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6 Inerting, Nitrogen Blanketting

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Approved General Manager


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Inerting is a process of controlling the cargo tank environment. Chemical tankers use Nitrogen for inerting cargo
tanks due to requirement of high purity.

Nitrogen is used in the following circumstances:

- To prevent flammability hazard

- To prevent any oxidation
- In case cargo is sensitive to moisture
- Local / Terminal or Shipper requirement

Nitrogen ‘Purging, Padding or Air-blow are high risk operations and if not properly carried out may result
in significant damage to Cargo tanks due to over pressurization.

Crew should carry personal gas detector equipments during nitrogen / inert operation.
All inerted tanks shall be marked. If inert gas operation is in use while at port, a visible warning poster
should be posted at the entrance of gangway.

6.1 Hazards of Nitrogen

6.1.1 Breathing Pure Nitrogen

Breathing is stimulated and controlled by carbon dioxide (CO2) present in the lungs. As the CO2 level increases,
the brain sends a message to increase respiration. When the CO2 level drops, the rate of respiration will also
decrease in order to maintain the proper balance.
One deep breath of pure Nitrogen can be fatal. Pure Nitrogen will displace CO2 and O2 completely and in the
absence of CO2 signal to the brain, the stimulus to breath no longer exists. The person immediately stops

6.1.2 Asphyxiation

Nitrogen rich atmosphere creates Oxygen deficiency which can be fatal. Following table illustrates symptoms and
influence of Oxygen deficient atmosphere on Human body.

Symptoms / Influence on Human body
% 20,8 Normal, No effects
% 19,5 Impaired coordination. Some unnoticeable adverse physiological effects
%16,0 Increased pulse and breathing rate, impaired thinking and attention, reduced coordination
%14,0 Abnormal fatigue upon exertion, emotional upset, faulty coordination, poor judgment, blue lips
Very poor judgment and coordination, impaired respiration that may cause permanent heart
damage, nausea and vomiting, loss of consciousness, blue lips
Inability to move, loss of consciousness, convulsions, death unless recovery with treatment
% 8,0
within 4 minutes
% 6,0 Coma within 40 seconds, convulsions, respiration stops, death

6.1.3 Hazard of Opening Tanks Up Under Pressure

A care should be exercised while opening nitrogen purged/ padded cargo tank openings. The person opening
tanks up under pressure will be exposed to the harmful tank atmosphere contents if following precautions are not
1. The crew member assigned to open tank openings up under pressure shall do so only after releasing tank
pressure through PV valve or Vapour Return Line as directed by the Responsible Officer.
2. He should be equipped with operational Personnel Gas Detector and stand on the windward side to minimize
exposure to tank atmosphere.
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6.1.4 Tank Over Pressurization

Cargo tank purging/ padding using shore Nitrogen may result in tank over pressurization. The shore nitrogen flow-
rate should be agreed prior commencing operation and continuous monitoring is to be carried out through out
Nitrogen purging / padding operation to avoid structural damages to the cargo tank due to excessive pressure.
Purging/ padding procedures are discussed in details in below sections.

6.2 Use of Inert Gas Generator and Calibration

The basic purpose of the inert gas system is to increase crew and vessel safety by maintaining the Oxygen
content of the cargo tanks at the lowest level possible and to keep the tanks under positive pressure. In order to be
sure inert gas generator reduced to O2 level to required percentage, the fixed oxygen analyser to be calibrated
immediately prior to use of the inert gas system, not more than 24 hours prior to starting of the inert gas system.
The calibration should be carried out as per manufacturer instruction manual.

6.3 Nitrogen Purging

Nitrogen is used on Chemical Tankers as the primary Inert Gas for cargo quality control and / or for safety
reasons. The requirements for the use of nitrogen, in respect to cargo handling, are either dictated by the IBC/BCH
Codes for tank environment control or when the cargo quality / customers require it. Purging may also be
necessary to reduce to humidity (dew point) of the atmosphere within the cargo system or to protect quality of the

Prior to loading certain chemical cargoes, it may be necessary to purge the tank(s) with Nitrogen, either to reduce
the O2 level or in order to displace vapours from the previous cargo(s).

Extensive structural damage can, and has, occurred to cargo tanks due to shore nitrogen being supplied at too
high a flow rate or at too great a pressure. Great caution is therefore necessary.

