My Undergraduate Thesis by Iin Oktaviani
My Undergraduate Thesis by Iin Oktaviani
My Undergraduate Thesis by Iin Oktaviani
NPM 181220033
The objectives of this research were to know the influence of Fishbowl Strategy
towards students’ speaking ability and to find whether the class which was taught
by using Fishbowl Strategy higher than the class which was taught by using
Conventional Strategy. In this research the researcher used experimental method
with pre-test and post-test control group design. The samples were 60 students in
2 classes. The sample was taken by using Cluster Random Sampling Technique.
The researcher conducted the research in 2 classes namely experimental and
control class The main technique in measuring students’ speaking ability was
speaking test. In collecting the data of research, the researcher used pre-test and
post-test. The result of validity and reliability test showed that the instrument used
in this research is valid and reliable.
In calculating the data analysis, the researcher used SPSS version 25.0 by using
Paired Sample t-test formula. Based on the data analysis, the researcher got the
result that was accepted. The result of normality was 0.102 > sig 0.05. It
means the data have normal distribution. Then, the result of homogeneity was
0.105 > α = 0.05. It means the data were homogeneous. For hypothetical test, it
was obtained that sig. (2-tailed) of the equal variance assumed in the paired
sample test where the sig. (2-tailed) was 0.023. It was lower than α = 0.05. (0.023
< 0.05). So, was accepted. It meant that there was significant influence of
Fishbowl Strategy towards students’ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of
SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023. Meanwhile, the mean score of
experimental class is higher than control class. (69.60 > 64.53). Based on the
result of the research, it is clear that Fishbowl Strategy can be used to develop the
students’ speaking ability.
I hereby certify that this paper was completed by my own work with the title “The
took some sources and they were properly acknowledged in the texts. I did not
copy or quote with the way that was against the other that occured in scientific
scientific ethnic contrary in this paper or there is a claim from other sides towards
The name of the researcher is Iin Oktaviani. Her nick name is Iin. She was born in
Bandar Lampung, on October, 9th, 1995. She is the first child of the three children
The researcher began her study at SDN 1 Hajimena, graduated in 2009. After that,
she continued her study to SMPN 3 Natar Lampung Selatan, graduated in 2012.
After that, she continued her study to SMAN 1 Natar Lampung Selatan, graduated
in 2014. In 2018, she entered and continued his study to English Department of
4. My almamater.
(Elon Musk)
6. Drs. Adenan Damiri., M.M., as the examiner who gives his suggestion to the
researcher in finishing this paper.
7. Drs. Firdaus., M.M., as the Headmaster of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung and all
the Teachers and Staffs who have given a chance and guidance in collecting
the data for this paper.
8. Susanti Octiani, S.Pd, as the English teacher of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung
who has accompanied me to finish my research.
9. All the Lecturers and Staffs of STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung for all their
available knowlegde given to the researcher during she studied S-1 Degree at
STKIP-PGRI Bandar Lampung.
10. All the students of SMKN 8 Bandar Lampung, especially for the eleventh
11. My friends, Hany Nuraini, Licencia Poetica, Winda Ayu and all of my
Finally, the researcher thanks to those who have contributed their ideas to
the writing of this paper, and the she would appreciate any constructive criticism
and suggestion concerning the improvement of this paper.
COVER .......................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ii
DECLARATION ............................................................................................ iii
APPROVAL.................................................................................................... iv
CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................ v
DEDICATION ................................................................................................ vi
MOTTO .......................................................................................................... vii
PREFACE ....................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF CONTENT ..................................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xii
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................ xiii
A. The Background of Problem ..................................................................... 1
B. The Identification of Problem................................................................... 4
C. The Limitation of Problem ....................................................................... 4
D. The formulation of Problem ..................................................................... 4
E. The Objectives of The Research .............................................................. 4
F. The Uses of The Research ........................................................................ 5
G. The Place of The Research ....................................................................... 5
2. Sample ............................................................................................ 28
3. Sampling Technique........................................................................ 28
C. Variable of the Research ....................................................................... 29
D. Operational Definition of Variable ....................................................... 29
E. Technique and Data Collection Instrument .......................................... 30
1. Data Collecting Technique .............................................................. 30
2. Data Collection Instrument ............................................................. 30
F. Research Instrument and Research Measuring Instrument .................. 32
G. Validity of the Test................................................................................ 34
H. Data Analyzing Technique .................................................................... 35
1. Normality of the test........................................................................ 35
2. Homogeneity Test of Variance ....................................................... 36
3. Hypothesis Test ............................................................................... 36
4. Equality Test of Two Average ........................................................ 37
5. Different Test of Two Average ....................................................... 37
1. Speaking
In English the most important thing in form communication is speaking.
