14 A RR-DR - Daily Reflection Protocol VF
14 A RR-DR - Daily Reflection Protocol VF
14 A RR-DR - Daily Reflection Protocol VF
Time Activity
● Prepare a list of questions to ask during the review activity.
● Select a daily reflection question. You may use questions from the bank at the end of
this session plan.
● Make sure you have a ball ready to toss during the review activity.
● Say: Let’s start our session by reviewing technical content learned today, this week or
throughout the program by ball-tossing.
● Give Directions:
1. Everyone, please stand up near your chairs.
2. I will read 10 different questions aloud, one question at a time.
3. After each question, I will Cold Call FT one of you by tossing the ball to you.
4. When you receive the ball, your job is to answer the question that was posed.
Once the question is answered correctly, you may toss the ball back to me.
● Read each question aloud and toss the ball to Cold Call.FT
● Say: You will have 10 minutes of quiet time to write your reflection for the day. The
question I’d like you to answer is [insert one question from below].
Instructor note: As participants are writing, you should talk to 2 participants individually for
about 5 minutes each to provide 1-on-1 coaching. Choose participants who scored numerous
reds or yellows on their previous scorecard and talk about both what they are doing well and
how they can improve.
-- End of Session --
Questions marked by two asterisks (**) are related to Gallup strengths. Please include a Gallup
strengths question at least one day per week as a daily reflection prompt.