The tanks which has been inerted should be marked with NO ENTRY, THE TANK IS INERTED WITH

The extent of inerting will normally be specified by the cargo shippers, sometimes in cargo data sheets. If Master
fall in doubt or feel need any extra information, should contact with the company.
When inhibitors are oxygen dependent, loading line product clearing (blowing) should not be undertaken with
nitrogen. Similarly, the vapour space of such tanks should not be blanketed with inert gas.

Where the arrangements are combined with other cargo tanks, either stop valves or other acceptable means shall
be provided to isolate each cargo tank. Where stop valves are fitted, they shall be provided with locking
arrangements which shall be under the control of the responsible ship's officer. When IG system used Lockout -
Tag Out System to be considered.

The following are the general procedures for carrying out this operation, however some differences may exist
depending on the number of tanks to be purged onboard and the Terminal and its facilities.

- Purging must be supervised by a responsible officer

- The purging operation must be discussed with the shore person in charge in respect of the following
pressure and volume of the nitrogen supply, communications and emergency shut- down procedures of
the Nitrogen supply.
- Ensure that pressure gauges are fitted on the manifold and on the tank system to be purged (if not fitted
with computerized pressure system). The manifold gauge should have a scale of 0 to 15 bars. The tank
pressure vacuum gauge where fitted should have a scale of minus 100 to plus 300 mbar.
- The tank, lines, ship hoses and associated fittings must be set and approved by the Chief Officer
- Check that all vent lines are free and all P/V-valves are working
- Place the tank P/V-valve in open position (in some cases where the entire vessel is to be purged it will be
advantageous, and use less Nitrogen, to set up a “series” purging system of the vessel and vent at the last
tank via a tank manhole opening – unless the atmosphere in the tanks is toxic.
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- Ensure that any personnel have vacated all tank(s) and place warning signs at strategic points onboard.
- Secure the tank, leaving at least one tank cleaning unsecured hatch open
- Close the pump stack valve and / or drop line valve
- Open drain cocks and cargo valve drain plugs
- Connect the Nitrogen supply hose to the ship’s manifold line / tank to be purged
- The Officer in charge must ensure that all personnel not involved in this operation are restricted from the
- Open the manifold valve at the Nitrogen hose connection and instruct the shore personnel to commence
Nitrogen purging at low pressure
- Check that the Nitrogen is flowing from the open drain checks and drain plugs. Observe if any water is
- Purge the lines until the Nitrogen is dry at all outlets that are flushed
- Open the pump stack valve and/or drop line valve
- instruct the terminal to gradually increase the purging pressure to the maximum safe pressure agreed
- Check all line fittings for tightness
- If any leaks or blockages are observed, instruct the terminal to stop purging
- Release the line pressure and rectify the leak(s) and/or blockages
- Instruct the terminal to restart the purging slowly, gradually increasing to maximum safe pressure
- Re-check the line system for leaks
- If line system is found tight reduce the line pressure and carefully open the pump stack and drop line
valves (if fitted) to commence tank purging. To prevent overpressurization and to conduct efficient purging,
at least one tank cleaning hatch must be kept fully open throughout the purging operation.
- Frequently check the pressure gauges fitted at the manifold and on the tank. Ensure the agreed line
pressure is not exceeded. Also check that the tank pressure does not exceed the P/V valve setting for
your ship.
- When the required tank atmosphere level is reached, instruct the terminal to stop the purging
- Close the line manifold valve
- Close the pump stack and/or drop line valve(s)
- Instruct the terminal to release the pressure on the Nitrogen hose.
- Secure the tank for loading
6.4 Nitrogen Padding / Blanketing

Nitrogen Blanketing or Padding is used to establish a positive pressure on a tank which has already been filled
with product in order to prevent the ingress of air or water as the tank cools and thus prevent a possible dangerous
reaction / damage between the cargo and water/air.

A responsible Officer must supervise the blanketing procedures. The Officer in charge must ensure that all
personnel not involved in these operations are restricted from the area. Note that padding via the cargo lines
(bubbling through the cargo) is only recommended for low viscose cargoes.

Whenever a cargo is required to be carried under a pad of Nitrogen, and it is necessary to use nitrogen supplied
from shore, it is strongly preferred to purge the entire tank before loading. After such purging of the tank,
loading the cargo under closed conditions will automatically create the needed pad within the tank. Risk of
overpressurization can be substantially reduced by avoiding padding with shore supplied nitrogen.