The single most important aspect of learning a language is mastering the art of
speaking and success as measured in terms of the skill to carry out
conversation in the language. Hussain stated, that having a good quality
pronunciation and fluency in speaking skill is the hallmark of the way of life
or culture where, pronunciation is the way in which a language or particular
word or sound is pronounced and the quality of being able to speak or write a
language, especially a foreign language, easily and well. Therefore, it is the
duty of the teacher or lecturer to achieve this aim approximately as an
Englishman does (Hussain, 2017). Speaking is an interactive interpersonal
process which does not lend itself easily to the requirements of test designers
so it means in a speaking process to create communication it needs at least two
people, as a listeners and as a speakers where one of speakers is to give
information and another one as a listener who receives information.
Burns explains that the teaching and learning of speaking are a vital part of
any language education in the classroom, not only does the spoken language
offer “affordances” for learning as the main communicative medium of the
classroom, but it is also an important component of syllabus content and
learning outcomes (Burns, 2019). It means that to develop the students’
speaking ability the teachers could give the situations and opportunity for the
students to use English in the classroom as much as possible without being
ashamed or afraid of communicating with other students to tell their ideas,
experience or feelings. The teachers can create a new method, strategy, and
technique to understand them. As these factors challenged them, they tend to
be quiet when they invite the students to engage in English in the classroom.
Students are less motivated to speak English.
Speaking is an interactive interpersonal process which does not lend itself
easily to the requirements of test designers. It means that speaking is a process
to create communication it needs at least two people. One speaker is to give
information and another one as a listener who receives information and give
feedback in interaction process.
Speaking skill is a part of productive skills. Learners need to generate
language to communicate their ideas either in speech or text. In the point of
view of Sreena and some experts explains that speaking skill is apparent in
society in various styles such as formal, informal, normal, strong, etc. These
styles are situation based and for speakers to strike the rights thought (Sreena
& Ilankumaran, 2018). It means that in speaking have a various styles that
based on situation from speaker’s thought in order to create a straightforward
process in communication. Speaking is the ability to express and convey the
ideas, thought and feelings, means that through speaking be able transfer
person ideas to each other.
According to Thornbury, that speaking is very much part of daily life
communication takes it for granted. In speaking involved speech production
takes place in real time and is therefore essentially linear. Words follow
words, and phrases follow phrase likewise, at the level of utterance. Speech is
produced utterance by utterance and in response to the word by word and
utterance by utterance productions of the person we are talking to (Thornbury,
2005). Based on the previous explanations above, the researcher concludes
that speaking is part of essential the way to communicate to other person. It
means that use to share their thought, ideas, information and feelings and also
2. Purpose of Speaking
Speaking serves several purposes. This is involving a different set of skill.
Kurniasih explains that, the level production skill (speaking), the majority of
speaking activities used in the first levels should be designed to enable pupils
to participate with a minimal verbal response. However, in the last level, for
example eleventh grade, students are encouraged to begin to manipulate
language and express themselves in a much more personal way (Kurniasih,
It means that speaking must be plays and practice from fist level, for
example elementary school. Because of that speaking is very important thing
as vital form of communication in language field. Harmer stated that there are
three main reasons for encouraging students to talk in the classroom. One of
main reasons that speaking exercise enables students to practice speaking in
controlled circumstances in the classroom (Harmer, 2007).
According to Okar and some experts, that Language components have
been processed in the minds of students. The more they engage in speaking
practices, the more these elements become second nature to them (Okar &
Shahidy, 2019). It means that they will be able to speak fluently without
having to confuse about it. Speaking is one of the central elements of
communication in aim a learning language is to communicate well.
In summary, the purpose of speaking is to inform ideas, to gain
information from speaker to listener. On the other hand the purpose of
speaking is not only to providing information from people but the purpose of
speaking it means speaking activities should to convey something to others by
the objectives the speaker expected.
c) Since EFL students are not native English speakers, they are most
likely to make mistakes while speaking English since they are fearful
of making mistakes, in reality, afraid is a feeling when we want to say
something when talking to someone, but instead, we keep it because
we are unsure whether it is right.
Students are afraid of being mocked; they are worried about speaking
English because they fear making intonation, pronunciation, and language
structure errors as the frequent errors in speaking. Think that their fellow
students would receive an unsatisfactory answer, such as teasing if they
make mistakes when talking (Heriansyah, 2012)
4. Elements of Speaking
To full fill its needs every skills has component. Speaking also has some
components to be known by the teacher and students in teaching and learning
speaking. According to Paulus et al. (2019) there are three components in
1. The speakers
Speakers are a people who produce the sound. They are useful as the tool
to express opinion or feelings to the hearer. So if there are no speakers, the
opinion or the feelings or the feeling won’t be stated.
2. The listeners
Listeners are people who receive or get the speaker’s opinion and feeling.
If there are no listeners, speakers will express their opinion by writing.
3. The utterances
The utterances are words or sentences, which are produced by the speakers
to state the opinion. If there are no utterances, both of the speakers and the
listeners will use sign.
c. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is a set of frequently used words by a large number of
people and has linguistic meaning and also critical when it comes to
teaching and learning how to speak. When someone wants to convey a
message, they should be well-versed in the necessary vocabularies.
