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Assessment of the Potential of Low-Salinity Water Injection Technology to

Increase the Oil Recovery of the Carbonate Reservoir of the Kharyaga Field

Oleg Zoshchenko, Anton Aleshchenko, and Yuri Trushin, ZARUBEZHNEFT – Production Kharyaga LLC

Copyright 2019, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference held in Moscow, Russia, 22 – 24 October 2019.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

The development of carbonate reservoirs using peripheral and pattern water flooding typically achieves
oil recovery factors ranging from 0.3 to 0.5, which is due to some complicating factors, such as, oil-wet
surface of the pore space or the surface with intermediate type of wetting, unfavorable ratio of oil and
water viscosities, presence of extensive structure of fractures, and significant variations of permeability
down the reservoir section. In a complex geological environment, wells display abrupt fluctuations of water
production that is an evidence of formation water being by no means the most efficient displacement agent.
In these conditions, low-salinity water flooding can improve oil recovery.
This paper reports on SCAL results of oil recovery factor determination and spontaneous imbibition
using water with different composition and total solinity for Object 2 of Kharyaga oil field. Also, report
contains design of on-site determination of residual oil saturation using Single Well Chemical Tracer test
technology for evaluation of EOR efficiency.
Laboratory tests showed, that low-salinity Jurassic water flooding with total salinity about 5 g/l could
rase recovery factor up to 4% and also give incremental recovery due to effects of spontaneous imbibition
for permability lower than 100 mD, which makes the injection of Jurassic water more preferable.

Administratively, the Kharyaga oil field is located on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous District of
Arkhangelsk Region. Zarubezhneft - Dobycha Kharyaga, LLC holds the mining license for the carbonate
part of the section on Objects II and III (formations P1ar, P1a+s, D3-III) of the Kharyaga field. The mining
license to use other pay zones (terrigenous part of the section) is held by Lukoil-Komi LLC.
Kharyaga oil field is classified as large in terms of oil reserves, and as very complex in terms of geological
structure complexity.
The study was aimed at pay intervals of D3-III reservoir zones at Kharyaga oil field.
The pay intervals of lithologically sealed water-drive structural arch pool of D3-III zone comprises
complex bioherms, which development to a great extent was associated with specific geometry of the
paleostucture. They are composed of carbonate rock of various lithogenic types. With certain reservations,
several zonal intervals are distinguished in the structure of D3-III zone: Delta, Gamma, Betta and Alpha.
2 SPE-196764-MS

Rocks of the upper member have the best reservoir properties: better poroperm properties are concentrated
in the central part of the reservoir. The middle member also contains good poroperm area, which tends to
the northern (apron) parts of the reservoir. In the rest of the reservoirs of the upper and middle members and
in the lower member poroperm properties are somewhat poorer. The areas of better poroperm properties
are localized and form a mosaic pattern (Figure 1).

Figure 1—Geological structure of Object D3-III

Development of D3-III Object started in 1999. Cumulative oil production is 17 795 K.tons, current ORF
is – 0,246, recovery for initial recoverable reserves – 56%, current WC – 45%.
Brief extract from geological physical reservoir vharacterization is given in Table 1.

Table 1—Brief Extract from Geological Physical Reservoir Characterization

The development of D3-III Object is going using peripheral and pattern water flooding. Water flooding
was organized in 2003. Invading fluid is blend of reservoir water II and III Objects with addition of fresh
Jurassic water from water wells. Totally in reservoir was injected 31 044 Km3 of water, cumulative voidage
is 90%, current viodage is 80%.
Water composition of D3-III Object is given in Table 2:
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Table 2—Water composition

