Adams Morgan New Jersey 1915

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How to Order
Write your Name
plainly and give town, state, street and number. If your town
has no post office, give post office address.

In Ordering
please give name of goods, catalogue number and page.

should be by New York draft, post office or express money order
or registered letter. Positively not over one dollar's worth of
stamps accepted. Only two-cent stamps are acceptable.

Give Shipping Directions

whether goods are to be sent by mail, express or freight. Always
include postage if goods are to be mailed. In the absence of
directions we will use our best judgment.

Goods by Mail
when so ordered, must be at purchaser's risk of loss and damage.
We pack goods very carefully and use every precaution to protect

All previous Prices are Withdrawn

with this Issue

Every article listed in this catalogue is equal in every detail to

the illustration and description. At the same time we reserve the
right to improve or better any article by slight changes in detail
if possible. All defective apparatus will be cheerfully replaced if
returned prepaid within five days after receipt.
We are not responsible for goods lost or damaged in transit.

"AMCO" is a synonym for QUALITY


The Experimenter's Supply House

Manufacturers of the Largest Line

in America of Reliable

Wireless Telegraph Apparatus, Small

Motors, Dynamos, Storage Batteries,
Novelties, etc.


Office and Factory: ALVIN PLACE



How to Figure Parcels Post Rates

Parcels Post Rates are computed according to the weight of the package to be shipped
and the distance which it is to be sent. For this purpose the United States is divided into
eight zones, with different rates of postage applicable to each zone.

We state the Exact Shipping Weight of each article in this Catalog.

Ask your Postmaster which Zone you are in from Upper Montclair.


Weight in Lbs. Local 1 & 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 $0.05 $0.05 $0.06 $0.07 $0.08 $0.09 $0.11 $0.12

2 .
os . 06 .08 . 11 . 14 . 17 . 21 .24
3 .06 . 07 .10 . 15 . 20 ' . 25 . 31 .36
4 . 07 . 08 .12 . 19 .26 .33 . 41 .48
6 . 07 . 09 .14 . 23 . 32 . 41 . 51 .60
6 .
os .10 .16 . 27 . 38 . 49 . 61 .72
7 . 08 . 11 .18 . 31 . 44 . 57 . 71 .84
8 .09 . 12 .20 . 35 . 50 . 65 . 81 .96
9 .09 . 13 .22 , . 39 . 56 . 73 . 91 1.06
10 . 10 I . 14 .24 1 . 43 . 62 . 81 1.01 1.20
11 . 10 . 15 .26 .47 . 68 . 89 1.11 1.32
12 . 11 . 16 .28 . 51 . 74 . 97 1.21 1.44
13 . 11 . 17 .30 . 55 . 80 1.05 1.31 1.56
14 . 12 . 18 .32 . 59 . 86 1.13 1.41 1.68
15 . 12 . 19 .34 . 63 . 92 1.21 1.51 1.80
16 . 13 . 20 .36 . 67 . 98 1.29 1.61 1.92
17 . 13 . 21 .38 .71 1.04 1.37 1.71 2.04
18 . 14 . 22 .40 . 75 1.10 1.45 1.81 2.16
19 . 14 . 23 .42 . 79 1.16 1.53 1.91 2.28
20 . 15 . 24 .44 . F3 1.22 1.61 2.01 2.40
21 . 15 ... 25
22 . 16 . 26
23 . 16 . 27
24 . 17 .28
15 . 17 .28
26 . 18 .:to Parcels Post Service to Foreign
27 . 18 . 31
28 . 19 . 32
29 . 19 . 33
The Parcels Post Rates to PORTO RICO,
30 . 20 . 34
32 . 21 . 36 LANDS, TUTUILA ( Pago- Pago), and other
33 . 21 . 37 parts of SAMOA in the possession of the
34 . 22 .
88 United States, and GUAM ( Ladrone Island)
35 . 22 . 39
36 . 23 . 40 are the same as for the Eighth Zone.
37 . 23 . 41
Rates to CANADA, CUBA and MEXICO are
38 . 24 . 42
39 . 24 . 43 12 cents per lb. The limit of weight is
40 . 25 . 44 4 lbs. 6 ounces.
41 . 25 . 45
42 . 26 . 46 Rates to EUROPE, including GREAT BRI-
44 . 27 .
45 . 27 . 49 AUSTRALIA and all other countries to which
46 . 28 .
5o the Parcels Post is extended are 12 cents
47 . 28 . 51 per lb. The limit of weight is 11 lbs.
48 . 29 . 52
41 . 29 . 53
50 . 30 . 54

U. S. Parcels Post Rates

Knowing the weight of any article you wish to purchase and the zone in which your post
office is located, you can find the correct amount of postage applying to the goods you
are ordering by consulting the table given on preceeding page. The table shows the amount
of postage required, according to the weight of the package, and the distance in zones.
PACKAGES WEIGHING 4 OUNCES or less go at the rate of 1 cent for each ounce or
fraction thereof, regardless of distance. Packages weighing more than 4 ounces and
less than 16 ounces must be mailed at the 1 pound rate.
BOOKS are mailable at Parcels Post Rates. Books weighing not over 8 ounces go at
the rate of I cent for each 2 ounces. It they weigh over 8 ounces the rate is the
same as for other Parcel Post matter.
NOTE—Use every care in figuring out the postage rates on the goods you order. In case
you order two items weighing four ounces each the two together would weigh eight
ounces, but YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PAY FOR ONE POUND, because the Parcel Post
regulations state that a package weighing more than 4 ounces but less than 16 ounces
must be paid for as a full pound. Some items listed in this catalog and sold by the
pound as, for instance, wire, wax, core iron, etc., must always be figured PLUS the packing
material. For example, if you order a pound of wire, the spool and wrapper are in
addition to the weight of the wire, and it is necessary to include sufficient postage for
two pounds. Two actual pounds of wire will weigh three pounds when wrapped, three
actual pounds of wire will weigh four pounds wrapped, etc.
If in computing the cost of your order and the amount of postage you have sent, we
find that you have made a mistake and that your remittance is short, we will forward the
goods by Parcel Post C.O.D., including in your shortage the U. S. Postal Fee. We
trust that this method of handling your order in such an instance will meet with your
approval. It is our desire to ship all orders as promptly as possible and such action
enables you to immediately obtain your goods without long correspondence and waiting
while you send us the amount due.



Read the directions "How to

Order" on inside of cover.



The Advantage of Storage Cells

The superiority of the storage cell over any other form of battery is universally recognized.
The dry cell has an E.M.F. of only 1.5 volts and deteriorates rapidly with age. The
E. M. F. of a storage cell is 2 volts, 33 1-3 per cent. higher. Storage cells will operate
almost any electrical device with increased power over any other battery. A wireless set
will send farther, lamps will burn steadier and a motor give more power.
If properly cared for a storage cell will last indefinitely. It may be recharged an unlimited
number of times and is exactly as good as new each time. A dry cell must be thrown
away when discharged.
Storage cells are rated by their output in Ampere Hours. An Ampere Hour is the amount
of current represented by one ampere flowing for one hour. A 10 ampere hour cell will
give 2 amperes for five hours, 1 ampere for ten hours, "/x ampere for twenty hours, etc.
The ampere hour capacity of a cell divided by the amount of current being used will
determine how long that current can be drawn before recharging is necessary.

Storage cells may be recharged from any source of direct current, that is, from the lighting
circuit in series with a lamp, from a small shunt wound dynamo, from dry cells or other
primary batteries or from alternating current by using an " Amco" Rectifier.
The liquid in a storage cell is dilute sulphuric acid. It is usually mixed with the aid of
a hydrometer and should have a specific gravity of 1,250. Acid may be purchased at any
drug store for a few cents.
Storage cells are fully charged when they read 2.5 volts per cell across the terminals with
the charging current on. Never attempt to measure the charge with an ammeter. The
meter would be immediately burned out. A 10 ampere hour cell will test over 100 amperes.
It will melt a piece of No. 18 copper wire when short circuited. Never try this however.
It will injure the cell. Directions for recharging are given on the label of each cell.

The Adams- Morgan Storage Cells are the result of many years of experience and conform
in every detail with the high standards that we have set and maintain in the manufacture
of our products. Every operation from the crude lead to the finished cell is carried out
in our own shops. We can, therefore, vouch for the quality.
It is one of our principles to never make any remarks about articles of other manufacturers
in imitation of our own. We issue this statement merely as a caution for the protection
of our prospective customers. Several concerns of questionable reputation are offering
cheap storage cells. They are fabulously over rated regarding capacity in order to make
the prices appear attractive. These concerns do not manufacture storage cells, even though
they claim to do so. They buy second-hand materials and plates from old igniiton
batteries and seal them in a jar.

All genuine "Amco" Storage Cells bear our name. That name is a guarantee of an
HONESTLY MADE battery. Think twice before you buy a battery from an unknown
concern. A cheap cell is dear at any price. It won't last. An "Amco" will.

Read some of the Testimonials in this Catalogue


Amco Storage Cells

THE REMEDY for all your
Battery Troubles
Amco Storage Cells are
the most satisfactory source
of current for operating any
device requiring a constant,
unfailing supply of electric-
ity, such as: Small Motors,
Electric Lights, Models,
Xmas Tree Displays, Time
Stamps, Toys, Wireless Out-
fits, Induction Coils, Rail-
ways, etc.
Dry batteries are unsatis-
factory for such work be-
cause they do not deliver a steady current, wear out quickly, and must
be thrown away when exhausted.
A Wireless Coll will send 25 per cent. to 50 per cent, farther when AMCO
Storage Cells are used to replace other forms of battery
The spark will be much heavier and longer and the interrupter will
operate more evenly.
for operating miniature lighting plants. They will burn tungsten lamps
brilliantly for long periods without attention. A 10 amp. hour cell
(No. 5502) will light a 2.5 volt tungsten lamp brightly for 30-40 hours
without recharging. A set of three No. 5506 cells will light a 6 v. 4 c.p.
tungsten lamp for over 30 hours of continuous running without recharging.
By connecting two sets in multiple, the period can be doubled, and these
cells will be found a very convenient method of lighting a small workshop,
a dark hallway, bedroom, attic or barn, etc.
The Cells are easily re- charged from direct current. Any of our rectifiers
will change alternating current into direct. They may be re-charged from
a small shunt wound dynamo. One of our hydro-electric plants and a
set of storage batteries form a miniature power plant that cannot be
equalled for many purposes.
Our storage cells are manufactured in our own works under careful
The paste is gripped firmly by wedge-shaped, interlocking strips of lead,
so staggered as to securely lock the active material in place. The jars
are extremely thick flint glass of unusual strength and will not easily
break. The binding posts are extra large, insuring a firm and ready
No. 5502 10 ampere hours, two volts, weight 2 lbs., packed VA lbs., size
5gset3 3
/ z1 ;/.s inches
4 $1.00
No. 5506 15 ampere hours, two volts, weight 3 lbs., packed 4V3 lbs., size
65e0c3 3
/ x134 inches
4 $1.60

Amco Storage Cells in Glass Jars

These cells are similar in construction to our No. 5502 and
5506 but are considerably larger and of greater capacity.
The plates are identical in grid construction but are much
larger and consequently able to withstand a heavier charge
or discharge. The grid itself is an improved design whereby
great strength and rigidity are secured, together with large
paste area. We believe that there is no other electrical pro-
duct which is so hopelessly useless and which represents a
greater loss than a cheap, poorly constructed storage cell.
A high grade storage cell or battery, such as the AMCO
is perfect in every detail of its construction and is a pro-
duct which can only be made by experienced workmen in a
properly equipped factory. The difference in quality between
the highest grade of storage cells, as represented by the
famous AMCO products and an unreliable, cheap product,
is far out of proportion to the difference in price. Adams-
Morgan Co. have the largest and most modernly equipped
factory for the manufacture of small storage cells in the
country, and the fact that we sell more small storage cells
than all other manufacturers put together is sufficient evi-
dence of the high quality of our product.
SOURCE OF CURRENT for operating small motors, in.
lamps, for laboratory work and any other
pose where an exceptionally durable, compact battery is
No. 5505 required. Our No. 5503 and No. 6505 cells are recom-
mended wherever size and weight are not a consideration.
The cells in hard rubber jars are to be recommended wherever the least weight and
smallest size are desirab.e. The jars are extremely thick flint glass of unusual strength
and will not easily break. They are heavily reinforced with moulded projections in the
bottom to raise the plates clear of any sediment. The jars are large enough to give
generous ac,c1 space. The cells are sealed; that is, closed at the top save for a small
vent. The nuisance of spilling or evaporation is thereby avoided. The binding posts are
large, insuring a firm and ready connection. Each cell has an E.M.F. of 2 volts and has
sufficient plate area to withstand an exceptionally heavy discharge. They will hold their
charge practically indefinitely and so are always ready for service.
No. 5503 25 ampere hours, two volts, weight 4, 4 lbs., packed 8 lbs. $2.00
No. 5505 10 amp. hours, 2 volts, weight 6%., lbs., packed 10 Ms, size 7x4x2V2 413.50

Aim° Boat and Model Storage Cells

These are our well known Storage
Cells made in small sizes for
driving small model boats, supply-
ing current for portable medical
outfits or for any purpose where a
small, compact battery of great
power is required. They may be
carried in the pocket. Their small
size and weight adapts them for
service in supplying current for
models, etc. They may be used to
BOAT TYPE run motors, lamps, etc.
We have molds and facilities for building practically any size of storage cell and are
pleased to furnish quotations on various sizes of special batteries for any particular pur-
pose, provided a quantity are desired. We only stock the sizes listed below. Each cell
has an E.M.F. of 2 volts and is capable of exceptionally heavy discharge. They will hold
their charge practically indefinitely and so are always ready for service. The 6 ampere
hour size w.II light a miniature 2.5 volt lamp for over 20 hours.
No. 5508 Pocket Type, 2 volts, 6 amp. hours, size 4TAx354.x1g, weight 1% lbs. 1.00
No. 5509 Pocket type, 2 volts, 10 amp. hours, size 414x354xli, weight 1% lbs. 1.30
No. 5511 Boat Type, 2 volts, 14 amp. hours, size 6x2 1
4x1%, weight 2 lbs. 1.60
Shipping weight of any of above cells, 3 lbs.

Amco Storage Cells in Hard Rubber Jars

In hard rubber battery jars more than in any other
article of hard rubber, it is almost impossible for even
the expert to tell the difference
between first quality and the great
mass of cheaper inferior grades.
But defects always show up in the
end. They may slip by for a
time—only to appear ultimately
with expensive results to the user.
The jars may contain a fraction of
STANDARD one per cent, of metal which the

acid slowly but surely attacks.
There may be over curing or un-
-MADE BY- der curing of the rubber. Our STORAGE CELL
jars have so consistently proven
ADAMS-MORGAN CO their merit and quality that we
UPPER INDATCLAIR N.J are positively justified in stating
that they are unequalled and ab-
solutely to be relied upon. They
are impervious to the action of
the acid and do not deteriorate.
Rubber jars are lighter than glass
and will stand rough treatment.

No. 5510 12 amp. hrs., two volts, shipping weight 3Yi lbs $1.25
No. 5512 25 amp. hrs., two volts, shipping weight ffl lbs 2.00
No. 5514 40 amp. hrs., two volts, shipping weight 8 lbs 3.50
Prices of larger sizes on application

Amco "General Utility" Battery

Especially Adaptable to Amnon
Detector Outfits
These handy sets are very useful and con-
venient wherever a portable battery is re-
quired for furnishing a steady, unfailing
current. They are used by many experi-
menters for lighting the filament of audion
detectors and are far better for that purpose
than dry cell batteries. The current is
steadier and since storage batteries may be
recharged at small cost an innumerable num-
ber of times, they are far cheaper in the end.
The storage cells are encased in rubber jars
sealed in a strong hardwood box. Each cell
is provided with a non- spilling rubber vent.
Extra large terminals and a convenient handle
for carrying are provided.

No. 5529 Amco General Utility Stor-

age Battery, 4 volts, size
x 7 x 34 inches,
weight 10'A lbs $4.89
Shipping weight, 16 lbs.

Youngstown, Ohio.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :—Your goods received and am greatly pleased with same. Please accept
my thanks for all courtesies extended. Very truly yours,

Amco Power Storage Cells

These are our well known storage cells made in large
sizes for work requiring a large ampere hour capacity.
The rubber cases are very strong and durable and
will not easily break. Provided with rubber vent
caps which screw in and out. Extra lerge cast lead
alloy terminals to accommodate large wires.
Especially recommended for light power service in
operating small motors, incandescent lamps, for
laboratory work and any other purpose where an
exceptionally durable, compact battery is required.
Will withstand a heavy discharge. The pillars, straps
etc., are extra large and are " lead burned" to insure
perfect mechanical and electrical connection.
No. 5515 Amco Power Storage Cell, 2 volts,
60 ampere hours capacity, weight
12 lbs. $5.00
No. 5516 Amco Power Storage Cell, 2 volts,
80 ampere hours capacity, weight
16 lbq 6.50
No. 5515

Storage Battery Sets
These sets are made up of Amco
Storage Cells encased in well- finished
oak boxes with interlocking corners.
Each cell is separately removable for
examination. Fitted with a strong
rubber strap handle. Very handy and
portable. Prices for larger sets fur-
STAN DAR D nished on application.
MADE BY Amp. Shipping
AllAhls-M OR CAN CU No. Hrs. Voltage Jar Price Weight
UPPER MONTCLAIR N.J 5522 10 6 Glass $4.00 13 lbs.
5523 15 6 Glass 5.75 17 lbs.
5524 12 6 Rubber 4.75 11 lbs.
5526 25 6 Rubber 7.00 14 lbs.
5528 40 6 Rubber 12.50 19 lbs.

Ameo Storage Celia are Unexcelled for Quality and Durability

110 Gifford Avenue, Jersey City, N. J., June 24, 1912.

Adams- Morgan Co., Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :—Some time : no I bought some No. 5502 Amco Storage Cells of you.
Itake the liberty of writing you now to tell you that they are the best batteries I have ever
seen. At one time I had them standing on open circuit for six or eight weeks. They held
their charge well and showed no signs of sulphating at all. I don't know any other
battery that could do this. I would recommend them to anybody. Yours very truly,

Amco "Gnome" Battery Set

The " Gnome" sets are made up of
our glass jar storage cells, sealed in
a strong wooden box treated with a
black acid-resisting paint. An Ama-
teur Wireless Telegraph Transmitter
will send signals from 25-3o per cent.
further when Amco Storage Cells are
used in lieu of dry cells.
The "Gnome" sets will be found of
especial value where a small portable
battery is required. They are very
convenient for operating Christmas
tree and decorative outfits. They are
similar in construction to the 5522—
:5523 sets with the exception that the
cases are not so .highly finished nor is
each cell separately removable.
No. 5520 " Gnome" Storage Battery, 6 volts . 10 amp. hours 93.75
No. 5521 " Gnome" Storage Battery, 6 volts, 16 amp. hours 5.50
Shipping weight: No. 6620, 13 lbs.; No. 6621, 17 lbs.

The Amco Sparking Batteries

Amco Sparking Batteries are almost too well-
known to require any extensive description of
the qualities that have given them their wide
reputation. Their superiority is quickly re-
vealed by careful examination of the design and
construction. There is not a single unnecessary
part, yet all the necessary precautions have been
taken against every possible trouble to which
batteries might be liable in daily practical use.
Amco Storage Batteries always inspire confidence
because their superior qualities have been proven
by years of experience. Their longer life and
efficiency makes their cost the least in the end.
well seasoned wood, free from knots and has
lock corners.
case is poured full of an acid- resisting com-
pound which insures added rigidity and strength
to the walls of the jars and also provides against
leaks in case of mechanical injury to the jars.
THE CONNECTORS, Plate Lugs, Plate Strap,
Pillar Posts and Terminals are cast from an
acid- proof, mechanically strong lead alloy and
No. 5570 are " lead burned" into mechanical and elec-
trical union.
THE JARS are the best grade of hard rubber and are not brittle. They are fitted with
hard rubber covers which th snugly and have the hard rubber vent plug screwed in, not
simply inserted. The plastic asphaltum compound is poured over this cover and entirely
covers the top of each battery. There is no wooden top to rot or disintegrate. Each cell
is fitted with a hard rubber vent plug which permits free escape of all gases.
THE HANDLE of the battery is rubber webbing, which is far superior to leather in that
it does not rot or corrode.

The Amco Sparking Battery is rated well within its actual capacity. It is under- rated and
not over- rated. Experience, much thought and care, quality of material and workmanship
with fidelity to detail insures a battery which when purchased means money wisely spent.

List No. Voltage Amp. Hr. Capacity Length Width Height Weight Price
5570 4 60 54 7 V% 21 lbs. $10.75
5571 6 40 PA 7 7 20 lbs. 12.00
5572 6 60 8 7 7Va 31 lbs. 16.00
5573 6 80 1034 7 7%2 42 lbs. 22.00

The Amco Lighting and Power Batteries

The Amco Lighting Batteries are simi-
l‘ lar to the Sparking Batteries in all
el) details of design and construction
with the exception that they are
larger and are fitted with reinforced
cast handles instead of a rubber strap.
Motor car owners are to- day so fami-
lar with the advantages of electric
lights that it is unnecessary to point
out why they are superior to oil and
gas. Any motorist who has had ex-
perience with smoky oil lamps or with
generators and gas tanks, liable to
fail at the moment when most needed,
requires no word picture to recall the
feeling of dread and anxiety that
comes over him when in the midst of
a night drive on a lonely country road,
his lights flicker and go out. One
No. 5577 experience of this sort is usually
enough to set a man in search of a
more reliable means of illuminating the road, and it is with no small degree of satis-
faction that hundreds have adopted the Amco Lighting Battery.

List No. Voltage Amp. Hr. Capacity Length Width Height Price
5575 6 40-60 8 7 7 $12.00
5576 6 60-80 8Y2 754 8 16.00
5577 6 80-100 1044 7/32 8 22.00
5578 6 100-120 1354 734 854 29.00
5579 6 120-150 1544 7 8% 36.00

We will ship any Anse° Lighting. t:irking or Power Ontteries, us.

5570-5579, to any point not over 590 miles front N ew York tit>. by
PREPAID freight.


222 N. Grand Street, Marshall, Mich., May 17, 1912.

Adams- Morgan Co.
Dear Sirs:— Enclosed you will find $6.53 for which please send me tuning transformer
No. 7720. three No. 31 binding posts, two No. 2 binding posts and two rubber knobs
Nos. 8007 and 8004. Please send at once as I need the tuner. You have been very
highly recommended to me by other Marshall boys. Yours truly,

A Hydrometer is an instrument for determin-
ing the specific gravity of solutions. It is very
necessary to know the specific gravity of the
electrolyte, when preparing it for storage bat-
teries, etc. Our Hydrometers are packed in a
strong wooden box and provided with an acid
glass as shown in the cut. A necessity for
every laboratory.
No. 5530 Acid Hydrometer, each .35
By mail, extra :04

Amco Step-down Transformer

The Amco Step-down Transformer is
efORG;,:i,v --e.ex,
DA iv? "---/ a device for lowering the voltage of
an alternating electric light circuit to
4 7 :774.44.F.
4 „
:„, getii ¡ value where it may be safely utilized
for running all kinds of low voltage
devices and toys such as advertising
novelties, small fans,
motors, miniature elec-
tric railways, lamps,
induction coils, etc.
L. .. 7 _ In view of the current

Wer "" saved through its use

an Amco transformer
1IoLtm will soon pay for itself.
No renewals or other
maintenance expenses
are necessary. The de-
vice is indestructible
and is not to be classed with any form of battery. The secondary terminals are mounted
upon the outside of the case and permit ready connection. Six different voltage values are
obtairable in two volt steps from 2 to 12.
Our machine embodies all the essentials of perfect design, electrical, mechanical and
magnetic. It is enclosed in an iron case impregnated with an insulating compound. Each
transformer is equipped with an attachment plug and eight feet of flexible lamp cord.
The transformer is just the thing for the young experimenter. Not only will it afford him
amusement and make pssible endless instructive and interesting experiments, but it will
give him toe fundamental working principles of electricity. It is impossible to get a shock
from he instrument and any child can handle it with safety.
No. 5561 Amco Transformer with eight feet of flexible lamp cord
and attachment plug, complete 05.00
Shipping weight, 21 lbs.

Amco Wireless Transformer

Get three times the Efficiency front your Spark Coil by using the


Th:s transformer has succeeded in

doing away with the nuisance of bat-
eferae°44-;"*.;'.Z':: •
- ter;es. It operates coils directly from
the A. C. 110 volt circuit current sup-
ply and makes an induction coil four
times as efficient as when operated by
batteries. No more satisfactory or
convenient means could be devised.
It is always ready, simply press the
key and the coil will throw a crash-
ing spark, much thicker and heavier
tl an usual and capable of sending
twice as far. A one- inch coil will
sznd twenty miles under ordinary con-
ditions when used in connection with
an Amco Step-down Wireless Trans-
former. The windings are of a special
design and arrangement, so they are
self-adjusting and will operate any size of coil from V4 to 4 inches. An ordinary step-
down transformer or a bell-ringer will not operate a coil satisfactory. It must be special.
We have solved the secret. This transformer is mounted in an iron case like our No. 5561
except that two binding posts are provided for the primary, instead of the attachment plug
and cord and two posts for the secondary.

No. 5562 Amco Wireless Transformer 414.50

Shipping weight, 20 lbs.
The Ideal Means of Operating an Induction Coil

Amco Junior Step-Down Transformer

The Amco Jimie Transformer is a device whose
purpose is to transform a high voltage into a
low voltage. This is one of the most popular
articles we have ever placed on the market. The
Junior Transformer is carefully and durably made
and places a source of current supply in the
hands of a boy which will permit him to safely
perform all sorts of experiments and afford an
endless amount of amusement and instruction.


Simply screw the attachment plug into any 110-
volt alternating electric light socket. The sec-
ondary binding posts of the transformer will
No. 5563 then deliver a low voltage current which may be
used for lighting miniature lamps, driving small
electrically operated machines, heating physicians' cauteries, running toy railways, lighting
Christmas trees, operating small motors and for general experimental purposes.
The voltage of the secondary is so low that it is impossible to get a shock and the
smallest child may use the device to operate toys with perfect safety.
The transformer is perfectly designed and constructed. It is enclosed in an iron case.
Each transformer is equipped with a flexible lamp cord and attachment plug. The trans-
former is provided with three binding posts from which an E.M.F. of 3, 6 and 8 volts
may be obtained. The complete transformer weighs •PA lbs. The Junior Transformer
is not as large or as powerful as the No. 6561 machine.
No. 5563 Amco Junior Step-down Transformer with cord and plug.. $3.20
Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

Amco Step-down Transformers



This transformer is similar in size to

our No. 6561 but differs somewhat in
construction. Instead of a number of
binding posts from which various
voltages may be obtained, this trans-
former is equipped with a large lever
projecting from the front of the case
which will vary the voltage from 0-12
in seven steps when moved back and
It Is the best type of Trans-
former to use in connection
with Toy Railroads
because the train may be instantly
controlled from a dead stop to full
speed, no matter what section of the
track it is on, by merely moving the
handle back and forth. The young
No. 5564 engineer is thus enabled to slow down
his train on the curves and to allow
it to run ahead full speed on the straight stretches of track.
This feature of having the current under instant control by means of a lever instead of
being obliged to change the wins from one post to another, makes this transformer in-
valuable in the laboratory, for general experimental purposes, or for a boy wishing a
source of electric current which is under perfect control and may be suited to any toy.
The case of the transformer is iron finished in black enamel. Each instrument is fitted
with eight feet of flexible lamp cord and an attachment plug which may be screwed into
the nearest socket. No renewals or other maintenance expenses are necessary. The device
is practically indestructible.
No. 5564 Amco Step-down Transformer with control lever $7.50
Shipping weight, 25 lbs.

Spark Coils, Transformers,
Wireless Apparatus, Etc.

Do you want "Something Electrical" Made

to Order? WRITE US.


Amco Electrolytic Rectifier

The Best Electrolytic Rectifier ou the Market

For changing alternating current into direct current. Constructed in a

unique and approved manner so that both sides of the alternating cycle are
converted into direct current. A single cell rectifier can be used with
satisfaction, but for experimental work requiring considerable current
it is necessary to use the four-cell type and use an adjustable resistance in
series with it. The glass jars are exceedingly tough and will not easily
break. The electrodes are thick and heavy so that they will last indefinitely.
They are provided with rubber insulating gaskets which prevent the
creeping of the liquid. The binding posts are brass, nickel plated.
No. 6580 Electrolytic Rectifier, single cell, two electrodes, with
chemicals. Shipping weight, 11 lbs 8140
No. 5582 Electrolytic Rectifier, single cell, three electrodes, with
chemicals. Shipping weight, 12 lbs 2.00
No. 5584 Electrolytic Rectifier, four cell two electrodes in each
cell, with chemicals, in handsome hardwood case. Ship-
ping weight, 40 lbs 5.50
No. 5588 Electrolytic Rectifier, four cell type, three electrodes in
each cell, with chemicals, in handsome hardwood case
Shipping weight, 44 lbs 7.00
No. 5588 Electrolytic Rectifier, four cell type with three electrodes
in each cell, with chemicals and one No. 6661 Step-
down Transformer. Shipping weight, 60 lbs 11.50

Bridget, Mont.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sir:- 1 received your order to- day and 1 can say 1 am more than pleased with
same. The goods were in excellent condition. You may expect alarger order from me soon.


There has never been any desire on the part of Adams- Morgan Co. to
become "quantity producers," but rather to manufacture a line of excep-
tional merit in sufficient numbers to insure an economic production. As
a result the business has grown and the output been sold without the usual
campaign of extensive advertising. A volume of business compelling us
to produce great quantities has been forced on us solely through the
merits of our goods.
THERE IS NO RECOMMENDATION equal to a satisfied customer who
is so pleased that he wants his friends to also share his pleasure. The
customers of Adams-Morgan Co. are "Amco" enthusiasts, and we daily
receive many letters from thoroughly satisfied and well pleased purchasers
of our goods who take the trouble to write and tell us so.
Certain concerns make a practice of claiming to be the manufacturers of
all the goods shown in their catalogs, whereas in many cases they actually
make only a very small part or else none at all. We do not do so. We do
not claim to manufacture everything in our catalog but on the other
hand we do manufacture a majority of the articles shown, and for the
convenience of our customers have prefixed the title of every article of
our own manufacture by the word "AMCO." The word "Amco" is a
synonym for quality and means that Such an article incorporates the
brains, honesty and skilled workmanship of the Adams-Morgan Co.
In business, as in social life, old and tried friends are the best friends,
and it has always been our policy to so conduct our business that we shall
always maintain the willing support of our old customers.
We attribute the steady growth of our business to the fact that we manu-
facture and supply only goods of unquestionable quality and give our
customers PROMPT and CAREFUL attention.
The unquestionable superiority of "Amco" Wireless Telegraph Apparatus
is a matter so well known and of such long standing that it is almost
unnecessary to make any comments on that subject. The mark "Amco" or
the name Adams- Morgan are synonyms for QUALITY, backed by ex-
perience and skill. In offering our catalog to the trade and general
public we have not burdened them with unreliable statements or remarks
about competitors goods, but have confined ourselves to simple descriptions
of the article in question. Our best references are our customers and we
only request prospective purchasers to ask them or to make the only fair

test there is, that of COMPARISON, in order to be convinced of the

truth of such claims. Our name is a fair one, with a reputation for
HONESTY and SQUARE-DEALING. When we say that an instrument
has a "hard rubber" base, we mean genuine hard rubber and not com-
position, and when we say "hard rubber composition" we mean hard
rubber composition.
Every instrument is guaranteed to be exactly as represented and we also
guarantee our apparatus against all mechanical and electrical imperfections


It will save delays


All goods listed in this catalog under the

name "Amco" are our own manufacture.
are all yours when you buy Amco Appa-
The satisfaction that comes from having
efficient, good looking instruments of real
excellence, and the knowledge that you
have the BEST is guaranteed if they are
made by Adams-Morgan Co.
These are the reasons why we are the
largest manufacturers of wireless appa-
ratus in the country.


The Amco " Simplex" Apparatus brings the cost of aWireless
Telegraph Outfit within the reach of every boy
Heretofore the cost of Wireless Telegraph Apparatus has prevented many
boys from taking up the instructive and interesting pastime of experi-
mental wireless telegraphy. After considerable experimental work we
have succeeded in producing a line of simplified wireless apparatus listed
in this catalog under the name of "Simplex," which can be sold at a price
well within the reach of every boy, and there is now no reason why anyone
should be prevented from having the pleasure and instruction which can
be gained from an experimental wireless set.
The fact that this apparatus is sold at such a
low figure should not mislead any one into be-
lieving that we have sacrificed the quality or
efficiency in so doing. The keynote of our suc-
cess in producing such wonderful instruments
at a low figure is SIMPLICITY. We have
simplified the apparatus until we have secured
a design requiring a minimum of labor to pro-
duce. This, together with the fact that Adams-
and manufacture their own parts from the raw
materials, makes it possible to give more value
for equal money than other concerns selling
wireless apparatus, who in most cases merely
assemble parts. Our binding posts, thumbscrews,
cups and other parts are turned out of the raw
sheets and rods right in our own factory, and it
is therefore unnecessary for you to pay the
DOUBLE PROFIT in dealing with us which
you have to pay when you buy from others.

Jersey City, N. J.
Dear Sir:— I thank you very much for the attention you gave my order for the one
glass jar. It was packed nicely and came all safe. Very truly yours,

Amco Junior Receiving Set

Here is a set that you will be proud to own. Wireless messages
are flying all around. Get started in this fascinating pastime. This
receiving set is a winner. It is the greatest value ever offered
in a wireless set.
The set comprises a com-
plete outfit all ready to
connect to the aerial and
ground. The instruments
are all mounted upon a
mahogany finished base and
permanently connected at
the factory, so that there
is no possibility of a
faulty connection
which might lower
the efficiency. Th,
set consists of a
double slide tuning
coil, a vertical detector and a fixed condenser. The wiring is all entirely concealed, being
inlaid in grooves in the bottom of the base. The set is provided with binding posts for the
aerial, ground and phones. The woodwork is all finished in dark mahogany.
No. 580 Amco Junior Receiving Set; weight when packed 6 lbs. $4.00
No. 581 Same set with a 75- ohm double pole telephone receiver with 3- ft. cord $4.75
No. 582 Amco Junior Receiving Set with 1000- ohm receiver, cord and headband 116.00
No. 583 Amco Junior Receiving Set with two 1000- ohm receivers, headband and cord $8.00
Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

Amco Junior Receiving Set

This set is even more sensitive than our No. 580. It is provided
with a loose coupled tuner or receiving transformer in place
of a double slide tuning coil. The instruments are all mounted on a
mahogany finished
base and permanently
connected at the fac-
tory. The set com-
prises a loose cou-
pled tuner, detector
and fixed condenser.
The loose coupler is
our well known No
520. It makes very
selective tuning pos-
sible and enables the
experimenter to tune
out any unwanted
station and bring the
one desired in loudly
and clearly. Shipping weight, 8 lbs.
No. 585 Amco Junior Receiving Set with Loose Coupled Tuner, 8 lbs $6.00
No. 586 Amco Junior Receiving Set No. 585 with 1000 ohm telephone receiver,
headband and cord 8.00
No. 587 Amco Junior Receiving Set No. 585 with two 1000 ohm receivers, head-
band and cord 10.00
NOTE.—The Junior Receiving Sets can be supplied with either our No.
500 or 504 Detector. We stock sets fitted with the No. reo Detector in
largest quantity and since the popular demand seems to be for this type
we always supply it unless otherwise specified on the order.

Amco Junior Loose Coupler

The Junior Receiving Transformer places
a high class instrument, embodying the
finest materials and workmanship, within
the reach of all experimenters.
It will perform with equal effi-
ciency when placed in
competition with other
loose couplers, and
in most cases will
show superior results.
The primary consists
of 150 turns of wire
wound over aspecial-
No. 520 ly treated tube which
will not shrink. Var-
iation of the primary
is by means of a slider. The secondary is varied by a five- point switch. The coupling is
changed by moving the secondary in and out of the primary on the two horizontal rods.
THE LOUD SIGNALS AND SELECTIVE TUNING it is possible to obtain with
this instrument has made it a general favorite and it has earned enthusiastic praise by its
splendid service and efficiency. It makes very selective tuning possible and enables the
experimenter to tune out any unwanted station and bring that desired in loudly and clearly.
All metal parts are brass, finished in gold lacquer. The wood is finished in dark mahogany.
The Best Looking and Bent Working Receiving Transformer at Any-
where near the price
No 520 Amco Junior Loose Coupler $4.00
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

The Amco Junior Tuning Coil

This is the best- looking and most effi-
cient low priced tuner on the market.
In fact it is such a fine little instrument
that it has been widely Imitated. It is
*properly designed and very carefully con-
structed. An inferior tuning coil will go
far towards weakening signals and re-
ducing the general efficiency of a station.
We can guarantee the "Junior" tuner will
give excellent results and bring signals
in loud and clear. No. 510
The cylinder is wound with over three hundred turns of wire. The cylinder is also
specially treated to prevent warping, and the construction of the winding is such that it is
impossible for any of the turns to short circuit. Our method of winding gives the maximum
amount of inductance it is possible to obtain in a given space. The wave length of this
coil la as great as that of many coils almost twice as large. The coil ends are polished
wood finished in dark mahogany. The metal parts are all brass finished with gold lacquer.
The coil is provided with two sliders which move very smoothly and make contact with
each turn independently.
No. 510 Amco Junior Double Slide Tuning Coil $1.75
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Cleveland, Ohio.
Dears Sirs:-- I wish to thank you for your prompt service to me. I will take pleasure
in recommending you to my friends. A firm which does business like you do is bound
to succeed. Yours for the best of business,

Variable Condenser
This condenser is constructed so that there is combined rotary
and slide plate action, the plates being arranged to operate in
circular grooves. There are four stationary plates which in
combination with three movable ones, give a total capacity of
.0005 m.f. The top and bottom are hard rubber composition.
The top is provided with a scale, which together with the pointer
attached to the handle, indicates the relative capacities in cir-
cuit. The sides are made of transparent celluloid so that the
interior workings and mot.on of the plates can be plainly seen.
We recommend its use only in secondary of receiving circuits.
No. 7734 Variable Condenser $3.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs. No. 7734

Amco Junior Variable Condenser

This little instrument is the best small capacity vari-
able receiving condenser on the market today at a price
within reach of all. It is very carefully and substan-
tially made and is particularly striking in appearance.
It consists of 19 semi- circular metal plates, 9 being
movable and 8 fixed, mounted upon a hardwood top
finished in dark mahogany. The top is provided with
a 180 degree scale, knurled knob, handle, indicating
pointer and suitable binding posts. The container is a
brass shell, highly polished and finished in gold lac-
quer. The case is oiltight so that it may be filled with
castor oil or some other good insulating oil and the
capacity of the condenser increased thereby five times.
The condenser has ample capacity without oil for most
secondary work and will prove an invaluable part of
almost any wireless equipment. It will increase the
selectivity and range of the station. It will tune out
No. 7731 unwanted stations and bring in those desired loudly
and clearly.
7731 Amco Junior Rotary Variable Condenser $2.25 Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco Junior Rotary Variable Condenser

This is one of the most handsome and efficient small
rotary variable condensers made. All details of con-
struction have been worked out with a view to securing
the greatest efficiency. The case is a highly finished
brass cylinder fitted with a polished hardwood top and
bottom, finished in dark mahogany. A knurled rubber
composition knob is provided, with a brass pointer
moving over an etched brass scale. The condenser unit
consists of 31 semi- circular metal plates spaced very
close together with air as the dielectric. The case is
oiltight and if it is filled with a good grade of insula-
ting oil the capacity of the condenser may be increased
five times. The movement of the plates is smooth and
easy. Perfect satisfaction is guaranteed. Constructed
in a thoroughly manner throughout. The
low price of this instrument may mislead some into the
erroneous notion that it is a cheaply- built, poor looking
condenser. Nothing could be further from the truth.
This instrument will add greatly to the appearance and
efficiency of any set. It will reduce all disturbances due
to interference, static, power lines, etc., to a minimum,
as well as bring in distant stations loud and clear.
7733 Amco Junior Rotery Variable Condenser $3.00 Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco Junior Detector Stand


Contact with the mineral is established by

a fine wire spring, the tension of which
may be accurately adjusted. This provides
a much more sensitive arrangement than
the spring strip used on many detectors.
Our detector will maintain its adjustment
and is not easily disarranged by jars and
jolts. The base is finished in dark ma-
hogany, carefully polished. All metal
fittings are polished brass, gold lacquered.
The crystal is fastened in the cup by
means of a small set- screw. The adjust-
ing screw is provided with a large knurled
composition knob.
No. 504 Amco Junior Vertical
Detector Stand, diameter 3
inches, height 3 inches 05 Centm
Weight packed, 6 ounces

Amco Junior Detector

This detector has proven extremely popu-
lar because of its excellent appearance
and high efficiency. Although of simple
design, it may be quick.y adjusted to a
degree of sensitiveness that is often hard
to obtain with many higher priced in-
IT WILL STAY SO. The mineral is
clamped in a small brass cup by means
of a set- screw. Contact is made with the
surface of the crystal by means of a
"feeler" or "cat whisker" made from a
special composition which has been found
to give the best results. The tension is
No. 500 adjustable through a wide range by turn-
ing the knob. This is important, for the
most sensitive adjustment is only secured when the tension is right. The construction of
this detector is such that the point may be brought into contact with any portion of the
mineral surface and the latter thoroughly searched for the most sensitive spot.
No. 500 Amco Junior Detector, diameter of base 3 inches 75 Cents
Shipping weight, 5 cunees

Amco Junior Wireless Key

This is a standard sized telegraph key with
no cir—iit breaker and with very large extra
heavy points, especially for wireless tele-
graphy and experimental purposes. The No. 562
bushings are of mica, which will stand the
heat caused by breaking extra heavy currents. An ordinary key is worthless for such pur-
poses because the points burn off and stick. The base of the key is enameled. The lever
is solid brass. The trunnions screws, etc., are brass, carefully polished and lacquered.
Connections are made in two binding posts so that the key can be mounted on desks and
tables without boring holes as required for a leg pattern key. Shipping weight, 1 lb.
No. 562 Amco Junior Wireless Key 75 Cents

Amco Junior Helix

This is a strong, well designed Helix, and we
can claim without fear of contradiction that it is
the best instrument for the purpose ever offered
at anywhere near the price.
A Helix is used to tune the transmitting appara-
tus of a wireless station. When properly tuned
with a helix the range of the station will be
greatly increased.
a Juniormade.
Helix. The
It inductance
is properly isdesigned
in the No. 560 1

form of a spiral of heavy brass ribbon wound in

a slotted hardwood frame. The woodwork is finished in dark mahogany.
Every Inch of the Inductance is Accessible to the Clips, making it possible
to tune very closely. The construction of the helix is such that it may be mounted either
on the wall or directly on the operating table. Fitted with heavy brass binding posts
and two clips.
No. 560 Amco Junior Helix $1.75 Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Amco Junior Oscillation Transformer

An Oscillation Transformer is necessary
in order to produce a pure, well main-
tained wave which can be closely tuned
at the receiving station.
An Oscillation Transformer is really a
double helix, one coil forming a primary
winding and the other a secondary. The
primary is contented to the spark gap
and condenser and the secondary to the
ground and aerial.
An Amco Oscillation Transformer
is necessary In order to produce
a Pure Wave in compliance with
the new Federal Regulations.
It will enable you to easily obtain a wave
length of 200 metres without hampering
the efficiency of your station. Its use
will increase your transmitting distance.
Our instrument is far superior to any
thing else of its kind.
The Construction and G
Efficiency of the Junior Oscilla-
tion Helix is of the Highest
Order and stands distinctly by
The primary and secondary windings are heavy brass ribbon wound spirally in specially
slotted frames. The coupling between the two windings is variable by sliding the second-
ary up and down on a heavy brass rod. It may be locked in place by a set- screw. The
woodwork is finished in dark mahogany. Every inch of the brass ribbon is accessible to
the clips. Two clips are furnished with each instrument. The construction of the trans-
former is such that it may be mounted vertically on the operating bench or ceiling, or
horizontally on the wall.
No. 555 Amco Junior Oscillation Transformer $4.00
Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

Amco Junior Spark Gap

This spark gap can be used with any coil
up to 3 inches. It is a well balanced
little instrument very carefully made from
the finest materials. IT IS WORTH MORE
Don't be misled into the idea that a low
price means a poor gap, for judged by
ordinary standards this article is worth
more than we ask. HIGHLY EFFICIENT
All metal parts are brass with the excep-
No. 550 tion of the sparking points, which are
zinc. Zinc is superior to all other metals for this purpose. The points are removable.
The gap is adjustable through a distance of one inch. Shipping weight, S ounces.
No. 550 Amco Junior Spark Gap, 5 inches long 55 Cents

Spark Balls

No. 7603

Spark balls will be found to be much more efficient than a spark gap when a small coil
is used in sending messages which are to be picked up with a coherer. These balls are
made of the best spun zinc. They may be adjusted for any desired length of spark by
simply loosening one of the binding posts and sliding them back and forth. They are made
so that they may be mounted directly on the secondary terminals of one of our coils.
No. 7603 One pair of Double Adjustable Polished Zinc Jump Spark Balls,
1!.$ inch diameter, together with two brass sending rods and stands 95 Cents
Shipping weight, 10 ounces

Coherer and Decoherer

This coherer is capable of
finer adjustment than our No.
7600. It is made of the very
finest material throughout.
The coherer arms are fitted
with micrometer screws so
that they can easily be ad-
justed to one- thousandth of
an inch.
The apparatus is mounted
upon a mahogany finished
base. It is designed for use
in connection with a relay and
No. 7602
No. 7601 Coherer alone $1.35 Shipping weight, 1 lb.
No. 7602 Coherer and Dechorer $2.00 Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco Coherer and Decoherer

The coherer is a device almost
too well known to need des-
cription. It may be used in
connection with a relay and
sounder or bell to receive
wireless signals or to give
warning that a message is
coming. For distances not ex-
ceeding one mile these coher-
ers will perform their work
exceedingly well.
The instruments are mounted
on a seasoned hardwood base.
All metal parts are japanned
or nickel plated. The coherer
arms are silver plated. The
coherer is provided with a
decoherer which strikes against
the glass tube and decoheres
the filings as soon as an elec-
tric wave causes the relay to No. 7600

We supply a package of very sensitive filings, an extra tube and a pair of "catch" wires.

No. 7600 Coherer and Decoherer complete as described $1.00

Weight packed, VA lbs.

Printing Tape Telegraph Register

This instrument is almost an exact dupli-
cate of those used in large telegraph
offices, but is built on smaller lines. It
is provided with a spring motor which
winds up with a key. It is fitted with
an ink wheel, tape reel exactly as shown
in the illustration, and when connected
to an ordinary telegraph line will print
the messages in dots and dashes on the
paper tape.

If you have a telegraph line with your

chum you do not need to be on hand to
receive a message. The machine will
print it in your absence.
The register may be connected to one of
our coherers and will print wireless mes-
sages providing the distance is not over
one mile. Only one dry cell is required
to work the register. This is one of the
best methods of learning the telegraph
code, for the clicks are translated into
dots and dashes before your very eyes.
No. 7605 Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

No. 7605 Printing Tape Telegraph Register, size over all 5',x4x7 ins.
Weight, one pound. Comes carefully packed in a box *3.50
No. 7606 Extra roll of tape for above .10

Amco "Simplex" Receiving Outfit

A Complete Receiving Outfit Including
a Loose Coupler for $4.75.
This loosely coupled Ph7///defferemeee
receiving outfit is a
winner. It is anoth-
er member of our
"Simplex" Line
which has proven
so popular with
boys. A loose
coupler makes it
possible to secure
much finer tuning
and consequently
greater distances
than a double slide
tuning coil. The No. 2025
loose coupler sup-
plied with this outfit is our well-known " Simplex" instrument. The set consists of the
loose coupler together with a sensitive cat- whisker detector and a fixed condenser all
mounted on a hardwood base. The instruments are all connected at our factory so that
they are ready for operation when you them. Considerable advantage is derived
by purchasing a receiving set complete, for the instruments are then permanently con-
nected by experienced workmen and there is no possibility of a faulty circuit which might
lower the efficiency. Our receiving outfits stand pre-eminently in a class by themselves
among high grade popular outfits. They are the very finest it is possible ta make and
are far superior to anything of the kind offered in imitation. Comparative tests have
proven them to be absolutely unexcelled in reliability, efficiency, appearance and con-
struction. All the woodwork on the Simplex Loose Coupled Receiving Outfit is carefully
finished. The metal parts are brass, buffed and gold lacquered. The separate parts will
be found listed in the back of this catalog.
NO. 2024 Complete Simplex Receiving Set $4.25 6 lbs.
No. 2025 Complete Simplex Receiving Set with a 75 Ohm Telephone
Receiver with Cord 4.75 7 lbs.
No. 2026 Complete Simplex Receiving Set with Telephone Receiver, one
lb. of Aluminum Aerial Wire, 25 feet of Ground Wire,
and eight Porcelain Aerial Insulators 5.50 9 lbs.

Amco "Simplex" Loose Coupler

Here is a loose coupler
\uithin the react of every-
body with which it is pos-
sible , o obtain the very
finest tuning selectivity.
We sr,- willing to place it
in comparative competition
, ,01!",t1,i',
,1 1 1
,1 with say other loose coup-
ler ot receiving trans-
former of any other make.
The simplificatipn of ma-
terials and st, ucture is
all that makes the price
No 2060 — difference.
A trial will prove to the niost skeptical the truth of the assertion that
this instrument is superior in sensitive selectivity to sunny instruments
costing five times as much.
The primary consists of over 120 turns of heavy copper wire wourd over a specially
treated non- shrinkable tube. The primary is varied by a switch whi, h moves back and
forth making connection with each and every rum of wire. The secondary slides in and
out of the primary so that the coupling may be varied through a wide range at will.

The secondary is varied by means of a slider which moves over the top of the coil and
which makes contact with any number of turns at will. Most loose couplers have a switch
on the end of the secondary so that it can only be varied in groups of several turns at
a time, but the "Simplex" is so arranged that any number of turns from 1 to 175 can be
had, and this is one of the features which accounts for the wonderful results it is
possible to obtain with this tuner. The slider is so arranged that it operates whether the
secondary is inside the primary or not. The woodwork is all carefully finished. All
metal parts are brass, buffed and lacquered. The instrument is the same loose coupler
described in " Wireless Construction and Installation for Beginners." Parts will be found
listed in the back of this catalog. Shipping weight, 3 lbs.
No. 2060 Amco "Simplex" Loose Coupler, size 12 x 4 x 4 inches, weight PA lbs. $3.15

A COMPLETE RECEIVING SET FOR. $2.98. Here is the set young

America has "gone crazy over." This set has received messages 500 miles.

Who Says He Can't Own a Wireless?

One of our great amateur offers; a complete receiving set mounted
upon a base and all connected, at a price which cannot be approached
by any other firm in America for an outfit of equal quality. Only
the large quantities which we manufacture enable us to make such an
offer. This set is a winner. It is a simplified edition of some of our
larger sets and has been brought out especially for those boys who
wish to buy an efficient receiving
outfit but who are prevented on
account of a limited pocketbook
from buying a larger, more ela-
borate outfit. It consists of a
double slider tuning coil, mounted
on a hardwood base with a fixed
condenser and a sensitive mineral
detector. We have named this
outfit the "Simplex Receiving Set"
1111111 I
111.111.1,1111,1111011 !!
and it is the same outfit describe'
in Chapter III, of our book " Wire-
less Construction and Installation
for Beginners." The separate parts
will be found listed in the back
of this catalog. Considerable ad-
vantage is derived in purchasing
one of our complete receiving sets
for the instruments are then carefully tested and permanently connected at the factory.
The low price of the "Simplex Outfit" should not mislead anyone into think:ng that the
quality or efficiency of any essential parts have been sacrificed or that the set is a
miniature of a larger set. It measures 9 x 6 x 4 inches. The woodwork is carefully
finished. The metal parts are brass, buffed and gold lacquered. SHIPPING
No. 2020 Complete Simplex Receiving Set $2.49 5 lbs.
No. 2021 Complete Simplex Receiving Set with a 75 ohm Telephone
Receiver and Cord 62.98 6 lbs.
No. 2022 Complete Simplex Receiving Set witth Telephone Receiver, 1 lb
Aluminum Aerial Wire, 25 ft. Ground Wire, and eight Aerial Insulators 163.75 8 lbs.

