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nora READI PUN 4.2 Listen to people talking about holidays 4.3 Listen to people describing TV game shows 4.4 Watch a BBC programme about happiness eee eee ere Pea rer er anctetn nt nt eee eee seeker cn tobe happy NT ACEy E)Al OUT OF TIME FREE TIME 4. workin pars and dscss. Do you have enough fee time? What do you do witht 2 A Workin pairs and check what you know. What's, the literal (or basi) meaning ofthe words inthe box? Which can be used with a drink, a phone, an old clock or someone's face? wind up switch off focuson recharge chill B Complete the sentences withthe correct form of cone of the verbs in the box above 1 My phone's dead. need tot. 2 Ineed to my ancient watch, 3 Please the airconditioning ts not that hot. 4 the lemonade before you serve it - tastes better cold 5 you __your camera there, youll get a better picture C Work in pairs. ll the verbs above have another informal o idiomatic meaning, Which verbs do you think mean: 1 relax completely? out 2 think about, isten or watch something or someone carefully? 3 get your energy back 4 say or do something to annoy someone? that tree over 5 stop listening or thinking? 1D Complete the sentences with the correct form of one of the verbs in Exercise 2, 1 Icompletely when people talk about work at parties. Its so boring! 2 Itreally me when a friend checks his email when we're out together 3 Asummer holiday isa time to so you have all your energy when you go back to school or work. 4 By Saturday | need some downtime, so stay home and = you know, relax donathing. 5 find the easiest way to unwind in the evenings isto ‘something different like cooking. E Work in pais. Which sentences in Exercise 20 do you agree with/are true for you? B.A Look at the headline of the article above and oer More free time than ever? Idon’t think so! ‘Do you have more or less fre time than you used to? In ‘ur survey, an overwhelming majority (96%) seid they. “have far less than they used to. And they were shocked todiscover that according to recent research, we actualy have far more than we had a decade ago, So where does the time go? One would be quick and perhaps right to blame the ‘internet. Eight out of ten adults say they now go online Jnany location, not just at home orat work ‘But contrary to current opinion, television still rules Looking at adults of all ages, ver 90% reported ‘watching TV as their mai freetime activity. Spending time with fiends and family came ina close second (87%) followed by listening to music (79%), Spending time onthe internet ranked 4th in the 16-44 age range, Sutimich over among he 4 pus group Shopping seems to have greater appeal fr pensione third-favourite way to Perhaps itis what people Unsurprising time with f ‘near the top, ‘and doing ‘household chores near the bottom, “But what was the topics you think will be in the article. shopping working hours the internet exercise housework sleep television B Read the article and circle the topics in Exercise 3A that it mentions. Were your predictions correct? C Which of the following statements can be supported by the article? Most people 1 have less free time than they used to. 2 use the internet wherever they are 3. prefer watching TV to listening to music. 4 over 65 spend less time on the intemet than younger adults. have a negative attitude towards their job. 6 enjoy the internet more than watching TV.4 A Read the opening sentences from two experts responding tothe article. Workin pars and list two things you think each expert will say. THE EXPERTS HAVE THEIR SAY: Sandra mecullough, psychologist and parent ‘what's changed isn't the amount of free time, it's people's ability to do nothing.” Ccerald van Halen, sociologist and parent ‘Nothing has changed except what we mean by “free-time activities”. BB Student A: turn to page 159. Student B: turn to page 160. Students A and B: work in pairs and discuss. 1 What were your experts main points? 2 Who identifies a more serious problem? 3. How could either problem be solved? GRAMMAR PRESENT AND PAST HABITS 5 A Look at sentences 1-5 and underline the phrases, that express habits. 1 We used to have more free time 2 People would sit around and watch TV or read 3. Why are they always talking on their mobiles? 4... oF theyl often play a computer game together 5 They usually watch YouTube clips together BB Workin pairs and check what you know. Look at ‘the rules and underline the correct alternative, Use ‘the sentences above to help. {) Use used to + infinitive for activities and states that happen regulary now/happened regularly nthe past but not now. 'b) Use would + infinitive for regular actvitis/ states in the past which no longer happen now. ©) Use frequency adverbs (always, usualy, generally, normally, typically, etc) + present simple/continuous for present habits or + past simple/continuous for past habits. «) Use always + present continuous to talk about long/repeated activities that are often annoying/surprising. €@) Use wil + infinitive to talk about activites/ states which are present/future habits, often with frequency adverbs. © DAA) connecteD SPEECH: contractions Listen to the examples of fast connected speech. Write ‘d, ‘Wor present simple (PS) for each sentence. aoe 5 6 1 8 D> page 134 LANGUAGEBANK 6 A complete the readers’ comments about the article on page 44, Use present and past habits, Write ONE word in each gap, > remember 1995, and ic does seem like had more reo time then. 1 10 meet friends a few lUmes a week. Now we get together fonee a manth max. Denise, Canberra > Everybody is? blaming technology ond work. ‘Sa quit your job and furn of your mobile! And stop whining. Remember, it dida’t* to be lke this. “odana, Poznan > con deny with his rien my twenties 1 : Conte tee hours. yf and ffomoreandt "worked on te tn Thue semed i sWch of eager > Young people don't understand. They zaprspend hours sung neo each RET wate fu never saying word When wes tel ope my friends and talk for hours. Scot, Los Angeles > Ona day off 1 ‘nearly always check my ‘work emails, and then [pet into the whole internet thing, But doesn't everybody * do this? B Work in groups and discuss. Which of the readers’ comments can you identify with? 7 A Workin pairs and look at the pie chart showing the hours spent on different activities in a working father’s average weekday. Discuss the questions i emaing/ocal media housework irveas iii tone) tisreuith people) 1 Do you think this person has a balanced life? 2 Is there anything he should spend more or less time doing? 3 What would be similar or different on a pie chart of your average weekday? B Draw a pie chart like the one above for your average weekday. C Work with other students. Show each other your pie charts and discuss. 1 What are the differences between your pie charts? 2 How should other students change their ives? 3 Who has the most balanced average day?WRITING ‘AN OPINION ESSAY; LEARN TO USE LINKERS. B A Look at the essay title, Work in pairs and discuss, the questions Most people fill their leisure time with meaningless activities. Do you agree? 1 What do you consider a ‘meaningful’ and a ‘meaningless’ leisure activity? 2 What is your opinion of the statement? B Read the essay. Do you agree with the writer's point of view? 1 Itis said that technological development has given people more leisure time than they used to have, and that this frees them up to concentrate on pursuing their interests or improving themselves. It seems to me, however, that most people spend their free time doing things that do not contribute to their development and are essentially unproductive. 2 To start with, the most popular free-time activities seem to be ones that people do alone, For instance, most people spend a large part of their time on the internet and, even when they are interacting with others, they are only doing so electronically. In addition to this, when people do go out it is often to visit the shopping centre; for some families, their main time together consists ofa few hours walking, filling a shopping trolley and eating at a snack bar ina shopping mall 3 At the same time, there are examples of people ‘making good use of their time. At weekends, there are parks, forests and beaches full of people doing sports or taking walks together. ‘Some people do volunteer work for charity organisations for a few hours a week, Other people join theatre or singing groups. All of ‘this supports the view that there has been some positive change; sadly, however, this reflects a relatively small part of the overall, population 4 In conclusion, I agree that people use their free time wastefully, and I feel that the situation is getting worse. It is my hope that this might change in the furure, Work in pairs. Identify the purpose of each paragraph. D Under three phrases for giving opinions. 9A complete the table with the linking words/ phrases in bold in the essay. firstly furthermore | to conclude tostort with incontrast | forexample this shows B Add the following phrases to the correct columns of the table. moreover in the first place to sum up this proves example _as opposed to this 10 A choose one of the essay titles below. Work alone ‘and make notes on the questions. Leisure activities have become too expensive. ‘children need more playtime in order to develop into neatty adults. Friendships formed over the internet are as strong as ones formed in person. + Doyou agree with the opinion? + Why/Why not? List three points. “+ What examples can support your points? B Work in groups and discuss your opinions. Note ‘any new points you could include in your essay. € Write a plan for your essay. speakout TIP ‘One way to organise an opinion essay i as follows +n introductory paragraph - state the topic and give your opinion. You can start, ‘Some people believe cor use a question ora quotation. +The main body of the essay (two or three paragraphs) When you make a point, eve a reason and/or example. + conclusion - you restate your opinion using different words DD Write the essay (120-180 words). Check your work for accurate grammar and use of linkers.Cel ay ela NNN ar ore PoE ee rd TSW P POSITIVE ADJECTIVES i L.A Work in pairs and tell each other about your last holiday. Did you enjoy ? How did you choose it? ra B Read the website adverts and answer the questions. tive city “ie ll the classic destinations? 1. Which adverts offer free holidays? ee eae 2 Which ones are holidays where you Take advantage of ou hotel prices learn something? toexlore lesser known aties such eee a5Ljublana, te jevel of Slovenia, > When inamniepoealio You incet othe delightful aly of Sevile Spend a week with ou instructors off the coastof Australia. Whatever your level me guarantee you vl make Significant progress, We aso promise breathtaking wews from the yachts together vithsurehine every doy 2 A Underline eight positive adjectives in the adverts. Circle the nouns they describe Traveling ona tight budget? Many ats and muse festivals depend on volunteers to ensure they run smoothly n return fran entrance tickets the perfect oppoxturity toplan a summer of partying or traveling around the wer speakout TIP Many adjectives with similar meanings are not interchangeable because they colacate vith particular nouns eg. a stunning view bt not stunning fun. lays make a note of typical adjective-noun collocations. B Cover the text and complete the adjective-noun collocations. Then. checkin the text. 42-10% ight:___opporturity/ ploce/examile 2 important and popular for ong fine destetoveadfitn 3 unusually good and mare than 0 expected esusalets/ Cnetooretngugetatonn I Kyoutepreparedtoputinatew on sfeapenmyenahee il hassnotocmyacnstorn 4 giving alot of pleasure: city homestay language courses in gunerD)ll word for nent to nothing Check Ou village/garden loco torgre fon tong Ml trae vlrkeor pacarertsin tom 5 important and easy to notice SoninGotersstommring fl srcsnal sree progress/improvement/change your Engishinthe Lake Dstrct. 