Original Brava Paper
Original Brava Paper
Original Brava Paper
Less than 1 percent of the women interested in having Approximately 16 to 19 million women in
larger breasts elect to have surgical augmentation mam- the United States between the ages of 18 and
maplasty with insertion of breast implants. The purpose of
this report is to describe and test the efficacy of a non- 49 have an expressed interest in breast enlarge-
surgical method for breast enlargement that is based on ment1,2; however, despite a resurgence in pop-
the ability of tissues to grow when subjected to controlled ularity, only about 130,000 (0.7 percent) of
distractive mechanical forces. Seventeen healthy women these women underwent surgical breast aug-
(aged 18 to 40 years) who were motivated to achieve breast mentation in 1998.3 Reluctance to undergo
enlargement were enrolled in a single-group study. The
participants were asked to wear a brassiere-like system that surgery for cosmetic reasons, perceived adverse
applies a 20-mmHg vacuum distraction force to each sequelae from the implants, and cost are the
breast for 10 to 12 hours/day over a 10-week period. Breast most cited deterrents to this surgical recourse.2
size was measured by three separate methods at regular We developed a system and a method of
intervals during and after treatment. Breast tissue water
external soft-tissue expansion and tested its ef-
density and architecture were visualized before and after
treatment by magnetic resonance imaging scans obtained ficacy as a nonsurgical alternative for breast
in the same phase of the menstrual cycle. Twelve subjects enlargement. The principle behind this ap-
completed the study; five withdrawals occurred due to proach is the capacity of tissues to grow when
protocol noncompliance. Breast size increased in all subjected to sustained, low-level, mechanical
women over the 10-week treatment course and peaked at
week 10 (final treatment); the average increase per
distraction. For centuries, tribes from several
woman was 98 ⫾ 67 percent over starting size. Partial cultures have applied this principle to enlarge
recoil was seen in the first week after terminating treat- various body parts.4,5 Surgically implanted tis-
ment, with no significant further size reduction after up sue expanders are now routinely used in plastic
to 30 weeks of follow-up. The stable long-term increase in surgery to incrementally increase the amount
breast size was 55 percent (range, 15 to 115 percent).
Magnetic resonance images showed no edema and con-
of skin and soft tissue available to perform
firmed the proportionate enlargement of both adipose multiple staged reconstructive procedures.6 – 8
and fibroglandular tissue components. A statistically sig- Orthopedic experience with the Ilizarov proce-
nificant decrease in body weight occurred during the dure has demonstrated the feasibility of length-
course of the study, and scores on the self-esteem ques- ening extremities by a process of gradual dis-
tionnaire improved significantly. All participants were
very pleased with the outcome and reported that the de-
traction that grows the bones and associated
vice was comfortable to wear. No adverse events were soft tissues.9 –11 New devices have extended the
recorded during the use of the device or after treatment. use of this principle to advance facial bones
We conclude that true breast enlargement can be and correct retruded faces.12,13 Cell biologists
achieved with the daily use of an appropriately designed have devoted considerable research toward
external expansion system. This nonsurgical and nonin-
vasive alternative for breast enlargement is effective and elucidating the mechanism of mechanotrans-
well tolerated. (Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 105: 2500, 2000.) duction, the process by which mechanical ten-
FIG. 1. (Left) Diagram showing the translucent plastic domes and gel-filled bladder rims
placed over the breasts. The microcomputer-controlled vacuum pump fits inside a pocket of the
brassiere garment. (Right) Photograph of the nonsurgical breast-enlargement system as worn by
a participant in the study.
sures above this limit lead to tissue damage. To Control of Shear Forces on the Skin
maximize distraction without compromising The inward pull of expansion stretches the
the circulation of the distracted breast or that breast skin close to the limit of its elastic defor-
of the compressed skin under the rim, the mation.