Amco " Simplex" Detector

This Detector consists of a turned brass cup mounted upon a
wooden base with a phosphor bronze " cat- whisker." The
detector is recommended to beginners and is especially adapted
to galena. The cup is provided with a set screw to clamp the
mineral in position. Two brass binding posts are provided to
No. 2070 facilitate connections. All metal parts are buffed and gold
lacquered. This is the same detector described in our book
"Wireless Construction and Installation for Beginners."
No. 2070 Amco Simplex Detector, size 2X x 13
4 x 74 inches 30c.
No. .
M2070 Complete Set of Parts for Assembling Simplex Detector 25c.
Shipping weight, 4 ozs.

Amco "Simpliex" Fixed Condenser

Consists of a fixed condenser of proper capacity contained
within a black enameled metal case. The material used to space
the tinfoil has a very high di- electric strength and will not
easily puncture. The condenser terminals consist of two flexible
silk covered wires led through the top of the case. This is the
same condenser described in Chapter IV. of "Wireless Construc-
tion and Installation for Beginners." Shipping weight, 4 oz.
No. 2075 Amco Simplex Fixed Condenser 35c.
No. M2075 Parts for Building the Simplex Fixed Condenser yourself 250.

HERE IT IS AT LAST A Chance for Every Boy to Own a Spark Coll

The Amco "Simplex" Spark Coil

The Amco "Simplex" Spark Coil is the
result of our endeavor to produce a coil
of the highest quality throughout, but
constructed along simple lines so that it
could be offered to the young experi-
menter at a price which is within the
reach of most boys. It is a well known
fact that our factory is fitted with some
very ingenious semi- automatic winding
machines which enable us to build coils
far more efficiently and at a
lower cost than any other
manufacturer. We give our
customers the benefit by
selling them coils which are
of a higher quality than those
sold by other firms for more
money. Most other manufac-
turers have given up trying to
No. 2080 wind their own coils and now
buy their windings from us.
The Amco "Simplex" Spark Coil enables any boy to perform the hundreds of interesting
and extraordinary experiments that car. only be performed with an induction coil capable
of giving a good strong spark. For instance, the most beautiful and startling effects can
be obtained by connecting any of our Geissler tubes to the secondary of the coil. This
coil will light five or six of the tubet. at the same time. If an old incandescent lamp
is connected to one of the secondary terminals of the coil it will emit a wierd greenish
light in the dark when the coil is set in operation. The spark from the coil will charge
a Leyden jar, ignite gunpowder, puncture paper. An unlimited number of other experi-
ments may be performed. This spark , oil will form an efficient transmitter for your wire-
less station and will send good clear signals easily from one-half to one mile. If you
wish to become familiar with wireless telegraphy, X- Rays, etc., you must experiment with
a spark coil first. All the good features of the most up-to-date coils are incorporated in
the "Simplex." The insulation is the highest, internal sparking is quite impossible and we
will cheerfully replace any Junior Coil on which the secondary breaks down or burns out,
provided that no more than six volts have been connected to the primary. It only requires
three or four dry cells to operate the ' oil and they will last a very long time on account
of the small amount of current consumed. The secondary is wound with enameled wire
and has two layers of insulating paper between each layer of wire. The coil will give a
hot spark one-half inch long. A longer spark than this can be obtained by changing the
adjustment of the vibrator. The vibrator contacts are very large and are hardened so that
they will last indefinitely. A condenser of large capacity is connected across the inter-
rupter so as to eliminate sparking at the contacts. The base is wood, finished in mahogany.
The ends are imitation ebony. All metal parts are brass, gold lacquered. The complete
coil is 8 in. long, 4 in, wide and 5 in. high. Weight lbs. This is the same coil des-
cribed in Chapter VI. of " Wireless Construction and Installation for Beginners." Parts
for building the coil yourself will be found elsewhere in this catalog. Shipping weight, 5 lbs.
No. 2080 Amco " Simplex" Spark Coil ready for operation, packed in strong box $2.60

• Amco "Simplex" Wireless Key

Here is just the thing for the
young experimenter desiring a
01 substantial well-built key for oper-
sting small coils, etc. The key
e› .
frame is cast iron, finished in
black enamel. All other parts are
brass, polished and lacquered. The
key lever is nicely balanced so as
to suit the touch of the most
critical operator. The contact
points are especially adapted for
wireless telegraphy and experi-
No. 2050 mental purposes. The key is
mounted on a well finished hard-
wood base and provided with two binding posts. Altogether, this is a practical and
serviceable key.
No. 2050 Amco Simplex Wireless Key 56 cents Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Spark Coils

Amco Spark Coils are made especially TYPE B.
for use in wireless telegraph work.
The spark is very thick and heavy.
Moreover in building them we have
not endeavored to save every possible
cent's worth of material in order to
increase our profit or reduce the
selling price.

Our spark coils are widely known as

being far superior to all other makes
of coil on the market. We manu-
facture them in large quantities and
are able to turn out a better coil at
the same cost than any other concern.
We are equipped with automatic wind-
ing machinery of our own design and
manufacture, and for a long time
have made a specialty of furnishing
all sorts of windings for use in spark
coils, magnetos, transformers, tele-
phones, telegraphs, etc., to other
manufacturers who have recognized
high quality of material and workmanship we put into our products.
Amco Spark Coils are made somewhat larger than would actually be necessary in order to
get the results from them that ordinary coils give. This generous design has been faith-
fully carried out in the construction of all the various parts of the coils and has resulted
in a considerable increase of efficiency. For instance, in the case of the ordinary spark
coil rated at " one inch" you have to overwork the coil in order to secure a one inch
spark. Quite the contrary is true in the case of an AMCO spark coil and you are under-
working an AMCO one inch spark coil when you get an inch spark, because they will in
most cases give fifty per cent, more than their actual rating. By this we mean that an
AMCO one inch coil will give a spark one and one-half inch long between sharp needle
points. Coils somewhat lower in price than ours can be purchased in the open market.
The lower price is only made possible by reducing the size of the windings and the
quality of the platinum used in the contacts. When you buy one you get exactly what
they are advertised to be and that is a cheap coil. These are some of the reasons why
you get a better instrument and far more value when you buy an Amco Spark Coil.

Type B Coils are enclosed in hardwood cases finished in dark mahogany. The metal
fittings are all brass. The vibrators are specially made for wireless work. They will
operate at high speed and with uniform, positive action. They can be very accurately
No. 7411 5¡. inch Spark Coil 4 lbs. $2.20
No. 7413 >4 Inch Spark Coll 6 lb s. 3.20
No. 7415 1 inch Spark Coil 7Yz lIbs
s.. 4.50
No. 7417 154 inch Spark Coil 8 lbs. 8.50
No. 7419 2 inch Spark Coil 9 lbs. 9.00
No. 7421 3 inch Spark Coil 11 lbs. 18.00
No. 7423 4 Inch Spark Coil 20 lb.. 30.00


The Amco Humming Transformer

(Humming Spark)
This transformer is a radical de-
parture from all ordinary trans-
former building and is entirely
different from anything else of
the kind in existence. It is abso-
lutely one of the most unique pieces
of wireless apparatus ever put on
the market. Its wonderful effi-
ciency and operation are due to
brand new principles entering into
its design and construction. It is
another instance where the ADAMS-
MORGAN Co. makes good its claim
of always being ahead of all com-
petitors and of always being the
first to market new ideas which
others afterwards imitate. More than fifty per cent, of all wireless instru-
ments offered by competitors are poor attempts at imitating something of
"AMCO" manufacture and design. The transformer operates directly
from the alternating current supplyi without any electrolytic interrupters,
impedance or resistance coils. It does not blink the lights or cause them to
flicker. There is no "kick-back" on the line to cause trouble with your
other apparatus. This statement cannot be made of any other transformer,
THE IDEAL TRANSMITTER. Unlike any other transformer it does not send out
• mushy or hissing spark but gives forth a PURE MUSICAL HUM that rings clear in the
receivers and is very easy to read. The tone never varies; it is always the same, hum-
ming pure and clear among the sounds of other stations.
No condenser or helix are required with this transformer, which is a big saving in itself.
Simply connect the secondary terminals to the spark gap and to the aerial and ground,
and high voltage high frequency currents will go surging through the aerial system, sending
out waves that produce a peculiar humming tone easily recognizable at the receiving
station. The voltage of the transformer is over twenty-five thousand volts and the spark
will jump over an inch between the secondary terminals. A low voltage transformer never
charges the aerial properly and is one of the reasons why low voltage transformers never
give good results. The spark discharge is very thick and flaming. This transformer will
send twenty-five miles under ordinary conditions. That is all that we claim. It will really
send much farther, so we have a safe margin. In the hands of an experienced amateur
or on the west coast, where greater distances are possible than in the east, 100 miles would not
be difficult to obtain. The transformer is enclosed in a hardwood case, carefully finished.
No. 7658 Humming Transformer 89.00 Shipping weight, 15 lbs.

The Amco Peerless Transmitting Set


This transmitting set is so far

superior to anything of a simi-
lar nature that there can be no
comparison. The combination
in one set of the many desir-
able features embodied in the
separate instruments has re-
sulted in an unusual degree of
You will be Justly Proud of
This Equipment

The Peerless Transmitter is

constructed in a compact unit,
beautifully finished, with all
woodwork carefully staíned and
polished and the brass work
gold lacquered. The set com-
prises one of the famous Gnome
Transformers mounted in a case with a glass plate oscillation condenser.
The spark gap and the helix are mounted on the top, convenient for
adjustment. The spark gap is of special design made purposely for
this set and is very carefully and substantially built. The helix is also
of special design. The coil is of heavy spring brass, spaced so as to
give the greatest inductive effect. Every inch of wire is accessible to
the clips. The instruments are all connected and ready for operation.
Simply connect the power wires and the aerial and ground as indicated
by the small name plates. No impedance coils or rheostat are required.
The current consumption is exceedingly small so that the nuisance of
flickering lights is avoided. The range is from twenty-five to fifty miles
under ordinary conditions. Under favorable circumstances or over water
twice this distance may be readily obtained. Made for alternating current
Ideal Wherever a Compact, Efficient Transmitter is Desired

The Peerless Transmitting Set is all that can be desired. Camps, yacht
owners or any one requiring a small, compact transmitter of the highest
efficiency will find the Peerless to fill every requirement.
No. 7430 Peerless Transmitting Set $25.00
No. 7431 Peerless Transmitting Set with Oscillation Transformer
in place of Helix 28.00

NOTE—If a Wireless Key is desired and it is purchased together with

this set ten per cent. may be deducted from the regular price of the key.

The Construction and Operation of the Amco "Simplex" Ap-

paratus is fully explained in our book, "Wireless Construction
and Installation for Beginners." Price, 25 Cents Postpaid.

Amco Oscillation Helix

The transmitting range of any station
may be increased several times by using
a helix of careful design and construc-
tion. We have given considerable
thought and time to the design of the
helixes listed above, with the result that
the Amco Helix will make a very ap-
preciable increase in the range of a
station when substituted for any other.
Exceedingly close tuning of the trans-
mitting circuit can be effected with
these helixes. Every inch of wire is
accessible. The frame is of well sea-
soned hardwood, carefully stained and
polished. The coil is of very heavy spring brass, spaced so as to give
the greatest inductive effect. Two lacquered spring clips, fitted with hard
rubber handles, are furnished with each helix. This helix is especially
suitable for use with our "Gnome" transformer. The secondary is formed
by the top turns. The primary is the two lower turns. With leads of
short length and proper condenser capacity, this inductance will give
200 meters in the closed circuit.
No. 7620 Amco Oscillation Helix.... $3.50 Shipping weight, 10 lbs.

Amco Helix or
Transmitting Tuning
This helix is of the same design
as our No. 7620, but is much larger
and heavier. The height and dia-
meter of the coil are greater and
the brass wire much heavier and
longer. Two clips furnished with
each coil. Suitable for all stations
using a large induction coil or a
7622 Amco Helix, !4 K. W
, $6.00
7624 Amco Helix, K. W 10.00
7626 Amco Helix, 1 and 2 K. W.15.00

309 So. Ohio Street, Butte, Montana, April 3, 1912.

Adams- Morgan Company, Montclair, New Jersey.
Dear Sirs:-1 received the Amco rotary condenser and insulator and am well pleased
with both. The condenser works to perfection and is a beautiful instrument. I am
enclosing P. 0. money order for 40 cents for which please send me post paid another
insulator No. 7842. Please send me a catalog or pamphlet showing the different lead-in
insulators and porcelain insulators such as are used to mount wireless instruments on.
I remain in eager anticipation, yours truly, HAROLD SATTER.

Amco Oscillation Transformer

An important and exclusive feature of
the Amco Oscillation Transformer lies
in the fact that it permits either direct
or inductive coupling in such a degree
that apure, well maintained wave, which
can be closely tuned at the receiving sta-
tion, is easily secured. It will work
wonders in decreasing the damping and
raising the efficiency of a station. Every
portion of both windings is accessible to
the clips so that the variation of induc-
tance is gradual, thus insuring absolute
resonance between the two circuits and
permitting the radiation of a greater
amount of energy from the aerial, in-
stead of wasting it in heat at the
spark gap.
An Ante° Oscillation Transformer is necessary in order to produce the
Pure Wave in Compliance with the new Federal Regulations.
The range of a station using one of these oscillation transformers is not
only greatly increased, but the wave made pure so that interference is
largely eliminated.
The primary and secondary windings are heavy brass ribbon wound
spirally in specially slotted frames. The coupling is variable by a sliding
movement of the secondary coil. The woodwork is all finished in dark
mahogany, nicely polished. All metal fittings are brass. The instrument
is of very pleasing appearance and may be set either on the operating
bench or mounted on the wall.
Its use is recommended in every amateur station because interference with
naval and commercial stations may thereby be avoided.
No. 7628 Amco Oscillation Transformer up to 1 K.W. capacity $6.75
Shipping weight, 10 lbs.

Sectional High Tension Condenser

This high tension condenser s made
of thin brass plates with composition
dielectric, formed under high pres-
sure. Each section has a capacity of
approximately . 0015 M. F. This con-
denser is of the highest quality and
can be safely recommended. The ca-
pacity is slightly too great for use
with induction coils and the sections
are recommended for transformer
work only. PRICE
No. 7644 High Tension Condenser
per section $2.00
(FIVE SECTION) Shipping weight per section, 4 lbs.

The Amco Gnome Transformer


The line of famous high potential trans-

formers to which the Gnome belongs is
the recognized peer of any other on the
market for wireless telegraph purposes.
One of the most important branches of
our business is winding transformers for
ozone machines, armatures for automobile
magnetos, spark coil secondaries, tele-
phone induction coils, ringer magnets and
almost a thousand other forms of coils
and electro -magnets. All this vast ex-
perience in designing and making coils
for various purposes has been incorpor-
ated into the manufacture of our coils
and transformers.
The Gnome Transformer is a wizard of
power and reliability. It contains all of
the desirable features of the largest ma-
chines and the same high grade of work-
manship. The output is more than six times tie energy derived from an induction coil of
twice the price. It represents unequalled value, only made possible by the best of manu-
facturing facilities and quantity of production. It will send from 25 to 50 miles under
ordinary conditions and much farther under favorable circumstances. The power con-
sumption is small and the nuisance of flickering or blinking of the electric lights is
thereby avoided. No impedance coil or rheostit are required.
The secondary potential is unusually high, making it possible to store a large amount of
energy in the condenser and aerial in a short space of time. All losses or leakage are
carefully guarded against. Each transformer is carefully tested before leaving our factory.
The Gnome Transformer cannot be too highly recommended. It is the equal of any
K.W. machine of other make. Its marvelous reliability and efficiency have brought us
more satisfied customers than any amount of advertising could possibly do.
The transformer is enclosed in a well finished hardwood case, beautifully stained sad
polished. It is provided with lacquered brass primary and secondary terminals. It is s
beautiful instrument, in construction, reliability and finish.
No. 7659 Gnome Transformer .• • • $1•2• 00 Shipping weight, 22 lbs.

The Peer of any other Tooke of 1/. K. W. Transformers on the Market

Wireless Key
e.î This is undoubtedly the best small wireless
key on the market. It is a standard telegraph
key fitted with extra heavy contact points,
bearings and strap. This key will not heat up,
even if 30 amperes are passed throngh it. The insulation is MICA
throughout. Contacts are removable Well suited for coils up to 12 inches.
No. 7663 Wireless Key $1.95 Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Washington, D. C.
Dear Sirs:—The order about which I wrcte Yt u yesterday has been received this
morning. The workmanship and finish of your Receiving Transformer exceeded my
expectations. It is without a doubt, the best thi.t I have seen at anywhere near the price.

Wireless Spark Coils

Our Wireless Spark Coils are un-
doubtedly the finest instruments
of their kind ever placed upon the
market. Our coils are much larger
than other coils of the same rated
spark length. We put more ma-
terial into them and they can be
depended upon to give a spark
which is much longer than our
rating. All of our coils will give
60 per cent, longer spark than
their rated length, which is to say
that our one- inch spark coil will
easily give a spark over an inch
and one-half long.
Designed purposely for wireless
and high frequency work. The
spark produced is very hot and
thick and is guaranteed to be of
the rated length provided the
proper number of good batteries
are used. The interrupter contact points are extra heavy platinum iridium, shunted by a
primary condenser of proper capacity to reduce the sparking to a minimum. Nos. 7422
and 7424 are provided with adjustable condensers built in ten sections.
These coils are positively the most efficient and well made coils now on the market. The
secondaries of the Type A coils are wound with enameled wire with two servings of oiled
insulating paper between each layer of wire. The cases are beautifully stained and
polished. All metal parts are buffed and gold lacquered.
The Type B coils are not so highly finished as the Type A, in order to meet the demand
for a lower priced instrument. They must not however, be considered to be cheap in any
sense of the word, but first class coils minus the polish.
No. 7410 Spark Coil, /
, t inch spark on 4 dry cells $3.00 4 lbs.
No. 7412 5 3.60 4 lbs.
N.. 7414 it . 3/
4 it 44 ti 5 ii it 4.80 7 lbs.
No. 7416 ,, 1 it 44
5.40 7 lbs.
No. 7418 ,, 1 ,4 ii 44 it 6 . . 8.40 11 lbs.
No. 7420 " " 2 " " " 8 " " 12.00 11 lbs.
N o. 7422 41 44 3 44 44
No. 7424 44 4 it 44 it 10 it II 32.50

Amco Kick-Back Preventer

The proper protection uf the system supplying current to a wireless transformer or induc-
tion coil from possible short-circuit and burnout from " kick- back" requires the use of a
reliable kick- back preventer.
The Fire Underwriters require that two A , micro- farad condensers be connected in series
across the primary circuit supplying the spark coil or transformer. The center connection
between the two condensers is connected to a good ground. The condensers are protected
by two fuses and two needle spark gaps.
The Amco Kick- back Preventer meets all of these requirements and is the only really
reliable device of its kind on the market.
Mounted on • neatly finished hardwood base and provided with all of the necessary
binding posts.

No. 7657 Amco Kick- back Preventer $4.50

Shipping weight, 3 lbs.


Amco Adjustable Oscillation Condenser

The transmitting range of an or-
dinary induction coil can be more

11111 I
than doubled by connecting a pro-
perly built oscillation condenser
across the spark gap. The Amco
Oscillation Condenser is more effi-
cient and durable than any other
instrument designed to serve a
similar purpose. It will change
the spark of an ordinary induction
coil to a thick, white, crashing
discharge, which can be heard a
long distance away.
The Leyden jars are each separ-
ately removable and are construct-
ed throughout in a similar man-
ner to those used in the mcst modern European wireless telegraph stations.
They are coated with heavy tinfoil which will not blister. The frame
is made of the best seasoned hardwood, carefully finished and propor-
tioned, so as to add to the appearance of any station. Each jar is seven
inches long. The four-jar set is suitable to coils giving sparks from 1 to
1 inches in length, the six- jar set to coils giving from 11 /
2 to 2
inches. and the eight tube set to coils giving from 2 to 3 inches. The jars
are connected in series multiple, so that the voltage is divided between them
and they are impossible to puncture.
No. 7640 Amco Four Tube Oscillation Condenser $2.00
No. 7642 Amco Six Tub.- Oscillation Condenser 2.75
No. 7644 Amco Eight Tube Oscillation Condenser 3.50
Shippey weight, 5 lbs.

Amco Wireless Key

This is our No. 7660 Wireless
Key mounted on a base of po-
fished " Blue Dove" marble. It is
provided with two large bind-
ing posts so that it may be
readily connected. The metal
parts are nickel plated and
polished. The auxiliary spring
gives the lever an excellent
balance, making it possible to
telegraph smoothly and rapidly without fatigue. Bushings are of mica.
A truly beautiful key.
No. 7661 Wireless Key on marble base $7.50
Weight 36 lbs., packed 6 lbs

Amco Closed Core Transformer

Amco Transformers are
the recognized peer of
any wireless transformer
now on the market. They
have been designed by for. o_
competent engineers who
have had long experience
in this field, and are en-
tirely above comparison
with any of the instru-
ments advertised by mail
order houses and ama-
teur experimenters. They
are entirely self-contain-
ed and self-regulating.
No impedance coil or
rheostat is required. They
are twenty-five to fifty per cent. more efficient than any type of trans-
formers employing a metal tongue to produce magnetic leakage, so that
the current impulses correspond with the voltage.
The voltage of the AMCO transformers is one hundred per cent.
higher than any other similarly rated machine. The potential is in the
neighborhood of 12,000-16,000 volts, and will jump el inch without a
condenser. The ordinary transformer only gives 8,000 to 12,000 volts,
which is insufficient to properly charge the aerial. For this reason the
AMCO transformers will send 25 to 50 per cent, farther than others of
equal rated capacity.
The secondary is wound with many thousands of turns of enamelled
wire, carefully insulated with two servings of oiled paper between each
layer. It is then impregnated and wound with an insulating cloth which
requires 8,000 volts to puncture a single thickness. It is impossible to
break down the secondary of an AMCO transformer.
Each lamination of the iron core is dipped in insulating paint to pre-
vent the eddy current losses present in acore built up in the ordinary way.
The binding posts are large and heavy.
Each transformer is carefully tested before leaving our factory and is fully protected
by the ADAMS-MORGAN guarantee. A cheap transformer will prove dear at any price
and the cost of an AMCO is more than justified by the increased signalling range and
reliability. A g, K.W. transformer of our make will transmit from 25 to 200 miles. You
cannot make a mistake by buying an AMCO transformer.
The merits of the AMCO transformers have been appreciated by several makers of
ozone apparatus and they are now in daily operation in many of the large hospitals, etc.
The transformers are enclosed i n a hi g hly po li she d mahogany finished case with heavy
terminals and insulating bushings.
No. 7650 54, K. W. Transformer $15.00
No. 7652 j, K. W. Transformer 25.00
No. 7654 1 K. W. Transforme- 35.00

Prices of larger machines or special windings upon application


Amco Rotary Gap

Will Increase the Efficiency and itnnge of Your Transmitter

The Rotary Spark Gap ,

is a device which has re-
cently found an extended
application in both pri-
vate and commercial in-
stallations. Now that
the power of amateur
stations has been limited
to 1 K.W. by the De-

partment of Commerce
and Labor the only way
open to increasing the
transmitting range of a
station is to increase its
efficiency. The Amco
Rotary Spark Gap will go farther in this direction than almost any other
device. It has been constructed with the utmost care according to the
most approved design and produces a high musical note which can be very
easily read through interference. It operates with entire absence of heating.
One of the features of the Amco Rotary Gap not found in others is the
mounting of the electrodes on the periphery thus rendering impossible any
changes in the sparking distance such as take place in a gap in which the
electrodes are mounted on the face, due to play in the shaft of the motor.
The Amco Rotary Gap not only produces a high note the frequency of
which may be varied from 50 to 500 a second at will, but prevents arcing
and will double the indication of a hot wire ammeter in most cases.
The instrument is very attractive in appearance and is mounted upon a
polished marble base. The rotary electrodes are cast solid and machined
to fit. They are cast from a special alloy which has been found to possess
a very high efficiency and being light permits the motor to start and stop
very rapidly. The motor is of the enclosed type and is fitted with ample
bearings and mica insulated commutator. The rotary electrodes are in-
sulated from the shaft by a heavy rubber bushing. The stationary elec-
trodes are provided with check nuts and insulating handles. The Amco
Rotary Spark Gap is the highest grade instrument of its kind on the
market. Quotations upon larger or special types upon request.
No. 7633 Amco Rotary Spark Gap, capacity up to 1 K.W., motor to
operate on four dry cells $ 12.00
No. 7635 Amco Rotary Spark Gap with motor to operate on 110 v.
A. C. or D. C. in series with lamp 15.00
Shipping weight, 15 lbs.

NOTICE.—If you show this catalog to your friends, kindly ask them
when writing for same to Inclose 111-e cents in stamps to help cover post-
age and mailing expenses.

Amco Aerial Switch

By the use of bent knife blades it is pos-
sible to operate this switch by moving the
handle through but sixty degrees. Arranged
with three contacts on the receiving side
and two on the sending side, this switch is
adapted for use in any of the usual wireless
telegraph circuits and is suited to stations
ranging from the smallest up to 2 K.W.
in capacity. Finished in bright copper, on
heavy hardwood base.

No. 7690 Aerial Switch $1.95 Shipping weight, 5 lbs.

Amco Zinc Spark Gap

The peculiar properties of zinc make
it particularly efficient for the elec-
trodes of a spark gap. The little gap
shown here has two zinc electrodes of
generous proportions, mounted
brass rods, provided with insulatiny
handles so that the spark gap may be
easily adjusted while the gap is in
operation. The base is of moulded
hard rubber composition and all metal
parts except the electrodes are brass,
polished and lacquered. The stan-
dards are provided with screw holes
to accommodate any ordinary saes
of wire. This spark gap is designed I No. 7630
for use on spark coils which will give up to a three-inch spark.
No. 7630 Amco Zinc Spark Gap 75 cents Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco High Efficiency Spark Gap

This is a very efficient spark gap and
will give far better results than any
athe rsmall
rkabl e
on the market.
gap The
rema results obtained with this
type of gap has led to its adoption by
several well-known manufacturers of
high frequency apparatus. The secret
of its efficiency lies in the method
of constructing the electrodes and
radiating fins so that all heat is
dissipated as fast as it is generated.
When a spark gap becomes hot the
spark has a tendency to arc, with a
noticeable falling off of the high fre-
quency currents. The standards are
No. 7634 hexagonal brass rods. The electrodes
are ELECTROLYTIC COPPER, mounted on threaded brass rods fitted with insulating
handles. Each electrode is fitted with four large radiating disks which offer a large
cooling surface and consequently dissipate the heat. The threaded rods upon which the
electrodes are mounted permit of very fine adjustment of the spark gap. The base is
hard rubber composition, thus insuring excellent insulation. This gap is recommended
for coils giving from 1/3 to 4- inch spark and for transformers up to
No. 7634 Amco High Efficiency Spark Gap 01.20
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Spark Gap

This spark gap is
designed for use with
transformers of an,
size up to 1 K. W.
The standards are
hexagonal brass rods,
mounted on foot
straps, which connect
to the binding posts.
The electrodes are
provided with large
radiating disks which
dissipate all heat as
fast as it is gener-
ated. The electrodes
are mounted on
threaded brass rods, No. 7636
fitted with insulating
handles so that the
gap may be adjusted while in operati -in. Locknuts are provided so that the adjustment
may be made permanent. The base of the park gap is genuine hard rubber, thus insuring
excellent insulation. A special metal is usesi for the electrodes so as to obtain the highest
possible efficiency and wearing qualities. This gap has no superior. It is very efficient
and will give far better service and re,ults than any other on the market. Size 7x3x4 ins.
No. 7636 Amco Spark Gap $4.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco Transmitting Key, United Wireless Type

This is a heavy key, milled
---.........„4 çrj....) from brass castings. It is of
.• -4
6e .
4 especially fine design and finish.
J o Although of heavy construction,
our unique auxiliary spring and
carefully balanced lever permit
operation with the utmost ease
and comfort. Wireless opera-
tors have long recognized this
and there are more of these
keys in commercial service than
any other type made.
The auxiliary spring also serves the purpose of relieving the pivots from
carrying a heavy current. Large contacts of our own special alloy elimin-
ate all sparking. The contacts are adjustable and removable, so as to
permit accurate alignment. Seven inch cast brass lever, with hard rubber
knob. All metal parts heavily nickel plated; mica insulating bushings.
No. 7660 Amco Wireless Key *5.50
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Montgomery, Ala.
Gentlemen:— Pardon delay in owning receipt of the rotary spark gap, with 110 volt
A. C. motor, encased in sound- proof box. The gap is fine, and 1 thank you for the ex-
cellent workmanship. There is no souna at all in our home and the motor runs very
smoothly without heating. Yours very truly,

Amco Quenched Gap


in offering the
"Amco" Quenched
Spark Gap we are
placing before the
experimenter the
most distinct ad-
vance that has been
attained in wireless
experiment in re-
cent years.
The unusual effi-
ciency of the
quenched gap is
almost too well
known to need
comment. It will
increase the hot-
wire ammeter
reading from 25 to 50 per cent, and produce louder, clearer signals than
the ordinary form of gap. The results obtained by the use of a quenched
gap are so remarkable that it is hard to believe that the same equipment
is being employed. Quenched spark transmitting sets have been adopted
by the United States Government and nearly all foreign countries. The
Amco Quenched Spark Gap renders the emitted wave-length much sharper
and will bring your equipment into compliance with the regulations of the
Department of Commerce and Labor.
The Amco Quenched Spark Gap is absolutely noiseless in operation. A watch can be
heard in the same room while transmitting. The annoyance of the crashing discharge of
a large coil or transformer is entirely eliminated with this gap. The gap sections are
turned from solid brass castings and are provided with large radiating fins which effectively
dissipate the heat. The separators are the best grade of India Mica. The frame of the
gap is machined from a heavy casting and provided with a setscrew so that the sections
may be properly compressed. The base is dove marble, highly polished.
No. 7639 Amco Quenched Gap, eight sections, frame and separators
complete, capacity up to and including 1 K. W. $ 15.00
Shi” ,ing weight, ? II lbs.

Leyden Jars
These Leyden Jars are made of the best German glass
jars, coated with heavy foil. They are excellent for all
high frequency and wireless telegraph uses, there being
practically no brushing.
7680 Half Pint 1.eyden Jar $1.05 1 lb.
No. 7681 One Pint I.eyden Jar 1.26 2 lbs.
No. 7682 One Quart Leyden Ja 1.50 3 lbs.
No. 7683 Tv o Quart Le> den Jar 2.00 5 lbs.

Amco Hot Wire Ammeter

A Hot Wire Ammeter is the only device for
showing when the circuits are in exact
resonance and the greatest amount of energy
is being radiated by the aerial system. A
pilot lamp is almost worthless, because it
dampens the oscillations and lowers the effi-
ciency of the transmitter. The meter shown
here is carefully and substantially made.
The instrument is encased in a heavy cast
brass case, with an embossed cover. The
scale is hand calibrated and furnished to
read to one, three or five amperes, as
ordered. Compensation for temperature
changes is to be had by means of a hard
rubber knob at the top of the instrument.
Diameter, five inches.

No. 7670 Amco Hot Wire Ammeter $6.00

Shipping weight, 4 Ihs.

Amco High Potential Oscillation Condenser

The Gla;s Plate Condenser has many advantages over the vario us f
of Leyden jars in stations of ove r K. W. capacity. They take up only
a small fraction of the space, are more efficient and the first cost is con-
siderably less. These condensers are built of the finest selected plate
glass, coated in the most approved manner. They are built in units and
cast solid in a non-hygroscopic insulating material, which effectively pre-
vents all corona or brush discharges.
The units are mounted in a box with separate connections led out
from each, so that any desired capacity can readily be secured. These
condense-s are especially suitable for use with the Amco Transformers,
but they will conserve the power and add to the efficiency of any station
when suLstituted for the usual Leyden jars or apoorly built plate condenser.
No. 7645 Amco Oscillation Condenser for "Gnome" Transformer 86.00
No, 7646 Amco Oscillation Condenser, et K. W 9.00
No. 7647 Amco Oscillation Condenser, 41 K. W. 18.00
No. 7648 Amco Oscillation Condenser. 1 K. W 35.00
No. 7649 Amco Oscillation Condenser. 2 K. W 71.00

Lightning Switch and Ground Wire

Requirad by the National Board of Fire Underwriters to
ground the aerial when not in use as a protection against
lightning. Consists of a single pole, double throw 100 amp.
switch mounted on an asbestos insulating base.
No. 7835 No. 7835 Lightning Switch $3.00
Shipping weight, 6 lbs.
No. 4 B.S. gauge copper wire is required by Underwriters as a ground wire for lightning
No. 7836 No. 4 B. S. Copper Wire, price per foot 5' ". Cents

Amco Oscillation Helix

This admirable Oscillation Helix is suitable for
induction coils and transformers up to 1. K.W.
The winding consists of nine turns of edgewise-
wound copper ribbon. The top and base of the
instrument are finished in dark mahogany and are
highly polished. Two clips which snap on and off
the ribbon are provided. One end of the ribbon
is fitted with a binding post. This is a sub-
stantial high grade instrument of approved design
and thorough workmanship. It is bigger and
better than similar types of instruments which
have been built in imitation. The tuning and
range of almost any station will be improved by
the addition of this instrument.
No. 7621. Amco Oscillation Helix, size
9 x 9 x 6 inches $4.80
Shirring weight, 5 lbs. No. 7621

Amco Oscillation Transformer


This is a loosely coupled transmitting inductance

designed so that the closed or primary circuit will
have natural period of 200 meters, using leads
about one foot in length and a condenser of the
proper capacity. The primary consists of three
turns of copper ribbon wound edgewise and
placed inside of the helix near the top. The
winding terminates in two binding posts mounted
on the top of the instrument The secondary
consists of nine outside turns of edgewise- wound
copper ribbon. The woodwork is finished in
mahogany and carefully polished. Suitable for
sets tip to I K. \X,. Two clips are supplied with
each instrument.
No. 7627 Amco Oscillation Transformer
size overall 9 x 9 a 7 inches $5.80
Shipping weight, 5 lbs.
No. 7627

Amco Rotary Gap Parts

This rotary spark gap wheel consists of a hard
rubber disk, 534 inches in diameter, fitted with
twelve brass spark electrodes. The electrodes are
mounted upon a brass connecting ring. The
disk is fitted with a cast iron hub. The hub is
provided with a set screw and can be supplied to
fit shafts, Vs, or h of an inch in diameter,
from stock. Almost any other size can be sup-
plied to order. Be sure to specify the shaft
diameter of your motor when ordering. The
stationary electrodes are electrolytic copper and
are mounted on heavy hexagonal brass standards
The stationary electrodes are set upon threaded
rods so that they may be carefully adjusted.
Each electrode is fitted with four radiating disks
which dissipate the heat. A knurled hard rub-
ber composition knob on each electrode shaft
permits them to be adjusted while the gap is in

operation. Brass locknuts to maintain the adjustment are provided. All metal parts are
carefully polished and lacquered. The wheel and electrodes are suitable for building a
rotary spark gap which may be used with any transformer up to 1 K.W. The gap may
be used to give a fine clear note with considerable increase in the efficiency of the station.
No. M201 Amco Rotary Spark Gap Wheel, 5r4 inches in diameter, as described $3.75
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.
No. M203 Stationary Electrode and Upright complete with radiating fins, lock-
nut and handle, per pair $ 1.50
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Amco Fixed Condenser

This Condenser is an exceedingly
efficient and high grade instrument,
with respect to both workmanship
and material. The condenser itself
is entirely contained within the hard
rubber composition base. The ma-
terial used to space the tin- foil has
a very high di- electric strength and
will not easily puncture. The condenser is of correct capacity.
No. 7736 Amco Fixed Condenser $ .80
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Electrolytic Detector

The Electrolytiz Detector has long been
acknowledged to be one of the most sensi-
tive types of detectors ever devised. Long
distance records are made with detectors
of this kind. To be at its best however,
an electrolytic detector should be so con-
structed that the fine Wollaston wire can
be moved up and down with the utmost
precision and with no side play. Some
detectors now on the market allow the
wire to wobble from side to side, render-
ing accurate adjustment impossible. The
Amco Electrolytic Detector is the only one
in which this fault is entirely overcome.
The Wollaston wire is held in the lower
end of a plunger which slides with ma-
chine fit, inside of aspecially turned barrel
mounted on a heavy cast brass upright.
By means of the large thumb knob on the
top of the instrument, the wire may be
raised or lowered with micrometer ac-
curacy. Provision is made for the easy
renewal of the fine platinum wire. Finished in polished brass, gold lacquered, on corn-
position base. A neat and efficient detector.

No. 7718 Amco Electrolytic Detector $1.25

Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Peerless Crystal Detector


There is no detector stand on the market

to- day which can approach this instru-
ment either in sensitiveness or perman-
ency of adjustment. It may be subjected
to severe jolts and jars which would ren-
der any other detector inoperative without
losing its adjustment.
We have devised it only after careful ex-
perimentation and its design marks a long
step forward in detector construction.

I It will Increase your receiving

range and add greatly to the
strength of signals.
The crystal is placed in the brass cup and
fastened securely in place by means of a
setscrew. Sensitive contact with the sur-
face of the crystal is secured by a slender
pin. The pin " floats" in the centre of a
No. 7712 fine hair- spring which acts as a shock-
absorber so that when the detector is jarred the motion is taken up by the spring and
the point will not move from its spot on the crystal. The contact pin is provided with a
small rubber knob so that the metal parts do not have to be touched when adjusting the
detector. The pin is arranged so that its adjustment is universal. It may be moved in
any direction and brought into contact with any portion of the mineral in the cup below,
so that the crystal may be very easily and quickly searched for the most sensitive spot.
Base of detector and large knob are hard rubber composition. Metal parts are all brass,
highly polished and gold lacquered. Base measures VA x 2V2 and the detector is 244 ins.
high. It is a prec'sion instrument of handsome appearance and unequalled efficiency.

No. 7712 Amen Peerless Detector 82.25 Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Vertical Detector

This Detector is unusually sensi-
tive and has a wide range of use-
fulness, being adapted to the use
of almost any crystal or metal.
Two different types of electrodes
are furnished with each instru-
ment, one a plain conical point,
the other a fine hair spring. The
advantages of this will be readily
appreciated by the careful experi-
menter. The cup will accommo-
date crystals of various sizes. The
back of the standard is of spring
brass, so as to permit of finer
adjustment. All metal parts are
of polished brass. finished in gold lacquer. The base and adjusting knob
are moulded hard rubber composition.
No. 7710 Amco Upright Detector $1.25 Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Crystal Detector

This Detector has been
fre, brought out to meet the
demand of those who pre-
fer a sensitive instrument
in which the crystals may
be permanently mounted.
One standard is provided
with a large cup for hold-
ing the minerals. The
other supports a rod carry-
ing a fine offset spring, of
conical form, with sharp
point. The rod slides back and forth and revolves in the standard, which
turns from side to side, so that the point of the hairspring can be brought
into contact with all portions of any of the crystals. All metal parts are
heavily nickel plated and mounted on a hard rubber composition base.
This is an exceedingly sensitive and well finished instrument.
No. 7714 Amco Crystal Detector $2.25
No. 7715 Amco Crystal Detector, with condenser in base 3.25
Shipping weight, 12 ounces

Amco Cat-Whisker Detector

This type of detector may be seen in
many commercial stations, where it
has been adopted on account of its
extreme sensitiveness and permanence
and ease of adjustment. It consists of
a large turned brass cup fitted with
three set screws so that the mineral
may be clamped tightly, and a " whis-
ker" mounted upon one end of a
horizontal shaft. The shaft is provided
with a knurled rubber composition
knob and it may be either revolved or
twisted from side to side. The up-
right is pivoted, thus permitting the
entire upper surface of the mineral
contained in the cup to be searched
for the most sensitive spot. The pres-
sure of the " whisker" upon the min-
eral may be very carefully adjusted.
Both the shaft and the upright are so constructed that they will remain in any position in
which they are placed. This type of detec-or is noted for its permanency of its adjust-
ment and once the " whisker" is set on a sensitive spot on the mineral it will not easily
lose that adjustment even though jarred. The metal parts are all brass so as to insure
the highest efficiency. The base is rubber composition. The detector is provided with
two convenient binding posts.

No. 7708 Arnco Cat- Whisker Detector, finished in gold lacquered brass $1.90
No. 7709 Amco Cat- Whisker Detector, finished in polished nickel.... 1.75
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Vertical Detector

This Detector is similar in general type
to our No. 7710 but differs considerably
in detail and finish. The base is polished
marble and all the metal fittings are nickel
The electrode is in the form of a conical
point and may be brought to bear with
almost any degree of pressure upon the
detector elements. The detector is pro-
vided with a spring back. The cup may
be moved over a radius of one-half inch
in any direction so that the most sensitive
portion of the detector element may be
easily and quickly found.
The adjustment knob is solid hard rubber,
carefully turned and polished.
This detector is a very attractive instru-
ment of extreme sensitiveness.

No. 7711 Amco Vertical Detector,

nickel plated $2.50
Shipping weight, 12 ounces No. 7711

Amco Crystal Detector

This type of detector is a
i general favorite among experi-
menters One standard is pro-
vided with a large turned cup.
The other supports a rod
carrying a small offset cup.
The rod slides back and forth
and revolves in the standard,
which turns from side to side,
so that any substance placed
in the small cup may be
brought into contact with any
portion of that in the large
cup. A small spring acts
against the cup so as to exer-
No. 7717 cise a slight pressure between
the detector elements.
All metal parts are heavily nickel plated and polished and are mounted upon a hard
rubber composition base. The detector is provided with four binding posts two for the
telephone receiver cords and two for connection to the tuning device. Weight, 12 ounces.
No. '7717 Amco Crystal Detector $2.50 Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Low Temperature Alloy

Melts below the temperature of boiling water. Used for mounting crystals. High tem-
peratures destroy the sensitiveness of a mineral or crystal.
No. 1999 Amco Low- temperature Alloy, per ounce $ .35 Postage, 2 cents

Nashville, Tenn.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear received the lighting outfit all right and like it well. Thank you.
Yours truly,

Audion Bulb Detector

The Bulb Detector consists of a vacuum bulb con-
taining two filaments of tantalum with a lead taken
off at the connecting points of both filaments so that
one filament may be used at a time. At the exhausting
of one filament, the other may be resorted to. The
bulb also contains a " grid" and a " plate" of nickel.
The Bulb Detector not only ranks the highest in
sensitiveness but possesses absolute stability of ad-
justment. Jarring or vibration cannot throw it out
of adjustment.
The Bulb Detector is one and one-half times as sen-
sitive as the electrolytic detector and three times as
sensitive as the perikon. The signals are extremely
loud and no difficulty is had in receiving most mes-
sages without putting the telephone receivers on
the head. There is no detector on the market to- day
which can equal this type of detector in sensitive-
ness, loudness of signals or stability of adjustment.
Audion bulbs are furnished for renewal purposes
only, and then only on return of the old bulb or
the wing and grid system of an old bulb to us.
There are two general styles of Audion bulbs, those No. 8000 01
with tantalum filaments and those with Hudson filaments. The Hudson filament bulbs have
a much longer operating life than the tantalum bulbs, their average life being from 800
to 1,000 actual burning hours. Both styles of bulbs are supplied in the standard or
type "S" grade and also in the extra- sensitive or type "X" grade.
No. 8000 Type "S" Grade Standard Audion Bulb ( Tantalum Filament) $3.50
No. 8001 Type " X" Extra Sensitive Audion Bulb ( Tantalum Filament) 5.00
No. 8002 Type "S" Grade Standard Audion Bulb ( Hudson Filament) 5.00
No. 8003 Type " X" Extra Sensitive Audion Bulb ( Hudson Filament) 7.50
Amplifier bulbs are not exchangeable for Audion bulbs and are made in "X" grade only.
No. 8004 Audion Amplifier Bulb with tantalum filament 7.50
No. 8005 Audion Amplifier Bulb with Hudson filament 10.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs. Allow 5 cents extra for insurance

Audion Detector, Type RJ4

The merits of the Audion are to- day too generally
known to require lengthy detailing. It possesses a
sensitiveness from one-half to three times that of
the electrolytic or crystal detectors, and represents
the highest development of wireless detecting ap-
paratus known to science. Tests conducted by the
United States Bureau of Standards have shown it
to be fully fifty per cent, more sensitive than any
other form of detector ( Bulletin, Bureau of Stand-
No. RJ4 ards, Vol. 6, No. 4, P. 540).
Its adjustment is instantaneous, and is unaffected bymechanical or electrical disturbances.
This instrument is complete in itself, the only necessary connections being to the secondary
terminals of the tuner, to the phones, and to a four- volt battery. All these connections are
plainly marked on the cabinet. Throwing on the switch at the right of the Audion bulb
to the left or right, lights one or the other of the filaments. The battery switch at the
left of the lamp and the rheostat lever are then moved to a position where signals are at
their best After these adjustments are once made, the throwing off of the switch
instantly places the detector out of service. Do not keep the Audion bulb lighted when
not using the instrument. These detectors are thoroughly tested before shipment, and are
guaranteed to leave our factory in perfect working order. This detector may be operated by
three dry cells. The best results, however, are obtained from the use of a storage battery.
The cabinet is hardwood, finely polished. All metal parts are brass, buffed and lacquered.
No. RJ4 Audion Detector $18.00 Shipping weight, 10 lbs.

Audion Detector, Type RJ5


The Audion has been proven, by scientific and official

tests, to be from 1.5 to 3 times as sensitive as any
crystal detector. With it even in this small and cheap
form, telegraphic ranges far greater than those
possible with the crystal or electrolytic detectors
are easily attained. It is reliable, requires no ad-
justment after the proper voltage and heating cur-
rents are determined, it cannot be injured by power-
ful transmitter sparks in the immediate vicinity. If
it momentarily loses its sensitiveness by reason of
the transmitter spark, it is automatically restored,
without the slightest decrease in its sensitiveness.
Receiving ranges with the Audion detector are far
greater than with other types. We have many
testimonials from users of the Audion describing
No. RJ5 surprisingly long distances over which messages are
being received, and the extraordinary strength of long distance signals.
This instrument is complete in itself, the only necessary connections being to the secondary
terminals of the tuner, to the phones, and to a four- volt battery. All these connections are
plainly marked on the cabinet. Throwing on the two- point switch at the right of the
Audion bulb lights one of the filaments. The battery switch at the left of the lamp and
the rheostat lever are then moved to a position where signals are at their best. After
these adjustments are once made, the throwing on or off of the two- point switch instantly
places the detector in or out of service. After the first filament has been consumed wind
the little copper wire tightly around the brass base of bulb underneath the rubber band.
This connects the second filament. These detectors are thoroughly tested before ship-
ment, and are guaranteed to leave our factory in perfect working order.
No. RJ5 Audion Detector $25.00 Shipping weight, 12 lbs.

Audion Detector, Type FN


This is the most sensitive and

reliable detector in existence. It
is provided with two suprr-sensi-
five Audion Bulbs, high voltage
local battery, potentiometer switch
graduated to show voltage at any
point, switch to change front one
bulb to the other, and rheostat to
change brilliancy of filament.
Used by the U. S. Navy and Army.
Finished in oak and hard rubber.
Size, 9, 4 x 9 x 7 inches. Thor-
oughly recommended for the very
best stations. Three dry cells to
light filament are necessary, but
are not furnished at this price.
No. PN Audion Detector.. $50.00
Shipping weight, 20 lbs.

Winfield, Kansas.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—I received the Midget Buzzer today and it is O. K.—just what I wanted.
Vary truly yours,

Amco Tuning Coils

This is a very handsome tuning coil of the double -slide close- coupled
1 type. The ends are of, birch, beautifully finished to
The core is of sufficiently large diameter ( over 3 inches) to give enough.
ce, range so that any station can
ll, 441/00# be tuned in, even with a small

81040•00, / /7/ * gee
( #
aerial. It is ma mahogany.
wound with bare

, „ , „ , , „ , , „ , .
• wire after special treatment,
of the wire due to temperature

110011111111iliiiiligilligi ' changes. The sliders
which eliminates the are milled
brass, which move with perfect
freedom. The contact is formed
,r• ,, by a spring which touches only
one wire at a time, so that it
is impossible to short circuit
adjacent turns. This is a very
valuable feature, which the
careful experimenter, anxious
No. 7724 for the best results, cannot
afford to overlook. The ball
bearing slider used on many of the inferior grades of wireless telegraph apparatus is a
clumsy makeshift forced upon the uninitiated by extravagant claims. This instrument is
thoroughly we built and is really a beautiful piece of apparatus. The cylinder is wound
with two hundred turns of wire, each one carefully insulated from the other. The wave
length of this coil is considerably greater than that of any other of similar size. With
the average amateur aerial and this tuning coil it is possible to tune to wave lengths
up to about 800 meters.
THREE SLIDE COILS—We can supply our tuning coils with three sliders. The ad-
ditional slider will wonderfully increase the selectivity and loudness of the signals.
Our Tuning Coll for Long Wave Lengths
is fitted with three sliders and with the aver age amateur aerial will tune in waves up to
1,500 meters. With this coil it is possible to tune in practically any high power station
in the country. The Importance of this cannot be overestimated for unless you have a
coil with which you can tune closely you are practically closed to high power stations.

No. 7724 Amco Double Slide Tuning Coil, 9 inches long $2.00 2 lbs.
No. 7725 Amco Three- Slide Tuning Coil, 9 inches long 2.50 2 tbs.
No. 7726 Amco 3- Slide Tuning Coil for long wave lengths, 14 in. long 3.50 4 lbs.

Amco Loading Coil

Most of the larger high power radio
telegraph stations now employ a wave
leneh which is beyond the range of
ordinary receiving transformers or
loose couplers used in amateur or ex-
perimental stations, making it neces-
sary to use a loading coil whenever
it is desirable to receive stations hav-
ing e long wave length.
The Amco Loading Coil consists of a
large diameter non- shrinkable cylinder
wound with a single layer of large No. 7728
silk covered wire and provided with a
slider. The ends of the loading coil are finished in dark mahogany and carefully polished.
All metal fittings are lacquered brass. The loading coil is connected in series with the
aerial. The advantages of this form of loading coil are that it is wound in a single layer,
thus reducing the effects of the distributed capacity of the winding itself and also that large
wire is used so that the efficiency of the receiving set is increased rather than impaired as
is usually the case when an ordinary tuning coil is used as a loading coil. The Amco Load-
ing Coil contains approximately 300 turns of wire, each turn being over one foot long.
No. 7728 Amco Loading Coil, single slider, length 10 in. $2.50 Shipping weight, 5 lbs.

Amco Receiving Transformer

This Receiving Trans-
former is constructed
according to the most
approved design. The
primary is enclosed in
• cabinet having two
multiple point switches
on the front, fitted with
large knurled hard rub-
ber knobs. One switch
controls the primary in
groups of several turns
and the other controls
one turn at a time.
The entire variation of
the primary is thus No. 7722
secured by the rotary
motion of a knob rather than the movement of a slider, and the primary may be varied
to include any number of turns from 1-156 in steps of one turn at a time. The secondary
is designed for long wave lengths and has ten contact points. Variation is had by means
of • switch operating in the usual manner. It is possible to accomplish closer tuning with
this transformer than with any other. To those who can appreciate its many points of excel-
lence we offer this instrument as the finest tuner at present offered for experimental and private
use. Beautifully finished in dark mahogany and highly polished, with gold brass trimmings.
No. 7722 Amco Receiving Transformer, 15x6x5 ins.... $12.00 Shipping weight, 12 lbs.

Amco Receiving Transformer

The superiority of a Receiving Transformer of the
"variable coupling type" over any other form of tuning
device is very marked. We have taken the greatest pains
in the design and construction of our
instrument to make it the unquestionable
superior of any similar tuner now on
the market, no matter what the price.
The proportions have
been worked out only
after the most exhaus-
tive experiments, mak-
ing it possible with this
tuner to exclude any
stations not wanted and
No. 7720
at the same time to
receive from the others when it would be impossible to uo so without its aid.

'Flue Most Serviceable and Efficient Loose Coupler on the Market

The design of this instrument is a step forward in the wireless art and has met with the
praise of many experts. It more than satisfies the demands of even the most discriminating
purchaser. It will increase your range wonderfully, and the sharp tuning impossible to
obtain with other instruments will delight you. LOUDER AND CLEARER SIGNALS are
easily obtained by using an Amco Receiving Transformer in place of your old tuning coil
or other loose coupler. This is the instrument with which you can copy LONG DISTANCE
MESSAGES. The primary is wound with bare wire on a specially treated cylinder, with a
single slide contact, so arranged that it does not short-circuit the turns. The secondary
is wound with silk covered wire on a concentric cylinder, which is carried on two rods and
slides with easy movement in and out of the primary. The secondary is variable by means
of a multi- pointed switch, controlled by the same handle that varies the coupling. The
advantage of this cannot be overestimated. The instrument is beautifully finished in dark
mahogany, and highly polished, with gold brass trimmings.

