ActiveRoles 7.3 ReleaseNotes
ActiveRoles 7.3 ReleaseNotes
ActiveRoles 7.3 ReleaseNotes
Release Notes
June 2018
These release notes provide information about the One Identity Active Roles release.
NOTE: If you are currently utilizing the Office 365 Add-on, uninstall the add-on before
performing the Active Roles upgrade to version 7.3. For more information regarding
the changes to Office 365 support see Impact on Office 365 add-on.
Active Roles 7.3 is a major release, with new features and functionality. See New features
for details.
l Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or a later version of the Windows Server operating
system is required to run the Administration Service or Web Interface.
l The following SQL Server versions are supported: Microsoft SQL Server 2008, 2008
R2, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2017.
l You can use Configuration Center to import Active Roles databases from SQL Server
2005 to a later SQL Server version. For details, see “Upgrading the Administration
Service” in the Active Roles Quick Start Guide.
l You can use Active Roles to manage Exchange recipients on Exchange Server 2016,
2010, or 2013.
System requirements
Before installing Active Roles 7.3, ensure that your system meets the following minimum
hardware and software requirements.
Active Roles includes the following components:
l Administration Service
l Web Interface
l Console (MMC Interface)
l Management Tools
l Synchronization Service
Administration Service
Requirement Details
l Intel 64 (EM64T)
l AMD64
l Processor speed: 2.0 GHz or faster
Hard disk space 100 MB or more of free disk space. If SQL Server and
Administration Service are installed on the same computer,
the amount required depends on the size of the Active Roles
SQL Server You can host the Active Roles database on:
Operating system on Active Roles retains all features and functions when
domain controllers managing Active Directory on domain controllers running
any of these operating systems, any edition, with or without
any Service Pack:
Web Interface
Table 2:
Web Interface requirements
Requirement Details
l Intel 64 (EM64T)
l AMD64
l Processor speed: 2.0 GHz or faster
l Static Content
l Default Document
l HTTP Errors
l HTTP Redirection
l Web Server/Application Development/
l .NET Extensibility
l ISAPI Extensions
l ISAPI Filters
l Web Server/Security/
l Basic Authentication
l Windows Authentication
l Request Filtering
l Management Tools/IIS 6 Management Compatibility/
l IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
l ISAPI Filters
l Management Tools/IIS 6 Management Compatibility/
l IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
l Handler Mappings
l Modules
l Firefox 36 on Windows
l Google Chrome 61 on Windows
l Windows Internet Explorer 11
Web browser
l Microsoft Edge on Windows 10
Requirement Details
l Intel x86
l Intel 64 (EM64T)
l AMD64
l Processor speed: 1.0 GHz or faster
Operating system You can install Active Roles console on a computer running:
Microsoft .NET Framework Active Roles console requires Microsoft .NET Framework
4.6.2 (see “Installing the .NET Framework” at
Management Tools
Management Tools is a composite component that includes the Active Roles Management
Shell, ADSI Provider, and SDK. On a 64-bit (x64) system, Management Tools also include
the Active Roles Configuration Center.
Requirement Details
l Intel x86
l Intel 64 (EM64T)
l AMD64
l Processor speed: 1.0 GHz or faster
Microsoft .NET Framework Management Tools require Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2
(see “Installing the .NET Framework” at
Synchronization Service
Requirement Details
l Intel 64 (EM64T)
l AMD64
l Processor speed: 2.0 GHz or faster
Hard disk space 250 MB or more of free disk space. If SQL Server and
Synchronization Service are installed on the same
computer, the amount required depends on the size of the
Synchronization Service database.
SQL Server You can host the Synchronization Service database on:
Legacy Active Roles ADSI To connect to Active Roles version 6.9, the Active Roles
Provider ADSI Provider of the respective version must be installed
on the computer running the Synchronization Service. For
installation instructions, see the Quick Start Guide for the
appropriate Active Roles version.
Azure AD Module for To connect to the Office 365 directory, the following
Windows PowerShell software must be installed on the computer running the
Version 2 Synchronization Service:
Online” at
One Identity Manager API To connect to One Identity Manager 7.0, One Identity
Manager Connector must be installed on the computer
running the Synchronization Service. This connector works
with RESTful web service and SDK installation is not
Requirement Details
The following is a list of enhancements implemented in Active Roles Version 7.3.
Enhancement Issue
Enhancement 746735
Display the number of members in a Group in the Active Roles Web interface. 669617
SPML Extension Enhancement to Modify Shared Mailbox User permissions. 762723
Back Sync Improvements: The Azure Backsync Configuration feature allows you 741086
to configure the backsync operation in Azure with on-premises Active Directory
objects through the Synchronization Service Web interface. The required
connections, mappings, and Sync workflow steps are created automatically.
NOTE: During Active Roles upgrade, the new Password Generation script in
PowerShell is set as the default script. However, the VB script that was
used earlier is still retained in the same container.
Web interface security enhancements: Any Web interface is prone to security 761876
issues such as Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Cross-site Scripting (XSS
) attacks. To prevent and protect against such attacks Active Roles can now be
configured to enable CSRF and XSS for the Web interface.
For more information on the Web interface security enhancements see the
Active Roles Web Administration Guide.
Resolved issues
The following is a list of issues addressed in this release.
6 In Active Roles Console, workflow approval mails are not being sent to 745948
the mail enabled group members when the approver is a non mail
enabled group.
8 In Active Roles Console, when an approval workflow, with the config- 720242
uration setting "Split Membership Change Requests" applied, is
triggered by adding more than one member to a group, multiple
approval mails are sent.
10 In the Active Roles MMC interface, when creating a Group Family and 756663
using the Fine-Tune option while configuring the Group Naming Rules,
any space that is part of the DISPLAY NAME field is ignored.
11 The Active Roles MMC crashes when a user undoes deprovision by 769465
selecting the Reset the password check box and selects the User
must change password at next logon option.
12 In Active Roles Collector and Report Packs, the operation logs warning 764633
message "[Warning] Cannot find record with: Gather-
ingComputer = [ComputerName], EventLog = ARAdminService,
RecordNumber = [REcordNumber], GMT = [TimeValue in
GMT]" which leads to empty reports in the report server.
13 In Active Roles Web Interface, the setting for "Find In" for a custom- 730931
ization is set to current domain even when we select "Active
Directory" as the DN.
14 In Active Roles Web Interface, some font colors, such as white on 747079
gray, lead to poor readability.
NOTE: Perform IIS reset and clear browser cache to view the
related changes.
15 In Active Roles Web Interface, if the user has read only permissions, 747376
the radio buttons have an issue with their readability under certain
NOTE: Perform IIS reset and clear browser cache to view the
related changes.
18 Currently, Active Roles does not load fonts locally in environments 759016
where access to Google font API is restricted.
19 In Active Roles Web interface, when updating the Azure properties of 675416
a user, the Usage Location property and License assignment cannot
be updated with a single request.
20 When creating a group through Active Roles Web interface or Power- 711277
Shell, Active Roles throws an error in event log with the following
message: Administrative Policy returned an error. Object reference
not set to an instance of an object.
21 In Active Roles Web interface, inactive timeout occurs when a user is 742153
actively performing an operation on the objects within the same
container such as an organizational unit.
22 In Active Roles Web interface, the navigation bar 'hide' toggle (<) 755871
breaks or disappears, when navigating to Customize | Customize
Navigation Bar and name of the item is changed and is set to long
23 The Active Roles Synchronization Service stops when a user is provi- 763079
sioned with an Exchange Online.
25 In Active Roles MMC and Web interface, it is not possible to set 766791
Mailbox Quota restrictions if the customer uses Exchange 2016.
Active Roles supports selection of custom installation path only during a fresh 763071
installation. During an in-place upgrade, Active Roles does not support changing
the custom installation path.
When Active Roles is uninstalled some Registry keys do not get removed. 775437
Delete the old Registry keys before installing the latest Active Roles version.
Active Roles version 7.3 upgrade fails if the Starling Access template container 774040
is already present before the upgrade.
When you specify the SQL Server instance to host the database of the 446759
Administration Service, you may encounter the following error on the
Connection to Database page in Configuration Center: “Invalid SQL Server
computer name. Use the short computer name to specify the SQL Server
instance, such as "computername" or "computername\instancename".”
l Case 2. The computer running the SQL Server instance was renamed
l Case 3. You have used an alias to identify the SQL Server instance
Use the following instructions, depending on the case you have encountered,
and then re-run Configuration Center to configure the Administration Service.
l Case 1: Run the following query against the Master database on the SQL
Server instance in question, and then restart the SQL Server instance:
declare @sn sysname
select @sn = cast(serverproperty('servername') as sysname)
exec sp_addserver @sn, 'local'
l Case 2: Run the following two queries in succession against the Master
database on the SQL Server instance in question, and then restart the SQL
Server instance:
exec sp_dropserver @@servername, 'droplogins'
declare @sn sysname
select @sn = cast(serverproperty('servername') as sysname)
exec sp_addserver @sn, 'local'
l Case 3: Use the following syntax to identify the SQL Server instance when
installing the Administration Service:
"computername" - for the default instance
"computername\instancename" - for a named instance
In this syntax: "computername" stands for the short name of the
computer running SQL Server; "instancename" stands for the name of the
SQL Server instance.