According to Deng & Trainin (2015), Vocabulary learning is an essential
part of acquiring a second language as words are the building blocks of a
language. for example the discussion of this article is beneficial for
language learners and teachers to have a glimpse of the opportunities for
vocabulary learning that comes with the affordances of the iPad and
mobile technology in general.
d. Fluency
In speaking, the activity has a goal to speak understandably and easily.
With more practice in speaking, students can get speak easily and rapidly.
People know fluency is the fast well on speaking, but it also focuses on
correcting the placement of doing stop and pause. According to Brown
(2001) fluency is the ability to communicate plainly, run smoothly, and
maintain contact while having insufficient communicative skills to
comprehend. It means that fluency and accuracy focuses on articulation,
phonology, and syntax right for understudies, while fluency is the
fundamental objective in language education. In general, the educator will
be pointed in mastering fluency and accuracy to arrive at a reason for
curriculum on understudies talking.
e. Comprehension
In point of view Hughes (2002), stated that somebody fathoms the
language when they understand everything in both formal and informal
discourse, not out of the ordinary of an informed local speaker. It means
that in communication context, the speech should be conveyed by speaker
and should be gotten well by listener. Therefore concluded that
comprehension is one of the important things in teaching speaking to get
the meaning when somebody takes the communication/ in the classroom,
5. Teaching Speaking
Teaching speaking is very necessary to be given to the students earlier. It
is capable give the effect of students’ communication skill, where the
student’s will be active to acquire the information around them by the
socialization (Andika, 2019). It means that teaching speaking as necessary tool
that must to teach early from kindergarten. The Aim capacity in speaking
makes the students more confident to speak in foreign language, in order to
share understanding with other people requires attention to precise details of
the language. The students and teachers should have good cooperation in order
to gain the ability speaking skill and also the students are encouraging to
speak up about what they want to say from their thought or ideas and feelings
even though it is out of the text. According to Harmer, stated that speaking
serves several purposes, each involving a different set of skills. There are three
main reasons for encouraging students to talk in the classroom. First, the
speaking’s exercise enable students to practice speaking in a controlled
environment such as the classroom. Second, students attempt to use some or
all of the languages they are familiar with. And third students have
opportunities to active the various elements of English they have stored in
their brains, the more automatic their use of these elements communicates
efficiency (Harmer, 2007). It means that learners should be able to make
themselves understood, using they current proficiency to the fullest. They
should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation,
grammar, or vocabulary become.
Sreena and some experts explain that, Speaking skills need a wide attitude
and modern ideas and needs an expression as well. This is to make the speaker
confident to express what he/she communicates. Some speaking situations are
authentic contexts. Beyond the age of puberty, while adults will almost surely
maintain a foreign accent, there is no particular advantage attributed to age. A
fifty-year-old can be as successful as an eighteen-year-old if all other factors
are equal. Learners are often described as children, young learners,
adolescents, young adults or adults (Harmer, 2007).
Actually children are often innovative in language forms but still have a
great many inhibitions. They are extremely sensitive, especially to peers.
Moreover, their egoism is still being shaped, and therefore the slights of
communication can be negatively interpreted. Children are also focused on
what this new language can actually be used for here and now. They are less
to willing to put up with language that doesn’t hold immediate that is neither
authentic nor meaningful. Some learners are not particularly concerned about
their speaking, while others are. The extent to which learners’ intrinsic
motivation propels them toward improvement will be perhaps the strongest
influence of all six of the factors in this list. According to Brown (2001),
motivation and concern are high and then the necessary effort will be
expended in pursuit of goals. It means that the motivation of learning speaking
is very important to achieve goal.
The effectiveness of teaching speaking does not only come from internal
aspects of the students but also influenced by external factors. The teacher
should know the complete understanding of problem in teaching speaking.
The factor is an institutional context that puts English as second or foreign
language in a nation. The context in which the language is learnt is still
considerable relevance to the kind of English that a nation will want and need
to study, and the skills they will need to acquire. Language teaching in what
might broadly categorize as an EFL context is clearly a greater challenge for
students and teachers. Sometimes, intrinsic motivation is a big issue, since
students may have difficulty in seeing the relevance of learning English
(Brown, 2001). Their immediate use of language may seen far from removed
from their own circumstances, and classroom hours may be the only part of
the day when they are exposed to English. Besides, the facilities of learning
9. Definition of Fishbowl
Fishbowl technique is one of collaboration teaching technique. It is an
active activity, where the student’s will be guided to make a circle which
content of inner and outer group. Thoose types of group discussion that can be
utilized where there are separated into two groups inner and outer.