No. 7720 Amco Receiving Transformer, 14 x 5 x 5 int.. $6.00 Shipping weight, 5 lbs.

Amco Receiving Transformer

This instrument has
earned the enthusiastic
praise of experimenters
by its splendid appear-
ance and its excellent
service in hundreds of
stations throughout the
country. It will sur-
pass any other tuning
transformer of other
make offered for ex-
perimental use and we
guarantee a perfectly
satisfactory perform-
ance. The primary ,..•.1=111Pingefflabsc.....~«MMIRIOIM%
winding is bare copper
wire wound on a non- No. 7721
shrinking tube four
inches in diameter. The secondary winding is green silk covered wire. The coupling le
varied by movement of the secondary on two horizontal rods. The primary variation is by
means of a smooth working slider and the secondary variation secured by an eight- point
switch this making it possible to secure a much finer adjustment than is possible with
many receiving transformers. It will tune to approximately 1500-1800 metres with •
good aerial without a loading coil.
The woodwork is finished in dark mahogany, highly polished. All metal fittings are brass,
polished and lacquered. The adjustment knobs are hard rubber composition.
Size of base, 6 x 16 x et ins. Weight of instrument, 4 lbs. Shipping weight, 7 lbs.
No. '7721 Amco Receiving Transformer $7.00

Amco Radio Receiving Transformer

To those who can appreciate an instrument which is
perfect from a mechanical and electrical standpoint,
we offer the Amco Receiving Transformer. It is one
of the handsomest and most effi-
cient loose coupled tuners on the
market today. We guarantee a
perfectly satisfactory performance
and will sell it to you with the
understanding that your
money will be re-
funded if the instru-
ment and the result is
such that it has more
than satisfied the de-
mands of the most dis-
criminating. Louder and
clear signals are easily
No. 7727 obtained by using this
loose coupler in place of an instrument of other manufacture. The windings are un-
usually long and especially adapted to the close tuning of long wave length. The primary
is wound with green silk wire on a specially treated cylinder and contains 155 turns of wire.
We wish to call particular attention to the slider, which is made of genuine polished hard
rubber. This type of slider is the same as that employed on all commercial instruments.
The contact mechanism consists of a plunger working up and down inside of a brass tube
and actuated by a spiral spring so that it does not short circuit the turns. The secondary
is wound with silk- covered wire, on a concentric cylinder, which is carried on two rods and
slides with easy movement in and out of the primary. The secondary is variable by means
of a multi- pointed switch, constructed in the same approved manner usually found in
high grade commercial apparatus. We wish to particularly call attention to the fact that

the secondary variation is secured in ten steps, this making it possible to secure a much
finer adjustment than is possible with many other receiving transformers. The secondary
is arranged so that it slides completely inside of the primary, a feature which will be
readily appreciated by those familar with the requirements of long distance work and
close tuning. Instead of employing two springs inside of the secondary to make contact
with the two guide rods, we employ a silk- covered double conductor which is soldered to
the rods at the primary end. There are no loose or sliding contacts about the secondary
of this instrument. The woodwork is all finished in dark mahogany and is highly polished.
All metal fittings are brass, nickel plated and polished. The primary slider is hard rubber
and brass. The secondary knobs are hard rubber composition. The instrument measures
15 a 6 x 6 inches over all and weighs four pounds. Shipping weight, 8 lbs.

No. 7727 Amco Radio Receiving Transformer, as described $9.00

Amco Navy Type Receiving Transformer


This instrument re-

presents the latest
advances made to-
wards the ideal tuner
and embodies the
greatest degree of
perfection yet ob-
tained. No greater
value can be secured
where accurate select-
ivity,sensitiveness and
finish are desirable.
The highest evidence
of the remarkable
No. 7729 qualities of this in-
strument is the many
unsolicited testimonials from commercial operators and experienced amateurs who have
purchased one of these transformers and been so pleased with the results obtained that
they have not hesitated to write and advise us. The windings have only been designed
after very careful experiments and tests, and we are certain that they cannot be improved.
The illustration shown herewith cannot possibly do justice to the instrument itself.
The primary winding is enclosed in a cabinet, the sides and top of which are polished
hard rubber. Two 15- point switches are mounted on the front. One switch controls the
primary in groups of several turns and the other controls one turn at a time. The entire
variation of the primary is thus secured by the rotary motion of two knurled knobs
rather than the movement of a slider, and may be varied from I to 225 turns in steps of
one turn at a time. The windings are especially adapted to long wave lengths. The
secondary is wound with green silk covered wire. The ends are HARD RUBBER, turned
and polished. Secondary variation is secured by a 12- point switch which makes it
possible to secure a very fine adjustment. The coupling is varied by moving the secondary
in and out of the primary. Great pains have been taken in the design and construction
of this instrument in order to make it the unquestionable superior of any other similar
device on the market, and the results have exceeded our expectations. It is certainly a
beautiful piece of apparatus, both from the standpoint of appearance and efficiency. We
do not hesitate to say that it cannot be duplicated for the price. The base is finished
in dark mahogany and carefully polished. Measures 15 a 6 a 6 inches overall.

No. 7729 Amco Navy Type Receiving Transformer, weight 4.,

4 lbs. $15.00
Shipping weight, 10 lbs.

Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dear Sirs:-1 received your " Amateur Wireless Handybook" today and am very much
pleased with it. I have found listed in the call letters a number of boats not mentioned In
other call letter books. Yours very truly,

The Celebrated Amco Peerless Loose Coupler

fiEN FINE ii MID itt ltitEit,

e- e ID 5. This justly famed
..-..... receiving transformer
I ,ffeeljegemif
I has tremendous
a met with such

that we have been
1001 enabled, by manu-
facturing large quan-
\ tities, to reduce the
selling price and to
offer an instrument,
far superior to any
others of its kind, at
a price which other
manufacturers cannot
No. 7723 hope to duplicate.
The primary heads, secondary heads, slider and support for the guide rods are GENUINE
HARD RUBBER and are not moulded composition. Moulded composition is far cheaper
and far inferior to real hard rubber. The primary is of large diameter and contains 160
turns of wire. It is especially adapted to receiving long wave lengths. The slider moves
smoothly and evenly and is arranged to- make contact with one turn at a time. It is the
type of slider which will be found on most high grade commercial apparatus. The second-
ary winding is green silk covered copper wire connected to a 12- POINT SWITCH on the
coil head. This is a larger number of contacts than will be found on most other instru-
ments and permits therefore of closer tuning. The coupling is varied by the movement
of the secondary in and out of the primary. We wish to emphasize that this instrument
represents far greater value in efficiency, workmanship and materials than any other
similar instrument. It has a record of performances to be proud of. The base is finished
in dark mahogany and is carefully polished. Size 15 x 6 x 5% inches.
No. 7723 Amco Peerless Receiving Transformer $12.00
Shipping weight, 10 tbs.

Amco Adjustable Fixed Condenser.

This widely imitated little instrument has met
with popular favor ever since its first appearance.
Experienced operators realize the desirability and
necessity of having a fixed condenser of proper
capacity. The ordinary fixed condenser has a
capacity which might be termed a ":1appy
medium" since it is a size which has been found
to give the best average results. Different makes
of telephone receivers require fixed condensers of
different capacity. Close tuning and clear signals
require that the fixed condenser be adjustable.
The type of adjustable fixed condenser shown in No. 7737
the accompanying illustration was originated by
Adams- Morgan Co. It consists of four fixed condensers contained in a hard rubber com-
position base and provided with four contacts connected so that it is possible to secure
six changes in capacity by moving the sliding switch back and forth. The changes in
capacity are equal and progressive so that this instrument MAY ALSO BE USED AS A
are brass, nickel plated and polished. This instrument will add considerably to the range
and selectivity of any station. It provides a practical method of varying the heretofore
fixed capacity of the detector circuit and is strongly recommended to the experimenter.

No. 7737 Amco Adjustable Fixed Condenser $2.50

Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Loading Inductance.

Since the average antenna and primary of a
loose coupler do not possess sufficient inductance
for properly tuning wave lengths of over 1,200
meters, it is necessary to have additional in-
ductance in the primary of a receiving circuit in
order to tune to waves of greater length. Our
Loading Inductance shown in the accompanying
illustration is a very neat and compact instru-
ment for this purpose. It is very easily operated.
It is provided with eight contact points, one
point being non- active. Each step of the other
No. 7729 seven active points will add approximately 400
meters wave length to the circuit. With an an-
tenna 150 feet long or more and in connection with any of our receiving transformers,
this instrument will permit the correct tuning of waves up to 4,000 meters in length.
It is contained within a hard rubber composition base. All metal parts are brass, nickel
plated and polished. This makes a very neat instrument and will add considerable to the
efficiency and appearance of any set. Shipping weight, 1 lb.
No. 7729 Amco Loading Inductance, size 4V2 x 2'S $2.50

Amco Aerial Switch

Price $ 2.50
This instrument is a decided
inovation in aerial switches,
and possesses superior merit
for the rapid and sure transfer
from receiving to sending or
vice versa. It is mounted on a
well seasoned base, finished in
dark mahogany and polished.
The contact clips and the
blades are flexible rolled cop-
per, insuring a perfect connec-
tion and making sticking an
impossibility. The blades are
very long, over 8 inches, and
the separation between very
large. The throw from either position of the switch is made by a inch
up or down motion. A third auxiliary blade and contacts are provided,
operated by the same throw and arranged to either automatically short-
circuit the detector while sending, or cut off the transmitting power while
receiving. The switch is thoroughly well built in every respect, and will
prove a handsome and extremely useful part of any station. The change
from receiving to transmitting can be made in a shorter space of time
and more conveniently than with any other switch. It is without rival in
appearance or efficiency.
No. 7692 Amco Aerial Switch, made in one size up to Va K.W..... $2.50
Shipping weight, 5 lbs.



Amco Variable Condensers

No. 7733 No. 7735

Price, $3.00 Price, $4.00

The two instruments illustrated above are without doubt the best variable receiving con-
densers on the market today. The main objects in view in developing and producing these
instruments were to combine first-class materials so as to insure perfect mechanical and
electrical action at all times and to give the greatest value in looks, materials and service
of any condenser ever offered to amateur experimenters. That we have succeeded in
producing two instruments which are far superior in value and more popular than any
others on the market ut the present time is readily conceded upon examining the con-
densers themselves. Tbey outrival every other amateur receiving condenser manufactured
from the standpoint of efficiency, and are particularly striking and handsome in appearance.
They embrace the most value in appearance, materials, efficiency and service at the lowest
price which ever has or will be offered. It may be positively asserted that these instru-
ments are positively the cheapest and at the same time the best amateur variable con-
densers ever made. Th following specifications give an excellent idea of the exceptional
value offered, and the superiority of these instruments.
The condenser units pmper are built up of semi- circular metal vanes. They are made in
two sizes, one having 43 plates and the other 17. The total capacity of the 43- plate
condenser is over . 001 micro- farads. The total capacity of the 17- plate condenser is
over . 0004 micro-faradls. Each condenser unit is attached to a circular black polished
GENUINE HARD RUBBER top. Please note that when you buy these condensers you are
securing real hard rubber and not composition. Real rubber is far superior. The top
is provided with a 150. degree engraved scale, knurled knob handle, indicating pointer and
suitable binding posts. The base is also genuine hard rubber and not composition.
The method of mountMg the plates, etc., is ingenious and very substantial. The case
proper is transparent, giving a view of the operation of the plates. Unlike other manu-
facturers it is not necessary for us to hide the interior construction of our instruments
and we have provided the transparent cases so that every detail may be seen. The con-
densers are similar itr every respect save number of plates and height. The No. 7735
Condenser is 3% inches in diameter and 3% inches high. The No. 7735 Condenser is
37A inches in diameter and 2% inches high.
No. 7735 Amco Rotary Variable Condenser, 43 Plates, 22 fixed and 21 movable,
capacity . 001 micro- farads, as described $4.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

No. 7733 Amco Rotary Variable Condenser, 17 Plates, 9 fixed and 8 movable,
capacity . 0004 micro- farads. Recommended for secondary re-
ceiving circuits, as described $3.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco Potentiometer
Provided with an in-
destructible resistance
rod ( not graphite),
which always main.
tains perfect contact
with the slider. Reg-
ulates either the cur-
rent or the voltage,
very or
lytic gradually.
carb orun dA necessity
um detectors.
distance work with the electro-
gold lacquered, base polished
quartered oak.
No. 7740 Amco Potentiometer, 1;4 x 3 x 10 inches
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Rotary Variable Condenser

The greatest selectivity and longest range
of a station are only possible when a vari-
able condenser is used in the receiving
Our instrument consists of thirty-one
semi-circular plates, sixteen stationary and
fifteen movable, mounted in a beautifully
finished hardwood case. A composition
rubber handle fitted to a lacquered pointer
moving over an engraved brass scale, con-
trols the rotation of the plates and the
capacity of the condenser. Careful atten-
tion has been given to all details of con-
struction and finish, making this instrument the peer of all its imitations.
Furnished in either quartered oak or real mahogany.
No. 7730 Amco Rotary Variable Condenser
Shipping weight, 5 tbs.

Adams. Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J. Dayton, Ohio.

Dear Sirs:- 1 base received your letter of the 20th inst., giving instructions how to
run your Pony Dynamo. I haY e taken the brushes out and found that they were coated
with varnish. After sandpapering the brushes, I found that the dynamo run perfectly.
1 thank you for the information and wish to say that the dynamo was more than what I
expected it to be.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I remain,

Very truly yours,


Brandes Superior Phones

These receivers are without doubt among the
best that can be bought on the market today
for very little money. The case is made of
aluminum, insuring rigid construction and
lightness. All the Interior parts are nickel
plated and polished giving them a handsome
appearance. The bobbins are wound with
No. 40 pure copper enameled wire to the
proper number of turns which register a re-
sistance of one thousand ohms per receiver.
The diaphragms are . 006 thick, tin plated, and
the receivers are fitted with hard rubber caps.
None of the material is substituted by a
cheaper grade such as, for instance, in the
cap and diaphragm which could be easily
made of much less suitable materials and
considerable money saved in the manufacture
of these receivers. There is no question that
these receivers are very substantially built
and will do wonderful work for receivers
sold at this price. In fact, we have reports
from people who claim that they are better
than receivers which cost as much as eight
dollars per set. No. 7770 SHIPPING
No. 7770 Brandes Superior Head Set, consisting of two 1000 ohm
receivers, head band and cord, as illustrated $5.00 3 lbs.
No. 7771 Betides Superior Head Set, consisting of two 1000 ohm
receivers, leather covered head band and cord 4.50 3 lbs.
No. 7772 Brandes single 1000 ohm Superior Receiver, leather covered
head band and six-foot cord 2.65 2 lbs.
No. 7773 Brandes Superior 1000 ohm Receiver only 1.65 1 lb.

Amateur Wireless Phones

We are presenting these phones for the
benefit of the experimenter who wishes a
pair of high grade receivers embodying the
greatest sensitivity at a lower price than
our No. 7750 head-set. It is possible to
offer these phones at a lower price by not
giving them an elaborate finish. They are
carefully and substantially built and are
just the thing for the beginner. A test will
convince you that they are superior to any-
thing on the market at an equal price.
Wound with copper wire ( No. 50). We
furnish a six-foot green silk cord with each
pair of phones. Double pole magnets.
No. 7760 To thousand ohm Phones with cord and adjustable headband $4.25 3 lbs.
No 7762 Receiver only ( double pole, 1000 ohms) 1.45 1 lb.
No. 7764 leather covered Headband ( single) .60 1 lb.
No. 7766 Nickel Clips to hold two 7764 together each . 15 . 02
No. 7768 Six-foot double cord .45 . 02

Wireless Telephone Receivers

In Use In the U. S. Navy, Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co., and others

These receivers are the best

and most sensitive on the mar-
ket, being made by skilled me-
chanics and carefully tested
before leaving the factory.
They have been adopted by the
largest commercial wireless
telegraph companies and are
used by more amateur wireless
operators than any two other
makes considered together.
The headband is adjustable
to fit any wearer and provided
with a swivel, so that the
phones are held firmly to the
ear and all external noises ex-
cluded. The bands and re-
ceivers are finely nickel plated and polished. The caps are hard rubber
highly polished. The diaphragms are coated with a special preparation to
prevent rusting. The permanent magnets are made of the finest steel
obtainable. Each headband and pair of phones is provided witli a six-foot
green silk cord. Wound to 1000 ohms per phone, but can be furnished
any resistance.
No. 7750 Complete Head Set, two phones, headband and cord,
2000 ohms $6.35
No. 7751 One Head Receiver with headband 4.35
No. 7752 Receiver with three-foot cord 2.50
No. 7753 Head Band 2.00
No. 7754 Three-foot cord . 30
No extra charge for mailing

Leader Wireless Head Phones

These are special receivers designed and constructed to
satisfy the legitimate demand of those who want a
sensitive article at a moderate price.
The cases are hard rubber composition with all the
parts cast solid so that there is no possibility of dis-
arrangement. The bobbins are wound with enameled
copper wire to a resistance of 1000 ohms per receiver.
The magnets are double pole and made from high grade
steel which will retain its magnetism. The diaphragms
are of the special thin wireless type and the adjustment
is secured by accurate measurement at the factory so
that the maximum sensitiveness is insured. Headbands
are leather covered and cords are of genereus length.
No. 7756 Single Set, 1000 ohm receiver, head
band and cord $2.50
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.
No. 7757 Double Set, two 1000 ohm receivers,
double adjustable headband and 5
foot cord $5.00
No. '7757 Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Holtzer-Cabot Receivers for Wireless Operators

In purchasing wireless telephone receivers the important points to
he considered are: first, their sensitiveness; second, the degree of
comfort with which they can be worn; third, their permanence
of adjustment and construction.
' Our operator's head receivers have been designed with the above
points in view. The windings are all made with silk covered copper
wire. The magnets are from a special quality of steel and are of
the proper strength to give best results with the diaphragms used.
The spools and magnets are mounted in an aluminum cup which
supports the diaphragms. The cores are ground to a proper height
so that the adjustment is permanent. The ear pieces are of hard
rubber and the binding posts are placed external to the case so
that the cor,is can be replaced without opening the receiver.
In designing the present type of receiver special attention has been
paid to the " pitch" as well as the sensitiveness. It has been deter-
mined that the human ear is more responsive to higher pitched
notes than to lower ones; on this account our receivers have a high
No. 7755 natural period which makes them more efficient on weak signals.
Our receivers are neat in appearance. The headbands are covered with hard rubber and
are adjustable by two large knurled thumb nuts. The screws which clamp the bands are
non- turning, and the liability of catching the hair is reduced to a minimum. The weight
of the set complete is ONI.Y 10'A OUNCES. The receivers are fastened to the bc.nd by
means of ball and socket joints, allowing them to move in any direction, and the design
is such that they may be worn comfortably for hours at a time. Comfort, lightweight and
sensitiveness are found in this set to a greater extent than any others, and we feel sure
that the efficiency of wireless stations will be increased by the use of our receivers.

No. 7755 Holtzer-Cabot Operator's Head Set, 3000 ohms $10.00 Shipping weight, 2 11,s.

Murdoch Receivers, No. 1912

The bi-polar type of receiver is generally conceded to
be the more sensitive and efficient. But we have
succeeded in developing a single pole receiver which
compares very favorably in wireless results with the
ID- polar type of equal resistance. By special con-
structional design, we can produce these receivers at
a price which is low enough to permit everybody to
enjoy the added advantage of high resistance phones.
The receivers are made of hard rubber composition
of patented solid construction; have a single pole
with a spool winding on each receiver to a resistance
of 750 ohms. They are fitted with a metal rubber
coated adjustable headband; have a five foot, green
mercerized cotton cord and a diaphragm of our regu-
lation wireless type. We cannot claim for these re-
ceivers any marvellous results, but we guarantee that
they will show full value for the money. They are
true high resistance phones, made especially for wire-
less, and are backed by our reputation, a certain
guarantee that they possess desirable qualities. While
we advise our higher priced receivers as the better
investment, we believe that these receivers will prove
sufficiently valuable in wireless service to make an
efficient substitute at the lowest possible price for
a complete double set. No. 7758
No. 7758 Complete Double Set, 1500 ohms $4.00 3 lbs.
No. 7759 Complete Single Set, 750 ohms 2.00 2 lbs.

Murdoch Receivers, No. 50

For these receivers we are able to claim a record of satis-
factory service which we think cannot be duplicated by any
competitive makes. In nine years, we have never been forced
to refund on these phones, although our guarantee is " money
back if they don't make good." They are in service in
thousands of stations, both commercial and experimental,
working with sensitive precision over both long and short
distances. They are remarkable for their ready response to
weak signals, and still more so for their continuing sensi-
tiveness, which makes their use for years a profit and a
pleasure. We cannot recommend too highly the purchase of
these receivers, as we honestly believe that in sensitiveness
and in capacity for lasting service they are superior to any
in their price class, and the equal of many selling at
$10.00 to $ 16.00. Receiver cases are hard rubber com-
position. Magnet steel highest grade. Diaphragm thin and
flexible. Headband nickeled German silver, split and adjust-
able. Cord is six foot, six tipped, green silk covered.
Windings are enamelled copper wire.
Rubber covered band as on our No. 62 may be substituted for the all metal band at an
additional cost of fifty cents.
500 82.00 83.20 1000 85.50
760 2.50 3.70 1600 6.50
1000 3.00 4.20 2000 7.50
1500 3.50 4.70 3000 8.50
Shipping weight 1 lb. 2 lbs. 3 lbs.

The Amco Receiving Sets have been brought forward to meet the demand ot those who
wish their instruments in compact, portable form instead of scattered about the operating
table. Considerable advantage is derived by purchasing a receiving set complete, for the
instruments are then carefully tested and permanently connected at the factory and there
is no possibility of s faulty circuit which might lower the efficiency.
Amco receiving outfits stand pre-eminently in a class by themselves among high grade
popular outfits. They are the very finest it is possible to make and are far superior to
anything of the kind offered in imitation. Comparative test has proven them absolutely
unexcelled in reliability, efficiency, appearance and construction.
The instruments comprising the sets have been chosen so as to give considerable range
of price and selection.
It is of course impossible to accurately estimate the range of any station because so many
indeterminable factors such as the height and length of aerials, location, atmospheric
conditions, etc., exert considerable influence, but in order to guide intending purchasers
who have not had any great amount of experience in wireless, we have given the approxi-
mate distance that each outfit may be expected to receive from high power stations.
All the sets are entirely self contained and provided with a unique Amco feature, namely,
a small etched brass nameplate attached alongside of each binding post to indicate just
where the GROUND, AERIAL, ' PHONES, etc., should be connected.

We have not included ' phones in the receiving outfits because many persons wish to exercise
their own choice or already possess their own head sets. We would advise the use of
our No. 7760 head set. If this set or any other ' phones listed in the catalog are ordered
together with a set, a discount of ten per cent, will be allowed from the price of the phones.
NOTICE—The receiving ranges given in connection with the various sets described below
presuppose the use of a suitable aerial and a sensitive pair of telephone receivers when
receiving from a high power station.

Amco Receiving Outfits, Type RA


This outfit is a general favorite in amateur stations where

a low priced, efficient receiving set, having a range of
from 200-400 miles and of high class construction, is
desired. The set consists of a double elide tuning coil,
vertical detector and a fixed condenser is placed out of
view inside of the tuning coil cylinder. The wiring is
all entirely concealed being inlaid in grooves in the
bottom of the base. The set Is provided with binding
posts for the AERIAL, GROUND and PHONES, each
being plainly marked. Size, 8.4 x 10 x 434.

No. RA10 Receiving Outfit as described.... $4.45 Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

Amco Receiving Outfit, Type RB


This is a larger set than the Type RA

outfit, it being comprised of an extra
large tuning coil for receiving long
wave lengths, a vertical detector and
a fixed condenser, all mounted on a
mahogany finished base. The set is
n. provided with two sets of extra bind-
ing posts to which a variable con-
denser may be attached in case it is
desirable to increase the selectivity of
the outfit. Range is from 266 to
600 miles. Size, 8,
A x 15 x 4%,
No. RB10 Receiving Outfit. $6.60 Shipping weight, 8 lbs.

Amco Receiving Outfit, Type RC

This set is similar to the Type RB
with the exception that it is provided
with a loose coupled receiving trans-
former which permits very close tun-
ing. Too much importance cannot be
attached to this because if you wish
to receive long distance messages it is
absolutely essential to do some very
close tuning. The loose coupler makes
it possible. This outfit is also pro-
vided with two extra sets of binding
posts to which a variable condenser
may be attached. Range, 1000-1200 miles. Size, SY, x 15 x 434.
No. RC10 Receiving Outfit $8.80 Shipping weight, 8 lbs.

Mount Pocono, Penna.

Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:— Enclosed please find 86 cents in stamps for which please send me by
parcel poet one No. 7736"Amco Fixed Condenser." The No. 7730 Rotary Condenser
recently purchased is one of the finest instruments brought to my attention. Both in
workmanship and in actual working value it is above reproach.
Thanking you for your prompt attention to my former orders, I am,

Amco Receiving Set, Type RD


This is a set that the purchaser

will be proud to own, and con-
sists of a loose coupled tuning
coil, a thirty-one plate rotary
aerie! , condenser, an extra sensi-
tive detector, and afixed condenser
mounted on a mahogany finished
cabinet. The condenser is en-
closed in the cabinet with only
the knob and pointer showing.
No more desirable set, with the
exception perhaps of our Type
RE, can be purchased. The vari-
able condenser in combination with
the loose coupler renders the
sharpest tuning possible and giv-
ing the outfit a range of from
1000-1600 miles when receiving
from a high power station.
No. RD10 Receiving Outfit $20.00 Shipping weight, 20 lbs.

Amco Receiving Outfit, Type RE


This is the most complete and effi-

cient of all our regular stock receiving
equipments. It consists of a loose
coupled receiving transformer, an extra
sensitive detector, two 31- plate rotary
variable condensers, and embodies in
addition a loading coil, test buzzer,
shunt switch and potentiometer. The
two variable condensers and the load-
ing coil enable the loose coupler to
be used to the best advantage and
make possible the highest degree of
selectivity and range. The test buzzer
is for the purpose of adjusting the
detector and placing it in the most
sensitive condition to receive the
-- electric waves. The shunt switch is
thrown when the detector is not in
use or when sending so that the de-
tector will not lose Its adjustment. The normal range of this set is from 1200-2000 miles
when receiving from a high power station. From a standpoint of workmanship, reliability
and efficiency it stands pre-eminently the peer of any other outfit.
No. RE10 Receiving Outfit $45.00 Shipping weight, 25 lbs.

Pacific Grove, Cal.

Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :— Received goods on last Tuesday in fine condition. 1 am well pleased.
I have them set up and working. Can hear Frisco easily.
Yours truly,

Amco Special Wireless Receiving Outfit

In this outfit we
present the newest
and best apparatus,
arranged especially
for the particular
purpose of obtain-
ing correct time
from the various
wireless stations of
the United States
Navy. The correct
time is sent out by
all navy yards, so
that any jeweler
within 400 or 600
miles of one of
these stations can
set his clocks every
day. The time sig-
nals are sent out
at 12 M. every day
in the same man-
ner as along the
telegraph lines,
that is, in a series
of dots.
Such an outfit has a considerable advertising value besides giving correct time without expense.
All the instruments are contained in and in the mahogany finish cabinet shown in the
illustration, with the exception of the Head Set, which is connected to the pair of binding
posts marked " Phones." There are only four binding posts—two pairs—and these are
plainly lettered with name plates. The binding post marked " Aerial" is connected to the
wire leading into the building from the aerial, and that marked " Ground" is connected to
a gas or water pipe by means of a g-ound clamp, after scraping the surface of the pipe
to insure a good electrical contact. The above are the only connections necessary, and
consequently there is no chance of incorrect connection.
This outfit is especially designed for receiving time s:gnals, and will give excellent results
in this work, although it will also receive regular wireless signals. It is thoroughly reliable,
and can always be depended upon to work. It is suitable for service up to 400 or 500
miles from a navy station, depending upon the character of the lard between the navy
station and the receiving station. A c'leaper outfit cannot be depended upon. and we will
guarantee this outfit to be at least equal to any other, for this work, irrespective of price.
The instruments comprise a large loading coil making the outfit especially adapted to
receive long wave lengths a loose coupled receiving transformer, rotary variable condenser,
shunt switch, sensitive detector, fixed condenser and test buzzer with battery.

No. RF10 Special Receiving Outfit $26.00

No. RF11 Special Receiving Outfit complete with one pair of 1000
ohm phones and headband 32.00
Shipp•ag weight, 20 lbs.

Jacksonville, Fla.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :-1 have received my order of October 21st. It arrived O. K. and am
pleased with same. Yours respectfully,

Complete Transmitting and Receiving Outfits

We have chosen what we believe to be the best instruments for the money, and arranged
them in outfits which are complete, ready for operation with the exception of the aerial
insulators and the wire required to connect the instruments together. These outfits, as
listed, will serve as a useful guide to those wishing to select an efficient outfit. A wiring
diagram accompanies each outfit. Different types of any of the instruments in the outfits
may be substituted if desired, the difference in price being added or substracted from the
cost of the complete outfit accordingly, as the article substituted may cost more or less
than the one listed. For instance, a 1000 ohm telephone receiver may be substituted
for a 75 ohm by adding the difference in price to the cost of the complete outfit.


Receiving Set R10
Range, 15 to 20 miles with a four- wire aerial 25 to 30 ft. above earth
One No. 600 Junior Detector Stand $ . 75
One No. 7763 75- ohm S. P. Receiver and Cord . 60
lb. Aluminum Aerial Wire . 30

Regular Price $ 1.55

Special Price on Complete Outfit $ 1.45
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Receiving Set R20

Range, 60 to 100 miles, receiving from commercial stations,
with a four- wire aerial 26 to 30 feet above earth.
One No. 500 junior Detector Stand $ .75
One No. 7763 75- ohm S. P. Receiver .75
One No. 610 Tuning Coil 1.75
7C.l. SEC.
One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
One lb. No. 14 Aluminum Wire . 60

Regular Price 84.65

Special Price on Complete Outfit $4.25
CONOC,SEM Shipping weight, 5 lbs.

Receiving Set R30

Range 100 to 300 miles, receiving from commercial stations,
midi a four- wire aerial 60 feet long and 30 to 40 feet high.
One No. 500 Junior Detector Stand $ . 75
One No. 510 Junior Tuning Coil 1.75
One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
One 1000- ohm Receiver 1.75
1,lte lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Wire . 90

Regular Price $ 5.95

PWED Special Price on Complete Outfit $5.80

Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

Receiving Set R40

Range 100 to 300 miles, receiving from commercial
stations, with a four- wire aerial 60 feet long and
30 to 40 feet high.
One No. 7718 Electrolytic Detector $ 1.25
One No. 510 Junior Tuning Coil 1.76
u One 1000- ohm Receiver 1.75
One No. 7740 Potentiometer 1.25
t One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
One Red Seal Dry Cell . 25
Iba. No. 14 Aluminum Wire . 90

Regular Price $ 7.95
Special Price on Complete Outfit $7.40
L G Shipping weight, 11 lbs.

Receiving Set R50

Range 100 to 400 miles, receiving from commercial
stations, with a four- wire aerial 60 feet long and
30 to 40 feet high.
One No. 500 Junior Detector Stand $ . 75
One No. 520 Junior Loose Coupler 4.00
One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
One 1000- ohm Receiver 1.75
, lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Wire . 90

Regular Price $ 8.20

Special Price on Complete Outfit $7.95

Shipping weight, 7 lbs.

Receiving Set R60

Range 100 to 450 miles, receiving from commercial
stations, with a four- wire aerial 60 feet long and
30 to 40 feet high.
One No. 7710 Detector $ 1.26
One No. 7726 three- slide Tuner 3.60
One No. 7733 Rotary Variable Condenser 3.00
One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
One 1000- ohm Receiver 2.50
VA lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Wire . 90

Regular Price $ 11.95

Special Price on Complete Outfit $11.40
Shipping weight, 9 lbs.

Cleveland, Ohio.
Adams- Morgan Co., Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :—Received coupler to- day, and say— it's a dandy. Please send me a new
catalog. Rest assured I shall place my future orders with the " Amco" people. You will
find an order enclosed. Please rush this one as you did the previous one and you will oblige.
Yours respectfully,

Receiving Set R70

Range 100 to 500 miles, receiving from commercial
stations, with a four- wire aerial 60 feet long and
30 to 40 feet high.
One No. 7718 Electrolytic Detector $ 1.25
One No. 7726 three- slide Tuner 3.50
One 1000- ohm Receiver 1.75
One No. 7740 Potentiometer 1.25
One No. 7733 Rotary Variable Condenser.. 3.00
One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
One Red Seal Dry Cell . 25
1% lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Wire . 90

Regular Price $ 12.70

Special Price on Complete Outfit 1512.00
Shirring weight, 13 lbs.

Receiving Set R80

Range 200 to 1,000 miles, recei‘ing from com-
mercial stations, with a four- wire aerial 60 feet
long and 30 to 40 feet high.
One No. 7710 Detector $ 1.25
One No. 7720 Loose Coupler 6.00
One 1000- ohm Head Set 2.50
One No. 7733 Rotary Variable Condenser 3.00
One No. 7736 Fixed Condenser . 80
Two lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Wire 1.20

Regular Price $ 14.75

Special Price on Complete Outfit $ 18.90
Shipping weight, 10 lbs.


Transmitting Outfit, No. 10
Range, ./a to 1 mile with a four- wire aerial 26
feet above ground. Greater distances may be
obtained with a higher aerial.
One No. 7411 Vi- inch Spark Coil $ 2.20
One No. 2050 Simplex Wireless Key .55
One No. 555 Junior Spark Gap . 66
One lb. No. 14 Aluminum Aerial Wire .60
Three Red Seal Dry Cells . 75

Regular Price $ 4.65

Special Price on Complete Outfit. .$. t.25
Shipping weight, 16 lbs.

Washington, D. C.
Gentlemen :— 1 received the storage cell which you sent me today in good condition.
It certainly is a strong one for its size. Thanking you for your information, I am,
Very respectfully,

Transmitting Outfit, No. 20

Range, Yi to 1Va miles using a four- wire aerial
25 feet above ground. Greater distances may
be obtained with a higher aerial.

One No. 7413 ;- inch Spark Coil $ 3.20

One No. 2050 Simplex Wireless Key .55
One No. 655 Junior Spark Gap . 55
One lb. No. 14 Aluminum Aerial Wire .60
Four Red Seal Dry Cells 1.00

Regular Price $ 6.90

Special Price on Complete Outfit. . 15.70
L •
Shipping weight, 20 lbs.

Transmitting Outfit, No. 30

Range, 2 to 5 miles with a four- wire aerial
30 feet above ground. Greater distances may
be obtained with a higher aerial.
One No. 7415 1- inch Spark Coil $4.50
One No. 7630 Spark Gap . 75
One No. 662 Junior Key . 76
One lb. No. 14 Aluminum Aerial Wire .60
Six Red Seal Dry Cells 1.08

Regular Price $ 7.68

Special Price on Complete Outfit- 17.45

Shipping weight, 25 lbs.

Transmitting Outfit, No. 40

Range, 5 to 8 miles with a four- wire aerial 35
:o 40 feet above ground. Greater distances may
be obtained with a higher aerial.
One No. 7415 one- inch Spark Coil $ 4.50
One No. 7630 Spark Gap . 76
One No. 562 Junior Key . 76
One No. 7640 Oscillation Condenser 2.00
One No. 560 Junior Helix 1.76
One lb. No. 14 Aluminum Aerial Wire .60
Six Red Seal Dry Cells 1.08

Regular Price $ 11.43

Special Price on Complete Outfit..$11.00
Shipping weight, 35 lbs.

Grimsby, Ont., Canada.

Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:—A little while ago 1 got a water motor from you and it works fine. I
run the sewing machine, te.asiing machine, etc., and It la all right.

Transmitting Outfit, No. 50

Range, 8 to 10 miles with a four- wire aerial 50
feet above ground. Greater distances may be
obtained with a higher aerial.
One No. 7419 1g- inch Spark Coil $6.50
One No. 7630 Spark Gap . 75
One No. 562 Junior Key . 76
One No. 7644 Oscillation Condenser 4.00
One No. 555 Junior Oscillation Helix 4.00
l'A lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Aerial Wire .90
Eight Red Seal Dry Cells 1.44

05C Regular Price $ 18.34

Special Price on Complete Outfit. . 517.75
G Shipping weight, 40 lbs.

Transmitting Outfit, No. 60

Range, 8 to 15 miles with a four- wire aerial
60 to 75 feet above ground. Greater distances
may be obtained with a higher aerial.
One No. 7419 2- inch Spark Coil $ 9.00
One No. 7630 Spark Gap . 75
One No. 562 Junior Key . 76
One No. 7644 Oscillation Condenser 4.00
One No. 555 Oscillation Transformer 4.00
lbs. No. 14 Aluminum Aerial Wire .90
Eight Red Seal Dry Cells 1.44

Regular Price $20.84

Special Price on Complete Outilt.$19.25
Shipping weight, 40 lbs.

Transmitting Outfit, No. 70

Range, 25 to 60 miles with a four- wire aerial
50 to 75 feet above ground. Greater distances
may be obtained with a higher aerial.
One No. 7659 Transformer $ 12.00
One No. 7645 Condenser 6.00
One No. 555 Junior Oscillation Helix 4.00
One No. 7636 Spark Gap 2.25
One No. 662 Junior Key . 75

Regular Price $ 25.00

Special Price on Complete Oatilt.824.00
Shipping weight, 45 lbs.

Ashley, Penna.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:— I have received the Junior Loose Coupler in fine condition. Its ap-
pearance adds a great deal to my set.

How to Put Up an Aerial



PROM Tor's, NA

The success of a wireless station will depend largely upon three things: first, the selection
of well made, efficient apparatus; second, the careful observance of certain fundamental
principles in installing the apparatus, and third, the intelligent operation of the properly
installed apparatus. Starting with " Atnco" apparatus means that an important step has
been made in the right direction, for its well-known efficiency and reliability insure that
as far as the instruments are concerned, the owner of Amco apparatus has all that
could be desired. The purpose of the following few pages is to briefly set forth some of
the fundamental principles to be observed in the arrangement of the station and its
operation. They are intended to be of benefit or assistance to those having a limited
acquaintance with wireless telegraph phenomena.
The antenna or aerial consists of several wires elevated in the air and insulated from
surrounding objects. It is used to radiate the electric waves which are sent out when the
station is transmitting and to intercept those coming from a far distant station when it
is desirable to receive. The illustration shows the favorite form of aerial used by
amateurs, together with its details. It is comparatively easy to erect, and since it is very
efficient, is recommended wherever its construction is practical. It may be generally said
that the best results will be secured from an aerial which is elevated the highest and
whose wires are the longest. An aerial should be at least 35 feet high and from 50 to
60 feet long. It is desirable, whenever possible, to make it from 50 to 100 feet high and
76 to 250 feet long. An aerial having four wires in the stretches will be found to be
very efficient when the wires are not over 150 feet long. A six- wire aerial will give
the best results with larger aerials. The total efficiency will depend as much upon the
constructional details as upon size. The wire should not be smaller than No. 14 B. & S.
gauge. Aluminum wire will be found to be very satisfactory for small aerials. No. 14
B. & S. gauge, hard drawn copper wire is recommended for medium-sized aerials. Stranded
wire has a slight additional advantage because high frequency currents travel on the
surfaces of conductors and stranded wire presents more surface than a single wire.
It is advisable to solder all joints in an aerial. The aerial should be very carefully insu-
lated from all ropes, spreaders, guys, etc., so that no currents can leak into the ground.
Our insulators are adapted for all transmitting powers within the range of the average
experimenter. The ball types of insulators will serve effectively for small induction coil
transmitting sets and for receiving apparatus. The larger insulators are recommended for
transformer sets. It is advisable to place the wires as far apart as possible. They are
held apart by a wooden "spreader." The spreader should be long enough so that the
wires are at least one foot apart for each fifty feet in their length. The diagram shows
the points in the aerial at which insulators should be placed. They are indicated by
the letter " I." The aerial is supported by ropes. It is best to have the ropes pass
through pulleys so that the aerial may be conveniently raised or lowered at will. If two
rope " stays" are fastened to one of the spreaders and insulated therefrom they will be
found to be of much assistance in preventing the aerial from twisting or turning over
in the wind.

The " lead-in" or " rat-tail" as it is often called, is the wire leading from the aerial to
the instruments. A wire should be connected to each one of the aerial wires near one of
the spreaders and then all joined at a common point. A single wire is then brought down
to a convenient place and passed through an insulating tube placed in a hole in the wall
or window sash. The " lead-in" is then led to the " aerial switch." The aerial switch is a
"double- pole, double- throw switch" arranged so that the aerial may be quickly connected
to either the transmitting or receiving apparatus at will. One side of the apparatus is
always connected to the ground. The ground should always be near the apparatus and
should be as perfect as possible. A ground connection formed by soldering a wire to a
water pipe or connecting it by means of a ground clamp, will be satisfactory in most
cases. Where a water pipe is not available, a good ground may be made by burying a
large metal plate in permanently moist earth, or by spreading several hundred feet of
wire over the ground, radiating from the station in different directions.
The diagrams on pp. 64-68 show how the various Amco instruments should be wired to
secure the most efficiency. Over one hundred such diagrams showing how various loose
couplers, tuners, loading coils, condensers, detectors, transformers, spark gaps, helixes,
etc., may be connected, are to be found in the " Amateur's Wireless Handybook."

A Treatise on Wireless Telegraphy

Perhaps no branch of electrical science appeals more to the young experimenter than
wireless telegraphy. At first glance, the subject seems to be a mysterious one, capable
of little explanation, but contrary to this general opinion, the whole theory and practice of
wireless telegraphy is capable of the simplest explanation and can be easily understood
by anyone. There are probably from 200,000 to 300,000 amateur wireless stations in
the United States. These together with the numerous corn.
An Intensely mercial, government and ship stations make it possible to rig
Interesting Subject up a wireless set and receive messages from almost any-
where in the country. Any boy can learn to receive and send messages slowly in two
or three hours. If he puts his mind on it, he can not only master the code and be able
to read all of the commercial and government messages in a short time but will soon
become a proficient telegraph operator. The time signals sent out by the government
wireless stations throughout the country are readable for hundreds of miles and a small
wireless set will enable one to set their watches or clocks daily by Washington Observe-
A mn cur Wireless tory time. Amateur wireless telegraphy is one of the most
fascinating, wholesome and educational sports of modern times.
Telegraphy It is considered of such educational value that schools and
colleges throughout the country are equipped with outfits and include wireless telegraphy
in their courses. It should be part of every boys' education, for it will teach some of the
most valuable fundamental principles of electricity, and it must be realized that electricity
is the greatest force in the world today. The question most
RecelvInu WI PI
beginners ask first is: WHAT INSTRUMENTS ARE NECES-
The answer is: We advise you to use any of our outfits. They are all of a very high
grade and efficiency—the result of many years of manufacturing experience in this line.
The lower priced outfits naturally have the shortest range. You can receive messages with
any one of our detectors and a telephone receiver. Many of our customers who now
possess very elaborate sets started with a very simple outfit. A DETECTOR and a
TELEPHONE RECEIVER are necessary in order to receive wireless messages. A TUNING
COIL and a FIXED CONDENSER will add greatly to the range of a detector and telephone
receiver. By substituting a LOOSE COUPLER for the tuning coil the range may be
further greatly increased. A VARIABLE CONDENSER will add still more to the range of
the outfit. The second question usually asked is: " I DON'T KNOW THE CODE SO
HOW CAN I RECEIVE MESSAGES?" The answer is: A wireless message, no matter
what language it is in, is made up of dots and dashes. If you put the telephone receiver
to your ear when a message is coming in you will hear a series of distinct buzzes. A
short buzz is a dot and a long buzz is a dash. Any person with a little practice can
master the code and read the messages with ease. Different combinations of dots and
dashes represent the different letters of the alphabet. The code is shown on p. 72 of
this catalog. There are thousands of wireless stations in this country. They are sending
messages almost every minute of the day and night and are waiting for you to listen
to them. HOW ABOUT THE WIRELESS LAW? Well, the Wireless Law does not apply
to stations used for receiving only. The law permits you to receive all the messages

that you wish. The only requirement is that you preserve the secrecy of the message
if it is not intended for you. Here is the text of the law. You can read it for yourself.
"Nineteenth. No person or persons engaged in or having knowledge of the
operation of any station or stations, shall divulge or publish the contents of
any messages transmitted or received by such station, except to the person
or persons to whom the same may be directed, or their authorized agent, or
to another station employed to forward such message to its destination, unless
legally required to do so by the court of competent jurisdiction or other com-
petent authority. Any person guilty of divulging or publishing any message,
except as herein provided, shall, on conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine
of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars or imprisonment for a period
of not exceeding three months, or both fine and imprisonment in the discretion
of the court."
The Radio Lau The Radio Law does not hinder amateur wireless telegraphy but has
placed it upon a definite recognized basis. The regulations of this
law which govern amateur stations are enumerated in brief below. NO LICENSE is re-
quired when a receiving set only is used. A LICENSE IS ONLY REQUIRED for a trans-
mitting station and the operator, when the signals radiated by the station cross a
boundary of the state wherein the station is located or when they may interfere with the
reception by another station of signals coming from without the state. AMATEUR
TRANSMITTING STATIONS are limited to a wave length of 200 metres and a trans-
former input of 1 K.W. Amateur transmitting stations located within live nautical miles
of any naval or military naval station are restricted to a transformer input of g K.W.
Distance One of the questions most frequently asked by the wireless experimenter
AN OUTFIT?" It is hardly possible to answer such a question. If you are surrounded
by tall trees, buildings or mountains you cannot send and receive wireless messages as
well as if you were on a high elevation above all surrounding objects. Wireless waves
travel twice as far over water as over land and you can receive and send easily twice as
far after sundown than during the day time. As a general rule, the higher and longer
your aerial is, the further you can receive and send. The distance that you can send and
receive will also depend upon the station that you wish to communicate with. Although
you might have the best of apparatus, it would do you no good if the other station was
too poorly equipped to hear your signals or answer you.
All Amco detector stands are very efficient and make it possible for the experimenter to
secure a very sensitive detector. A 1000- ohm telephone receiver is much more efficient
than a 75- ohm receiver. A loose coupler is a more efficient instrument than a tuning
coil and will give louder signals. A station equipped with a rotary variable condenser in
the receiving set will have a greater range than an outfit not so provided. Experience
has proven that Amco Spark Coils are far more efficient than all others, and that their
average transmitting range is about as shown in the table below.
g inch Spark Coil miles 2 inch Spark Coil 8-15 miles
V:inch Spark Coil 1-4 miles 3 inch Spark Coil 12-24 miles
1 inch Spark Coil 3-8 miles 4 inch Spark Coil 15-30 miles
PA inch Spark Coil 5-12 miles
The first figures in the table are those which it is easily possible for any amateur to
obtain. The last figures are those secured where the location or arrangement of the
station is especially favorable.
No Knowledge You do not have to be an expert to set up and operate a wireless
Required station. No fears of failure need dismay. Complicated and intricate
mechanisms are not a part of wireless telegraphy. Failure is im-
possible with AMCO apparatus. An investment in AMCO apparatus is wisdom because the
purchase secures the perfect product of an established manufacturing firm, backed by the
best of reputations for honesty of dealing and quality of output. The novice wishing to
read a complete exposition of wireless telegraphy, written in simple form so that it may
be easily understood by the veriest tyro, is referred to our 25 cent book, " Lessons in
Wireless Telegraphy," which will be sent upen receipt of price. Those wishing to become
proficient in the handling and operation of wireless telegraph stations are referred to
"The Operation of Wireless Telegraph Apparatus." This is another 25 cent book which
will be sent postpaid upon receipt of price. Each commercial, naval and military station
is distinguished by a set of CALI. LETTERS. A complete list of all the call letters,
together with the code, abbreviations, speed chart and over 100 diagrams for connecting
instruments, will be found in "The Amateur's Wireless Handybook," price 25 cents.
Those who wish to build their own instruments and to learn some of the principles of

design will find the book " Wireless Telegraph Construction for Amateurs," just the thing.
Price, postpaid, $ 1.60.
The i% i„ l„ s Wireless Licenses are issued by the United States Government FREE
License OF CHARGE and do not cost a penny. All that is required of you in
order to obtain a license is to become familiar with the law and learn
to receive and transmit messages at a fair speed. It is not even necessary for you to
appear in person for an examination if you live far away from the nearest radio inspector.
All that you have to do in such a case is take an oath before a Notary Public that you
are conversant with the law and that you can transmit and receive a wireless message.
If you wish to obtain a licence, and we urge you to do so, write to the nearest Radio
Inspector and ask him for the necessary papers. Radio Inspectors are located in the fol-
lowing cities. Address your letter to the Customs House. Boston, Mass.; New York, N. Y.;
Baltimore, Md.; Savannah, Ga.; New Orleans, La.; San Francisco, Cal.; Seattle, Wash.;
Cleveland, Ohio; Chicago, Ill.

«MI RIMI••• 1•111•1M• 11111•• • •• RIII•

G H I 3 K
IIIM NM • • • • • • • • IIM MIMI MI • MU

L M N 0 P

MOM • IIR • MR • • • • RR • • IM


Z Walt Understand Don't Understand

.11111111.•• • IM••• ••• 11••• illi• ••••••

Period Interrogation Exclamation

•• •• •• •••RIMMII• IIMIffl••fflIIIM

1 2 3
• MII MI MI MI • • IM MIMI • • • 111111111

4 5 6 7
••••MI •••• 111 IM•••• MR MR • • •

ffll MI • • 11111 RBI WM • MINIM MIR IMIMI
Call Finish
or MR
OM • RR • RR • • MI •
Renewal Batteries for Flashlights
We carry the following sizes of batteries in stock and make immediate shipment. All batteries are carefully tested before shipping.
The Radio Stock is the finest battery made. The Semi- dry is an ordinary grade o battery. Shipping weight of any of these batteries, 1 lb.

Semi- Semi-
Stock Stock of Stock Stock of
No. No. Cells Ii'ght Width Depth R. S. D. No. No. Celle Irght Width Depth R. S. D.

1042 2 1% W. 1
2 $.30 1$
1040 940 2 21/4 1/4 % .
30 .25 1023 923 3 31
/2 21
2 • % $.40 $.30


1021 921 2 21
2 1% fa .
30 , .20 1024 3 4% , 1% .45

1025 925 2 21
2 1% H .
30 .20
1030 930 3 ,3 4 11
/2 .45 .35
1026 926 2 31
2 21/
2 1
6- .35 .25

1041 941 3 ,',

21 2 % . 40 .30 1031 931 3 3 4 11
2 .45 .
1020 920 3 2% 2% /,
7 .40 .25

1022 3 31
2 3% 11', .45
1029 929 2 11 3% .30 .20
1028 928 2 1% 4% .30 .20
1027 927 1 3 11% 7 .40 .30
1032 932 3 31.11 4 11
2 .45 .40
1011 911 3 1% 9% .45 .34
1039 939 3 2112 31'., i„ .40 .30 1015 915 5 1% 11% .70 1.50
1007 3 , 1 , 71/4 .40
1006 9 1 4% .35 •
1005 3 i1 4% .45 I
1% . 45 .40
1003 2 1% 91 /2 .40
I 1

Electric Flashlights and Novelties

Electric Flashlights


No. 3012 No. 3015 No. 3016

No. 3012—The case of this flashlight is very strong and durable. It is covered
with imitation leather paper. Fitted with lamp with lens blown ix
bulb. Size 23 / x 33
4 /
4 x 1. Complete with battery $ .40
No. 3015—This is a first class flashlight provided with a large bullseye lens fitted
on top of case. This is a very brilliant light. Covered with imita.
tion leather paper. Same size as above. Complete with battery $ .49
No. 3016—A very finely made flashlight. Nickeled trimmings and black cloth
cover. The lens is carefully ground and is removable. Throws a
strong light. Complete with battery $ .60
Weight of any above flashlights, 10 ounces.

Vest and Coat Pocket Tungsten


No. 3025

No. 3025 Vest Pocket Flashlight, metal case, paper covered, tungsten bulb,
push button contact, two cell battery, size 1x 174 x 3s inches 80 cents
No. 3026 Coat Pocket Flashlight, metal case, covered with alligator cloth,
powerful bullseye lens, tungsten bulb, sliding contact for giving
permanent light when desired, size 1 x x $1.25
No. 3027 Vest Pocket Light, vulcanized fibre base with highly finished nickel
parts. A beautiful and powerful slide. Sliding contact for per-
manent light when desired. Size 1 x VA x 3% inches $1.50
No. 3043 Vest Pocket Flashlight. Same size and shape an a cigarette case. A
novel and useful light. Nickel plated and highly polished. Size
/ x 23
3 / x 33
4 / inches
4 1111.43
Shipping weight of any of above flashlights, 1 lb.