When you configure the Administration Service on a domain controller, you may 37391
In a scenario where Configuration and Management history data are stored in 682593
separate databases in ActiveRoles 6.9, if the databases are imported to a single
Active Roles 7.3 Configuration and Management History database before
splitting to two databases after installation of Active Roles 7.3, then Change
history for the objects are not available in Active Roles 7.3.
Do not combine the Configuration and Management History database if it is
already stored in different databases. Import it to individual new databases.
The Administration Service does not support querying for more than 200 11990
different Custom Stored Virtual Attributes (CSVAs) within a single search
request. When you query for more than 200 different CSVAs within a single
search request so that the request is configured to retrieve the values of those
attributes, you may experience performance degradation in the Administration
Service and your query may return incorrect results.
If you need to query for a large number of CSVAs (so as to have your search
request retrieve the values of those attributes), perform multiple search
requests with a smaller number of attributes involved in each request. For best
performance, a single search request should not query for more than 32
different CSVAs.
The Administration Service incorrectly evaluates the delegated rights of the user 18378
account in the following scenario:
In this scenario, Active Roles does not permit the user account to modify objects
in the OU. The expected behavior is as follows: since the user account is set as
the manager of the OU, and full control of the OU is delegated to the "Primary
Owner (Managed By)" account, the user account has full control of the OU and
all objects held in the OU. The same issue occurs in the situation where a group
is set as the manager.
Configure the Active Roles security settings on the OU so that the appropriate
rights (for example, full control) are delegated to the user account (or group)
itself rather than to the "Primary Owner (Managed By)" account.
The default Exchange mailbox database in which the Administration Service 18419
creates user mailboxes may differ from the mailbox database that Microsoft's
native tools select for the mailbox creation operation by default.
When you use Active Roles to create a new mailbox-enabled user or create a
mailbox for an existing user, verify the mailbox database selection, and choose
the appropriate database if necessary. Another option is to configure and apply
an Exchange Mailbox AutoProvisioning policy that would automatically choose
the appropriate mailbox database.
One more option is to configure and apply a script-based policy that would use
the onGetEffectivePolicy handler to set the appropriate default value on the
homeMDB attribute, which specifies the mailbox store:
Sub onGetEffectivePolicy(Request)
Request.SetEffectivePolicyInfo "homeMDB", EDS_EPI_UI_GENERATED_VALUE,
array(<desired value>)
End Sub
When you use the "Handle changes from DirSync control" option in a script- 22786
based policy, you may encounter the following issue: The policy does not
execute the onPostDelete handler. This issue occurs if the Policy Object
containing the policy in question is applied (linked) to an Organizational Unit.
Apply the Policy Object to a domain rather than to an Organizational Unit.
When you export policy check results or change history results to a file in HTML 24227
format, and then send the file as an e-mail attachment, you may encounter the
following issue: Opening the attachment in Outlook displays a corrupted HTML
page, with extra spaces inserted between page sections.
Archive the file to which you have exported the results and then send the
archive file as an attachment instead of sending the original file.
When configuring a Managed Unit to use a query-based membership rule, you 24229
may encounter the following issue: A membership rule based on a custom LDAP
query may not work as expected if the query includes a right bracket (]). For
example, the following query causes an error: (&(objectcategory=group)
If possible, modify your query to eliminate the right brackets. In the above
example, the query can be modified as follows, without loss of functionality: (&
When you apply an Access Template to the "Active Directory" container in the 24439
Active Roles console, with the option to enable synchronization of the resulting
permission entries to Active Directory, you encounter the following issue: The
resulting permission entries are propagated from the "Active Directory"
container to the managed domains held in that container, but not synchronized
to Active Directory.
Thus, you can check "Advanced Details Pane" on the View menu in the console,
select a managed domain under the "Active Directory" node in the console tree,
and examine the permission entries on the "Native Security" tab in the lower
sub-pane of the details pane, to see that the permission entries resulting from
the Access Template you applied to the "Active Directory" container are marked
as Absent, and displayed in red. In this case, the synchronization can only be
performed manually, by right-clicking such entries on the "Native Security" tab,
and then clicking the "Resync from Active Roles Security" command.
Avoid using the synchronization option when applying Access Templates to the
"Active Directory" container. If you need to synchronize permission entries from
Active Roles security to native Active Directory security, apply Access
Templates to managed domains or objects and containers within managed
The Administration Service may not provide its client applications with 24487
information about an Active Roles replication failure as expected. As a result,
the Active Roles console or Management Pack for SCOM may not display an
appropriate alert or status message on the Active Roles database servers that
are experiencing replication problems.
Use the instructions given in the document "Active Roles Replication: Best
Practices and Troubleshooting" to check the health of, and troubleshoot
problems (if any) with, Active Roles replication.
The policy compliance check in the Administration Service may inappropriately 25236
handle a policy configuration where values of certain object properties in the
directory are dependent on other property values that are to be generated by a
policy. Thus, when a "Property Generation and Validation" policy is configured to
assign a certain property value based on a user logon name generated by a
"User Logon Name Generation" policy, you encounter a policy violation error
when creating a user account using the Active Roles console unless you have
clicked the Generate button to have the Administration Service generate a user
logon name.
If you have encountered a policy violation error when using a page that includes
the Generate button, click that button to have the Administration Service
generate a property value.
When you apply an Access Template to a Managed Unit, with the option to 24486
enable synchronization of the resulting permission entries to Active Directory,
you encounter the following issue: The resulting permission entries are inherited
by the directory objects held in the Managed Unit, but not synchronized to Active
Directory. The same problem occurs when you apply an Access Template to a
Managed Unit container.
Thus, you can check "Advanced Details Pane" on the View menu in the console,
select a directory object held in the Managed Unit, and examine the permission
entries on the "Native Security" tab in the lower sub-pane of the details pane, to
see that the permission entries resulting from the Access Template you applied
to the Managed Unit are marked as Absent, and displayed in red.
By default, for performance reasons, Active Roles does not sync permission
settings to native Active Directory security that are configured by applying
Access Templates to Managed Units or Managed Unit containers. If you need to
sync permission settings from Active Roles security to native Active Directory
security, we recommend that you apply Access Templates to Organizational
Units. However, Active Roles provides the option to sync permission settings
from the Managed Unit level. This option is enabled if the object "CN=Enable
Sync to Native Security from Managed Unit,CN=ActiveRoles
Server,CN=Services,CN=Application Configuration,CN=Configuration" exists
and has the "edsaExtensionAttribute1" attribute set to TRUE. Otherwise, this
option is not enabled. To enable this option, use the Active Roles console in Raw
view mode as follows:
There is no option to configure an Active Roles policy for generating a user 25620
principal name (UPN) so that the UPN Suffix part of the name automatically
changes if the generated name is in use by another user account. Normally, the
UPN Prefix part of the name (the value of the edsaUPNPrefix attribute) is the
same as the pre-Windows 2000 user logon name (the value of the
sAMAccountName attribute). This ensures the uniqueness of the user principal
name regardless of the UPN Suffix setting.
After the user account has been created with a valid (unique) user principal
name, change the UPN Suffix and UPN Prefix parts of the name as needed using
In some limited scenarios, you may encounter corruption of attribute names 25728
(wrong characters) on the page that displays a report produced by the "Change
History" command. For example, this problem may occur with the Change
History report on a user account that was deprovisioned via the Active Roles
Web Interface using the Web browser with a non-English locale.
ncorrect behavior of a User Logon Name Generation policy that is configured to 25700
disallow certain (non-acceptable) characters in the user logon name: In the
situation where the policy allows the generated name to be modified manually
(for example, if the policy fails to generate a unique name), adding non-
acceptable characters to the name in the New Object - User wizard causes a
policy violation and then the field for entering the name gets unavailable so you
cannot correct your input.
In the wizard, re-enter the value of any property based on which the user logon
name is generated. This will enable the field for entering the user logon name so
that you can remove the unacceptable characters from the name.
With an Active Roles policy configured so that the value of a certain (dependent) 25902
property is based on another (master) property, the Administration Service may
not force the Web Interface to change the dependent property in accordance
with the changes that are made to master property. For example, with a policy
that makes the user alias the same as the user logon name, changes to the user
logon name may not cause the user alias to change accordingly. The issue may
occur if the entries for the master property and the dependent property are
located on different pages in the Web Interface.
To prevent this issue, modify properties of user accounts in the Active Roles
Incorrect behavior of the console tree root page in the Active Roles console: 26017
Clicking Refresh at the top of the page may cause the following error:
"Validation failed on XML." The issue may occur when you are repeatedly
clicking Refresh while the Administration Service is busy loading information
from a newly registered managed domain or AD LDS instance.