6 very good or beautiful views! location/scenery C ()42) woro stress Put the STN adjectives from Exercise 2B in the 3 3 Bees Se Tere ‘A [B)42) Lstento three conversations and match the people he 26s Gas Reba Paton with the holiday adverts above. 1D Workin pairs. Student a: say an B Listen again tothe three conversations and answer the questions adjective noun colocation. Student 1 In Conversation 1, what isthe man tkely to enjy the most and B: give an example from your country least about his trip? and say why you chose it. 2 What does the other man think of the tip? 4: adelightful town 3 InConversation2, what three suggestions does the woman make? 8: Trapaniin icy because 4 Does the oficial agree to these suggestions? 5 In Conversation 3, what does the weman mention having done on her tip? 6 What does she want todo next summer? What could stop her?GRAMMAR FUTURE FORMS 4 A Work in pairs and read the extracts from the conversations in Exercise 3A, Who is speaking? 1A: When are you ff? B:The taxi me tomorrow 2 -:Not my idea ofa holiday! B: Actually, dont thinkit (be) too hard 3 Al didn't know you were interested in gardening. B:m not realy but apparently there building work onthe house. They/re not sure yet. 4 Bear with mea minute. just the latest information on the computer. 5 A:Theplane (arrive) a 1030 atthe eales. B: But that’s over three hours’ time! ‘im sory Si And it (be) later than that. 6 -:So are you hoping to go back? B:Ilove to, Maria’ invited me and {go back) next summer but ony if can aford the fight. But have a plan \ {look fora new job, with more money BB Complete the extracts with the verbs in brackets andl one of the future forms from the box below. In several cases, more than one form is possible. In each case which forms cannot be used? Why? (pick up) at seven (be) some (heck) be going to be likely to present continuous might be due to wil) E Look at audio script 4.3 on page 167 and check the forms. 1D Match rules 1-8 with the examples in Exercise 4A. Predictions 5 Use will (1M/wont + infinitive for general predictions ‘often with adverbs such as definitely/possibly. 6 Use be due to when something is expected or scheduled to happen, 7 Use be likely /uniely to for ‘prediction that is probable. '8Use migh/could + infinitive for ‘a prediction thats not certain, Intentions and plans 1 Use the present continuous for definite arrangements, 2.Use be going to/be planning 10/be hoping to + infinitive for ‘a general intention, 3 Use will (10 + infinitive for adecision made at the ‘moment of speaking. 4 Use might/could + infinitive for an intention that is not certain, '5 A CONNECTED SPEECH Work in pairs and say sentences 1-4 out loud. Which pronunciation is more natural, a) orb)? 1 What areyou going todo after ciass?_a) Awotarjus! b) /wotaja/ 2 Who will be there? a) Ihurwal/—b) /huxl/ 3 When will you have time to talk? a) (wenelja/_b) /wenwalju:/ 4% When are you meeting them? a) /wenaxjur/_b) /wenaja/ 1B [)44 Listen and tick the pronunciation you hear. Then listen and repeat. > page 134 LANGUAGEBANK 6 A Underline the best alternative in the sentences. 11 We'e going/We might go to Venezuela on holiday this year. | booked yesterday. 2 Well probably/We're going to go ‘camping at the weekend but were rot sure yet, 3 On Saturday fm meeting/t'l meet some friends for lunch, 4 Inthe future Fm using/1m going to use English to get a better job. 5 I think itis raning/' rain this weekend, 6 There's no lesson today? In that case fm staying/llstay at home ‘and study, 7 im hoping to/thinking of travel to China at some point in the future. 8 I might/Im unlikely to live abroad in the future, 9 We are due getting/to get our test results by the end of the week. 10 Ournatianal team defintely won't/ won't definitely win. B Change five of the sentences so that they are true for you. Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: tll your partner your sentences, Student B: ask follow-up questions. {| might go to Catia on holiday this eat B: Sounds good. Whereabouts in Croatia?? A Workin pairs and take turns, Ask and answer questions and make notes on: + your partner’ interests and hobbies. + the ype of accommodation and transport he/she prefers on holiday + things he/she doesn't ike on holiday + he/she wants to spend aot ona luxury holiday or wants something more reasonably priced or fee. B Work witha new partner, Use your notes to design an alternative holiday for each of your previous partners. Think about the following things: + name ofthe alternative holiday + location + means of transport = length of time + accommodation + main activities + other information (clothing, equipment, climate, health, preparation tems to bring) € Tellyour original partner about the alternative holiday you have designed. Your holiday i called Patagonia by Horse i'll tobe cold and rainy, soyou should bring vw) VOCABULARY IS UNCOUNTABLE AND PLURAL NOUNS 8 A Read the email. Why is Valerie enjoying her holiday? To: Gabriel 4emaliboxcom Hi Gabriel, Just a quick note from the middle of nowhere Wie got off to bad start when Marianna fell down thea coming off the plane (no major injuries), Then our luggage got lst, Along ith all of my clothes and my reading glares, as wel as our toletries, Tings are prety basic here - you can’t buy soap for instance, We're staying on the outkits ofa tiny vilage, na yurt, a fort of house made of cloth and wood (eee attached phot, Infact there’sno concrete anywhere, only these yur, except the remains ofan old stone hut nearby. So how do we spend our time? Well, we do abit of horseback riding ducing the day and we pay cards in the tvening, The locals are incredibly friendly. You know, ve realised that simpler is better and Iealy don’t want to come home! Valerie B Work in pairs and discuss. Would you enjoy this type of holiday? Why/Why not? © Look at the email again, Undertine six uncountable nouns and circle eight nouns which are usually found only in the plural. Use a dictionary if necessary. below. Find and correct ten mistakes. 9A Read the q BB Workin pairs and take tums. Askand answer the quiz que ravellers aft » ‘When you travel, do you find informations and accommodation Dy asking at a tourist office? What sort af facility do you expect hotels to have? Do you ask Friends for advices on what to see? How many luggage do you usually carry for a two-week trip? Do you ever carry any sports or camping equipments? Has aitport security ever gone through the content of your suitcases? What mean of transport do you like to travel by most ~plane, train oF car? On holiday, what's your favourite type of sceneries? Do you tke looking at the remain of ancient buildings? Seo ~ auauwn o you always keep someone back home informed of your whereabout? D> page 151 VOCABULARYBANK4.3 )) HOW DOES IT WORK? VOCABULARY ABILITIES 4 Locket the potas of game shows and qulaes and discuss the auestions. 1 Doyou enjoy watching shows ke thi? Wy not 2. What ae the most popula shows ofthis ind in yur county? 3 Which ype of show would you bebest at Why Think abou your personality, abies and sks 2 A compete sentences 1-8 ith the phrases inthe be. Understand human nature in great shape know-how inventive coo-headed good with (words/my hands, etc) a sharp mind a good sense of humour 1 Ihave the practical Knowledge needed. have the necessary 2 | knowa lot about what people are tke. 3 I can make people laugh. have 4 I dont get nervous under pressure. tim. 5 min good health and condition, tm 6 | can come up with new things easily Ym 7 lean think quickly. have 8 Imtalented or skilled in (various elds) fm BB Work in pairs and take turns. Student A: close your book. Student 8: ask your partner about their abilities using the phrases in Exercise 24 Do you have know-how C What type of game show or quiz would your partner be most suited to? FUNCTION DESCRIBING PROCEDURES 3 A Workin pairs and look again at the photos. What exactly do you think happens in each show? B 45: Listen tothe descriptions of two ofthe shows. Were your ideas correct? E Listen again. For each show, make notes on these questions: 1 Ist an individual or team competition? 2 Whats the aim? 3 Whats the best thing about it? describing procedures Pe ae ie 4 A Match the sentence halves to make phrases for ‘explaining procedures. 1 The ist ting they do 2 Thekey thing is 3. What happens next is 4 After they've finished, the team 5 Basically the way it works is that 6 What you have todo isto 7 The point isto 2) that asked the questions decide ft was ale or not b) twelve ofthe contestant stand on podiums over water 0 {sto tell a personal story 4) jump over the arm when it gets to you €) that the other team interrogates the storytel. {get round the course in the fastest time. 8) to say something that's so unbelievable that’s hard to imagine it’s true B Which phrases from Exercise 48 are used: 1 to state the overall goal or aim? 2 to describe details ofthe procedure? 3 tohighlight something particulary important? D> page 136 LANGUAGEBANK5 A Complete the description of a game. My favourite is The Palate Tet Basically, the | oy _ it worl that one of the judges cooks a dish for thecontestants. The \___thing they +___istotaste it and try to work out what the ingredients are, happens is that they get the ingredients and try tomake exactly the same dish, After done that, the two judges taste the dishes and choose the winner. The isto ‘match the original dish as closely as possible. The? thing isto work ‘ut the original ingredients ~ one thing missing and the dish won't taste the same as the original B Think of a game/sport/show you know. Make notes on the number of players, the procedure and the aim. Work in groups and take turns. Student A: describe the game/sport/ show but don’t say its name. Other students: guess the game/ sport/show. LEARN TO USE MIRROR QUESTIONS 6 A Look at the extracts. Underline the word A says which B does not understand or does not hear propery 1A: There are two teams with three celebs on each team, BE... Three what? 2 Soa panelist tells 2 personal story B: Sorry, who tells a story? 3 As... the other team grills the storyteller. 8: Um, they do what? 4A: twelve of the contestants stand on podiums over water B: They stand where? BB Which question words or phrases can replace a noun? Which can replace averb? speakout TIP When you don't understand part of what someone says, repeat most of what they say but replace the problem word with a question word and use stress and intonation to make it into a question, aah [Rs They flit BA. Bt They flit where? C B)A) stRESs AND INTONATION: mirror questions Listen to the {questions in Exercise 6A and underline the main stress in each fone. Then listen and say the questions at the same time, paying attention to the stress and intonation, 1D Complete the mirror questions to check the words/phrases in bold. Then work in pairs and practise reading the conversations aloud. 