IBRA - Use of Hand Tools & Portable Electrical Equipment Revision 1
IBRA - Use of Hand Tools & Portable Electrical Equipment Revision 1
IBRA - Use of Hand Tools & Portable Electrical Equipment Revision 1
Revision : 1
No disruption to operation / R500k Brief disruption to operation / Partial shutdown / R50m to less Partial loss of operation Substantial or total loss of
Business Disruption / Material Damage & Other Consequential to less than R5m R5m to less than R50m than R500m R500m to less than R5bn R5bn and more
Serious breech of law;
Major breech of the law; Very considerable penalties &
(L&R) Minor legal issue; non compliance investigation/report to authority,
Low level legal issue considerable prosecution and prosecutions. Multiple law
Legal & Regulatory and breaches of the law prosecution and/or moderate
penalties suits & jail terms
penalty possible
(R/S/C) Slight impact - public awareness Limited impact - local public Considerable impact - regional National impact - national International impact -
Impact on Reputation/Social/Community may exist but no public concern concern public concern public concern international public attention
Likelihood Risk Rating
(Consider near-hits as well as actual events)
The unwanted event has occurred frequently; occurs
Almost Certain
in order of one or more times per year & is likely to 11 (M) 16 (H) 20 (H) 23 (Ex) 25 (Ex)
reoccur within 1 year
The unwanted event has occurred infrequently;
occurs in order of less than once per year & is likely 7 (M) 12 (M) 17 (H) 21 (Ex) 24 (Ex)
to re-occur within 5 years
Risk Assessment Report: Using Hand tools and Portable electrical equipment.
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
1 Pre-establishment Employees not aware of Injuring workmen. Comprehensive selection of S/H 1 3 4L Comprehensive selection of 1 1 1L
possible hazards. Contractors. Contractors.
Client not aware of Audit contractors on legal Audit contractors on legal
contractor’s presence. Compliance. Compliance.
Employees not fit for work – Distribute client standards Distribute client standards and
could lead to and SHE requirements to all SHE requirements to all
Contractors placing employees. employees.
themselves and others at Attend KBC required Attend KBC required
risk. Inductions. Inductions.
Unauthorised access. All employees to attend All employees to attend
Contractors not aware of each medical examinations. medical examinations.
other. Have all documentation Have all documentation
approved and signed off by approved and signed off by
project management. project management.
Conduct a Task Specific Issue Conduct a Task Specific Issue
based Risk Assessment. based Risk Assessment.
Interface with the employees Interface with the employees
and other contractors to be and other contractors to be
discussed. discussed.
2 Employees going Employees not Injuring workmen. Ensure all employees S/H 1 3 4L Ensure all employees undergo 1 1 1L
for Medical physically/medically fit to undergo the prescribed the prescribed medical
examination and perform the job. medical examination to be examination to be medically fit
Induction training Employees not trained on site medically fit to perform the to perform the job.
required induction and site job. Ensure all employees declare
specific requirements and Ensure all employees declare any medical condition that
rules – could lead to any medical condition that would render him unfit to
- Employees placing would render him unfit to conduct the required work.
them self and others conduct the required work. Ensure that employees
at risk. Ensure that employees undergo the site specific
- Employees not undergo the site specific Induction training to be aware
aware of Hazards Induction training to be of all site specific rules and
and risks related to aware of all site specific rules regulations.
their working area. and regulations. Ensure that all employees
- Employees Ensure that all employees understand the site required
medically unfit to understand the site required rules and specifications.
work on site. rules and specifications.
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
3 Site establishment Unauthorized site entry by Injuring workmen. Report to site office S/H 4 3 18H Report to site office 4 1 10
employees and mobile plant. Fatal injury. Immediately. Immediately. M
Entering hazardous area. Ensure effective Ensure effective
Unauthorized use of facilities. communication with all communication with all parties
Unsafe access route to site parties involved. involved.
Travelling on site with
incompetent driver.