Click OK in the error message box and wait until the Administration Service has
finished loading information from the managed domains and AD LDS instances.
Then, click Refresh.
While the Administration Service is busy loading information from the managed 26043
domains and AD LDS instances (for example, upon the startup to the
Administration Service), the Active Roles console may fail to connect to the
Administration Service, returning the following error messages:
Message 4301: Failed to connect to Administration Service on
Message 1003: hr = 0x80131600
Interface: Unknown
Click Close in the error message box and wait until the Administration Service
has finished loading information from the managed domains and AD LDS
instances. Then, attempt to connect to the Administration Service.
The Administration Service may not send to the console the information that is 26218
required to populate the list of Administration Service instances in the
"Management History Databases and Replication" section on the console tree
root page in the details pane. As a result, the page does not display a list of the
Administration Service instances that use a given Management History
To view a list of the Administration Service instances that use a certain
Management History database, go to the "Configuration/Server
Configuration/Management History Databases" container in the console tree,
open the Properties dialog box for the database you want to examine, and view
the list on the "Administration Services" tab.
When processing a query with an LDAP filter that specifies wildcard-based 35396
conditions on an Active Roles Custom Stored Virtual Attribute (CSVA) of the
Integer type, the Administration Service may report the following error: "An
unsupported conversion was attempted." This error may occur if the filter
conditions include an asterisk wildcard character coupled with other characters,
such as (edsvadeptcode=4*).
Do not use filter conditions that include a combination of an asterisk with other
characters. For example, you could use (edsvadeptcode>=4000) rather than
When performing the Deprovision operation on a user object, the Administration 37103
Service may return the following error: "Failed to retrieve attributes of the
object '<objectDN>'. XML document must have a top level element." The error
occurs if the Administration Service performs the Deprovision operations
concurrently with the "Change Tracking Cleanup" scheduled task.
Click OK in the error message boxes that appear on the screen until you receive
a message stating that the deprovision operation is completed. Then, open the
The Administration Service may incorrectly process a Property Generation and 37289
Validation policy rule that includes a text string following the value of an
attribute, such as "%<description> This user account was deprovisioned
{@date(M/d/yyyy)}". If the attribute is empty (has no value set), the text string
may be missing from the generated output. In this example, the output would
not contain the text "This user account was deprovisioned".
Create a custom stored virtual attribute that holds the text string you want and
modify the rule, replacing the text with that attribute. Thus, in the preceding
example, you could create an attribute named edsvaDeprovisionTextConst on
the domain object, set the attribute to the text string in question, and then apply
the following rule: "%<description>%<domain.edsvaDeprovisionTextConst>
Active Roles may fail to re-evaluate the membership of a Dynamic Group in a 37310
timely fashion after the membership rules of the Dynamic Group are modified.
This issue can be caused by unavailability of the Administration Service that was
designated to evaluate and apply the membership rule changes on the Dynamic
On the Membership Rules tab in the Properties dialog box for the Dynamic Group
in the Active Roles console, select the appropriate Administration Service from
the "Service to evaluate and apply rule changes" list and click Apply.
Alternatively, you may wait for Active Roles to correct the situation. For this
purpose, Active Roles uses the "Dynamic Group Checker" scheduled task,
located in the "Configuration/Server Configuration/Scheduled Tasks/Builtin/"
container. The "DG update latency threshold" parameter on that task specifies
the maximum period of time (5 days by default) after which the re-evaluation of
the Dynamic Group membership is forced and the appropriate Administration
Service is automatically designated to evaluate the membership.
The Administration Service may fail to execute a policy based on a script that 37379
calls the EventLog.ReportEvent method, returning the "Object doesn't support
the action" error.
In Active Roles policy scripts, use the Request.ReportEvent method rather than
EventLog.ReportEvent to record events to the event log, if necessary.
When managing user accounts in the Windows Server 2008 Active Directory 38483
Domain Services, the Administration Service fails to properly consider the
password policy settings that are configured by using Password Settings objects
(PSOs). As a result, Active Roles may generate user passwords that do not meet
the password policy requirements that are in effect (for example, it may
generate a password of an inappropriate length). Only the password policy
settings that originate from Group Policy objects are considered by the
password generation algorithm.
Ensure that the password policy requirements imposed via Group Policy are the
same as those specified by using Password Settings objects.
The Management History records that were received through Active Roles 38121
replication or imported using the Management History Migration Wizard may be
unavailable to the Administration Service for a significant time period.
The cause of this issue is as follows. In order to support Change History related
queries and Approval Workflow functionality, Active Roles keeps certain non-
replicated data in the Management History database. When new Management
History records are added to the database from an external source (for
example, via replication or data migration), the new records cannot be accessed
until after the non-replicated data is properly updated. The time it takes to
update that data depends upon various factors, including:
Incorrect behavior of the Approval Workflow function in the following scenario: 38246
While the operations are waiting for approval, the Active Roles environment is
re-configured so that some instances of the Administration Service use a
separate database to store the management history data, possibly
synchronizing that data within a separate replication group of management
history databases.
After the environment is re-configured, Active Roles fails to properly process
the operations that were requested within the initial configuration. For example,
when such an operation (say, creation of a user account) receives the Approve
action, the operation is marked as approved but it is not actually performed (the
user account is not created). In addition, when approved on one of the
Administration Service instances, the operation shows up as waiting for
approval on another instance of the Administration Service.
Before re-configuring the Active Roles environment, ensure that no operations
are waiting for approval. If any operations were requested but not completed
before you re-configured the environment, have those operations re-initiated in
the new environment. For example, if creation of a user account was started
and was not approved or rejected in the initial environment, start creation of
that user account again in the new environment.
In certain rare conditions, the Administration Service may fail to properly 38646
configure a Subscriber database server: The New Replication Partner wizard in
the Active Roles console reports that the operation is completed successfully,
but the Subscriber database server configured by the wizard remains in
standalone state and the Publisher database server does not recognize the
newly configured Subscriber (the Subscriber's status on the Publisher is
indicated as "unknown"). The Active Roles Admin Service event log contains a
"ReplPartnerPolicy failed" error event in this case. Data synchronization
between the Publisher and the newly configured Subscriber does not occur.
Use the instructions that follow to delete the failed Subscriber record from the
Publisher's database, and then use the New Replication Partner wizard in the
Active Roles console to add the Subscriber again.
To delete the failed Subscriber record, run the following SQL query against the
Active Roles database on the Publisher database server (before running the
query, replace the <databasename> and <servername> placeholders with the
name of the failed Subscriber database and the name of the SQL Server instance
that hosts the failed Subscriber database, respectively):
delete from tblReplication where edsaSQLAlias = N'<servername>' and
edsaDatabaseName = N'<databasename>'
Consider the following scenario. In your Active Roles environment, a Group 51063
Membership Removal policy is in effect that removes deprovisioned user
accounts from groups. You use the Temporal Group Memberships feature of
Active Roles to schedule addition of user accounts to groups. In this scenario,
when you deprovision a user account that is scheduled to be added to a certain
group, the Administration Service may not cancel that scheduled operation as
expected. As a result, the deprovisioned account eventually becomes a member
of that group, which violates the Group Membership Removal policy.
If you are affected by this issue, please contact One Identity Support to obtain a
fix for this version of the Administration Service.
Consider the following scenario. You have the Undo Deprovisioning policy 53491
configured so that it allows password reset on restored user accounts (this is the
default policy setting). You delegate the right to restore deprovisioned accounts
by applying the following Access Templates:
All Objects - Read All Properties
Users - Perform Undo Deprovision Tasks
In this scenario, the delegated administrator receives the following error
message when using the Undo Deprovisioning command: "Administrative Policy
returned an error. Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation."
Create a new Access Template that contains the "Write properties" permission
for these attributes on the User object class:
l edsaPassword
l userAccountControl
l edsvaUserMustChangePasswordAtNextLogon
l edsaUserCannotChangePassword
l edsaPasswordNeverExpires
Apply that Access Template in addition to those listed above, so as to give the
An Active Roles workflow that uses conditional branching based on the If-Else 100584
activity may cause duplicate occurrences of the EVENT_ACTIVITY_ALERT
(ID=2711) event in the Active Roles Admin Service event log: "This activity is
skipped because branch condition is not satisfied on any of its branches."
Disregard the duplicate occurrences of Event 2711 in the Active Roles Admin
Service event log.
Cyclic references within custom library scripts may cause the Administration 102049
Service to stop unexpectedly. Cyclic references occur when two different library
scripts reference each other by calling the ScriptLib.Load() function. A typical
example of a cyclic reference is as follows. Consider a library script module
named LIB1 containing a script that loads a script module named LIB2 (Set LIB2
= ScriptLib.Load("LIB2")) whereas the script that is held in the module LIB2
loads the module LIB1 (Set LIB1 = ScriptLib.Load("LIB1")). In this case, saving
changes to the module LIB1 or LIB2 may cause the Administration Service to
stop unexpectedly.