However, if the cargo is required to be carried under additional Nitrogen pad after loading or if shippers insist on
padding their cargo after loading, the required nitrogen pad will have to be supplied by the vessel or shore using a
low volume / low pressure source. As padding is very often done against a small or limited ullage space (volume),
pressure can therefore build up very quickly if something fails.

When inhibitors are oxygen dependent, loading line product clearing (blowing) should not be undertaken with
nitrogen. Similarly, the vapour space of such tanks should not be blanketed with inert gas.

Following are procedures for 3 different methods of blanketing. Blanketing is to be carried out after gauging and
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Blanketing After Loading With Open Venting / Gauging

Blanketing after open venting will normally not create any danger / hazards but the following care must be
1. In some cases the shore will supply the Nitrogen through the same hose / line through which the cargo
was loaded. Then supply pressure must be sufficient to cover some liquid head in the tank plus PV setting.
In these cases, this information must be discussed during the preload conference. The discussion should
include what precautions the shore will take to make sure the operation is done through a small hose and
that the rate will not exceed the capacity of the vent capacity of the tank cargo. Any problems with the
shore not being able to comply must be brought to the attention of the management Office before the
operation is carried out.
2. Care must be taken that the cargo does not overflow from the tank.

Blanketing After Loading with Controlled Venting / Closed or Restricted Gauging, Without Vapour Return
1. secondary venting system consisting of tank vapour pressure sensor will provide continuous reading of
tank vapour pressure.
2. Place the P/V-valve gas freeing cover in open position.
3. For ship supplied Nitrogen, connect N2 supply hose to cargo line at manifold or applicable tank
4. Ensure the cargo line valves to the tank are open.
5. Carefully open the valve controlling the Nitrogen supply.
6. Closely monitor the pressure in the tank during the blanketing.
7. When the required tank atmosphere is reached shut off Nitrogen supply and close the valves.
8. Place the P/V-valve in automatic position and close the gas freeing cover.
9. If a positive pressure is required, slowly re-open Nitrogen supply closely monitoring the pressure.
10. When the required pressure is reached, shut down the Nitrogen supply and close all valves.

Blanketing After Loading with Controlled Venting / Closed or Restricted Gauging, With Vapour Return
1. secondary venting consisting of tank vapour pressure sensor will provide continuous reading of tank
vapour pressure.
2. Ensure that the vapour return system remains open throughout the blanketing operation.
3. For ship supplied Nitrogen connect N2 supply hose to cargo line at manifold or applicable tank connection

 Ensure the appropriate valve(s) to the tank are open

 Carefully open the valve controlling the Nitrogen supply
 Closely monitor the pressure in the tank during the blanketing
 When the required atmosphere is reached, shut off the Nitrogen supply and close the valves including the
vapour return system (ship’s valve).
 If a positive pressure is required upon competition of blanketing, reduce the Nitrogen supply pressure.
 Slowly throttle down the vapour return valve
 When the required pressure is reached, shut down the Nitrogen supply and close the valves including the
vapour return valve.
 WARNING: Never over pressurise a cargo tank (above the P/V valve setting)
6.5 Receiving Nitrogen From Shore

It is a frequent practice at chemical loading ports to control the atmosphere in cargo tanks with nitrogen supplied
from shore, for the purpose of drying a tank and its associated piping system, purging a tank before loading the
cargo or padding cargo in a tank. The nitrogen may be supplied at high pressure (up to 10 bar) and at a high flow
rate. Agreement on the procedure for handling the nitrogen is paramount, and should be part of the pre-loading
checklist between ship and shore (SSSCL), with emphasis on a clear understanding of the transfer rate and
Although the operation is an important stage in cargo handling, it is also potentially hazardous because high
pressure gas is being introduced into a tank which is not designed to withstand internal pressure, and whose
structure may fail at less than 0.5 bar overpressure. The associated risks of the operation should therefore be
thoroughly understood. A risk assessment should be carried out and the operation should only proceed if
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appropriate risk responses are in place and operating. Procedures should be in place to ensure safety during the
operation, and all personnel involved should be made conversant with those procedures.

It is possible to over pressurize and even rupture a cargo tank if the nitrogen supply from shore is at too high a flow
rate or too great a pressure.