Traffic congestion – could lead
- Struck by/against
- Fall from/into
- Hit by
- Vehicle accidents
Site Manager/Foreman to
Report to Official Work could be ensure that all relevant
Daily site safety meeting.
on Site to obtain conducted in wrong information pertaining the
Trained Site Supervision. BI/
4 Clear work and Instructions is not obtained area that could cause 3 5 20 work and Safety is obtained 1 3 4
Daily Risk Assessment. MD
Safety business disruption. and conveyed to operators
instructions. before commencing with
Site Manager/Foreman to
Workers could not be ensure that all relevant
aware of unsafe Daily site safety meeting. information pertaining the
conditions. This could Trained Site Supervision. S/H 5 5 25 work and Safety is obtained 2 3 8
cause serious injury to Daily Risk Assessment. and conveyed to operators
workers and operators. before commencing with
Conduct Daily
Safety meeting
and inform Site Manager/Foreman to
operators on Work could be ensure that all relevant
Daily site safety meeting.
work and safety Operators are not aware of conducted in wrong information pertaining the
Trained Site Supervision. BI/
5 conditions. work to be conducted and area that could cause 3 5 20 work and Safety is obtained 1 3 4
Daily Risk Assessment. MD
Conduct Daily risks and hazards. business disruption. and conveyed to operators
Risk assessment before commencing with
and convey work.
information to
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Site Manager/Foreman to
Workers could not be ensure that all relevant
aware of unsafe Daily site safety meeting. information pertaining the
conditions. This could Trained Site Supervision. S/H 5 5 25 work and Safety is obtained 2 3 8
cause serious injury to Daily Risk Assessment. and conveyed to operators
workers and operators. before commencing with
Site Manager to insure that
No proof of safety Operators are informed on
Operators do not sign daily awareness could cause Daily Risk Assessment and
Trained Supervision L&R 3 5 20 1 2 2
risk assessment. non-compliance and that all operators sign to
breaches of the law. ensure understanding and
Site Manager/Foreman to
ensure that all relevant
Daily site meeting. information pertaining the
Access and exit to Work activities are not Incorrect working
6 Clear instructions from S/H 4 4 21 work and Safety is obtained 1 3 4
Site. identified. standards.
mine official. and conveyed to operators
before commencing with
Site Manager/Foreman to
ensure that all relevant
information pertaining the
Daily site meeting. S/H work and Safety is obtained
Workers in working areas Serious injury to
Clear instructions from 4 4 21 and conveyed to operators 1 3 4
unauthorized. workers
mine official. before commencing with
work. All permission to
enter documentation to be
signed off by client.
PPE Issue registers.
Serious body injury to Hardhats, goggles, All PPE to be inspected and
PPE is defective S/H 4 4 21 1 3 4
employees. earplugs, overalls, safety used.
shoes, gloves.
Supervisor / Manager to
Employees working at Trained supervision at S/H ensure Work instructions is
There is no Supervision at 3 4 17
an risk area or work area ( Site BI/ adhered to. Supervision to 1 2 2
point of task 2 4 12
behaviour. supervisor/ Foreman) MD be at point of tasks at all
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Hand Tool inspections and
Supervisor to ensure that :
Operators are using Serious injury to register. Operators trained
7 Site clearance S/H 2 5 16 All hand tools to be 1 3 4
defective hand tools. operator. to safe work with hand
inspected and on register.
Competent workforce. Supervisor to ensure that
Serious injury to
Operators are untrained Trained operators. S/H 3 5 20 only trained and competent 1 2 2
Safe working Procedures. operators to conduct work.
Supervisor to ensure that
Improper stacking and Un stable equipment S/H
Stacking and storage safe 4 4 21 trained stacking/storage
storage practices are could fall and cause BI/
work procedure. 2 3 8 supervisor are following 1 3 4
followed. serious injury to people MD
Trained appointee. good stacking and storage
and property.
Informed workforce and
Trip and fall could cause
Stepping is uneven continuous S/H 2 4 12 Operators to communicate. 1 1 1
injury to employees.