Avoid cyclic references in Active Roles script module. In a situation where cyclic
references may occur, consider copying the necessary functions from one script
module to another instead of loading the module that contains those functions.
When you deprovision and then un-deprovision a group, the temporary or 104474
pending members of that group may not be restored as expected. This issue
may occur, for example, when you schedule a member to be added to a
particular group at a certain time in the future, deprovision and then un-
deprovision that group. As a result, the Administration Service loses the
schedule setting for that member, so the member will not be added to the group
as expected.
After you have un-deprovisioned a group, review the "Members" list of that
group and, if necessary, add and configure the temporary or pending members
by hand.
When performing the Demote operation on the Publisher role holder, the 105507
Administration Service may cause a deadlock condition on SQL Server. In this
case, the Administration Service returns an error message similar to the
following: "Your transaction (process ID {#number}) was deadlocked on {lock |
communication buffer | thread} resources with another process and has been
chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun your transaction." This issue is most likely
to occur when the database server to demote is busy with other requests from
In a function within a PowerShell based policy script, the use of the "return" 113873
operator applied to a data array may cause the policy script not to perform as
expected or may result in an error condition at run time. The root cause of the
issue is that the service objects such as $Request or $DirObj may incorrectly
handle the input data conveyed by the "return" command. For example, the
following policy script does not update the edsvaKeywords attribute as
function onPostGet($Request)
$var = ff
$Request.Put("edsvaKeywords", $var)
function ff
return @("111", "222")
Avoid the use of the "return" operator in functions within Windows PowerShell
based policy scripts when passing data to service objects. Thus, in the preceding
example, you should remove the "return" operator from the function ff:
function ff
@("111", "222")
Active Roles may incorrectly process a scheduled task with the option "Execute 120824
on: All servers." The issue occurs in an environment where Active Roles
replication is used to synchronize configuration of multiple Administration
Service instances. Although the task option suggests that the task is to be run on
each instance of the Administration Service, the task actually runs on only one
Use the Active Roles console to connect to each Administration Service instance
and run the task on the connected instance by hand: Right-click the task and
then select "All Tasks | Execute."
You may encounter the following issue in an environment where Active Roles 120833
replication is used to synchronize configuration of multiple Administration
Service instances: If SQL Server Agent is not running on the Publisher SQL
Server (which is a prerequisite for Active Roles replication to function), no
diagnostic information is provided by Active Roles as to the replication problem
caused by that condition. The only indication of the problem is the replication
status of "Unknown" on the database objects in the "Configuration/Server
Configuration/Configuration Databases" container in the Active Roles console.
The Administration Service may not stop a running scheduled task as expected: 122331
The Terminate command on the task in the Active Roles console either does not
stop the task despite an information message stating that the operation was
completed successfully, or fails with an error message stating that the specified
method is not supported. The issue occurs with any scheduled task that uses a
Windows PowerShell based script.
To terminate the task, restart the Administration Service. Alternatively, wait for
the task to finish running. Check the Active Roles Admin Service event log for an
event indicating that the task has been completed.
The operation of adding an object to a group may cause a duplicate record in the 122552
Change History report for the group. The issue occurs when a given object is
added to the group and then the same object is added to that group again (this
could be accomplished, for example, by using two instances of the Active Roles
console). In this scenario, the addition of the object to the group is recorded
twice in the Change History report. A similar issue occurs with the operation of
removing a member from a group.
Disregard the duplicate Change History record regarding the addition or removal
of an object from the group.
E-mail based approval cannot be used on Symbian OS based devices. With a 130043
Symbian OS e-mail client, the Approve/Reject links in Active Roles notification
messages may not function as designed.
Perform approval tasks using the Web Interface, or use a different e-mail client
to work with Active Roles notification messages.
When populating the list of permissions on the "Native Security" tab in the 137451
advanced details pane in the Active Roles console, the Administration Service
may incorrectly identify the domain of a built-in account, such as "Print
Operators" or "Account Operators." As a result, in the list on the "Native
Security" tab, the Name field may display an incorrect domain name for a built-
in account (for example, it may display "PRODAM\Account Operators" instead of
"PRODEU\Account Operators").
To view the correct names, use the Permissions dialog box which you can access
from the "Native Security" tab: Right-click a list entry on the "Native Security"
tab and then click "Edit Native Security." In the Permissions dialog box that
appears, the names are listed under "Group or user names."
Active Roles approval workflow may not function as expected in a scenario that 154997
needs conditional approval for adding members to a group and the condition of
the approval is based on certain properties of objects being added to the group.
The issue occurs with a workflow that starts upon a request to add objects to a
group and analyzes certain object properties to determine if single-level
approval (by a single person) or multi-level approval (by several persons in
sequence) is required for the request to be performed.
The issue manifests as follows. Suppose Active Roles has been requested to add
a batch of objects to a particular group, with the properties of some objects in
the batch configured so that single-level approval will suffice, whereas the
properties of others dictate multi-level approval. When processing such a
request, Active Roles adds the entire batch of the objects to the group once it
receives the approval to add any object found in the batch. As a result of this
behavior Active Roles may add an object to the group despite the fact that all
the necessary approvals are not received. Thus, upon receipt of the approval for
an object that only needs single-level approval, Active Roles will add all objects
to the group, including those for which multi-level approval is required.
To work around this issue, you should enable a policy that forces Active Roles to
split requests for adding or removing objects from groups as needed in the case
of approval workflow. For each object whose addition or removal from a given
group requires approval, the policy creates a separate operation request,
thereby ensuring the object is properly handled by approval workflow. If this
policy is not enabled, a request to add multiple objects to a particular group (or
remove them from that group) is performed as a single operation, which causes
the operation to be completed for all objects once the request is approved,
although additional approvals may be required for some of the objects involved
in the operation.
The policy is enabled if the object "CN=Split Group Membership Change
Requests,CN=ActiveRoles Server,CN=Services,CN=Application
Configuration,CN=Configuration" exists and has the "edsaExtensionAttribute1"
attribute set. Otherwise, this policy is not enabled. To enable the policy, use the
Active Roles Server console in Raw view mode as follows:
1. In the "Configuration/Application Configuration/Services" container, create
an object of the "EDS-Application-Settings-Container" object class with the
object name of "ActiveRoles Server". You can do this by using the "All Tasks |
Advanced Create" command.
2. In the "Configuration/Application Configuration/Services/ActiveRoles Server"
container, create an object of the "EDS-Application-Setting" object class with
the object name of "Split Group Membership Change Requests". You can do this
When you uninstall an instance of the Administration Service, Active Roles may 197804
not remove the object representing that instance from the "Administration
Services" container in the Active Roles console. The record of the uninstalled
Administration Service is also present on the "Administration Services" tab in
the "Properties" dialog box for the database object in the "Configuration
Databases" and "Management History Databases" containers, with the "State"
field indicating "Status unknown." The issue occurs if the uninstalled
Administration Service was configured to use the database that is currently used
by the Administration Service to which the console is connected.
You may safely disregard the objects representing uninstalled Administration
Service instances in the console. If you are sure that the given object in the
"Administration Services" container applies to an uninstalled Administration
Service, you might delete that object (right-click the object and click "Delete").
When you configure the Administration Service, you encounter the “Insufficient 197815
rights to access the Active Roles database. Ensure that your login has the default
schema of "dbo" in the Active Roles database.
SQL Server: <servername>
Database: <databasename>
Authentication mode: Windows Authentication
Login: DOMAIN\sAMAccountName” error if all of the following conditions are
- You are configuring the Administration Service with the option to use an
existing database or import data from an existing database.
- Windows (integrated) authentication is used to connect to SQL Server.
- The Windows user account under which you run Configuration Center does not
have a login on SQL Server.
The issue occurs even though the Windows user account in question is a member
of a Windows domain group that has a login on SQL Server with sufficient rights,
including membership in the "db_owner" database role.
If you use Windows (integrated) authentication to connect to SQL Server when
installing the Administration Service, ensure that the Windows user account
under which you run Configuration Center has a login on SQL Server mapped to
When you start the Administration Service, you encounter the “Account must 197831
have the default schema of dbo in the database” error if all of the following
conditions are true:
- The Administration Service is configured to use Windows (integrated)
authentication when connecting to SQL Server.
- The Windows user account under which the Administration Service is
configured to run does not have a login on SQL Server.
The issue occurs even though the Windows user account in question is a member
of a Windows domain group that has a login on SQL Server with sufficient rights,
including membership in the "db_owner" database role.
If you have the Administration Service configured to use Windows (integrated)
authentication when connecting to SQL Server, ensure that the Windows user
account under which the Administration Service is running has a login on SQL
Server mapped to a database user with sufficient permissions in the Active
Roles database. For a list of permissions, see “SQL Server
permissions/Operation permissions" in the Active Roles Quick Start Guide.