Every group has an opportunity to discuss the subject and the other groups
observe and listen and take notes. In the other hand the students need some
support to change their thought and place the English language as important to
practice, therefore it is still relatively easy for students to express their ideas
orally in English. One of the ways to change their thought it as it mentions
before, the teacher recommended to use another technique for example
fishbowl technique. Fishbowl is a technique that can be used for many things
such as modelling group discussions or any other classroom instructional
method. It can also be used to help the students think critically about a topic
(Khadijah, 2006).
The Fishbowl Technique is used to encourage verbal interaction among
class members to explore issues and share opinions (Harmer, 2001). One
group watches and another group in this action, the first group divided into
two groups, one of which forms a circle and discusses a topic. The inner group
is surrounded by the second group divide which forms a circle. All students
can imagine their ideas to give arguments and opinion based on the teacher’s
Yabarmase stated, that the fishbowl technique is a learning technique that
can help students conduct oral debates in small groups in classroom. Each
group chooses a group member and prepares ideas Dominicus (2013).
Meanwhile, according to Silberman which Mulki stated that the fishbowl
technique can emphasize active, cautious, agile, encourages, responsive in
learning and improved acknowledgment in their learning (Rahma, 2015).
Wulandari stated, that the fishbowl technique could be an efficacious
teaching method such as a grouping process that can impact students’
Teaching Speaking
C. Frame of Thinking
From the previous theory and explanation above, the researcher assumes
that speaking is part of essential the way to communicate to other person. It
means that use to share their thought, ideas, information and feelings and also
speaking is person’s ability how to use language to convey meaning or
message and to gain information in our daily communication. In teaching and
learning process especially in speaking skill, the teacher should be pay great
attention to teaching speaking effectively. Based on the crucial role of teacher
that expected to providing a high quality of encouraging to the student’
motivation by use teacher’s energy, knowledge, motivation and includes
others role of teachers. The teacher should make the students feel comfortably
afford the lesson.
In the other hand, teacher should know the condition and atmosphere in
classroom. Therefore teacher should know about teaching strategy or
technique precisely. Fishbowl technique of course, one of teaching technique
that can helps students to encouraging their speaking ability, Because fishbowl
can make students are more comfortably than others speaking in a public
forum, ask for volunteers, etc. Fishbowl technique is a group discussion that
separated into two groups, there are the inner circle and the outer circle and
each circle have important role, where student that sit at the inner circle
students have debates and actively whereas the outer circle students pay
attention, listen and take notes. So students are more confident and fearless to
straightforward their arguments.
As a conclusion, the fishbowl technique can improve student’s speaking
ability and useful for teacher as well, when teacher want to make sure all
students participate in a discussion class, fishbowl is effective way to make
group discussion even kinds of discussion controversial or difficult topics.
from previous explanation above by some experts the researcher assumes that
fishbowl technique is very useful especially in teaching speaking, however
fishbowl have many disadvantages but fishbowl can enhance the students’
interest in learning speaking which can give effects on their speaking in some
aspects (fluency, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension).
D. The Hypothesis
Based on the theories and explanation above, the researcher made the
hypothesis as follows:
1. There is a significant influence of Fishbowl strategy towards students’ in
speaking ability.
2. The mean scores of students who were taught using Fishbowl technique is
higher than conventional technique.
researcher; the data can be gathered and analyzed. The population of the
research eleventh grade students of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung is
shown in the table below:
Table 1
The Population of the Eleventh Grade at SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in
Academic Year 2022/2023
No SMK N 8 Bandar Lampung Male Female Total
1 Kimia Analisis 12 22 34
2 Teknik Kimia Industri 18 10 28
3 Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak & GIM 1 23 7 30
4 Pengembangan Perangkat Lunak & GIM 2 31 7 38
5 Desain Komunikasi Visual 1 28 7 35
6 Desain Komunikasi Visual 2 27 10 37
7 Desain Komunikasi Visual 3 27 9 36
8 Akutansi & Keuangan Lembaga 1 8 29 37
9 Akutansi & Keuangan Lembaga 2 5 31 36
10 Akutansi & Keuangan Lembaga 3 6 24 30
11 Manajemen Perkantoran & Layanan Bisnis 1 1 36 37
12 Manajemen Perkantoran & Layanan Bisnis 2 1 37 38
13 Busana 0 36 36
14 Kecantikan & SPA 0 38 38
TOTAL 187 303 490
2. Sample of Research
According to Mackey & Gass (2004), sample is the respondents
selected from population for study. In this research, the researcher took
two classes as the sample of the research. The first is used as an
experimental class in which the researcher applied fishbowl in teaching
speaking and the second is control class in which the researcher used
conventional technique in teaching speaking. In this case, the
researcher took two classes randomly as the sample from the
population of eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung,
namely XI AKL 3 and XI PPLG 1.
3. Sampling Technique
There are four types of probability sampling namely: simple
random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster
2. Post-Test
The researcher gave the post-test to the students to realize the increase
in student’s speaking skills after the lesson and treatments were complete.
in the room in scoring the speaking test. During the test, the researcher
recorded students’ speaking ability. The researcher inputted the students’
oral presentation score based on the students’ performance and based on
the researcher’s rubric. Harris states, that in order to measure the level of
progress of students, the researchers used five oral proficiency standards
derived from the scoring scale (Harris, 1996).
