Culture
maintained in nutrient agar plates with the following composition (g/L): beef extract, 1.0;
peptone, 5.0; yeast extract, 2.0; NaCl, 5.0; agar, 15.0; pH 6.0 ± 0.2, storage temperature −2° C to
−9° C.Storage tank bottom sludge at Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited was used as
substrates for biosurfactant production.The tank bottom sludge along with sand was used for
experimental analysis. The sludge was dark brown in colour mixed with soil.
Nutrient broth was used for media cultivating with the following composition (g/L) was used for
preparation of inoculum. Beef extract, 1.0; yeast extract, 2.0; peptone, 5.0; NaCl, 5.0.
(A600nm0.7) and 2% (v/v) inoculum was used forbiosurfactant production using mineral salt
medium with the following composition (g/L) KNO3, 0.3; Na2HPO4, 0.2; KH2PO4, 0.013; NaCl,
To above mentioned mineral salt media, 0.1 ml of trace elements are added with following
composition (g/L) MnSO4.4H2O, 1.78; Na2MoO4.2H2O, 0.39; CoCl2.6H2O, 0.42; EDTA, 0.5;
NiCl2.6H2O, 0.004; KI, 0.66; ZnSO4.7H2O, 2.32; H3BO3, 0.56; CuSO4.5H2O, 1.0.
Hydrocarbon sludge was sole carbon source utilized for biosurfactant production.
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
10gm of sludge is pre-weighted and transferred in to a petri plate. The sludge is distilled and
closed with cotton along with petroleum cluster (40 – 60oC) until the colour of the top becomes
colourless. Transfer the material remarks in the round bottom flask to a pre-weighted beaker. The
weight of the material is to be noted. The total oily material present in the wax is determined.
Further distillation carried out in the presence of chloroform. The weight of the material is the
total weight (%) of the asphaltene content present in the sludge. Total weight (oily matter +
asphaltene weight) is the oil content % in the sludge. Now find the weight of the beaker. Dilute
in five different concentration so that the residue is left over. The loss in weight will provide the
In order to determine the percentage of paraffins in petroleum fractions, the sludge is mixed with
equal volume of alcohol along with methyl ethyl ketone. Take about 3 –5 gm of the sample. 0.5–
1gm of the sample is taken at toom temperature. Ensure that paraffin content of precipitatenot
exceed 100 mg. Prepare a mixture of 330 gm of acetone and solid CO2. Dissolve the oil in equal
volume of alcohol and ether or (Methyl ethyl ketone), the amount of the solvent should be
sufficient to keep the fraction in solution at – 15C. The solution is prepared at the atmospheric
temperature followed by cooled to –20C and placed in the funnel. Kept in the cooling bath. The
time required to cool the mixture for complete separation of paraffins is about 45 minutes. It
order to get better result the sample should be subjected to agitation. The suspension of paraffin
with a rod during the course of cooling. For an oil rich in paraffin, it is recommended to dissolve
the oil in ether and then add alcohol. About the end of the cooling, prepare the cooling bath for
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
filtration. The filter bed is quite cold for about 10 mins filter the paraffin thus separated and
aspirate slowly while washing and at the end when traces of solvent are left. Wash the precipitate
with minimum amount of diethyl ether mixture at –20oC. Washing at 5 cc of the filtrate on
evaporation does not leave any liquid paraffin. This residue is considered verylow and is
preferred. Once washing is done take traces of, ether that remains on the filter paper is dried. The
filtrate sill contains small quantity of paraffin. Transfer the filtrate in 350 cc beaker. Solvent
under fumes chamber is evaporated. Now dissolve the residue in alcohol ether, effect the second
precipitation of the paraffin, and filter through second filter paper. The precipitates dissolved in
warm benzene. The volume of benzene employed is of the order of 20 cc. Collect the solutions in
a 100 cc conical flask. Evaporate the benzene with precaution. If the paraffin that remains after
evaporation is hard, heat to 120 oC for 30 mins. If the paraffin is soft, keep in a desiccator for
2.3.3Biosurfactant analysis
Sample subjected to centrifuge at 10000 rpm to removecells present. The supernatant was
subjected to acid precipitation test by adding 6 N HCl at 4 °C and pH 2.0. Precipitate formed was
further pelletedto centrifugation at 10000 rpm for 25 min and re-suspending with double distilled
water and pH was adjusted to 7.0. It is freeze dried and weighed. Dichloromethane used to
separate the biosurfactant using rotary evaporator under vacuum. This concentrated liquid
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
Interfacial tension (IFT) measurement of the cell free broth along with 10 mL crude oil was
mixed and these mixtureswere subjected to IFT analysis digital tensiometer K6 (Kruss GmbH,
Germany), by plate method. Sample (10 mL broth + 10 crude oil) placed into the container
provided. Analytical results were doneusing automatic controller that pull the plate in downward
and contacted sample liquid placed in the glass. The force acting on the rectangular plate with
known length were measured and converted into surface tension digitally.
Identifying the effect on pH and stability of biosurfactant, pH of the biosurfactant solution was
adjusted to various pH (1.0 - 12.0) by adding 3 N NaOH also 3 N HCl. Surface tension had been
determined to check the stability of biosurfactant. In the similar manner the effect of
conditions ranging from 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,100, 110 and 120 °C for 2 hours and analyzed for
surface tension measurements subjected before and after the heat treatment.