Nickel Vest Pocket Flashlights


slip Into Purse

or Vest Pocket

No. 3040 No. 3041 No. 3042

Nickel plated flashlights are made in three sizes, the largest of which is so small, and
weighs so little, as to cause no inconvenience when carried in the pocket. The smallest
one is truly a marvel, and is only made practicable by the high development reached in the
manufacture of the battery with which the lights are fitted. These flashlights are designed
with a contact which eliminates the necessity of the pressure of the finger to control the
light. The light is controlled by a slide on the case, which, when once adjusted for light,
leaves both hands free. The light is flashed on by pressing the slide down, and when light
is no more desired, the slide is brought to its original position. The flash- contact is of
no more necessity in these flashlights when used with our batteries, as they will give
splendid service at little cost to the consumer when burned at intervals.
No. 3040 Nickel Vest Pocket Flashlight, size 11 /5 x 154 x 11-16 inches 10
No. 3041 Nickel Vest Pocket Flashlight, size 23
4 x 1.54 x 3
/ /
4 inches .
No. 3042 Nickel Vest Pocket Flashlight, size 23 4 x 2 x ei
/ inches $1-10
Shipping weight of any of above Vest Poc ,:et Flashlights, 1 lb.

Electric Searchlights
No. 3030 A very substantial, well made iiiief eeri pagn
searchlight. Case is metal covered with
imitation alligator hide. Nickel trim- et4e4
' .4fergEig,
mings. Fitted with a powerful Tungsten •-\-.-.-.-------------
lamp, 3- cell dry battery, and a special No. 3030
reflector and lens which greatly intensi-
fies the light. Size 154)(654 in. Complete with battery, 90 cents. Shipping weight, 2 tbs.

Fountain Pen Light



An exact imitation of a fountain pen with barrel cap and clip. It is to be carried in the
pocket next to the fountain pen and pencil, ready for instant use. For light, simply press
the clip and it will throw a dazzling beam. Will give one and one-half hours continuous
service or three hours intermittent service before the battery needs to be renewed.
The latest electrical novelty. Shipping weight, 10 o:.
No. 3043 Fountain Pen Light, either nickel plate or black finish as desired.. 98 cents
No. 310 Renewal Battery 25 cents Shipping weight, 4 oz.

Electric Flashlights with Tungsten Bulbs

No. JOS:, Nu. du:Ps

No. 3020—This is one of our finest flashlights. The bulb is genuine OSRAM and
will give more light with less battery consumption than any lamp
made. The case is very carefully made, with nickeled trimmings and
fine black cloth cover. Provided with an accurately ground lens.
Throws a powerful beam of light. Size lx1hx 3V2 inches. Com-
plete with battery $ .90
No. 3022—This flashlight embodies several new features of construction. Fitted
with a three- cell battery, OSRAM bulb, powerful lens and a contact
button which may be locked either " on" or "off." Throws a dazzling
beam of white light. Complete with battery $ 1.10
No. 3024 This flashlight is made specially for boy scouts. It is a very strong
case, carefully made. All metal parts are nickel plated. It is pro-
vided with THREE accurately ground lenses, one WHITE, one BLUE
and the other RED, so that different colored flashes may be sent
for signal purposes. The contact is made so that it may be locked
"on" or "off" Complete with battery $1.25
Shipping weight of any of above flashlights, 10 ozs.

Fibre Searchlights
No. 3035 The case of this light is
black fibre. It is stronger and more
durable than metal or leather. Fitted
with a Tungsten or Osram bulb.
Throws a very powerful light Size
1'4 x 6 inches. Two- cell dry battery.
Complete .95 Nos. 3035-3037
No. 3036—A larger and more powerful light than that above. Two- cell dry battery.
Size 154 x 6Y2 inches. Complete $ 1.18
No. 3037—Same as above but larger and more powerful. Throws a piercing beam of
white light. Size 11
/3"x 8Y2 inches. Three- cell battery. Complete $ 1.35
Shipping weights—No. 3030, 12 oz.; No. 3036, 12 oz.; No. 3036, 1 lb.; No. 3037, 154 lb.

Miners' Searchlights
The cases of these lights are black fibre.
They are fitted with very powerful lenses
and reflectors which throw a strong light,
making it possible to see objects quite a
distance away. Will be found very handy
by sportsmen, farmers, etc. Metal fittings
are nickeled.
No. 3038 Size 1Vs x PA inches. Two-
Nos. 3038-3040 cell dry battery. Complete $1.55
Shipping weight, 2 lbs
No. 3039—Same style but larger and more powerful. Fitted with 3- cell battery. Size
1V3 x 8Va inches. Complete $1.80
Shipping weight, 2Va lbs.
No. 3040 Same style but larger and more powerful. Fitted with three- cell battery.
Size 1 x 13 inches. Complete $2.75
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Revolver Flashlight
A clever, full-sized imitation of a modern
automatic revolver fitted with a battery
and a tungsten bulb. By pulling the trig-
ger a powerful beam of dazzling white
light shoots from the muzzle.
This flashlight will be found invaluable by
anyone who does not wish to possess or
carry a firearm but may require just such
an article as this to scare away unde-
sirable individuals.
Made entirely of pressed steel, gun-metal
finish. A handsome piece of work. Thou-
sands now in use.
No. 3050 Revolver Flashlight,
complete $1.45
Shipping weight, 8 ounces No. 3050

Woodland, Cal.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs —Received the key O. K. and I am very much pleased with same.

Motor-cycle Headlight

No. 3063

A powerful Headlight with a large silver

plated parabolic reflector. Finished in black
enamel. Fitted with spring shock absorber.
Complete with Tungsten bulb, battery and
Leather Battery Bag.

No. 3063 Motor Cycle Headlight complete

as described $3.95

No. 30E4 E ma Leather Battery Bags for motor cycle and bicycle lamps 48 cts

Electric Hand Lantern

An electric lantern is one of the handiest and most cormenient
articles it is possible to own. Being electric, all danger from fire
or explosion is eliminated, and they may be handled with entire
safety. No wick to trim, no oil to spill or matches to light. Simply
snap the switch and you have a dazzling white light . Wind and
storm have no effect.

The case of the lantern is oxidized metal. The lantern has an

extra large lens and thrown a dazzling circle of light. Very handy
about the house or barn.
No. 3065 Hand Lantern, finished in blue steel with per-
manent contact. Weight, 104 ounces $ 1.98
Shipping weight, lbs.
No. 8065

Danville, Penna.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :— Received goods by to- day's mail and am well pleased with ;hem.
They are absolutely satisfactory. Am well pleased with your prompt shipments, and am
enclosing eight cents postage due you on shipment. It was a mistake of mine.
Thanking you for your favor, I remain, your customer,

The "Bulldog" Electric Bicycle Lamp

This is a substantial
electric light outfit in-
tended for bicycles but
equally useful on car-
riages, canoes, boats,
etc. It throws a daz-
zling beam of pure
white light. Fitted
with a deep parabolic
reflector and large
bullseye lens. Has a
switch at the side so
that the light may be
easily turned on or off
at will. All metal parts
are heavily nickel pla-
ted. Fitted with a 4-v.
Tungsten lamp. Com-
plete with a heavy
leather carrying case
for 3- cell dry battery.

No. 3062 — Bulldog

Bicycle Lamp with
leather battery case,
battery and cord
Price, $3.25

No. 3062A—Headlight,
complete without case
No. 3062 or battery.Price, $2.20

The Viking Electric Cycle Lamp

This is a first class Electric Cycle Lamp for use
for sho-t periods up to h:If an flour at a time.
It is specially to be recommended for short runs
about town. It takes an orcLnary three- cell
flashIight battery.


The body of the lamp is finished in black with
nickel olated cap and bo.tom. All other metal
parts are nickel plated and polished. The lamp
is mounted on a spri ig bracket which absorbs all
vibrition and jolts or jars due to a rough road.


which . s far more power: ul that that of an oil
lamp and a rival to acetylene. l has the further
advnntage of no matches, no cil, no wick, no
smell and no acids.
No. 3060 Viking Electric Cycle Lamp.. $ 1.49
Shippicg weight, 1 lb. No. 3060

Electric Scarf Pins

Carved out of solid ivory and fitted with tiny electric
light inside. Provided with a silk cord and plug to fit
any of our flashlights. By pressing the button streams of
light are shot out from the eyes of the figures. A hand-
some scarfpin aside from the electrical novelty.
No. 6020 Ivory Scarfpin, elk's head, wolf's head, horse's
head, hyena's head, dog's head or cat's head,
with cord and plug $ . 98
No. 6021 Ivory Skull . 90
By mail, extra .

Jeweled Scarf Pins

Horseshoe, Owl's Head, Crescent, Hearts, etc.
Very handsome jeweled scarfpins with concealed elec-
tric light, causing them to scintillate and flash when
button is pressed. Complete with cord and plug.
No. 6024 Jeweled Scarf Pin $ .45
By mail, .04
No. 6024

Miniature Battery Lamps


kr— wor

No. 3300 No. 3302 No. 3306 No. 3308

No. 3307 No. 3310
No. 3312 No. 3339

Illustrations Show Real Size of Bulb

No. 3314 No. 3330

No. 3316 No. 3331 No. 519-521
No. 3318 No. 540-544 No. 3338


No. 3300-3.5 volts 10 cents No. 519-1.6 volts, clear plain. . 20 cents
No. 3302-3.5 volts, lens in top. 12 " No. 620-2.7 volts, clear plain. . 13 "
No. 3306-3.5 volts 15 " No. 621-3.8 volts, clear plain. . 13 "
No. 3307-5.5 volts 16 " No. 640-2.7 volts, clear plain. . 13 "
VOL TS C.P. No. 643-3.8 volts, clear plain. . 13 "
No. 3308— 4 2 19 No. 544-6 volts, clear plain. . 13 "
No. 3310— 6 2 19 No. 535-2.5 or 2.7 v., opal back'13 "
No. 3312— 8....4..... 19 No. 536-3.8 volts, opal back...13 "
No. 3314— 4. . 2. 19 No. 551-1.5 volts, opal back... 26 "
No. 3316— 6....2..... 19
No. 3318— 6 4 19 VOLTS C.P.
No. 3320— 8....4..... 19 No. 3338-4 4 24 cents
No. 3322-10 6 19 6 2 21 "
6 4 24 "
BY MAIL, EXTRA 6 4 21 "
3300-3307 1 cent each 6 6 24 "
3308-3339 3 cents each 8 8 24 "
NOTICE—These lamps are of the highest quality. The voltages and candle power given
are correct. If you buy cheaper lamps you are getting a THIRD RATE article which
Nos. 3308-3322 and 3338 can be supplied with either miniature or candeIabra base.

Automobile Tungsten Lamps

(Cuts one-half actual size)

G-6 G-8 G-10 G-10

Rearlight and Sidelight Sidelight Sidelight
Speedometer (Focusing)

G-1 2 P-S R- S
G 1VA (Focusing) Sidelight Dome Lamp
Headlight ( Focusing) Headlight

Lamps are fitted with either candelabra, single Ediswan or double Ediswan base. When
ordering be sure to give full particulars as to voltage, candle- power, type and base.
G-6 and G-8 lamps only can also be furnished with miniature screw base which is slightly
smaller than candelabra base.

TYPE Volts Candle Price TYPE Volts Candle Price

Power Power

G- 6 3%, 6, 7 2 21e G-12 Focusing 6, 7 12, 18, 21 27e

G- 6 6, 7 4 24e G-16 Focusing 6, 7 15 27e
0- 8 3%, 6, 7 4 21c G-16 Focusing 6, 7 12, 18, 24 30e
G- 8 6, 7 6, 8 24e P- 6 6, 7 2 Me
G-10 Sidelight 6, 7 6 24e P- 8 Sidelight 6, 7 4, 6 24e
G-10 Sidelight 13, 7 8, 10 27e P- 8 Focusing 6, 7 6 32e
G-10 Focusing 6, 7 6, 8, 12 30e R- 8 Doute Lamp 6, 7 2, 4, 6 3
0-12 Focusing-..-.— 6, 7 9 30e I


Postage on each lamp, 5 cents extra

Decorative Lamps
The bulbs are clever imi-
tations of different fruits,
flowers and figures in
their natural colors.
They form the most
pleasing display imagin-
able. They come in
great variety: Apples,
pears, peaches, roses,
oranges, tulips, straw-
berries, lemons, robins,
bluebirds, Santa Claus,
snowmen, etc.
No 3340 Fruit Lamps, assorted, Ws volts 8 .25
No. 3342 Fruit Lamps, assorted 14 volts .30
No. 3344 Flower Lamps, assorted, 14 volts .35
No. 3346 Fruit Lamps, asstd., 14 volts, very large .35
No. 3350 Fancy Lamps, owls, robins, flowers, snowmen, dogr, etc., 14 volts.. .75
By mail, three cents extra

The various incandescent lamps listed in this catabg are
American manufacture of the highest grade obtainable.

Each lamp that we sell is carefully tested upon a current

of proper voltage just prior to shipment, anti is known to
be in perfect condition.
Lamps are frequently purchased from us and ut.ed on roltages
other than that for which they were intended. They will then
quickly burn out. If our lamps are used on the proper voltage
they will prove to be exceptionally durable and long-lived.
Each lamp is carefully tested and packed, and for that
reason we assume no risk and cannot replace any broken
or burnt- out lamps free of charge.


Decorative Battery Outfits

For the decoration of dinner tables,
Xmas trees and other lighting effects.
We offer these outfits in such varied
assortment and arrangement that a suit-
able color scheme can be selected with-
out difficulty. When requested, we shall
be pleased to offer suggestions for spec-
ial lighting effects.
No. 3360 Battery Decorative Outfit, con-
sisting of eight 4,4 volt fruit lamps, with
sockets and silk covered wire, all ready to
connect to batteries. Packed in neat box $2.75

Amco Wonder Light Outfit

The Wonder Light Outfit can be put into Kactical use in any household.
Just the thing for the experimenter. The outfit consists of a 3;4 volt
miniature lamp, aporcelain receptacle, switch, large coil of wire ( 20 feet),
and three cells of dry battery. The wires are long enough so that the
light may be located in a dark hall or closet and the switch placed in a
handy spot. The lamp may be placed alongside of a clock and the time
of night easily told without arising. Lamp may be used on any dry cells.
This set would cost 25-50% more if the parts were purchased singly.
No. 2880 Amco Wonder Light Outfit as described i0 .
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Brooklyn, N. Y.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen :— I received your book " Wireless Construction for Amateurs." I End
it simple, plain and very interesting.

Series Christmas Tree Outfits

For interior decoration where lighting
effects are desired. Perfectly safe and
reliable. Outfits are already connected for
use. Consists of one or more festoons of
silk covered wire, each festoon with eight
pendant porcelain sockets and attachment
plug.. Supplied for all voltages from 46 to
250. Be sure and state voltage.
NOTE.— For Fruit Lamps add $ 1.25 per festoon
and for Flower Lamps add $ 1.50.

No. 3370 One Festoon, 8 sockets, 9 lamps.. $ 2.75

No. 3372 Two Festoons, 16 sockets, 18 lamps 4.75
No. 3374 3 Festoons, 24 sockets, 27 lamps. 7.00
No. 3376 4 Festoons, 32 sockets, 36 lamps 8.50

Most novelties lose their attraction after having been in use for some time and are care-
lessly cast aside. Not so with the Christmas Tree Decorative Outfits. Their unique
charms in illuminating the tree with the radiance produced by electric current only add
to their popularity and bring new cheer to old and young as does the tree which they adorn.
The interesting variety of shapes and colors in which the lamps used in these outfits are
offered give the most critical and fastidious hostess an opportunity to harmoniously blend
them in any color scheme appropriate for any occasion, not only to decorate the Christmas
Tree, but also for decoration on other festive occasions. Indeed, nothing is more essential
to the proper observance of holidays and other festivities than appropriate illumination.

Christmas Tree Outfit
This is a fine Xmas tree or dec-
orative outfit, operated by dry
batteries so that it can be used
where lighting current is not avail-
able. The outfit consists of three
batteries enclosed in a strong
case with switch; eight lamps,
clear, frosted, red and green,
together with sockets and connect-
ing cords ready for operation.
Decorative when not lit and very
effective when illuminated. Port-
able, neat and absolutely safe.
No. 3365 Complete outfit as des-
cribed $3.25
No. 3366 String of eight colored
tungsten lamps with
wire and sockets 2.50

Renewal Lamps for Scarf Pins

No. 1273 Consists of • small lamp about the size of a pea with silk covered wires
and plug attached 30 cents
Shipping weight, 2 ors.

Miniature Attachment Plug and Cord

1\ii 1274 This attachment plug fits any miniature base
socket, receptacle or flashlight in place of
the lamp. Consists of miniature attachment
plug and 2 feet of double silk twisted and
stranded conductor 15 cents
Shipping weight, 2 or.

Small Brass Sockets with Key

This decided novelty on the American market will be welcomed by
all our friends. The uses of this article are apparent. It does
away with an extra switch to turn the light off or on. Made in
brass and porcelain entirely. As pretty and useful an article as we
have come across in a long while. Base fits any tube h inch pipe
(5.‘ inch pipe measure). Our reflectors lit both styles.

No. 419 Miniature Socket, with Key 28 cents

No. 421 Candelabra Socket, with. Key 32 cents
Shipping weight, 4 or.

Miniature and Candelabra Sockets

No. 2860 No. 2862 No. 2865 No. 2864

No. 2860 Flat base miniature receptacle $ .05
No. 2861. Flat base candelabra receptacle .06
No. 2862 Weatherproof miniature socket for decorative purposes .08
No. 2863 Weatherproof candelabra socket .09
No. 2864 Candelabra brass socket .15
No. 2865 Pin socket, miniature, with wire leads, for Xmas trees .06
Any of above sockets by mail, extra .02

By means of an adapter a candelabra lamp may be made to fit
an Edison socket or a miniature lamp to fit a candelabra base.
No. 2870 Edison- Candelabra Adapter $ . 12
No. 2872 Miniature- Candelabra Adapter .04
By mail, extra .02

Miniature Wall Brackets

No. 28302835 o.

These brackets will be found useful in many ways. They offer the neatest and most
convenient method of mounting battery lamps. Will be found especially adapted for
motor boat lighting, etc. May be used in dark hallways, over desks or as table lamps by
standing up vertically.
Each bracket is wired and ready for use. Fitted with two binding posts for connections
and a highly polished reflector which doubles the light. The reflectors are removable and
may be taken off and replaced with a bead shade. Supplied with either candelabra or
miniature socket as listed below. These brackets may be ordered without reflectors if
desired. Deduct five cents from prim, when doing so.

No. 2830 Wall Bracket, miniature socket, total length 4 in.... $ .35 4 oz.
No. 2832 Wall Bracket, candelabra socket, total length 6'A in. .45 8 oz.
No. 2834 Wall Bracket, miniature socket, total length 354 in.. .35 4 oz.
No. 2836 Wall Bracket, candelabra socket, total length VA in. .45 8 oz.

Flush Wall or Ceiling Bracket.

This bracket may be used in places cramped for room or to hang
from a low ceiling. Has metal base, binding posts for con-
nections and a polished reflector. Made only for candelabra
base. Miniature base lamps may be fitted by using our No.
2872 adapter.
No. 2838 Flush Wall or Ceiling Bracket $ . 30
No. 2838 Weight, 6 oz.

Nickel-plated Reflectors
These reflectors are made of spun brass, heavily nickel- plated and polished.
The edges are turned over so as to give them a rounded shape. These
reflectors will double the light of a lamp when placed behind it. In order-
ing, be sure to state whether for miniature or candelabra base, as the boles
in the centre are different.

No. 2840 Nickel Reflector, 15

A in. diameter $ .05
No. 2841 Nickel Reflector, 2 in. diameter .07
No. 2842 Nickel Reflector VA in. diameter . 09
No. 2843 Nickel Reflector, 3 in. diameter .10
No. 2844 Nickel Reflector, 4 in. diameter . 12
No. 2845 Nickel Reflector, 5 in. diameter .15
Weight of any above packed, 2 oz. Noe. 2840-45

Brooklyn, N. Y.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:— Kindly accept my thanks for your prompt attention to my order sent.
Potentiometer received in good condition, well packed and all you represent same to be.

Fancy Bead Shades

These shades give a very pretty effect to
either our No. 2834 or No. 2836 wall brack-
ets. The bodies are made of brass, carefully
lacquered. The No. 2846 shade has beads in
ditterent colors. No. 2847 comes in green
only. In ordering, be sure to state if for
candelabra or miniature sockets.
No. 2846 No. 2846 Fancy Bead Shade $ .40
No. 2847 Green Bead Shade . 30
Weight of either, wrapped for shipping, 4 oz. No. 2847

Volt and Ammeters

Nos. 1400-01 Nos. 1402-04

These ammeters and voltmeters are made for use on switchboards, automobiles, motor
boats, etc. The experimenter will find them invaluable for many purposes. Each is en-
closed in a heavy nickel- plated case, provided with a thick crystal which will stand rough
usage. The inside windings are of the finest silk covered wire. The springs are Swiss
watch spirals of the finest grade.
The Nos. 1400-01 instruments are provided with binding posts at the sides as shown
in the illustration so that connection may be made from the front.
The Nos. 1402-04 meters are intended for use where not much space is available or where
back connections are desirable. The working parts of these meters are on a slightly smaller
scale than those of the Nos. 1400-01 but are identical in other respects. They have no
binding posts but there are two flexible silk wires leading out from the back of the meter
and connections are thereby very easily effected.
No. 1400 Ammeter, reading 0-26 amperes, 2X inch face $3.00
No. 1401 Voltmeter, reading 0-25 volts, 2/4 inch face 3.00
No. 1402 Ammeter, reading 1.16 amperes, PA inch face 2.15
No. 1403 Voltmeter, reading 1-12 volts, 2Ya inch face 2.15
No. 1404 Combination Volt- Ammeter, reading 1-12 volts and 1-26
amperes, 2 inch face 3.00

Copper Magnet Wire


12 .... $ .37 $ .21 .... $ .40 .24

14 .... .37 .21 .... .42 .26
16 125 . 37 . 21 122 . 43 . 27
18 200 . 40 .23 189 . 45 .30
20 311 . 45 . 26 298 .49 . 32
21 389 . 46 .30 370 .53 .34
22 491 .47 . 30 .... 461 . 55 .35 ....
23 624 .50 .34 .... 584 .58 .38 . ...
24 778 .51 .35 . 18 745 . 61 .39 .21
25 958 .54 . 35 .20 903 . 66 .41 .24
26 1188 .57 . 36 .21 1118 . 70 . 42 .26
27 1533 .62 .38 .22 1422 . 77 . 47 .28
28 1903 • .68 . 42 . 24 1759 .83 .51 .30
29 2461 . 69 . 43 .26 2207 .89 . 55 .31
30 2893 . 73 . 46 .28 2534 .96 .58 .32
31 3482 . 82 .54 . 30 2788 1.05 .62 .33
32 4234 . 92 .57 .32 3737 1.10 . 66 .34
33 5141 1.00 . 62 .38 4697 1.25 . 71 .40
34 6317 1.19 . 73 . 43 6168 1.42 .84 . 46
35 7755 1.25 . 77 . 48 6737 1.70 .99 .56
36 951 I 1.45 . 85 .52 7877 2.00 1.15 .63
38 • • • • 2.15 1.50 .88 .... 3.75 2.00 1.20
40 3.50 2.00 1.52 5.75 3.00 1.88
PER LB. PER I.B. /' LB. 4 LB. PER LB. PER LB. /3
1 LB. Xt Le.
16 $ . 64 $ .40 .... .... $ . 44 .30
18 .... . 67 .42 .... .44 .30
20 317 . 70 .44 ... . . 46 . 31
21 . ... . 72 . 45 . 48 .32
22 501 . 74 .40 .... .... .50 . 32 ....
23 632 . 77 . 48 .... .52 .33 ....
24 799 .82 .51 .27 810 .54 .34 . 18
28 1263 . 96 .60 .32 1286 .64 . 40 .20
28 1988 1.12 . 70 .36 2042 . 73 .46 .24
30 3148 1.36 . 85 .44 3240 . 88 .54 .26
91 3933 .... .... .... 4032 .95 . 59 ....
32 4913 1.73 1.08 .58 5132 1.02 .62 .32
33 6129 • • • • • • • • .... 6445 1.15 . 70 ....
34 7646 2.32 1.45 . 75 8093 1.38 . 80 . 36
35 9536 ... . .... .... 10197 1.48 .90 ....
36 11889 3.14 1.97 1.00 12813 1.65 .98 .50
38 4.46 2.79 1.45 2.62 1.45 . 88
40 6.51 4.07 2.30 3.70 2.00 1.40

1 lb. of wire wrapped, weighs 20 ounces. ;4 lb. of wire wrapped, weighs 12 ounces
lb. of wire wrapped, weighs 7 ounces

Flexible Conductor

No. 1540 Composed of 16 No. 33 B & S copper wires, green silk braid covering $ .07
No. 1541 Composed of 16 No. 31 B & S copper wires, double green silk covering .07
No. 1542 Composed of two conductors each having eve No. 30 copper wires, with
cotton braid, laid together flat and covered with green silk .07
By mail, 2 cents extra per yard

Flexible Telephone Cords for Single Receiver

No. 1200 Cotton, red and black, 2 ft., each 61 .
No. 1202 Cotton, red and black, 3 ft., each .15
No. 1204 Green Cotton, 6 ft., each .22
No. 1206 Green Silk, 3 ft., each .25
No. 1208 Green Silk, 5 ft., each .36
By mail extra, 3 cents

Telephone Cords for Two Receivers

No. 1210 Green Cotton, 5 feet long .40 No. 1214 Green Cotton, 6 feet long .45
No. 1212 Green Silk, 5 feet long.. .50 No. 1216 Green Silk, 6 feet long.. .55
By mail extra, 3 cents

Annunciator Wire
The standard wire for general bell work. It is double
cotton wrapped, waxed and paraffined. Can be fur-
nished red, red- white, blue, blue- white and brown.
No. 1528 No. 16 B & S, 105 ft. to the lb $ .33
No. 1529 No. 18 B & S, 155 ft. to the lb .35
No. 1530 No. 20 B & S, 239 ft. to the lb .38
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

High Tension
ii -
For all high tension Wireless, X- Ray and high frequency work. Flexible
and strong. Made with three layers of rubber and three layers of fabric
No. 7710 High Tension Cable, per foot $ .18
Weight per foot, ;4 lb

Wood Base Switches

These switches are used for opening and closing bell
circuits, starting small motors, miniature lamps, etc.
Polished hardwood base, hollow for inside con-
nections. Made in ash, oak, cherry and walnut.
No. 1312 Wood Switch, 1 point $ .07 $ .
No. 1313 Wood Switch, 2 point .
08 .
No. 1314 Wood Switch, 3 point .
09 .
No. 1315 Wood Switch, 4 point .
10 .
No. 1316 Wood Switch, 5 point .
12 .
No. 1317 Wood Switch . 6 point .
13 .

Battery Switches

No. 1320 No. 1318

No. 1318 CROWN SNAP SWITCH. Made of metal, nickel- plated. Has quick
double break. The ends of the arms are concaved and fit over the
points, insuring a very firm contact and a quick break. Each $ . 16

No. 1320 TWO- POINT HARD RUBBER SWITCH with detachable handle. Each $ .


The smallest made. It is an
exact duplicate of those used
for regular lighting. Carries
5 amperes. Cover is nickel-
plated. Base is porcelain.
Each $ . 15

Shipping weight of above switches, 4 ounces

Newark, N. J.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—Your new catalog received and thank you for same. Your storage
cells which Iuse on my bicycle are giving excellent service. I shall send you an order soon.

Porcelain Base Switches

Correctly designed to fulfil the requirements of the National Electrical

Code in every way. Several unique features are embodied in the switches,
which strengthen them and make them very desirable. The No. 1612 may
be used as an aerial switch.
No. 1609 Single pole, single throw $ .17 6 oz.
No. 1610 Single pole, double throw .30 8 oz.
No. 1611 Double pole, single throw .21 10 oz.
No. 1612 Double pole, double throw .36 20 oz.

Midget Push Button

Fits into a 4- inch hole. Held by strong side springs. It
holds firmly. Has mother-of-pearl center and binding posta to
grip any size of sire.
No. 1255 Midget Push Button $ .14
Shipping weight, 3 oz.
No. 1255

Hardwood Push Buttons—Polished

No 1240 Polished Hardwood Push Button. Has
an excellent finish. Elastic springs, in-
suring good contacts. The cap unscrews 6 cents
Shipping weight, 4 oz.

Hardwood Pear Push—Polished

No, 43 Polished Hardwood Pear Push to be
attached to a flexible cord. May
be hung over the head of a bed,
under a table or in any other
place where a convenient push to
operate a light or bell may be
desired 12 cents
Shipping weight, 4 oz. 13

Polarity Indicator Consists of a special liquid in a glass

tube and protected by a nickel plated
shell. When connected to a source
of current, the negative pole turns
red. Very durable and simple.
No. 1644 Polarity Indicator, for battery 111 .90
No. 1645 Polarity Indicator, for 600 volts or less .90
By mail, extra 4 cents

Bells and Wiring Supplies

1230 1235

1240 1260 1250 1550

No. 1210 Utility Bell, 2'/a- in. gong, each .25 . 12
No. 1220 Utility Buzzer .24 .09
No. 1230 Carbon Cylinder Battery, complete with sal- am-
moniac and zinc .30 6 lbs.
No. 1231 Carbon Cylinder only . 15 3 lbs.
No. 1232 Sal- ammoniac for battery .05 .05
No. 1233 Jar only . 10 3 lbs.
No. 1235 Battery Zinc .04 .04
No. 1240 Wooden Push Button .06 .02
No. 1250 Bronze Push Button . 12 .04
No. 1260 Bronze Push Button .25 .04
No. 1550 Best Black Tape, p4- lb. roll . 12 .05

New York City, N. Y.

Dear Sirs:-- 1 received my wireless receiving set and I thank you very much for
your kindness and service.

Ground Clamp
For connecting wires to water pipes or cables.
An efficient ground for wireless work.
No. 1045 Ground Clamp $ .

By mall, 2 cents extra

Pony Telephone Receiver

This is the best Single Pole Telephone Receiver made. Size 21
inches diameter, weight only 6 ounces. The spool is sound with
silk covered wire to the standard resistance of 75 ohms. Binding
posts will not get loose. Shell of the receiver is of cast steel and is
strongly magnetized. The adjustment is rigid and will not become
changed even by the greatest carelessness.
Po ,,
No. 1448 Pony Telephone Receiver

Telephone Receiver
This is without doubt one of the best telephone receivers
on the market. Has a powerful permanent steel magnet
inside, soft iron bobbin cores and other points of su-
periority. This receiver has double poles and bobbins
and is very carefully adjusted to the maximum degree
of sensitiveness.

No. 7761 Double Pole Watchcase Telephone
Receiver, 75 ohms $ .60
Shipping weight, 10 ounces

The Midget Buzzer

This is the smallest buzzer made. The cover and base are
formed of sheet steel. The contact adjustment is secured by a
spring nut. The buzzer may be closely adjusted to emit a wide
range of tones. This is the best buzzer to use for testing the
minerals of a wireless set or adjusting the detector.
No. 1225 Midget Buzzer $ .50
Shipping weight, 4 ounces No. 1225

Marietta, Penna.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen — 1 received the books on Wireless G. K., and am very much pleased
with them. Find enclosed order for two more.

Pocket Ammeters and Voltmeters

For Battery Testing. Aceurate, Reliable and Dead Bent

Will register regardless of polarity. Diameter, 2 in. x Va in. thick.

Nickel- plated case with beveled glass front. The correct reading is
shown almost the instant contact is made, which makes them prac-
tically a dead beat instrument, which means saving of time and re-
duction to a very minimum of battery consumption while testing.
Each instrument is guaranteed against mechanical defects and to
register correct battery readings. Flexible zonducting cords with
tips furnished with each instrument. The combination Volt- Am-
meter will register both volts and amperes. The left-hand bottom
contact and top connection for volts and the right-hand bottom
contact and top connection for amperes.
No. 12982 Ammeter, scale 0 to 35 amperes $1.00
No. 12987 Voltmeter, scale 0 to 10 volts 1.20
No. 12983 Combination Volt- Ammeter, 0-10 v., 6-35 amp. 1.50
Shipping weight, I lb. No. 12982

Self-Registering Wire Gauge

An accurate, quick reading w re gauge. Will register instantly the B. & S.
standard size of any wire from Nos. 0000 to 18, inclusive. Made of hard-
ened finished steel. Size 2'Xi inches long by 14. inches wide. Weighs less
than one ounce. Can be carried on the key ring or small safety chain,
or in the vest pocket. We guarantee the gauge to register sufficiently
accurate to determine the sizes of any wire within the limit specified.
Electricians and every person handling wire should have a wire gauge for
protection against errors.
No. 4801 Self- Registering Wire Gauge 25 cents
By mail extra, three cents
No. 4801 Illustration half size

Red Seal Dry Battery

This battery is designed for automobile, motor boat, or any
system of gas or gasoline engine ignition, for operating tele-
phone transmitters, railway and other signal devices, cautery and
electro -medical apparatus, or any work for which a dry cell is
qualified. A comparative test is a fair method of determining
the service value of several makes of battery of the same size.
Connect one or more Red Seals in circuit with other makes of
battery, and test occasionally for amperage and voltage while the
contest is on. These readings and the final results will decide
the serviceable quality of each cell. We are prepared to furnish
all sizes of batteries in either round or square cartons as de-
sired. For convenience and to prevent short circuits we strongly
recommend the SQUARE cases.
No. 2445 Red Seal Dry Battery, each $ .25
Per Dozen 2.16
Per Barrell ( 125 in barrel) 18.12 'For % aide,
E4 WO RK nO‘J e
Shipping weight, 3 lbs. per cell
to Amper
w w

Always Make Sure Your Postage is Correct

It Will Save Delays

Battery Connectors

No. 21 N. 23
No. 21 Battery Connector iVa cents
No. 23 Battery Connector 3 cents
Shipping weight of 12, 4 oz.


The Simplest and Most Reliable Attachment Plug Manufactured

Porcelain Body Separable Plug

In the Manhattan Separable Attachment Plug we have succeeded in
producing a plug which is at once strong, simple, reliable and in every
respect admirably adapted to meet the most exacting requirements.
Both plug and cap are generously proportioned and made from the
best grade of porcelain. Ample and positive contact area is secured.
Spring contact clips are of phosphor bronze and hold the brass ter-
minals securely. It is the only separable plug which will separate at
any angle. A pull on the cord in any direction will cause plug and
cap to separate instantly, without damage to the socket or cord. The
value of our separable feature is best demonstrated when plug is in-
serted in a wall socket where cord is liable to get a hard strain.

Composition Body Separable Plug

The body and cap of this attachment plug is made of black moulded
No. 16410 composition with smooth finished surface similar to polished hard
. rubber. Otherwise the plug is identical with No. 16410 described
above. This type of plug is desirable for installation in any office or residence because
of its neat appearance and finish, and is especially adapted for use in stores, factories
and mills on account of the composition being less liable to breakage than porcelain.
N. E. C. Standard. 3 Amperes, 250 Volts. 6 Amperes, 125 Volts
No. 16410 Separable Attachment Porcelain Cap and Base 15 cents
No. 16409 Separable Attachment, Black Composition 18 cents
Shipping weight, 8 oz.

Current Tap—Combined Socket and Attaching Plug

A simple and safe device for tapping and carrying the current
from any electric light fixture to motor, drop lights or other
electrical devices without the loss of light from lamp already
in fixture. A pleasing feature of the Mesco Current Tap is that
the body may be left in socket while connections may be made
or broken at will on the extension without disturbing the light.
Made to take shade holder and supplied in either series or
multiple type. The multiple type is for general use. The series
type is for special apparatus where it is necessary to reduce
the voltage of the current by connecting a lamp or other re-
sistance in series with the apparatus. The body is made of one
piece of glazed porcelain, with phosphor bronze contact clips.
Designed for 260 volts. N. E. C. Standard
No. 16414 Mesco Current Tap, Multiple 30
No. 16415 Mesco Current Tap, Series 30
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Edison Brass Shell Sockets

No. 9386 Edison Brass Key Socket, 5 ‘ inch pipe
, 22 cents
No. 35000 Edison Brass Pull Socket, TA inch pipe 40 cents
Shipping weight each, 6 or.

Standard Porcelain Insulators
These insulators will be found entirely satisfactory for insulating receiving
aerials in wireless telegraphy. By using a number of these in series an
aerial for sending may be insulated and can be used on spark coils up
to four inches. Not less than half dozen sold.
Price each 2 cents
Shipping weight of six, 1 lb.

Porcelain Cleats
These cleats may be used for various purposes aside from their
regular uses. Many experimenters use them for insulating
aerials and as such prove very satisfactory. We do not sell
less than half a dozen pairs.
Price, per pair 2 cents
Shipping weight of six pairs, 2 lbs.

Hard Rubber Plug Connectors

No. 82 No. 34

These handy little devices can be used to advantage in many electrical circuits for making
and breaking connection. They are used extensively on automobiles, launches, in labora-
tories and thousands of other places where a quick connection is desired. Can be furnished
for either a single or a double conductor.

No. 180 Single Conductor Plug Connector, soldered connections, same as No

182 but haa no flange 15 cents
Shipping weight, 4 or.
No. 80 Double Conductor Plug Connector, same as No. 180 but for 2 wires 18 cents
No. 181 Single Conductor Plug Connector, same as No. 181 but has set
screw connections 18 cents
No. 81 Double Conductor Plug Connector, same as No. 80 but has set screw
connections 20 cents
¿'lo. 182 Single Conductor Plug Connector with flange and set screw connections 22 cents
No. 82 Double Conductor Plug Connector with flange and set screw connections 24 cents
No. 33 Connector with two caps 25 cents
No. 34 Connector with one flange and one cap 35 cents
Shipping weight of any above, 2 oz.

Edison Plug Cut-Outs

el k
No. 62965 Standard Edison Plug Fuse
OP • iirte Block, Main 15 cents
No. 61935 Standard Edison Plug Fuse
$11lte.4 ,;"7 ,
Block, Branch 18 cents
No 61935 No. 62965 Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco Rectifier Materials
z" z

No. 5590 Rectifier Jar, best flint glass, very tough and will not easily break
Measures 5 x 7 inches Shipping weight, 4 lbs. each .
No. 5592 Rectifier Electrodes, pure cast aluminum, with heavy threaded brass
lug. Measures 5'/z x 2 x 3-16 .40
No. 5594 Iron Electrode, cast, same size .20
No. 5596 Chemicals for rectifier. Merely requires to be dissolved in water
Each package is sufficient for one cell, per package .25
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Wall Telephone
We have solved the problem of a short line ' phone
which can be easily and quickly installed by anyone.
Will operate on a two-party line up to 4,000 feet in
length. Only requires two dry cells at each end.
The case is made of pressed steel beautifully oxi-
dized. Impossible to get out of order.
There are hundreds of places where a set uf these
'phones will be found a great time and trouble saver,
by making it possible to telphone to different parts
of the house, between house and barn or with your
chum down the street.
Each set of ' phones is accompanied by a complete
wiring diagram.
No. 920 Wall Telephones, per pair $3.75
Wall Telephone, one station
Shipping weight per pair, 9 lbs.

Winterport, Maine.
Dear Sirs:— Received your package today. The Geissler Tube works great. Enclosed
please find 90 cents for which please send me Wa lbs. of No. 14 aluminum wire.

Electric Engines
This style of engine is a remarkable piece of
mechanism. Will run at variable speeds, between
200 and 3000 revolutions per minute. Both
speed and reverse are governed by the controlling
lever. Can be run on
one, two or three
cells of dry battery.
A dry battery equal to
the Red Seal will op-
erate one of these
engines for days, as
they are very econ-
omical in the use of
current. Interesting,
IIR instructive and eftl-
No. 1011 No. 1012 No. 1013 cient. Can be belted
with strings extending across a room and a number of toys can thus be operated.
No. 1011 7 in. 3% in. 45 oz. 3%3' in. $1.25
No. 1012 53 in. 2/4 in. 22 oz. 204 in. .98
No. 1013 4 in. 150 in. 10 oz. 2 in. .60

.Amco Simplex Telegraph Set

lignecisill> Recommended to Hoy Scouts for a Field Telegraph Set
Here is the latest and most up-to-date tele-
graph set on the market. This is the most
practical and useful for learners and actual
use that is constructed at the present time.
With the advent of this unique telegraph set,
every boy can afford to enjoy all the pleas-
ures of putting up a line with his chum and
learning to telegraph. Many of the world's
most famous men
started as telegraph
operators and who
can tell but what
many a boy who
learns to telegraph on
one of our sets may
some day b ar

vido rld's genius-

es. Our Sim-
plex set is a
first class stan-
dard size tele -
No. 901 graph set. All
of the working parts are
very finely finished. The
key frame and sounder are
japanned. The key lever,
switch, thumbnuts, adjust-
ing screws and binding posts are brass, carefully polished and laqcuered. The spring
tension of both the key and the sounder is adjustable by means of a screw and locknut.
The low price of such a fine outfit is only made possible by the fact that we manufacture
in large quantities and have succeeded in simplifying much of the detail. The outfit is
especially adapted to Boy Scouts for field service because of its compactnnss. One cell
of dry or other battery will operate this instrument nicely but we recommend it only for
use on • short line or a single instrument. The outfit can be placed on a table or bench
and by running a wire to a neighboring room or a house, even though it may be miles
sway, perfect telegraphic communication is established. The set is mounted on a polished
hardwood base. Size overall 4iA x 4 x 3Vs inches. Weight, 1 lb. Shipping weight, 2 lbs.
No. 901 Amco Simplex Telegraph Set as described $1.20

Amco Simplex Telegraph Key

Here is just the thing for the young
experimenter desiring a substantial,
well-built key. The key is the same
as that used on our well-known Sim-
-•e_sH" plex Telegraph Set. The frame is cut
iron, finished in black enamel. All
other parts are brass, polished and
lacquered. The key lever is nicely
balanced so as to suit the touch of
the most critical operator. The key is
mounted on a well finished hardwood
base and provided with two binding
posts. Altogether, this is a practical
and serviceable key.
No. 902 Amco Simplex Telegraph Key.... 60 cents Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Simplex Telegraph Sounder

This sounder is designed specially for
experimental and private line work but ""7*
can be used in any telegraph circuit, 9
all parts
to give
are the
of standard
best results
all conditions. It is well constructed,
nicely finished and guaranteed to give
satisfactory service. This is the same
sounder supplied on our well-known
Simplex Telegraph Set. Under some
conditions it is desirable to have the
key and sounder mounted on separate
bases because of limited space or a
desire to place the sounder where it
would be inconvenient for operating
the key. The frame is iron, care-
fully japanned. The thumbscrews,
locknuts, binding posts, etc., are brass,
polished and lacquered. The sounder
is mounted upon a polished hardwood
base. The clear and distinct sound
which it makes is very popular with expert telegraph operators.
No. 903 Amco Simplex Telegraph Sounder 65 cents
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Reliable Telegraph Sounder

This sounder is designed specially for
amateur and private line work but can
be used in any telegraph circuit, as
all parts are of standard size and
arranged to give the best results under
all conditions.
The lever and anvil are of hardened
brass and give a clear sharp sound
when operated.
It is well constructed, nicely finished
instrument guaranteed to give satis-
factory service.
No. 930 Shipping weight, 1 lb. 6 oz.
No. 930—Reliable Sounder, 5 ohms $ .85
No. 931— Reliable Sounder, 20 ohms 1.00
C,, ‘.• 101

Telegraph Key
Just the thing for the amateur experi-
menter desiring a key for coils up to
2 inches or any other purpose re-
quiring a substantial, well-built key.

No. 914 Telegraph Key $ . 70

Shipping weight, 1 lb,

Telegraph Keys

No. 915 No. 916


These keys are the Standard of the Postal and Western Union Telegraph Companies. All
parts are finely finished, nickel- plated lever, gutta percha knobs and brasswork highly
polished and lacquered. Contacts are hardened platinum.
No. 915 Telegraph Key, nickel- plated lever, brass frame $1.10
No. 916 Telegraph Key, legless type, nickel- plated lever, brass frame 1.20
Shipping weight, 12 oz.

NOTE— Either key can be supplied in full nickel- pate for thirty cents extra.

The Amco Combination Telegraph Set

With the advent of this unique tele-
graph set, every boy can afford to
enjoy all the pleasures of putting up
a line with his chums and learning to
telegraph. This set is a practical,
full-sized, working key and sounder.
It will work perfectly with one cell of
battery. The key is our solid lever-
trunnion pattern, fully provided with
adjusting screws on both key and
sounder. A unique feature of this set
is our third contact, wired so that the
battery current is automatically cut off
when you are through using it. When
connected to a line and you are through talking, the line automatically closes, so that the
other person can answer. The metal parts are finished in dark green enamel and brass.
The base is finished to match polished mahogany.

No. 900 Amco Telegraph Set, weight two lbs $ 1.00

Shipping weight, 3 lbs.
111' 2 THF, ADAMS -

Eureka Combination Telegraph Set

This is a first class telegraph set and
includes a handsome sounder and
steel lever key of the latest form.
Sounder lever, adjustment screws,
yoke, etc., are brass. Operates on
one cell of dry battery. A perfect
learner's instrument.
No. 910 Eureka Telegraph Set,
5 Ohms $ 1.50

No. 912 Eureka Telegraph Set,

20 Ohms 1.70
Shipping weight, 3 lbs

Standard Pony Relay

Mounted on polished mahogany base
with metallic surbase.
Its use will enable work on lines up
to twenty miles, with perfect ease, in
cases where main line sounders fail
to give satisfaction. Requires less
battery to operate it than does any
main line sounder of like resistance.
Shipping weight, 2/', lbs.

No. 920— 5 Ohms for Burglar Alarm Work $1.90

No. 921-20 Ohms for lines up to 10 miles 1.80
No. 922-50 Ohms for lines 10 to 30 miles 1.95
No. 923-75 Ohms for lines 30 to 50 miles 2.10

Amco Rheostat Regulator

The Amco Rheostat Regulator makes a
valuable addition to any electrical equip-
ment. It may be used with battery lamps
to prevent them from burning out on ac-
count of too strong current or in con-
nection with a small motor to regulate
the speed.
It is useful for many purposes about a
telegraph station and is especially recom-
mended in connection with an Audion
The wire used in this rheostat is the finest
grade of resistance wire and will not rust
or corrode. The construction permits
gradual and accurate regulation of cur-
rent. The resistance is air cooled with
no concealed parts; impossible to get
out of order.
The resistance is wound over a grooved
,011' form and not in the usual form of a
cpring. It is therefore impossible for the
resistance to get out of shape or become
No 1265 short circuited on account of the adjacent
turns touching one another.
Current capacity is two amperes continuously. Physicians, surgeons, experimenters and
laboratory workers will find this an efficient and very useful small rheostat.
No. 1265 Amco Rheostat Regulator $ .60 Shipping weight, 8 ounces

Amco Electric Engines

The Most Practical and Ingenious Engine Made.



These remarkable pieces of mechanism are the most ingenious little engines on the market.
Can be run on one, two or three cells of dry battery. Two dry cells will run one of these
engines for several days of continuous running as they are very economical in the use
of battery current.

The engines run from 1000 to 3000 revolutions per minute. Each flywheel is provided
with a grooved pulley so that the engine can be belted with a string and a number of
toys operated. A boy can obtain more amusement and instruction from an Amco Electric
Engine than almost any other electrical device.
All engines are of the " single cylinder" type. The frame and flywheel are iron castings
finished respectively in black and red enamel. The binding posts, brushes and fittings
are copper and brass. The engines have been designed and built so that thei , lines con-
form as far as possible with those of large steam and gasoline engines. They are very
pleasing in appearance as well as of a high mechanical and electrical efficiency.

Very similar in appearance to a Confirm engine. 33
4 inches long, 23
4 inches high.

Bears a marked resemblance to a vertical steam or gasoline engine. Height 33
4 inches.

Much resembles a hot-air engine. Height 33
4 inches.
No. 2000 Amco Horizontal Electric Engine as described 45 CENTS
No. 2001 Amco Overtype Electric Engine as described 45 CENTS
No. 2002 Amco Undertype Electric Engine as described 45 CENTS
Weight of each engine packed, 13 ounces

Goodfield, Ill.
Gentlemen:- 1 wish to acknowledge receipt of the No. 3339 lamp. It is a dandy and
I am well pleased with it. Please send me your new catalog as soon as it comes off
the press. Sincerely yours,

The Amco Junior Dynamo-Motor


This is the most substantially con-

structed small dynamo on the market.
There has not been any effort made to
save money by using cheap methods
of construction. We are offering a
machine which has been built to last
as long as possible. It will practically
never wear out.
WORKMANSHIP are the three points
emphasized in the "JUNIOR" Dyna-
mo- Motor.
The bearings are cast bronze. Cast
bearings are the best. They cost
more for us to make than stamped
bearings, but they will last five times
as long. The field is cast solid;
there is therefor no magnetic leakage.
The air gap is to a minimum thus
increasing the machine's efficiency.
The armature is of the two- pole type
and is fitted with a large, substantial
No. 1000 commutator. The shaft is larger and
stronger than you usually find in a
small machine. The windings are varnished and baked so as to be moisture- proof.
The machine is mountea: on a hardwood base and fitted with a grooved pulley.
A surprisingly large amount of power is developed by this little machine when used as s
motor. When running on a six- volt battery it is almost impossible to hold the shaft between
the fingers. As a dvnamo it may be driven by our hand gear, from a sewing machine or
scroll saw, etc., or l'y our Nos. 1 and 2 water motors.
It will light a 11-v. 6-e.p. Tungsten Lamp or three 4- volt Tungstens at
about 3500 r. p. m.
It has an output of 6-10 watts and is wound for 6 volts. It will electro -plate, explode
gunpowder, light lamps, : un small motors, ring bells, operate medical coils and do numer-
ous other things.
Weight 3V4 lbs., height VA inches, length 5 inches, width 4 Inches. Finished in black
enamel and brass. Shipping weight, 4 lbs.
No. 1000 Amer. Junior Dynamo- Motor $2.95

Parts for the Amco Junior Dynamo-Motor

This set of parts gives the young experimenter the opportunity of gaining the knowledge
and pleasure involved ta the construction of a substantial motor and dynamo. It offers a
chance to learn the pr,nciples of the large machines which light our homes and drive
the street cars, etc.
No tools or technical knowledge is required. All machine work has been performed in our
shops. The parts are reedy to wind and put together. The set is complete and consists
of one field casting, two bronze bearings, armature with commutator and shaft in place,
wire, base, binding posts and screws. We supply a large drawing and complete directions
with every set so that you cannot possibly go wrong. Any boy can easily finish the
machine and thus become the possessor of a fine dynamo- motor.
No. M500 Complete Set of Parts for the Junior Dynamo- Motor.... $2.00
Shipping weight, 4 It's.
I 1 105

Amco Midget Dynamo-Motor

May be used either as a dynamo or a motor.
A surprising large amount of power is deve-
loped when used as a motor. As a dynamo
it will ring a bell, light a small lamp and do
numerous other interesting things. It may be
driven from a sewing machine, by a hand
gear or any other convenient means.
The field is a powerful permanent magnet.
The bearings are bronze castings and are ex-
ceptionally large and durable. The armature
is of the two- pole type and is fitted with a
large commutator.
This little machine is very substantially con-
structed. It is mounted on a hardwood base
and fitted with a grooved pulley. Weight
2 lbs., height 314 inches.

