14 A RR-DR - Daily Reflection Protocol VF

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RR-DR - Daily Reflection Protocol (15 minutes)

Time Activity

15 minutes Daily Review

15 minutes Daily Reflection

● Prepare a list of questions to ask during the review activity.
● Select a daily reflection question. You may use questions from the bank at the end of
this session plan.
● Make sure you have a ball ready to toss during the review activity.

Daily Review Protocol (15 minutes)

Instructor note: Participants will have 15 minutes to review technical content learned that day,
that week or throughout the program. This session suggests using the ball toss method,
however instructors may come up with different methods to ask the questions.

● Say: Let’s start our session by reviewing technical content learned today, this week or
throughout the program by ball-tossing.

● Give Directions:
1. Everyone, please stand up near your chairs.
2. I will read 10 different questions aloud, one question at a time.
3. After each question, I will Cold Call FT one of you by tossing the ball to you.
4. When you receive the ball, your job is to answer the question that was posed.
Once the question is answered correctly, you may toss the ball back to me.

● Read each question aloud and toss the ball to Cold Call.FT

Daily Reflection Protocol (15 minutes)

Instructor note: This should be a time of quiet, personal reflection. The group should be
relaxed, focused and quiet. Pick one question that seems most relevant to that day.

● Say: Let’s finish up the day with our daily reflection.

● Say: Please open your notebooks and put the date at the top of a new page.

● Say: You will have 10 minutes of quiet time to write your reflection for the day. The
question I’d like you to answer is [insert one question from below].

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.

● Say: Remember, these written reflections are for you, you won’t need to share them with
anyone else, we won’t ask you to read them aloud, so:
○ Be honest and open -- no one will read this except you!
○ Don’t describe what happened, write about how you felt
○ Think about your future self reading this and remembering the journey you went
on...don’t leave out the good bits!

Instructor note: As participants are writing, you should talk to 2 participants individually for
about 5 minutes each to provide 1-on-1 coaching. Choose participants who scored numerous
reds or yellows on their previous scorecard and talk about both what they are doing well and
how they can improve.
-- End of Session --

Daily Reflection - QUESTION BANK

Instructor note: Choose ONE question from the list below for participants to use as a prompt
for a written reflection in their journal at the end of each day.

Questions marked by two asterisks (**) are related to Gallup strengths. Please include a Gallup
strengths question at least one day per week as a daily reflection prompt.

Reflection questions to choose from (feel free to add others as appropriate):

1. What did you learn about yourself today that you didn’t know yesterday?
2. What surprised you the most today? Something you learned? Something you did?
Something someone else did or said?
3. What did you learn about working with other people today?
4. What challenged you today?
5. What are you feeling excited about? What are you feeling scared about?
6. What did you learn today that has changed how you think?
7. What will you do differently as a result of what you learned today?
8. What did you feel was the most useful thing you learned today - how will it help you in
your career?
9. How do you feel you compared to your fellow participants today?
10. What is your proudest achievement this week?
11. Which of your strengths have you used most this week? How have you used it?**
12. Which of your strengths do you anticipate using most often as a Food and Beverage
steward after you graduate from Generation? How will it help you?**
13. How have you used one of your strengths this week in Generation?**
14. What is one challenge you are currently facing, and how might you use one of your
strengths to address or overcome this challenge?**
15. Which of your strengths will be most important in helping you complete Generation and
achieve your goals after Generation? How will it help?**

© 2016 McKinsey Social Initiative, Inc.


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