absolute values of Ps and Pv must equal this At the periphery of the breast, if the skin is
upper limit of tissue tolerance. This optimiza- held firmly by the inner lip of the bladder rim,
tion of the absolute pressures requires the area this stretch imparts a strong shearing force (Fs)
of the bladder rim (R) to be equal to the to the skin, which can combine locally with the
aperture area of the dome (A), as shown in the counter-force (Fin) to cause peripheral skin
following equations. blistering and breakdown.24 To reduce this po-
tentially damaging shear force, the peripheral
F in ⫽ Fout breast skin under the inner lip of the rim
should not be fixed but allowed to move in-
A ⫻ P v ⫽ R ⫻ Ps ward. To accomplish that, the rim must deflect
radially inward for the distance needed to re-
If P v ⫽ Ps, then R ⫽ A cruit additional skin and reduce the shear
stress to a tolerable level. In addition, this fea-
The skin contact area of the rim bladder is ture reduces skin stretching and the resultant
therefore designed to be approximately equal undesirable skin expansion, while focusing the
to the area of the aperture of the dome (Fig. distraction on the deeper breast tissue.
2). This constraint can only be avoided if the Through a succession of prototypes, we found
pressure is allowed to alternate, decreasing the that a rim bladder approximately 2.5 cm high
vacuum level every few minutes to allow the provides the necessary arc of inward deflection
skin under the rim to reperfuse, and then re- (Fig. 3).
establishing the vacuum for the next cycle. We
elected not to use alternating pressure because Pressure Distribution and Avoidance of
of the power drain it imposes on the battery Pressure Points
pack. To evenly distribute the pressure on the skin,
the rim must be a fluid-filled bladder. A semi-
fluid silicone gel, however, has mechanical
characteristics closer to those of live tissues and
interfaces better with the torso. We found that
the conforming cushion effect of a gel-filled
rim complies best with the motion of the torso
during routine activities, while evenly distribut-
ing the pressure and accommodating individ-
ual variations in surface contour. This feature
of the system allows it to prevent both the
development of localized pressure points and
breaks in skin contact that can lead to loss of
Maintenance of Low-Level Vacuum Seal
To prevent air leaks and to maintain the low
vacuum seal with a low contact pressure, the
contact surface of the rim against the skin must
FIG. 2. The contact area of the rim with the skin sur-
be sticky. Loss of the stickiness led to repeated
rounding each breast must be relatively large to distribute the loss of vacuum, excessive activity of the pump,
pressure caused by the distraction counter-force. F(out) in- and a rapid power drain of the battery pack. A
dicates the resultant force of distraction applied to the breast layer of tacky, hypoallergenic silicone gel was
enclosed under the dome aperture area (A) by the vacuum added to achieve the proper seal effect.
pressure [P(v)]; F(in), the resultant counter-force inflicting
a pressure [P(s)] to the chest wall under the rim area (R). To Methods
balance the forces and to optimize the pressure to the highest
continuously tolerable level, the rim contact area (R) is ap- After Institutional Review Board (IRB) ap-
proximately equal to the dome aperture area (A). proval for the study and after obtaining written
FIG. 3. Distraction of the breast inside the dome stretches the skin. If the peripheral breast
skin is held firmly at the inner edge of the rim, a strong shear force [F(s)] combines with the
counter-force [F(in)] to cause skin damage (left). A rim that can deflect inward allows peripheral
chest wall skin to move inside the dome. This recruitment of skin reduces the amount of breast
skin stretch and the potentially damaging shear force [F(s)] (right).