No. 1005 Amco Midget Dynamo- Motor 81.50

Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

The Gem Battery

This is a very substantial, well-built
motor, finished in black enamel and
mounted on a polished wooden base.
Used for operating small mechanical toys
and advertising dc -ices; runs on a single
cell of dry battery. A neatly designed
and serviceable mctor.
No. 1020 Gem Battery Motor $ .80
Gem Bettery Motor, with
3Va ir. fan .95

Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Horizontal Motor
Wound complete or Unwound for Amateurs,
Students, etc.
A very substantial motor of unusually rugged
construction. The motor can be taken apart any
number of times and the shaft will always line
up. This is a very des,rable feature for those
who wish to experiment. A ROCKER ARM carries
the brushes and can be moved to any position,
allowing proper adjustment of the brushes. The
BEARINGS and COMMUTAT)R are very large. Small
oil cups are provided. Each motor is finished in
dead black lacquer and mounted, together with
x 41
4 x 3/8
/ brass binding posts, on a polished cherry base.
No. 1030 Horizontal Motor, finished and assembled, ready for winding, including
wire and directions $2.80
No. 1040 Horizontal Motor, wound ready for use, standard winding for any
voltage up to 8 volts, weight 254 lbs. 3.75
Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

Vertical Motor
The field is a one-piece casting, of soft gray
iron. No joints in the Magnetic Circuit.
Armature, 3- part pole of same metal, 144 in.
diameter, I inch face. Commutator, 3- part
tubular heavy wall, x inch. Bearings
of red metal. Shaft, 3-16 inch steel. Pulley,
vs inch diameter, V- grooved, fastened to shaft
by small set screw. Finish is dead black,
with lacquered brass parts and polished
cherry base.
No. 1050 Vertical Motor, standard wind-
ing up to 8 volts $4.00
Size, 3'4 x 44 x 4 inches high
Weight, 3.4 pounds

Amco Peerless Battery Motor

This is a very substantial well-built motor. A
great favorite with the boys. An excellent mode:
for the beginner. Runs efficiently on one cell of
dry or other battery. It is a very powerful motor
for its size and is capable of running six or
eight ordinary toys or small models. Fitted with
a grooved pulley for small belts.
Finished in black enamel. The screws, bearings,
pulley, binding posta, etc., are nickel plated.
Has a three-po:e armature, causing the motor to
start without assistance when the current is ap-
plied. The motor is mounted on a polished
hardwood base and stands 3;¡ inches high overall.
Weight, 12 ounces

No. 1.00 Amco Peerless Battery Motor... $ .

Shipping weight, 1 lb.

.Amco Hercules Battery Motor

This is a slightly larger and more powerful motor
than the No. 100 but is built on the same general
plan. The field winding is especially large and
powerful making it possible to drive a large
number of toys or models on one or two cells
of battery. The motor will run at high speed on
one dry cell.
The field is cast insuring stronger and more sub-
stantial construction than the stampings used in
some motors. Finished in black enamel with
nickel- plated trimmings. Has a self starting
three- pole armature. Mounted on a polished
hardwood base. The motor is provided with
two binding posts mounted on the field casting
so that if desirable it may be removed front the
base without disturbing the connections. Stands
3'4 inches high overall. Weight, 14 ounces.

No. 102 Amco Hercules Battery Motor $1.20

No. 102 Shipping weight, 1 lb. 2 oz.

Amco Boat and Model Motor

For efficiency and power this motor will recommend itself to all
interested in a small motor suitable for drying model electric
boats, trains, airships, mechanical devices, ad,,ertising models,
etc. That it commands an exceptionally large sale on account of
its compactness and reasonable price goes withodt question. The
field frame is solid and provided with feet for mounting. The
bearings are large and heavy. Fitted with copper brushes. Runs
at high speed and is self-starting on 2 vo:ts. The binding posts
are mounted directly on the motor so that the connections are
easily established. The motor , s finished in ; ray enamel with
nickel- plated trimmings. The motor stands 2 inches high and
weighs 10 ounces. It is very economical of battery current and
develops a surprising amount of power.
No. 120 Amco Boat and Model Motor ... $1.00 Shipping weight,

The Gnome Dynamo

A powerful Dynamo for the
experimenter and amateur elec-
trician. This machine will
light 15 six- volt 4 c.p. Tungs-
ten lamps or three 16 c.p.
lamps at 2000 r.p.m. Will
also do electroplating.
The Field— Bi -polar, semi- In-
closed, of soft gray iron.
Plenty of iron is used and
there are no joints in the
magnetic circuit. The Bear-
ings are long, about four
times the shaft diameter, with
removable brass bushings. The
Shaft is steel, V% ins, long,
turned between centres. The
Armature is a laminated mod-
ified tunnel drum of six sec-
tions, 1 13-16 inch diameter
and 1%.¿ inch long, insulated
with fibre, wound with double
cotton wire and varnished.
The Commutator is six section, heavy tubular, 1 1-16 inch by 1 inch and of ample carry-
ing capacity. The Brushes are of strip copper, long and springy, held in slotted brush
holders supported on an adjustable rocker arm. The Field Coils are form wound of
double cotton wire, taped and dipped in issulating varnish. Pulley, 2 inch diameter,
V grooved for round belt. Weight, 12 lbs. Shipping weight, 16 lbs.
No. 1060 Gnome Dynamo, 80 watts, at :7,200 r.p.m., 10 volts, 8 amperes.. $10.00

Pony Dynamo
The best constructed and moat efficient dynamo on the
market. Weight, 43 lbs. Speed, about 3..500 revolu-
tions per minute. Output, 10-12 watts. Wound for 4,
6, 8 or 10 volts. The Pony Dynamo is a substantial
little machine. It will run equally well as a motor or
dynamo. It may be run as a motor by the iurrent from
a small dynamo, or from two or three cells of battery.
As a dynamo it will readily light two of our 6 c. p.
lights. Has a grooved pulley. May be drivrn by one of
our No. 2 water motors and used to ligh lamps, re-
charge our small storage cells or a hundred other
purposes. Shipping weight, 6 lbs.
No. 1070 Pony Dynamo $3.50

Amco Little Giant Motor

The simplest and most powerful motor of its size
ever placed on the market. It is well made and
finished throughout, and we do not believe it can be
duplicated for the price. The motor is 254 inches
high and is finished in black enamel. It will run at
• high rate of speed on a single dry cell and is fitted
with a pulley for running mechanical toys, such as
lathes, drill presses, punch presses, water wheels,
trip hammers, etc. The motor is so constructed so
that as many as six dry cells may be used, thereby
considerably increasing the power without in the
least injuring the motor. This is an opportunity for
every boy to obtain a powerful, well built motor from
which he may obtain no end of practical instruction
and entertainment at an extremely low price.
No. 106 Amco Little Giant Motor; size
2%. x 24 x 214 inches.... 50 cents
Shipping weight, 1 lb. No. 106

Type S Dynamo Motor

6 Volts, 4 Amperes at 3000 Revolutions
The dynamo places the boy in
possession of current at will. By
its use he learns the lesson and
method of conversion of mechan-
ical energy, begins to understand
the great fundamental laws of
mechanics, and all in a delight-
full way, which constantly spurs
him on to renewed experiment and
endeavor. With current at hand
he can electroplate, charge storage
batteries, run lamps, motors, trains
of cars, induction coils, etc., in
fact, the number of his experi-
ments is only limited by his know-
ledge and desire.
As with our other electrical novel-
ties, this dynamo is a miniatured
duplicate of machines in actual
commercial operation.
Field—Cast solid, with coils form
wound and connected in multiple;
Oil Cups; Armature-134 inch
diameter, drum type, six slots,
laminated. Shaft, 1
4 in. Brushes—
adjustable with set screw. Rocker
Arm—for turning the brushes to
the best line of commutation.
No. 129 Pulley- 1 in. diameter, grooved
for 3-16 in. round belt. Finish—
black enamel. 6'4 in. high including base and ring. 454 in. diameter less base and ring.
Approximate output at 3000 revolutions. Open circuit 9 volts. Safe maximum load
6 volts, 4 amperes. As a power motor Type S shows good results on 4 to 6 volts.
No. 129 Type S Dynamo Motor $3.70
Shipping weight, 634 lbs.

Type D Dynamo Motor

This is an excellent dynamo motor.
While not as powerful as the Type S
it is wonderful value for the money.
The Type D dynamo
motor may be attached
to a gas engine, a sew-
ing machine or other
driving power.

Field—Cast solid, with
coils form wound and
connected in multiple.
Armature— I in. diam-
eter, drum type, six slots.
laminated. Shaft—. 188
diameter. Brushes —
Spring tension. Rocker
arm for turning the
brushes to the best lines
of commutation. Pulley
/ in. diameter, grooved for
3 in.
round belt. Finish—Black enamel.
4)4 in. high, including base and ring,
3tA in. diameter, less base and ring.
Approximate output at 3500 revolu-
tions. Open circuit 7 v. Safe max-
imum load, 4 v., 1V2 amp. As apower No. 191
motor, 6 v. The shunt connected fields
increases the power at slow speed. If changed to series, hie speed may be obtained.
No. 191 Type D Dynamo Motor $3.00
Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

Hand Drive for Dynamo

A Miniature
Power Plant
i le
,r" \77*'
Invaluable for experiment and
(' demonstration. A practical and
inexpensive double transmis-
sion with which the operatot
can easily obtain the required
speed at the dynamo.
The , /t in. spiral spring belts
eliminate all unnecessary fric -
tint' and are used under a
tension of about 1',4 times
their length. The two large
pulleys are 6 in. diameter.
The smail one is 2 in. diameter.
• The base is 12 x 7 in.
Our regular stock dynamo
Type " S" is interchangeable
No. 115 with the driver.

No. 115 Hand Drive ( less Dynamo). $2.50 Shipping weight, 4 lbs.
No. 116 Hand Drive and Type S Dynunrà 6.10 Shipping weight, 12 lbs.
No. 115s Extra Belts, 18 x 4 in., eita .25 Shipping weight, 4 oz.

Knapp Power Motors

Wound for A. C. or D. C. or Battery
To meet the growing demand for
a high grade small motor at a
low price, we have designed this
series and feel safe in stating they
have no equal; being especially
adapted to running window dis-
plays, flashers and other mechan-
ical devices within their range of
power. An ideal motor for op-
erating rotary gaps. Runs al-
most entirely noiseless and will
not heat up when run continuously.
They are the finest low-priced
motors on the market today.
Field, 2 poles, laminated 144 in.
opening for armature. Arma-
ture, laminated, 7 slots. Shaft,
in. diameter, 54¡ in. long.
Commutator, copper, mica insula-
tion, 14 segments for 110 volts,
7 segments for battery. Pulley,
I in. Oil cups, wick feed. Height
over all about 5 ins. Length of
body including bearing .“4 ins.
Diameter of body only, 3 inches.
No. 160 to 162 Horse power about 1-40.
No. 160 Knapp Power Motor, 110 volts A. C. 60 cycles $5.65
No. 161 Knapp Power Motor, 110 volts D. C. 5.65
No. 162 Knapp Power Motor, 6 volts, battery 4.75
Weight approximate, Net 33I. lbs., Shipping 4% lbs.
No. 166 Ten feet cord with separable plug for 110 volts .60
No. 110 Six feet cord for battery .40

Type XX Motor
This is a motor of exceptional value.
Made of the best materials throughout
and modeled very closely after the
larger types of machines. The two-
pole field is cast solid, with form
wound coils. The armature is ni
in. diameter and of the laminated
drum type. The brushes have spring
tension. Finished in black enamel
with nickel trimmings. The height is
44,4 inches including the base and
No. 184 Type XX Motor.... $1.95
Shipping weight, 3% lbs.

We make Prompt Deliv-

ery of any of the goods
listed in this Catalog.
No. 184

Type O. K. Motor
This is a motor of exceptional value.
It is thoroughly well constructed and
is made of the best materials through-
out. It has taken experienced en-
ginneers many years of careful study
to develop the highly efficient motors
of the present day. The O.K. is a
very close copy in miniature of a
large power motor, and combines all
their good features. It must be seen
to be appreciated. The illustration
cannot possibly do it justice. The
armature is laminated, three pole,
1es inches in diameter. Shaft 34 in.
diameter. Pulley is 9-16 inches in
diameter and grooved. The finish is
black enamel, with nickel- plated trim-
mings. Height 43 4 inches. One dry
cell will drive the motor. Height,
434 inches.
No. 179 O.K. Motor 111.40
Shipping weight, 211 lbs.

Leader Motor
Two Speeds, Reversing Lever, etc.
Bigness fairly -adiates from this little
motor, even to the illustration. It is
unquestionably the greatest value ever
offered in the motor line. It is a
detaile3 reproduction of a power
plant n appi•arance, efficiency and
completeness. The interest of parents
in this motor . s a tribute to its great
assistance in studying electricity, the
fascinating subject of the hour. No
more . nstrucbve and welcome gift
could be given to a
boy. The motor will
FF drive from either
pulley. The reduc-
ing gear is easily
4 "ii-
a? thrown in and out
of mesh with the
pinion on the
shaft. The effect
of this gear is to
transform the high
speed of the shaft
to greater power
and lower speed at
will. The reversing
switch is positive
in action, and op-
erates either as a starting switch or to reverse the direction of the motor at will.
The finish is black enamel with nickel- plated trimmings. The armature is laminated,
154 in. diameter, three poles. Shaft, . 126 inches in diameter. Pulley, 9-16 in. high,
with metal base 454 inches. Operates on 2-4 volts.
No. 181 Leader Motor $2.10
Shipping weight, 31
4 lbs.

Type XXX Motor

Larger and More Powerful Than Our Leader
The motor Is the same
as our Type XX with
the added features of
a formed metal base,
on which is mounted a
reversing switch, posi-
tive in action, to start,
atop and rotate the
motor in either di-

The drum type six- pole

armature and spring
tension brushes, com-
bined with two pole
iron- clad field, gives
strength and smooth-
ness of running never
before obtained from
so small a motor.
No. 185 Type XXX
Motor 82.40

Shipping weight 3Yi lbs.

Type C Motor
This is our O. K. Motor
mounted on an enameled
metal base with a revers-
ing switch to start, stop
or run the motor in either
direction. This
outfit is one of
the most inter-
esting and in-
structive a boy
could possibly
No. 180 Type C
Motor 81.95

Shipping weight,
3% lbs.

No. 180

Electric Thriller Magneto

This little shocking machine is a surprise
in mechanical perfection, finish and cheap-
ness, and free from danger. By turning
the crank slow or fast the current can be
regulated so that a slight or severe shock
can be produced. Every boy wants one
for instruction and experiment. It is
a veritable fun factory, and in a group,
side-splitting laughter is created by the
many amusements and tricks the ma-
chine is capable of pro-
ducing. It strengthens the
nervous system, costs
nothing to run, can be ap-
plied without aid and sup-
ersedes induction coils and
medical batteries. Fur-
nished complete with hand
electrodes, crank, multi-
plying gear, etc. Must be
seen to be appreciated. No. 150

No. 150 Electric Thriller 80 cents Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Reversing Switch
There has long been wanted a first-class
Reversing Switch for battery circuits,
positive in its action, and with such direc-
tions and drawings as to enable the aver-
age boy to change the connections of any
motor. After several attempts we have
succeeded beyond expectations. No little
device has ever been marketed that will
so assist in developing the idea of motor
current paths as this, and in a practical
way. The accompanying directions show
drawings of motors connected in shunt,
series and reverse. Shipping weight, 8 or.
No. 195 Reversing Switch.... 65 cents

Amco Power Water Motor

Our No. 3 Power \\ ater Motor meets the demand for a
machine which is larger and capable of delivering more
power than either of the " Gnome" Motors.
The same general design has been followed but the No. 3
is much larger and heavier. We recommend this motor for
driving washing machines, ice cream freezers, etc.
The bearing of the motor is unusually large and will wear
indefinitely. Provided with a brass connection to fit a
-inch standard threaded faucet. The motor may be screwed
directly on the faucet or screwed to a board or table, it
being provided with a base for that purpose. A large emery
wheel for grinding and sharpening is provided with each
motor, also a grooved pulley so that the motor may be used
for driving any device desirable. This is an excellent motor
for driving small dynamos. ShippIng weight, 9 lbs.
No. 3 Amco Power Water Motor, height 8 Inches,
weight 5 lbs. $3.50

Amco Gnome Water Motors

Where city water pressure of 20 lbs. or over
is available, there is no more satisfactory
source of light power than an Amco Gnome
Water Motor. Where water is supplied by
the year the cost of operation is nothing;
where a charge is made, it varies from six
to eight cents for a ten-hour run.
Our motors are the Acme of Perfection—
they have no rivals. We carried out some
very elaborate and expensive experiments
previous to designing these motors and have
succeeded in producing a machine that is
perfect. The motors run with less water and
deliver more power than any other make on
the market. They are the best source of
power for running sewing machines, washing
machines, small dynamos, etc.
We recommend the No. 2 motor for running
our No. 1070 Dynamo. It will drive this
machine to its full output. This is a very
convenient means of obtaining current for
No. 2 lighting small lamps, recharging small stor-
age cells, etc.
The motors are provided with brass connection to fit A in.
standard threaded faucet. A large emery wheel for sharp-
ening scissors, knives, tools, etc., is furnished with each
motor, also a grooved pulley, so that the motor may be
used for driving any device desirable. The pulley may be
substituted for the wheel by merely unscrewing a winged
thumb nut. The bearings of the motor are unusually large
and substantial.
Our motors are ideal for any purpose to which a water
motor may be applied. The No. I size is surely a bummer.
It is the neatest little water motor and grinder made. It
gives fifty per cent, more power and uses less water than
those that have been brought out by out imitators. See
that your motor bears the name GNOME and ADAMS-
MORGAN CO., if you want the best. No. 1
No. 1 Amco Gnome Water Motor, weight 1TA lbs., complete with emery wheel
and pulley, 2 in. wheel $1.50
No. 2 Amco Gnome Water Motor, weight 3 lbs., complete with VA in. emery
wheel and pulley 2.25

These Steamboats
Steamboats have nicely modeled
hulls, well put to-
gether, and are very
attractive in appear-
ance. It has a pol-
ished brass boiler
firmly secured to the
thwarts and con-
nected to a small
steam engine mount-
ed on an inclined
frame. The engine
is provided with a small fywheel and shaft to which is fixed a small three- bladed pro-
peller. The lamp is sectuely soldered in the bottom of the boat to prevent it sliding
about while the boat is in motion. The rudder is adjustable and may be set so that the
boat will travel straight ahead or in a circle.
No. 1 Steamboat, 15 ,
A inches long. Weight packed, 2.'s lbs $1.35
No. 2 Steamboat, 13 inches long. Weight packed, 3 lbs 1.75

Horizontal Steam Engine

This fine engine has a blued steel boiler, firmly
fixed upon a substantial base, finished in colors.
The whistle and safety valve are locked to the
top of the boiler and are made steam- tight by
small rubber washers, and if broken, these parts
can be easily removed and new ones put on.

The engine is provided with an extra large fly-

wheel and nickeled cylinder; running easily and
rapidly and presenting a fine appearance.

Every engine is thoroughly tested before packing.

Each engine is securely packed in a wooden box,
ready for mailing or expressing.

VA ins, high; base 44 x 6 ins.

No. 21 Horizontal Steam Engine, weight

packed 2 lbs. $ 1.25

Upright Steam Engines

These are finely made engipes of the best materials and
the parts are all adjusted and put together by experi-
enced workmen. They have blued steel boilers with
iron fireboxes, handsomely finished in
colors. Both engines run at high
speed on small steam pressure.


These engines are thoroughly tested
at the : actory and fully warranted.
All parts are interchangeable and we
always have on hand duplicate parts.

Each engine is packed securely in a

box, suihtble for mailing or express-
ing. Ft:II directions for running the
engine will be found in each box.
No. 40 Upright Steam En-
gine, 9 in. high. Weight
packed 1 lb. 400.
No. 41 Upright Steam En-
ginr, 11 in. high, fitted
with whistle and throttle.
Weight packed 2 lbs.... 75e.
No. 41 No. 40

Always be certain to include postage in full if you wish

articles sent by mail. It will facilitate shipment and insure
prompt delivery.
116 THE ADAm.-

Upright Steam Engine

This is a large attractive engine. It has a finely fitted
water gauge, made perfectly tight by means of adjustable
nuts, which can be tightened or loosened with a little
wrench packed in box with each engine.
The boiler is polished brass and the base and running
parts are finished in colors.
The lamp and draft arrange-
ment in this engine is es-
pecially for the use of petro-
leum or kerosene oil as a
fuel, and can therefore be
used in many places where
alcohol cannot be easily
obtained. The cost for
fuel is very small com-
pared with alcohol.
Each engine is packed in
a strong wooden box ready
for mailing or expressing.
No. 20 Upright En-
gine, height It ins ,
weight V4 lbs $1.25

Steam Engine
No. 20 The boiler of this engine
is made entirely of well
tempered, polished sheet brass. It is fitted with a water
glass, safety valve, steam whistle and throttle. It is the
best engine on the market for the money. Each engine is
thoroughly tested and carefully packed in a wooden box.

No. 3 Steam Engine, weight 2 lbs. $1.25

No. 3

Horizontal Steam Engine

IIns engme has a large, highly pol-
ished brass boiler, trimmed with steam
dome, whistle and safety valve, and
is connected to steam chest on cylin-
der by a polished brass pipe.
The frame is iron, to which boiler
and engine are firmly attached. The
cylinder, steam chest and slide rest
are cast in one piece and cannot get
out of order. The slide ralve, eccen-
tric and connecting rod are all cut
from heavy sheet brass and are
fastened securely together. The whole
engine is in every way strong and
durable. Balance wheel has polished
nickel face and cylinder polished
brass jacket. Each engine is packed
securely in a wooden box, with full
directions for running same.
No. 14 Horizontal Steam
Engine $2.90
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Horizontal Steam Engine

This is a new article with us this season.
It has a heavy brass boiler finished in
black nickel, and is provided with a water
glass that registers the amount of water
in the boiler; it also has a Whistle and
Safety Valve which are nickel- plated.
The fire box is of Russian iron and has
a swing door, to which is attached the
safety lamp, which makes it easy to fill
and light; the chimney is 644 inches
high, with polished brass top. The steam
pipe connecting the boiler and the working
parts is of seamless brass tubing, heavily
nickel- plated. The working parts, con-
sisting of cylinder with brass slide valve,
cross head and connecting rod, eccentric
and eccentric rod, are all made of heavy
brass. It has cast iron bearings, with
steel shaft, and the balance wheel, which
is of iron, is 2Va inches in diameter, with
polished nickel face. There is a pulley
on the end of the shaft, by which
small toys can be run. The
working parts are on a frame,
which is attached to a heavy
iron base, and all are finished in
maroon enamel. Every
engine is thoroughly
tested before packing
and fully warranted.
All parts are inter-
changeable. A supply
of duplicate parts al-
ways on hand. Each
engine is packed se-
curely, suitable for
No. 79
Full directions for running the engine will be found in each
box, with the price of duplicate parts. Size of base, VA x 6?,4
Inches. Height, 9 inches.
No. 79 Horizontal Steam Engine as described $3.98
Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

Upright Caloric or Hot Air Engine

This engine is run br hot air only. h is mounted on a sub-
stantial base and all the parts are firmly put together, making
the whole engine in every way strong and durable.
The main cylinder and piston are made accurately drawn brass
shells, and the auxiliary cylinder or pump is also a drawn
brass shell, in which a plunger is fitted so as to work airtight.
A water tank is usually connected with all hot air engines to keep
the parts cool, but in our engine this is entirely done away with.
The chief advantage of the Caloric Engine is that NO WATER
and in consequence NO STEAM is used, and they run for an
indefinite time. A full guarantee is given with each engine.

No. 22 Upright Hot Air Engine $1.25

Height, 9a inches. Diameter of base, 44
, inches
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Horizontal Caloric or Hot Air Engine

This engine is run by hot air only. It is mounted on a
substantial base and all the parts are firmly put together,
making the whole engine in every way strong and durable.
The main cylinder and piston are made of accurately
drawn brass shells, and the auxiliary cylinder or air
pump is also a drawn brass shell, in which a plunger
is fitted so as to work airtight. A large chimney with air
draft is fitted over the lamptlame so as to conduct the
heat away from the parts which otherwise might get too
hot. A water tank is usually connected with all hot
air engines to keep the parts cool, but in our engines No. 23
this is entirely done away with. Base 4 ins. by 8 ins.
The chief advantage of the Caloric Engine is that NO WATER and in consequence NO
STEAM is used, and they will run for an indefinite time. A full guarantee is given
with each engine.
No. 23 Horizontal Hot Air Engine, 734 ins. high.... $1.75 Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Beam Engine
Our Beam Engines have always been popular and successful.
It is a style of engine to attract attention anywhere. The
cut shows the best one we have ever made, and the price is
no more than an ordinary upright engine.
The boiler is polished blued steel, fireboox and base of finished
sheet steel. The boiler trimmings are tiller and whistle. The
walking beam and its support are iron. The balance wheel has
turned finished face and the
shaft carries a small pulley to-
which a belt can be attached
to run small toys. Every en-
gine is thoroughly tested be-
fore packing. Each engine is
packed securely in a box, suit-
able for mailing or
Full directions for
running the engine
will be found in,
each box.

No. 38 Steam Beam

Engine.. $1.49
Length, 10z ins.
• Height, 944 ins.
Shipping weight,
3 lbs.

Hartford, Conn.
Adams- Morgan Company, Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—Received my order and am well pleased with everything. I did not
have time to write before.

Upright Steam Engine

This is a large and attractive engine and is well
made in every particular. It has a finely fitted
water gauge, made perfectly tight by means of
adjustable nuts, which can be easily tightened or
loosened with a little wrench, packed in box
with each engine.
It has a rotating governor, a large balance wheel,
and all the parts necessary to make it a com-
plete and beautiful model engine.
The boiler is polished brass, blued, and the base
and running parts are finished in colors.
Every engine is thoroughly tested before packing
and fully warranted. All the parts of the engine
are interchangeable and we have always on hand du-
plicate parts with which to supply our customers.
Each engine is packed securely in a wooden,
locked- corner box, suitable for mailing or ex-
pressing. Full directions for running will be
found in each box, with price of duplicate parts.

No. 48 Upright Steam Engine $1.98

Height, 11Y. ins.
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Steam Force Pump

This steam force pump is a steam engine and force
pump combined, and in operation gives a good idea of
how water is pumped and forced by steam pressure.
The boiler, engine and pump are mounted on a strong
base. The boiler is made of brass and has a safety
valve, whistle and water glass. The double balance wheel
serves to regulate the speed, thus insuring a steadier
flow of v. ater from the nozzle.
The motion of the engine is transmitted to the pump
through the medium of our patent pinion and gear wheel.
Suction hose, leading hose and nozzle are provided with
each pump.
The pump is finished in polished nickel plate and colors.
At ordinary speed it will throw a stream of water about
six feet. The higher the speed of the engine, the
farther the stream of water will
be thrown. Rival contests with
two pumps to see which can throw
water farthest will prove an un-
failing source of amusement.
Each pump is packed securely in
a wooden box, with full directions
for running same.
Heignt, 8X inches.
Base, 6 x 814 inches.
No. 37 Steam Force Pump
complete $1.75
Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

Beam Engine
Has highly polished brass boiler, with water
gauge and walking beam engine, firmly fixed
upon a substantial base.
The whistle and safety valve are not soldered
to the boiler, but securely screwed on and
are made steam tight. If broken, these parts
put on. The engine has steam chest, cylinder,
walking beam, eccentric rod and valves, balance
wheel and pulley, all carefully and accurately
put together.
It is an interesting and instructive engine
for illustrating the working of steam.
It runs easily and rapidly and develops
sufficient power to work small toys. It is
highly finished and presents an attractive ap-
Like all our engines, each one is thoroughly
tested before being packed. All parts of the
engine are interchangeable, and we can always
supply duplicate parts. Full instructions for
running engine, and price list of duplicate
parts packed in each box.

No. 8 Beam Engine as described.... $2.20

Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

Reversible Steam Engine

Has highly polished boiler blued, firmly secured
to a durable base. The whistle is not soldered
to the boiler, but securely screwed on and made
steam- tight. If broken, these parts can be easily
removed and new ones readily put on. The
filler is provided with fusible cap.
This engine is provided with • water glass, and
also something new, a Reversing Valve, by means
of which it can be run either backward or for-
ward with equal speed. The reversing valve is
so constructed that it will always wore properly
and never get out of order.
Whistle is polished nickel, also face of balance
wheel; base under engine is polished nickel.
Like all of our engines each one is thoroughly
tested before being packed. All parts of the
engine are interchangeable, and we can always
supply duplicate parts. Full instructions
for running engine and price list of dup-
licate parts packed in each box.
No. 17 Reversible Steam Engine $2.20
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

No. 17
We ship 98(,' of all orders
same day as received.

Locomotive and Train

Consisting of a Locomotive, '1ender and
Car, and Track VA feet in diameter,
made of metal rails and wooden sleepers.
It is constructed on scientific principles,
of the best materials, and all its parts
are properly proportioned and fitted with
the nicest accuracy.
ever placed upon the market for the
extremely low price at which we offer it.
The boiler is polished brass and the car
and tender finished in bright and attrac-
tive colors.
Each locomotive is thoroughly tested and
fully warranted by us. They are all
packed in wooden, locked-corner boxes,
ready for mailing or expressing.
Full directions for running the train will
be found in each box.
We are prepared to furnish extra cars,
tenders and trucks, also tracks, either
straight or curved, in any quantity.
As we find there is a demand from
many of our customers for a track
already put together and mounted on
boards, we are now making a special
track composed of nine sections, each
fourteen inches long, on which the rails
and sleepers are mounted and securely
fastened. A hinge is fastened on each
end of the sections by means of which
they are locked together, the whole
forming a solid track with a wooden
base, as shown in the above cut.
No. 2 Locomotive and Train with Regular
Track $3.00
No. 2 Locomotive and Train with Special
Track 3.75
No. 3 Locomotive, Tender and two Pas-
senger Coaches, and sixteen feet
of track 10.00
Shipping weight, 5 tbs.

Cushing, Okla.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—Coherer No. 7600 0. K. Works over 1.5 mile with great ease.

Upright Steam Engine

This engine is made throughout of brass, gun
metal finish and blued steel lire box. It has
safety valve, whistle and water gauge, and
all the other essential parts to make a per-
fect steam engine, including a rotating gover-
nor and throttle valve.
The balance wheel, governor, filler, weight
and valves are finished in polished nickel.
Its size, finish and nice proportions, the ease
with which it is managed, and smoothness
with which it runs, make it just the thing
to please.
Every engine is thoroughly tested before pack-
ing, and fully warranted.
All the parts of the engine are interchange-
able, and we have always on hand duplicate
parts with which to supply our customers.
Each engine is packed securely in a wooden,
locked- corner box, suitable for mailing or
Full directions for running will be found in
each box, also price of duplicate parts.

No. 54 Upright Steam Engine, 10

inches high $ 1.75
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

NOTE.--Alwaym be careful to
Write your name and address
plainly on all orders or other
communications sent to us.

Attachment Toys
These are miniature working models of the large machines used in
everyday life. They are carefully and strongly made and are finished
in bright colors. They may be run by any of our electric motors,
steam or hot air engines. All three may be run at once by belting
to our No. 1 or No. 2 Shafting.

j c1,4I

No. 67 No. 68 No. 69

No. 67 Slitting or Circular Saw, size 3% x 3;4 x 3 in. high 35 cents
No. 68 Emery Wheel, size 3% x 3;4 x 3 in. high 35 cents
No. 69 Stamp Mill, size 3% x 3% x 6 in. high 35 cents
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.


This shafting may be connected to any of our steam, hot air engines or electric motors
by means of a string belt and used to run various mechanical devices. The shafting is
arranged with different sizes of grooved pulleys so that several changes in speed may be
had by shifting the belt. Just the thing for operating our attachment toys.
No. 1 Base measures 7 x 4 inches; height 24/1 inches; adapted
to four changes of speed. Finished in enamel and colors 25 cents
No. 2 Shafting adapted to five changes of speed; length of base
log inches; width 3 inches; height of shafting 4.4 inches.
Largest pulley 2%3 inches in diameter. This is also finished in
enamel and colors 50 cents
Shirring weight, 1 th.

Amco Tesla Transformer

The Tesla Transformer is one
of the most marvelous electric-
al devices ever invented and
makes possible an almost count-
less number of interesting ex-
periments. The constant re-
quests of many of our cus-
tomers that we manufacture
for them a high grade Tesla
Transformer has prompted us
to add this interesting piece
of apparatus to our large line
of experimental goods. The
Tesla Transformer is a device
which raises the frequency and
voltage of a spark coil or
transformer to many hundreds
of times its original value.
Such a current has many inter-
esting properties. In fact, it
disobeys almost all the princi-
ples of ordinary electricity and
opens an entirely new field No. 400
possessed of considerable op-
portunity for research to the experimenter. The Amco Tesla Transformer is the result
of extensive experimental work and is positively more efficient than any other similar
device on the market.
This transformer is constructed in a thorough manner throughout and is made of the
best materials. The primary is wound with fiat brass ribbon. Oscillatory currents such
as those in the primary of a Tesla coil flow only on the surface of conductors. Flat

ribbon offers considerably more surface than a solid conductor or stranded wire and con-
sequently less resistance. The secondary is wound with the best silk insulated wire. It
is provided with two well- finished ends and is insulated by a solid hard- rubber post at
each end. The insulation is absolutely perfect. The primary frame and the base are
hardwood, carefully stained and polished.
A Tesla Transformer can only be operated in conjunction with an induction coil or trans-
former and a condenser and spark gap. One of our one- inch spark coils, a Leyden jar
and a spark gap are sufficient to operate the transformer. We recommend a two-inch
coil for this purpose, however. Any of our small transformers will give still more won-
derful results and with such it is possible to perform most of the wonderful phenomena
often demonstrated on the vaudeville stage by some clever electrician. All wooden parts
are hardwood and all metal parts are brass, gold lacquered.
No. 400 Amco Tesla Transformer, size 15x7x9Y2 ins., weight 4, A lbs. 85.50
Shipping weight, 10 lbs.

We recommend the following outfit:

No. 400 Amco Tesla Transformer $5.50
No. 7419 Amco two-inch Spark Coil 9.00
No. 7630 Amco Spark Gap . 80
No. 7681 Two 1- pint Leyden Jars 2.52

Complete Outfit $ 17.75

Wimshurst Static Machine

To use the most modest expression, we
believe that our new Whimshurst Static
Machine, manufactured in our own shops,
is the best ever placed on the American
market and at a popular price within the
reach of all. We cannot recommend this
machine too highly, and unfortunately the
illustration does but poor justice to the
neat and trim appearance of the machine
and to notice the effect of the polished
rubber and nickel- plated fittings. We
will cheerfully refund the money if the
purchaser fails to find the machine ex-
actly as described and illustrated on these
pages. We, nor any other firm, cannot
be more sincere in our efforts to satisfy
patrons. Our machine is shipped fully
assembled, and we guarantee to deliver it
in good shape and working condition.
The size is 8 in. X 5 in. x 1034 in.
over all The machine is guaranteed in (it/
all respects, and there is nothing to be
replaced, as nothing can wear out, we
will replace any part becoming de-
fective, free of charge, within one
year if the machine has been treated
with ordinary intelligence. Naturally,
all the interesting experimenta as
found in text books can be performed
with our machine, such as: Interest- 234 to 3 in. spark
ing experiments in charging Ley-
den jars, experiments in resonance circuits, lighting Geissler tubes, attraction and repul-
sion of light bodies, firing powder or igniting substances, charging a person standing on
an insulated platform, so that on being approached by other persons walking on the floor
sparks can be drawn from any part of the face of the insulated person, or raise the per-
son's hair by holding the hand over the head. There are countless experiments which may

be performed, not only possessing value as means of studying, but furnishing plenty of
entertainment as well. The seven-inch plates are made of Electrite, and are all machine
moulded with tin foil sectors pressed right into the plates. A tabulation of the advantages
possessed by heavy foil sectors pressed into the plates is hardly necessary in the limited
space at hand. The base is of cast iron, as well as the two pulley wheels. The neutral-
izers are of steel, while the horizontal arm carrying the collector discharges from the
brushes, is of hard rubber. The handles on the discharge arms, as well as the handle on
the crank, are of the same material. The two Leyden jars are made of the best Bohemian
glass, free from lead end other mineral salts, to withstand the mechanical and electrical
strains. These jars are smoothly coated with tinfoil, inside and outside, and in accordance
with the policy throughout the construction, interchangeable should they become broken
through accident. In place of the usual leather belts for driving the plates, we have sub-
stituted special designed spring brass belts. These spring belts will not become slack after
years of use, whereas leather belts give continual trouble in becoming stretched.
All the metal parts are nickel- plated and highly polished, while the cast iron base is
beautifully finished in highly polished black enamel. The nickel finish in all instances is
thoroughly and skilfully applied, and guaranteed not to wear off for one year.
If desired, the machine may be worked by our type "S" or other small motors, or if
water power is available, by means of a water motor, enabling the experimenter to devote
his entire attention to the experiments, instead of being obliged to turn the crank.
No. 9000 Static Machine, new style, as described $4.50 Shipping weight, 6 lbs.
No. 9010 X- Ray Tube, to work on static machine 2.25 Shipping weight, 2 tbs.

Fancy Tubes
Only those who have seen a Geissler tube in operation can imagine the
wonderful color effects produced b these fancy tubes, which are so
striking and fairy-like that they far sur-
pass even the most beautiful Geissler tube.
The tubes contain different fluorescent
materials such as butterflies shells,
minerals, etc., which light up in dozens of
different colors. They will glow with a
wierd fluorescent light for several minutes
after the current is shut off. The tubes
are made entirely of glass and stand
upon a glass pedestal.
They are operated in the same manner as
a Geissler tube, i. e., by connecting to
an induction coil. There is nothing to
wear out about the tubes and they will
last practically indefinitely.
No. 6527 Fancy tube with butterfly, minerals or porous shells $ 1.15
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Make a loud noise. The "click" being similar to telegraph
sounders. Shipping weight, 3 oz.
No. 196 Snapper Sounder complete, each 10 cents

Pocket Compass
This is an exceedingly accurate little instrument which must not
be Judged by its price. We import this compass in large
quantities for use in some of our electrical outfits and can
therefore sell them very cheaply. The metal case is nickel
plated and polished, fitted with a glass top. Points North to
South. May be used for many purposes. Size 2;4. in. diameter.
No. 350 Pocket Compass 15 cents Postpaid

Geissler Tubes
Geissler Tubes are one of
the most beautiful creations
of science. The tubes are
made in intricate and varied
patterns of special glass,
containing fluorescent min-
erals and salts and are filled
with different rarefied gases.
When connected to a static
machine or an induction
coil, they light up in the
most wonderful way imag-
inable. The rarefied gases
and minerals in the glass
throw out beautiful irides-
cent colors, lighting up a
dark room with a weird
flickering light. The won-
derful colors are beyond
description. Every tube is
of different pattern and has
a combination of different
colors. The most beautiful
tubes are those containing
the fluorescent liquid.
No. 6510 Geissler Tube, 3 in. long $ .20
No. 6512 de 6 el 64 . 38
No. 6514 « 8 4e «4 .45
No. 6516 id " 12 .85
No. 6520 « " 3 in. long, with fluorescent liquid .30
No. 6522 41 44 6 .55
No. 6524 "" ie 8 44 44 le it
No. 6526 44 ed 12 el te 44 4( tl
Geissler Tubes, by mail, extra 10 cents

Amco Barium Platinum Cyanide Screen

These screens are the same as those used in our Fluoroscope. Mounted in a polished
mahogany frame. Can be used in the dark only. Size 3 s 5 inches.
No. 8050 Barium- Platinum- Cyanide Screen on frame $3.75
By mail, extra 4 cents

Amco Fluoroscopes
With the aid of one of these Fluoroscopes and one of our X- Ray
tubes it is possible to see the bones in the human hand or the
contents of a purse, etc. A Fluoroscope makes the X- Rays visible
to the naked eye. Can be used in daylight.
No. 8040 Fluoroscope with Barium- Platinum- Cyanide Screen $4.25
Shipping weight, 3 lbs.

Amco Experimental X-Ray Outfit

The Amco X- Ray
Outfit opens up a
sew field for the
amateur experimen-
ter. With this out-
fit it is possible to
see the bones in the
human hand, the
contents of a purse,
etc. It is possible
to take very sharp
photographs of the
bones, etc.
The X- Ray Tube itself is built to use with a 1;4
inch spark coil. The fluoroscope is very substantial
and will last for years. The vibrator on the
coil is very rapid so that there is no flickering of
the light. The tube stand is doubly adjustable
and will hold the tube in any position. We fur-
nish with the outfit a handsome book, "A B C
of the X-Rays," by Edward Trevert, which des-
cribes in detail the use of such a. set. The outfit
is an invaluable acquisition to any laboratory.
No. 8010 X- Ray Outfit, consisting of one X- Ray Tube, one 1,
4 Inch spek Induc-
tion Coil one Fluoroscope, one X- Ray Tube Stand, one switch and
coil of wire, one A B C of X- Rays, and eight high grads dry cells.. 818.00

Imported X-Ray Tubes

Our X- Ray Tubes are imported from Germany and are first grade
in every particular. The anode is very strong and will last a long
period if not abused. Every tube is guaranteed to operate on a
1.% inch spark coil. It is possible to take very sharp photographs
of the bones in the human hand, etc., with these tubes.

No. 8020 X- Ray Tube, diameter 4 inches $4.50

No. 8022 X- Ray Tube, diameter 4% inches 7.50
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Amco X-Ray Tube Stands

Made of hardwood to hold the X- Ray tube in any position. Are
very light and strong.
No. 8030 Stand for X- Ray Tubes $2.50
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.


upon electrical careers than any other scientific outfits ever placed before the public. The
thousands upon thousands that have been sold in all parts of the world have furnished
fun and science for people of all ages, and the mere fact that they are listed by the New
York Board of Education, and recommended to the pupils and teachers of the New York
public and private schools is a guarantee of their value. Were it not for the fact that
these are made in such large quantities and sold by stores, agents and mail-order houses,
the price would be much higher. Don't fail to get these. They have a national reputation.

Fun with Magnetism

This outfit contains a32- page ......
book of instructions, with 45
illustrations, together with a
complete set of apparatus for /i//
performing 61 fascinating ex-
periments. It will give you ,-',...'"'
flagnetisre . e
r' Filin,.
some new ideas about mag-
netism and start you at the '- '
right place in your study of
electricity. Think what that
means—to start right! The
book contains experiments with L_- --- — ..„_------
the horseshoe magnet, with bar
magnets, with floating magnets,
etc., etc., thus giving a practical knowledge of the subject; and it is all done in such an
interesting way that one can't help remembering it. Every experiment clinches some
fact and every fact is important. AMUSING EXPERIMENTS—Something for Nervous
People to Thy—The Jersey Mosquito—The Stampede—The Runaway—The Dog- fight—The
Whirligig—The Naval Battle—A String of Fish—A Magnetic Gun—A Top Upsidedown—
A Magnetic Windmill—A Compass Upsidedown—The Magnetic Acrobat—The Busy Ant- hill—
The Magnetic Bridge—The Merry- go- Round—The Tight- rope Walker— A Magnetic Motor
Using Attractions and Repulsions— And 43 others.
No. R1 Complete Outfit " Fun with Magnetism" $ .25
If sent by mail, postage extra .05

Fun with Chemistry

Chemistry is universally considered to be an interesting subject, even in school, and it is
certainly an important one in these days of scientific progress. This outfit starts you at
the right place and presents the elements of the subject in a most interesting fashion.
The experiments are so enjoyable that you will take pleasure in doing them over and
over again, and you will want to do them for your friends. You can have a lot of fun
with this set, and even if you have taken advanced courses in the subject you will find
something new in these experiments. The more you know about chemistry the more you
will enjoy it, for then you can more easily appreciate what a splendid outfit this is for
the money. The Outfit contains over 20 different articles, including chemicals, test- tubes,
adjustable ring- stand, litmus paper, filter paper, glass tubing, etc.; in fact, everything
needed for the forty-one experiments. The Book of Instructions is fully illustrated,
and measures 5xPA inches. FUN FOUND HERE: From White to Black, or the Phantom
Ship—Yellow Tears--Smoke Pearls—An Ocean of Smoke—A Tiny Whirlwind—A Smoke
Cascade—An Explosion in a Teacup— A Gas Factory in a Test- Tube—Making Charcoal—
Flame goes over a Bridge—A Smoke Toboggan- Slide— Fountains of Flame—Making an
Acid—Making an Alkali—A Chemical Fight—Through Walls of Flame—An Artificial Gas
Well—A Lampblack Factory—Steam from a Flame—The Flame that Committed Suicide—
Chemical Soup—A Baby Skating- Rink—A Magic Milk- Shake—The Wizard's Breath— A
Chemical Curtain—Scrambled Chemicals—And many other Experiments.
No. R7 Complete Outfit " Fun with Chemistry" $ .50
If sent by mail, postage extra . 10

Fun with Electricity

The author of this Fun with Science
Series has spent a great deal of time
and money in experimenting to devise
apparatus that will do the proper work
and be, at the same time, simple and
cheap, and in no outfit has he suc-
ceeded better than in Fun with Elec-
tricity. When you think of an outfit
retailing for 50 cents and covering
the whole subject of " Static Elec-
tricity," giving 60 scientific experi-
ments upon its production, conduction
and induction, with a 55- page book
of instructions with 38 drawings, and
a complete set of apparatus of 20
articles for performing these 60 ex-
periments, you will understand why the sales of this outfit have been enormous. As the
subject is presented in a fascinating way—and not as mere dry science—every one likes
to do the experiments. No wonder these sets are highly praised by parents and educators
in every part of the country. THERE IS FUN IN THESE EXPERIMENTS: Chain
Lightning—An Electric Whirligig—The Baby Thunderstorm—A Race with Electricity—An
Electric Frog Pond—An Electric Ding-Dong— The Magic Finger—Daddy Long- legs—
Jumping Sally—An Electric Kite—Very Shocking—Condensed Lightning—An Electric Fly-
Trap—The Merry Pendulum—An Electric Ferry- Boat—A Funny Piece of Paper—A Joke
on the Family Cat—Electricity Plays Leap- Frog—Lightning goes over a Bridge— Electricity
Carries a Lantern—and 40 others. There isn't an outfit anywhere at any price that
gives better value for the money. An ideal present for a boy.
No. R2 Complete Outfit " Fun with Electricity" 50 cents Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

Fun with Soap-Bubbles

Fancy Bubbles and Films are not easily
blown without special apparatus, and
even with the proper outfit one must
"know how." That's why we furnish
a 16- page book with every set to show
just how to do it. With the aid of
the 21 illustrations and the directions
you can produce remarkable results
that will surprise and entertain your
friends. A child can do it as well
as a grown person. Soap- Bubble
Parties using these outfits create real
sensations. Why not be the first in
your town to give a " Fun with Soap-
Bubbles Party?" Just write and ask
about the price for any special number
of them—say six or a dozen.
CONTENTS OF BOOK: Twenty-one illustrations— Introduction—The Colors of Soap-
Bubbles—The Outfit—Soap Mixture— Useful Hints—Bubbles Blown with Pipes—Bubbles
Blown with Straws—Bubbles Blown with the Horn—Floating Bubbles—Baby Bubbles—
Smoke Bubbles—Bombshell Bubbles—Dancing Bubbles—Bubble Games—Supported Bubbles
—Bubble Cluster—Suspended Bubbles—Bubble Lamp Chimney—Bubble Lensee—Bubble
Basket—Bubble Bellows—To Draw a Bubble Through a Ring—Bubble Acorn—Bubble
Bottle—A Bubble within a Bubble—Another Way—Bubble Shade—Bubble Hammock—
Wrestling Bubbles—A Smoking Bubble—Soap Films—The Tennis Racket Film—Fish- net
Film—Pan- shaped Film—Bow and Arrow Film—Bubble Dome—Double Bubble Dome—
Pyramid Bubbles—Turtle- back Bubbles—Soap- Bubbles and Frictional Electricity. "There
is nothing more beautiful than the airy- fairy soap- bubble with its everchanging colors."
This outfit gives the best possible amusement for old and young.
No. R4 Complete Outfit " Fun with Soap- Bubbles" .25
Shipping weight, 1 lb.
Three extra packages of Prepared Soap, post paid .10

Fun with Shadows

No wonder shadow- making has been popular for several centuries! What could give
keener delight than comical shadow- pictures, pantomimes, entertainments, etc.? Pro-
fessional shadowists use wires, forms, and various devices to aid them, and that is why
they get such wonderful results on the stage. Do you want to do the same thing right
in your own home and entertain your friends with all kinds of fancy shadows? You can
do it with this outfit, for the book contains 100 illustrations and diagrams with directions
for using the numerous articles included in the box. You will be surprised to see how
easily you can make these funny shadows with the aid of the outfit. Better get one now
and make shadows like a professional. The Outfit contains everything necessary for all
ordinary shadow pictures, shadow entertainments, shadow plays, etc. The following
articles are included: One book of Instructions called " Fun with Shadows"; 1 Shadow
Screen; 2 Sheets of Tracing Paper; 1 Coil of Wire for Movable Figures; 1 Cardboard
Frame for Circular Screen; 1 Cardboard House for Stage Scenery; 1 Jointed Wire Fish-
pole and Line; 2 Bent Wire Scenery Holders; 4 Clamps for Screen; 1 Wire Figure
Support; 1 Wire for Oar; 2 Spring Wire Table Clamps; 1 Wire Candlestick Holder;
6 Cardboard Plates containing the following printed figures that should be cut out with
shears; 12 Character Hats, 1 Boat, 1 Oar- blade, 1 Candlestick, 1 Fish; 1Cardboard Plate
containing printed parts for making movable figures.
No. R5 Complete Outfit " Fun with Shadows" $ .25
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Fun with Photography

Popular pastimes are numerous, but to many there
is nothing more fascinating than photography.
The magic of sunshine, the wonders of nature,
and the beauties of art are tools in the hands of
the amateur photographer. If you want to get
a start in this up-to-date hobby, this outfit will help you. You will enjoy the work and
be delighted with the beautiful pictures you can make. The Outfit contains everything
necessary for making prints— together with other articles to be used in various ways. The
following things are included: One Illustrated Book of Instructions, called " Fun with
Photography"; 1 Package of Sensitized Paper; 1 Printing Frame, including glass, back
and spring; 1 Set of Masks for Printing Frame; 1 Set of Patterns for Fancy Shapes;
1 Book of Negatives ( Patented) ready for use; 6 Sheets of Black Negative Paper; 1
Alphabet Sheet; 1 Package of Card Mounts; 1 Package of Folding Mounts; 1 Package
of " Fixo." CONTENTS OF BOOK: Chapter I. Introduction— Photography—Magic Sun-
shine—The Outfit, II. General Instructions—The Sensitized Paper— How the Effects are
Produced—Negatives— Prints-- Printing Frames— Our Printing Frame— Putting Negatives
in Printing Frame— Printing—Developing— Fixing—Drying—Trimming— Fancy Shapes—
Mounting. Ill. Negatives and How to Make Them—The Paper—Making Transparent
Paper— Making the Negatives— Printed Negatives—Perforated Negatives—Negatives made
from Magazine Pictures—Ground Glass Negatives. IV. Nature Photography—Aids to
Nature Study— Ferns and leaves— Photographing leaves— Perforating Leaves— Drying
Leaves, Ferns, etc., for Negatives— Flowers. V. Miscellaneous Photographs—Magnetic
Photographs— Combination Pictures— Initial Pictures—Name Plates— Christmas, Easter
and Birthday Cards.
No. Re Complete Outfit " Fun with Photography" $ .50
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

The Codegraph ( Patented)

NOTE— Continental Code sent
unless otherwise ordered.

The Codegraph is a
Ti.• Std. Wiaiusscomo,e1-1 , brand-new scheme for
thoroughly and rap-
Irialremengfflimirmœra idly learning the tel.-
reilliUMMIMPIRIIRIMIMIum graphic code, and it
pi has been worked out
remememeimememinnei wiit
m nhthe1,hei
d. This .
tail • .0 me. arm ' • learning system really
14_ m_Au adapts itself to the
beginner, and it gives
a personal touch to
di.v.i.www each individual Stu-
dent according to his
needs. No other system can do so much, for the student sees, hears and feels every
letter and signal. The greatest trouble that every one has in learning by listening to regu-
lar messages is in separating the letters and words as they come in so fast. There is no
time to think, and letters pile up in the mind. The codegraph avoids all confusion because
every letter is under perfect control and may be repeated as many times as desired; hard
things can be made easy; words and sentences can be built at will. We guarantee that
anyone of average ability can make rapid improvement with the codegraph.
WHAT IT IS. A complete codegraph outfit, as shown in the illustration, has three main
parts: ( 1) The " plate and pen," ( 2) some form of " key and sounder" and ( 3) two
batteries. While any key and sounder can be used with the plate, we wish to call
especial attention to the duplex sounder shown, as this has been designed to do double
work. If you already have " Fun with Telegraphy," for example, and want to order the
"Codegraph Plate and Pen," we will include, free of charge, an extra attachment for
connecting up your instrument.
THE PLATE AND PEN. When the pen is lightly drawn over the plate, the sounder
responds and shows exactly how every letter and signal should sound. The student can
then practise each letter until perfect. The surface of the plate is covered with a special
insulating enamel, bare spots corresponding to correct dots and dashes. The polished
brass plate measures about 6x8 inches and has a most elegant appearance. The book
tells all about practising, etc.
DUPLEX CODEGRAPH KEY AND SOUNDER, as shown, has a double action and is
the latest thing in code- learning devices. By the mere turning of a switch you can have
the ordinary telegraph clicks or the wireless buzzes, making two sounders in one and at
the cost of one. The combination sounder and a substantial key are mounted upon a
finely finished base with nickel- plated trimmings, binding- posts, switch, etc. If you want
to become an operator in the shortest possible time no matter whether you have ever
tried before or not, get one of these outfits and begin at once. You will be pleased right
from the start, because you will make rapid progress right from the start.