The purpose of the study was an experimental evaluation of the efficiency achieved by using low-salinity
water for displacement of oil from carbonate reservoirs.
It is considered, that ionic exchange was the primary mechanism that ensured oil recovery enhancement.
Bivalent cations of calcium, magnesium and sulfate anion play the key role. To explain the effect of oil
recovery enhancement caused by the injection of low-salinity water, the factors of (1) ionic exchange; (2)
dissolution; and (3) variation of surface tension and capillary forces (Mahani H., Keya A., Berg S., et al.,
2015). The presence of the effect of secondary displacement of oil by low-salinity water accompanied by
the change of the angle of wettability of oil in water on the flat surface of rock observed in spot tests is
unambiguously shown on carbonate surfaces. Dolomites typically exhibit a reduction of the angle of wetting
with oil in water up to 5°, while the same for dolomites is more than 5° with the effect increasing at lower
initial wetting angles (oil wetting). Variations of the angle of wetting of rock with oil in water correlate to
the change of Zeta potential from positive to negative sign, which characterizes double electric layer.
In low-salinity water, the rock matrix becomes dissolved, which can be regarded as the secondary
mechanism being of essence on single core samples, but due to rapid saturation of water with salt this
effect will be insignificant in the reservoir. Specific mineralogical properties have appreciable impact on
the performance of the technology discussed herein. Based on the Zeta potential data, the adhesion between
dolomite and oil is stronger, than the adhesion between carbonate and oil. We believe that variations of
surface tension have no significant effect on the phase boundary position, which is defined for the most part
by the forces of adhesion between the oil and carbonates (Mahani H., Keya A., Berg S., et al., 2015).
On the basis of the data discussed above, produced water (about 70 g/l) and Jurassic water (about 5-8 g/
l) available at Kharyaga field were tested.

Core Samples and Fluids preparation

The core samples representing the rock from Kharyaga field pay zones delivered to the laboratory were
used for preparation of plugs for further laboratory tests. Core Samples preparation included:
1. Drilling and grinding;
2. Soft extraction of fluids from the core plugs is done using cold kerosene with subsequent drying;
3. Porosity and Air Permeability Measurements;
4 SPE-196764-MS

4. Core Samples Saturation as per GOST 26450.1-85;

5. Determining Residual Water Saturation of the Core Samples as per OST 39-204-86;
The criterion for creating the isoviscous model is the ratio of viscosities of oil and water in reservoir
conditions. This ratio is maintained when creating an isoviscular model of oil (Table 3).

Table 3—The Parameters of Working Fluids Used in Special Core Experiments for Kharyaga Field at 61 °C.

Oil displacement efficiency determination

The oil displacement efficiency was determined in the unit shown on Figure 2. The procedure used for
preparation of the core samples for the experiment met the requirements of the industry standard [OST
39-195-86. Oil. Method for Determination Oil Displacement Efficiency in Laboratories. M., 1987].

Figure 2—Flow Unit

The unit permits modelling the flow processes that take place in real field core samples under conditions
that are very similar to in-situ conditions with monitoring of the current phase saturation.
The oil displacement efficiency was determined using standard procedure, i.e. under in-situ pressure
and temperature using isoviscous models of reservoir fluids and modeling the observed or designed frontal
advance rate in real field pay zones.
General scheme of the oil displacement efficiency determination by water with different composition is
shown on Figure 3.
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Figure 3—General scheme of the oil displacement efficiency determination by water with different composition

Spontaneous imbibition
Spontaneous imbibition refers to the process than a wetting fluid is spontaneously absorbed by the core
sample under the effect of capillary forces with no external energy driving it into the rock.
For the first time the process of spontaneous imbibition was addressed by E. Amott in the context of
wettability definition (Amott, E., 1959). In his method, Amott compared the volume of fluid spontaneously
absorbed by the core sample with the total volume of fluid contained in the core sample after spontaneous
and forced imbibition. This parameter was called wettability index, Ia. Wettability index was calculated for
both water and oil.
Spontaneous imbibition experiments historically have been using Amott vessels in which the volume of
oil exiting the core sample is measured (see Figure 4). Oil-saturated core sample in the presence of connate
water is placed in the Amott cell filled with water. Then the water absorption process is monitored and the
volume of water exiting the core sample is measured over a certain period of time. The experiment on the
oil model is carried out at the reservoir temperature. In the upper portion of the test cell there is a calibrated
receptacle where the oil displaced from the core sample is gathered in the course of time. After the level
of oil out of the core sample has been established at least after seven days, spontaneous imbibition was
considered to be over. Spontaneous imbibition experiment produced a certain amount of oil from the core
sample that, knowing the pore volume, can be converted to variation of the pore space saturation of the
tested core sample.

Figure 4—Spontaneous imbibition cells

General scheme of the spontaneous imbibition parameters determination by water with different
composition is shown on Figure 5.
6 SPE-196764-MS

Figure 5—General scheme of the spontaneous imbibition parameters determination by water with different composition.

Laboratory core test results

The summarized results of the of the displacement efficiency determination for core samples of Object D3-
III are shown on Figures 6 and 7.