Consider the following scenario. You create a mail-enabled Group Family in 203199
Active Roles, and select the "Hide group from the Exchange address lists" option
on the "Exchange-related Settings" page in the Group Family configuration
wizard. Then, you run the Group Family. In this scenario, the groups created by
the Group Family do not have the "Hide group from the Exchange address lists"
option selected by default.
To ensure that the groups created by the Group Family have the "Hide group
from the Exchange address lists" option selected, create a Policy Object
containing a Script Execution policy based on the script that follows, and apply
that Policy Object to the containers in which the Group Family is expected to
create groups. Note that you should apply this policy before running the Group
Family. The groups created before this policy is applied won't have the "Hide
group from the Exchange address lists" option selected by default.
function onPostCreate($Request)
if ($Request.Class -ne "group"){return}
if ($request.Get("edsvaCGIsControlledGroup") -ne $true){return}
if ($request.Get("msExchHideFromAddressLists") -ne $true){return}
$DirObj.Put("msExchHideFromAddressLists", $true)
Consider the following scenario. You choose the option that causes the 218147
Administration Service to access a particular domain using an override account.
This is the "Access the domain using | The Windows account information
specified below" option in the Properties dialog box for the domain object in the
"Managed Domains" container in the Active Roles console. Then, you change the
configuration by selecting the option for the Administration Service to access
that domain using the service account. This is the "Access the domain using |
The service account information the Administration Service uses to log on"
option in the Properties dialog box for the domain object in the "Managed
Domains" container. In this scenario, your change to the configuration may have
no effect until you restart the Administration Service.
After you have changed the Active Roles configuration so that the Administration
Service must no longer use the override account to access the domain, restart
the Administration Service for your changes to take effect. For instructions, see
“Start, stop or restart the Administration Service” in the Active Roles
Administration Guide.
When you use a multi-value workflow parameter to pass multiple values to a 226503
workflow activity, you encounter the following issue: The workflow activity
receives one of the parameter values; the remaining values are disregarded.
The issue occurs with parameters of DN, GUID or SID syntax when you use the
"Object identified by workflow parameter" option to pass parameter values to a
workflow activity.
Use a script function to retrieve the parameter values and pass the array of
values to the workflow activity (in this script function, dnParameter stands for
the name of the workflow parameter):
function GetParameterValues()
For example, you can use this script function to assign the array of parameter
values to a multi-value attribute, such as Secondary Owners
(edsvaSecondaryOwners), within an "Update" activity:
1. Create a Script Module containing the "GetParameterValues()" function.
2. Open the "Target properties" page in the "Update" Activity Properties dialog
3. Click "Add property", and then click "Secondary Owners".
4. In the "Value" column, click "Define", and then click "Object identified by DN-
value rule expression".
5. In the "Configure Rule Expression" dialog box, click "Add entry", and then
click "Value generated by script".
6. In the "Configure Entry" dialog box, select the Script Module you created in
Step 1, and then select script function "GetParameterValues()".
The "Pick a store containing the least number of mailboxes" option of an 227364
Exchange Mailbox AutoProvisioning policy may have no effect when you create
Exchange mailbox-enabled users in a newly added managed domain with
Exchange server.
After you have added a new managed domain with Exchange server to Active
Roles, wait for Active Roles to run the Scheduled Task "Mailbox Location
Checker." Normally, that Task is scheduled to run on a daily basis at 2:00 AM.
Alternatively, you could run that Task by hand: In the Active Roles console, go
to the "Configuration/Server Configuration/Scheduled Tasks/Builtin" container,
right-click the "Mailbox Location Checker" object in that container, point to "All
Tasks" and then click "Execute."
After you click the Rebuild button on the Members tab in the Properties dialog 234922
box for a Dynamic Groups in the Active Roles console, Active Roles may not
update the members list of the Dynamic Group as expected. The issue occurs if
Active Roles has not completed the previous request to build the members list.
For example, when you add a new membership rule, Active Roles receives, and
starts processing, a request to build the members list in accordance with the
new rule. If you change the rule and force the rebuilding of the members list
before Active Roles has finished the ongoing build request, then you encounter
the issue in question.
Wait for Active Roles to finish building the members list of the Dynamic Group.
Active Roles does not allow you to force the rebuilding of the members list while
another request to build the members list is in progress.
When you block the "Dynamic Groups" policy on a particular container 249248
(organizational unit or domain), it may take 15 minutes or more for the block
policy setting to take effect. The issue occurs if you've selected the "Blocked"
check box next to "Built-in Policy - Dynamic Groups" in the dialog box displayed
by the "Enforce Policy" command for a container in the Active Roles console.
To ensure that the block policy setting is in effect, restart the Active Roles
Administration Service. For instructions, see “Start, stop or restart the
Administration Service” in the Active Roles Administration Guide.
The "Restricted characters" option of the User Logon Name Generation policy 284037
has no effect if the list of restricted characters contains a space character only.
In this case, Active Roles may not remove space characters from the policy-
generated logon name as expected.
To ensure that space characters are removed from policy-generated logon
names, configure the list of restricted characters to include any character in
addition to a space character. For example, add an asterisk (*) to the list (note
that asterisk characters are removed from policy-generated logon names
anyway, regardless of whether or not the list of restricted characters includes
an asterisk).
Active Roles provides limited workflow support for Azure AD Management. 682621
Currently after an in-place upgrade of Active Roles, the Active Roles Service 690207
cannot be upgraded remotely.
Login to the system where Active Roles Service was upgraded, open
Configuration Center and perform the "Upgrade Configuration Service"
operation to upgrade the Service.
Currently during an in-place upgrade of Active Roles, the earlier version of 690557
Active Roles is removed if the Upgrade process is canceled before completion.
On the Add or Remove Programs window, select the Active Roles component,
and click the Modify component. This reverts Active Roles to the earlier version
that was available on the system before starting the in-place upgrade.
In Active Roles with the Office 365 Licenses Retention policy applied, after 770629
deprovisioning the Azure AD user, the Deprovisioning Results for the Office
365 Licenses Retention policy are not displayed within the same window.
In Active Roles with the Office 365 Licenses Retention policy applied, after
deprovisioning the Azure AD user, in Active Roles Console right-click and select
click Deprovisioning Results, and in Web Interface click Deprovisioning
Results in the Action Pane or press (F5) to refresh the form to view the
deprovisioning results.
When you add a number of Organizational Units to an Active Roles Managed 18427
Unit, and then open that Managed Unit in the Web Interface, you may encounter
the following issue: The Organizational Units are not sorted by name in the Tree
View pane.
When adding Organizational Units to the Managed Unit, add them in the order in
which you want them to appear in the Tree View pane. For example, if you first
add the "Groups" OU, then add the "Special Accounts" OU, and then add the
"Users" OU, these three organizational units appear sorted by name in the Tree
View pane.
When adding values to a multi-value attribute, the Active Roles ADSI Provider 22820
may add only the last value in a sequence of values. The problem occurs when
you add values one by one, as in the following example:
obj.PutEx 3,"otherHomePhone",Array("123")
obj.PutEx 3,"otherHomePhone",Array("456")
When executing the code given in this example, the ADSI Provider will only add
the "456" value and disregard the "123" value.
Use a single array containing all values to add, as in the following example:
obj.PutEx 3,"otherHomePhone",Array("123", "456")
When using the "Choose Columns" dialog box in the Web Interface, you may 24192
encounter the following issue with the "Hidden columns" list: Different list items
have the same name. For example, for the object type User, the list includes
two items with the same label - Name.
Click Add to move a list item to the "Displayed columns" list. This will allow you
to view the LDAP display name which uniquely identifies the item. If you do not
want to display the column represented by the item, use the Remove button to
delete the item from the "Displayed columns" list.
When you use the Web Interface to create a network share, you may encounter 24421
the following issue on the "New Share" page: If you specify the path to the
folder in the form "DiskLetter:/FolderName", and select the "Create folder if it
doesn't exist" check box, the folder is created but a network share on that folder
is not.
In the Path field on the "New Share" page, specify the path in the form
"DiskLetter:\FolderName" (use a backslash character (\) rather than a slash
mark (/) as a separator in the path).
After submitting changes to a certain object for approval, the Web Interface 24713
may fail to display the appropriate page, returning the "Object reference is not
set to an instance of an object" error. The problem occurs if the Web Interface
user does not have the Read permission on the Active Directory container that
holds the object. This scenario implies that the object is located by selecting a
Managed Unit rather than an Active Directory container, so the Read permission
on the container is not required to locate the object.
When you use the Web Interface to view the members list of a group that is 24740
under the control on an Active Roles Group Family (controlled group), you may
encounter the following error: "Exception has been thrown by the target of an
invocation." The Web Interface returns this error when you select a controlled
group and then click Members, if your logon account does not have the Read
permission on the objectClass property of objects that belong to that group.
Apply the "All Objects - Read All Properties" Access Template on a directory
container that holds the members of the controlled groups so that that the Web
Interface users have the Read permission on all properties, including the
objectClass property.