Table 2
Oral Presentation Assessment Criteria
No Criteria Description
1 Pronunciation 5 Has few traces of foreign language.
4 Through there is a distinct accent, it is still
3 The need for pronunciation problems is focused
on listening and occasionally causes
2 Because pronunciation problems are difficult to
understand, most often asked to repeat.
1 Speech is practically unintelligible due to a
pronunciation problem.
2 Grammar 5 Making few (if any) grammatical and word-
order mistakes.
4 Makes grammatical and/or word order mistakes
from time to time that do not obscure context.
3 Make regular grammatical and word-order
mistakes, which can also confuse context.
2 Incorrect grammar and word order make
comprehension difficult, and sentences must be
rewritten frequently.
1 Grammar and word order mistakes that are so
serious that speech is practically unintelligible.
3 Vocabulary 5 The vocabulary and idioms are almost similar
to those of a native speaker.
4 Because of lexical and equities questions,
he/she often uses the wrong word and must
rephrase his thoughts.
3 Due to the lack of vocabulary, some wrong
words are often used, which limits the
conversation to a certain extent.
2 Comprehension is difficult due to poor word
use and a restricted vocabulary.
1 The lack of vocabulary was so severe that
conversing was nearly impossible.
Content Validity
Content validity is a test actually samples the objects matter about which
conclusion are to able draw, and if it requires the test-taker o perform the
behavior that is being measure (Brown, 2004). This research used a speaking
test that will be supposed to be comprehended by the first year of vocational
high school students. The test was being considered as valid in content validity
since the test of speaking, an instrument must be valid as the test. It means that
the test was designed based on the current curriculum.
In this research the researcher will apply the material about identifying in
the text of oral and written explanations by giving and asking for information
related to natural or social symptoms.
Construct Validity
Construct validity is the degree to which the research adequately captures
the construct of interest (Mackey & Gass, 2004). In this research, the
researcher measured the students’ ability in Fishbowl by using speaking tests.
In those tests, the students are asked to create some theme for them discussion.
The scoring criterion is also based on speaking theory.
3. Hypothesis Test
a. Paired Samples T-Test
Paired sample t-test is used to prove whether there is significant difference
between the results of the pretest and post-test results. Hypothesis accepted
if the value of Sig. (2-tailed ) ≤ 5% 0.05 and the hypothesis will be
rejected if Sig. (2-tailed ) > 5% or 0.05. Tests in this study using SPSS
25.0 program. Paired sample t-test steps with the help of SPSS 25.0 by
Compare means Paired sample T-test Ok
b. Test Independent Samples T-Test
Independent samples t-test is used to prove it exists whether there is a
significant difference between the increase in ability understanding of
students who use the role playing learning model by using props with
direct learning models. The hypothesis is accepted if the Sig. (2-tailed ) ≤
5% or 0.05 and hypothesis will be rejected if Sig. (2-tailed ) > 5% or 0.05.
H0 test criteria can be rejected if: p - value (Sig) ≤ 0.05. Tests in this study
using SPSS 25.0 program.
Tabel 3
Pre Test Experimental Class and Control Class
The result of SPSS output for posttest experimental and control class were
as follows:
Table 4
Post Test Experimental Class and Control Class
Based on the result of normality test, it can be seen that Pvalue (Sig.) for
pre-test experimental class was 0.073, post-test experimental class was 0.102, pre-
test control class was 0.181 and Pvalue (Sig.) for post-test control class was 0.003.
Because Sig. (Pvalue) of pre-test and post-test experimental and control class > α
0.05. So, Ho is accepted. It concludes that the data in the experimental and control
class had normal distribution.
Based on the results obtained in the Paired Sample t-test, that the value of
significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.023 < α = 0.05. So, Ha was accepted and
Ho was rejected. Based on the computation, it can be concluded that there was
significant influence of using Fishbowl strategy towards students’ speaking ability
at the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023.
There was significance difference between the result of Paired Sample Test of
experimental and control class. It can be seen that from sig (2-tailed) in
experimental class obtained 0.000 with the mean 22.933 while sig (2-tailed) in
control class obtained 0.000 with the mean 10.800. Therefore, there was
significant difference between two classes. The result can be seen as follows:
Paired Sample Test for Experimental Class.
Table 8
Paired Samples Test (Pre-Test)
Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Std. Interval of the
Std. Error Difference Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper t df tailed)
Pair Pretest - 10.127 1.849 -26.715 -19.152 - 29 .000
1 Experimental 22.933 12.404
Class - Posttest
(Full SPSS output can be seen on appendix 19)
Based on the results obtained in the Paired Sample t-test, that the value of
significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. Therefore, Ha was
accepted and Ho was rejected.
