Unit 10 Wordlist
Unit 10 Wordlist
Unit 10 Wordlist
B1 Wordlist Unit 10
alcoholic drink n /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk drɪŋk/ Some dark green vegetables can taste bitter.
apple juice n /ˈæpl dʒuːs/ I drink apple juice for breakfast.
bake v /beɪk/ They’re baked in the oven.
best before n /ˈbest bɪˌfɔː(r)/ A ‘best before’ label tells you about quality, not safety.
bitter adj /ˈbɪtə(r)/ I don’t like it. It’s got a very bitter taste.
boiled adj /bɔɪld/ I don’t like boiled vegetables.
bottle n /ˈbɒtl/ Let’s get a bottle of sparkling water as well.
box n /bɒks/ We bought them a box of chocolates.
can n /kæn/ Can I have a can of lemonade, please?
cardboard n /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ This container is made from cardboard.
carton n /ˈkɑːtn/ There’s a carton of apple juice in the fridge.
charge v /tʃɑːdʒ/ Supermarkets should charge customers for shopping bags.
chocolate n /ˈtʃɒklət/ He gave me some chocolates for my birthday.
consumer n /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ It’s not the consumers who are responsible for waste.
curry n /ˈkʌri/ Most curry dishes are hot and spicy.
dessert n /dɪˈzɜːt/ Would you like some cake for dessert?
different adj /ˈdɪfrənt/ There are many different sorts of spring roll.
dish n /dɪʃ/ I usually serve this dish with vegetables.
doggy bag n /ˈdɒɡi bæɡ/ Ask the waiter for a ‘doggy bag’ to take home food you
can’t eat.
figure n /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ Please write the number in words and figures. / It’s a figure of
a man.
flavour n /ˈfleɪvə(r)/ You dip them into this sauce to give them extra flavour.
frozen adj /ˈfrəʊzn/ I need a packet of frozen peas for the meal tonight.
fry v /fraɪ/ Sometimes the spring rolls are fried.
funny adj /ˈfʌni/ Do you know any funny jokes? / A funny thing happened to me
on the way to work.
herb n /hɜːb/ There are lots of herbs in this stew.
honey n /ˈhʌni/ The tagine has some honey in it so it tastes quite sweet.
jar n /dʒɑː(r)/ Could you buy a jar of olives when you’re at the supermarket,
kind of phr /ˈkaɪnd (əv)/ It’s a kind of stew.
lamb n /læm/ This tagine is made with pieces of lamb.
leave v /liːv/ I’ve left some cake for you.
left adj /left/ We took a left turn instead of right.
mark n /mɑːk/ There’s a mark on my trousers. / What mark did you get in
the test?
olives n, pl /ˈɒlɪvz/ Would you like some olives to have with your drink?
packet n /ˈpækɪt/ I think there’s a packet of frozen peas in the freezer.
plain adj /pleɪn/ I prefer plain food. Nothing spicy.
preserve v /prɪˈzɜːv/ His invention preserved food beautifully.
pretty adj /ˈprɪti/ She’s a very pretty woman.
pretty adv /ˈprɪti/ It’s pretty expensive.
B1 Wordlist Unit 10