Change in
Questionnaire Statement Score p
shown fibroblast changes consistent with the more recently, to restore deficient mandibles12
production of new extracellular matrix.33,34 All and entire faces13 to normal. Ilizarov9,10 dem-
types of tissues studied grow and regenerate onstrated in the laboratory and in the clinic
normal tissue when subjected to mechanical that distraction is the only known means of
stretch, including the skin,6,35,36 bones,9 –12 bow- inducing true tissue regeneration in the adult.
els,37 lungs,38 urogenital viscera,39 blood ves- How the tissue responds to external distrac-
sels,30,40 nerves,40,41 skeletal muscle,10,42 cardiac tive forces is not fully known. Cells experience
tissue,43 and smooth muscles.30 A number of a variety of forces throughout their lifetime.
widely used medical devices rely on this prin- They sense the balance of mechanical forces
ciple to generate skin for wound closure,7,44,45 that surround them and translate changes into
to reconstruct the breast after a mastecto- biochemical signals by a mechanism called
my,46,47 to elongate entire extremities9 and, mechanotransduction.15 Cells are mechanically
FIG. 7. Representative photographs of a woman in the study. Left, frontal views; right, oblique
views; above, views before treatment; below, views after treatment with the nonsurgical breast-
enlargement system at 30 weeks of follow-up.
FIG. 8. Representative photographs of a woman in the study. Left, frontal views; right, oblique
views; above, views before treatment; below, views after treatment with the nonsurgical breast-
enlargement system at 30 weeks of follow-up.
linked to other cells and to the extracellular til the gap is filled and the normal balance is
matrix through their cytoskeleton and its sur- restored again.15
face receptor system.15 Integrins are thought to In view of the substantial societal demand for
be the transmembrane receptor link between breast enlargement (16 to 19 million women in
the mechanical deformation of the extracellu- the United States), the application of this phe-
lar matrix caused by external forces and the nomenon of stretch-induced tissue growth to
resultant internal cytoskeletal conformational the breast was bound to be forthcoming. By
response. Mechanical stretching of the extra- taking into account biomechanical and physi-
cellular matrix induces integrin clustering and ologic constraints and after extensive prototyp-
ligand binding to form macromolecular scaf- ing, we discovered four critical design features
folds called focal adhesion complexes, which and determined the most effective and safe
mechanically link the extracellular matrix with distraction pressure. The nonsurgical system
the cytoskeleton and bring the tensional forces used in this study applies an external, low-level,
into balance.48 This balancing of the mechan- sustained traction that is effective and well tol-
ical forces involves tensegrity, an architectural erated. To stimulate tissue growth, however,
system in which structures stabilize themselves the distraction must be continuous and sus-
by counteracting the forces of compression tained over a prolonged period of time. This is
and tension.49 The formation of focal adhesion the reason why failure to continuously use the
complexes also mediates the stimulus-coupling device leads to setbacks and necessitates addi-
response with the activation of kinases, ion tional compensatory wear time. Although the
channels, and growth factor receptors.48,50 –53 numbers are too small to evaluate statistically,
Mechanically induced rearrangements of the it seems that the greatest effect was observed in
cellular cytoskeleton are also directly linked to the participants who used the system the most
the nucleus to initiate cell division. This pro- intensively (hours/day) and the most continu-
cess is the subject of intense research and many ously (missed no days).
authoritative reviews.14 –17,48 –54 From a teleolog- The tissue growth achieved in this study is
ical viewpoint, whenever stretched and de- generated by the same basic mechanism of
formed, cells in the tissue sense the need to physical distraction as occurs with surgically
spread; they then respond by proliferating un- implanted bone lengthening and tissue expan-
FIG. 9. Representative photographs of a woman in the study. Left, frontal views; right, oblique
views; above, views before treatment; below, views after treatment with the nonsurgical breast-
reduction system at 30 weeks of follow-up.