1 A: You have to sauté the potatoes, Bo 2 A: The first player writes an anagram of the word. (ee 3 A: You go to the webinar site 8: 2 4 A: Basically, the aim is to boat the rival team. by nee) SPEAKING ? A choose one of the situations below to explain to a partner, + how to make a favourite dish + one of your favourite websites and how it works + the procedure for something practical, eg, how to fold a T-shirt, + how you do one or more ofthe tasksin your job/studies + ahobby, me or sport you enjoy + how your phone or something in the room works BB Make notes on the main points the procedure and key things to keepin mind. Workin pairs or groups and take turns. Student A: describe the procedure to the other students, Other students: ask mirror questions if you don't understand something. 51 VOCABULARYBANKro >) THE HAPPINESS FORMULA DVD PREVIEW 1 Work in pairs and discuss. Which ways of completing the statement do you agree with? Check any new words with your partner or in a dictionary. Money can't make you happy + but job satisfaction can. + isasilly thing to say! Of course it can! + but you can't be happy with none. You need a basic standard ofliving. + but shopping does make me feel good, + and neither can possessions or designer goods. + buta good income gives you status in society + but! need enough for my leisure activities. + but | would still lke to be very, very rich! 2 read the programme information and answer the ie 1 What does the programme sy about the relationship between money and happiness? 2 What are some ofthe theots that exlaln this doyou thin? 3. What suggestions do you think the experts will make? ©) The Happiness Formula Happiness: everybody wants it, fs such a simple concept, so why is it so hard to get, and to hold onto? Scientists have begun to Took for answers, and this six-part series explores their findings. Tn tonight’ instalment, presenter ‘Mark Easton looks at why consumerism has failed to increase our happiness, and some theories and research that scientists use to explain this failure He talks to experts who give ts some ideas of how we might change our and become happier people. DVD VIEW 3 A Watch the DVD. How similar were your answers for Exercise 2 to the ideas in the programme? B Work in pairs and try to complete the suggestions about topics 1-3 from what you remember. Then watch again to check. 1 the rat race 2 the rich: 3 holidays: C check what you remember. Underline the correct. ‘words. Then watch the DVD again and check. 1... does happiness come in a gift-wrapped box/ package? And fit doesnt, what on earth are we alldoing? 2 .... the standard of living has increased dramatically/bugely and happiness has increased rot at all and in some cases has fallen/diminished slightly 3 Then your neighbours drive up in two top-of the: range/of the latest BMWs. And suddenly your Mint just doesn't do it for you/make you happy anymore, 4 In our search for happiness we work longer, commute/travel further, to get richer, to buy more, ‘And yet the science of happiness suggests we should do exactly the opposite/toke a different direction, 5 The next task, though, isto persuade/convince us all to change the way we lve D Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Did you find the programme persuasive? 2. Which ideas do you agree with? 3. How might you go about making the changes that are suggested?speakout a happiness surve: 4 A Work in pairs and discuss. Look at the box below. What do most people consider the single most important ‘ingredient’ of happiness? Which one is the least important? alife partner peace and quiet annice car free time friendship sport or exercise money clear goals good food _music other (what?) B D)47) Listen toa man answering questions about happiness. Which topics from Exercise 4A does he talk about? Which are the most important for him? C Listen again and tick the key phrases you hear. [Could /Do you mind if] ask you some questions? Which would you find the feasiest/hardest/most difficult] to live without? Do you think that most people feel Imoney/a nice cat/...]Isessential to happiness? How important are these things to you, on a scale of one to five, five being very important? Which is (the easiest/hardest] to achieve? \What would you say is missing from your life? 5 A Work in pairs and prepare a short happiness survey using the key phrases. B Talk to other students and ask your questions Make notes on their answers. C summarise your findings to the class. writeback tips for being hap) 6 A Awebsite asked its readers for tips for being happy Workin pairs, Read two ofthe responses and discuss which you agree with, Don’t read the news or watch TV The news filed with negative images and stories and each ane contibutes to you tress levels, making you feel more depressed Following the news can also take Up a great deal o your attention Insteas,wse the te oc someting ou ero as cooking 2 meal phoning renclcr gong for aw Get a pet Studleshave shown that people who havea dog cat re hapier endive longer. et can sve companionship that, for me peopl is almost as good as having 2 partner. Berealstic about what typeof pet would be most suitable for yauand for your accommodation Remember, you choase a dag youll Hae to take It for waks, whereas a cat fs more independent B Viork in pairs. Choose three topics from the box ‘or your own ideas to write tips for being happy. Make notes using the headings below. exercise friends family work money nutrition Tip: i Why this helps: Z fw todo i A How to doit Z Wirite about your tips for the website (120-200 words). Use one paragraph for each tp. D Read other students’ tips. Whose tips would work best for you?4.5(\ LOOKBACK aaa 1A Add the vowels to complete the verbs Don't wait till it’s too late! ‘These days more than ever it important to know how to*chrg_. But some people dont know how to relax and how importants todo so before it too late First of all notice the danger signals. IF you get “w__nd _p easily by the tle annoying things people do, time for abreak Its time to cs -n yourself Go and sit by alae or ontop ofall. Don’ think about anything, just‘ _t Dont listen to music oF anything ~ music might be another way to swatch f, butts an artifical solution, So listen tothe wind ane the water. Youll feel your energy change, youl feel yourse§nw.nd B Workin pair and discuss. Which part ofthe author's advice do you agree with? ee ESL 2 A Correct the mistake in each sentence, One sentence is correct. 4 When | was younger, fé often went to lubs with my fiends 2 People are thinking aeys about the nex task of course they can pay attention to now. 3 I didn't used to check my email First thing in the morning, but now ido. 4 lused to get up early these days and go fra jog. 5 Most weekend mornings staying in bed till noon since | don't have a reason to get up. 6 Asa child | used to play board games lot with my family 7 My bes friend always sending ime texts. really annoying. 8 Years ago | would believe | was always right, Not anymore B Work in groups and discuss. Which ofthe habits above are god and which are bad? Which of them do/did you share? ‘© POSITIVE ADJEC BA Rearrange the letters to complete the phrases. la place to relax (tpecett) 2a book (aistese) 3a View ofa city (heabrikatgo) 4a restaurant (ubpes) 5 someone with a/an talent (ixeeoncpat) 6a improvement to public transport gistnican) Ta village (lughdiett) 8 scenery Ganinsgu) B Think of something, somewhere or someone for five ofthe phrases above. Then work in pairs and compare your ideas, Star 4 A Workin groups. Look at the headlines from a future newspaper. Which ones: 1 are likely to happen? 2 will definitely never happen? 3 could happen, but are not likely to? BD rattan Becomes UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE & Average lifespan increases to 100 years © vast wan ews - wor. PEACE ACHIEVED B Which three predictions can you confidently make about the World in twenty years time? 1 think the average lifespan likely to increase becouse 5 A Write the conversations in full using different future forms. 1 A: What / you / do / Friday? B:1/ go /Julia's party /or/ maybe / go / cinema. A: 1/-g0 / Julia's party /s0/1/ give you a lift /if/ want. B: Thanks./1/ phone /if/1/ need /a lft. 2 A: How / you / planning / use / your English /in the future? B:1/ try /geta job/ international company. How / you? As 1/ hoping / get /into / ‘American university / but / 1/ unlikely / get / my first choice, B:1/ sure you /. 3A: Hurry up or we / miss /the bust B: What time / due? Az It/ due / two minutes. Leave / coat. You definitely ‘/not / need / it today. B: Butit/rain./1/ take / umbrella just in case. B Work n pairs. Use the prompts to practise saying the ‘conversations. PSTAIENTS ere 9 G A Underline the correct, altematives The Oyster Card The best way to gt round London withthe jst Card. 7th pone i thatyoudortreed anew cet tery me you vere base/Basal, The way evo wrang hat sou pe craicar your Oye Yates happet happens tat at Seenment te unceyoure oo Swipe the card ovr aeles The tet tig what you dois to swipe ape fen you wan eat i taken fom your edit The geal’ inning St op up your tat before it runs out. "After/Afterwards sect le Leeder yercan po be Etter ina end B Write your own tips for getting around a town/city you know using five phrases for describing procedures,Nall. ‘CONSUMER CRAZY p59 GENIUS p64 BC eR ete cee ere eee brainstorming session 5.4Present anovel idea INTERVIE Toa Cae ce ett eae eee ed bade eee ent ec a Cees eee) READING 5.1 Readan article about the worst inventions ever 5.2 Find out your aE ern re Lorre cai DUR ee eee GY5.1 L Workin p: BRIGHT IDEAS? 'sand discuss. What do you think are the five worst inventions of alltime? 2 A Lookat the photos. Were these the same as yourideas? Write down one reason wity each ison the worst inventions list. B Read the article. How many of your reasons were the same? € Read the article again. re the sentences true (1, false F) or not given (NG)? Where possibe, underline the phrase or word that helped you decide. 1 2 Americans consume the most fast food. Candid Camera is famous for being the most popular US. reality show ‘Smoking is more dangerous for women than men, Cars being less expensive has meant that more people use cars. Alternative fuels wll probably replace petrol in the near future. Traditional power plants are less expensive to run, Research has shown mobile phones {are not more dangerous as you get older, People felt equally negative about all types of weapons, 1D Work in pairs and discuss. Which inventions should not be on the lst? VOCABULARY CHANGE 3 A Complete the sentences, Then check your ideas in the reading text. 1 Nuclear accidents are rare but can devastating effects 2 {The mobile phone is gadget] thats communication 3 Innovations that go bang or Boal haem were the most hated B Match 1-8 with a)-h) to make sentences. 