When a liquid is being loaded through the cargo manifold and pipeline system on a chemical carrier, the existing
atmosphere in the tank can escape through a vent system that is notably smaller than the liquid filling line, because
friction and turbulence are far greater impediments to liquid flow than to gas flow. Ships are designed with this in
mind. However, when a gas is being introduced through the liquid filling line, especially a gas under pressure that will
expand within the tank, the same condition does not apply, and the disparate sizes between inlet and outlet can
allow an overpressure to develop. To avoid such an eventuality, the outlet for the existing atmosphere in the tank
should be as big as or bigger than the pipeline supplying the gas. That is usually achieved by having the cargo tank
lid or a tank washing hatch open. But when vapour control and emission regulations require a closed operation (with
the existing tank atmosphere forced to exhaust to shore), the incoming flow of nitrogen must be restricted as below;

Chief Officer and Terminal Representative / Loading Master should discuss the safety parameters how to control
flow rate before commence cargo operations when signing the SSSCL.
Best method to reduce/control Nitrogen is to use small size reducer or a reducer flange or a small hose which not
more than 2 inch size. When Terminal supplies the Nitrogen via Vapour Return Line connection, Ship should
ensure N2 supply pipe/hose is not more than 2 inch size. If supply hose/pipe is greater than 2 inc size, Ship
Should use a reducer flange to 2 inch.
Master should NOT accept direct supply of Nitrogen via manifold line which is greater than 2 inch.

Manifold valves are designated to use for liquids, not for gases, therefore, Arranging the flow rate of Nitrogen by
partly closing the manifold is NOT recommended. But, manifod valve can be fully closed against flowing Nitrogen
in an emergency, to stop N2 flow.
At least two gauges should be fixed to the system, one on the manifold and one on the tank and they will allow the
ship to monitor the pressure. If the tank have fixed pressure gauging system ‘as a secondary PV system’ fixed of
manual gauge to the tank may not be necessary. It is not appropriate to attempt throttling a gas flow by using the
ship's manifold valve that is designed to control liquid flow. However, the manifold valve can and should be used
as a rapid safety stop in an emergency: pressure surge in a gas is not as violent as in a liquid.

When shore supplied nitrogen is to be used for drying or purging an empty tank that has been cleaned and gas
freed, the volume of nitrogen required should be calculated and agreed (tank volume multiplied by number of
atmosphere changes needed to reach the desired level of dryness or oxygen exclusion), together with the flow
rate, during the pre-transfer planning conference. However, it should be bear in mind that, the measurement is only
the way to be sure that the tank atmosphere whether reached or not the required oxygen level.

Below Table shows the volume of nitrogen that can be received in one minute through a known size of pipe at a
known pressure. (The second figure in brackets indicates the associated hourly rate which should be mentally
compaired to a liquid loading rate. Note that these tables are intended to be indicative only, and any discrepancies
are due to rounding of figures.)

200mm (8") 150mm (6") 100mm (4") 50mm (2") 25mm (1")

5.2 bar 1,771 (106,000) 914 (55,000) 343 (20,600) 67 (4,000) 12 (740)
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3.4 bar 1,286 (77,000) 662 (39,700) 243 (14,600) 48 (2,900) 9 (530)
(50 psi)
2.1 bar 886 (53,000) 457 (27,400) 171 (10,300) 33 (2,000) 6 (360)
(30 psi)
0.7 bar 471 (28,300) 214 (12,900) 80 (4,800) 16 (1,000) 3 (170)
(10 psi)

Cubic meters of gas at various gauge pressures received in 1 minute (and 1 hour)
Hoses of various sizes.

Below Table illustrates the time taken to receive gas into a tank at different pressures and hose sizes. The example
used assumes a cargo tank of 1,250 cubic meters requiring four atmosphere changes, i.e. 5,000 cubic meters of
nitrogen, to flow through.

200mm 100mm 50mm 25mm
5.2 bar 3 min. 5,5 min. 15 min. 1,25 hrs. 7hrs.
3.4 bar 4 min. 7,5 min. 21 min. 1,75 hrs. 10,50 hrs.
2.1 bar 5,5 min. 11 min. 29 min. 2,50 hrs.
0.7 bar 11 min. 24 min. 63 min. 5,25 hrs.

Time to receive 5,000 cubic meters of gas with various gauge pressures and hose sizes.

The supply should be through a small diameter connection to restrict the flow, and the rate must not exceed the
vent capacity of the cargo tank. The operation should be stopped when a slight overpressure exists in the ullage
space, but which is less than the tank pressure relief valve setting. The vapour space in a loaded tank is usually
small, so over pressurization can occur very suddenly, especially if cargo is forced into the vent lines which then
become restricted or blocked and add to the rapid increase in tank pressure.