sion devices.6 –13 Subcutaneously implanted tis- count for some noticeable growth after a short
sue expanders, silicone bladders that are filled period of use. This early volume increase in-
with saline, act on the overlying skin and asso- cludes no true tissue growth and is totally re-
ciated tissues. There is an initial elastic versible. It is only after continued use and sus-
(stretch) response, followed by the induction tained stretch that true tissue growth is
of mitosis35 and a remodeling of the connective stimulated. The stretched cells respond to the
tissue extracellular matrix36 in the stretched sustained deformation by undergoing mitosis
tissue. As the tissue expands (with a resultant and the deposition of additional extracellular
reduction in tension), more saline is added to matrix. With sustained use over a number of
the bladder to continually exert tension and weeks, the incremental component of true tis-
cause growth. The Ilizarov bone-lengthening sue growth adds up on top of the reversible
system and related devices work similarly: a elastic deformation and extracellular fluid ac-
transverse osteotomy sets up bone callus forma- cumulation. This accounts for the marked
tion, which is then gradually distracted, allow- peak enlargement seen at the end of the treat-
ing the newly forming bone to be extracted ment phase and the recoil observed 1 week
(grown) at the callus site.9 –11 Associated soft later as both old and new tissues return to their
tissues (muscle, nerve, vessels, etc.) are also resting state. At the end of a 10-week cycle of
distracted, with an initial stretch and deforma- use, breast volume is expected to approxi-
tion response followed by true tissue growth, mately double, with half of this gain remaining
which occurs evenly along the distracted area, as long-term growth. The final tissue seems to
not just at the level of the callus.40 be stable over a 30-week follow-up, and it has a
Under the effect of the external three- normal histologic appearance.
dimensional pull applied by the nonsurgical The MRI evaluation was used to gauge
breast-enlargement system, the breast tissue whether breast augmentation changed the ra-
goes through several stages in its expansion. tio and distribution of fatty and fibroglandular
During the early phase, fibroelastic fibers, ini- tissue (as depicted on T1 images) and to de-
tially loosely spaced around fat and fibroglan- termine whether there was increased water
dular cells, are stretched. Elastic deformations, content or inflammation after treatment (seen
along with some increased water edema ac- on STIR images). In all cases, the increase in
FIG. 10. T1-weighted coronal MRIs of a participant at baseline (above) and after treatment
(below) show an increase in size with a proportionate increase in fatty tissue (white) and fi-
broglandular tissue (gray). Note that there is no change in the distribution or appearance of the
fatty and fibroglandular components.
the size of breasts after treatment correlated rectly transmitted through the loose skin to
with nearly equal increases in fatty and fi- cause an enlargement of the tighter contents
broglandular tissue, without discernible before skin enlargement occurs. It is expected,
changes in the tissue architecture. Increased however, that gravity acting on the now-larger
signal intensity on STIR images was not appar- breast will naturally tend to cause some ptosis
ent; this suggests that increased water content with time.
(due to edema and/or inflammation) was not Another major concern about this breast-
present. Although contrast-enhanced MRI is enlargement system is whether its application
more sensitive in the detection of breast cancer stimulates or accelerates latent breast cancer.
and benign processes, such as dysplasia and Although the number of participants and the
inflammatory breast disease,28,29 the noncon- time course for follow-up are too small to de-
trast images did not demonstrate any overt termine this, several related findings do not
changes that would suggest the development of support a cancer-inducing/stimulating effect
disease when comparing posttreatment and by tension-induced tissue growth. Mechanical
pretreatment images. forces are not known to be carcinogens. The
Concern that stretching the breast would force used by the device is trivial compared
accentuate any degree of ptosis was not borne with the ones that constantly act upon the
out by the study results. The most noticeable body. This vacuum pressure of 20 mmHg rep-
initial impression by all the participants was resents a 2.5 percent drop in atmospheric pres-
that of a breast fill and lift. In the ptotic breast, sure. It is equivalent to the pressure change
there is a discrepancy between the loose skin experienced before a storm or when climbing
envelope and the relatively smaller contents. to the top of a high tower, and it is 4 to 7 times
The forces of distraction, therefore, are di- less than the pressure change experienced in-
side the cabin of a commercial aircraft. The monally mediated, whereas the growth of the
total mechanical pull exerted by the device on overlying skin is induced by secondary mechan-
the breast is approximately equivalent to the ical stretch. After weight loss or deliveries, the
force exerted by gravity on a large, 2-kg breast. mechanical stretch and the supporting scaffold
This amount of force leads to downward (uni- regress, while skin growth often remains as a
dimensional) growth of the unsupported cosmetic problem.
