Exploring Occupational Stress Among Female Faculty in Arts and Science Colleges in Chennai

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

Exploring Occupational Stress among Female

Faculty in Arts and Science Colleges in Chennai
Dr. Dhanalakshmi S Dr. K. Komalavalli
Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce (Accounting & Department of Commerce,
Finance), Vallal P.T.Lee Chengalvaraya Naickar Arts
S.A. College of Arts & Science, & Science College,
Chennai, India. Chennai , India

In the highly competitive landscape of Arts future, and foster their engagement in
and Science Colleges, where professional various activities to become responsible
courses have observed a surge in demand, citizens. However, being a female faculty
the quality of students enrolled is often member in a college setting has become
below par. The expectations from parents increasingly demanding. This study aims to
and institutions remain high, while the analyze the various reasons for stress among
faculty members face challenges in meeting female faculty in Arts and Science Colleges
the standards set by higher education in Chennai.
departments and UGC. Consequently, the
occupational stress among female teaching Roles and Responsibilities of Female
faculty in Arts and Science Colleges has Faculty:
reached unprecedented levels, leading to Female faculty in Arts and Science Colleges
career shifts and personal disruptions. This are burdened with multiple roles and
study aims to analyze the reasons behind responsibilities, including teaching
occupational stress among female faculty activities, driving research, departmental
and propose remedies to overcome it. work, and college-related tasks. Teaching
Keywords: occupational stress, students, involves delivering lectures, preparing
performance, roles, responsibilities coursework, grading exams and projects,
meeting with parents, and addressing student
Introduction: requests professionally and personally.
Occupational stress is a prevalent issue Additionally, faculty members must engage
faced by both management and employees in research activities, publish articles and
in organizations and institutions. It arises books, present at conferences, and adhere to
when job descriptions and demands do not recommendations and guidelines set by
align with the skill set and knowledge of higher education bodies. They are also
individuals, challenging their capacity to responsible for maintaining student results,
handle the situations effectively. In the conducting interdepartmental activities, and
context of education, today's students often participating in college committees and
exhibit a casual attitude, disregarding their events. These demanding roles contribute to
health and education, and lacking discipline. occupational stress among female faculty
It is the role of teachers to instill self- members.
discipline, guide students towards a better

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

Factors Contributing to Occupational their capabilities to advance within the

Stress: organization, leading to increased work
Several factors contribute to the stress stress. This situation highlights potential
experienced by female faculty members: issues that could arise between junior and
1. Inability to meet management demands senior managers.
and lack of control over students' Both junior and senior professionals
performance and behavior due to experience job satisfaction, but they also
students' poor attitudes. face mental health challenges and pressure
2. Insufficient support and guidance from related to balancing their work and personal
peer groups. lives. The study found that work-related
3. Challenges in establishing and pressure is a significant predictor of mental
maintaining effective student-teacher health issues for employees in both levels of
relationships. the organization.
4. Overwhelming workload due to the Numerous studies conducted by Behdin
execution of multiple roles and Nowrouzi, Christine Nguyen, Jennifer
responsibilities. Casole, and Behnam Nowrouzi-Kia have
5. Resistance to adapt to changing significantly impacted research in the field
conditions and regulations in the teaching of occupational stress and its related
profession. variables. Among these studies, the ones that
have had the most profound influence are
Literature Review: those exploring the relationship between
In Belgium and Slovenia, a study was occupational stress and other outcome
conducted by Bolliger, Larissa, Junoš variables, such as coronary heart disease.
Lukan, Elena Colman, Leen Boersma, Mitja These studies have been particularly
Luštrek, Dirk De Bacquer, and Els Clays in influential in the field of occupational stress.
2022. The study examined the Job Demand- The top-cited studies in this area often focus
Control model and the Effort-Reward on specific occupations, such as teaching,
Imbalance model, investigating various nursing, and the healthcare industry in
stressors such as structural and process- general. They delve into the effects of stress
oriented stressors, financial stressors, and on professionals within these fields. In
stressors related to employees' health. The contrast, some of the other highly cited
study's focus on group research confirms the studies examine various aspects of
complex nature of work stress experiences occupational stress, including its etiology,
among office workers, encompassing a intervention and management programs,
broader range of factors than just the theories, models, frameworks, and
psychosocial working conditions at the methodologies. These diverse approaches
meso-level. contribute to a comprehensive understanding
Rao, J. V., and Chandraiah, K. (2012) of the complexities surrounding
discovered that employees perceive occupational stress and its impact on
occupational stress arising from various individuals and industries.
factors, including pressure from overload, According to a study by Dr. Jitendar Singh
personal responsibilities, and managerial Narban, Bhanu Pratap Singh Narban, and
roles. Junior employees, in particular, feel Jitendra Singh in 2016, there exists an
the stress of having to prove themselves in inverse (negative) correlation between job
the industry and meet the expectations of stress and job satisfaction. The research
their seniors. They also strive to demonstrate suggests that occupational stress arises from