6.5.1 Preparations for Receiving Nitrogen from Shore

When preparing to receive nitrogen from shore special emphasis should be placed on the following points:

- Ship and shore should agree in writing on the gas supply, specifying the volume required, the flow rate in
standard cubic meters per minute or hour, and the maxima in each case.
- Care should be taken to ensure that the valves on the loading line between the shore manifold and the
ship's tank are operated in the correct sequence, so that the ship is in control of the nitrogen flow. The
ship should station a crew member at the loading manifold valve during the operation, even where
remotely operated valves can be closed more quickly by a person in the cargo control room who is
monitoring tank pressures. The crew member at the manifold is in the best position to react promptly to any
other external indication of trouble.
- Care should be taken to ensure that a tank to be dried or inerted has open vents with a greater flow rate
capacity than the inlet, such that the tank cannot be over pressurized. This is usually achieved by having
the cargo tank lid or a tank washing hatch open.
- If local requirements for vapour control demand a closed venting of the tank through a vapour return line
to shore, the nitrogen flow rate and pressure should not exceed the capacity of the venting system.
Positive measures to ensure this should be agreed.
- The tank pressure should be closely monitored during the operation.
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As with all inert gases, there is a potential health hazard, and it is necessary to ensure that crew members
are not unnecessarily exposed to vapour being vented from a tank while it is inerted or purged with

Special care is necessary when nitrogen as a gas is supplied to a ship directly from evaporating liquid nitrogen,
sometimes delivered by a road tanker fitted with a vaporizer, because the volume and flow rate can be difficult to
control and the agreed delivery figures may be unexpectedly and suddenly exceeded. The vaporization ratio of
nitrogen from its liquid form to its gaseous form is approximately 1:640. When any of this expansion is happening in
the delivery pipeline the flow rate becomes uncontrolled, and it is the rapid expansion in volume that causes high
pressures to be reached extremely quickly. Therefore, before commence operation nitrogen supply source should
be asked to shore representative for additional precautions.

In general, nitrogen should not be delivered to the ship this way, and the ship should request that it is provided
from gas held in a buffer tank. If a ship suspects that traces of liquid nitrogen are arriving at the manifold
valve (possibly indicated by ice forming on the ship's lines and valves), or that other agreed procedures
are not being followed, the operation should be suspended until the apparent problems have been
satisfactorily resolved.

6.5.2 Emergency Inert / Nitrogen Gas Supply

SOLAS requires that suitable arrangements are provided to enable the inert gas system to be connected to an
external supply of inert gas.
These arrangements should consist of a 250 mm nominal pipe size bolted flange, isolated from the inert gas main
by a valve and located forward of the non-return valve. The design of the flange should be compatible with the
design of other connections in the ship’s cargo piping system

6.6 Safety Precautions for Nitrogen Purging / Padding

Personnel should be aware of the potential hazards associated with nitrogen and, in particular, those related to
entering enclosed space or areas in way of tank vents or outlets which may be oxygen depleted. High
concentrations of nitrogen are particularly dangerous because they can displace enough air to reduce oxygen
levels to appoint where people entering the area can lose consciousness due to asphyxiation. A problem not
experienced with flue gas is that nitrogen cannot be detected by human senses, so smell cannot be relied upon
and personnel may not be able to recognize the physical or mental symptoms of overexposure in time for them to
take preventive measures. Chief Officer is responsible for safe operation of Nitrogen purging and/or padding.
Nobody allowed to enter tank while vessel under this operations.
Certain wind conditions may bring vented gases back down onto the deck, even from specially designed vent
outlets. Furthermore, if gases are vented at low level from cargo hatches, ullage ports or other tank apertures, the
surrounding areas can contain levels of gases in harmful concentrations and may also be oxygen deficient. In
these conditions, all non-essential work should cease and only essential personnel should remain on deck, taking
all appropriate safety precautions.
There shall be a clear visual indication of the operational status of the valves or other acceptable means. Where
tanks have been isolated, it shall be ensured that relevant isolating valves are opened before cargo loading or
discharging of those tanks is commenced.