larger breast, an effect well-known to plastic Plastic surgeons are also familiar with the
surgeons performing reduction mammaplas- ptosis that follows the removal of a breast im-
ties. Numerous epidemiologic studies have plant. Here, sustained stretch by the implant
failed to reveal any increased cancer incidence induces the growth of the tissue in the breast
in the larger, heavier breasts that are subjected, envelope. The resultant ptosis will not recoil
over a lifetime, to a mechanical stretch similar with time, and the enlarged tissues will not
to that of the nonsurgical breast-enlargement shrink back. Similarly, when a tissue expander
system.55–58 This experiment of nature proves is rapidly inflated and removed, no significant
that mechanical forces acting on the breast are tissue growth occurs, only reversible stretch
not carcinogenic. and recruitment. However, when an inflated
Ilizarov devices do not have an associated expander is kept for a few months, its removal
cancer induction with their use in distraction is followed by permanent wrinkling of the skin.
of the extremities.9 Skin is the most cancer- That soft tissues recoil after losing their struc-
prone organ in the body, yet skin expanders tural support is not universally true. It is the
have been used for decades without any report presence of inflammation that may cause un-
of cancer arising in the expanded skin.7,8,59,60 derlying scarring and some degree of contrac-
Furthermore, these tissue expanders have
tion. The nonsurgical breast-enlargement sys-
been applied in breast reconstruction after
tem was designed to specifically avoid any
mastectomy, stretching the residual breast tis-
significant tissue inflammation.
sue that has a high likelihood of tumor recur-
In summary, this system offers women a
rence (it is well accepted that even the most
radical of the mastectomies leaves some breast means of enlarging their breasts without the
tissue behind). Yet more than 20 years of ex- pain and risk of surgery or the perceived long-
perience in thousands of women has con- term health risks associated with surgical im-
firmed that breast reconstruction with tissue plants. The process is slow and gradual; the
expansion does not increase the incidence of arbitrarily chosen 10-week course does not
cancer recurrence.42,43,60 – 63 Furthermore, in an match the immediate size gain that follows the
experimental model of rat mammary carci- insertion of an average sized breast implant.
noma, tissue expansion induced engrafted tu- Additional use beyond 10 weeks is required to
mor regression and even a reduction in the achieve further growth. This gradual process
spread of visceral metastasis.64 gives women more control over the change in
We can only speculate as to why the breasts their appearance. Because the tissue growth is
seem to retain their newly gained growth after local and autogenous, the result is more natu-
the rapid elastic recoil and the loss of tissue ral looking, as opposed to the artificial appear-
edema. Aside from mechanical stretch, growth ance that can often accompany breast im-
factors and hormones can also stimulate tissue plants.
growth. The administration of these factors Roger K. Khouri, M.D.
stimulates new tissue growth; the survival of Dermatology and Plastic Surgery
this growth is critically dependent on the con- 328 Crandon Blvd., Suite 227
tinued presence of the hormonal stimulus.65– 68 Key Biscayne, Fla. 33149
The new tissues regress by apoptosis on with- [email protected]
drawal of the growth factor. Tissue growth in-
duced by mechanical stretching, however, may ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
remain, even after the withdrawal of the me-
chanical stimulus. Experiments of nature fa- The study was supported by Biomecanica, Inc., Miami,
Florida (owner of the patented Distraction Augmentation
miliar to plastic surgeons demonstrate how Mammoplasty technology). The authors thank Marita Eisen-
these two types of induced tissue growth may man-Klein, M.D., and Jurgen Holle, M.D., for assisting with
differ. With weight gain or pregnancies, growth the study, Ann Pando, Ph.D., for designing the psychological
of the adipose tissue or of the uterus is hor- questionnaire, and Brian Cooley for editing the manuscript.
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