ESC201T L19 Semiconductors

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ESC201T : Introduction to


Lecture 19: Semiconductors

B. Mazhari
Dept. of EE, IIT Kanpur
Tools for circuit Analysis
 Fundamentals of electrical circuits--3
 Transient Analysis of RLC Circuits--2
 Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis--4

Analog Circuits
 Semiconductors, Diodes, Circuits-----3
 Transistors and Amplifiers---4
 Operational Amplifier based Analog circuits -4

Digital Circuits
 Logic gates, Combinational circuits ---4
 Flip-flops, Sequential Circuit---4
 Data Converters----3


Conductivity (S/cm)
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
(“Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible”, by Arthur C. Clarke)
Semiconductors have allowed us to perform magic



Metallurgical Grade
Quartzite Silicon
SiO2 + C -> CO2 + Si (95-98% pure)

About 60 000 tons of quartzite (about 45 per cent silicon) and 25 000 tons of charcoal (made from 90 000 tons of timber) are
required to produce the 28 000 tons of silicon. About 13 megawatt hours of electricity to produce one ton of silicon. At the
industry standard of A$0.06 per kWh, electricity represents around 40 per cent of the market value of silicon
Metallurgical grade

Si + 3 HCl →SiHCl3 + H2


Vapor deposition

Electronic Grade
Electronic Grade Poly-

Pure Silicon Crystal

Silicon Wafer

~400um thick
$1400/Kg !!
A 200mm wafer cost $45 in 2006
Electronics Revolution
Silicon is a semiconductor

 More importantly, its conductivity can

be altered and controlled

 It allows us to control current !

Conductivity (S/cm)

Electronic structure 1s22s22p63s23p2
4 outer shell electrons from 4 covalent bonds 1s
Silicon Crystal

Electrons in a silicon crystal occupy bands of energies

3s Completely empty at 0K
2s p
Completely full of electrons
Bottom most empty band is called conduction band
Top most filled band is called valence band

Conduction band

Valence band
Electrons in a completely full band cannot contribute to current
conduction !

F = qE

Energy of the electron should increase but all the higher energy states are
occupied !
Picture of Silicon Crystal at 0oK

Completely empty


Completely Full

No current flows and Silicon acts like a perfect Insulator !

Picture of Silicon Crystal at 300oK

Completely empty

Conduction band has few electrons

Valence band has few empty
states called holes

Completely Full

Electrons in conduction and valence band can now contribute to current flow
Conduction Band

Conduction band electrons are free to move in whatever direction they

Valence Band

Electrons can now flow and contribute to current conduction

Simplified Picture
The motion of valence band electrons is equivalent to motion of vacant
states called holes

Suppose an nv number of net valence band electrons cross the area from
right to left in time t, then

Valence electrons


 q  nv q  nv
I 
t t

It also means p = nv number of holes cross from left to right in time t.

q  nv q  p
I 
t t
Current carried by electrons in valence band is equal to current carried by
holes if we associate positive charge with them.

For the purpose of current flow and electronics in general, we can ignore
the electrons in valence band and think only in terms of holes.

We should think of holes as particles carrying a positive charge of

+1.6 x 10-19 C and moving in presence of electric field as electrons

To summarize, current in semiconductors is carried by electrons in

conduction band and holes in valence band.
Extrinsic Semiconductors

Adding small amounts of suitable impurity atom can drastically alter number of
electrons and holes in a semiconductor !

Addition of a group V element impurity to Silicon should increase electrons

while addition of group III element impurity should increase number of
N and P-type Semiconductors

N-type : n>p

A Semiconductor such as Silicon doped with a donor impurity such as

Phosphorous or Arsenic from group V of periodic table. The donor impurity
donates an electron to conduction band thereby increasing their concentration

P-type : p>n

A Semiconductor such as Silicon doped with a Acceptor impurity such as Boron

from group III of periodic table. The acceptor impurity increases number of
holes in valence band.
No. of silicon atoms per unit volume  4  1 0 22 c m 3

Impurity concentration : N A  1 0 1 7 cm  3

1 in 400,000 Silicon atoms is replaced by Boron

Very small amounts of impurity atoms can cause a drastic change

in electrical property of a semiconductor.

This is one of the reasons why even though sand is plentiful and ‘dirt
cheap’, electronic grade silicon is so expensive

Silicon is one of the purest material on earth !

Clean Room
1 m3 = 35.2 ft3
Suppose we have a Silicon wafer which is P-type and we wish to create a
region within it which is N-type as shown below:



This can be done by carrying out diffusion/implantation of N-type dopant in

the structure shown below.

The SiO2 acts a as a barrier
and prevents diffusion of
dopants through it . As a result
the N-type region is created
only in the region where Silicon
P-Silicon is exposed
B. Mazhari, IITK
A window in SiO2 can be created by first covering the whole Silicon surface
with oxide through the oxidation process.
Next the Silicon surface is coated with an organic material which is sensitive to
light called Photoresist. A positive photoresist undergoes changes upon
exposure which makes it easier to dissolve in a developer solution

We next need a Mask which specifies the location and dimension of N-
region. It is basically a glass plate which has opaque and transparent regions.
Wherever we want the photoresist to remain, that region is opaque and
wherever we wish to remove the photoresist that region is made transparent.



The mask is placed either in

contact or in close proximity to
the resist coated Silicon wafer
and exposed to light as
illustrated below
P-Silicon 32
B. Mazhari, IITK
After this step of Photoresist
Photolithography , the exposed SiO2
photoresist is removed using a
developer solution and we
obtain the following structure: P-Silicon

Next the whole wafer is SiO2
dipped in HF acid to Etch the
exposed oxide to obtain the
following structure: P-Silicon

Next the photoresist is removed
to obtain the structure required for
carrying out diffusion.
B. Mazhari, IITK
Fabrication: simplified view

SiO2 SiO2
Poly Poly

+ + + + + +
P-Silicon P-Silicon

Transfer of pattern from mask to photoresist


Transfer of pattern from photoresist to silicon

Various processing steps.

B. Mazhari, IITK

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