Acing Your Academics For US University Applications Ebook
Acing Your Academics For US University Applications Ebook
Acing Your Academics For US University Applications Ebook
Acing Your
for US University
A+ 97-100 4.0
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.7
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.7
C+ 77-79 2.3
C 73-76 2.0
C- 70-72 1.7
D+ 67-69 1.3
D 65-66 1.0
F Below 65 0.0
Your GPA is a single number that For a more in-depth understanding of
represents four years’ worth of class what your GPA means and how your
grades, so the good news is, grades stack up for top US
admissions officers will examine your universities, you can speak with one
application far beyond this number. of Crimson’s Academic Advisors, who
That said, a comparatively low GPA can answer all your questions about
may see an admissions officer this all-important number. They can
discount your application early, even help you:
preventing it from moving through
the process. + Identify the best schools to apply to
based on your academic candidacy
As an international student,
determining your GPA can be + Recommend a tutoring path that
challenging as some countries operate increases your GPA
on a unique scaling system. Luckily, at
Crimson we have formulated some + Craft a roadmap for improving your
GPA calculators for various curricula academics in general.
which may be helpful in this process.
(You can check out our website and
look under the table titled Resources!)
1 No recommendarion ---
AP Courses
It is important to note that if you do submit transcripts demonstrating
well in an AP course — receiving high their ability to keep up with a college-
grades throughout the school year — level course based on the grades they
but don’t score particularly well on the receive in the class.
final AP exam, your transcript will still
reflect positively on your academic There are many benefits of
performance. While a strong score is taking AP courses beyond the
beneficial to a student’s profile, it is not opportunity to present high
the end-all-be-all and it is equally (or exam scores on your university
even more) important that students applications.
% of Students % of Students
AP Exam AP Exam
that Earned a 5 that Earned a 5
The SAT and ACT are standardized Fundamentally, the SAT and ACT have
exams designed to test your readiness several similarities. Both exams cover
for college and serve as a common basic subjects like reading, writing and
data point that college admissions mathematics; neither penalizes
officers use to compare applicants. students for wrong answers; and both
Both exams are equally respected and contain passage-based reading and
recognized by most universities and writing questions.
although they play similar roles in your
college applications, they are distinctly
The SAT was originally a more
different in terms of scoring, length,
psychological test that assesses
and the sections they’re broken into.
aptitude for learning, and the ACT, a
The SAT and ACT are equally placement test used as an indicator
challenging and deciding which one for academic preparation and
to take often boils down to your achievement.
strengths and weaknesses in
different testing formats.
Test Dates Four times per year - Six times per year -
March, May, October February, April, June,
and December July, September and
01 02 03
Timing Style Science
Because the ACT has more The questions on the ACT The ACT has a science section
questions than the SAT, you tend to be more while the SAT does not. However,
have less time to answer straightforward, while those no specific area of study is
each question. on the SAT can be more needed as the exam tests more
complex and require more general skills in data and
time to ponder. graphical analysis.
04 05 06
Math Reading Writing
The math section of the ACT Critical thinking is more The ACT includes an optional
includes more concepts from important on the SAT, where essay section that asks
trigonometry and geometry, while evidence-based reading students to answer a prompt
the SAT’s math questions focus questions are more about a personal opinion,
largely on algebra. Also, math common. while the SAT eliminated their
counts for 25% of your total ACT optional essay this year.
score while it accounts for 50% of
your total SAT score.
When choosing which test to take, considering these differences may help you
determine which test you’re more likely to perform well on. In general, students who
enjoy writing, literature, and verbal communication tend to prefer the ACT. Those more
mathematically-minded prefer the SAT.
Taking the SAT or ACT
If you’re still not sure which is the taking both exams is still an option. If
better option for you, practice both! you have the desire and ability to
You can find free practice tests online thoroughly prepare for both the SAT
— like Crimson’s free SAT mini test — and ACT, you can do so and submit
which will allow you to compare scores the higher score with your university
and consider the different styles of applications.
questions to see which one feels easier
for you. Regardless of which exam you choose,
you should aim to take the SAT or ACT
Additionally, there’s nothing wrong in your late 10th, 11th, or early 12th year
with taking both tests! While the same of high school. Earlier is better, that
quality over quantity principle from way you have time to retake the test if
the APs section of this eBook also you didn’t perform as well as you
applies to your standardized tests, hoped.
International GCSEs
and A-Levels
The General Certificate of Secondary + GCSE subjects are structured as first
Education (GCSE) comprises the introductions to the specific topic
courses taught in years 9, 10 or 11 areas they cover, and students
(depending on whether or not your typically sit 8-10 subjects over the
schooling system ends at grade 12 or course of two years.
13) as a precursor to the A-Levels (short
for Advanced Levels) which are usually + The A-Levels are further broken down
taken in grades 11 and 12 (or 12 and 13). into two parts: the AS-Level and A2-
Level, of which students typically
take 3-5 each.
The International GCSEs and A-Levels The International GCSEs are 100%
are the most commonly studied externally assessed through a set of
curriculum around the world. They are examinations at the end of your
based on the UK high school study. The same is true for most AS
education system and are adapted for and A Level subjects besides arts
a global student base. Subjects are courses like Drama, Music or
designed to follow a logical, structured Photography. If you are interested in
syllabus, with all the learning goals a taking this curriculum, you can seek
student should expect to master over more information from our online
the course of their qualification clearly high school, Crimson Global
laid out. Academy.
The International
Baccalaureate (IB)
The IB Programme is an
internationally recognized curriculum
that aims to foster internationally-
minded and well-rounded students.
Around 5,000 schools around the
world offer the programme, which is
structured as follows.
Who We Are
Crimson Education is an education
consulting company that helps students
around the world get into their best-fit
universities by creating personalized
teams comprised of the top tutors,
mentors, and admissions experts.
Our Services
Our Results
Our Network
expert tutors, The Crimson Team includes alumni Our elite board of advisors and
mentors, and strategists from top 25 US & UK universities in sponsors include prestigious influencers
located around the world over 20 offices around the world at the top of their chosen industry
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