1 2 We are already having to adapt © a) thelr fight for equality. Streaming services have by to the change of transformed seasons. Ittakes some people time to adjust) on travelers’ Hosting a global sports event can experiences, do harm 4) to.access high-quality Coal and gas mining cause damageto education. Online hotel reviews havea positive _ €) toextreme weather effect events, Elearning courses have enabled —_#) the environment. millions 8) the way we listen to The appearance of female journalists music. inthe media has revolutionised by to; countrys economy. Undertine the verb phrases related to change in Exercises 3A and 38 and write them in the correct group according to their ‘meaning. Include the part of speech that follows them. 1 2 3 4 react to change: adopt to + noun make a positive change: make a negative change: make a big change: 1D Work with other students and discuss, Which issues in Exercise 3B do you agree with or relate to personally? How many views or experiences do you have in common?Carhater out-voted petrol Users Developed inthe late 1880s, the modern car ‘vas initially they ofthe ‘wealthy but fling prices have made ita key pare ‘offamily if. The motor industry is ow booming ver 69 milion cars and ight trucks ae produced globally ina year Buta green fuel is unlikely to take over ftom patrol Soon, s0 the cr Continues to acd fo our ‘growing carbon footprint. ATHECAR GRAMMAR ARTICLES 4 A check what you know, Complete the sentences with a(n), the or ~ (no article). Then check your answers inthe article 1 in 2002, some obese US. teenagers led __lawsuit against McDonald accusing fastfood chain of fattening them up 2 in___America, reality televisions popularity has fisenin the 21st centuryin USA there are two television channels devoted tot. 3 World Health Organization says up to twenty-nine percent of __ British men and nineteen percent of. women smoke 4 Developed in___late 18805, _madern car was initally the toy of ___ wealthy, but felling prices have made it____key part of family ite BB Complete the rules 1-6in the table with o(n),the oF ~ Write a word or phrase from the sentences above as an example of each rule. Use: 1La/an_ with singular countable nouns when you are not talking about a particular thing, or when you mention something for the first time, _o lawsuit, with any type of noun when you and your reader/ listener know which particular thing you are talking, about, for example because itis unique or it has been mentioned before. with plural and uncountable nouns to talk about things in general, with most place names such as continents, countries, cities. in fixed phrases such as in... 1960s in... beginning. Inssome country names. with a singular countable noun oran adjective used as a noun for something in general > page 136 LANGUAGEBANK 2 MOBILE PHONES [surprising slvr medal for the gadget that evolutionsed carmmunication Mobiles have teen avaiable in the UKsince 198 and have been widely red since the late 1990s. ‘Almost tvee-quarters of Britons now avn one, Despite health Scares linking mobile phone deta brain tumours, mast. studies have found theres no increased rk. Maybe its those annoying rng tones that have jul motale phones here 5 A BSA) weak rons ano LINKING: the Look at sentences 1-3 Circle the where it is pronounced /8a/ and underline it where itis pronounced /i. Then listen and Check. What isthe rule? 1 The interesting thing is that many ‘ofhe)people who hate it are the ‘ones who watch it 2. Theautomobite has done less wel since the economic crisis 3 Those who voted fr the car mentioned the harm ft does to the environment asthe biggest, oroblem BD)52 Listen tothe pronunciation. What sound is used tolink the and the following vowel? Listen and repeat. the interesting thing dd the automobile J the economic crisis oe the environment wt6 A Look at the headline. Why do you think people chose the bicycle? Read the article and check your ideas. tts transformed the way ‘thas enabled people to Clete Beta Listeners to BBC Radio 4's You and Yours programme were invited to vate in * online pol looking at * ‘most significant innovations since 1800. Itwas* __easy victory for? bicycle, which won more than half of * vote. Second came*_ radio. with eight percent of the vote, and the ‘electro-magnetic induction ring -the ‘means to harness electricity = came third. Despite the fact that you can find them ‘everywhere, _computers gained Just six percent of the vote and “internet tralled behind with ‘only four percent of all votes cast. There: ‘were more than 4,500 vates cast in total. People chose the bicycle for its simplicity ‘of design, universal use and because it is" ecologically sound means of transport B Complete the text with the correct articles, a(n), the or ~ A Workin pairs and discuss. For each pair of inventions, which one do you thinkis more important? Why? 1 the oven or the fridge 2 the pen or the pencil 3 fire or the wheel 4 the bicycle or the car 5 the zipor Velcro 6 sunglasses or sunscreen B Work with another pair. Pair 2: say a number from the lst, and choose one ofthe two items. Say why it’s more important. Pair 2: say why the other item is more important, Alter two minutes, agree on which pair isthe winner, ES ist racic VOCABULARY JT COMPOUND NOUNS 8 A Work in pairs and look at the pictures above. Which inventions do you think were the least successful? Why? B Complete the encyclopedia entries with the names of the inventions in the photos. ‘The ‘was expected to be a major brealethrough for transport but in the trade-off between safety endl affciency, safety ‘on, The outlook frit tune 26 Th but had a sesious drawback: could not be used over a long range ‘9nd communication breakdowns wate common, ‘As glass bottles were replaced by cans, dink manufacturers nnowded a replacement forthe” ‘and the outoome was the * ‘The downside ofthe move wo cans was Inuge increase inthe amount of rubbish, Match definitions 1-6 with the words in bold above. 1 compromise trade-off 4 adiscovery 2 expectation 5 disadvantage (2 words) 3 system fallure 6 result '9.A Complete the information with examples from the entries in Exercise 88, More than one answer Is sometimes possible ‘Compound nouns are usually made of wo words. They can bbe written as separate words, e.g. bottle cap, ora single word, eg! or they ean be written with a hyphen, ere ‘The plural is made by adding ans to the end, ‘eg. breakdowns. Several common compound nouns are made of a verb + preposition, eg. ‘or a preposition or adverb + verb, eg. * Ifyou understand both parts ‘of the compound, you ean often guess the meaning, 1B B)52. Listen to seven sentences, Write the compound noun in each sentence in your notebook and underline the stress. Where does the stress usually fall? C Work in pairs and choose three inventions. Write an encyclopedia entry for each one using two of the compound ‘nouns above. Write they/it instead of the invention. They were an important breakthrough in the 20th century. They give us relatively clean energy but they also have some serious drawbacks, including the danger of major breakdown. 1D Exchange entries with other pairs and guess the inventions, D page 152 VOCABULARYBANKCONSUMER CRAZY eee wy) tence eee ) advertisi 1A Workin pairs and discuss. ADVERTISING COLLOCATIONS 1 How do you make decisions about 2 A Complete the collocations with nouns from the box. what you buy? 2 How much are you influenced by a price amarket a product advertising? 3 What else influences you, ex. people, launch advertise set raise brands, the internet? B Work in pairs and do the ‘questionnaire. Note your answers. C B)S Listen to the radio programme and check your answers. D Listen again and answer the question. 1 wha one thing has’ change about matting? 2 What isthe effect of ing people chose? 2 Inwhat wo way does ring act B fl the verbs from the box to the word webs opie? ae ee a ee] 1 Re orovbortagesofevil incase promote dominate redue_ seca pin erdone video? Work in pairs and cover Exercise 2A. Student A: say 2 noun from Exercise 2 Student B: say twa verbs that go with it Student A: say another verb, ‘5 What four things are important if you want a video to go viral? E Work in pairs and diseuss. Which ideas in the listening surprised you the most? What's your advertising Key ‘You want to introduce a new product to the market, ior example chocolate. ‘The product you want to compete with sells for lwo euros. Should you price your product above or below your competition? Which colour blue, green, orange, red or yellow isbest ose in an advert a) high tech products? indmigs and mestcal products? } energy drinks, games and ears? 1) ‘There's a coer shop ci owale inthe town centre, Itselisa thousand fetes a Oo ce ut of 100 people, how ita competitor opened another coifee shop right next, door. Aiter that, how many coffees would each shop sell? ‘many click off an online video before 10 seconds are up?GRAMMAR REAL AND HYPOTHETICAL CONDITIONALS 3A check what you know. Which sentences refer to real situations and which o hypothetical ones? 1 Experience shows that Ifthe price is higher, people think your product better. 2 fa video goes viral, it will get millions of views 3 People wil lick of unless the video is memorable. 4 Your brand name wl travel around the world provided the video goes viral 5 Supposing you wanted to sell anew brand of chocolate. what price would you set? 6 another coffee shop opened next door they sell atleast a thousand cups each B in 1-6 above circle the verb inthe conditional clause and underline the verb inthe result clause, Which words from the box could replace provided and supposing in sentences 4 and 5 above? if providing suppose imagine fon condition that _as long as lets say 1D Complete the rules. Use sentences 1-6 and the words in Exercise 3C above to help, 1 Usea real conditional when... 4) something i always or generally true if+_pcesent simple + ) something is key to happen in the future asa result ofa possible acton/ situation if es 2. Use a hypothetical conditional when something is unlikely to happen in the present or future: Ite + 3. As alternatives tof itis possible to use: a) tomean ifrot b or to mean fand only if ° 4 “or to say that something i unlikely. 4A B55) sentence stress: conditionals Listen and write sentences 1-5 in your notebook. BB Underline the stresses in each sentence. Listen again and check. Then listen and repeat. speakout TIP In many situations, especially n speaking, we use only, tone clause of the conditional structure, eg ‘&: Do you think I should take this job? B: Wel, take it, But it's up to you. D> page 136 LANGUAGEBANK 5 A Work in pairs and discuss. How could a company promote a new product? Give three ideas B Read the text. Does it mention your ideas? you wanted to launch a new product for ‘a specific audience and only that audience, jvhat‘would/will you do? The answer isto Get a vlogger to endorse your product. A vlog {.a video blog and a viogger is the person who presents the vdece. If your prod were, for example, lipstick. you wil would choose someone who gives advice on makeup — het followers are your perfect target audience. J works like this: you send the vioggera sample of your preduct and then, ‘providingfunless the viogger likes your product, she ‘wil/would mention iton one of her vlogs. OK, you pay her ofcourse, but as long as/unless she's a logger with alaige folowing (some have over a milion), your investment twill would be worthwhile and sales should boom. Just be sure that your suppliers have full stocks ~ ifthe vlog goes/went online in the morning, your lipstick ‘may be sold out by afternoon. Now supposing you *makelmade your own vlog, you would be wasting your time, Even less-well known. vloggers have a bigger audience than you Swill would be able to get at frst. Remember, ‘unless/as iong as you reach your target audience, your product "won t/wall go ‘anywhere, and neither will you, And that ‘yl would be a shame, € Under D Work in pairs and discuss. What was new or surprised you in the text above? Do you follow a vlog or a blog? 6 Work in pairs. Student A: turn to page 159. Student B: turn to page 160. D page 152 VOCABULARYBANK 1 the correct alternatives in the text.WRITING A REPORT; LEARN TO MAKE WRITTEN COMPARISONS. ? A What influences you when you buy a new phone ora computer? Write a list of factors. BB Workin groups and compare ideas. B A Lookat the chart on the right which shows the results of a survey cn why people choose a particular smartphone, Whats the most and least important factor for each group of people? B Read the report written by a student onthe survey results and answer the questions 1 Which factors are mentioned? 