PPE Issue register and
checklist. PPE: Reflective PPE to be checked prior to
PPE is defective Serious body injuries. overalls, safety shoes, S/H 2 5 16 enter workplace and 1 2 2
hard hat, goggles, ear conducting work.
protection and gloves.
Permission to enter
document to be obtained
by supervisor and all
No permission to enter is Serious injuries and
Entry permit. S/H 5 5 25 inspections to be 2 3 8
granted. fatalities.
documented before
commencement and signed
off by mine official.
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Supervisor/ Manager to
ensure that driver is
possession of a valid
driver’s license. Client’s
policy to Vehicles to be
Delivering of Drivers licence. S/H
4 4 21 obeyed. Speed limits and
8 tools and Manual Unskilled vehicle operator. Serious injury to people Safe Work Procedure. BI/ 1 3 4
2 4 12 rules to be followed. No
offloading. and property Competent drivers. MD
passengers allowed on back
of vehicle and only two
people allowed in front of
cab when delivering
S/H Pre– use inspection to be
Serious injury to people Vehicle checklist. 4 4 21
Defective vehicle BI/ conducted before using a 1 2 2
and property 2 4 12
MD vehicle.
Supervisor to ensure that
Equipment not checked in Competent responsible BI/ content of delivery is
Business disruption and 3 3 13 1 1 1
and wrong order delivered. person. MD correct and correspond
financial losses.
with order.
Supervisor to ensure that
Safe operating procedure.
heavy loads are not off
Trained operators.
Back, hand injuries loaded manually. Only
Body strain. Using correct manual S/H 3 4 17 3 1 9
sustained by employees. qualified mine operators to
lifting techniques. Correct
off load by using their
mobile lifting equipment.
Wearing The
correct PPE when PPE: Hard hat, Leather PPE to be checked prior to
Workforce are not wearing
9. loading and Serious body injury. gloves, goggles, overall S/H 2 5 16 loading and offloading of 1 2 2
correct PPE
offloading and safety shoes. material.
PPE Issue register and
checklist. PPE: Reflective
PPE to be checked prior to
overalls, safety shoes,
PPE is defective Serious body injuries. S/H 2 5 16 enter workplace and 1 2 2
hard hat, goggles, ear
conducting work.
protection and gloves,
Dust mask.
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Trained operators
Workforce are not familiar
Risk assessment
Manual handling with correct lifting Supervisor to ensure that
Supervision S/H
10. of Heavy techniques, or correct Serious injury 4 3 18 only trained operators are 1 2 2
Man handling of
Material. procedure on man conducting the work.
equipment and loading
handling of material
and off-loading SOP
PPE Issue register and
checklist. PPE: Reflective PPE to be checked prior to
Serious body injuries. overalls, safety shoes, S/H 2 5 16 enter workplace and 1 2 2
Defective PPE
hard hat, goggles, ear conducting work.
protection and gloves.
Competent workforce. Supervisor to ensure that
Serious injury to
Operator is not trained Trained operators. S/H 3 5 20 only trained and competent 1 2 2
Safe working Procedures. operators to conduct work.
Supervisor to ensure that :
All equipment to be
Material to be loaded or Serious injury to Pre use inspections size, inspected .Fork lift to be
S/H 2 5 16 1 3 4
off loaded is not inspected. workers. weight, shape of material. arranged should load not be
safe to man handle or to
load or off load.
Wearing PPE
whilst working PPE Issue registers.
with hand tools Serious body injury to Goggles, earplugs, All PPE to be inspected and 1
11. PPE is defective S/H 4 4 21 4 1
and portable employees. overalls, safety shoes, used. 0
electrical gloves. Applicable PPE.
Supervisor to ensure that
Hand tools and Pre use Checklists. Hand tools and Portable
Portable Hand tools and Portable Safe Operating procedure electrical equipment being
electrical electrical equipment not Serious body injury to Hand tools and Portable checked prior to use. To 1
12. S/H 4 4 21 4 1
equipment pre checked or tagged with employees. electrical equipment. ensure that equipment is 0
tagged and monthly colour tag. Trained work force. checked by competent
checked. official and tagged every
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Supervisor to ensure that
operators do pre use
Pre use Checklists.