When you use the Web Interface to configure permission settings on a network 25606
file share, you may encounter the following issue: The Web Interface fails to
assign permissions to a local user account returning an error message that
states "Value does not fall within the expected range."
Use native Windows tools to perform that task.
When you use the Advanced Search option in the Approval section of the Web 25913
Interface to find an operation by completion date, you may encounter the
following issue: The search results include some operations that are waiting for
approval and therefore are not completed. This issue occurs with operations that
have to be reviewed by multiple approvers. If such an operation is approved by
some but not all of the approvers, the operation may appear in the search
results list as if it were completed by the specified date.
When configuring a search for operations by completion date, specify an
additional rule to ensure that the search returns only the completed operations:
select the "Status" field, "Is (exactly)" condition, and "COMPLETED" value; then,
select the AND option and click Add to include the new rule in the search filter.
Selecting the "Microsoft Exchange System Objects" container in the Web 26027
Interface displays a page for managing properties of the container instead of
displaying a list of objects held in that container.
Select the "Microsoft Exchange System Objects" container and then click "View
Contents" to display a list of objects held in that container.
1. Switch the console into Raw view mode: Select "View | Mode" and then
select the "Raw Mode" option.
2. In the console tree, expand "Configuration | Application Configuration |
Web Interface."
3. In the console tree, under "Web Interface," select a Web Interface site
configuration item (each configuration item is identified by GUID, such as
4. In the details pane, double-click "Customization Settings".
5. Use the "All Tasks | Advanced Properties" command on the "CurrentCopy"
and "WorkingCopy" objects in the details pane to modify the value of the
"edsaWIEntries" attribute as follows:
a. Copy the attribute value from the Active Roles console into Notepad.
b. Use the Find command in Notepad to look for occurrences of the
"FormEntry" XML element with the "Properties" attribute set to the
LDAP display name of the attribute managed by the entry that
exhibits the incorrect behavior.
c. If no occurrences of such an XML element can be found, leave the
"edsaWIEntries" attribute value unchanged; otherwise, set the value
of the "SingleValue" attribute in that XML element to "True"
d. Copy the text from Notepad to the "edsaWIEntries" attribute value
in the Active Roles Restart Internet Information Services (IIS) on
the Web server running the Web Interface (enter the iisreset
command at a command prompt).console, to replace the attribute
e. Repeat steps 3-5 for each of the configuration items located in the
"Web Interface" container.
When two or more administrators simultaneously use the Customization section 26135
of the Web Interface to customize the same Web Interface site, the changes that
were made by one of the administrators can be lost.
Ensure that no more than one administrator uses the Customization section of
the Web Interface at a time so that no more than one customization session is in
progress at a time for each Web Interface site. The session begins when an
administrator opens the Customization section of the Web Interface in the Web
browser and ends when the administrator issues the Reload command and
closes the Web browser window.
When you configure custom Web Interface pages for creating objects of a 36775
certain type (for example, Contact objects), you may encounter the following
issue: If you have added the entry for the Name (name) property by creating a
new entry (rather than selecting the existing entry), the pages do not work as
expected. The object creation operation fails, returning an error. The error
message reads "The 'Name' field cannot be empty."
When configuring the object creation pages, select the existing entry for the
naming property Name (name) instead of creating a new entry (on the Select
Existing Entries page, select the check box that has the label 'Name' followed by
When modifying a user account, the Web Interface may fail to set the e-mail 36788
alias on the user account in accordance with the E-mail Alias Generation policy
that is in effect. For instance, with a policy configured to set the e-mail alias to
the user logon name (pre-Windows 2000), the Web Interface may not set the
new alias when the pre-Windows 2000 logon name is changed.
Customize the Web Interface to have the e-mail alias (mailNickname) entry and
the pre-Windows 2000 logon name (sAMAccountName) entry located on the
same Web Interface page (tab) for managing user account properties.
If no Global Catalog servers are available in an Active Directory domain, then 39209
the Active Directory domain services fail to authenticate a domain user other
than the built-in administrator account. In this situation, the Web Interface user
may encounter one of the following errors:
Ensure that at least one Global Catalog server is available in every Active
Directory domain.
When you select a built-in domain local group (for example, Administrators or 39531
Account Operators) in the Web Interface, and then navigate to the "Member Of"
page for that group, you encounter the following issue: The "Add" button is
available on the "Member Of" page. Clicking "Add" and selecting a group to add
the built-in group to causes an error such as "A new member could not be added
to a local group because the member has the wrong account type."
Do not use the "Add" button on the "Member Of" page for a built-in group: In
Active Directory, built-in groups cannot be added to other groups.
When the Active Roles Administration Service cannot access the configuration 39767
database, you may receive an inappropriate error message in the Web
Interface: "Client cannot use the selected Administration Service due to version
If you receive that error message in the Web Interface, verify that the
Administration Service is up and running. It is advisable to check for Event ID
2512 in the Active Roles Admin Service event log.
On the "General Properties/Managed By" page for a group in the Web Interface, 46387
the object name may not fit in the "Manager" field, so you cannot view the entire
You can view the name by copying it to a text editor, such as Notepad: Click in
the Manager field, press Ctrl+A, press Ctrl+C, switch to your text editor, and
then press Ctrl+V.
The following Property Generation and Validation policy rule for computer 47238
objects may cause a policy violation when you create a computer account in the
Web Interface:
On the "Member Of" page in the Web Interface, the "Set Primary Group" button 54638
is available when you select a group that does not meet the standard
requirement for the primary group setting: "A user's primary group must be in
the same domain as the user's account and the primary group must be either a
global or universal security group."
If clicking "Set Primary Group" has no effect, verify whether the group you
selected meets the above-stated requirement. If not, change your selection.
When you assign a secondary owner to a group by using the Web Interface, the 103650
"Select Object" dialog box allows you to choose an AD LDS user or group from a
Managed Unit. The expected behavior is that only AD DS users or groups can be
selected for the role of secondary owner.
When using the "Select Object" dialog box in the Web Interface to select a user
or group for the secondary owner role, verify that you do not select an AD LDS
user or group.
The Web Interface does not support Property Generation and Validation policy 104964
rules that control the "name (name)" property value. Thus, a policy rule such as
"name=%1<givenName>%<sn>" has no effect on the name of an object when
you administer that object in the Web Interface.
When configuring a policy rule for a certain object class, choose the naming
property of that object class rather than the "name (name)" property. The
naming property for most object classes is "Name (cn)". The naming property
for the Organizational Unit object class is "Name (ou)". So, to work around the
issue with the "name=%1<givenName>%<sn>" policy rule on the User object
class, you could replace that policy rule with the following one:
With the E-mail Alias Generation policy configured to set the e-mail alias to the 105471
"Name (cn)" property of the user account, the Web Interface fails to create a
mailbox-enabled user account, returning an error such as "E-mail alias does not
comply with the E-mail Alias Generation policy. A different e-mail alias must be
assigned to this user account."
Select the "name (name)" property rather than "Name (cn)" when configuring
the E-mail Alias Generation policy with the option "Set e-mail alias to other
combination of user properties."
When you use the Web Interface to create a new room or equipment mailbox by 106596
copying an existing room or equipment mailbox, you encounter the following
issue: The settings on the "Resource Information" page are not copied from the
original mailbox.
After you have copied a room or equipment mailbox, configure resource
information settings for the new mailbox by hand as required.
When you use the "Approval/Advanced Search" page in the Web Interface, you 107621
may encounter incorrect search results in case of a search rule with the
following parameters:
l Find: Operations
l Field: Type
l Condition: Is (exactly)
l Value: ModifyThe search does not return the operations that modify the
members list of groups.
Add a search rule with the following parameters:
l Find: Operations
l Field: Target object property
l Property to search: member
l Condition: Modified
Use the logical OR operator to combine the newly added rule with the existing
The Web Interface does not apply the Property Generation and Validation policy 130826
rules or Effective Policy Info settings to the property entries that are configured
with the IsStatic attribute set to TRUE (IsStatic="true").
When configuring a property entry that is subject to the Property Generation and
Validation policy rules or Effective Policy Info settings, avoid the use of the
IsStatic attribute. Set the ReadOnly attribute to TRUE instead
(ReadOnly="true"). For information regarding the entry configuration attributes,
see topic "The Entries Settings" in the Active Roles SDK.
Consider the following scenario. You select a domain or an Organizational Unit 209882
(OU) in the TREE pane in the Web Interface, choose the "New Organizational
Unit" command, and create an OU. In this scenario, the newly created OU may
not appear in the tree view, even after you click the "Refresh" button in the top-
right corner of the TREE pane.
In the tree view, click the domain or the Organizational Unit to which you
applied the "New Organizational Unit" command (this is the parent container of
the newly created OU), and then click the "Refresh" button in the TREE pane.
This will cause the tree view to display the newly created OU.
