Exploring Occupational Stress Among Female Faculty in Arts and Science Colleges in Chennai
Exploring Occupational Stress Among Female Faculty in Arts and Science Colleges in Chennai
Exploring Occupational Stress Among Female Faculty in Arts and Science Colleges in Chennai
In the highly competitive landscape of Arts future, and foster their engagement in
and Science Colleges, where professional various activities to become responsible
courses have observed a surge in demand, citizens. However, being a female faculty
the quality of students enrolled is often member in a college setting has become
below par. The expectations from parents increasingly demanding. This study aims to
and institutions remain high, while the analyze the various reasons for stress among
faculty members face challenges in meeting female faculty in Arts and Science Colleges
the standards set by higher education in Chennai.
departments and UGC. Consequently, the
occupational stress among female teaching Roles and Responsibilities of Female
faculty in Arts and Science Colleges has Faculty:
reached unprecedented levels, leading to Female faculty in Arts and Science Colleges
career shifts and personal disruptions. This are burdened with multiple roles and
study aims to analyze the reasons behind responsibilities, including teaching
occupational stress among female faculty activities, driving research, departmental
and propose remedies to overcome it. work, and college-related tasks. Teaching
Keywords: occupational stress, students, involves delivering lectures, preparing
performance, roles, responsibilities coursework, grading exams and projects,
meeting with parents, and addressing student
Introduction: requests professionally and personally.
Occupational stress is a prevalent issue Additionally, faculty members must engage
faced by both management and employees in research activities, publish articles and
in organizations and institutions. It arises books, present at conferences, and adhere to
when job descriptions and demands do not recommendations and guidelines set by
align with the skill set and knowledge of higher education bodies. They are also
individuals, challenging their capacity to responsible for maintaining student results,
handle the situations effectively. In the conducting interdepartmental activities, and
context of education, today's students often participating in college committees and
exhibit a casual attitude, disregarding their events. These demanding roles contribute to
health and education, and lacking discipline. occupational stress among female faculty
It is the role of teachers to instill self- members.
discipline, guide students towards a better