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Unit 10 Wordlist

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B1 Wordlist Unit 10

alcoholic drink   n  /ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk drɪŋk/ Some dark green vegetables can taste bitter.
apple juice   n  /ˈæpl dʒuːs/ I drink apple juice for breakfast.
bake   v  /beɪk/ They’re baked in the oven.
best before   n  /ˈbest bɪˌfɔː(r)/ A ‘best before’ label tells you about quality, not safety.
bitter   adj  /ˈbɪtə(r)/ I don’t like it. It’s got a very bitter taste.
boiled   adj  /bɔɪld/ I don’t like boiled vegetables.
bottle   n  /ˈbɒtl/ Let’s get a bottle of sparkling water as well.
box   n  /bɒks/ We bought them a box of chocolates.
can   n  /kæn/ Can I have a can of lemonade, please?
cardboard   n  /ˈkɑːdbɔːd/ This container is made from cardboard.
carton  n  /ˈkɑːtn/ There’s a carton of apple juice in the fridge.
charge   v  /tʃɑːdʒ/ Supermarkets should charge customers for shopping bags.
chocolate   n  /ˈtʃɒklət/ He gave me some chocolates for my birthday.
consumer   n  /kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ It’s not the consumers who are responsible for waste.
curry  n  /ˈkʌri/ Most curry dishes are hot and spicy.
dessert  n  /dɪˈzɜːt/ Would you like some cake for dessert?
different   adj  /ˈdɪfrənt/ There are many different sorts of spring roll.
dish   n  /dɪʃ/ I usually serve this dish with vegetables.
doggy bag  n  /ˈdɒɡi bæɡ/ Ask the waiter for a ‘doggy bag’ to take home food you
can’t eat.
figure   n  /ˈfɪɡə(r)/ Please write the number in words and figures. / It’s a figure of
a man.
flavour   n  /ˈfleɪvə(r)/ You dip them into this sauce to give them extra flavour.
frozen   adj  /ˈfrəʊzn/ I need a packet of frozen peas for the meal tonight.
fry   v  /fraɪ/ Sometimes the spring rolls are fried.
funny   adj  /ˈfʌni/ Do you know any funny jokes? / A funny thing happened to me
on the way to work.
herb  n  /hɜːb/ There are lots of herbs in this stew.
honey  n  /ˈhʌni/ The tagine has some honey in it so it tastes quite sweet.
jar  n  /dʒɑː(r)/ Could you buy a jar of olives when you’re at the supermarket,
kind of   phr  /ˈkaɪnd (əv)/ It’s a kind of stew.
lamb  n  /læm/ This tagine is made with pieces of lamb.
leave   v  /liːv/ I’ve left some cake for you.
left   adj  /left/ We took a left turn instead of right.
mark   n  /mɑːk/ There’s a mark on my trousers. / What mark did you get in
the test?
olives  n, pl  /ˈɒlɪvz/ Would you like some olives to have with your drink?
packet   n  /ˈpækɪt/ I think there’s a packet of frozen peas in the freezer.
plain   adj  /pleɪn/ I prefer plain food. Nothing spicy.
preserve   v  /prɪˈzɜːv/ His invention preserved food beautifully.
pretty  adj  /ˈprɪti/ She’s a very pretty woman.
pretty   adv  /ˈprɪti/ It’s pretty expensive.

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B1 Wordlist Unit 10

raspberry  n  /ˈrɑːzbəri/ Would you like some raspberries for dessert?

raw   adj  /rɔː/ They’re filled with raw vegetables.
sauce   n  /sɔːs/ You dip the spring rolls into this sauce to give them extra
savoury  adj  /ˈseɪvəri/ Do you prefer sweet or savoury food?
serve   v  /sɜːv/ This dish is often served with rice.
several   pron  /ˈsevrəl/ There are several different vegetables you can eat with this dish.
shocking   adj  /ˈʃɒkɪŋ/ It’s a pretty shocking figure. So what are the facts behind it?
snack  n  /snæk/ I have a small snack at 11 a.m.
sour   adj  /ˈsaʊə(r)/ The sauce has lime juice in it to make it sour.
sparkling water  n  /ˈspɑːklɪŋ ˌwɔːtə(r)/ Please can I have some sparkling water?
spice   n  /spaɪs/ This dish is made with lots of different spices.
spicy   adj  /ˈspaɪsi/ There is some chilli in the sauce to make it spicy.
spinach  n  /ˈspɪnɪtʃ/ Spinach has a bitter taste.
stew  n  /stjuː/ I’m making a lamb stew tonight. Would you like some?
strawberry  n  /ˈstrɔːbəri/ You put strawberry jam on them.
tagine  n  /təˈʒiːn/ Tagine is a kind of stew.
taste   n  /teɪst/ This has a nice, bitter taste.
taste buds   n, pl  /ˈteɪst bʌdz/ People taste food differently; it depends on the number of
taste buds on your tongue.
texture  n  /ˈtekstʃə(r)/ I love all the different textures in this dish.
thick   adj  /θɪk/ This is quite a thick sauce, but it tastes lovely.
tin   n  /tɪn/ I’m going to use a tin of tomatoes.
tobacco  n  /təˈbækəʊ/ Tobacco has a strong taste.
tomato   n  /təˈmɑːtəʊ/ We need some tomatoes for the salad.
toothpaste  n  /ˈtuːθpeɪst/ I need to buy a tube of toothpaste.
transportation   n  /ˌtrænspɔːˈteɪʃn/ The waste happens on farms during production, or
tube   n  /tjuːb/ Did you pack a tube of toothpaste?
use by   n  /ˈjuːz baɪ/ Make sure you check the ‘use by’ date on the label.
wasteful  adj  /ˈweɪstfl/ In the past, people were not as wasteful as they are today.

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