Consider the following scenario. You open the "Approval" page in the Web 211135
Interface, click "Advanced Search" and configure a search condition to search
for a certain property value, approver action, or approval task title. If you
specify the value in quotation marks, then your search causes an error in the
Web Interface. For example, the following search condition causes an error:
l Find: Tasks
l Field: Approver action
l Conditions: Is (exactly)
l Value: "Approve"
Do not use quotation marks in the Value field. Thus, in the above example, you
should type Approve instead of "Approve" in the Value field.
Consider the following scenario. You use a Web browser other than Windows 219941
Internet Explorer to customize the Web Interface. You open the "Customization |
Directory Objects" page in the Web Interface, select any menu for AD LDS
objects (for instance, "container - AD LDS Object"), select any form-based
command (for instance, "Properties"), click "Edit Form" to start the Form Editor,
and then choose "Add Entry | Create" or "Add Entry | Select" in the Form Editor
to add an entry to the form. In this scenario, you encounter one of the following
In the above scenario, use Windows Internet Explorer to customize the Web
When you use the Web Interface to start an automation workflow with a 312242
parameter name containing a quotation mark ("), you may encounter a script
error stating "Unable to set property 'control' of undefined or null reference."
When configuring workflow parameters, ensure that the name of the parameter
contains only alphanumeric characters (letters or digits). You may safely use
non-alphanumeric characters, such as quotation marks, in the display name of
the parameter.
When you use the Active Roles Web Interface to start an automation workflow 312243
with a parameter name containing a colon (:), comma (,) or dollar sign ($), you
may encounter an error condition. The reeoe message is one of the following:
When configuring workflow parameters, ensure that the name of the parameter
contains only alphanumeric characters (letters or digits). You may safely use
non-alphanumeric characters, such as a colon (:), comma (,) or dollar sign ($),
in the display name of the parameter.
If you have any customizations of the Web Interface an earlier Active Roles 447158
version that use custom code or images stored in the CustomCode or
CustomImages folder in the Web Interface installation directory, then you lose
those customizations after upgrade to Active Roles 7.3, as the contents of the
CustomCode and CustomImages folders are not copied to the new Web
Interface version during upgrade.
After upgrade, copy the files held in the CustomCode and CustomImages folders
to the corresponding folders in the Active Roles 7.3 Web Interface installation
directory, and then restart the Web server running the Active Roles 7.3 Web
A potentially dangerous Request. Form value was detected from the client.
To solve this issue, update the IgnoreForValidation key in <AppSettings>
1. Open IIS Manager, expand default website, and click on Active Roles
Application (Default is ARWebAdmin).
2. In the right pane, click Configuration Editor.
3. In the Section drop-down, select <appSettings>, and click on the button
corresponding to (Count=*).
4. Find Key IgnoreForValidation and append the comma separated Value as
For example:
Error: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was
detected from the client
Form$ctl04$ctl01$ctl00$hiddenXML="<?xml version="1.0" ...").
In the above example, "lowercasecontrolname" value is "hiddenXML",
which appears after the last $ sign and before "=" sign.
Active Roles Web interface supports exporting linear nested access templates 675024
only. Exporting circular nested access templates may cause errors.
The Azure Password complexity does not match with Azure policy. 672022
The Azure password complexity requirement expects password length to be 8.
Hence, you must set the minPwdLength attribute on the domain to 8.
Active Roles uses graph API to communicate with Azure AD. However, Graph 675092
API is not supported in Federated environment to update Azure objects
Hence, after any create or update operation through the Active Roles web
interface, for example, Update attribute, Deprovision, undo-deprovision, and so
on, the changes are not visible in Azure AD immediately.
You must wait for the delta sync (using AADConnect) to complete from local AD
to Azure AD in order to see the updated information.
Azure Configuration and Azure objects creation is not possible through HelpDesk 682586
and Self-Service portal.
To enable a help desk user to perform Azure related operation, he must be
provided with delegated rights and use the Administrators site to perform the
required operation.
After in-place upgrade of Active Roles, Configuration to import drop-down does 690566
not display existing website configurations when trying to create a new website
Currently, Active Roles Web interface does not support setting the Exchange 728521
online Property of ProhibitSendQuota value in Storage Quotas.
Currently, Active Roles Web interface does not support enabling or disabling 729370
IMAP properties for Exchange online Azure user.
n Active Roles, logout button works with ONLY the "Basic Authentication" which 691672
displays the login prompt to enter username and password(how to configure
Basic Authentication
fter Active Roles upgrade, the pending approval tasks are not displayed in Web 711492
Consider the following scenario. You are using the Active Roles console to 26019
register an AD LDS instance with Active Roles. On the Active Roles Credentials
page in the Add Managed AD LDS Instance wizard, you specify an incorrect
account (for example, an account that does not have sufficient rights to access
the desired AD LDS instance). Then, you return back to the previous page of the
wizard and click Next on that page. In this scenario, you may receive an error
message stating “There is no such object on the server.”
Close the wizard by clicking Cancel, and start registering the AD LDS instance
again. Another option is to click Next again, without closing the dialog box that
displays the error message, and then close that dialog box.
Consider the following scenario. You are using the Active Roles console to 26398
manage a mailbox-enabled user account that resides in a forest other than the
forest in which the console is installed. In addition, the domain of your user
account is not trusted by the domain of the account being managed. You open
the Exchange Advanced tab in the Properties dialog box for that mailbox-
enabled user and click Mailbox Rights. Then, you click Add in the Permissions
dialog box to select users or groups for which you want to assign permissions.
In this scenario, the “Select Users, Computers, or Groups” dialog box, which
appears when you click Add, may not allow you to specify the desired location
from which to select users or groups. The issue occurs if the domain of the users
or groups you want to select does not trust the domain of the user account under
which the console is running.
In this scenario, you can use the Active Roles Web Interface to configure
mailbox rights. The Web Interface would allow you to select users or groups
from the location you want.
The Active Roles console incorrectly processes Property Generation and 37815
Validation policy rules that include any values containing a backslash character
To specify one backslash character (\) in a Property Generation and Validation
policy rule, use a combination of two backslash characters (\\). For example, to
specify a policy rule such as “Network path must begin with \\server\”, enter
\\\\server\\ in place of \\server\.
For a Dynamic Group or Managed Unit with a membership rule based on a 39592
custom LDAP query, the Active Roles console may incorrectly display the query
in the dialog box for editing the rule: A closing parenthesis character may get
When editing such a query, verify the query to ensure that the syntax is correct.
If necessary, add the closing parenthesis character at the end of the string.
Another option is to modify the query so as to change the order of sub-filter
Consider the following scenario. You have a Dynamic Group configured in Active 55373
Roles with complex membership rules (for example, using a complex query that
returns a large number of objects). You open the Properties dialog box for that
group, go to the Members tab, and click Rebuild. The console informs you of the
fact that you are going to start a lengthy operation, without giving you the option
to cancel the operation. When you click OK in the warning message box, the
console may stop responding for a certain time period.
Wait while Active Roles completes the rebuild operation.
In the Active Roles console, when you right-click a selection containing a large 55600
number of objects (100+), you may experience a long delay before the shortcut
menu is displayed.
Wait while the console processes your selection. Consider using a selection of
fewer objects.
You may encounter a noticeable delay in the Active Roles console when you click 55919
the plus sign (+) to expand an Organizational Unit (OU) in the “Browse for
Container” dialog box. This issue is most likely to occur if the OU holds a large
number of other OUs.
If you need to select the OU itself, avoid expanding the OU, only click the name
of the OU in the “Browse for Container” dialog box. To select an OU that is held
within another (parent) OU, you have to wait while the console expands the
parent OU.
You may encounter a noticeable delay in the Active Roles console when saving 55998
your changes to a Group Family configuration that were made from the
Groupings tab in the Properties dialog box for the Group Family configuration
storage group. Clicking OK or Apply on that tab may cause the console to “hang”
for up to a minute. This issue is most likely to occur if the Group Family is
configured to search within a large number of objects (50,000+), and has two or
more group-by properties specified.
When you specify the location of managed objects for Group Family, avoid
choosing containers that hold a large number of objects.
When you configure the “<attribute> must be <value>” policy rule for a 64436
Property Generation and Validation policy, you may encounter an issue in the
following scenario. Suppose you have specified a list of acceptable values for a
certain attribute and selected one of them to be the default value. Then, you
choose the “Sort Items Ascending” or “Sort Items Descending” command from
the shortcut menu to reorder the values. As a result, the default value setting
may change: the value that now occupies the first position in the list is set as the
default value.
After the values have been reordered, right-click the value that you want to be
default, and then click “Set as Default Value”.