Based on the results obtained in the Paired Sample t-test, that the value of
significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.000 < α = 0.05. So, Ha was accepted and
Ho was rejected.
b. The Mean Scores of Students Who Were Taught Using Fishbowl Strategy
Were Higher than Students in Conventional Strategy
The second hypothesis was about whether the students who were taught by
using Fishbowl strategy better than the students who learned reading by using
Conventional Strategy. The result as follows:
2: (The mean score of students’ speaking ability who learn
through Fishbowl strategy lower than who learn through
Conventional Strategy at eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8
Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023).
2: (The mean score of students’ speaking ability who learn
through Fishbowl strategy higher than who learn through
Conventional Strategy at eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8
Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023).
Table 9
The Mean Score
Mean Score
Experimental Class Control Class Experimental Class Control Class
Pre-test Post-test Pre-test Post-test
46.67 64.53 53.73 69.60
The result showed that the Mean score of students’ speaking ability who
learn through Fishbowl strategy higher than who learn through Conventional
Strategy at eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung in 2022/2023.
The average score in experimental class higher than control class. It was
obtained after teaching by using Fishbowl strategy. The result of posttest in
experimental class was 69.60 while in control class after teaching by using
conventional strategy obtained 64.53 (69.60 > 64.53).
B. Discussion
1. The Influence of Fishbowl Technique towards Students’ Speaking Ability
Speaking is an important skill needs to be taught in language class, even
though, it does not mean the other skill such as listening, reading, and writing
are less important rather than speaking skill. Those skill are sustaining each
other, for instance, speaking skill proceeded by listening. Through listening
people know vocabulary they do not know before. Nevertheless, in fact some
English language classes only emphasize on the importantof mastering writing
and reading rather than speaking, that it bring adequate time to practice to
speak about students. teaching and learning of speaking are a vital part of any
language education in the classroom, not only does the spoken language offer
“affordances” for learning as the main communicative medium of the
classroom, but it is also an important component of syllabus content and
learning outcomes (Burns, 2019).
The use of Fishbowl strategy was effective for teaching speaking. One
group watches and another group in this action, the first group divided into
two groups, one of which forms a circle and discusses a topic. The inner group
is surrounded by the second group divide which forms a circle. All students
can imagine their ideas to give arguments or opinion based on the teacher’s
topic. It supported by Dominicus (2013) stated, the fishbowl technique is a
learning technique that can help students conduct oral debates in small groups
in classroom. It means that the fishbowl technique is very useful for teaching
learning process, especially teaching learning speaking.
Based on the data analysis by using t-test and testing of hypothesis. The
researcher got the result that Ha was accepted. It showed that the independent
sample t-test, that the value of significant generated Sig (2-tailed) = 0.023 < α
= 0.05. On the other hand, the result showed that the average score of
students’ speaking ability who learn through Fishbowl strategy higher than
who learn through Conventional Strategy at eleventh grade of PPLG 1 and
AKL 3. It means that there was an influence of Fishbowl strategy towards
students’ speaking ability.
The research finding is relevant with the theory stated by Brown (2001) a
group work discussion is a general term covering a variety of techniques in
which students are assigned a task that involves collaboration and self-
initiated language. It means that a group discussion is a way for can help
students to conduct oral debates in small groups in the classroom activity.
Each group chooses a group member and prepares ideas. When teacher want
to make sure all students participate in a discussion class, fishbowl is effective
way to make group discussion even kinds of discussion controversial or
difficult topics.
From the theory above, it is clear that by creating Fishbowl technique
students will combine their ideas, feelings, thought among others. And, they
can discuss it in the end of lesson with the teacher. Therefore, this technique is
very useful to improve students’ skill in English, especially in speaking,
people need to be able to speak up for their life and to deliver their minds.
That is why speaking is important and must be taught by suitable technique.
Therefore, that students will know how to improve their speaking ability.
2. The Mean Scores of Students who were Taught Using Fishbowl Strategy
were higher than Students in Conventional Strategy
The researcher conducted the research at 2 classes namely experimental
and controlled class. In experimental class, the researcher conducted the
research by using Fishbowl Strategy. Fishbowl strategy is one of collaboration
teaching technique. It is an active activity, where the student’s will be guided
to make a circle which content of inner and outer group. Thoose types of
group discussion that can be utilized where there are separated into two groups
inner and outer. Fishbowl is a technique that can be used for many things such
as modelling group discussions or any other classroom instructional method. It
can also be used to help the students think critically about a topic (Khadijah,
The successful of Fishbowl strategy is in line with a theory stated by
Wulandari (2021) that the fishbowl technique could be an efficacious teaching
method such as a grouping process that can impact students’ speaking skill in
classroom activity. The Fishbowl Technique is used to encourage verbal
interaction among class members to explore issues and share opinions
(Harmer, 2001). The use of Fishbowl strategy better than conventional
strategy. It was proved by the average score in experimental class which was
taught by using Fishbowl strategy obtained 69.60 while in control class which
was taught by using conventional strategy obtained 64.53. For the pre-test in
experimental class obtained 46.67 while in control class obtained 53.73.