No. 2350 " Codegraph Plate and Pen," with Book of Instructions.. $ 1.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.
No. 2351 " Duplex Codegraph Key and Sounder" ( no batteries) .... 1.00
Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

SPECIAL—COMPLETE CODEGRAPH OUTFIT, as in cut, postpaid.. 2.50

Buffalo, N. Y.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sir:— Received my steam engine O. K. Was surprised in getting it so soot,
and I like it very much. Hoping to have another order for you soon, 1 am,
Very truly yours,

Fun with Telegraphy ( Patented)

These two outfits are s'milar in construction, although they differ in details, each being
designed for its special work. The " keys," " sounders" and " binding- posts" are neatly
mounted upon ebonized bases measuring 6A.x3Y1 inches, these also serving as sounding-
boards. " FUN WITH TELEGRAPHY" is the original low- price telegraph outfit for
students that has sold by the thousands and given universal satisfaction. It is con-
sidered the best 60- cent outfit ever produced, and, although we have made several im-
provements lately, the price is the same as before. In connection with a peculiar osciliating
electromagnet and a queer anvil the sounding board aids in giving out a loud, cleat click
that is found elsewhere only in noisy railroad sounders. This outfit is best adapted for
a learner's set of one instrument and a battery to be used on the table for practising,
either with or without the "codegraph," and not for telegraphing over wires to other
stations. OUTFIT: Illustrated Book of instructions, called " Fun with Telegraphy"; Tele-
graphy " Key"; Telegraph "Sounder"; Nickel- plated " Binding- Posts"; Insulated Wires
for connections.
No. R8 " Fun with Telegraphy" without battery.. 50 cents Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Fun with Puzzles

Here is an outfit that every boy and girl should have, for it is amusing, instructive and
educational. It is real fun to do puzzles and to puzzle your friends, and this book co4tains
some real brain- teasers that will make you think. The book contains 16 chapters, 80
pages, and 128 illustrations, and measures 5x7V. inches. If you can't do any particular
puzzle you will find its solution in the " key," which is bound with the book. If you want
to win prizes by doing the puzzles in the magazines, you will find this book of four hun-
dred puzzles a regular school of puzzles that will give you a thorough training for this
kind of work. The book alone is well worth the price, to say nothing of the outfit of
numbers, counters, pictures, etc. CONTENTS OF BOOK—Chapter ( 1) Secret Writing.
(2) Magic Triangles, Squares, Rectangles, Hexagons, Crosses, Circles, etc. ( 3) Dropped
Letter and Dropped Word Puzzles. ( 4) Mixed Proverbs, Prose and Rhyme. ( 6) Word
Diamonds, Squares, Triangles and Rhomboids. ( 6) Numerical Enigmas. ( 7) Jumbled
Writing and Magic Proverbs. ( 8) Dissected Puzzles. ( 9) Hidden and Concealed Words.
(10) Divided Cakes, Pies, Gardens, Farms, etc. ( 11) Bicycle and Boat Puzzles. ( 12)
Various Word and Letter Puzzles. ( 13) Puzzles with Counters. ( 14) Combination
Puzzles. ( 15) Mazes and Labyrinths. SECRET WRITING is explained in this book,
and it shows how you can write letters to your friends and be sure that no one can
read them unless they are also in the secret. This one thing alone will give you a great
deal of enjoyment. Get this outfit and have some fun.
No. R3 Complete Outfit " Fun with Puzzles" $ .25
Shipping weight, 1 lb.



--e- :*exgD

A Very Pleasing and Instructive


This is a miniature Flying Machine of th.

biplane type, and measures 6 inches long
by 14 inches wide. It is very strong17
built and practically indestructible. Th.
framework is split bamboo covered with
Japanese paper. The propeller and mec
hanism are made of aluminum. Tho
PAPP U. S.. 2.1.9
10.1411 C01.11.1.
machine will fly over 100 feet either in •
straight line or a curve as desired. Tha
rubber band motor is equipped with a set

of multiplying gears, increasing the speed
of the propeller six times.

No. 505— Flying Machine, as described, 75 cents, postage extra, 12 cents

Rubber Strand for Model Aeroplanes

Pure para rubber is the only material that will insure the success of your model. Poor
rubber will not fly a model well. We carry a large stock of the best quality.
No. A10 Rubber Strand 3-32 square, per foot 15,5c.
Postage extra, 2 cents per 10 feet. Not less than 10 feet sold

High Efficiency Aluminum Propellers

Ideal for racing machines and long-
distance models. Very light in weight
and practically indestructible. Fitted
with strong steel shaft. Highly effi-
cient. State whether propeller is to
push or pull, right or left are desired.


No. A20 3% inch 10 cents

No. A22 6 inch 20 "
No. A24 8 inch 35 "
No. A26 10 inch 50 "
No. A28 12 inch 75 "

Prices include postage.


Amco Propellers


Your success in model aeroplaning depends largely upon the propeller used. Our propellers
are not only the lightest and strongest, but are the most efficient and scientifically made
in the country. They have proven eminently successful and have been generally adopted
by model flyers. Designed to give the greatest thrust with minimum power and losses. We
supply blanks for those who wish to carve their own propellers.
No. A30 6 inch 45 cents each 20 cents per pair
No. A32 7 inch 55 " " 25
No. A34 8 inch 65 " " 30
No. A36 9 inch 75 44 41 35 41. ll 414

No. A38 10 Inch 85 " " 40

Dowel, Rattan and Sticks

• h • • •A te

ma A. à II ee4 114.i Illiri Ill 4- • )

1 IIII 4 - 4

No. I No..2 No. 3 /Vo. e No.5 No. 6

Rattan may be easily bent or steamed into any shape. Basswood sticks are straight grained,
free from knots and may be used for many purposes.
No. 1 1 cents per foot 5/3 cents per foot
No. 2
No. 3 1 " " " I . . . All sizes
No. 4 i 416 44 44 I !
e; 14 0 64 5 cents per
No. 5 2 " " " I v. 44 44 64 3 ft. length
No. 6 2 Ill Id dd 2 ll id 44

Postage and wrapping, 3 cents for each 5 feet. Not less than ten cents worth sold.

Split Bamboo
For wiring frames, ribs and shock absorbers. In three foot lengths.
1-16 x 1-8 in.. .. 1 cent 1-16 x 1-4 2 cents 1-8 x 1-4 4 cents
Postage 3 cents for each 6 feet. Not less than ten cents' worth sold

Bamboo Paper
A very strong material made in Japan from bamboo fibre. When coated with flexible
varnish it forms an ideal covering for planes. Very light and practically indestructible.
No. A50 Bamboo Paper, in sheets 11 x 16 inches, price 15 cents


Not a Toy but a practical long distance machine

especially made for Model Contests.


The "Peerless" Racing Model Aeroplanes are the only low priced
Ies wt›rtliy of the name and the only models can successfully compete
ii I.,ng distant contests.
Much study and experiment were required to develope this ltacing Model
into its present form.
There is nothing so fascinating as aModel Aeroplane that will leave the
hands and soar away under its own power for nearly a quarter of a mile.
Simplicity of design, first-class materials and careful workmanship have
resulted in a machine that is
practically indestructible.
The " Peerless" is so far
superior to all other model
aeroplanes on the market
that there can be no com-
The machine is three
feet long over all and is lifted
with aluniintun propellers
and hangers. The model
will not break no matter
how violently it falls to the
Any one can build acomplete machine It on tile parts in .9‘..‘ of an hour.
Both the complete machine and the tams come packed in a strong
accompanied by full directions.


Shipping weight, 2 lbs.

There are no toys on the market to- day that appeal more to the imagination of the
go bey than electric trains and railways. We present in the following pages the
mast distinctively high class electric rally/aye and accessories in the country. They are
absolutely above comparison with any others. All of the railways and accessories
described herewith are made entirely of metal stampings. Every detail of design has been
carefully carried out, making a finished product second to none, and at prices below the
nearest competitor.
The scientific principles underlying the manufacture of these toys are Identical with those
governing the creation of the large machines, of which these illustrated are miniature
replicas. Commutators have six- pole armature and horseshoe type field, steel laminations
throughout. Commutators are solid bronze, mica insulated with gauze brushes, easily
renewable; will wear indefinitely, running continuously.
The manufacturers guarantee each article to be perfect in every respect, and will replace
any piece or part received in damaged condition if express charges are prepaid. Lamp
net guaranteed.

Steam Type Locomotives

(Electrically operated)

Outfit No. 51

These are faithfully modeled after the latest patterns of passenger and freight engines in
general use. Locomotives are constructed of sheet steel and boilers are made of
Russian iron. All locomotives are equipped with controllers, electric headlights, and bodies
are mounted on flexible trucks. Contacts are placed in cabs for connecting interior lights
for passenger coaches. These locomotives can be used in conjunction with freight cars,
numbered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, described on page 143; also with pullman cars
numbered 180, 181, 182, described on page 142, and with the large pullman cars num-
bered 18, 19 and 190. Locomotives described on this page can be reversed automatic-
ally by the use of our No. 62 trips.
Outfit No. 51 Consists of one No. 5 locomotive, it inches long, 8 curved and 4 straight
sections of track, measuring 35 '/a feet. Operates on 5 dry batteries, or reduced house
lighting current. The locomotive is fitted with a double truck tender, 7 inches long.
Price $10.50


Outfit No. 6
Outfit No. 6. This is larger and more powerful than the No. 6. Locomotive is 13%.
inches long, and is fitted with a four wheeled pilot truck. The tender is 9 inches long.
Outfit includes 8 curved and 4 straight sections of track, measuring 15 1 4 feet. Operates
on 6 to 7 dry batteries or house lighting current reducers, described on pages 13 and 139.
Price, attractively packed $ 14.25

Electric Type Locomotives

The complete and extensive range of Electric Type Locomotives shown here, are modeled
after the newest patterns of engines in use upon electrified systems throughout the country.
Motors contained in them are mechanically and electrically perfect. Bodies are constructed
of sheet steel, richly enameled, lettered and ornamented in gold. Locomotives are equipped
with headlights, and excepting No. 33, have controllers for starting, stopping and reversing
automatically by the use of our No. 62 Trips.
Wheels are heavy castings, turned absolutely true,
nickeled and polished. Cowcatchers have couplers
protruding from an aperture specially cast in their
centers. Locomotives numbered 33 and 38 are for
use with freight cars numbered 112, 113, 114, 116
and 117, also with pullman cars numbered 35 and
36. Locomotive No. 53 can be used with pullman
cars numbered 180, 181 and 182, and with the
large freight cars numbered 11, 12, 13, 14, 16,
16 and 17. The largest locomotives numbered 42
and 64, are for use with large pullman cars num- Locomotive No. 33
bered 18, 19 and 190, or with large freight cars
mentioned above. All locomotives and cars operate
on our standard gauge track.
Outfit No. 33. Consists of one No. 33 locomotive,
11 inches long, and 8 sections of curved track, mak-
ing circle 3¡i feet in diameter. Operates on 4 or 5 _+‘
dry batteries or reduced house lighting current.
Price, attractively packed $6.25 •:+ir - 9

Outfit No. 38. Consists of one No. 38 locomotive,

12 inches long, and 8 sections of curved track, mak-
ing circle 3%; feet diameter. Locomotive has four Locomotive No. 38
large driving wheels and is equipped with controller.
Operates on 4 or 5 dry batteries or reduced house
lighting current.
Price, attractively packed $7.75
Outfit No. 53. Consists of one No. 53 locomotive,
12 inches long, 8 curved and 4 straight sections of
track, measuring 15A. feet. Locomotive has two
sets of four driving wheels and is equipped with
controller and contact for interior illumination of
passenger cars. Operates on 5 or 6 dry batteries
or reduced house lighting current.
Price, attractively packed $9.00 Locomotive No. 53

Outfit No. 42. The largest of the Electric Type

Locomotives. Outfit consists of one No. 42 loco-
motive 1554 inches long, 8 curved and 4 straight
sections of track, measuring 15 ,4 feet. Locomotive
has two sets of four large driving wheels and is
equipped with controller and contact for interior il-
lumination of passenger cars. Operates on 6 dry
h% batteries or reduced house lighting current.
- Price, attractively packed $12.60

Pullman and Freight Trains with Electric Type Locomotives

The variety of combinations shown are all packed as complete outfits. Pullman and freight
cars may be added to these outfits, and layouts can be extended by adding straight track.
Outfit No. 37. Consists of one No. 33 Locomotive, two No. 112 Gondola Cars, and 8
sections of curved track, making a circle 354 feet in diameter. Operates on 4 or 5 dry
batteries or on the reduced house lighting current. The complete train is 31 ins, in length.
Price, attractively packed $7.20

Outfit No. 39. Consists of one No. 38 loco-

motive, two No. 116 Coal Cars, and 8 sections
of curved track, making a circle 354 ft. in diameter. Operates
on 4 or 6 dry batteries or on the reduced house lighting current.
The complete train is 31 inches in length.
Price, attractively packed $9.00

Outfit No. 34. Consists of one No. 33 Locomotive, one No. 35 Pullman Car and one
No. 36 Observation Car, together with 8 sections of curved track, making a circle 354 feet
in diameter. Operates on 4 or 5 dry batteries or on the reduced house lighting current.
The complete train is 34 inches in length. Price, attractively packed $9.90

Outfit No. 40

Outfit No. 40. Consists of our No. 38 Locomotive, two No. 35 Pull-
man Cars and one No. 36 Observation Car, together with 8 curved and
4 straight sections of track, measuring 15 3/
4 feet. Operates on 6 or 7
dry batteries or on the reduced house lighting current. The complete
train is 4 feet in length. Price, attractively packed $14.40
Outfit No. 41. Consists of one No. 38 Locomotive, one each of the
Freight Cars numbered 112, 113, 114, 116 and 117, together with
8 curved and 4 straight sections of track, measuring 15,% feet. Operates
on 6 or 8 dry batteries or on the reduced house lighting current. The
complete train is 6 ft. 7 ins, in length. Price, attractively packed $13.00
Outfit No. 52. Consists of our No. 53 Locomotive, one each of the
Pullman Cars numbered 180, 181 and 182, together with 8 curved and
4 straight sections of track, measuring 15% feet. Operates on 6 or 7
dry batteries or on the reduced house lighting current. The complete
train is 4 feet 6 inches in length. Price, attractively packed $18.00

Direct Current Reducer

This is constructed upon a sub-
stantial slate base, measuring 8 x
10 inches and 3 /
4 inch in thickness.
▪ The resistance wires are wound
. around four porcelain tubes and
2 these are protected by a perforated
Russian iron cover lined asbestos.
a The voltage that regulates the
• speed, and which is sufficient for
O operating any of our outfits, is
controlled by a sliding lever. The
reducer is connected with the
house current by a screw plug,
which with 9 feet of' flexible cord, is provided with the apparatus. The
reducer can be fixed to wall or table by using the four porcelain knobs
and screws which are supplied with it.
No. 107—for 110 volts. Price complete $7.50
No. 170— for 220 volts. Price complete 10.00

We also wish to call attention to our line of AM CO

STE P-DOWN TRAN SFO RM ERS shown on pages 11
to 13. These are intended for use on the 110 volt alter-
nating current electric lights and will operate the trains
very satisfactorily, with no danger or trouble and prac-
tically no expense.

Hartford, Conn.
Adams- Morgan Company, Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—Received my order and am well pleased with every-
thing. I did not have time to write before.
Pullman and Day Coach Trains with Steam Type Locomotives
These numbers are all packed complete, and should it be found desirable, the user can substitute the freight
cars numbering 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, for the Pullman Cars or Day Coaches, which come with the
outfits. An endless variety of combinations may thus be formed.

3H j,
't nlt,


•à• -‘,11-1.

Outfit No. 50
Outfit No. 50. Consists of one No. 51 Locomotive and Tender, and one of the Pullman Cars numbered 180,
181 and 182, together with 8 curved and 4 straight sections of track, measuring 15%3 feet. Operates on 8 to
10 dry batteries, or the reduced house lighting current. The complete train is 5 feet in length.
Price, attractively packed $22.00

Outfit No. 43
Outfit No. 43. Consists of one No. 61 Locomotive and Tender, two No. 29 Day Coaches, together with 8 curved
Tul Ul!D

and 4 straight sections of track, measuring 15;4 feet. Operates on 8 to 10 dry batteries, or on the reduced
house lighting current. The complete train is 4 feet 6 inches in length

Price, attractively packed $17.50


Lionel Racing Automobiles

Outfit No. 84

Showing Front and Rear Views of Cars

The latest and greatest of the Lionel Electric Toys. A real automobile racecourse in
miniature, providing endless fun, and unlimited excitement. Makes the biggest window
attraction, and is unsurpassed for showroom display. Cars are 8T/4 inches long—body
removes from chassis in same manner as standard cara. Motor and working parts are
easily accessible for cleaning and lubricating. Wheels have nickled hubs and solid rubber
tires—spare tire for replacing worn one is carried on rear of the car. Cars have rear
shoe for collecting current from insulated rail in the track bed, and flexible front shoe for
guiding. Cars are differently numbered and richly enameled in a variety of colors.
The outfits can be operated on dry batteries, or on the house current ( either direct or
alternating) in conjunction with Amco Current Reducers. Full directions for operating
accompany each outfit.

Outfit No. 80 Consists of 8 sections " 0" curved track, making a circle 36 inches
in diameter, one car, drivers and starting post. Price complete, attractively packed $5.40
Outfit No. 81 Consists of 8 sections " I" curved track, making a circle 30 inches
in diameter, one car, drivers and starting post. ( This circle fits inside of Outfit
No. 80.) Price complete, attractively packed 5.40
Outfit No. 84 Consists of OuMs No. 80 and 81 in combination, forming a
double circular racing track. Price complete, attractively packed 10.75
Outfit No. 85 Consists of 8 sections " 0" curved track, 8 sections " I" curved track,
and 8 sections " A" straight track, together with two cars, drivers, and starting
post. This outfit makes a complete double oval racing track, the extreme outside
measurement being 5' A feet by 3 feet 8 inches. Price complete, attractively packed 12.60
Extra sections " A" straight track-14 inches long—fitting either inside or outside
circle. Per section .40

Pullman Cars
(Made in three sizes)

The Pullman Cars illustrated and described

on this page are made in three sizes to
conform with every type of locomotive
we manufacture. They are constructed of
sheet steel, richly enameled, and striped
and lettered in gold. Doors are hinged,
roofs are removable, and seats in the in-
terior of cars are fitted with pins for the
insertion of miniature figures. Provision
is also made for connecting a series of
lights for interior illumination. Cars are
mounted upon flexible trucks, which are Pullman
in proportion to the size of the cars, but
all operate on our standard gauge track.
Pullman Cars numbered 18, 19 and 190,
and Day Coach No. 29, are for use with
locomotives numbered 5, 51, 6, 7, 42 and
64. Pullman Cars numbered 180, 151
and 182, are for use with locomotives
numbered 6, 51 and 53. Pullman Cars
numbered 35 and 36 are for use with
locomotives numbered 33 and 38.

Pullman Car No. 18 ( Large size) length

l6Va inches. Price, boxed $4.00
Pullman Car No. 180 ( Medium size),
Pullman and Baggage Car
length l2Va inches. Price, boxed. 3.15
Pullman Car No. 35 ( Small size) length
11 inches Price, boxed 3.25
Pullman and Baggage Car No. 19 ( Large
size) length 164' inches. Has baggage
compartment with sliding doors. Price,
boxed 4.50
Pullman and Baggage Car No 181.
(Medium size) length 12'4 inches. Has
baggage compartment with sliding doors.
Price, boxed 3.60
n Car
Observation Car No. 190. ( Large size)
length 16 4
, inches. Has observation plat-
form. Price, boxed 4.50
Observation Car No. 182 ( Medium size)
length 12.4 inches. Has observation plat-
form. Price, boxed 3.60
Observation Car No. 36 ( Small size)
length 11 inches. Has observation plat-
form. Price, boxed 2.25
Day Coach No. 29 ( Large size) length
16'4 inches. Has front and rear plat-
forms. Price, boxed 2.70

Day Coach No. 29

Lawrence, Mass.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:—Please send me your book, "Model Flying Machines," also one of your
latest catalogs. I find that your propelers and rubber strands are excellent.

Freight Cars
(Made in two sizes)

These cars are constructed entirely of sheet steel and

are modeled after the regulation types of freight care
in general use. They are beautifully enameled, per-
fectly finished, and are fitted with flexible trucks,
- - enabling them to stay on the track when rounding
Flat Car No. 11 short curves. All roofs of closed cars slide off, so
that interior can be easily reached. Freight care
numbered 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, are for
use with all locomotives excepting number 33 and 38.
Small size freight cars are for use with numbers
33 and 38 locomotives.
Flat Car No. 11 11 inches long. Fitted with
hand rails, brakes and couplers. Price, boxed $1.55
Gondola Car No. 12 11 inches long. Carries
a considerable load, fitted with hand brakes
Cattle Car No. 13 and 113 and couplers. Price, boxed 1.80
Gondola Car No. 112 9, 4 inches long. Simi-
lar to No. 12 in appearance. Price, boxed .80

Cattle Car No. 13 11 inches long. Sliding

doors and roof, hand brakes and couplers
Price, boxed 2.25
Cattle Car No. 113 954 inches long. Simi-
lar to No. 13 in appearance. Price, boxed 1.10

Oil Car No. 15 Box Car No. 14 11 inches long. Sliding doors
and roof, hand brakes and couplers. Price,
boxed 2.25
Box Car No. 114 9V2 inches long. Similar
to No. 14 in appearance. Price, boxed 1.10
/1 C E. 1
Oil Car No. 15 11 inches long. Fitted with

ladders, run- boards, hand brakes and couplers.

Price, boxed 2.25
Ballast Car No. 16 11 inches long. Sides
12. 1 are hinged to release contents. Fitted with
cou plers. Price, boxed 2.25
Caboose No. 17 and 117 Ballast Car No. 116 PA inches long. Bottom
of car is hinged to release contents. Price,
boxed 1.10
c Ste. nstiset. P. Caboose No. 17 11 1 A inches long. Has slid-
'19050 19050. ing roof, seats in interior, windows, and ven-
tilators in roof. Price, boxed 2.25
Caboose No. 117 se, inches long. Similar to
j No. 17 in appearance. Price, boxed 1.10

Gondola Car No. 12 and 112

like Ighore.,_,„

Box Car No. 14 and 114 Ballast Car No. 16 and 116

-YLE C 16"


STYLE S I4 " '

CzJ STYLE S .7%:)' e

Track and Accessories

The track is constructed entirely of 2X tin. Perfect insulated third rail, guaranteed to
carry much higher voltage than necessary. Pin terminals at ends of each section make
it possible to use curved sections for either right or left hand curves. Connecting ties
(which slide over end ties of track) hold sections rigidly together. One section of track
fitted with battery connections supplied with every outfit.
Style C 16 Track ( 16Y2 inches long) per section 20 cents
Style S 14 Track ( 14 inches long) per section 20 cents
Style .AS Track ( V% inches long) per section 15 cents

Automatic Reversing Trips

The spring engages with the lever of the re- DID
versing controller as the car strikes it and
sends it in the opposite direction. In places
where continuous track is not possible or
desired, our cars are the only ones made that _
do not have to be reversed by hand.
No. 62 Price, per pair... 50 cents No. 62

No. 20 Crossing. Measures 12 inches square. Enables
formation of figure 8 loop. Solidly built—permanent elec-
trical connections. Price complete 90 cents

No. 23 Bumper. Fitted with two spring plungers which
absorb shock of car. Length 14 inches—mounted on re-
movable steel frame. Is attached to track in same manner
as straight or curved sections. An invalu-
able accessory. Price, complete, 90 cents

No. 20 Crossing

No. 22 Switch. Right and left. Sound me-
chanical construction—perfectly insulated—
permanent electrical connections. Lever >
which operates rails correctly, sets signals
and locks mechanism. Signals are red and
white enameled. Connects with track in
same manner as curved or straight sections. fIr
Length 16% inches.
Price, each $1.80 No. 22 Switch

Reversible High-speed Electric Train

A finely finished electric railway consisting of our eiectric locomotive with a real electric
headlight, tender, two passenger cars and eight feet of No. 00 gauge third- rail track.


The motor is connected to the wheels by means of coge and will run on an extremely small
amount of current, only one or two dry cells being required. The train can be reversed by
a turn of a switch. The track is in sections and when put together forms a circle. Care-
fully packed in a strong box. Weight packed, 5 lbs.
No. 360 Electric railway, complete $2.49

Reversible Electric Trolley

A finely finished electric trolley

car which will run nicely on two
dry cells. The outfit consists of
one trolley and six feet of No.
00 gauge third- rail track, neatly
packed in a cardboard box. The
ir_em track is in sections and forma a
circle when put together. The
trolley may be reversed and made
to run in either direction with a
switch. Carefully packed in a
strong box.
No. 365 Electric Trolley
with track $2.20
Weight packed, 3 lbs.

Electric Trolley
This trolley is larger than the No. 365
The car is nicely finished in colors. The
motor is of the permanent magnet type
and will run on a very small amount of —
current. The car will run in either direc-
A set includes eight feet of No. 0
gauge third- rail track and one trolley
with a headlight. Length of car 8 inches. . ,
No. 366 Electric Trolley and track $3.30

Shipping weight, 5 lbs. A4



Prsetleal Plans for Electrical Toys and Apparatus, with an Explanation
of the Principles of Everyday Electricity.
Author of " Wireless
Telegraph Construction for Amateurs" and "Wireless Telegraphy
and Telephony," etc.
NYIth full- page Illustrations and 324 Working Drawings and Diagram.
by the author. /Iwo., Cloth, Net Price, 12.00.
This is the age of electricity. The most fascinating of all
books for a hoy must therefore be one dealing with the
mystery of this ancient force and modern wonder, even a
mere list of whose services is impossible. The best qualified
of experts to instruct boys, Alfred P. Morgan, has in a book
far superior to any other of its kind told not only how to
make all kinds of motors, telegraphs, telephones, batteries,
etc., and to do so economically, but has explained the prin-
ciples upon which these depend for operation, and how the
same thing is done in the every- day world. So well pre-
sented and so attractive is this really great book that it will
be an education for any bright boy to have it, as well as
the best kind of a moral safeguard, by leaving no time or
thought for evil, and a means of future benefit beyond the
power of any one to reckon. Glancing over the pages of
this book, one cannot but be impressed by the excellent
illustrations, clearness of expression and the large number
of subjects that are covered. It is beyond doubt the best
book in this line that has ever been written or published.
I is a book that will delight every boy who has a leaning towards electrical experiments.
The author writes in a clear and chatty style and while he has a thorough technical know-
ledge of his subject he has succeeded in treating it in a simple manner so that it is
readily intelligible to his young readers.

Among the Chapter Headings and Contents are,

Magnets and Magnetism—Static Electricity—Static Electric Machines—Cells and Batteries—
Electro -Magnetism and Magnetic Induction— Electrical Units—Electrical Appurtenances—
Electrical Measuring Instruments—Bells, Alarms and Annunciators— Electric Telegraphs—
Microphones and Telephones—Induction Coils—Transformers—Wireless Telegraphy—Wire-
less Telephony— Electric Motors—Dynamos--An Electric Railway—Miniature Lighting—
Miscellaneous Electrical Apparatus.


"Even a casual glance through the many pages of the book does not fail to emphasize the
fact that Mr. Alfred P. Morgan has indeed succeeded well in giving the juvenile elec-
tricians s work that has long been sought."—Popular Electricity.
"We have no hesitation in commending the book to the attention of the juvenile audience
for which it is intended."—Boston Post.
"A great book for enterprising boys. Bright boys will highly appreciate it and feel like
thanking the wideawake publishers for putting such a reliable and interesting work in the
field."—New Haven Journal.
"The book covers the subject of electricity thoroughly in all its phases and is a splendid
acquisition to any boy's library."—Detroit Times.
"In this age of electricity a book like the present one is both fascinating and valuable
especially to boys. The book is attractive with its many illustrations and will prove of
much educational value for any bright boy."—Zion's Herald.
"This is an admirably complete and explicit handbook for young boys who fall under the
spell of tinkering with electrical apparatus."—Boston Transcript.
"Well presented and attractive this book will be a source of great benefit and delight
for any bright boy."—New Orleans TImes-Picayune.
Price, $2.00, Postpaid

Build Your own Wireless Instruments

Complete I p-to-the-Itlintate A uthentic Practical


By Alfred Powell Morgan
220 Pages 163 Illustrations

Price $ 1.50 postpaid

Handsomely bound in silk cloth

THOROUGHLY up to date and un-

usually complete. Gives in minute detail,
full directions for constructing wireless
apparatus and various outfits capable of
receiving from 100 to 1,500 miles and
transmitting 3to 100 miles. Also clearly
explains the purpose and action of each
instrument. Directions for Operating and Adjusting, etc.



L—Introduetion. 11.—The Apparatus. I11.—Aerials and Earth Connections.
IV .— Ind act ion Coils. 1..—Interrupters. V L—Transformers. VIL—Oscillat ion
Comiensers and Leyden Jars. VIII.—Spark Gaps or Oscillators. IX.—Trans-
mining Helixes. X.— Keys. XL—Aerial Switches and Anchor Gaps. XII.—
not Wire Ammeter. XIII.—Oseillation Detectors. XIV.— Tuning Coils and
Tuning Transformers. XV.— Receiving Condensers. XVI.— Telephone Receivers
and Headbands. XVII — Operation.


The value if this book has been greatly increased by the addition of much
nc.w subject matter und many illustrations of recent interest.
The new ti-\ t explatns fully how to build the most recent forms of Quenched
Gull:. Rotary ( laps. Dough- Nut Tuners. Kick- back Preventers, Amnon Detectors
and numerous tither instruments. accompanied by dimensioned working draw-
ings. Several very interesting and instructive photographs have been included.

h you are interested in Wireless you need this hook


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This is undoubtedly one of the most

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The book treats the subject from an en-
tirely new standpoint. Several very novel and original ideas
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It is abook which the wireless experimenter cannot afford
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Among the contents are: Introductory. Wireless Transmission and recep-
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Transformers. Condensers. Helixes. Spark Gaps. Anchor Gaps. Aerial
Switches, Etc. The Receiving Apparatus. Detectors, etc. Tuning Coils and
Loose Couplers. Variable Condensers. Tuning and Coupling. Directive Wave
Telegraphy. The Dignity of Wireless. Its applications and service. Wireless
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Price, 25 Cents, Postpaid

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Alt the Abbreviations used so constantly by the wireless operator to save
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And last but not least
Over 100 large hook-ups of wiring diagrams fully illustrated lit a concise
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If you are a Beginner, this is the book you ought to have.
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If you are interested in Model Aeroplaning, this book will
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UR new book contains asystematic elementary course in the
principles of Wireless Telegraphy and the electrical laws
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tical information than any other book of its kind.
If you own aWireless Outfit it will
give you a thorough grounding in
the principles and care of each in-
strument and will enable you to
greatly improve the efficiency of
your apparatus.
If you intend purchasing or operat-
ing wireless telegraph apparatus
you could not desire a more com-
plete or concise explanation of
matters it is essential to understand.
If you are a layman the book will
prove valuable and interesting. It
is something that you can well afford
to read for it will give you aclear
Price 25 Cents conception of one of the greatest
POSTPAID wonders of the age.
The book is divided into thirty lessons, each lesson dealing with a separate
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and diagrams each being carefully keyed so that parts may be readily discerned.
It not alone describes the actual workings and construction of the instruments
that go to make up awireless station in sufficient detail to prove of great value to
the experienced student but treats the subject in such a manner that even the be-
ginner will have no trouble to clearly grasp the matter.
Among the lists of contents may be mentioned acareful discussion and expla-
nation of such subjects as the " why and the wherefore" of Magnetism, Magnetic
Induction, Primary Cells, Storage Batteries, the Dynamo, the Alternator, the
Motor Generator, the Induction Coil, the Transformer, the Condenser,Volts, Amperes,
Watts, Coulombs, Ohm's Law, Electric Waves, the Ether, Oscillations. the Aerial,
Spark Gaps. Quenched Gaps, Rotary Gaps, Helixes, Coupling, Tuning, Detectors,
Tuning Coils, Loose Couplers, Variometers, Condensers, Hot Wire Ammeters,
Circuits and Diagrams, etc., etc., etc.
Each subject is discussed in detail and in all its branches. For instance, the lesson
dealing with aerials describes vertical aerials, pyramid aerials, flat top aerials, urn-
brella aerials, loop aerials, etc., and peculiarities or advantages. The lesson on detectors
deals with Electrolytic, Perikon, Silicon, Pyron, Carborundum, Magnetic. and Audion
Detectors etc. The lesson on the theory and arrangement of circuits will be found invaluable.

The Operation
of Wireless Telegraph Apparatus.
Uy A. IL Cole
0 your Wireless friends come
to you for advice on con-
structing and operating their
apparatus or do you go to them
for information.
Here is a chance for YOU
to become the authority.
This book is anecessity to every
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It shows how to obtain the very

highest efficiency from any sta-
tion, and how to comply with the
law. flow to tune, adjusi your
Price, 25 Cents, Postpa d
detector, spark gap, phones etc.

This book was written for the wireless experimenter who

has passed the amateur stage, but explains how the beginner
also can obtain the very best results from his station. It con-
tains much useful information to this end and many "kinks."
IT SHOWS HOW to receive or send on long or short
wave lengths with highest efficiency, to tune for longest dis-
tance reception of messages, to use the buzzer test, how to
test and connect condensers, receivers, etc. how to use
receiving transformers, variometers, etc., all with highest
efficient:I , in view.
IT ALSO DESCRIBES the construction and use of asim-
ple, inexpensive wave meter to tune the station to any desired
wave length, and tells how to obtain a sharp wave and a
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EXTRACTS FROM THE LAW are also given in such
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If you want to get the best results from your station
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Wireless Construction and Installation for Beginners


A Practical Handbook giving de-

d9'eys eScievcgs Ar? tailed instructions for the Construc-
tion and Operation of a Boy's

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Only 25c. Prepaid.
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LletA LLA perimenter. It not alone shows how to build the

various instruments but describes their actual
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PRICE Written in a very clear and simple style, the
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described in the book have been the subject of
considerable experimental work and special study.
They are modeled along simple lines so that they
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at the same time combine features which make
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LE IMORGAN transmitting messages greater distances than
some more complicated apparatus.
There are no old or obsolete forms of wireless apparatus discussed, but only the latest
types of tuning coils, receiving transformers, fixed condensers, keys, spark coils, detectors,
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The pages on the construction and installation of aerials will be found to be of considerable
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The practical and helpful information on this subject is alone worth several times the
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Chapter I.—WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY. An intensely interesting subject; amateur wireless
telegraphy; the purpose of the aerial and ground; the apparatus used to send messages;
the apparatus used to receive messages.
Chapter II.—AERIALS AND GROUNDS. Where to put up the aerial; types of aerials;
the "T" aerial; the masts; the wire; insulators; leading in the wires; the ground.
CEIVING OUTFIT. The tuning coil; the tube; the sliders; the fixed condenser; the
detector parts; assembling the set; connecting the instruments; operation.
CONDENSER. The base; the primary; the secondary; the pillar; the switch; How to
make the Simplex cat whisker detector; How to make the Simplex fixed condenser; How
to connect the apparatus; How to tune with the loose coupler; How to adjust the detector.
Chapter VI.—HOW TO BUILD THE SIMPLEX SPARK COIL The core; the secondary;
the condenser; the coil heads; the base; the interrupter parts; the bridge.
and operate a complete wireless station; How to operate; the code, etc.


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2 Light 0/s H.P.) Dynamo or Motor 4.75
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The A B C of Wireless Telegraphy

This book is not intended for technical men, wishing an elaborate and careful study of the
subject, but is a clear and simple explanation of the phenomena of radiation as applied
to telegraphy and telephony. Some explanation of the theory is included; although not
to a large extent, for several reasons. The electrical student wants something on the
theory in order to make the effects comprehensive; but he cares far more for the
effects than for a long explanation of reasons given by theorists for their occurrence.
This was Mr. Trevert's idea in writing this book, and its success is attested by the fact
that three editions have already been demanded and another is now in process of
preparation. Price, Cloth, $1.00

Storage Batteries. Their Theory, Construction and Use.

By A. E. W ATSON, Ph.D., E.E.
A new edition of a book that has proved its value to students and electricians. Contains
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writes from practical experience extending over many years, and only those matters have
been emphasized which are of permanent value. To record only the essentials, and leave
out the accidentals, is a requirement hard to comply with, but we believe this result has
been attained in an unusual way in this book. The author is Professor of Electrical
Engineering in Brown University, and has made a popular reputation for clearness in his
many untechnically written electrical books. Revised edition. Price, Cloth, $1.50 post-paid

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A popular account of the various kinds of electrical apparatus.
Price, Cloth, 50c. Paper, 25c.

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Gives complete rules and tables, with numerous examples. The
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detail than has been attempted in previous books of this
character, and the design of dynamos has been treated in ac-
cordance with the latest and best practice of electrical engineers.
New Edition. Price, Cloth, $1.00

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This book contains complete directions and working drawings
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It describes numerous interesting experiments with high voltages,
and has a chapter on batteries suitable for such work.
Price, Cloth, 500.

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Fully illustrated. General directions, dimensions, with chart
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Price, Cloth, 750.

Electrical Handicraft
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electrical apparatus, including various devices and outfits for experimental purposes.
By THOMAS M. Si. JOHN, Met. E.
The book contains 252 pages and over 250 original drawings and diagrams.
Size 5 x 754 inches. Bound in substantial cloth. Price, $1.00
CONTENTS IN BRIEF: Chapter I. Making Permanent Magnets. II. Magnetic Needles
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Handling Wood. VI. Binding Posts and Connecting Devices. VII. Switches, Contact-
points and Cut-outs. VIII. Push- buttons and Strap Keys. IX. Cores., Yokes and Arma-
tures. X. Machines for Winding Electro -magnets. XI. Solenoids and Electro - magnets.
XII. Horseshoe Electro -magnets. XIII. Apparatus for Measuring Resistances. XIV. Resis-
tance- boxes and Rheostats. XV. Current- reversers and Pole-changing Switches. XVI.
Small Electric Light Outfits. XVII. Small Condensers. XVIII. A " Handicraft" Work-
room. XIX. Miscellaneous Operations. XX. Tools and Supplies. Index.


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Simple Scientific Experiments

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Electric Lighting for Amateurs

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A practical guide to the installation of light on a small scale, describing the construction
of lamps, lamp- holders, switches, batteries, etc., etc.

The Study of Electricity for Beginners Stunt Lt.r.Gnata

88 Pages, 64 Illustrations raa OrleeffIll

How to make a battery cell and galvanometer. Experimental demon-

stration of some electrical laws. I. Generation of electricity. Cur- BOWL.% • •C1•01.011•11.
rent flow- conductors, etc. II. Resistance. Conductivity. How to
compute areas, etc. Ill. The Voltaic cell. Polarization. Leclanche
cell, etc. IV. Experiments in magnetism. Lines of force. The
compass etc. V. Whirls around wire. Ind«.
tion. The induction coil, etc. Appendix.
The C. G. S. system. Definitions of units.
DRY DATTLRIE.S. Magnetic properties. Prefixes used with units.

Dry Batteries
59 Pages, 30 Illustrations
I. Toole needed. The form. Holding form while working, etc.
II. Lining cell with absorbent material. The positive pole; how
made. Carbon sizes, flat or round form, etc. Ill. Chemicals. Car-
bon powder; how made or procured. Manganese, etc. IV. As-
sembling cell. Charging with mixture, etc. V. Finishing cells.
Painting, etc.

Modern Primary Batteries MODERN

105 Pages, 56 Illustrations Psimmtv DATUMS
Introduction, a digest of electrical laws applied to battery work.
I. Cells for intermittent use. Carbon•zinc alkaline cells. Earth
cells, etc. II. Acid cells, Smee, Grove, Bunsen, Bichromate, Grenet,
Fuller, etc. III. Copper sulphate cells, Daniel, Grevity, Thompson,
Semi- dry, etc. IV. Miscellaneous cells, copper oxide, Lelande, Glad-
stone, Gordon, Nungesser, Bennett, Harrison, etc. V. The selection
and care of batteries. VI. Practical notes, materials, switches, etc.

Eissiric Gas Igniting Electric Gas Igniting Apparatus

101 Pages, 57 Illustrations
I. Introductory remarks. Introduction; means of producing sparks;
induction, etc. II. Multiple gas lighting. Application of induction
coils to gas- lighting. Forms of burners used, etc. III. Connections
and wiring. How to connect up apparatus.

- Wiring a house, etc.
safety devices.
duction coil.
IV. Primary coils and
How to make a simple in-
Automatic cut-outs, etc. V.
Lighting of large buildings. Series or jump
spark system. Burners used, etc. VI. How
to select batteries. Electrical rules, etc.

Simple Experiments in Static Electricity

72 Pages, 51 Illustrations
I. Production of electricity by various means: Friction, heat, pres-
sure and chemical action, etc. Il. Electrical attraction, repulsion
and distribution. III. Induction. IV. Leyden Jars and other con-
densers. V. Mechanical, chemical and heating effects. VI. Luminous
effects. VII. Miscellaneous experiments.

Electric Circuits and Diagrams

PART I. 72 Pages. 217 Illustrations ELECTRICAL'
Being a selection of original up-to-date and CIRCUITS AND DIAIIIMS
Circuits-dDiagrams practical diagrams for installing annunciators,
...,„ •••
alarms, bells, electric gas lighting, telephones,
electric power- light and wiring circuits, in- —
duction coils, gas engine igniters, dynamos
and motors, armature windings, &c., &c.

PART II. 80 Pages, 78 Illustrations

Including diagram for the following:
A. C. Generators, Synchronizers, Switchboard
Instruments, Transformers, A. C. Motors, ii
Switch Control of Lamps, Storage Battery, rt— - 3
Motor Starters, Motor Speed Control, Outdoor
Lighting, Series D. C. Arc Circuits, 3 Wire
Generators, Single-phase Motors, &c.

Magnets and Magnetism

94 Pages, 49 Illustrations
I. The theory of magnets. Magnetic lines of force. Attraction and re-
pulsion, etc. II. Permanent magnets, Natural Magnets or lodestone.
Artificial permanent magnets, etc. Ill. Electro magnets. Various shapes
of electro magnets. The magnetic strength of magnets, etc. IV. Sole-
noids. Purposes for which Solenoids are required. Peculiar property
of a Solenoid, etc. V. Experiments with magnets. To make a Magneto-
scope. Magnetising various kinds of steel and iron, etc.

Small Electrical Measuring Instruments

90 Pages, 69 Illustrations
Small I. Instruments for testing the presence of an electric current;
Electrical Measuring detectors, galvanometers. II. Instruments for measuring the pres-
sure or quality of an electric current; amperemeters, voltmeters.
Instruments III. Instruments for measuring electrical resistance; Wheatstone
bridge. IV. Instruments for measuring static electricity. V. Practical
details of construction. VI. The principles upon which electrical
measuring instruments work. VII. and VIII. How to choose and use
electrical measuring instruments.

Woodwork Joints
101 Pages, 178 Illustrations
I. Mortise and Tenon Joints. II. " Lap" Joint. Woodwork Joints
III. Dovetail Joints. IV. " Glue" Joints. ...lorer.uemeael.ugenela
V. Scarfing Joints and Joints for Lengthening
Timbers. VI. Circular work.
txrctelar Member\

How to Build aBiplane Glider

60 Pages, 31 Illustrations
I. The framework. Assembling and finishing
the wood. II. Covering the planes. Laying
on the fabric and fastening it. II. Trussing.
Fastening the tie rods and truing the glider.
IV. Gliding flight. Instructions and precau-
tions. V. Remarks.

Modern Vaudeville Theatres

90 Pages, 31 Illustrations
I. The construction of a model theatre. The proscenium. Framework and stage. Drops
and borders, curtains. Sliders. Scenery. Lighting of stage. II. Marionettes. Trans-
formation plays. Destroying a city. Smoke effects. Water and wave machines. Lightning
effects. Thunder. Fire and smoke machines, etc. III. Illusions. Preparation of stage.
The magic egg. Galatea. Miscellaneous illusions. IV. Punch and Judy. The boxing
match. Black art. Stereopticon or magic lantern act. V. Machines for opaque pictures.
Method of construction. The lens. Illumination. General operation.

Alternating Alternating Currents

90 Pages, 33 Illustrations
I. What an alternating current is. II. How alternating currents are
produced. III. How alternating currents are measured. IV. Trans-
formers and choking coils. V. Alternating current motors. VI. Rotary
converters. VII. Rectifiers.

7 ye. ge..1
Making Wireless Outfits Making
61 Pages, 27 Illustrations Wireless Outfits
I How the waves are made. How the waves
are received. Antenne or aerials to catch
the waves, etc. II. Marconi's coherer. The coherer mixture of
metals. The spark coil or transmitter, etc. Ill. Metal towers.
Ground connections and antenne connections. Use of gas pipes for
ground, etc. IV. Power required for long
distance wireless telegraphy. Dimensions of
coils for different spark lengths. The tele-
graphic codes, etc. Table I. Heights for
antennte, with distances between stations.
Table II. Brass knobs 8/10 inches in di-
ameter. Table III. Dimensions for different
spark lengths.

Wireless Telephone Construction

74 Pages, 43 Illustrations
1. What is wireless telephony. Ether waves are silent. Importance
o the wave train, etc. II. Frequency and radiation. The trans-
mitting station. Parts of the transmitting station, etc. Ill. The
active length of the arc. How radiation is increased. Current and
volts required by the arc. Producing the waves, etc. IV. The
electrolytic detector. Sectioning of a coil. The tuning coil, etc.
V. Setting up the electrolytic detector. Failures to be met with.
The Collins wireless telephone, etc.

Telegraphy for Beginners

63 Pages, 19 Illustrations
I. Introductory remarks and practical advice. IL The Morse Alphabet and other characters.
III. Signals and abbreviations. IV. Sporting events and market report in tabulated form.
V. The student's outfit and practical circuit. VI. Adjustment of sounder and key. ( This
book is used in the W. U. T. Co. Schools.)

Simple Photographic Experiments

By T. T. BAKER. 68 Pages, 14 Illustrations.
A series of instructive experiments in Practical Photography.

Small Accumulators

80 Pages, 40 Illustrations
I. The theory of the accumulator. II. How to make a four- volt
pocket accumulator. Ill. How to make a twelve- volt accumulator.
IV. Types of small accumulators. V. How to charge and use ac-
cumulators. VI. Applications of small accumulators. Useful
receipts. Glossary of technical terms.


Me. to auti .00 4.19 . 10.01
75 Pages, 35 Illustrations
I. The principles of electrical induction. II. Practical hints on the
construction of induction coils. Ill. How to make a powerful
shocking coil. IV. How to make a Va-inch sparking coil. V. The
construction of a 4- inch sparking coil. VI. How to increase the
efficiency of sparking coils. VII. Particulars of coils for various
lengths of spark. VIII. Experiments with the induction coil.
Table I. Approximate specifications for spark coils. Table II. Wire
gauges compared in decimal parts of an inch.

Experimenting with Induction Coils
73 Pages, 26 Illustrations
NDUGTION COILS. Introduction. The kind of coil available. I. The handling of a
Ruhmkorff coil. The Ruhmkorff coil. Dtscharges. Battery for the
coil, etc. II. Experiments with sparks Increasing the spark length.
Disruptive effects. Polarity of terminals, etc. III. Effects in the
vacuum. Florescence. Vacuum tests. Geissler tubes, etc. IV. In-
duction and wireless telegraphy. Hertz induction apparatus. Reson-
ator. Spiral induction coil, etc.

The Wimshurst Machine

112 Pages, 30 Illustrations
I. The Wimshurst Machine— Introductory, II. Static electricity.
I . The electrophorus. IV. The electroscope. V. Condensers.
V . The Leyden Jar. VII. The parts of a Wimshurst Machine and
their use. VIII. Making and management of Wimshurst Machines.
IX. Some examples of Wimshurst Machines. X. A large Wimshurst
Machine. Xl. A Wimshurst Machine for X- Ray work. XII. Ex-
periments, etc.

Windmills and Wind Motors

83 Pages, 76 Ilustrations
I. Windmill evolution. Ancient post- mill. Tower mill, etc. IL A
model working windmill. Tower mill type. Fixed sails without
tail regulator. Ill. American type windmill, sails 3 feet diameter.
IV. A working windmill, sails 6 feet diameter. Automatically re-
versing sail type. V. A working windmill, sails 10 feet diameter.
VI. Production of electricity by wind power. Diagram of connections
for a wind- driven electrical installation. Table of wind pressures
and velocities. Detail drawings.

A. B. C. of the Steam Engine

Thirty pages of descriptive matter and six folding plates
I. Longitudinal section through cylinder, and top view of high speed horizontal steam
engine. II. Side elevation of high speed horizontal steam engine. Ill. Detail drawing of
connecting rod and piston of high speed horizontal steam engine. IV. Detail of piston
valve; eccentric strap and rod, etc. V. Detail of crosshead, crosshead slipper, etc.
VI. Detail of centrifugal automatic governor.
.0 20
Steam Engine Design
102 Pages, 34 Illustrations
DESIGN L Various types. Speed of model engines. II. Power calculations.
• Materials. Ill. Feed pumps. IV. Compound engines. V. The valve
diagram. VI. Engine layout. Patterns. Original table. and data.

Inventions rm. • 0 IY•


108 Pages and I Plate
I. The natural rights of invention and the
public. II. The business of inventing. Ill.
The nature of a patent and patentability. Psonci Sol Aso Nor Tu.

IV. The considerations for which a patent is granted. Novelty and

full disclosure. V. Sole and joint invention and joint ownership.
VI. Protection before applying for a patent. Caveats. VII. The
application for patent and its preparation. VIII. Patent Office pro-
cedure. IX. Transfer of patent rights.
• ••••11.11

Simple Soldering
BOTH HARD AND SOFT 82 Pages, 52 Illustrations
I. Soldering. The uniting of metals. Soft soldering. The flux. Hard soldering or
brazing. II. Soft soldering. Heating the work. Flux for soldering, etc. III. Methods
of holding work. Wiring work. Special holders, etc. IV. Hard soldering or brazing.
Silver solder. Soldering copper„ etc. V. Cleaning up work. Polishing. Scraping down.
Honing, etc. VI. Standard apparatus. The blow- pipe. Foot bellows, etc. VII. Home-
made apparatus. A simple Bunsen burner. A simple blow- pipe, etc.

Wiring Houses for Electric Light

93 Pages, 42 Illustrations
I. Introduction. Lamp holders. The circuit defined. II. Planning
the wiring. The plan to be followed. Material needed, etc. III.
Completing the installation. The service switch and its installation.
Switch box, etc. IV. Installing the lights. The outlet wires.
Rosettes, fixtures, etc. V. Other methods of wiring. Open or
cleat work. Wiring in wooden moulding, etc. VI. Materials and
notes. Estimating the material required. Loom, knobs, split knobs,
screws and nails, etc. VII. Notes on Underwriters' rules. Open-
work in dry places. Openwork in damp places, etc.

Simple Electrical Working Models

By PERCIVAL MARSHALL. 69 Pages, 43 Illustrations.
Showing the construction of electrical toys and novelties, easily constructed with a few
tools from simple materials.

Telephones and Microphones

By PERCIVAL M ARSHALL. 80 Pages, 33 Illustrations.
A practical handbook on their construction and use. Including testing, faults and
their remedies.

Electric Bells, Annunciators and Alarms note re " TAU

95 Pages, 70 Illustrations ficEeriete

Introduction. The principle of an electric bell. I. The Leclanche ANNurventrows.
cell. Polarisation, etc. II. The single stroke bell. The shunt bell, »NO

etc. Ill. Bell wires. Joints, etc. IV. Fire alarms. Thermostats,
etc. V. The annunciator drop. The needle drop, etc.

The Magneto Telephone

86 Pages, 23 Illustrations
I. Introductory. II. Construction, III. Lines. Indoor lines. IV. Sig-
nalling apparatus. V. Batteries. Open circuit batteries. Closed
circuit batteries. VI. Practical operations. How to test the line.
VII. Battery telephone. Three instruments on one line. VIII. General remarks. Index.

Low Voltage Electric Lighting

LOW your gm
Cuerna Lounne 92 Pages, 23 Illustrations

I. Introduction. The advantages of the isolated plant. The unit of
electrical power, etc. II. The storage battery. Choice of a battery.
Simple storage battery, etc. III. Estimating the installation. The
number of lights needed. Locating the lights, etc. IV. The electric
plant. The electric plant in general. The generator, etc. V. Some
typical plants. Descriptions of outfits. Schug lighting outfit, etc.
VI. Installation and operation. The battery. The electrolyte, etc.