2. The student has made one factual ero What it? 3. How would yu complete the main headings? C Look at the report and write true (Dor false 1 A eport hes headings forthe fst and last paragraph ony 2 The st paragraph states the purpose of the report. 3 The last paragraph gives a final comment and sometimes 3 recommendation. 4 The language is formal 1D Read the report again and complete tasks 1-3 1 Circle thee phrases fr saying that two things are the same or nearly the same 2 Underline four diferent phrases for talking about eiferences 3 Puta box round four inking phrases 9 A Workin pairs. Look at the chart pai again and make notes on four points you could make about teenagers. B Complete the report by continuing ‘the paragraph about teenagers. Write 40-60 words. Include at least four of the phrases in Exercise 8. € Read your partner's text. Did you ‘choose the same information to focus ‘on? Did you both use a formal style? colour seh practical features pace my friends have the same fashionable ‘makes me look succesful brand loyaty om en women teenagers Introduction ‘This report looks atthe results ofa survey of students and employees Inourlanguage schoo in relation to their reasons for buying a particularsmartphone, First of all, comparing the results for men and women, it can be seen that some factors allect both groups more or less equally. For example, there is no difference in how much size and colour influence their ‘choice of phone, and the results for ‘my friends have the same one” show only a slight variation. ‘Men andwomen:*___ ‘There are, however, significant difleences Inthe results for other factors. The usefulness or practicality of a phone's features is far more important for men than for women, as isthe price and how much it ‘males the owner look successful, Oa the other hand, women place zreater importance on brand loyalty. “The resulls for teenagers showed an interesting contrast to those for men and women. First of al. Conclusion appears that despite the differences, there are two factors which have ‘relatively high importance for all three groups: what smartphone thelr Friends have, and what is fashionable, Given this, it can be concluded that people are more influenced by social factors than practical ones. LO complete the task below. [A group of adults were asked about how they choose a summer holiday destination, giving a score from 1-10 to each of a number (of factors to indicate their relative importance. The graph below shows the results. Write a report of 120-180 words summarising the results, highlighting the similarities and differences. spors faites interesting local culture 00d loca food Tend recommended it attractive advertisementCOLLOCATIONS WITH IDEA L.A Work in pairs and discuss. What do you Understand by ‘brainstorming’? What [it used for? B Read the article and check your ideas. Which rule do you think is wrong? ‘THE SIX RULES OF BRAINSTORMING 1 Quantity is more imporiant than quailty. Suppose yyoutze looking for a way to get paople to wall more One briliant idea isn't enough, you want five, ton, dozens to choose from. The goal of the brainstorming, stage isto come up with as many ideas as possible. 2 No dea is too predictable or bizare. Infact, ‘sometimes these ideas can lead to the perfect solution, 8 Zero judament. Never reject an ides becomse you think is dreadful or unrealistic, because what you ‘peed is just ideas, ideas, ideas. The worst thing you can do in a brainstorm is to eriteise an idea, 4 Everybody's equal. You have to identily shy poople and encourage them. There's no hierarchy, itonly ‘works ifyou workas a team. 5 Have no time limit. People often get their bast ideas ‘they have as much time as they need. 6 Write all the ideas down - each and every one. Have a secretary who records whatever anyone says. You can develop the ideas further aiter the meeting € Read the text again. Undertine six verbs and circle six adjectives which collocate with idea(s) Comeup with as many ideas as possible. D Replace the words in bold with a word from Exercise 16 1 get my best ideas when I'm in the shower. 2. Having a four-day working week is terrible ideo. 3. | would never say no to an idea completely unless {had slept oni. 4 Its OK if people say my ideas are bad 5 People in my country are creative but are not so good at expanding their ideas into something with business potential, 6 Allowing teenagers to start school at L1am.isa crazy but brilliant idea 7 Peoples ideas about married life are not very practical. {8 When educational authorities want to measure progress they usually suggest more testing. t's an obvious idea, and a good one, E Work with other students and discuss the topics above, Which ones do you all agree with? FUNCTION SUGGESTING IDEAS 2 A You are going to listen to a brainstorm on ways, to encourage people to walk more. Before you listen, workin pairs and write down three ideas B D6 Listen tothe fist part ofthe brainstorm. ‘re any of your ideas included? Make a note of the other ideas C B57 Tick the three best ideas, Then listen to the second part. Which ideas are rejected and why? Which idea do they choose in the end? 3 A D158 complete the phrases with two words, ‘Then listen and check your ideas. 1 How feel about this idea? 2 Would the opposite idea of scaring people into it? 3. How does the idea of closing public transport ? 4 Ithink it be great if we get celebrities to promote walking generally 5 | think we should the feet idea 6 With that in mind try combining the two ideas? 7 Lets that. B Listen again and say the suggestions at the same ‘time, copying the stress and intonation. E Complete the responses to the suggestions. Then ‘check in audio script 5.7 on page 169. 1 That could bea pr 2 Itwouldn't be my first ch 3 Itwouldn't wo 4 I think we're on the wrong tr_here 5 That'snot abadi__atall 6 Imt____between the video and the celebrity. D>page 136 LANGUAGEBANK4 A Workin pairs and look at the ideas for getting people to stop dropping litter. Which ones do you think are the best? Getting people to stop dropping litter sparen to promt te lea as for the back of ca thine ut Inevence te fants for croppi ‘have rublish vine which naive a fun sound wher wethingy'e droppin B Work in pairs and role-play the situation. Use the flow chart to help. A How/ feel / get / celebrity endorse / campagne 4 lk een __ not / first choice / have tosy [Fetes incense fines / strike you? It be / done before. / think wrong track / 1 J great /if/se/ signs preictable too./you | |/ backs of cars 7 consider/ bins / sound effects? Not /bad idea /all./ tom/ between / that / and / use / interesting, (amosTigr_, \Geelan/aberoe combine / wo ideas? OK Seem /best suggestion (Right let /g0/ that € Change roles. Write two key words from each sentence and use these to practise again. 55 LEARN TO SHOW RESERVATIONS. 5 A Work in pairs, Cross (x) the negative comments ‘and tick (/) the one that is neutral. 1 that could bea problem + itwouldn' be my ist choice. I dont think that would be effective. itwouldr't work. atthe moment Im torn between the video and the celebrity B ©)59 Listen to the phrases and write the missing words/phrases in comments 1-5 above Which two phrases you wrote signal avery negative comment? speakout \Weoften use short phrases to prepare someane fora negative comment. Some phrases (tobe honest, actually, ‘have to soy can also signal a postive or newtral comment, depending on the intonation and context D [)5:10! iwroNaTiON: showing reservations Listen and pay attention to the intonation, Does ‘each one signal a positive (+) or negative (-) ‘comment? 12 3 4 5 E Listen again and repeat the phrases. Pay attention to the intonation. A Work in groups. choose one of the topics below ‘and brainstorm at least five ideas. + How to encourage people to learn a foreign language + How to get people to visit your country or city + How to improve one aspect ofthe building you are + How to encourage students to do their homework + How to encourage young people to be more polite to older people + How to get kids to eat more vegetables B Lookat your list of ideas and choose the best ‘one, Give reasons for rejecting the other ones. € Tell the class your best idea and briefly describe two other ideas you rejected. We considered the idea of .. but we decided against it because In the end we chose toWork in pairs. The name of the BBC programme you're going to watch is Genius. What do you think. the programme is about? Work in pairs. Read the programme descri and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1 Celebrity guests present their ideas. 2. The ideas are generally both funny and clever. 3 The audience decides which ideas are ‘genius Genius Can an idea be both silly and genius at the same time? That's what the BBC programme Genius isall about. Each week, members ofthe public present their wild and crazy ideas for a new product or service. Presenter Dave Gorman and ‘celebrity guest fist interview each inventor to find ouall about the invention, and in the end the celebrity guest decides whether the idea is truly genius or not. In this programme, the ‘suggestions include a new type of choir where ‘each chorus member has very litte to sing! Work in pairs. Look at the picture in Exercise 1B hich shows an idea from the programme. What do you think the invention is? Watch the DVD and check your ideas. What did the show add to Dan's idea to make it work? Look at the sentences from the clip and underline the alternative you think they say. Then ‘watch the clip again and check, 1 We invite the people with the most potential best ideas to jin us and its here that we decide/ work out ance and for all who really is a genius. OK Stuart, let's see what you think about/make of our final idea tonight. 2. Someone playing the keyboard would then be essentially/basically playing a choir. ve never seen this done before, and | would realy like toi 3. No, you couldn't have it at home, really no, not Unless... not unless you by chance/happen to live with a choir of some sort. 4 We thought it was worth trying/worthy of investigation so 5 Just hit anything you like without thinking about i at random, kind of 6 And, well| think that you should maybe give it softy it Laurie Look at these ideas from the programme. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each one? Which ideas are just silly? Which is the most ‘genius’ idea? + Sell socks in threes instead of pars. + Set up a democrobus’ bus service where the passengers decide where the bus goes. Have genetically engineered one metre-high rmini-elephants as pets, Send food to houses via pipes for those times when you don't want to cook,out a presentation Work n pairs and took at the invention below. Write tree eacons why it might be a good idea, Yummy Utensils: knives, forks and spoons you can eat DSAL Listen to two students presenting the idea How many reasons are the same as yours? E Listen again and tick the key phrases you hea. PHRASES: We would like to introduce to you an idea that What makes our idea special is that it's nat just but its also We envisage this product being sold {In supetmarkets/on TV/via the internet/..] We think that .. will be a hit with [single people famities/..]in particular We differentiate ourselves from the competition by in the future, we [businessstight lanning to develop a ight/ diet. version A Work in pairs. Student A: turn to page 159. ‘Student B: turn to page 161. Either choose one of the business ideas from your lists or think of an idea of your own to present to your classmates. Prepare your presentation. 1-3 below and make notes. 1. What i the product called? 2 Whyisit such a good idea? 3 Wherewill it be sold? E Join another pair and take turns. Pair A: practise ‘your presentation. Pair B: give advice on improving the presentation. uss questions Present your product to the class and listen the other on the best one. Bet back a product review ‘on my tenth pack of Yummy Utensils and have ghied with their success. My four year-old is a very picky eater but now even ifhe eats only part of his ‘meal, he stil insists on eating his kf, fork and spoon, ‘What ike most is that they te not only good value for money but theyre also nuttious. The only downside is that Sergio has Stared to try and eat his real knife and fork at nursery school! Highly recommended. [Aca dedicated preen' supporter | bought some Yurnmy Uenilsafter seeing them advertised in an eco-magazine. \What a waste of maney, They are supposed to be strong enough to cu vegetables. Mine broke on the fist caro, and the spoon half-melted when | wasstiring sugar into ‘my coffee. Bu the thing | really hated about them was the taste, They tasted lite cardboard. | was vey dsappoint (Overpriced, over-hyped and nat worth the money. Dont bother. 5 AA Read the product reviews above. How many stars ddo you think each writer gave the product? Which of the following features occur in the reviews? a) information about where the person frst heard. about the product by the things the person most liked or hated a comparison of this product with other similar products, 4) examples of the reviewer's experience using the product ©) afinal short comment Write a review of either the product you have just heard about OR a product you have recently bought. Use the reviews above to help you with the languag ews. How many stars5.5 (( LOOKBACK ‘LA Rewrite sentences 1-4 using the correct form of one of the words/phrases in the box. adjust revolutionise cause damage have a positive effect on 1 People with many talents can adjust —@BBBNG it well and tend to find a new job quickly. 2 It’s done harm to family relationships. 3 Ithas enabled people in the developing world to have a better quality of life, 4 It completely transformed the \way people think about war. B Work in pairs and discuss. What could ‘it’ be in each sentence above? 2 A Complete the quiz questions with a/an, the or no article (-). 1 ___gameot? BASKETBALL was invented by: (ol? teacher in America, [b) § Chinese genera Zhao To, [e} © prisoners of war in Korea, 2 original, basketball was played by throwing. into a fut basket fa) first peach ofthe season (b)? Footbal rc) apples ‘3 WINDSURFING was invented by: fa} ___Ustainin sailor (b)"__Amevian, Ic)" Head of = ‘Australian imperial Navy 4 Iwas developed: fetin®__ a Ib}duing™ Fst World Wa. (chin ® 7960s. 5 SCRABBLE® was developed by a former architect who was: fa} ___ unemployed. [b)" designer ofthe Eifel Tower (e)"__ bi B Work in pairs and answer the quiz questions. Then check your answers on page 160, GEES 3 A Add vowels to complete the words. ‘Seven key questions when you l__nch a new version of a product: 1 Is the market forthe product, difficult tobr__k into? 2 Ie there ag_pin the market? 3 How would yous.t the price? 4 Mfsales are poor, will you “ner_s_or re the price? 5 What are the best ways to pr_m_t the product? 6 Where ie the best place to dv. s_the product? 7 What famous person could ‘best nd re_the product? B Workin pairs. choose a product and discuss the {questions above. XT OENTES 4 A Complete B's answers in two different ways, Use conditional structures. 1 Ac Have you decided whether toget that car? im not sure yet. Butt save money on fuel B:Well jt save money on fuel soyes. 2 A: Shall we go ahead withthe ad? walt tle longer Butt up to you B:1____waitalittle longer. tS my decision. 3m not sure which colour to choose. evs ask Anne, What do you thinkshe say? shame Anne’ not here What__she ay? 4 Con we have the meeting away from the office? es, provided we (be) back by four B:No, because we be) back by four (not B Underline the correct altematives in the article. Seducing shoppers "Provide Supposing you wate to sll producti a shop: exactly where ‘would/d you place ito promote it best? ‘Research shows that i tere 'are/would be two simllarproducts, identical in qualty but diferent in price the shop ‘will pupa the more expensive onc onthe shel! you. ‘te fis, and put the cheaper one around the corner. That wa. "provided magne you. ‘want to buy the product, ou “putwil put the expensive onein your basket; and ‘then, even if you snw/woull se the ‘chemparnalster; ou probally twoal ‘wot goto the trouble of swapping it Similarly if « product was on the bottom shelf consumers are/wouldelesslikely tobuy i (theyre often to lazy to bend ‘over uniesif they're quite shor) © Workin pairs and discuss. ‘Which of the ideas in the article above do you think are true? Tatar 5A Find and correct ten mistakes. in the students’ conversation. ‘As It's be great if we could have the class party at a four-star hotel B: That wouldn't be my last choice. How much do you feel ‘about the school cafeteria? : The school cafeteria? To be honest, wouldn't work. What does Pizza Rizza strike you? B: That's no a bad idea at all ‘A: Actually | think were on the wrong truck here. think we should go for somewhere nicer B: OK. Supposed we try the Four ‘Seasons or the Hilton? ‘A: I'm tearing between the two, bbut the Four Seasons is closer. G OK. Let go with that. B Cover the conversation and ‘try to memorise the phrases. € Workin groups and plan a party for your class. 1 Brainstorm the place, kind of food, activities/games,l ‘music and dress, Remember the rules of brainstorming ~ just say ideas and write them down but don't criticise. 2. Discuss the different ideas and come to an agreement for each,Bont Tracy CTU WRITING FUTUREME p71 cTYOU'RESAYINGIS.... p74 6.1 Discuss different ages and generations 6.2 Talk about your future Ce eee ens ee eee tere eae cee eee Teceee phone-in about lifes milestones 6.4 Watch a BBC programme about ving longer, Cer ce nee er oer Coe ear ete Cee eee ee oa? HOWTOLIVETO 101 p76 1B I BIC] NT ACEy (Maes Peseta6.1 )) THE TIME OF MY LIFE eee ens Eee) ee eae 4. Workin pir and discuss What are the advantages and disadvantages of being the ages in the boxt 10 15 20 30 45 65 AGE 2A Match the words/phrases in bold in questions 1-8 with meanings a)-h). 1 If someone looks young for their age, is that good? f 2 When is someone in their prime? 3 you tella twenty-ve-year-old person ‘Aet your age! what kind of thing might they be doing? 4 Atwhat age do people generally come of age in your country: seventeen eighteen, twenty-one? 5 re eighteen-year-olds too immature fr university? 6 Atwhat age does a person have the maturity to make a decision about marriage or a career? 7 Atwhat age is person elderly? 8 Does age discrimination affect people looking for jobs in your country? 2) behave in a more adult way By ‘le cad in a more polite way) © in the best period of their life 4) treating people unfily based on age €) reach the age when legally an adult £1 in relation to how old they are 8) wisdom that comes with age hy childish B Choose three questions that interest you from Exercise 24 and discuss them in pairs 3 A Work in pairs and discuss. What do you think it means to ‘peak early orto be a late bloomer’? Read the first two paragraphs of the article and check B Workin pairs and discuss the questions. Make notes on your ideas. 1 In the photographs, who do you think are late bloomers? Who peaked early? 2 In which of these fields is someone more likely to peak early: acting, singing, writing, sports, business? 3. One author says that sometimes a late bloomer seems to be a failure, Why do you think this is? 4 How do these change as one gets older: freedom, obligation, expectations? What is an example of each? Read the article and check your ideas. EARLY PEAKERS AND LATE BLOOMERS: Who Has Ir Worse? fe al fain wi the carly finds fame at young age and then seems t disappear. Othe novelist, whonebriliant debut at age 22 is followed by works ofincreasing mediocrity. Sports are particularly biased towards youth how many teetagets hives moment of glory at the Olympics only to face away in their 20s when they are no longer able to compete? the story of ar or singer whe pes And then dhere ate the ate bloomers, whe discover thei alent relatively late in ie: theactress who gets her first ig part in her 4s, the ofc clerk who pens bestseller at 50, and the businessman who startsa mul nillion dolla enterprise in his 60s. Late Drloomers might spend decades struggling tofind their passion or be notice al that can he painfil. As author Malcolm Gladwell ‘wrote, ‘On the road to great achievement, the late bloomer wll esemble a lure’ Wherever inthe word you are bor, society sets out timeline for your if. You start out confronted by rules and restrictions you mustn't cross atthe rei light don't alk back to the teacher There ate milestones “offeeedom: the age at which your mother says you can stay out ie the point at whieh you're allowed to take public transport alone ‘orto drivea cat Late, thefts of your work give you other feedonns, for example you don'thave to worry about money fora nice holiday or x meal at finey restaurant. ‘Aud there are the evershifling suds of ‘obligation and expectations. A teenager ‘complains because her parents make her do ther homework and don't hersay out afer 19 o'elock. The 30-year-old suflers hecause Ihe's supposed toe earning more than his peers bute isthe hs 9 workall hours ‘but can find himselfin his profession, and, rmeanhilefels he should give everyone the impresion that he's sucecsafal even fa is. arly peers and late bloomers ave all made a name for dhemselves because Jn some way they managed o break out of the timeline sha society had set for them, Perhaps we cam al take ess fom ther and break out of our own timeline,Direcior Ang Lee Ina his fist global Dreakthrough at the age of Al with Sense ‘and Sensibility in 1995. Since then wih Fils ke Broteback Mountain and Life of Fi,hehas becomea ‘worldwide secs Aer workings firefighter and insurance salesman, Colonel Sanders ws 62 years ‘ld when he opened the first Kentucky Fried (Chicken restaurant When he sold the chain in 1064, there were ‘900 of dae. ‘Wong Vani is a Chinese child prodigy whose work. vas ist exhibited in China when she was four and later became a stamp. Hee work now appears in galeries intematonaly yas in 1605, afer a caver asa soldier and then tax collector, that Cervantes’ novel Dow Quixote was published, destined i become one ofthe greatest novels ofall ime. He was 58, Romanian Nadia Gominesi, wimer of ‘three Olympic gold medals was the ist female gyrmast to be awarded a perfec score ‘of 10inan Ohmpie spat event, She was ‘only Lf She retired at theage of 25. Asachild, Jocelyn Lavin was natural mathematician a a git oboe and piano player She liter discovered she lacked the discipline for emer Bz eae ee 4 A Workin pairs. Guess the meanings of the words in bold in the text. BB Check your ideas. Match meanings 1-7 withthe words in bold 1 acompany or business 2 constantly changing 3 important events in the development of something 4 average quality 5 supporting one group in an unfair way 6 writes 7 people who are the same age or have the same job as you Workin pairs and discuss. + What timeline and mitestones do you think society ses out for you? + Do you feel pressured by tis ors it nota problem for you? I think be expected t.. People tend ta. It bothers me that MODAL VERBS AND RELATED PHRASES 5 A Check what you know. Complete the table with the modal and semi-modal verbs underlined in sentences 1-6 below. 