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

a combination of environmental, women in this field are at an increased risk

organizational, and individual factors. of experiencing stress, burnout, and
The study's conclusion emphasizes the depression. These negative outcomes are
importance of empirical research in the field influenced by factors at individual,
of occupational stress and employee health. organizational, and systems levels, including
It recommends considering and examining lack of social support, access to personal
the impact and influences of various factors, protective equipment, high workload,
including: prevalence of COVID-19, rapidly changing
1. Environmental factors public health guidelines, and a lack of
2. Personal factors recognition at work.
3. Process-oriented factors Furthermore, Yi X, Yang J, Gao X, and Li F
4. Human consequences (2022) utilized structural equation models to
5. Organizational consequences examine the relationship between
6. Role dynamics occupational stress and work ability among
7. Time of stress occurrence coal chemical workers. The study found that
8. Adaptive responses to stress occupational stress and mental health
The research highlights that stress can be conditions directly impact work ability.
additive, and there is a positive relationship Mental health conditions also mediate the
between role stressors and job stress. relationship between occupational stress and
Consequently, it is crucial to manage and work ability. The research indicates that
minimize occupational stress (job occupational stress indirectly affects work
stress/work stress) to create a conducive ability through its impact on mental health
work environment within the organization. conditions. Both occupational stress and
This approach aims to promote employee mental disorders, along with their
well-being and job satisfaction. interaction, were identified as risk factors
In a study by T. Shenbhaga Vadivu (2017), affecting the ability to work in this particular
it was found that stress is an inevitable and work environment.
widespread issue in the Textile sector, Various studies have explored the
leading to severe occupational stress and relationship between occupational stress and
psychological problems among a significant related variables. They have identified
portion of the workforce. The study factors such as work stressors, financial
highlights the critical role of employee stress, health-related stressors, and the
satisfaction in determining workforce impact on mental health and job satisfaction.
productivity, which, in turn, influences the These studies have emphasized the
success of an organization. Innovative importance of understanding and managing
behavior in service organizations is also occupational stress to create a conducive
considered crucial for success. The study work environment.
aimed to explore the relationship between
occupational stress and job satisfaction. The Objective of the Study:
findings confirmed that stress negatively The study aims to:
affects the employees' satisfaction level. 1. Analyze the predominant factors of
Another study by Sriharan A, Ratnapalan S, occupational stress among female
Tricco AC, Lupea D, Ayala AP, Pang H, teaching faculty in Arts and Science
and Lee DD (2020) focused on women colleges affiliated with the University of
healthcare workers during the COVID-19 Madras, Chennai.
pandemic. The research revealed that

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Volume1, Issue7, July2023 International Journal of Modern Science and Research Technology

2. Examine occupational stress based on and mental well-being of faculty members,

gender. leading to better stress management and a
Hypothesis: H1: more peaceful and joyful life.
There is a significant difference among the
factors contributing to occupational stress. Bibliography:
Research Methodology: 1. Bolliger, Larissa, Junoš Lukan, Elena
The study collected primary data from 148 Colman, Leen Boersma, Mitja Luštrek,
faculty members from different Arts and Dirk De Bacquer, and Els Clays. 2022.
Science Colleges in Chennai, using "Sources of Occupational Stress among
convenient sampling. The reliability and Office Workers—A Focus Group Study"
validity of the data were assessed through International Journal of Environmental
Cronbach Alpha and factor analysis. The Research and Public Health 19, no. 3:
researcher conducted exploratory factor 1075.
analysis and applied the KMO Bartlett test https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031075.
to identify the predominant factors 2. Rao, J. V., & Chandraiah, K. (2012).
contributing to occupational stress. Occupational stress, mental health and
Findings: coping among information technology
The KMO Bartlett test yielded a value of professionals. Indian journal of
0.867, indicating that the data was normally occupational and environmental
distributed and suitable for data reduction. medicine, 16(1), 22–26.
The exploratory factor analysis identified the https://doi.org/10.4103/0019-5278.99686.
following factors contributing to 3. Behdin Nowrouzi, Christine Nguyen,
occupational stress among faculty members: Jennifer Casole, and Behnam Nowrouzi-
1. Work Pressure (22.17%) Kia, Occupational Stress A
2. Health-Related Stressors (21.13%) Comprehensive Review of the Top 50
3. Mental Health and Job Satisfaction Annual and Lifetime Cited Articles,
(12.14%) Workplace Health & Safety, vol. 65 ■
no.5, pp.197 -209. DOI:
Conclusion: 10.1177/2165079916666300.
While stress is an inevitable part of life, it is 4. Dr. Jitendar Singh Narban, Bhanu Pratap
essential to identify and manage it Singh Narban, Jitendra Singh, 2016, A
effectively. The symptoms of occupational Conceptual Study on Occupational Stress
stress among female faculty members (Job Stress/Work Stress) and its Impacts
include frequent arguments with colleagues IJARIIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396, Vol-2
and students, increased complaints about Issue-1, pp.47-54.
student behavior, and a decline in 5. T. Shenbhaga Vadivu (2017), A Study
performance and well-being. Although On Occupational Stress And Job
complete avoidance of stress is challenging, Satisfaction Among The Textile
faculty members can adopt practices such as Managers In Tirupur, International
time management, prioritizing tasks, and Journal of Human Resource & Industrial
enhancing problem-solving skills to alleviate Research, ISSN: 2349 – 3593 (online),
stress. Additionally, cultivating emotional ISSN: 2349 –4816 (print),
awareness, gratitude, and optimism, Vol.4,(Issue17,Jan-2017), pp 38–pp50,
improving personal relationships, and http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.293798.
engaging in regular exercise, prayer, yoga, 6. Sriharan A, Ratnapalan S, Tricco AC,
and meditation can contribute to the physical Lupea D, Ayala AP, Pang H and Lee DD

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(2020) Occupational Stress, Burnout, and

Depression in Women in Healthcare
During COVID-19 Pandemic: Rapid
Scoping Review. Front. Glob. Womens
Health 1:596690. doi:
7. Yi X, Yang J, Gao X and Li F (2022) The
relationship between occupational stress,
mental health and work ability of coal
chemical workers in Xinjiang. Front.
Psychiatry 13:903534. doi:

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