Model Steam Turbines

85 Pages, 74 Illustrations
„Steam Turbines
A practical handbook for model makers. Contents of chapters.
I. General consideration. II. Pressure developed by an impinging
jet; velocity and flow of steam through orifices. III. Method of
designing a steam turbine. IV. Complete designs for DeLaval Steam
Turbines; method of making vanes; shrouding. V. The theory of
multiple stage turbines. With detail drawings and tables.

Gas and Oil Engines

GAS and Olt
01•10 1•11.-.11R0
88 Pages, 54 Illustrations
A practical handbook for engine attendants.
Contents of chapters: Preface. I. Introduc-
tory. II. The component parts of an engine.
Small Dynam ols

Ill. How a gas engine works. IV. Governing. and Motors

V. Cams and valve settings. VI. Oil Engines.
ree a

Small Dynamos and Motors

A practical handbook, by F. E. POWELL. 76 Pages, Fully Illustrated
Contents of chapters: I. General considerations. II. Field magnets.
III. Armatures. IV. Commutators and other details. V. Tables of
windings. VI. How to build a small machine. VII. Useful data. L .
VIII. Testing and repairing.

Small Electric Motors

By F. E. POWELL. 75 Pages, 48 Illustrations.
Contents of chapters: I. Some points in the design of electric
motors. II. Examples of small motors to be worked by battery Electric Motors
power. III. A model four- pole electro motor. 4. Motors for use

InOW to »I«, AND 11.

on electric lighting circuits. V. Applications of small motors and

r the power required for certain work. VI.

Starting and speed controlling switches; fuses.
VII. Reversing switches for model motor;
itlechanical Drawing gearing, with tables of windings.
SaiPLY Ellin-AM»

Mechanical Drawing Simply

By F. E. POWELL. 78 Pages, 44 Illustrations.
The threefold object of this book is to show how drawings are
made, how to read other peoples' drawings, and how to make
practical working drawings. Contents of chapters: I. Introduction.
II. The use and care of drawing instruments. Ill. On " reading" and
setting out drawings. IV. Inking- in and finishing drawings. V. On
drawing for reproduction.

The Beginner's Guide to the Lathe

76 Pages, 75 Illustrations.
An elementary instruction hook on Turning in Wood and Metal. By PERCIVAL MARSHALL.
Specially written in plain language for the beginner and as an elementary text- book for
manual training schools. Contents of chapters: I. The lathe and its parts. Il. Method of
holding and driving work. Ill. Turning in wood. IV. Turning in metal. V. The slide-
rest. VI. Drilling and boring in the lathe

Model Railways
72 Pages, 76 Illustrations.
A handbook on the choice of model locomotives and railway equipment, including designs
for rail formations and model railway signaling. By W . J. BASSETT- LOWKE.

Model Steamer Building

By PERCIVAL MARSHALL. 64 Pages, 39 Illustrations.
A practical handbook on the design and construction of model steamer hulls, deck- fittings
and other details, including a model torpedo boat destroyer and a side- wheel passenger
steamer. With laying- off tables.

Machinery for Model Steamers

By PERCIVAL MARSHALL, 64 Pages, 44 Illustrations.
A practical handbook on the design and construction of engines and boilers for model
steamers, single and double cylinder engines, side- wheel engines. The use of liquid feul
and the proportions of machinery for model boats.

Simple Mechanical Working Models

By PERCIVAL MARSHALL. 64 Pages, 34 Illustrations.
How to make the following: Water and wind motors; hot-air engines; steam engine
and pump; slide valve launch engine; model steam boats; working locomotive in card-
board; model gravitation railway, etc.

Electrical Apparatus Simffly Explained

80 Pages, 35 Illustrations.
A first-rate little book describing the principles and working of some of the electrical
appliances in general use.

Metal Working Tools and Their Uses

By PERCIVAL MARSHALL. 73 Pages, 36 Illustrations.
A handbook for young engineeers and apprentices. Shows how to use simple tools re-
quired in metal working and model making.

Model Steam Engines

By H. GREENLY. 87 Pages, 55 Illustrations.
Including examples of stationary locomotive, portable and marine engines. With different
kinds of boilers and methods of getting up steam, as well as engine design and valve
mechanisms, etc.

Model Boiler Making

By E. L. PEARCE. 86 Pages, 35 Illustrations.
A practical handbook on the Designing, Making and Testing of Small Steam Boilers.
Contents of chapters: I. General principles of boiler design, materials, shape, proportions,
strength, capacity, beating surface. II. Stationary boilers. Ill. Launch boilers. IV. Loco-
motive boilers. V. Setting out plates, spacing tubes, etc. VI. Boiler fittings. VII. Fuel,
lamps, fire- grates.

Simple Chemical Experiments

By T.T.BAKER. 72 Pages, 19 Illustrations.
A series of instructive experiments in inorganic chemistry. Contents of chapters: I. How
to fit up and equip a small chemical laboratory. II. How to fit up apparatus. III. Ele-
ments and compounds. IV. Preparation of chlorine. Ammonia, hydrochloric acid, etc.
V. Combustion. VI. How to make oxygen, hydrogen, ozone, etc. VII. Preparation of
metallic salts. VIII. Sulphur. IX. The atmosphere. X. Making chemicals.

Practical Ten Cent Books onElectrical Subjects

No. 1. How to Make a 13) namo. By EDWARD TREVERT. Full work-
ing drawings for a (1 -
1a rim which will develop about 14. horse-power.
The "Two- Light" Type. ( Castings, rough, $ 4.75.)
No. 2. How to Make a Telephone. By S. R. BOTTONE. Describes the
making of a telephone, such as an experimenter would want, with
No. 3. How to Make an Electric Motor, By EDWARD TREVERT. A
small motor such as can be made easily from material at hand.
No. 4. How to Make a Storage Battery. By A. E. WATSON. A good,
modern storage battery, easily made and efficient.
No. 5. How to Make a Wimmhurst Electric Machine. With directions for
operating, and a description of many interesting experiments.
No. 6. How to Make a Magneto Machine. By EDWARD TREVERT.
Directions for a simple magneto from materials easily obtained.
No. '7. How to Make a Medical Coll, By B. J. WHITE. A simply- made
medical coil which can be made easily by an amateur, but will be most
effective for medical use.
No. S. How to Make a Pocket Accumulator, By S. R. BOTTONE. Such
a small pocket battery as will light little 4- volt "fairy" lamps for scarf
pins or head directions.
No. 9. How to Make a Plunge Battery. By S. R. BOTTONE. Both
single fluid and double fluid cells.
No. 10. How to Make a Voltmeter. By EDWARD TREVERT. An easily-
made instrument for testing amateur apparatus.
No. 11. How to Make a Galvanometer. By EDWARD TREVERT.
Simply made and fully explained.

No. 12. How to Make a Hand Dynamo. By S. R. BOTTONE. A uni -

direction- current machine, especially useful in testing.
No. 13. How to Make a Talking Machine of Simple Construction. By C.
W. NOYES. Useful for thoroughly understanding the method of larger
No. 14. How to Make a One- Eighth Horse-Power Dynamo or Motor.
By FRANK WELLS BLAIR. A prize description of a small dynamo of
which many satisfactory examples are now In use.
No. 15. How to Make an Electric Toy Motor. By A. E. WATSON, PH.D.
A good motor for a boy.
No. 16. How to Make and lise an Electric Bell. By EDWARD TRE-
VERT. Making a bell, wiring and installing, are all described.
No. 17. How to Make n Telegraph Key and Sounder. By LEON W.
BISHOP. A new type of key, especially intended for wireless use.
No. 18. How to Wind Armatures. By A. E. WATSON. A practical
treatise for general use.
No. 19. How to Wind Field Magnets. By EDWARD TREVERT. Both
of these numbers are necessary for every dynamo builder, clear lucid
directions and drawings.
No. 20. How to Make an Ammeter. By S. R. BOTTONE. Another prac-
tical measuring instrument, such as every experimenter needs.
No. 21. How to Make a Thermostat. By R. H. BYRON. Full working
drawings of a good, practical instrument
No. 23. How to Make an Electric Soldering Iron. By CLYDE E. DOUG-
LAS. A useful tool for every experimenter, with added chapters on
power consumption, etc.
No. 24. How to Make a Smell Electric Heater. By CLYDE E. DOUG-
LAS. Full working drawings, and good directions for construction of a
small heater suitable for workshop or room.
No. 25. How to Make an Electric Furnace, and its Auxiliary Appliances.
By CLYDE E. DOUGLAS. A good practical furnace, easily made.
No. 26. How to Make a Hand-Feed Are Lamp. By RICHARD WILSON.
Working drawings and exact measurements.
No. 27. How to Make a Jump Spark Coil. By T. E. O'DONNELL. E.E.
Every wireless experimenter needs a Jump- spark coil, and this one is
easily made.
No. 28. How to Make a Rheostat. By T. E. O'DONNELL, E.E. This
Instrument will help to lit out a good working and test shop.
No. 29. How to Make n Transformer. By L MILTON. This transformer
has given universal satisfaction for all uses.
No. 30. How to Make a Condenser and a Leyden Jar, By T. E. O'DON-
NELL, E.E. Working drawings and descriptions, easy to follow and to
How to Make an Automobile. By E. T. BUSIER. A book with working
drawings, originally published at 60 cents, Price, Cloth, 10 cents.

Waterbury, Conn.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—Received my two "Amco Wonder Light" Outftts the other day and all
my friends thing they are certainly wonderful. 1 have one set up in a dark stairway and
Its just the thing I needed. Please send me your latest catalog.

Amco Binding Posts

Amco Binding Posts are manufactured by Adams- Morgan Co., in our own factory. They
will be found far superior to any of those offered in imitation. By making our own
posts on our own machinery, we are able to give you a far better article than those firms
who buy their posts. Amco Binding Posts are made of brass. They are cleanly cut, the
boles accurately bored and ha-e well fitting threads. They can be supplied either in
lacquered brass or polished nickel. Each post is furnished with a machine screw and a
washer not shown in the cuts. Poorly made binding posts will lower the efficiency and
appearance or your apparatus greatly and we
advise you to obtain the best by making cer-
tain that those posts you buy are manu-
factured by Adams- Morgan Co.

No. 1 No 2 No. 31 No. No. 25

Ea, h 12 cents Each 10 cents Each 8 cents Each 6 cents Each 8 cents

No. 26 No. 27 No. 9 No. 11 No. 3 No 4

Each 5V, cents Each 5 cens Each 6 cents Each 51/3 cents Each 5 cents Each 4 cents


I t

No. IC No. 29 No. 6 No. 30 No. 28 No. 22

Each 4 cts Each 4 cts Each 3!/, cts Each 3a cts Each 4 eta Each 6 cents


Shipping weight of any above posts, 16 or. per dozen, or one cent each in less than dozen lots

Switch Contact Points

Cl C2 C3 C4 C5
No. Cl Nickel- plated Switch Contact. The same as supplied on our Wood
Base Switches. Prim ided with two brass nuts. 8-32 thread 5 .02 .20
No. C2 Brass Contact Point. Especially adapted to be mounted on hard
materials such as hard rubber or fibre. Provided with a
round head machine screw which fits into bottom. 4-36 thread .03 .30
No. C3 Brass Contact Point. This is an excellent contact. We use it on
most of our Loose Couplers, Receiving Sets, etc . Especially
adapted to be mounted on wood. Fitted with a round headed
machine screw. 6-32 thread .04 .45
No. C4 Brass Contact Point. Has a threaded shank, 6-32 thread
Fitted with a brass nut .04 .45
No. C5 Brass Contact Point. Similar to C4 but is higher. 6-32 thread
on shank. Fitted with a brass nut .04 .45
Postage extra on any above Contacts, 4 cents per dozen

M 100 M 102 M 104


M 116 AA 118
M 112

M 114

Switch Levers, Points, Contacts, etc.

PR:CE P051
NO. M100 Switch Lever, sanie as used on wood base switches, each $ .05 .01
Per dozen .50 .04
No. M102 Switch Lever, 2,4 inches long, each .
12 .02
No. M104 Contact Points, with nuts, same as on wood base switches, each .
02 .01
Per dozen .20 .04
No. M106 Brass Pin Contacts, per 25 .06 .02
No. M108 Brass Nail Contacts, per 26 . 10 .02
No. M110 Switch Contact Point, per dozen . 12 .02
No. M112 Double Pole Blades with fibre crossbar, handle, etc . 14 .02
No. M114 Single Pole Blade with handle . 11 .02
No. M116 Hinge Post with screws .05 .01
No. M118 Contact Post with screws .05 .01

Helix Clips, Knobs, Sliders, Cups, Switches and Scales

M I6

M 2.9

M 18

1111111M IlillIlIllIllICIl

M 8
Mla MI3

M 10

M 43 M47

No. M8 Knurled Composition Knob with threaded brass shank 8-32 2 .15
No. M10Large Helix Clip to snap on round wire .35
No. MllLarge Helix Clip to snap on brass ribbon .35
No. M12Medium Helix Clip to snap on round wire .28
No. M13Medium Helix Clip to snap on brass ribbon .25
No. M14Large Composition Knob, fits 10-32 screw .20
No. M15Knurled Rubber Composition Knob, fits 12-32 screw .20
No. M16Composition Rubber Binding Post, 8-32 screw .05
No. M17
Turned Brass Cup, 1.i'à inch in diameter, with four 6-32 screws to
hold crystal .35
No. M17a Same as above, nickel plated and polished .45
No. M18 Offset Cup, set on brass rod fitted with composition rubber knob. May
be used on detectors of the Perikon type .50
No. M29 Large Knurled Composition Knob fitted with switcharm and threaded
shank for loose couplers, etc .30
No. M43 Brass Slider, fitted with Composition Rubber Knob and Phosphor Bronze
Spring. Fits 3-16 inch square brass rod .18
No. M47 Same as above to fit 4 inch square rod .25
No. M71 Large Engraved Brass Scale for Variable Condensers, etc. Figures are
in brass on black background .30
No. M72 Similar to above, 5;4 inches diameter. For Variometers, etc .45
Any above parts by mail, two cents extra

"Electrose" Parts

No. 8002 No. SOO:. No. 8007 No 8008

No. 8004 No. 8005 No. 8009 No. 8006 No. 8001
(Cuts are full size)
These knobs have the appearance and characteristics of hard rubber. They will be found
of great value to the experimenter who wishes to fit up any of his own apparatus.
No. 8001 Telegraph Knob, threaded for 8-32 screw 6 cents
No. 8002 Switch Handle, threaded for 10-32 screw 4 "
No. 8003 Switch Handle, threaded for 6-32 screw 4 "
No. 8004 Electrose Knob, threaded for 8-32 screw 4 "
No. 8005 Electrose Key Knob, threaded for 8-32 screw 3 "
No. 8006 Key Handle, threaded for 6-32 or 8-32 screws 3 "
No. 8007 Electrose Knob, threaded for 8-32 screw 6 "
No. 8008 Electrose Knob, threaded for 10-32 screw 15 "
No. 8009 Electrose Knob, threaded for 8-32 screw 3 "
Shipping weight of a single knob, 2 oz. Shipping weight of one dozen knobs, 5 or.

Miscellaneous Amco Detector Parts and Fittings

No. M1Hard Rubber Composition Base, 3 x 3 inches $ .25 1 lb.
No. M2Hard Rubber Composition Base, 4%. x 2q inches .30 1 lb.
No. M2a
Hard Rubber Composition Base, 2Va x 3%2 inches .30 1 lb.
No. M3Turned Brass Cup, diameter 1q in .25 2 oz.
No. M4Small Brass Cup with Setscrew, diameter in . 10 2 oz.
No. M6Brass Bracket, to fit M7 bushing .25 2 oz.
No. M6a
Brass Bracket, with hole drilled and tapped to lit 8-32 thread .25 2 oz.
No. M7Adjustment Bushing for Electrolytic Detectors, etc. Consists of
a slotted barrel provided with a plunger fitted with a chuck to
receive Wollaston wire or fine phosphor bronze spring wire .30 2 oz.
No. M9 Brass Bushing. Fits a 3-16 round rod. Used on Loose
Coupler Secondaries, etc .07 2 oz.
No. M10 Carbon Cup, set in • brass cup. For electrolytic detectors .12 2 oz.

Amco Name Plates



P 1-1() NE Lfflumial
We hive had so many inquiries for the small name plates attached to the Amco sets that
we have decided to list them. These name plates are original with Adams- Morgan Co.,
and lend a very handsome appearance to any wireless apparatus to which they are attached.
They are made of brass with raised letters and borders, polished and lacquered. The back-
ground is dead black. Pierced with two holes ready for attaching. We can furnish

No. M140 Name Plates, any above, 154 x ei in., postpaid 5 cents

Threaded Brass Rod

maticump uramm
Good clean cut threads. Handy in constructing apparatus
Threaded Brass Rod, 6-32, per foot
Threaded Brass Rod, 8-32, per foot
25 cents
25 cents
Threaded Brass Rod, 10-32, per foot 28 cents

Shipping weight, 4 ounces per foot

Brass Balls
Used for spark gap balls, in making Leyden jars, static ma-
chines and other instruments. Solid brass and absolutely accurate
No. BI % inch Brass Balls $ .02 $ .20
No. 82 % inch Brass Balls .03 .25
No. B3 h inch Brass Balls .03 .30
Postage 4 cents

Wire Solder
The very best grade of wire solder, suitable for
general mechanical and electrical purposes. Comes
in % and 1 lb. bundles. Price per lb... 40 cents
Postage extra

Machine Screws
Round head, iron only. Not less than one dozen of one size sold
6.32 Thread 6.32 Thread 8.32 Thread 8.32 Thread
Length Price per Gross Price per Dozen Price per Gross Price per Dozen
% in. $ .23 $ .03 $ .28 $ .03
h " .25 . 03 . 30 .03
.26 . 03 . 33 .04
.29 . 03 . 37 .04
.34 . 04 .42 .05
.38 .04 .48 .05
1 " .44 .05 . 56 .06
1% " . 68 . 07 . 68 .07
.92 .10
1" 1.24 .12
2 " 1.32 .14
2% 1.60 .18
2 " 1.88 .20
3 " 2.60 .27

Brass Hexagonal Nuts

No. 4N36 Hexagonal Brass Nuts 4-36 $ .08 $ . 38
No. 6N32 Hexagonal Brass Nuts 6-32 .10 .42
No. 8N32 Hexagonal Brass Nuts 8-32 .10 .42
No. ION32 Hexagonal Brass Nuts 10-32 .12 .53
No. 10N24 Hexagonal Brass Nuts 10-24 .12 .53
Slapping weight, 2 ounces per dozen

Brass Cap Nuts

w N
u o. aC
nNt3s2 Be
trum rans
re Nau
nts. or g n
uatsu fuj i.l
assizen.ut Uo
s sred set
r d

would look unsightly. S-32 thread only.

Price, Each 1.;/ cents, Per Dozen 15 cents
.2--/ Shipping weight, 4 ounces per dozen

Brass Rods and Tubing


Prices are per foot. Not less than one foot sold. Cut to any length over one foot.

%2 ¡ D. . 03 ....
in .
04 .... .... . 14
%2 in. .
05 .... .... ....
%6 in. .
07 . 12 .... .
25 . 16
7 in .
09 .... .... .... ....
4 in .
10 .
20 .
14 .
30 . 18
31 6 in. .
14 . 25 . 18 . 35 . 20
22 in .
18 .... .... • " •
h in. .
24 . 30 . 30
Mo in. .
25 . 40 . 35 . 25
/2 in. .
28 .... .
40 • • • • . 25

NOTICE-Postage charges are figured by weight and amount to one- quarter of the cost of
the rod or tube; for example, I foot of 3
,‘ round rod costs 24 cents, postage is 6 cts. extra.

Sets of Taps and Dies

Are practically indispensable to every experimenter
and mechanic. These tools have a worldwide repu-
tation and have proved themselves in thousands of
hands to be all that we claim for them. The work is
finished at one cut, making a screw equal to the best WITH TAP WRENCH.L
lathe work; no burr being raised above the true l'5 3 7
/6 / 33 32 4
size. Nuts and bolts threaded with these taps and
dies need not be matched and kept together. They „
always correspond. The dies are adjustable for d-e
wear so as to keep the exact size of the taps, not-
withstanding long use, and to allow nuts or bolts for
different purposes to be made to fit together tightly
or loosely as may be desired. A set of these taps
and dies offer a considerable range of sizes and No. 151
enable the experimenter to thread his own parts.
No. 150 Die Holder, Tap Wrench ( fitting in stock) and five sizes Taps, Dies
and Guides, q-40, 5/32-32, 3/16-24, 7/32-24, w-20, complete in
hardwood case $4.98
No. 161 Die Holder, Tap Wrench ( fitting in stock) and five sizes Taps, Dies
and Guides, Screw Gauge Sizes, Nos. 4-36, 6-32, 8-32, 10-24, 12-24
complete in hardwood case $4.98

Machine Screw Taps, Dies

and Twist Drills


We have listed below only the sizes commonly used is

electrical work. They are the highest grade obtainable.
DIE The taps and dies cut clean, accurate V threads.
Price of Price of
Size of Thread Price of Tap Price of Die Tap Drill Clearance Drill
2-66 . 12 . 30 . 06 . 06
4-36 . 12 . 30 . 06 . 08
6-32 . 12 . 30 . 08 . 09
8-32 . 12 . 30 . 09 . 11
10-32 - 73-0 .09 . 11
10-24 . 12 . 30 . 10 . 11
12-24 . 12 . 30 . 11 . 13
14-20 .12 .
30 .11 . 13
By mail, extra 1 cent

Tap Wrenches
/Made of the finest steel carefully
hardened and tempered.
No. 329 Adjustable T Tap Wrench,
will take machine screw taps Nos.
2-14, straight shank taps 5-64 to
54 in. 50 cents
Shipping weight, 6 ounces

No. 333 Adjustable T Tap Wrench,

will take machine screw taps Nos.
14 to 24 and hand taps 9-32 to
54 in. $1.00
Shipping weight, 12 ounces

Stocks or Die Holders

Made of the finest steel,

carefully hardened and

No. 1851 fits dies at top

of page.


No. 1850 Holding Dies Si in. Outside Diameter 40 4 oz.
No. 1851 " " 13-16 " 50 6 oz.
No. 1852 " " 1 " " .75 10 oz.
No. 1853 " " 1''s " .. 1.26 1 lb.

Amco Spark Coil Parts



Our coil parts are all completely finished ready for assembling, thus enabling the ex-
perimenter to build or repair his own coil.
Size of Spark
34 inch 1 inch 134 inch
No. M70 Polished Hardwood Coil Case 8.60 $ .75 $ .75
No. M71 Complete Primary and Core . 35 .40 .60
No. M72 Complete Secondary Winding . 80 1.60 2.85
No. M73 Condenser, including Glass Plate . 35 .40 . 65
No. M74 Thumbscrew with Platinum Point .60 . 75 .80
No. M75 Brass Bridge with Screws .20 . 20 .20
No. M76 Brass Block with Screws . 15 . 15 .15
No. M77 Vibrator Spring with Platinum Point 60 . 75 .80
No. M78 Four Binding Posts . 20 .20 .20
No. M79 Red Coil Wax for filling .20 .20 .20
No. M80 COMPLETE PARTS 3.00 4.25 6.00
Shipping weight complete parts 5 lbs. 8 lbs. 8 lbs.

Boys! Build Your Own Spark Coil with the Amco

Junior Spark Coil Parts
( o






What boy does not want to build his own spark coil. The thought of tediously winding
many thousand feet of fine hair- like wire into smooth even layers and the lack of proper
facilities to carry out some of the machine work required has deterred many from actually
making the attempt. We have solved the secret however, and the young experimenter
wishing to build his own coil can do so most economically by using the Amco Junior Spark
Coil Parts. We supply them with all the difficult work already done. No further machine
work is necessary. The secondary is wound and ready to slip on the primary. The metal
parts are all turned and threaded. The only tools required are a screwdriver and a small
drill or brace and wood hit. It is not necessary to buy any other parts in order to finish
the coil. They are all supplied and at a price that it would cost most experimenters to
buy the wire alone. Each set of parts is accompanied by an extremely well- illustrated set
of printed directions showing how to accomplish each step involved in putting the parts
together and completing the coil. The directions have been prepared by a well-known
writer and authority on such matters and you cannot possibly go wrong. It will only
require two or three hours' work to complete the coil and when it is finished you can
perform hundreds of interesting experiments as well as use the coil to send wireless
messages if you wish.
The complete set of parts consists of the wooden base, coil ende, coil tube, bridge, second-
ary ( completely wound), core, primary, complete interrupter, condenser, binding posts,
insulating tubes and all screws, etc., carefully packed in a strong box with directions.


No. M800 Complete Primary and Core Materials . 30 1 lb.
No. M801 Wooden Bridge . 05 2 oz.
No. M802 Tube . 18 4 oz.
No. M803 Complete Secondary .80 4 oz.
No. M804 Empire Cloth for Insulating Tube .10 2 oz.

No. M805 Binding Posts with Screws, each .04 2 oz.

No. M806 Complete Vibrator with Contacts .35 4 oz.
No. M807 Complete Condenser Materials .18 4 oz.
No. M809 Wooden Coil Base .35 1 lb.
No. M810 Turned Wooden Coil Heads each .15 1 lb.
No. M81.1 Complete Directions and Working Drawings .25 2 oz.
Shipping weight of the complete parts, 4 lbs.

Amco Parts for Tesla High Frequency Coil

Price, Ifii.50






The parts are all drilled, etc., so that the only tools required to complete the Tesla Coil
are a pair of pliers and a screwdriver.
No. M620 Hardwood Base .45 2 lbs.
No. M52 Secondary Tube . 30 8 oz.
No. M622 Turned Wooden End Pieces for Secondary .40 8 oz.
No. M621 Two Large Hardwood Rings for Primary . 50 18 oz.
No. M623 Six Hardwood Supports for Primary . 30 6 oz.
No. M626 Wire for Secondary . 50 16 oz.
No. M627 Conductor for Primary .35 16 oz.
No. M624 Rubber Supports for Secondary . 80 6 oz.
No. M625 Two Brass Rods and Spark Balls . 30 4 oz.
Shipping weight, 5 lbs.

Soft Iron Core Wire

No. M120 Soft Norway Iron Wire, machine cut and perfectly
straight. Thoroughly annealed. The size is No. 22
B & S Price per lb. $ . 20

No. of lbs. per Core in decimal fractions of alb.

Length of Core in Inches

Diameter of Core
8 10 12 14 16

1 inch .33 .41 .50 .58 .66
.52 .65 .78 .91 1.05
.75 .94 1.13 1.31 1.50

" 1.02 1.28 1.52 1.79 2.04

1 44
1.33 1.67 2.00 2.33 2.67
2 " 1.69 2.11 2.53 2.95 3.38

2.08 2.60 3.13 3.65 4.17

2.52 3.15 3.78 4.41 5.04
3.00 3.75 4.50 5.25 6.00

Quenched Gap Parts

M210 M 2I2
No. M210 Quenched Gap Disk, We inches in diameter, provided
with radiating fin and insulating groove. Accurately
machined from a solid brass casting. Ample spark-
ing surface. Each $ 1.00
Weight, each 1 lb.
No. M212 India Mica Ring for separator between disks . 15

Oscillation Transformer Parts

This set of complete parts will
enable any experimenter to
build one of our high grade
Oscillation Transformers with
very little labor. It is merely
necessary to stain and varnish
the woodwork and assemble the
parts in order to complete the
instrument. Each set is ac- -
companied by a large blue print
drawing with full directions,
and consists of one hardwood
base 16" x 6" x fl", two hard-
wood standards, two hardwood
hubs, four slotted cross bars,
four plain cross bars, three
dozen screws, one 18 ft. coil
heavy brass ribbon, one 30 ft.
coil secondary ribbon, one brass
tie rod and nuts, binding posts,
etc., complete.
No. M280 Oscillation
Transformer Parts... $4.00
Shipping neight, 6 lbs.

Rotary Gap Parts

M ZOO M 202 M ZO4

No. M200 High Speed Rotary Disk with electrodes around periphery. Cast
from a special alloy in order to insure light weight and efficiency.
Fully machined and faced. May be mounted on suitable hard
rubber bushing. Diameter 4> inches. Weight 6 ounces $1.50
No. M202 Hard Rubber Disk with metal bushing for mounting on motor shaft,
completely machined and finished. State size of motor shaft
Weight, à ounces 1.25
No. M204 High Speed Rotary Disk fitted to hard rubber disk and bushing ready
to place on motor shaft. State size of shaft. Weight 8 ounces 3.00
NOTE—Our latest disk has TEN Electrodes

Amco Turned Wood Spools and Rings



_ '''''''''' •••
We are offering this material for the benefit of those experimenters who wish to build
their own Variometers, Doughnut Tuning Coils, Rotary Tuners, Loading Tuners, etc. They
are turned true and smooth.

Number of Inside Dia. Outside Dia. Width Price
Grooves Inches Inches Inches
No. M1000
No. M1001
No. M1002

1 .35
111 .50

No. M1003 2 31
4 4 1 .35
No. M1004 2 21
4 3 1 .35
Shipping weight of any of above spools, 1 lb.

Special Cardboard Tubes

For winding Loose Couplers, Loading
Coils, Tuning Coils, etc.
Carefully baked and impregnated so as
to be unshrinItable. Very hard and strong.

No. M50

Diameter Length Price

No. M50 2 6-16 inches 344 inches .15
No. M25 2% " 344 " .
No. M51 2% " 6/
1 " . 18
No. M24 31
4 " 4/
1 " .15
No. M41 31
4 " 8 " .
No. M52 3,1
4 " 12 .30
No. M53 4 41
4 " .25
No. M54 4 10 .35
Shipping weight of any above, 1 lb.

Clyde, Ohio.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:- - 1 received my order and am well pleased with it.

Amco Wooden Parts.


We offer here a wide selection of wooden parts for those experimenters who wish to
build some of their own apparatus. The parts are adapted for making various types of
Loose Couplers, Tuning Coils, Loading Coils, Variometers, Condensers, Receiving Sets.,
etc. The parts are all plain, that is, they have no holes bored in them. We can furnish
them either plain, ready for staining and varnishing, or already stained dark mahogany
color and polished. The finished parta are hand rubbed and have • fine polish. All parts
are made of birch. The only sizes carried in stock are those listed below. Special sizes
can be made to order at an increased price. We are pleased to quote, but requests for
quotations must be accompanied by a dimensioned drawing showing just what is desired.
SQUARE ENDS ( Nos. 1 and 2) may be used for loose coupler primaries, tuning coils,
loading coils, etc. They can be furnished with a groove turned in them ( No. 1) or a
hole ( No. 2) to accommodate a tube.
ROUND ENDS ( Nos. 3 and 4) may be used to fit in the ends of tubes for loose coupler
secondaries, etc.
BASES ( Nos. 6 and 6) may be used for receiving sets, loose couplers, etc., or to mount
other instruments upon. No. 5 style has a fancy edge. No. 6 is plain.
BOXES ( No. 7) may be used as a case for condensers, variometers, or other apparatus.
CABINETS ( No. 8) may be used for receiving sets or to mount other instruments
in or upon.

No. 1 3% in. 3% In. % in. 2g in. dia.....22 .30 6 oz.
3u 44
/ 14
4 >6 3/
=i .25 .37 6 or.
4ei " 4 4
3 44

4 14 64
.30 . 42 6 oz.
No. 2 3% " 3TA " x 44 24 " " . 23 .32 4 oz.
3x 41 3 /
3 0 % " 3% .25 .37 4 oz.
4% " 334 " 34 " 4 . 30 .42 4 oz.
No. 3 21% in. % in. 2 in. die.. . .09 .20 2 ca.
2;4 " % 44 2 " " .... . 10 .22 2 oz.
2h " h 44 .
12 .25 2 oz.
No. 4 2ii,, " x id .15 .30 4 oz.
2% " g .. .
20 .40 4 or.
2h " 44 33i " " .....20 .40 4 oz.
No. 5 10 in. 8% in. 14 in .60 .90 3 lbs.
16 " 9x h 46 .
70 1.00 4 lbs.
14 " et 44 .
35 . 75 2 lbs.
16 " 6 44 /
3 44 .
45 .80 2 lbs.
No. 6 9 44 6 it /
4 44 .
25 .60 2 lbs.
12 " 6 14 /
3 44 .30 . 70 2 lbs.
9 id 7 44 54 .. .
33 . 75 2 lbs.
12 " 7 44 /
3 «4 .
35 .90 2 lbs.
12 " 334 " ...,.
4 .
30 . 85 2 lbs.
No. 7 7;4 in. 7% in. 434 in. 1.50 2.00 6 lbs.
754 " 6 " 1.75 2.25 6 lbs.
No. 8 16 " 11'A " 6 " 3.30 3.75 18 lbs.

Parts for Amco Receiving Outfit, Type R B





°tn.< 1•0



( SLéOLe Ro0 et•o


0.00N4 Ro3rd

This outfit is a general favorite among amateurs wishing to construct a low priced efficient
receiving set, having a range of from 200 to 600 miles. The outfit is very easy to
assemble. All parts are finished and no tools other than a gimlet and a screwdriver are
required. We supply full directions and every part including the smallest screw. The
outfit consists of a large double slide tuning coil especially adapted for long wave lengths,
a sensitive " cat- whisker" detector, a fixed condener, together with all screws, rods, binding
posts, etc., and a large hardwood base.
No. MR1310 Complete Set of Parts with full directions $4.98
Shipping weight, 7 lbs.

Parts for .Amco Receiving Outfit, Type R C


This is the most desirable set of parts that an amateur desiring to build a very sensitive
receiving outfit could possess. If you wish to receive long-distance messages this is the
outfit you ought to have. We supply everything, even the smallest screw. No tools other
than a gimlet and a screwdriver are required in order to assemble the set. The outfit
consists of a receiving transformer, " cat- whisker" detector, fixed condenser, all necessary
binding posts, screws, etc., and a large hardwood base.
No. MRC10 Complete Set of Parts with full directions $6.25
Shipping weight, 7 lbs.

Parts for Amco Receiving Outfit, Type R A




This is probably the set that most boys and beginners prefer. It is a highly efficient
outfit capable of receiving from 200 to 400 miles under ordinary conditions. It is very
easy to assemble. All parts are finished ready for assembling and no tools other than a
gimlet and a screwdriver are necessary. We supply full directions and every part including
the smallest screw. The outfit consists of a double slide tuning coil, a very sensitive
"cat- whisker" detector, a fixed condenser, together with all screws, binding posta and a
large hardwood base.
No. MRAIO Complete Set of Parts with full directions $3.80
Shipping weight, 5 lbs.


Manchester, Mass.
Adams-Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:—I was so much pleased with the Helix Knobs and the Rubber Switch
Knobs that I am going to file another order with you. I was very much pleased with the
quick delivery of my first order and hope the next one will be as prompt.
Yours truly,

Amco Parts for Simplex Receiving Set.





Here are the complete parts of our No. 2024 Simplex Receiving Outfit with all the hard
work done in our factory so that any boy can easily put them together himself. No tools
except a gimlet and screwdriver and possibly a pair of pliers are required. This is the
easiest way of making an efficient receiving set that there is. All parts and materials,
including wire, are supplied. It is unnecessary to purchase anything additional. We
furnish even the smallest screw.
No. M2024 Complete Parts and Materials for building the Simplex
Loose Coupled Receiving Set, with drawings and full directions $3.75
Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

Amco Parts for Variometer.




Here are the complete parts for building your own Variometer. They consist of a
Hardwood Case, Field Frames, Turned Wooden Ball, Scale, Knob, Shaft, Pointer, Binding
Posts, Bearings, Wire, etc., complete with a blueprint drawing.
No. M7010 Complete Parts for Variometer $6.00
Shipping weight, 8 lbs.

Amco Parts T T
for "Simplex"
Receiving Set - -

Here are the complete parts
of our No. 2020 Simplex
Receiving Set with all the 3LIOCR ROO

hard work done in our ',OCR

factory so that any boy -
can easily put them to-
gether himself. No tools
except a gimlet and screw-
driver are required. This
is the easiest way of mak-
ing an efficient receiving
set that there is. All parte
and materials, including
wire, are supplied. It is RLAO
unnecessary to purchase
anything additional.

No. M2020 Complete Parts

and Directions $2.25

Shipping weight, 5 !

Amco Parts for Precision Loading Coil

All wooden parts are drilled and smoothed. All metal parts are drilled and tapped.
When the parts are assembled they form the most efficient loading coil on the market.




M722 M722

No. M722 Two Hardwood Ends . 50 12 oz.
No. M54 Cardboard Tube . 35 10 oz.
No. M744 Brass Slider Rod . 20 8 oz.
No. M745 Brass Tie Rod . 15 6 oz.
No. M47 Slider .
25 2 oz.
No. M731 Wire for winding tube .60 12 oz.
ING POSTS, etc $2.00
Shipping weight, 6 lbs.

You Can Build Any of These Instruments

We Supply the Parts and Full Directions

Consists of all the woodwork, metal parts, wire, tubes, rods, contacts, sliders, clips binding
posts, knobs, cups, screws, etc., complete with drawings and full directions for building
any of the "Junior" Instruments. All the hard work is done in our factory. All that you
have to do is finish up and assemble. Any boy can do it. A screwdriver and a pair of
pliers are all that is required as tools. Nothing has to be purchased elsewhere, All
the parts and materials are complete.
Anyone Is now easily able to derive the pleasure and knowledge obtained by building
wireless instrumenta. By purchasing these parts you get the benefit of our knowledge and
experience. You are thereby enabled to obtain better instruments than by following your
own designs and using hap- hazard materials.
No. M580
Complete Parts and directions for building the Junior Double
Slide Tuner Receiving Set $3.00 6 lb*.
No. M585 Complete Parts and directions for building the Junior Loose
Coupled Tuner Receiving Set 4.50 8 lbs
No. M520 Complete Parts and directions for building a No. 620 junior
Loose Coupler 2.75 3 lbs.
No. M510 Complete Parts and directions for building a No. 610
Junior Tuning Coil 1.50 2 !
No. M500 Complete Parts and Directions for building a No. 500
Junior Dotector .70 6 ors.
No. M504 Complete Parts and directions for building a No. 604
Junior Detector .85 6 one.
No. M560 Complete Parts and directions for building a No. 660
Junior Helix 1.50 3 lbs.
No. M555 Complete Parts and directions for building a No. 666
Junior Oscillation Helix 3.00 6 lba.
No. M550 Complete Parts and directions for building a No. 660
Junior Spark Cap .50 8 on..

Amco Parts for Tuning Coils Nos. 7724-7726

o M 45

M44 on M44 0.

M41 on 1.152.
11 4,
) M40

These are the parts for making our standard "AMCO" Double or Three- side Tuning Coils.
All parts are drilled and machined ready for assemb log.
No. M40 Hardwood End Pieces, each .
20 6 on.
No. M41 Special Tube for Nos. 7724 and 7725 Tuners .20 6 on.
No. M52 Special Cardboard Tube for No. 7726 Tuner .30 8 oz.
No. M44 Slider Rods for Nos. 7724 and 7726 Tuners, each .20 2 oz.
No. M44a Slider Rod for No. 7726 Tuner, each .25 3 oz.
No. M43 Sliders to lit above rods, each . 18 2 on.
No. M45 Threaded Tie Rod with Nuts .15 2 on.
No. M46 Wire to wind the No. M41 Tube .35 8 oz.
No. M47 Wire to wind the No. M52 Tube .50 12 oz.
SLIDE TUNER 1.98 3 lbs.
SLIDE TUNER 2.50 3 lb*.

Amco Junior Detector

NO.4 0067 No. M500 Complete Set of finished parts
for making a No. 5)11) Junior Detector,
with blueprint 70 cents

(NO.80o4 ELECT/go. Shipping weight, 5 oz

No. M504 Complete Set of finished parts

for making a No. 504 Junior Detector
with blueprint 85 cents
NO r 40$4
Shipping weight, 6 o:.

Amco Parts for the "Simplex" Loose Coupler


NI 2028

9 iî


M2021 M2022 M 25
M 20Z2

M 519

M 2O3 P12033

All wooden parts are drilled and smoothed ready for shellacing. All metal parts are
drilled and tapped. A screwdrher and a pair of pliers are the only tools required to
complete the instrument.
No. M519 Hardwood Base .30 20 oz.
No. 102035 Two Pillow Blocks, each .15 4 or.
No. M24 Cardboard Tube for Primary .15 4 or.
No. M2021 Hardwood End for Primary' .15 2 or.
No. M2022 Two Hardwood Ends for Secondary .30 4 or.
No. 1025 Cardboard Tube for Secondary .15 4 or.
No. M2036 Wooden Pillar .15 2 oz.
No. M2030 Primary Switch Parts .15 4 oz.
No. M2029 Secondary Slider Parts .25 4 or.
194 THE Áll.1MS- .

No. M2028 Guide Rod . 12 6 o:.

No. M2031 Primary Wire .20 4 oz.
No. M2032 Secondary 'Xire .20 4 oz.
No. M2033 Four Binding Posts . 20 3 o:.
No. M2034 Blueprint Drawing with directions .25 2 oz.
No. M2060 Complete So of Parts for Simplex Loose Coupler, with all
Screws, Binding Posts, etc., and full directions $2.25 4 lbs.

Amco Parts for No. 520 Junior Loose Coupler

Complete, S:J.;7,

M 530

M +3



M 521 M 521

el 5Z 3

All wooden parts are turned and drilled but not stained. All metal parts are turned,
drilled and tapped. The only tool required to finish the coupler is a screwdriver.
No. M519 Hardwood Base . 30 13 on
No. M521 Hardwood End Pieces for Primary, per pair .45 10 on.
No. M522 Hardwood End Pieces for Secondary, per pair .25 4 on.
No. M523 Hardwood Support for Rods . 12 1 oz.
No. M25 Primary Tube . 15 4 on
No. M50 Secondary Tube . 15 4 oz.
No. M526 Five Contacts for Secondary, each .04 4 oz
No. M527 Silk covered Flexible Conductor .05 1 on.
No. M528 Two Brass Guide Rods, each . 13 2 on.
No. M529 Secondary Switch Arm, Knob and Shaft .25 4 on.
No. M530 Brass Slider Rod with Screws . 16 2 oz.
No. M43 Slider . 18 2 oz.
No. M531 Wire for Primary .25 4 on.
No. M532 Wire for Secondary . 25 4 on.
No. M534 Blueprint and Directions .25
We can supply the M520 Loose Coupler Parts with primary and secondary wound
for 60 cents extra

Amco Parts for No. 7720 Loose Coupler

Complete, $3.50

P4 90 M43

M 29

M 24

21 M 21

These are the parts for our famous No. 7720 Loose Coupler. All wooden parts are
drilled, tapped, etc., so that the only work required in order to complete the instrument
in addition to staining the woodwork is to wind on the wire and assemble. A screwdriver
and a pair of pliers are the only tools required.
No. M20 Hardwood Base, 13':, x 5 x inches .35 24 oz.
No. M21 Two Hardwood End Pieces for Primary, 314 x 331. x inches .50 S oz.
No. M22 Two Hardwood End Pieces for Secondary, and 3 in. dia .40 6 oz.
No. M23 Hardwood Support for Rods, 2 x 1'4 inches .15 2 oz.
No. M24 Cardboard Tube for Primary . 15 4 oz.
No. M25 Cardboard Tube for Secondary .15 4 oz.
No. M2f3 Six Contact Points for Secondary .24 2 oz.
No. M27 Two Bushings for Secondary .14 2 oz.
No. M28 Two Guide Rods for Seconder., with Binding Posts .30 8 oz.
No. M29 Switch Arm Knob and Shaft .30 3 oz.
No. M30 Slider Rod with Screws .15 4 oz.
No. M43 Slider .18 2 oz.
No. M31 Wire for Primary .25 5 oz.
No. M32 Wire for Secondary .30 4 oz.
No. 11 Two Binding Posts .10 2 oz.
No. M34 Blueprint of Assembly .25 2 oz.
SCREWS $3.50
Shipping weight, 4 lbs.

We can supply the M35 Loose Coupler Parts complete with Primary and Secondary wound
for 75 cents extra
196 THE An M S-MORCAM17 Cost PAI1V

Parts for No. 7721 Loose Coupler

K1 2f,

R../ 329

M 352

M 323


All wooden parts are drilled, etc., but not stained. The metal parts are all drilled, tapped,
etc., it merely being necessary to stain and varnish the woodwork, wind on the wire
and assemble.
No. M320 Hardwood Base, 15x6xet inches $ .45
No. M321 Two Hardwood End Pieces for Primary, 4y: in. square .60
No. .M322 Two Turned End Pieces for Secondary .40
No. M323 Hardwood Support for Rods . 15
No. M53 Impregnated Primary Tube .25
No. M1124 Impregnated Secondary Tube . 15
No. /11324 Eight Brass Contacts, 4 cents each . 32
No. M1127 Two Bushings for Secondary . 14
No. M11325 Two Guide Rods for Secondary with Binding Posts .40
No. M1129a Switch Arm, Knob and Stem . 30
No. M11326 Slider Rod and Slider .45
No. M11327 Wire for Primary .40
No. M11328 Silk covered wire for Secondary .45
No. PA329 Two Primary Binding Posts . 10
No. M330 Large Blueprint Drawings . 50
Shipping weight, 7 lbs.

We can supply these parts with the Primary and Secondary wound for 75 cents extra

Elizabeth, N. J.
Adams- Morgan Co., Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:- 1 received my storage battery O.K. and am well pleased with it. I would
like to have you send me some order blanks.

We carry in stock three thicknesses of T.nfoil but can supply any thickness desired
No. M130 Thin, about 1700 sq. in. to lb., for paper condensers .25 cents per lb.
No. M131. Medium, about 500 sq. in. to lb., for small leyden jar .20 cents per lb.
No. M132 Heavy, about 600 sq. in. to lb., for transmitting condensers .20 cents per lb.
Shipping weight, 2 lbs. Postage extra

Amco Parts for No. 7722 Loose Coupler.

ni at p4 466


M 335
14•2 9

M 422

M 431

M 4.23

M +20

All wooden parts are drilled, etc., but not stained. They are sandpapered ready for
staining and finishing. All metal parts are drilled and threaded. The machine work is
complete so that no tools other than a screwdriver are required.
No. M420 Hardwood Base, 15 x 6 x inches $ .45 2 lbs.
No. M421 Hardwood End Pieces for Primary . 50 S oz.
No. M422 Hardwood End Pieces for Secondary .42 4 oz.
No. M423 Hardwood Support for Rods . 15 2 o:.
No. M41.8 Top for Primary .20 8 oz.
No. M419 Front and Back for Primary .20 10 oz.
No. M4la Impregnated Primary Tube .20 4 oz.
No. M5la Impregnated Secondary Tube . 18 4 oz.
No. M426 37 Brass Contacts 1.62 8 oz.
No. M427 Two Bushings for Secondary . 14 2 oz.
No. M425 Two Guide Rods with Binding Posts . 40 S oz.
No. M417 Two Knurled Hard Rubber Knobs with Switch Levers and
Shafts for Primary . 80 g
No. M429 Switch Arm. Knob and Stem for Secondary . 30 3 oz.
No. M4 Wire for Primary .40 S oz.
No. M4 Wire for Secondary . 50 6 oz.
No. 11 Two Binding Posts for Primary .10 2 oz.
No. 434 large Blueorint Drawing . 25 2 oz.
We can supply these parts with the Primary and Secondary wound for $ 1.50 extra
198 Tu I

Junior Rotary Condenser Parts

M 300 M301

M309 M309

NI 306 M307


M305 M304 M303 M 302.

These are the parts of our famous Rotary Variable Condenser arranged so that the experi-
menter may have the pleasure of finishing his own instrument. All parts are finished and
ready for assembling.
No. M300 Fixed Aluminum Plate, 16 used; each .04 16 oz.
No. M301 Movable Aluminum Plate, 15 used; each .04 16 o:.
No. M302 Fibre Plate . 15 4 oz.
No. M303 Large Knob with Shaft and Pointer . 35 4 o:.
No. M304 Three Threaded Rods with Nuts . 18 2 o:.
No. A1305 Lacquered Brass Pointer .05 2 oz.
No. P.1306 Lathe turned Brass Separator for Movable Plates, 14 used each .01V2 2 o:.
No. A1307 Lathe turned Brass Separator for Fixed Plates, 45 used, each .01%2 2 o:.
No. 111308 Circular Wooden Top, stained and polished .35 4 oz.
No. 1
1 Circular Wooden Bottom, stained and polished .35 4 oz.
No. AI310 Drawn Brass Cylindrical Case, polished and lacquered .30 10 oz.
No. M71 Brass Seale . 30 4 o:.
No. M312 Condenser Unit with Knob, Pointer and Scale ready as-
sembled for mounting in your own case, 31 plates 2.50 2 lbs.

Earl Park, Indiana.

Adams•Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:—You will find enclosed money order for $ 1.00 for which send me one
storage cell No. 5502. I recently sent in two orders amounting to $3.50, and wish to say
that I am well pleased.

Parts for Variable Rotary Plate Condenser, No. 7730



Igo. M60 Quartered Oak Case and Cover, stained and polished, size
741 x 7 4 x 7 inches $ 1.25 3 lbs.
No. M61 16 Semi- circular Aluminum Plates, diam. 5V1 inches, drilled . 96 2lbs.
No. M62 15 Semi- circular Aluminum Plates, diam. 4,.,:: inches, drilled .90 2 lbs.
No. M63 16 '- inch Brass Separators, drilled .32 5 0.7.
No. M64 51 Íi- inch Brass Separators, drilled 1.02 8 oz.
No. M65 Four Rods ( threaded) to connect plates .20 3 o:.
No. M66 Eight Threaded Brass Nuts for Rods . 08 2 oz.
No. M67 I.arge Knurled Moulded Knob ( hard rubber) .20 4 o:.
No. M68 Brass Pointer with Bushing . 10 2 oz.
No. M69 Two Insulating Plates for Rotary Element .20 4 oz.
No. M'70 Oval Screws, Bushings, etc . 10 2 o:.
No. M7730 Complete Parts 4.75 5 lbs.

One-Quarter KW High Potential Transformer Parts

fly r

TAP( 1 11 PI

To meet the popular demand and in response to numerous requests, we

now supply parts for the construction of our famous "Gnome" High
Potential Closed Core Transformer. Each set of parts is accompanied by
blue print drawings and full directions. A complete set consists of one
hardwood case * * * with screws, one high potential secondary wind-
ing complete, one spool of magnet wire for primary, one roll of tape,
sufficient cut sheet iron for core, insulating sections, L.e, core supports,
cleats, screws and binding posts All that is necessary to finish the instru-
ment is to stain and varnish the case, wind the primary ( secondary is
already wound), and assemble the parts. By purchasing a set of these
parts you can not only save an endless amount of time and trouble but
enable yourself to build an instrument of which you will be proud.
No. M220 Complete parts for Gnome Transformer as
described, with directions $9.00

Antenna Materials
Stranded Phosphor Bronze Aerial Wire
No. 7830 An exceedingly strong wire of high conductivity. Used bv all commercial
wireless companies and the U. S. Government. Consists of 7 strands, each No. 20 B & S.
Price per foot 1..¿ cents

Premo Stranded Aerial Wire

No. 7831 A hard wire of extremely high conducti‘ity and tensile strength. Resembles
hard drawn copper. Consists of 7 strands, each No. 20 B & S.
Price per foot 1V.: cents

Stranded Copper Aerial Wire

No. 7832 A flexible wire ot exceedingb high conducti,it>. Consists of 7 strands, each
No. 20 B & S. Price per foot 14. cents
No. 7893 Composed of 7 strands No. tinned copper. Price per foot 1 cent

Aluminum Aerial Wire

Aluminum wire is muchlighter and stronger than copper but the conductivity is not
quite so great.
No. 7833 No. 14 B & S Aluminum Aerial Wire, about 250 ft. to the lb. Price per lb., 60c.
No. 7834 No. 12 B & S Aluminum Aerial Wire, about 175 ft. to the lb. Price per lb., 60c.
Shipping weight is one pound more than the weight of wire.