1 You mustn't crossat the re light 2 Your mother says you can stay out lat. 3 You don't have to worry about money fra nice holiday 4 He has to workll hours 5 He anf find himself in his profession 6 He feels he should give everyone the impression that hes sucessful 2 S| obtigation chitin a B| | tone) prohibit tt obligation (weak) permission lack of ability/lack of obligation ability B Look at the phrases in bold and think about their meanings. Which category in the table are they closest to? 1 They are no longer able to compete, 2 There are milestones of freedom: .. the point when you are allowed to take public transport alone 3 Ateenager complains because her parents make her de her homework and don't let her stay out after 10 o'clock. 4 The 30-year-old suffers because he's supposed to be earning more than his peers 5... they managed to breek out of the timeline that society had set for them, 6 A BYE Listen and write the sentences you hear. 1B CONNECTED SPEECH: elision Cross outa tor ad that isn’t pronounced at the end of a word in each sentence. Then listen, again and repeat. We must go home now, D> page 138 LANGUAGEBANK7? A Complete the sentences with a VOCABULARY J 719 model verb or related phraseinthe —- WORD-BUILDING: PREFIXES Contec form. In some cases there Is more than one posit. 9 A check what you know. Adda negative prefix tothe words in 1 Parents__should _bestrict, bola to make them negative. Use ds in it im ir mis- or un ‘with babies or they ___ 1 You have _un_realistic expectations of life. to control them later 2 Yourbehaviouris predictable and sometimes logical @ Teswone tig about scion was 3 You are ___ satisfied with how your lfe has turned out. thet —_do what 4 You sremtverykeenon fala stustons wi hl y’pacies 5 Youare__ patient vith people wo dont understand often, me stay over technology. Sey HIOTAY RoIuEE 6 Youthinkyou are__mortal. wien Fnesyounger1 7 You are__willingto change your mind about your opinions. help clean our flat but | never did. 8 You behave to get people's attention. The best thing sbout beng an adit 9 You sometimes feel __securein groups and__ interpret is that no one can ‘you ‘what people say to you. do something if you dont want to. 10 How much money you have is__relevant. You'e just happy 6 And the worst thing is that you just not to be_healthy. spe thefientiyend 1B 62. Listen and check your answers to Exercise 9A. Then + He Be ae ‘i ttup again! listen and repeat. Are the prefixes stressed or unstressed? afford'an aparcvencintnedny. C Work in pairs and discuss. Are any of the sentences above ae truer for younger people andor older people? Give examples 8 A good thing about being retired to support your ideas. is that you ‘work ~ anymore speakout TIP BB choose four sentences and change dictionary can help you find which negative prefix a word takes. Look them to give your opinion, Then at this listing below forthe adjective mature. How isthe negative shown? discuss with a partner. How does your dictionary show negative prefixes? EG ‘mature ag) behaving na reasocable way he a a 8 A Make notes on your answers to questions 1-3. 10 A answer each pair of questions with words that share the same 1 Are most of the people you spend prefix. Use the prefixes in the box and the words in bold to help. time with your age ora different age? Why? over post pre-_under- 2. How is your generation different from older of younger ones? What sort of misunderstandings or What do you call 1.) the generation who were born before the war? (ad) conflicts can this cause? ') the period of history before written records? (ad) 3 Is the generation gap’ greater or 2 a) the generation born after the war? (ad)) smaller than it used to be? Why? ») a university course taken after you graduate from your initial course? (ad) 3.) the time you spend working in your job in addition to your normal working hours? (n) ') people who are forced to work too much or too hard? (ad) 4 a) someone who isnt the minimum age to see an X-certificate film? (ad) ') someone who doesn't have enough qualifications to get a job? (ad) B Work with other students and brainstorm other words that begin with these four prefixes. Which group came up with the longest list? D>page 153 VOCABULARYBANK BB Work in groups and discuss the questionsFUTURE ME LA over the next four years, what are you definitely going todo, what do you think you might do and what do you hope you'l do? BB Workin pairs and compare your ideas. Do you have any plans or hopes in common? 2 read the programme information below and answer the questions 1 How does the website work? 2 Do you tink it would be uplting or depressing to pet letter romyour younger sa? Letters to myself The idea is simple: \wrte a letter to yourself, and futureme org will keep it and send it back to you at € point in the future - you pick the dete. \What will you ciscover, ooking back? In this BBC radio programme, people read ‘aloud and comment on their laters. & 3 A D163) tisten to Laura reading a letter she wrote to herself four years ago when she was sixteen. Answer the questions. 11 Which topics did she write about? 2 Is the letter down-to-earth or romantic? sit generally optimistic or pessimistic? B Listen again and correct the mistakes. 1 | envisage mysetf at Oxford Uni... stting under a tree... and watching something floaty. 2. know, 'm practical. |hope that hasn't changed. 3. I hope Il have married someone. 4... think Fl have three children with long brown hair and blue eyes 5... have to write everything I can down, but im running out of time 6 Dorit worry too much, and be happy with who you € [B)6) Listen to the second part of the programme and underline the two correct alternatives. 1 Laura now sees her sixteen-year-old self as shallow /quite mature/unreatsic. 2 She feels very happy/ecstatic/amazed at the way her life has tured out future perfect and continuous es De — GRAMMAR FUTURE PERFECT AND CONTINUOUS 4 A Lookat sentences a) and b) from Laura's letter. ‘Which one talks about: 1. things that will be completed before the mament she opens the letter? 2 things that will be in progress around the moment that she opens the letter? a) ll ave changed so much by I bet when I get this il be raining, B Complete the rules. 1 To talk about something that wil finish before a specific time in the future, use will 2 To talk about something that wil bein progress at or around a specific time inthe future, usewill+ + C Underline the correct alternative in the sentences and explain your reason, 1 In ten years time, l expect Ibe owning/llown a fat 2 have fnished the report by/until 12 and certainly no later than that. D (N65) weak rorMs: auxiliaries Listen and ‘rite the sentences. Underline examples of the future perfect and future continuous. Circle the auniliary verbs. E Listen again and say the sentences at the same time as the speaker D>page 138 LANGUAGEBANK5 A Look back at the rules on page 71 and complete the questions with the correct form ofthe future perfect, future continuous or the future with will, 1 By the end of the day, do you think (you receive) more than fifty emails? (you/watch) TV? If so, what? (you/fall) asleep by midnight Seuss Has ‘G1 It’s the last thing you Feel like doing. Pula a fa yeat fom fw? 3B Your partner rings you and asks to meet as soon a5 possible 11 How do you feel about your English? 2) It’s going well ) You have your ups and downs, © You're stuck and going nowhere —____— you thnk? live) in the same town, do you fore ie 2) You look on the bright side; the news will be good. a bit st be news, nating paral postive or negate. B Workin pairs and discuss the © You'te dreading I you'e sure they want to break up questions n Exercise 5A. Use words wth you and phrases from the box. 4, when you thnk abou the next year or two In youre, Possibly Yes, definitely eee ey Thats quite hkely I doubt 2 quite upbeat about No, defintely not _ Perhaps cautious hopel a 1 quite pessimistic about the prospects 5 How does the future in general make you feel? 2) It fils you with great hope. BZ ) It has its far snare of postive and negative prospects. ©) fills you with despair 6 A Work atone and think about your plans for ten yearstime. Make notes on thee of the areas below. studies.or. work, achievements, VOCABULARY travel English OPTIMISM/PESSIMISM relationships and/or family ee ? A Work in pairs and read the quiz. Guess the meaning of the activities/experiences words/phrases in bold. B Match the phrases in bold inthe quiz with the meanings below. B Work witha partner and discuss your ideas, Put the phrase inthe infinitive. 1 fel both postive on negative bout something think about a future event and feel good about it samc vel ord vores boy ‘mei pages be really word and eau abet someting maybe Australia, How about you? makes you feel extremely negative C Work in pairs. Would you say ‘optimistic youre gateraly an opin Poa Bs al fp of person 9 € wrkin pars and complete the qu uetons Then ced the pessinin iglnge 2 nde prs Btn D> page 153 VOCABULARYBANK ‘A: What would you say about ‘achievements’? Bs Wellin ten years’ time, | hope It have become fluent in English. I ike to be working abroad somewheTS 9 A Read Corinna’s reply again. Work in AN INFORMAL EMAIL; LEARN TO FOCUS ON pairs and discuss how to replace the INFORMAL STYLE formal phrases in bold with informal ones. 8 A Imagine you could go anywhere and do anything you like on B Complete the table with the holiday next summer. Complete the sentence below, and then phrases in bol compare with other students Did any of you have the same idea? Inthe middle of next summer lke tobe ing (activity) Informal formal and___-ing (activiy)in___—_(place. Tageattine | thepeec B Read the email about someone's suggestion for next summer mit Scrasonte do and the email reply from her friend. Does Corinna answer Louise's 2 about ‘questions? What do you notice about the style? 3 Cait wait to hear more | {Do you know HiCorianal {ve just heard thereSan trish dance and music festival in Dublin inJuly "How about coming over to vsit me and we can go to it | 5 hoppy to get together? *Tickets are already onsale, and Il get ussome as soon as know 6 Tdlove to come youie coming for sure. *Check out the festival website (past the audress below) and let me know which concerts yout keto see. Tia rather see “My cousin has flat in Dublin - how about if we tay there? His family will have left for their summer holiday so itl be jst us staying there. Is there anything else youl like to din or around B Al the best, Dublin while you're over here? SLet me know how many days you can stay. Cantt wait to see you! 9 Fillet you know Louise Olt be great Rewrite Corinna’s reply in an formal style. 