Serious incidents may be occurred on oil tankers due to cargo/oil tanks being subjected to extremes of over or
under-pressure. Whilst SOLAS regulations have been modified to require that tanks be fitted with full flow pressure
relief devices or individual tank pressure monitoring, it is still essential that venting systems are thoroughly
checked to ensure that they are correctly set for the intended operation. Once operations have started, further
checks should be made for any abnormalities, such as unusual noises of vapour escaping under pressure or
pressure/vacuum valves lifting.
Pressure sensors shall be fitted in each tank protected by the primary venting arrangement with a monitoring
system in the cargo control room or the position from which cargo operations are normally carried out. Such
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monitoring equipment shall also provide an alarm facility which is activated by detection of over-pressure or under-
pressure conditions within a tank. (SOLAS II-2/
PURGING and DRYING : When the tank gas free, Tank Hatches may be kept open to avoid overpressure. In this
case, personal should stay over the catwalk and not stay on main deck level if not necessary. Please consider
Nitrogen heavier than air and may remain on deck surface. Therefore, All crew on deck should use personal O2
PADDING: This may cause over pressure in tank, and cargo overflow due to buubling and or no sufficient space in
cargo tank.

Chief Officer and Terminal Representative / Loading Master should discuss the safety parameters how to control
flow rate before commence cargo operations when signing the SSSCL.
Best method to reduce/control Nitrogen is to use small size reducer or a reducer flange or a small hose which not
more than 2 inch size. When Terminal supplies the Nitrogen via Vapour Return Line connection, Ship should
ensure N2 suuply pipe/hose is not more than 2 inch size. If supply hose/pipe is greater than 2 inc size, Ship
Should use a reducer flange to 2 inch.
Master should NOT accept direct supply of Nitrogen via manifold line which is greater than 2 inch.
Manifold valves are designated to use for liquids, not for gases, therefore, Arranging the flow rate of Nitrogen by
partly closing the manifold is NOT recommended. But, manifod valve can be fully closed against flowing Nitrogen
in an emergency, to stop N2 flow.

6.7 Purging / Padding for Inibited Cargoes

- Polymerizing cargoes such as monomers, Acrylates and some cyanides which are transported inhibited
may also at times be subject to tank atmosphere control (reduced oxygen content).
- It is the responsibility of the Master to check from the inhibitor certificate the level of oxygen dependency
required by the inhibitor to remain effective and ensure that the oxygen content in the vapor space of these
tanks does not fall below the level required in accordance with that stated in the inhibitör certificate.
- Inhibitors such as TBC added to Styrene Monomer preferably require vapour space oxygen percentages
in the range of 6 to 8% though oxygen levels as low as 2% may be acceptable for carriage.
- The Master must seek confirmation from Charterers on the level of atmosphere control required for
inhibited cargoes as soon as the voyage orders are received. The requirement for atmospheric control of
inhibited cargoes must be discussed with all personnel concerned during the pre-cargo conference.
- The level of oxygen dependency and final oxygen content upon completion of purging/padding is to be

If in case the final oxygen content required on completion of purging/padding is lesser than the level of
oxygen required by the inhibitor to remain effective, operations must not commence without express
permission from the Office.

6.8 Failure of the Inert Gas System

In the event of failure of the inert gas system, action must be taken immediately to prevent air from being drawn
into the tanks. All cargo pump operations must be stopped and the deck isolating valves for the inert gas system
closed. Immediate action must be taken to repair the system.

It is essential that the Company and Charterer be informed immediately of such a failure together with the reason
for failure if known, and of any spares are required to repair the system.

Masters are reminded that national and local regulations may require the failure of an inert gas system to be
reported to the harbour authority, terminal operator and to the port and flag state administrations.

In the case where a failure cannot be immediately repaired, discharge or tank cleaning may only be resumed if an
external supply of inert gas is provided or the following precautions are taken:
- Flame screens are checked to ensure they are fitted and in good condition.
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- No dipping, ullaging, sampling or other equipment is to be introduced into the tank unless essential to the
safety of the operation. If it is necessary for such equipment to be introduced into the tank, it is to be
carried out only after at least 30 minutes has elapsed since the supply of inert gas to the tank has ceased.
All metal components of any equipment to be introduced into the tanks must be securely earthed. This
restriction is to be applied until a period of 5 hours has elapsed since the supply of inert gas into the tanks
has ceased.
- Company permission has been granted. If it becomes necessary, on a product and chemical carrier, to
clean tanks while the inert gas system is out of operation, the precautions detailed in the ISGOTT Guide
must be observed.

Should a vessel experience a partial failure of the inert gas system during discharge of cargo and the vessel is
unable to supply sufficient inert gas to keep the tanks inerted at a positive pressure of at least 100mm water
gauge, then the cargo discharge rate must be reduced to a level at which a positive pressure of 100mm water
gauge can be maintained.

Note: Failure of inert gas system section should be posted in CCR

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