In control class, the researcher conducted the research by using
Conventional Strategy. It was an old strategy that usually applied by the
teacher at the school. The researcher wanted to compare between the strategy
that she brought and the strategy that usually taught by the teacher. The result
in control class showed that students’ speaking ability was lower than
experimental class. In the end of dicussion, the researcher would say that the
use of Fishbowl strategy could be effective for teaching learning speaking
because it enables students to be brave enough to start speaking and training
their mind to be able in doing debate. It is good for the students to practice
their speaking because English is international language and speaking might
enable them to communicate with whoever they want.
A. Conclusion
The result can be seen from sig. (2-tailed) of the equal variance assumed in
the independent sample test table where the sig. (2-tailed) was 0.023. It was
lower than α = 0.05 and it means that Ha was accepted. Then, the mean score
of post-tests in experimental class higher than control class (69.60 > 64.53).
Therefore, the conclusions were as follows:
1. There was significant influence of using Fishbowl strategy towards
students’ speaking ability at the eleventh grade of SMK Negeri 8 Bandar
Lampung in 2022/2023.
2. The mean scores of students’ speaking ability who learn through Fishbowl
strategy was higher than who learn through Conventional Strategy.
B. Recommendation
Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to give some
suggestions, as follow
1. For the Teacher
a) The teacher is suggested to use media in teaching speaking, so that the
classroom would be interested. For example, teaching speaking by using
b) The teacher is suggested to be able to make the students want to practice
speaking, because speaking is very important in this modern era.
2. For the Students
a) The students should not be lazy to practice speaking in daily life. They
could find partner for practicing speaking.
b) The students should clarify to the teacher if there is a confusedness during
the lesson, so that the material would be clearer.
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Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4
Appendix 5
Appendix 6
Appendix 7
Appendix 8
Appendix 9
Menyetujui, Pembimbing II
Kaprodi Pendidikan
Bahasa dan Seni
Kepala LPPM
Appendix 10
Appendix 11
Name :………………………………..
Class :………………………………..
Instruction: The researcher will ask the students a few question about their daily
activities and the research will record it to measure their ability in speaking skill.
The research will instruct the students to answer the question about their daily
activities by using their own words.
a. Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in the morning?
b. Please explain what did you usually do in the school with your friends?
c. Can you explain what did you usually after school?
d. Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the night?
e. What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Name :………………………………
Class :……………………………...
Instruction: The researcher will instruct the students to explain about the picture
that will give by the researcher by using their own words and the research will
record to measure their ability in speaking skill.
Appendix 12
Appendix 13
Pre Test Experimental Class
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 46.67
Std. Error of Mean 1.465
Median 48.00
Mode 40
Std. Deviation 8.023
Variance 64.368
Range 36
Minimum 32
Maximum 68
Sum 1400
a. Multiple modes exist. The
smallest value is shown
Appendix 14
Pre Test Control Class
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 53.73
Std. Error of Mean 1.457
Median 52.00
Mode 52
Std. Deviation 7.978
Variance 63.651
Range 32
Minimum 40
Maximum 72
Sum 1612
Appendix 15
Post Test Experimental Class
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 69.60
Std. Error of Mean 1.517
Median 70.00
Mode 72
Std. Deviation 8.311
Variance 69.076
Range 40
Minimum 48
Maximum 88
Sum 2088
Appendix 16
Post Test Control
N Valid 30
Missing 0
Mean 64.53
Std. Error of Mean 1.896
Median 64.00
Mode 52
Std. Deviation 10.385
Variance 107.844
Range 28
Minimum 52
Maximum 80
Sum 1936
Appendix 17
Class Statistic Error
Students' Pre Test Experimental Mean 46.67 1.465
Score Class 95% Confidence Lower 43.67
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 49.66
5% Trimmed Mean 46.37
Median 48.00
Variance 64.368
Std. Deviation 8.023
Minimum 32
Maximum 68
Range 36
Interquartile Range 12
Skewness .493 .427
Kurtosis .294 .833
Post Test Mean 69.60 1.517
Experimental Class 95% Confidence Lower 66.50
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 72.70
5% Trimmed Mean 69.56
Median 70.00
Variance 69.076
Std. Deviation 8.311
Minimum 48
Maximum 88
Range 40
Interquartile Range 9
Skewness -.009 .427
Kurtosis 1.197 .833
Pre Test Control Class Mean 53.73 1.457
95% Confidence Lower 50.75
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 56.71
5% Trimmed Mean 53.56
Median 52.00
Variance 63.651
Std. Deviation 7.978
Minimum 40
Maximum 72
Range 32
Interquartile Range 12
Skewness .273 .427
Kurtosis .063 .833
Post Test Control Mean 64.53 1.896
Class 95% Confidence Lower 60.66
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 68.41
5% Trimmed Mean 64.37
Median 64.00
Variance 107.844
Std. Deviation 10.385
Minimum 52
Maximum 80
Range 28
Interquartile Range 21
Skewness .261 .427
Kurtosis -1.387 .833
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Students' Pre Test Experimental .197 30 .004 .936 30 .073
Score Class
Post Test .157 30 .057 .942 30 .102
Experimental Class
Pre Test Control .153 30 .072 .951 30 .181
Post Test Control .135 30 .168 .884 30 .003
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Students' Score
Stem-and-Leaf Plots
1.00 3 . 2
2.00 3 . 66
9.00 4 . 000000000
9.00 4 . 888888888
4.00 5 . 2222
3.00 5 . 666
1.00 6 . 0
1.00 6 . 8
Stem width: 10
Each leaf: 1 case(s)
Stem width: 10
Each leaf: 1 case(s)
7.00 5 . 2222222
3.00 5 . 666
8.00 6 . 00004444
2.00 6 . 88
2.00 7 . 22
3.00 7 . 666
5.00 8 . 00000
Stem width: 10
Each leaf: 1 case(s)
Appendix 18
Students' Score
Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 9668.667 3 3222.889 42.276 .000
Within Groups 8843.200 116 76.234
Total 18511.867 119
Appendix 19
Appendix 20
Appendix 21
Appendix 22
Appendix 23
Appendix 24
Appendix 25
Appendix 26
Student 01
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in
The morning?