All experiments were performed three times and reported values are mean of three individual
Bacillus and Pseudomonas sp. considered to be well known bacterial that are potential in
producing biosurfactant. These bacteria have the tendency to grow on hydrocarbons that are
immiscible with water and other sources where, salt media which are enriched with
carbohydrates. The effect of carbon sources such as glucose, sucrose, starch and other few
hydrocarbons (Heptadecane, dodecane and Hexadecane) were routinely used for biosurfactant
production [8]. Result from conducted experiments clearly shows that increase in cell biomass
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
was relatively good for the tested carbon source (petroleum hydrocarbon sludge). Presence of 2%
hydrocarbon sludge when used as carbon source gave highest biomass (2.6 g/L) as well as
biosurfactant (2.8 g/L). The amount of paraffin in 100 gm of the sample but some quantity of
paraffin was found to be soluble in the solvent used. Therefore, a correction is applied as
follows: 0.2% for the product at 15oC. 0.5% for the product semi-solid at 15oC. 1% for the
product solid completely at 15oC. Let „X‟ be the increase, for correction, then the amount of
paraffin in the oil: 100 P (1+ [X/100]). Bioremediation is the treatment process that uses
naturally occurring microorganisms (Yeast, Fungi and Bacteria) to break down or degrade
hazardous substances into less toxic or non-toxic substances. Microbes consume and digest
organic substances (compounds that contain carbon and hydrogen atoms) for nutrients and
determining the stability of the surfactant at different pH and temperature. The effect of
between 40 to 120C for 2 h and measured for surface tension. It has been found that the surface
tension of the biosurfactant remained constant between 40 – 120C suggesting that biosurfactant
solution was subjected to various ranging of pH from 1.0 to 12.0, incubated for 1 h and the
surface tension was analyzed. Surface tension was reduced withpH 6.0 suggesting that the
biosurfactant was not stable below pH 6.0 (acidic conditions) and then the surface tension
remained unchanged until pH 12.0. (Figure 4B) which shows clearly that stability of
biosurfactant was stable between pH 7.0 to 12.0.Interfacial tension is the critical and crucial
parameter in oil recovery techniques. This can only be achieved only due to the production of
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
highest value(10 mN/m). Biosurfactant produced was subjected to different temperature ranges
and had no significant effect on reduction of interfacial tension at tested temperature conditions
Present study has proved that the strain Pseudomonas aeruginosaMTCC 16037is capable of
grown in mineral salt medium using hydrocarbon sludge carbon source. Moreover, produced
biosurfactant can reduce the interfacial tension from 51 mN/m to 11 mN/m as at pH 8.0, which is
the key parameter for bioremediation. Hence, Pseudomonas putida found to be best suited and
can survive at high temperature as well as pH conditions can be used effectively in oil
degradation and bioremediation activities. The ability to manipulate all of these parameters will
improve current bioremediation efforts by increasing their effectivity while decreasing cost of
the treatment.
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Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
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Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
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Figure 1: Effect of initial pH on biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 a) Cell dry
weight b) Biosurfactant produced c) Interfacial tension profiles. Each experiment was performed 3 independent
times and error bars represent ± SE (p<0.005)
Figure 2: Stability of biosurfactant at a) temperature: produced biosurfactant sample was incubated for 1 h at various
temperatures between 40 – 120 °C and analyzed for Interfacial tension. b) pH: samples of produced biosurfactant
was adjusted to various pH‟s ranging from 1.0 to 12.0 and incubated for 1 h and analyzed for Interfacial tension.
Each experiment was performed 3 independent times and error bars represent ± SE (p<0.005)
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
Figure 1:
3 3
pH 5 pH 5
Cell dry weight (g/L)
Biosurfactant (g/L)
pH 6 pH 6
2 pH 7 pH 7
pH 8 pH 8
1 1
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (h) Time (h)
Interfacial tension (mN/)
pH 5
50 pH 6
40 pH 7
pH 8
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (h)
Figure 1: Effect of initial pH on biosurfactant production by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 a) Cell dry
weight b) Biosurfactant produced c) Interfacial tension profiles. Each experiment was performed 3 independent
times and error bars represent ± SE (p<0.005)
Figure 2:
55 60
Interfacial Tension (mN/m)
50 40
40 60 80 100 120 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Temperature °C pH
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896
Application of Bio-surfactantProduced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa MTCC 16036 for Remediation of
Petroleum Sludge
Section A-Research paper
Figure 2: Stability of biosurfactant at a) temperature: produced biosurfactant sample was incubated for 1 h at various
temperatures between 40 – 120 °C and analyzed for Interfacial tension. b) pH: samples of produced biosurfactant
was adjusted to various pH‟s ranging from 1.0 to 12.0 and incubated for 1 h and analyzed for Interfacial tension.
Each experiment was performed 3 independent times and error bars represent ± SE (p<0.005)
1 0 0
2 12 12.5
3 24 22.5
4 36 31
5 48 37.4
6 60 44.2
7 72 58.7
8 84 62.5
9 96 76.8
10 108 83.6
11 120 86.6
12 132 86.8
Eur. Chem. Bull. 2023,12(5), 1883-1896