Antennum Wire
This is the latest wire being used for wireless
antennas. It is copper clad and is manufactured
by a special process. It is much stronger and
lighter than pure copper. It possesses great conductivity. The approximate breaking
weight of a single strand of No. 14 Antennum Wire is 330 lbs.
No. 7835 Antennum Wire, No. 14 B. S. gauge ( about 85 feet to the lb.) .... 30 cents
No. 7836 No. 12 Antennum Wire, per lb. 30 cents
Above wires in 5 lb. lots, per lb. 28 cents
No. 7837 Stranded Antennum 7 strands No. 22 B. S. gauge, per 100 ft. 75 cents
No. 7838 Stranded Antennum Wire, 4 strands No. 22 B S., per 100 ft. 45 cents
Shipping weight is one pound more than the weight of wire

Copper Aerial Wire

No. 14 B. S. Bare Copper Wire, about 7u feet in a pound. Per lb. 45 cents
Shipping weight, one pound extra

Wilmington, N. C.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
Dear Sirs:— I received my outfit last week and I am glad to say that it workv
alright, and 1 am perfectly satisfied. Will probably have some orders for you soon.
Your truly,

"Electrose" Aerial Insulators

Made of moulded " Electrose." Used by all the government and commercial stations. Pro-

vided with deep corrugations to reduce surface leakage. Heavy wrought iron rings are
imbedded in each end. These insulators will stand considerable tension and are un-

affected by ordinary degrees of heat and cold.
No. 7840 5 inch Moulded Insulator 30 cents Shipping weight, 1
No. 7842 Moulded Ball Insulator 25 cents 1.
No. 7844 10 1 /
2 inch Moulded Insulator 50 cents

Ball Antenna Insulator

This insulator is made entirely of porcelain, in one
piece, and has • triple coating of brown glaze. The
insulating value of this insulator is of the highest order
and greater than similar insulators. All the grooves
are undershot so that it " sheds water like a duck."
No. 7841 Ball Antenna Insulator $ .16
Weight, VA ounces

Junior Insulator
For small aerials, used principally for receiving, a small
but highly efficient insulator is necessary. The Junior
will be found an excellent insulator for this purpose.
Size overall,2e, in. long and 1),4 in. in diameter. Made
of brown glazed porcelain, corrugated so that the surface
area is over twice as great as if it were smooth.
No. '7843 Junior Porcelain Insulator 10 cents
No. 7843 Shipping weight, 3 lbs. per eight

"Electrose" Lead-in Insulators and Bushings

It is highly important that the wires leading into a building from the aerial be carefully
insulated. Electrose Insulators are the best in the world for this purnnse.

¡pew recenfiefree7eAret AP
7 eevie * 7,er/en

No. 6824 No. 6815 No. 6222

Length Diameter Electrical Value Sh ipping
Diameter over all of Hole Dry Test Price Weight
No. 6065 2 in. 4ei in. / in.
1 30,000 volts $ . 60 2 lbs.
No. 6204 2 " 4i's " gt " 30,000 " . 73 2 lbs.
No. 6205 2}} " 1.48
No. 6206 2 4 31-32 / "
1 50,000 " 2 lbs.

211 Va
Y2 " 61/ in.
2 / "
1 60,000 " 1.48 3 lbs.
No. 6227 2.60
No. 6222 2 "
11 "
15 " " 76,000 " 4 lbs.

2" 2
16 " / " 76,000 " 3.70 4 lbs.
4i6 " vi
No. 6824
2 " 2
/ 4.4 2
in. rod 30,000 " .90 lbs.
No. 6815 1 in. rod 60,000 " 1.85 tbs.
No. 6811 211 " 17 " / in. rod
1 75,000 " 5.10 4 lbs.

Aerial Masts
These masts are made of iron pipe in two sections,
joined by malleable iron reduction couplings. The
lower section is made of one-inch pipe ( inside), and
the upper one three-quarter inch pipe. The masts
are shipped in sections. Each mast is provided with
a mast socket with screw holes for fastening to the
roof of the building. These masts should be sup-
ported by at least three guy wires.

No. 7850 24 foot Iron Aerial M gt $4.50

No. 7851 Iron Tackle Block . 10

Detector Materials
Wollaston Wire
The best grade obtainable. For use in ci rol tic Jetectors. Heavily silver coated. Size
given is diameter of platinum core.
No. 7800 Wollaston Wire 0.0005 in. diameter Price per inch 25 cents
No. 7802 Wollaston \Xire 0.0001 in. diameter Price per inch 35 cents
13s , mail, extra 2 cents. Discount on greater lengths.

Amco Prepared Electrolyte for

Electrolytic Detector
Prepared Nitric Acid Solution. Guaranteed chemically pure and of the
proper specific gravity. Price includes rubber- stoppered bottle.
No. 7810 Electrolyte ( two ounce bottle) 15 cents
Shipping weight, 4 or.

Selected Minerals
Special selected crystals of niaNinium sensiti% ity. Pure specimens
No. 7820 Galena, per oz 15 cents
No. 7821 Iron Pyrites ( Ferron) per oz 20 cents
No. 7822 Zincite, per oz. 75 cents
No. 7823 Chalcopyrites, per oz 25 cents
No. 7824 Bornite, per oz 25 cents
No. 7825 Domeykite, per oz 30 cents
No. 7826 Nickelite, per oz 30 cents
No. 7827 Silicon, per oz 20 cents
Postage extra, per o:., 2 cents

Mineral Sets
No. 7828 A Set of Zincite and Copper Pyrites Crystals 50 cents
Shipping weight, 4 o:.

Empire Cloth
Used for insulating high tension transformers, motors, dynamos and other electrical ma-
chines. Has great mechanical strength and will wPbstand 7,500 volts without puncturing.
Only sold in pieces 1 yard wide. Any length up to 20 yards. Not less than half a yard
sold. Price, per square yard 50 cents Shipping weight per square yard, 1 lb.

Empire Paper
A cheaper substitute for Empire Cloth. Will withstand the same voltage but does not
possess as much mechanical strength. Comes 1 yard wide. Not less than 1 square yard
sold. Price, per square yard 20 cents
Shipping weight per square yard, 1 lb.

Paraffine Paper
We carry the best grade of paper, especially manufactured for electrical condensers. This
paper will withstand high voltage and may be used in any condenser subjected to same.
This size is suitable as a primary condenser of a spark coil.
Price, per sheet, 24 s 36 inches 5 cents Postage per sheet, 1 cent

Paraffine Paper in Strips

Used for making condensers, winding secondaries of spark coils and transformers, etc.
Iength of strips, 36 inches. Width in inches, 23 VA 3 4
Price per dozen 10 11 10 12 cents
Postage extra, 2 cents per dozen

Sheet Mica
For condensers mica is acknowledged to be the best dielectric. Our sheets are quite heavy
and can be safely split with a penknife. As many as ten perfect sheets can be split from
a single sheet to make condensers of an astonishing capacity.
Mica, 3 x 5 inches, per sheet 12 cents
Mica, 4 x 5 inches. per sheet 15 cents

Fibre—Vulcanized Fibre Sheeting

Best grade fibre. Cut to any dimension. For less than square foot, price is figured
per square inch. Ten per cent discount on sheets over 1%2 square feet.
Thickness Price per sq. ft. Price per sq. in. Weight per sq. ft.
-65 in. .50 . 02 10 oz.
.70 . 02 1 lb. 3
" " 1.10 . 02 2 lbs. 4 "
" 1.70 . 02 3 lbs. 7 l<
2.40 . 04 4 lbs. 8 di

Phosphor Bronze Strip

Is well known for its springy qualities. It is used in all places where a spring strip is
required, such as in detectors, tuning coil slides, mechanical movements, etc. The very
best material for flat motor and dynamo brushes, and also for spark coil vibrators, etc.
Thickness, B. & S. Gauge Width Price per foot Weight per foot
No. 34 -,-,, inch 12 cents IA oz.
No. 34 10 ›,
No. 28 el 10 . "
No. 28 i', " 12 " it

Transformer Core Iron

Cut in strips all ready for those who wish to build their own transformers. About . 015
inch thick. Comes in 24 inch lengths. Not less than 10 lbs. sold.
Weight of a Pile of
Width Length Strips one inch high Price per lb.
in. 24 in. 7 lbs. 10 cents
14.¡ in. 24 in. PA lbs. 10 cents
1N in. 24 in. 12 lbs 10 cents
If sent by mail, figure one lb. extra for weight of the wrapping

Notice: All prices on this page are subject to adiscount of 50%.

Amco Storage Battery Materials

Battery Jars

STORAGE CELL Finest quality. Very strong and sub- STANDARD

MADE B stantial. Heavily reinforced with
unnuorcula moulded projections in bottom to
raise the plates. They may also be r .

used as containers for small oil im- i,,,„...,.........«_,„

mersed condensers.
No. 5540 Glass jar, outside, 34,
4x 4 x 1;•S inches $ .30
No. 5542 Glass jar, outside, 3Y4 x 5 x 1½ i nc hes .40
Hard Rubber Jar, outside 6/15 x 334 x 1lA inches 1.00
No. 5544 1.20
No. 5546 Hard Rubber jar, outside, 6% x 61 A x 1%. inches
Shipping weight, 1 lb.

Amco Storage Battery Plates

Fully formed, with hea‘y lugs
mmtmcarnem No. 5550 Positive or Negative Plate, size 234 x 254 $ .40
epracApty) No. 5552 " 14 44 " " 3h x 234 .70
No. 5554 " " " " " 3% x 544 .90
No. 5556 " " " " " 434 xsg .80
No. 5558 " " " " " 44(t v 5*.i 1.00
Ja3r2arm. Amco Separators
Corrugated wood, chemically treated to remove all deleterious substances.
No. 5559 Wooden Separator, price per square foot $ .40
Postage per square foot .04

Concentrated Acid
Chemically pure acid for preparing electrolyte. Should be diluted by
means of water and a hydrometer before being poured into battery.
No. 5560 Price per lb $ .30
Cannot be sent by mail.

Rubberoid Battery Sealing Compound

For cementing the tops of storage cells. Sticks to hard rubber and has
a wide range of temperature without becoming brittle or softening.
No. 5545 Five pound tin of Sealing Compound, convenient for melting $3.00

The Ever Increasing Demand for AMCO STORAGE

CELLS is Sufficient Proof of their Unexcelled Quality.

Notice: All prices on this page are subject to adiscount of 50%.

Hard Rubber Sheet

Thickness Price per Post per Price per Post per

Square Foot Square Foot Square Inch Square Inch

1/32 inch $ 1.10 $0.08 $0.01 $0.01

1/16 " 1.80 . 12 .02 .01
3/32 " 2.60 . 15 .02 .01

1/8 66 3.10 .20 .02 1

/2 .01
3'16 " 4.70 .30 .04 .01
1/4 " 5.90 .35 .04% .01

5/16 " 7.20 .40 .05 .01

3/8 " 8.00 .55 .06 . 01
7/16 " 9.80 .65 .07 .01

1/2 " 11.20 .80 .08 .01

5/8 " 13.30 .90 . 09% .01
3/4 " 15.50 1.00 . 11 .01

Hard Rubber Tubing

Outside Inside Price Price

Diameter Diameter per Foot per Inch

1/8 inch 1/16 inch $0.24 $0.04

3/16 " 1/8 " .24 .04
1/4 " 1/8 " .40 . 08

5/16 " 3/16 " .50 .08

7/16 " 3/16 " .60 .10
1/2 3/16 " .so .12

5/8 " 3/16 " .90 . 14

3/4 " 1/2 " 1.00 . 16
1% " 1 " 1.60 ._24

NOTES- For less than 1/2 square foot of sheet rubber the price is
figured per square inch. For less than 54 foot of tubing, the price is
figured per inch. Hard rubber tubing is sent postpaid.

Amco Medical Coil

Medical coils are especially aJaptid to the treat-
ment of nervous affections, inflammatory diseases,
rheumatism, neuralgia, etc., and to arouse and give
tone to the system. Persons sufferin g f rom an y o f '' 'ISLOffletkavalge,,
these complaints will generally find much relief
from the use of electricity in this form. This coil "kW '
is the best small medical coil made. It has all the
good features of a much more expensive apparatus.
It will operate efficiently on one cell of dry or other No. 420
battery. The coil has perfect regulation. The
current at the handles may be varied from a strength that is almost unperceptible to all
that can be borne. The coil is mounted upon a polished wood base, and is beautifully
finished throughout. The coil ends are polished and all metal parts are buffed and lac-
quered. The vibrator parts are very compactly built. The vibrator contacts are pure
silver which is superior to platinum for this purpose on a medical coil. The apparatus
has all the features of a much more expensive coil. The vibrator may be very accurately
adjusted by means of a small thumbscrew. The secondary current at the handles is
variable by means of a regulating tube with a graduated scale sliding in and out of the coil.
The handles themselves are connected to the coil by means of flexible conducting cords.
Considerable fun and entertainment may be had with this coil by using it to produce
shocks. It is practically harmless.
No. 420 Amco Medical Coil, size 5 x x 2% inches, weight ounces 75c.
Shipping weight, 1 1h.

Blow Torch
This is the most compact little torch ever put on the
market. It has the power and capacity of a torch
of much larger size. It is entirely automatic and
works without air pressure. It burns two hours at
one filling. Just the thing for melting wax, solder-
ing, etc., or for laboratory use.
No. C100 Blow Torch $ . 50

Flaming Pocket Lighter

Useful to Every Smoker. Takes the Place of Matches.
One of the Handiest Things ever put on the market.
The Flaming Pocket Lighter may be carried In the vest
pocket. Nothing to spill. No batteries. No trouble. It
consists of a small platinum sponge attached to several thin
platinum wires. As soon as this is inserted in the compart-
ment containing alcohol on a wick, the platinum sponge gets
red hot from the action of the fumes and lights the wick.
One charge of alcohol lasts two to three weeks. Simply
insert the longest end of the lighter in compartment with a
wick and a strong flame issues at once. To extinguish,
simply put on the cover.
No. 310 Flaming Pocket Lighter $ .25

Youngstown, Ohio.
Adams- Morgan Co., Upper Montclair, N. J.
Gentlemen:—I receit ed the telegraph instruments and am very much pleased
with them.

Ship and Land Stations of the United States

KDA S S. Philadelphia Kit) S S. North Land
KDB S. S. Caracas KJM S S. Massachusetts
KDC Douglas, Ariz. KJO S. S. Old Colony
KDM S S. Maracaibo KJS S S. North Star
KDN San Luis Obispo, Cal. KKA S S. Antilles
KDS S S. S. V. Lukenbach KKB S S. El Sol
KDT S S. Harry Luckenbach KKC S S. Chalmette
KDU Juneau, Alaska KKD S S. Cornus
KDV S S. Grayson KKE S S. Topila
KDW S S. Borinquen KKL S S. ElAlba
KDX S S. Bayamon KKM S S. Momus
KDY S S. Yaquez KKN S S. El Norte
KDZ S S. Zulia KKO S S. Excelsior
KEB S S. Sabine KKP S S Proteus
KEC S S. Concho KKQ S S. El Sud
KED S S Denver KKR S S. Creole
KEG S S. Rio Grande KICS S S. El Siglo
KEH S S. Nueces KICT S S. El Cid
KEJ S S. Alamo KM' S. S. El Mundo
KEK S S. San Marcos KKV S. S. El Oriente
KENI S S. Comal KKW S. S. Valle
KEP S. S. Lampasas KKX S S. El Occidente
KES S. S. San Jacinto KKY S. S. El Dia
KEX Los Angeles, Cal. KK7 S S. El Rio
KEZ S S. Brazos KMA S S. Allianca
KFA S S. City of Columbus KMD S S. Cristobal
KFB S S. City of Atlanta IC MIA S S. Panama
KFC S S. City of Macon IC MS S S. Ancon
KFD City of Memphis ICMV S S. Advance
KFF S S. Frieda KMX S S. Colon
KFH S S. Herman Frasch KIN& S S. Dorothy Bradford
KFI S S. I. D. Fletcher I KNB S S. Lexington
KFJ S. S. City of Augusta KNC S S. Concord
KFIC S S. City of Savannah KNE S S. Evelyn
KFP S S. Nacoochee KNF S S. Carolyn
KFT S S. Tasco KNJ S S. New Jersey
KFX S S. City of St. Louis KNK S S. New York
KFY S S. City of Montgomery RN!. S S. Nelson
KGA S S. CO8t110 KNM S S Millinocket
KGB S S. Carolina KNO S S. Lucy Neff
KGJ S S. San Juan KNR S S. Zealandia
KGP S S. Ponce KNS S S. Shinnecock
KGS S S. Senator Bailey KNT S S. Montauk
KHA Karluk, Alaska KNU S S. Currier
KHB Kogiung, Alaska KNW S S. Wyandotte
KHC Chignic, Alaska KNZ S S. America
KHF Nushagak, Alaska KOA S S. Hamilton
KHG Clark's Point, Alaska KOB S S. Princess Anne
KHJ Koko Head, T. H. KOC S S. Jamestown
KHK Kahuku, T. H. ROD S. S. Jefferson
KHI Lahaina, T. H. ROC, S S. Madison
KHM Lihue, T. H. ROM S S. Monroe
KHN Kawaihae, T. H. ROS S S. Brunswick
KHO Kaunakakai. T. H. Kov S S. Olivette
KHP Daley City, Cal. ROW S S. Mascotte
KHO Phoenix, Ariz. KOZ S S. Miami
KHT Naknek, Alaska Kpir, Seattle, Wash.
KIT Kake, Alaska KPB Ketchikan. Alaska
KIU Burnett Inlet, Alaska KPC Astoria, Oreg.
ICJA Jualin, Alaska r KpD Friday Harbor, Wash.
KJB S S. Bunker Hill i KPF S S. Forward

KPH San Francisco, Cal. KTE S S. Winifred
KPI Avalon, Cal. KTF S S. J. M. Guffey
KPJ San Pedro, Cal. KTG S S. Gulfoil
KPM Eureka, Cal. KTH S S. Illinois
KPN S S. Adams KTI S S. Brilliant
KPR P R. R. No. 707 KTJ S S. Comet
KPW S S. Cape Cod KTK S S. Elsegundo
KPX Marshfield, Ohio KTI. S S. Rayo
KQA S S. Alleghany KIM S. S. Eoceme
KQB S S. Berkshire KIN S S. Perfection
KQC S. S. Cretan KTO S S. Astral
KQD S S. Dorchester KTP Barge No. 94
KQE S S. Essex KTQ S S. City of Everett
KQF S S. Frederick KIR S S Radiant
KQG S S. Gloucester KTS S S. Vests
KQH S S. Howard KTT S S. Paraguay
KQI S. S. Indian KTU S S. Sun
KQJ S S. Juniata KTV S. S. Toledo
KQK S S. Kershaw KTW S S. Delaware Sun
KQL S S. Lexington KTX S S. Socony
KQM S S. Merrimack KTY Barge No. 92
KQN S S. Nantucket KUC S S. Cuba
KQO S. S. Ontario KUP S S. Pettibone
KO? S. S. Parthian KUT S S. Pan American
KQQ S S. Quantico KUV S S. Admiral Dewey
KQR S S. Grecian KUX S S. Admiral Schley
KQS S. S. Somerset KVA S S. Apache
KOT S S. Tuscan KVB S S. Arapahoe
KQU S S. Itasca KVC S S. Comanche
KQV S S. New Orleans KVF S S. I roquo i
KOX S S. Persian KVG S S. Algonquin
KOY S S. Powhatan KVH S S. Huron
KQZ S S. Suwannee KVJ S S. Seminole
KRB S S. Governor Cobb KVK S S. Cherokee
KRC S S. Camden KVL S S. Lenape
KRD S S. Belfast KVM S S. Mohawk
KRE S S. Bay State KVU S S. Elmer A. Keeler
KR!' S S. Ransom B. Fuller KVZ S S. Relay
KRH S S. City of Bangor KWC S S. Morro Castle
KRI S S. City of Rockland KWG S S. Seguranca
KRJ S S. Relief KWH S S. Havana
KRI, S S. Louise KWS S S. Saratoga
KRN S S. Calvin Austin KWV S S. Vigilancia
KRO S S. Columbia KWX S S. Mexico
KR? % S. Rescue KWY S S. Monterey
KRO S S. I. J. Merritt KWZ S S. Esperanza
KRR S S. Mills KXA S S. Boston
KRS S S Savage KXB S S. City of Lowell
KRV S S. Governor Dingley KXC S S. Commonwealth
KRY S S. City of Baltimore KXD S S. Maine
KRZ S S. City of Norfolk KXE S S. Mohawk
KS!' S S. Finland KZF S S. New Hampshire
KSH S S. Kroonland KXG S S. Pilgrim
KSI S S. St. Louis KXH S S. Plymouth
KSM S S. Philadelphia KXI S S. Priscilla
KSN S S. New York KXJ S S. Providence
KSO S S. St. Paul KXK S S. Puritan
KSX S S. Alabama KXL S S. City of Taunton
KSY S S. Florida KXM S S. Mohegan
KSZ S S. Virginia KXN S S. New Haven
KTA S S Lorimer KXO S S. Connecticut
KTB S S. Oklahoma KXP S S. Pequonnock
KTC S S. Shenango KXQ S S. Chester W. Chapin
KID S S. Ligonier KXR S S. Richard Peck

NLB...Diamond Shoals, Cape Hatteras, N.C. NRG U S. S. Gresham
NLC Frying Pan Shoals, N. C. NRH U S. S. McCulloch
NMA U S. S. Nebraska NRI U S. S. Itasca
NMB U S. S. Nero NRJ U S. S. Woodbury
NME U S. S. New Hampshire NRK U S. S. Tahoma
NMF U S. S. New Jersey NRL U S. S. Tuscarora
NMG U S S. New Orleans NRM U S. S. Mohawk
NMN U S. S. North Carolina NRN U S. S. Manning
NMO U S. S. North Dakota NRO U S.S.Onondaga
NMS U S. S. Neptune NRP U S.S.Apache
NMW U S S Ohio NRQ U S. S. Miami
NMZ U S. S. Oregon NRR U S. S. Pamlico
NNA U S. S. Brutus NRS U S. S. Seminole
NNK U S. S. Nanshan NRT U S. S. Thetis
NOA U S S. Osceola NRU U S. S. Acushnet
NOB U S. S. Abarenda NR '' U S. S. Winona
NOC U S. S. Orion NRW U S. S. Windom
NOG U S. S. Paducah NRX U S.S. UnaIga
NOJ U S. S. Panther NRY U S. S. Yamacraw
NOK U S. S. Patterson NSQ U S. S. Smith
NOL U S. S. Patapsco NST U S. S. Solace
NOM U S. S. Patuxent NSW U S. S. South Carolina
NON U S. S. Paulding NSX U S. S. South Dakota
NOP U.S. S. Paul Jones NTA U S. S. Ontario
NOT U S. S. Pittsburgh NIB U S. S. Sterrett
NOW U S. S. Peoria NTC U S. S. Stewart
NOX U S. S. Perkins NT!) U S. S. Rainbow
NOY U S. S. Perry NTE U S. S. Raleigh
NOZ U S. S. PEtrel NTF U S. S. St. Louis
NPA Cordova. Alaska NTG U S S Sonoma
NPB Sitka, Alaska Nil U S. S. Stringham
NPC Bremerton, Wash. NTK U S S. Supply
NP!) Tatoosh, Wash. NIL U S. S. Sylph
NPE North Head, Wash. NIP U S. S. Salem
NPF Cape Blanco, Oregon NTQ U S. S. San Francisco
NPH Mare Island, Cal. NTR U S. S. Saratoga
NP! raralions. Cal. NIT U S. S. Scorpion
NPJ Balboa, Panama C. Z. NTU U S. S. Reid
NPK Point Argue lo, Cal. NIX U S. S. Rhode Island
NP! . San Diego. Cal. i NTZ U S. S. Roe
NPM Honolulu, T. H. NUA U S. S. Tacoma
NPN Guam, Marianas NUC U S. S. Tallahassee
NPO Cavite, P. 1. NUG U S. S. Tennessee
NPP Peking, China NUI U S. S. Terry
NPQ St. Paul, Pribilof Islands, Alas. NUN U S. S. Tonopah
NPR Dutch Harbor, Alaska NUQ U S. S. Trippe
NPS Kodiak, Alaska NUS U S. S. Truxton
NPT Olongapo, P. 1, NVE U S. S. Utah
NPV Unalga, Alaska NVK U S. S. Vermont
NPW Eureka, Cal. NVM U S. S. Vesuvius
NPY ..... St. George, Pribilof Islands, Alas, NVN U S. S. Vicksburg
NQF U S S. Pompey NVP U S. S. Villalobos
NQK U S. S. Potomac NVR U. S. S. Virginia
NOM U S. S. Prairie NVT U S. S. Vulcan
NON LI S. S. Preble NW!) U S. S. Warrington
NO0 U S S. Preston NWE U S. S. Washington
NOP U S. S. Princeton NWG U S. S. West Virginia
NOR U S. S. Prometheus NWH U S. S. Wheeling
NRA U S. S. Algonquin NW! U S. S. Whippl e
NRR U S. S. Bear NWK U S. S. Wilmington
NRC U. S. S. Morrill NWL U S. S. Walke
NR!) U S. S. Androscoggin NWM U S. S. Wisconsin
NRE U S. S. Seneca NVC *(2 U S. S Wyomitm
NRF U S. S. Snohomish NXS U S. S. E- I

KYA S S. Atalanta NDM U S. S. Cleveland
KYB S S. North Wind NDN U S. S. Colorado
KYC S S. Corsair NDQ U S. S. Connecticut
KYD S S. Cyprus NDU U S. S. Culgoa
KYE S S. Cassandra NDY U S. S. Cyclops
KYF S S. Florence NEK U S. S. Delaware
KYH S S. Aloha NEM U S. S. Denver
KYI S S. Alvina NEN U S. S. Des Moines
KYK S S. Kismet NEP U S. S. Dixie
KYL S S. Lysistrata NEQ U S S Dolphin
KYM S S. Columbia NET U S. S. Drayton
KYN S S. Niagara NFC U S. S. Eagle
KYO S S. Noma NFD U S. S. Elcano
KYP S S. Oneida NFE U. S. S. Charleston
KYR S S. Kiries NFM 11 S. S. Fanning
KYS S S. Sea Otter NFR U S. S. Florida
KYT S S. Vanadia NFS U S. S. Flusser
KYU S S. Emeline NGD U S. S. Galveston
KYV S S. Adventuress NGF U S. S. Georgia
KYW S S. Warrior NGH U. S. S. Glacier
KYX S S. Wens NGI U S S. Chattanooga
NAA Arlington, Radio, Va. NGJ U S. S. Goldsborough
NAB Portland, Me. NGU U. S. S. Hannibal
NAC Portsmouth, N. H. NGX U S. S. Hector
NAD lsoston, Mass. NGY U S. S. Helena
NAB Cape Cod, Mass. NHA U. S. S. Henley
NAP Newport, R. I. NHC U S. S. Hopkins
NAG Fire Island, L. I., N. Y. NHE U S. S. Hull
NAH Brooklyn Navy Yard, N. Y. NHN U S. S. Idaho
NAI Philadelphia, Pa NHO U S. S. Illinois
NAK Annapolis, Md. NHQ U S. S. Indiana
NAL Washington, D. C. NHT U S. S. Iowa
NAM Norfolk, Va. NHU U S. S. Iris
NAN Beaufort, N. C NHV U S. S. Iroquois
NAO Charleston, S. C. NIB U S. S. Jarvis
NAP St. Augustine, Fla. NID U S. S. Jenkins
NM) Jupiter, Fla. NIE U S. S. Jouett
NAR Key West, Fla. NIO U S. S. Kansas
NAS Pensacola, Fla. NIP U S. S. Kearsarge
NAT New Orleans, La. NIQ U S. S. Kentucky
NAU San Juan, P. R. NIW U S. S. Lamson
NAW Guantanamo Bay, Cuba NIY U S. S. Lawrence
NAX Colon, Panama C. Z. NIZ U S. S. Lebanon
NAY Porta Bello, R. P. NJB U S. S. Louisiana
NBH U S. S. Alex NJH U S. S. Macdonough
NBI U S. S. Alabama NJL U S. S. Maine
NBJ U S. S. Albany NJQ U S. S. Marietta
NBL U S. S. Alert NJR U S. S. Mars
NBP U S. S. Ammen NJS U S. S. Maryland
NBR U S S Annapolis NJT U S. S. Massachusetts
NBU U S. S. Buffalo NJU U. S. S. Mayrant
NBV U S. S. Arkansas NJV U S. S. Mayflower
NCF U S. S. Bailey NJW U S. S. McCall
NCH U S. S. Baltimore NJZ U S. S. Michigan
NCL U S. S. Beale NKD U. S. S. Minnesota
NCM U S. S. Birmingham NKE U S. S. Mississippi
NCV U S. S. Burrows NKF U S. S. Missouri
NCY U S. S. Caesar NK I U S. S. Monadnock
NCZ U S. S. California NKI. U S. S. Monaghan
NDA U S. S. Castine NKM U S. S. Montana
NDB U S. S. Celtic NKN U S. S. Monterey
NDG U S. S. Chester N KO U S. S. Montgomery
NDH U S. S. Cheyenne NKY U S. S. Nashville
ND! U S. S. Chicago NKZ U S. S. Navajo
NM. U S. S. Cincinnati NI .A Nantucket Shoals, Newport, R. I.

NXT U S. S. E-2 WDR Detroit, Mich.
VBA Port Arthur, Can. WDS S S. City of Grand Rapid!
VBB Saulte Ste Marie, Can. VDT S S. City of Chicago
VBC Midland, Ont., Can. WDU S S. Puritan
VBD Tobermory, Ont., Can. WDV S S. City of Benton Harbor
VBE Port Edward, Can. WDW S S. Holland
VCA Montreal, Que., Can. WDY S S. Lydonia
VCE Cape Race, Can. WEA S S. City of Cleveland Ill
VG I Assiniboia, Can. WEB S S. City of Mackinac II
WAA S S. Alameda WEC S S. City of Detroit II
WAB S S. Buckman WED S S. Western States
WAC S S. Chicago WEE S S. Eastern States
WAD S S. Victoria WEF S S. City of Detroit Ill
WAE S S. Edith WEG S S. City of Ignace
WAF S S. Admiral Farragut WEH S S. City of Alpina II
WAH S S. Dora WEJ S S. Nyack
WAI S S. Latouche WEE S S. Minnesota
WAJ S S. Jefferson WEI S S. E. G. Crosby
WAL S S. Santa Ana WEN S S. North American
WAN S S. Northwestern WEP El Paso, Texas
WAO S S. Dingo WEQ S S. Col. Jas. L. Schoonmaker
WAR S S. Cordova WER S S. Wm. P. Snyder
WAS S S. Admiral Sampson WES S S. Wm. P. Snyder, Jr.
WAU S S. Dolphin WET S S. Shenango
WAV S S. Seward WEU S S. Wilpen
WAW S S. Watson WEW....S. S. Marquette & Bessemer, No. 1
WAX Atlantic City, N. J. WEX....S. S. Marquette & Bessemer, No. 2
WED S S. Santa Cruz WEY S S Alvina
Vi'llF Boston, Mass WE7 S S. Ashtabula
WBG S S. Iroquois WFA S S. Georgia
WBH S. Chippewa WFB S S. Alabama
ss WFC S S. Indiana
WEE S. Breakwater
WEI Buffalo, N. Y. WFD S S. Iowa
WBM S S. Redondo WFE S S. Carolina
WEN Benton Harbor, Mich. WFF Fort Worth, Texas
WBO S S. Nann Smith WFG S S. Arizona
WBP S S. Hermosa WFH S S. Virginia
WBQ S S. Yukon WFI S S. Chicago
WBR S S. Bertha eciFi s S. Christopher Columbus
WBS Baltimore, Md. WFK Frankfort, Mich.
WBV S S. Cabrillo WFM Fort Morgan, Ala.
WBZ S S. Glory of the Seas WFN S. S. Eastland
WCA S S. Tionesta WFP S S. City of Erie
WCB S S. Juniata WFQ S S. City of Buffalo
WCC South Wellfleet, Mass. WFR S S State of Ohio
WCD S S. Octorara WFS S S. Seeandbee
WCG Brooklyn, N. Y. WFW S S Manitou
WCH Boston, Mass. WFX S S. Missouri
WCM Calumet, Mich. WGA S S. City of Seattle
WCN S S. North Land WGD S S Delhi
WCT S S. Theodore Roosevelt WGE S S Spokane
WCX Cleveland, Ohio WGH Grand Haven. Mich.
WCY Cape May, N. J. WGK S S. Curacao
WCZ S S. Illino ,, WGI. S S. State of California
WDA S S. Pere Marquett. WGM Grand Marais, Minn.
WDB S S. Pere Marquette Pt WGN S S. Santa Rosa
WDC S S. Pere Marquette 17 WGO Chicago, III.
Vi/DD S S. Pere Marquette I,. WGP S. S. President
WDE S S. Pere Marquette 2t1 WGQ S S City of Puebla
«'Dl S S. City of South Ha‘e.1 WGR S S. Governor
WDI. S S. Lakeland WGS S S. Senator
WDM Duluth. Minn. WGT S S. Congress
WDN S. Ann Arbor No. 3 WGU S S. Umatilla
«'DO S. Ann Arbor No. 4 wev Galveston, Texas
WDP S. Ann Arbor No. WGW Grand Island, La.

WGX S S. Queen WNW S S. San Ramon
WGY S S. City of Topeka WNX S S. Northland
WGZ S S. Guardian WNY S S. St. Helens
WHA Cape Hatteras, N. C. WNZ S S. Vanguard
WHB New York, N. Y. WOV S S Venetia
WHC S S. Columbia WPA S S. Santa Cruz
WfiE Philadelphia, Pa. WPB S S. Tyee Junior
WHG S S. W. B. Flint WPC S S. Tyee
WHH S S. St. Francis WPD Tampa, Florida
Il New York, N. Y. WPE S S. Tatoosh
WHJ S S. Sierra WPG S S. Goliah
WHK New Orleans, La. \Y/PK S S. Kingfisher
WHL S S. Ventura WPN S S. Pioneer
WHM S S. Sonoma WPQ S S. Zapora
WI-IN S S. Hanalei \X'PR Enaanada, P. R.
\Y/HP S S. Mariposa WPS S S. Starr
WI-IQ Mackinac Island, Mich. WPW S S. Columbia
WI-IS S S. Adeline Smith WPX S S. Oneonta
WI-IT S S. Whittier WPY S S. Wallula
WHW S S. Mackinaw WPZ S S. Joseph Pulitzer
W HX S S. Humboldt WQC S S. Camino
WJX Jacksonville, Fla. WOE S S. Edgar H. Vance
W KD S S. Dakota n WQG S S. Greenwood
WKG S S. Georgian WOS S S. Speedwell
WKH S S. Honolulan WQY S S. Yosemite
WKK S S. Kansan WRA S S. Henry T. Scott
WKM S S. Minnesotan WRB S S. Berlin
WKN S S. Montanan WRC S S. J. B. Stetson
WLC New London, Conn. \X/RF S S. FilleId
WI.!) Ludington, Mich. WRH S S. Harvard
WI.N Newton, Mass. WRI S S. Panes°
WMA S S. Multnomah WRJ S S. Aroline
WMB Mobile, Ala. WRK S S. Falcon
WMC S S. William Chatham WRM S S. Riverside
WMD S S. Mary Dodge WRN S S. Nome City
WME Milwaukee, Wis. WRO Isle Royal, Mich.
WMI S S. Minnesota WRR S S. Roanoke
WMK S S. Hyades \X/RS S S. Santa Clara
WML S S. Lurline WRT S S. Geo. W. Elder
WMM S S. HiIonian WRU Port Arthur, Tex.
WMN S S. Enterprise \VRV S S. Alliance
WMO S S. Wilhelmina \X'RW S S. F. A. Kilburn
WMT S S. General Hubbard WRY S S. Yale
WMW Manitowoc, Wis. WSA Ashtabula, Ohio
WMX Manistique, Mich. WSB S S. Francis H. Leggett
WMY S S. Yucatan WSC Siasconset, Mass.
WNB S S. Oliver J. Olson \Y/SD S S Stanley Dollar..
WNC S S. Carlos \Y/SE Seagate, N. Y.
WND S S. Windber \Y/SF S S. Grace Dollar
WNE S S. Nushagak WSG S S. Norwood
WNF S S. Lyra WSH S S. Chehalis
WNG S S. Geo. W. Fenwick WS, Saulte Ste. Marie, Mich.
WNH S S. Lewis Luckenbach WSJ S S. John A. Hooper
WNI S S. Leelanaw WSK Sagaponack, N. Y.
WNJ S S. Navajo WSI Sayville, L. I., N. Y.
WNK S S. Al-ki WSN S S. Centralia
WNL S S. Diamond Head WS0 S S. Coronado
\VNN S S. Corwin wsR S S. Reuce
WNO S S A. G. Lindsay WSS S S. St. Nicholas
WNP S S. Pleiades
WNR S S. Rochelle WSV Savannah, Ga.
WNS S S. Kvichak WSW S S. Williamette
WNT New York, N. Y. WSX S S. Klamath
WNV S S. Portland , \VSY Virginia Beach, Va.



WSZ S S. Merced WVQ Fort McKinley, P. I.

VITA S S. Erskine M. Phelps WVR Fort Wint, P. I.
WTS S S. Argyl. WVS job, P. I.
arm s S. Lansing WVT Malabang, P. I.
WTD S S. Oleum WVU Manila, P. I.
WTE S S. Roma WVV Puerto Prince«, P. I.
WTF S S. Santa Maria WVW Zamboanga, P. I.
WTG S S. Santa Rita WVX Cuyo, P. I.
WTH S S. Washtenaw WVY San Jose, P. I.
WTI S S. Catania TWA S S. China
WTK S S. J. A. Chanslor WWB S S. Beaver
WTM S S. W. S. Porter WWD S S. Bear
WTN S S. Wm. F. Herrin WWE S S. Manchuria
WTR S S. Richmond WWF S S. City of Para
WTS S S. Col. E. L. Drake WWG S S. City of Sydney
WTT S S. Atlas WWH S S. Newport
WTU S O. Co., No. 91 WWI S S. Pennsylvania
WTV S S. Capt. A. F. Lucas WWJ S S. Peru
WTW S S. Maverick WWK S S. Korea
WTX S S. Asuncion WWL S S. San Jose
wry s o. Co., No. 93 WWM S S. San Juan
WTZ S O. Co., No. 95 WWN S S. Mongolia
WUA Fort Andrews, Mass. TWO S S. Acapulco
WUB Fort Hancock, N. J. WWP S S. City of Panama
WUC Fort H. G. Wright, N. Y. WWQ S S. Aztec
WUD Fort Leavenworth, Kans WWR S S. Rose City
WUE Fort Lovett, Me. WWS S S. Kansas City
WUF Fort Monroe, Va. wwu s S. Siberia
WUG Fort Monroe, Va. WXA U S. S. Buford
WUH Fort Omaha, Nebr. WXB U S. S. Crook
WUI Fort Riley, Kans. WXC U S. S. Dix
WUJ Fort Sam Houston, Tex. WXD U S. S. Kilpatrick
TUE Fort Stevens, Oregon WXE U S. S. Liscum
WUL Fort Totten, N. Y. WXF U S. S. Logan
WUM Fort Wood, N. Y. WXG U S. S. Meade
WUN Fort Worden, Wash. WXH U S. S. McClellan
WUO Fort Winfield Scott, Cal. WXI U S. S. Merritt
WUP Washington, D. C. WXJ U S. S. Sheridan
WUQ Washington, D. C. WXK U S. S. Sherman
WUV Fort Leavenworth, Kans. WXL U S. S. Sumner
WVA Circle City, Alaska WXM U S. S. Thomas
WVB Fairbanks, Alaska WXN U S. S. Warren
WVC Fort Egbert, Alaska WXR U S. S. Burnside
WVD Fort Gibbon, Alaska WXS U S. S. Cyrus W. Field
WVE Fort St. Michael, Alaska WXT U S. S. Joseph Henry
WVF Kotlik, Alaska WYH U S. S. Gen. Robt. Anderson
WVG Nome, Alaska WYI U S. S. Capt. Chas. W. Rowell
WVH Nulato, Alaska WYJ U S. S. Gen. A. M. Randol
WVI Petersburg, Alaska WYK U S. S. Gen. Harvey Brown
WVJ Wrangell, Alaska WYI U S. S. Gen. R. B. Ayres
WVL Fort Frank, P. I. WYM U S. S. Jas. Fornance
WVM Fort Hughes, P. I. WYN U S. S. Reno
WVN Corregidor Island, P. I. WYO U S. S. Mal. Thomas
WVO Davao, P. I. WYP U S. S. Capt. Barrett
WVP Fort Drum, P. I. WZG T H. De Russey

Lawrenceville, N. J.
Adams- Morgan Company, Upper Montclair, N. J.
I have received all the lampe, etc., in due time, in fine condition, and I am pleased
to the utmost with them. Please send me the merchandise according to the enclosed order.

Acid, Concentrated PAGE
204 Code, Continental 72
Electrolyte 202 Codegraph 131
Adapters 86 Coherers 23, 24
Aerial, Insulators 201 Compass 125
Masts 202 Condensers, Fixed. .. 26, 43, 53
Switches 38, 54 High Tension ..... 32
Wire 200
Aerials, How to put up Oscillation 32, 35, 41
69 Variable 20, 55, 56
Aeroplanes, Models and Supplies 133 Condenser Parts 198, 199
Alloy, Low Temperature 46 Conductors 90
Alphabet, Continental 72 Connectors 97
Aluminum Propellers 133 Contacts, Switch 172
Ammeters 88 Cords, Wireless Receiver 57
Hot Wire 41 Telephone Receiver 90
Pocket 95 Core Iron 203
Annunciator Wire 90 Core Wire 182
Antenna Materials 200 Crossing 144
Attachment Plugs 96 Cups
Miniature 86 Current Redu cer 173, 175
Attachment Toys 139
122 Current Taps 96
Audion Detectors 47, 48 Cut-outs 98
Automobiles, Electric 141
Decohers 23, 24
Balls, Brass 176
Detectors, Audion 47, 48
Spark 23
Crystal ..... .... 21, 26, 44-46
Bamboo 134
Electrolytic 43
Paper 134 Junior 21
Barium- Platinum Cyanide Screen 126
Batteries, Carbon Cylinder 93 Simplex 26
Detector Materials 202
Dry 95
Parts 175, 193
Flashlight 73
Dies 177, 178
Ignition 10
Die Holders 178
Lighting 10 Dowel 134
Sparking 9 Dry Batteries 95
Storage 7- 10 Dynamos
Battery Connectors 96 Dynamo Parts 104, 105, 107-109
Battery Lamps 81 104
Bells 93
Electric Railways 136-145
Bicycle Lamps 79 Electricity, Fun w ith
Binding Posts 171, 173 Electrolyte 129
Blow Torch 206 202
Electrolytic Detector 43
Books 146-170
Brackets, Lamp 87 Electrolytic Rectifiers 14
Empire Cloths and Pap ers .203
Brass Rod 176, 177 Engines, Calo ri c 117, 118
Bulb Detectors 47
Bumper 144 El ectric 99, 103
Buzzers 93, 94 Steam 117, 118
Caloric Engines 117, 118 Fancy Tubes 125
Carbon Cylinder Batt er y ..... 93
Fibre Sheeting 203
Cardboard Tubes 184
Cars, Freight 143 Fixed Condensers 26, 43
Adjustable 53
Pullman 142
Cells, Boat e Flashli ghts
Flashlight Batteries
Model e 73

Storage 5-10 Fluorosco pes 126

Freight Cars 143
Chemistry, Fun with 128 Fruit and Flower Lam ps 83
Clamp, ground 94 Fun with Ch em istry 128
Clips, Helix 173
Closed Core Transformers 33, 36 Electr i
city 129
Magnetism 128

Fun with Photography 130 Magnet Wire 89
Puzzles 132 Magnetism, Fun with 128
Shadows 130 Magneto Thriller 113
Soap Bubbles 129 Masts, Aerial 202
Telegraphy ....... 132 Medical Coil 206
Mica 203
Gaps, Quenched 40 Minerals 202
Rotary 37 Miner's Searchlight 77
Spark 23, 38, 39 Model Aeroplanes 133-135
Geissler Tubes 126 Model Aeroplane Supplies 133-134
Ground Clamps 94 Motors, Electric 104-112
Ground Wire 41 Water 113-114
Motorcycle Headlight 78
Hand Drive 109
Hand Lantern 78 Name Plates 175
Hard Rubber 205 Nuts 176, 177
Head Bands 57, 58
Helixes, Junior 22 Oscillation Condensers 32, 35, 41
Oscillation 22, 31, 32, 42 Oscillation Transformers 22, 32, 42
Helix Clips 173 Oscillation Transformer Parts.... 183, 192
Helix Parts 192 Outfits, Christmas Tree 85
High Potential Transformers 33, 36 Decorative 84
High Tension Cable 90 Receiving 18, 25, 26, 61-66
High Tension Condenser 32 Wonder- Light 84
Hot-air Engines 117, 118
Hot- Wire Ammeter 41 Paper, Bamboo 134
Humming Transformer 29 Empire 203
Hydrometer 11 Paraffin 203
Paraffined Paper 203
Indicator, Polarity 93 Parts, Condenser.. 198, 199
Inductance, Loading 49, 54 Helix 192
Insulators, Aerial .201 Detector 193
Porcelain 97 Junior 191
Lead-in 201 Loading Coil 191
Loose Coupler 192-197
Jeweler's Time Receiving Outfits.. 63 Oscillation Transformer 183
Junior Parts 191-194 Quenched Gap 182
Junior Wireless Apparatus 18-23 Receiving Outfit 186-189
Dynamo 104 Rotary Gap 183
Telegraph Apparatus 99, 100 Spark Coil 179, 180
Spark Gap 192
Tesla Coil 181
Keys, Junior 21 Transformer 199
Simplex 28, 100 Tuning Coil 192
Telegraph 100, 101 Variometer 189
Wireless 13 35, 39 Wood 185
Knobs 173, 174 Pen Light 76
Phones 57-60
Lamps, Automobile 82 Phosphor Bronze Strip 203
Battery 81 Photography, Fun with 130
Bicycle 79 Plugs 86, 96, 97
Decorative 83 Pocket Lighters 206
Lantern, Electric Hand 78 Polarity Indicator 93
Levers, Switch 172 Potentiometer 56
Leyden Jars 40 Porcelain Insulators 97
License, Wireless 70-72 Cleats 97
Lightning Switch 41 Printing Telegraph Register 24
Loading Coils 49. 54 Propellers 133, 134
Parts of 190 Pullman Cars 142
Locomotives, Electric 136-138 Push Buttons 92, 93
Steam 121 Puzzles, Fun with 132
Loose Coupler Parts 192-197
Low Temperature Alloy 46 Quenched Gap 40
*Loose Couplers, Amco 50-53 Parts 182
Junior ...... 19
Simplex 25 Racing Automobiles 141

Rattan 134 Tap, Current 96
Receivers, Telephone 94 Tape, Insulating 93
Wireless 57-60 Paper 24
Receiving Sets, Amco 60-66 Taps and Dies 177, 178
Junior 18 Tap Wrenches 178
Simplex 25, 26 Telegraph Apparatus 99-102
Receiving Outfit Parts 186-189, 191 Telegraph Register 24
Receiving Transformers 19, 25, 50-53 Telegraphy, Fun with 132
Rectifiers, Electrolytic.. 14 Telephone, Cords 57, 90
Rectifier Materials 98 Receivers 94
Reducer, Current 139 Wall 98
Reflectors 87 Tesla Coil Parts 181
Regulator, Rheostat 102 ' Tesla Transformer 123
Renewal Batteries for Flashlights. 73 Tinfoil 197
Reversing Switch 113 Toys, Attachment 122
Reversing Trips 144 Track 144
Revolver Flashlight 77 Trains, Electric 136-145
Rheostat Regulator 102 Steam 121
Transformer Core Iron 203
Sal-ammonac 93 Transformers, High Potential 29
Scales 173 Humming 29
Scarf Pins 80 Oscillation .. 22, 31, 32, 42
Renewal Lamps for.... 86 Receiving ... 19, 25, 50-53
Screws 176 Step-down .. 11, 12, 13
Sealing Compound 204 Tesla . 123
Searchlights 75-77 Transformer Parts 199
Separators 204 Transmitting Sets 30, 66-68
Shades, Bead 88 Trolleys 145
Shadows, Fun with 130 Tubes, Cardboard 184
Shafting 123 Fancy 125
Simplex Telegraph Apparatus 99, 100 Geissler 126
Simplex Wireless Apparatus 25-28 X Ray 127
Sliders 173 Tubing 177
Snapper Sounder 125 Tungsten Lamps 81, 82
Sockets, Miniature and Candelabra 86 Tuning Coils, Junior 19
Edison 97 Amco 49
Soap Bubbles, Fun with 129
Solder 176 Variable Condensers 20
Sounders, Snapper 125 Variometer Parts 189
Telegraph 100, 101 Vest Pocket Flashlights 74
Spark Balls 23 Voltmeters 88, 95
Spark Coils 27,.28,.34
Spark Coil Parts 179, 180 Water Motors 113, 114
Spark Gaps 23, 37-40 Wall Brackets 87
Spark Gap Parts 42, 182, 183, 191 Wall Telephones 98
Spools, Wood 184 Wimshurst Static Machine 124
Static Machine 124 Wire, Aerial 200
Steam, Boats 114 Annunciator 90
Engines 115-122 1 Core 182
Trains 121 Ground 41
Sticks 134 Magnet 89
Step-down Transformers 11-13 Wollaston 202
Stocks 178 Wire Gauge 95
Storage Battery Sets 7-10 Wireless Telegraphy, Treatise on 70
Storage Battery Parts and Materials 204 Wonder Light Outfit 84
Storage Cells 5-10 Wollaston Wire 202
Switches, Aerial 38, 54 Wooden Parts 185
Battery 91, 92 Wrenches, Tap 178
Lightning 41 X Ray Outfits 127
Porcelain Base 92 Stand 127
Railway 144 ' Tube 127
Snap 91
Wood Base 91 Zincs 93
Switch Contact Points 172
Switch Levers 172
Switch, Reversing 113
Something To Think About
It takes mighty fine electrical apparatus to keep afloat
in the swift tide of competition these days. With all
that it means to us, competition would be useless if it
were not for appreciation.
Time has alloted to -Amco - products more success
than we ever dreamed, although not more than they
deserve. That is because you and the rest of our
patrons have shown your appreciation of our efforts
to turn out apparatus of quality.
Some claim that their business doubles every year but
the volume of ours doubles every six months.

We ask no more for our goods than is necessary to give
the best. If our prices are less, it means that our manu-
facturing facilities are better or more efficient or that
we are content with smaller profits. If our prices are
more, it means that we cannot give you quality for less.
Our goods do not need a guarantee—but for your
assurance we guarantee all -Amco - apparatus to give
absolute satisfaction when used under the conditions
for which it is designed, and will replace all defective
apparatus when returned under the conditions on the
inside cover. Conditions are only necessary as a safe-
guard the unscrupulous.
All apparatus or supplies listed in this catalogue under
the name -Amco - is of our own manufacture.

every one, to whose notice a copy of this
catalog comes, to be a possible

Friend and Customer

We therefore endeavor to extend every
possible courtesy, and should you care to
favor us with an inquiry or order, you will
receive the prompt and careful attention
which we would give to apersonal friend.

A modern factory and large stóck enable us

to ship 98% of our 'alders within 24 hours.

We solicit your business on the basis of

Prompt, Careful Service

and Quality Merchandise
hese principles have built our business

Upper Montclair, N. J.


Rush Order Blank
WALKER 5— 8883 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 CSERVE1' OR "WHOLRA 1
," N Y.

\\\.\VAWAAWèlk`eX VW& (lit TERMS: Domestic-20% Deposit with or- DATE

der Balance C.O.D. Remittance by Postal,

*) ID 13- -, IXTH F1VErlUE Express, Telegraph Money Order, Bank or
Firm Check We prefer that you Do Not
Send Cash. But if necessary send by regis-
JUST NORTH OF CANAL ST. tered mail only.
Foreign—Payment in New York by letter of
NEW YORK, N. Y. credit against documents, or 50% deposit
with order, balance sight draft against B/L. CHECK CAS H M . O .


All quotations FOB. 100-6th Ave., with
slight additional charge for export packing. D
Orders up to $25.00 payable in full in ad- REG ISTERED M AI L ONLY
vance. Remittance by draft on New York
bank in U. S. Currency.
STREET ADDRESS R .F I e 0.808 Transportation: All shipments F.O.B. our
warehouse. If desired by Parcel Post, Ex-
press or Freight prepaid, include sufficient
TOWN ST ATE CO UN T, money for prepaid carrying charges. ( We re-
fund any amount not actually used.)
ON ORDERS FOR $ 50.00 or more, deduct
2% from the total as a transportation allow-
COD. shipments to most Foreign Countries HOW SHALL WE SHIP ,
are not accepted by the Post Office.
SHIPPING THAN $ 3.00 Post War

S.L. 4 Shipped Requ i
red . N o. R .F .S NO . I





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C.O. D .

Final Prices in Our Catalogue Are Net. We Give Customers the Benefit of All Reductions Taking Place After
Total For
the Catalogue Is Published. No Federal Tax should be added to our catalogue- prices. Goods

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Express r


Copyright 1932 W.R.S. Co. Printed In U.S.A.

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