You may encounter an issue in the following scenario of configuring a workflow 93007
that includes an approval or notification activity. Suppose the workflow applies
to the User object type (“User” is selected as the target object type in the
workflow start conditions). You specify notification settings for a particular
event so that the “Manager of operation target object” option is selected in the
“Notification recipients” area. Then, you change the target object type in the
workflow start conditions by selecting “Group” instead of “User” In this scenario,
the “Manager of operation target object” option gets cleared (so notification e-
mails will not be sent to the manager), but the event with that recipient remains
in the “Events, Recipients and Messages” list. Re-selecting the “Manager of
operation target object” causes the manager to be specified two times in the
“Notification Recipient” field of the corresponding list entry under “Events,
Recipients and Messages”.
Prior to changing the target object type from User to Group, or vice versa,
verify the notification settings for all events to ensure that the “Manager of
operation target object” option is not selected.
The Active Roles console may return an error message stating that the console 104085
cannot use the Administration Service on a particular computer due to version
incompatibility, although both the console and the Administration Service are of
the same version. This issue occurs if the user account under which the console
is running does not have sufficient rights to access the Administration Service.
Under that condition the console attempts to contact the Administration Service
with the credentials of the Guest user account, and fails to identify the version of
the Administration Service. As a result, it displays an error message that
informs of a version mismatch.
Disable the Guest user account.
When you use the “Select Objects” dialog box in the Active Roles console, you 118209
may encounter the following issue: If you type in a name and then click “Check
Names”, Active Roles fails to find any object if the name you supplied contains a
backslash character (\).
Select the desired object from the list in the “Select Objects” dialog box.
When you use the Active Roles console to edit a PowerShell based script, you 134558
encounter the following issue: The “Include Library Script” command does not
function as expected in the Script Editor.
To include a library script into a PowerShell based script, add the following code
to the onInit function in that script:
function onInit($context)
$context.UseLibraryScript("Script Modules/<name>")
When you configure a Scheduled Task in the Active Roles console, you may 186054
encounter the following issue: The “All servers” item is missing from the
“Execute on” list on the General tab in the Properties dialog box for the
Scheduled Task object, so you cannot configure the Scheduled Task to be
executed by all instanced of the Administration Service in your Active Roles
Use the following steps to enable the “Execute on all servers” option for a
Scheduled Task:
1. Open the “Advanced Properties” dialog box for the Scheduled Task object
(right-click the object in the console, point to “All Tasks”, and then click
“Advanced Properties”).
2. In the “Advanced Properties” dialog box, select the “Show all possible
attributes” and “Include attributes with empty values” check boxes; then,
double-click “edsaServerToExecute” in the Property column to open the
“Edit Value” dialog box.
3. In the “Edit Value” dialog box, paste the following string into the Value
box: ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-ffffffffffff.
4. Click OK to close the dialog boxes you opened.
When you rename a Policy Type object by using the Rename command in the 218881
Active Roles console, you encounter the following issue: The Rename command
only changes the name of the object, leaving the object's display name intact.
You can change the display name of a Policy Type object on the General tab in
the Properties dialog box for that object.
After you have created a Policy Type object implementing a custom workflow 227628
activity (the Policy Type category is set to “Workflow activity”), the Workflow
Designer may not display the new activity item in the toolbox.
To ensure that the Workflow Designer displays all activity items, including those
based on the newly created Policy Type objects, click the “Refresh Toolbox”
button next to the search box at the top of the left pane in the Workflow
When you configure a CRUD or Search activity, you encounter the following 228096
issue: The point-and-click interface in the Workflow Designer does not allow you
to select an object or container from the Active Roles Configuration namespace.
For example, when you configure a “Create” activity, you cannot select a sub-
container of the Active Roles Configuration container so as to have the activity
create objects in that sub-container.
You can use the “Object identified by DN-value rule expression” option to specify
the Distinguished Name of the desired object or container, including the
Distinguished Name of an object or container held in the Active Roles
Configuration container. The following steps demonstrate how to specify the
“Configuration/AT Links” container for a “Create” workflow activity:
1. Open the “Container” page in the “Create” Activity Properties dialog box.
2. Click “Define”, and then click “Object identified by DN-value rule expres-
3. In the “Configure Rule Expression” dialog box, click “Add entry”, and then
click “Text string”.
4. In the “Configure Entry” dialog box, in the “Text string” box, type the
Distinguished Name of the desired container: CN=AT
The Script Editor provided by the Active Roles console may change the letter 302897
case of certain words in comment strings within a PowerShell script. For
instance, after you save a PowerShell script in the Script Editor, “FOR” changes
to “for” (all lowercase) and “xml” changes to “XML” (all uppercase). The issue
occurs with multi-line comments, that is, multiple lines enclosed in the “<#” and
“#>” tags.
Use single-line comments where each comment line begins with a number sign
For Active Roles Server, Indexes are added to the database tables only when a 651518
new data base is chosen during installation. Indexing is not added in case of
upgrade of the existing database installation.
To resolve this issue, run the following script though sql:
use [<DataBaseName>]
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX [_dta_index_CVSAValues_c_20_534292963__K1] ON
[objectGUID] ASC
Invalid LDAP filter error is displayed while performing "Find" operation on Active 744483
Directory using Extended MAtch operator in LDAP query.
Containers other than Organizational Units do not show up on the OU-related 23641
reports. For example, such reports do not include information about the Users
or Builtin container.
Create a Managed Unit that holds the container and then use Managed Unit-
related reports to display data from that container. To create a Managed Unit
that holds a given container, use the Active Roles console. When creating the
Managed Unit, specify the membership rule with the following settings:
On domains with a large number of directory objects (typically 100,000 or more 24297
user accounts), you may encounter significant performance degradation of the
Data Collector component. Thus, a data collection job may take more than 30
hours to finish running for a domain containing 100,000+ user accounts.
When using SSRS Report Manager to export an Active Roles report in Excel 49955
format, you may experience the following problem: The report data in the
resulting Excel book is incomplete.
Choose a different export format.
In the Active Roles reports, the filter options that use the "like" operator (such 50295
as "Object name like") do not support the asterisk (*) wildcard character, which
is expected to represent a string of zero or more characters.
Use the percent character (%) to represent any string of zero or more
characters, or use the underscore character (_) to represent any single
In the Active Roles reports, a filter option that uses the "like" operator (such as 107520
"Object name like") may cause an error if the option value contains an
apostrophe or single quotation mark character (').
In the "like" option value, enclose each of the apostrophe or quotation mark
characters in brackets, such as ['].
Currently in Active Roles Synchronization Service, the contact back synchron- 774727
ization displays objects to be mapped even after committing mapped changes.
Currently, in Active Roles Synchronization service, the Synchronization Service 774041
logging option in Configuration Center is set to Basic instead of Disabled.
Currently, every time the system on which Active Roles is installed is restarted, 763067
Active Roles Synchronization Service encounters an error indicating that a
configured database is required to start Synchronization Service.
Restart Active Roles Synchronization Service manually.
Active Roles 7.3 Synchronization Service does not support Directory schema 775441
extensions for Azure Graph API version 1.6.
After upgrade, Active Roles Synchronization Service Azure AD Connection fails 759326
with version mismatch error.
After Active Roles Synchronization Service upgrade, delete the
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ActiveDirectory.1.6.dll and
AzureADConnector.config file from the install location. Restart the Active
Roles Synchronization Service, and create new Azure AD Connection.
Product licensing
After you install Active Roles 7.3 (or upgrade to Active Roles 7.3), no special steps are
required to activate your purchased commercial license for Active Roles.
You can use product usage statistics to verify your Active Roles licensing compliance. For
further details, see “Evaluating product usage” in the Active Roles Administration Guide.
In Active Roles 7.3, enhancements are made for in-place upgrade processes. For
instructions on how to upgrade from an earlier Active Roles version, see the Active Roles
7.3 Quick Start Guide. The Quick Start Guide also contains instructions on how to perform
installation and initial configuration of Active Roles 7.3.
For instructions on how to install and configure the Synchronization Service, see the Active
Roles 7.3 Synchronization Service Administration Guide.
6.9.0 7.3
7.0 7.3
7.1 7.3
7.2 7.3
NOTE: Office 365 add-on is not supported on Active Roles 7.3 and must be uninstalled
prior to the installation of Active Roles 7.3.
Active Roles 7.3 manages Office 365 and Azure AD natively. However, Active Roles 7.3
does not support the following feature of Office 365 add-on that were supported in earlier
versions of Active Roles:
Additional resources
Join the Active Roles community at
identity/f/active-roles to get the latest product information, find helpful resources, test the
This section contains information about installing and operating this product in non-English
configurations, such as those needed by customers outside of North America. This section
does not replace the materials about supported platforms and configurations found
elsewhere in the product documentation.
This release is Unicode-enabled and supports any character set. It supports simultaneous
operation with multilingual data. This release is targeted to support operations in the
following regions: North America, Western Europe and Latin America, Central and Eastern
Europe, Far-East Asia, Japan.
This release has the following known capabilities or limitations: Active Roles 7.3 is
released without localization. Product localization will be released separately as Active
Roles Language Pack 7.3.
Contacting us
For sales or other inquiries, visit
or call +1-800-306-9329.