Student : I wake up, take a shower, and then get ready to school.
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do in the school with
Your friends?
Student : Play and learn.
Researcher : Can you explain what did you usually after school?
Students : I eat, take a shower, and sleep.
Researcher : Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the
Students : I called my family in the village.
Researcher : What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Students : at 10 o’clock.
Student 02
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in
The morning?
Student : I usually get ready for school.
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do in the school with
Your friends?
Student : Study.
Researcher : Can you explain what did you usually after school?
Student : Sleep.
Researcher : Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the
Student : Play cell phone.
Researcher : What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Student : Eleventh o’clock.
Student 03
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in
The morning?
Student : read a prayer after waking up.
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do in the school with
Your friends?
Student : Learn and play.
Researcher : Can you explain what did you usually after school?
Student : Usually when I come home from school, I always play then
Go home and rest.
Researcher : Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the
Student : Usually my family always asks me about my daily life at
Researcher : What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Student : ten post thirty minutes.
Student 01
Researcher : Hello, what is your name?
Student : My name is Derta wastu ardira.
Researcher : Ok, please explain about the picture?
Students : In a green field there is a father and his child are
playing football together and looking the child are
very happy playing football together with his
Researcher : Ok, thank you.
Student 02
Researcher : Hello, what is your name?
Student : My name is Desta tri lestari.
Researcher : Ya, please explain about this picture?
Student : In my opinion, there are two people a father with
his son playing football in the park.
Researcher : Ok, thank you.
Student 03
Researcher : Hello, what is your name?
Student : My name is Arshella.
Researcher : Ok, please explain about this picture?
Student : In my opinion about this picture, about a father
and his son is playing football in the park.
Appendix 27
Student 01
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in
The morning?
Student : After I wake up in the morning I usually direct take a bath
And have a breakfast.
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do in the school with
Your friends?
Student : Me and my friend usually sleep if not teacher.
Researcher : Can you explain what did you usually after school?
Students : I usually direct go to home
Researcher : Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the
Students : Nothing, I usually just playing game with my friend.
Researcher : What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Students : Nine p.m
Student 02
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in
The morning?
Student : Take a bath and breakfast.
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do in the school with
Your friends?
Student : Random chat, eat, study.
Researcher : Can you explain what did you usually after school?
Student : Bath and Sleep.
Researcher : Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the
Student : Watching tv.
Researcher : What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Student : 10.00 pm.
Student 03
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do after you wake up in
The morning?
Student : after wake up I usually take a bath.
Researcher : Please explain what did you usually do in the school with
Your friends?
Student : When at school I usually talk with my friends.
Researcher : Can you explain what did you usually after school?
Student : Usually after school I eat.
Researcher : Can you explain your daily activity with your family in the
Student : At night I usually watch television with my family.
Researcher : What time do you usually take a sleep in the night?
Student : I sleep at nine p.m
Student 01
Researcher : Hello, what is your name?
Student : My name is Ali Akbar Z.
Researcher : Ok, please explain about the picture?
Students : In the picture below we can see a father playing
ball with his son happily.
Researcher : Ok, thank you.
Student 02
Researcher : Hello, what is your name?
Student : My name is Shultony swis
Researcher : Ya, please explain about this picture?
Student : A father and his son are playing football in the
Researcher : Ok, thank you.
Student 03
Researcher : Hello, what is your name?
Student : My name is Yuma arya.
Researcher : Ok, please explain about this picture?
Student : A father teaches his son to play soccer.
researcher : Ok, thank you.
Appendix 28