Figure 6—ORF for water with different composition

Figure 7—Increase of ORF for low-salinity water

Increase of ORF for low-salinity water is in range from 0,01 up to 0,12, average – 0,04.
The results of the the spontaneous imbibition for core samples of Object D3-III are shown on Figure 8.
SPE-196764-MS 7

Figure 8—Spontaneous Imbibition for Kharyaga D3-III Reservoir.

Visual monitoring of the fluid exiting the core plugs has revealed that the volume of fluid out of the
core was greater than the volume of fluid that saturated the core at the time when the fluid outlet flow has
stabilized. This gave rise to mistrust and encouraged detailed investigation of the phenomena.
To monitor the fluid that has exited the core plugs, towards the end of the experiments, distillation with
toluene in the Dean-Stark apparatus was chosen as the method to monitor current water saturation of the
core plug. Check measurements produced the reference points of current water saturation of the core plugs
that have shown conclusively that the volume of water that has entered the core plugs is not equal to the
volume of collected fluid.
The experiment has established that for some core samples emulsion resolvable with the unaided eye
has formed, and that emulsion was the cause of overstated readings of the current displaced oil volume.
Monitoring of saturated water on the Dean-Stark apparatus provided insight that has significantly changed
the understanding about the results of spontaneous imbibition with different types of water. Scaling the
cross-plots to the results of the Dean-Start experiment has produced the results on Figure 9.
8 SPE-196764-MS

Figure 9—The Results of Spontaneous Imbibition for Kharyaga D3-III

Reservoir After Scaling to the Results Obtained on the Dean-Stark Apparatus

For D3-III reservoir a series of experiments with forced displacement of oil by water was carried out
on composite cores, which can be compared with the effects received from spontaneous imbibition with
identical types of water. All experiments were carried out on identical isovisous oil model and on a six-
component model of formation water and filtered water samples. The results of this comparative review
are given on Figure 10.

Figure 10—Comparison of the results obtained by determination of initial and secondary oil
displacement efficiency and the results of determining spontaneous imbibition ratio for D3-III reservoir.

As is seen from Figure 10, using produced water for oil displacement of the core does not provide any
substantial increase of oil displacement efficiency. Likewise, spontaneous imbibition exhibits only a slight
increase of oil displacement when produced water is used, while the use of low-salinity Jurassic water gives
a more appreciable increase. It is obvious that not only the processes of spontaneous imbibition and forced
SPE-196764-MS 9

flow are different, but their use gives different effects. The use of Jurassic water will allow significant
increase of the imbibition effect for low-permeability rock in the range less than 100 mD.

The essence of SWCTT technology

Before carrying out EOR technology, it is extremely important to assess their potential effectiveness, and
after they are carried out, to prove the final effectiveness. One of the technologies for assessing the oil
saturation of the bottomhole area is well tracing. In foreign literature this procedure was called Single-Well
Chemical Tracer Test (SWCTT).
SWCTT technology is using for instrumental evaluation of EOR efficiency (polymer flooding, surfactant
injection, low-salinity water injection etc.) This technology can be divided on 3 steps:
1. step. Tracer injection in near bottomhole area to evaluate remaining oil saturation before EOR;
2. step. EOR injection in test well;
3. step. Tracer injection in near bottomhole area to evaluate remaining oil saturation after EOR.
On steps 1 and 3 remaining oil saturation is estimating by interpretation of dynamics of the release of
tracers. Difference between remaining oil saturation on steps 1 and 3 is a measure of the EOR effectiveness.
The method of work is to enter into the reservoir oil-soluble and water-soluble indicators, followed by
exposure near the bottomhole of the production well, thus, a stationary source of the labeled fluid is created
in the test area. The source of the labeled fluid is understood as a part of the rock, the effective volume
of voids, which is filled with an indicator. Then, a diffusion mass transfer occurs between the oil-soluble
indicator and the reservoir fluid of the same nature, leading to a gradual alignment of the indicator content
within the range of the labeled fluid and the formation of a reaction product during a chemical reaction.
Schematically, this process is shown on Figure 11.