Working with checklist prior to working
13. Hand tools defective Injury to workers Safe Operating procedure S/H 3 2 9 3 1 6
hand tools with hand tools. Only
Trained work force.
competent trained
operators to conduct work
Supervisor to ensure that
operators do pre use
Serious hand and body Checklist. checklist prior to working
Tools are not registered
injuries. Competent work force. S/H 3 3 13 with hand tools. Only 3 1 6
and inspected.
Risk assessment competent trained
operators to conduct work.
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Supervisor to ensure that
operators do pre use checklist
Competent work force.
Use of a hand Serious hand and body prior to working with portable
17. Defective drill. Risk assessment S/H 2 5 16 2 3 8
held drill injuries. electrical equipment. Only
SOP Portable Electrical
competent trained operators
to conduct work.
Personnel to be trained and
be competent in their tasks.
Risk Assessment (IBRA) to
be communicated on a
weekly basis to all
Pre use checklist to be
completed prior to use.
Plug is defective. Electrical Pre- Use checklist.
Serious body injuries. S/H 3 3 13 Employees to stop work as 3 2 9
shock Competent operator
soon as defect has been
recognised. Employees to
inform all other employees
and supervisor. Supervisor
to report to site manager
and drill to be removed
from site. Supervisor to
supply drill with no defects.
Supervisor to ensure that
Competent work force.
Tools are not registered and Serious hand and body operators do pre use checklist
Risk assessment S/H 2 5 16 2 3 8
inspected. injuries. prior to working with portable
SOP Portable Electrical
electrical equipment.
Competent workforce. Supervisor to ensure that
Serious injury to
Operator is not trained Trained operators. S/H 3 5 20 only trained and competent 3 2 9
Safe working Procedures. operators to conduct work.
Supervisor to ensure that
operators do pre use
Competent work force.
Use of Welding Welding machine is not Serious injury to checklist prior to working
17. Risk assessment S/H 2 5 16 2 3 9
machine inspected employees. with hand tools. Only
SOP Portable Electrical
competent trained
operators to conduct work.
Loss Recommended Additional
No Sub System Hazard - "what if" Risk Current Controls C L R C L R
Type Controls
Competent workforce. Supervisor to ensure that
Serious injury to
Operator is not trained Trained operators. S/H 3 5 20 only trained and competent 3 2 9
Safe working Procedures. operators to conduct work.
Supervisor to ensure that
Competent workforce. work area are clean and
Clearing Site and Good housekeeping was Serious injury to
18. Trained operators. S/H 3 5 20 tidy after work has been 1 2 2
handover not conducted employees.
Safe working Procedures. conducted and before
leaving site.
Supervisor to ensure that tools
Tools are not removed from Loss of tools and damage Trained Operators.
BI/MD 1 5 11 are kept and stored at safe 1 3 4
site after shift to equipment. Good housekeeping
allocated area.
Issue: Use of hand tools and portable electrical equipment
Action taken / to be taken to eliminate, control Completion Follow-up
No Recommendations Responsible Person Signature
or minimize hazard Date Date
Ensure that all rubble and scrap material is Ensure that all rubble and cut-off material is
removed from the place of work, to avoid removed from the place of work, to avoid
5. Supervisor On-going
tripping and falling of objects, to maintain good tripping and falling of objects, to maintain good
housekeeping practice. housekeeping practice.
Supervisor to ensure that heavy loads are not
6. Manual handling of equipment Supervisor On-going
off loaded manually.
Safety on site Regular Inspections.
7. SHE Rep / Supervisor On-going
Toolbox talks and DSTI's to be done regularly.
Supervisor to ensure that all waste is removed
8. Clearing Site from site or to designate waste area after work Supervisor
is conducted.
Supervisor to ensure that all equipment are
removed from site and stored and secured in Supervisor
proper manner.