Figure 11—The physical basis of the methods of indicator studies in determining the oil saturation.
10 SPE-196764-MS

After a certain time of exposure of the indicators in the bottomhole area, the well is put into production
with simultaneous sampling and further analysis for the content of indicators in the laboratory. The time
difference between the output of the oil-soluble indicator makes it possible to determine the oil saturation
of the bottomhole zone during the interpretation of the concentrations obtained from the laboratory (Deans
H., 1971).
Ethyl acetate (ester) is used as an oil soluble indicator. This indicator is quite well detected by
chromatographic methods of analysis. Additionally, when conducting a study, two more water-soluble
indicators are pumped into the reservoir: to control the quality of the oil saturation estimate (cover-tracer)
and the duration of the study (mass balance tracer). It should be noted that as a result of the hydrolysis
process, acetic acid and alcohol are formed in the reservoir. Chemical reaction looks like a transformation


Since the intensity of hydrolysis depends on the pH of the near bottomhole zone of the well under study,
and the acetic acid lost in the reaction, in turn, is affected by acetic acid, it is extremely important to correctly
evaluate the hydrolysis intensity during laboratory studies before conducting tracer studies.
Also during the laboratory studies, the separation factor between the oil of an oil-soluble indicator (ethyl
acetate) is determined. Measurements of this separation factor should be performed under conditions similar
to formation (temperature, pressure, salinity, and the ratio of the fluid phases).
The theory of interpretation is presented on the example of the use of three types of indicators
ethyl acetate, n-propanol, and isopropanol. Interpretation begins with the construction of curves of the
concentration of injected indicators in the near-bottomhole area of the production well from the cumulative
fluid production. The resulting typical dependencies are shown on Figure 12.

Figure 12—Typical dependencies of concentrations of injected tracers from cumulative fluid production.

On the dependences given above, the values of cumulative fluid production are selected, corresponding
to extremes of concentration curves (Qoil and Qwater values). Knowing the separation factor Kd and the
volume of the wellbore, the amount of residual oil saturation can be determined by the formula (2):

SPE-196764-MS 11

In addition, verification of the correctness of the study is carried out by using two more water-soluble
indicators, which are also displayed in the dependences of the tracer concentrations from cumulative fluid
production. According to the behavior of the isopropanol concentration curve, the decision is made whether
to continue or to stop the study, if the concentration curve tends to zero - the study is completed. The tracer n-
propanol monitors both quantitative and qualitative assessment of the determination of oil saturation. When
conducting a quantitative assessment, the behavior of tracers concentration curves (n-propanol and ethyl
acetate) is analyzed: a similar behavior of concentration curves indicates a minimal error in determining
of oil saturation, and, as a result, the absence of distorting factors in the near bottomhole area (changes
in energy state, behind casing crossflow, non-compliance with the research technology) during the shut-
in period. The deviation from the visible curves indicates the presence of errors in the determination of
residual oil saturation. The quantitative assessment is carried out if the content of the indicator ethyl acetate
is not fixed in the samples taken, then instead of ethyl acetate the concentration curve of the indicator n-
propanol is considered.

SWCTT design
The overall plan for conducting field research using the SWCTT method for injecting low-mineralized
water is shown on Figure 13.

Figure 13—Stages during on-field SWCTT realisation.

A candidate production well was selected to carry out the research that meets the following criteria:

• The area of the study should be above the OWC and be isolated from interfacial flows

• Well shoul be in proper technical conditions (working ESP, no behind casing crossflow);

• Well conditions and shut-in period should ensure that the tracer penetrates from 2 to 8 meters into
the bottomhole area;
• Without hydraulic fracturing.

Geophysical data for choosen well is shown on Figure 14.

12 SPE-196764-MS

Figure 14—Geophysical data for well

Indicators ethyl acetate, n-propanol and isopropanol were selected as chemical reagents for this work, the
separation factor value was determined, the recommended shut-in period was set for performing a chemical
reaction (Skrettingland K. et al., 2011). Table 4 shows the required input concentrations and volumes of the
selected tracers for injection into the reservoir with a penetration depth of 3.5 m.

Table 4—Masses of tracers for injection

After placing the compositional rim (three indicators) in the well, the indicators should be pushed into
the bottomhole formation area with a penetration depth of 3.5 m by flushing volume of liquid, equal to
volume of the wellbore. After shut-in period, a well is put into production with fluid sampling to analyze
the content of all types of tracers in it. The sampling frequency and duration of the indicator studies, i.e.
the time during which samples of reservoir fluid are taken from the well for analyzing the content of the
indicator depends on the productivity of the well, as well as the volume of injected fluids during the study
and the intensity of the indicator outflow.

As part of assessing the potential of using low-salinity water injection technology to increase the carbonate
reservoir oil recovery at the Kharyaga field, a number of laboratory core studies were carried out to
determine displacement factors and spontaneous infiltration coefficients, as well as the design of SWCTT.
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According to the results of laboratory and field studies, it is planned to conduct a further technical and
economic assessment of the potential of EOR technology.

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