10 A Read the email extract from a friend. Write an informal reply accepting the vtation in 120-180 words. Im glad to hear that youte coming next month, Til be only your second time inthis iy, wont it? Dear Louse, 4 was delighted to receive your email regarding the music festival, and | would like to accept the invitation. | have aivays wanted 10 ‘ia Duin and ths seems I the perfect occasion todo se, We could spend Wednesday waking Yu asked ne about concert cholees but dnt et the fk." would inthe hills nearby or perhaps jst ve tbo moct grateful if you cou sand agar *MY preference woud out ad look at the scenery. Then for doo rater than must wl form you of My spectic would you Tie to go tothe theatre in Chacesonoe | se the programme, the evening ‘ur cousin's fat sounds excelent. would be Interested to know (On Thursday some fiends of mine are iit the ey ene or onthe ous Tavinga par, We could g to ator "beable to stay fr tree dys, and | vl book fight once | know i you Tie just ayn and watch a DVD, the concert dees Hook forward to receiving further information crwalk around town shout al Let me know what you prefer Cant ‘ours sincorely, oes Corinna B Swap your reply with your partner. C Read the emails again and write the numberof the sentence CCheck each other's work using the next to the functions below. One sentence has two functions. table in Exercise 98. 2) acknowledge email 4) accept an invitation i peed ona stn fete by request information (x4) __e) make a suggestion Who sounds the most excited about © invite someone 1 4) providing information (x3) their visit?6.3 }) SOWHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS... Qs (enema VOCABULARY COLLOCATIONS L.A Underline the correct alternative, 1. making/doing a part-time job ‘owning/belonging a smartphone wearing/putting make-up eeping/staying home alone getting/making your ears pierced going/using social networking sites having/signing up your own credit card driving/riding a scooter 9 babysitting/taking care for a toddler 10 journeying/travelling solo 11 staying/keeping up as late as you want 12 being in chargefrunning your own business B Work in pairs, Which of the activities above can you see in the photos? C Work in pairs and discuss. What age is appropriate for someone to do activities 1-12? D Tellthe lass anything you disagreed about USE PERSUADING 2 A 1665 usten toa ratio phonein ad tick he tree actives in Exercise 1Athat the people discus B Listen again and make notes about the callers’ problems and the DJS opinions. Then check with a partner. problem Dy’ opinion Workin pairs and discuss. What's your opinion about each of the situations from the phone-in? 3A Match examples 1-4 with meanings 2)-€) Which two are often used to persuade people to agree with you? 1 Ist better to talk it over with her? 2 Its better to talk it over with her. 3 Surely’ better to talk over with her. 4 Isnt better ota it over with her? a) an opinion by a genuine question ~ the listener ‘jn answer yes or no ©) an opinion where the speaker isinviting the listener to agree with them 4) a strong opinion where the speaker ‘thinks the listener should agree with them B Complete the sentences from the phone-in. 1 upto the parents to set guidelines Gurely/it/be) 2 itbetter ‘otak itover with her? (nt/be) 3 just normal nowadays. (Surely/that/be) 4 its just fa stage he’s going through? (you/not/think) 5 tobe like her friends? (she/simply/not/want) © XG! Listen and check. D INTONATION: persuading Listen again and repeat. Copy the intonation pattern. D> page 138 LANGUAGEBANKes LEARN TO CLARIFY IDEAS 5 A Read the extract from the radio phone-in. Find two phrases where people ask fr clarification ofan idea. Df: So basically ou think shes too young for a phone. Yeah, yeah, that’s right. Df: Surely its up tothe parents to set guidelines. d:So what yout saying is should give her some rules? B Read audio script 6.6 on page 170 and find two other phrases toask or clarifiation. speakout TIP Clarify an idea by repeating something in your own words (paraphrasing). This aso ‘buys’ time while you think about how to react. © Complete the sentences to paraphrase 1-4 1 It’s unfair Rich kids don’t have to work 4 A Workin pairs. Do you know anyone So what you're saying is all kids should _have to work who has had a ‘gap year’ either 2 Elderly people dont get enough respect from younger people. before they went to university or 50, in other words, younger people should Lette Koha lee 3 Why sit that students who cheat in exams often don't get fo you think ofthe idea? punished? B Work in pairs and role-play the 50 basically you think students who cheat should situation, Use the flow chart to help, 4 Itemakes me angry that men ae paid more than women So what you mean is women should Soler 1D Workin pairs. Student A: read out a statement from Exercise not / you / think / 5. Student B: cover the exercise and clarify the idea. everyone /a gap year? hci 6 A complete statements 1-4 with your own ideas. 1 The biggest problem with young people today is 2 Its not fair that 3 I thinkit was @ mistake to 4 One thing! leart from my parents s B Workin pairs and swap your sentences. Write a paraphrase of your partner's sentences. Work in pairs. Student A: read out your idea. Student B: clarify 1/ not / agree / not /be 7oetter start / work 3s L soon as possible? Yes / but/ not / gap year / give people / diferent kind of experience? gap year / just / long holiday. Surely / year / L sork more useful? the idea, Then practise again without looking. ‘A: The biggest problem with young people today is they can't concentrate, 1/ disagree. / year off / B: So, what you're saying is they can’t focus on just one thing. give / people / chance / A: That right. think about / career. [not/most2zearoids/] REGEN A decide /by that age? ? A Work in pairs. For each statement, think of two points that support the opinion and two points against it. + Thirteen s too young to join a socal networking site. + Asbteen-year-old shouldn'tbe allowed to get a tattoo + An eighteen-year-old who has just passed thle driving test isnt ready to drive the family car alone Not always. People / often / end up / job they hate./ Anyway, surely / worth trying? 1/ stil not convinced. / [think / a waste of time B student turn to page 159. Student B: turn to page 160. Student C: turn to page 162.)) HOW TO LIVE TO 101 1 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 1 Who is the oldest person you know or have known? 2 What do you think they would say isthe secret to along lifer Match 1-8 with a)-h) to make collocations. 1 keep 2a) some gentle exercise 2 follow ») into monotonous routines 3do ©) asensibie diet 4don'tfall | d) mentally active Savoid @) a positive attitude 6stay ) healthy Tmaintain _) depressed Bdon't become h) stress Work in pairs and discuss. Which two factors do you think are the most important for a long life? Read the programme information. Which three places are mentioned and what do they have in Horizon How to Live to 101 ‘The quest to live longer has been one of humanity's oldest dreams, but while scientists have been searching, a few isolated ‘communities have stumbled across the answer. ‘On the remote Japanese island of Okinawa, in the Californian town of Loma Linda and in the ‘mountains of Sardinia people live longer than anywhere else on earth. A group of scientists who study the science of longevity have dedicated their lives to ‘trying to uncover the secrets of these unique ‘communities. Tonight’s documentary travels to Okinawa to meet some ofits long-living and remarkably healthy inhabitants, Watch the DVD. What are the two main reasons mentioned for why Okinawans live such long lives? B Work in pairs. What does the underlined word refer to? Watch again and check your ideas. 1 It four times higher than in Britain and America, 2 The Okinawans dor't really think about this. 3. Bradley and Craig think that one of the main reasons for the Okinawans' longevity can be found here, 4 They contain antioxidants, which protect against cell damage. 5 The Okinawans only filit to 80 percent ofits capacty, 6 Ifyou do this, you may die sooner than you might if you didn't doit Watch the DVD again and undertine the word you hear 1 Without thinking about the latest diet or ifestyle fad/fashion, Me Miyagi has developed his own way of slowing the ageing process 2 The explanation fortis extraordinary phenomenon/miracie begins in the most ordinary of places 3 They've identified @ number of important qualities/properties that protect the Okinawans, from disease 4 You go and you load up at the... at the, the all-you-can-eat restaurant and you, you walk away wth this swollen/blocted feeling Work in pairs and discuss. How easy do you think you would find it to live on Okinawa? Is there anything you would find difficult?cout a debate Look at the topic fora debate. Workin pairs and write two ideas in favour of the statement and two ideas against it Employers should give preference to younger applicants when hiring B)SB. Listen to part ofthe debate. id either speaker mention any of your ideas? Which speaker do you agree with most? Listen again and tick the key phrases you hear. PHRASES. The first point like to make is that 1id like to start off by saying that uid lke to support the point made by Going back to what [Junko] sai ul in fanswer/reply]to the point made by $k up on the point made by ‘Asa class, choose one ofthe topics for a debate. 1 Politicians should be young - younger adults understand the changing world better. 2 Junkfood can shorten lives and should be made illegal 3 Children should take are oftheir parents when they get old 4 Workplaces should requite employees todo an hour of exercise a day. 5 Ws better to live at avery high standard for 50 years than at an average standard for 100. 6 Some younger people think they have nothing to tearn from older people, and they right Work in pars either for or against the statement. List at least four points to suppert your opinion Workin groups and debate the topic. At the end, havea vote. tinnnnmmmninii SSS back a forum comment. Read the forum comment and discuss in pairs. Do you agree with the writer? yucca nnancatt ttt {strongly feel that children should take care oftheir parents when they get old, and I'm shocked that anyone disageees. | grew up in a traditional sacety, where my Grandparents lived with us and were always in the house. When I came to this county, it surprised me how unusual it was for three generations to live together. | accent that most young people's lifestyles don't Mt with those of grandparents. However, in my opinion, we ae fully responsible for taking cae of our ageing parents and grandparents. My easons are that: * our parents and grandparents invested a lotin caring for us, and it’s our duty to do the same for them. + elderly people can experience loneliness and helplessness. IF we care about someone, we should protect them from these Feelings, + it's more expensive and wasteful for people to live in separate homes. | definitely think that everyone should reconsider the way they live, and move towards a more traditional family structure, even in a modern context ‘Number parts a)-d) in the order they occur in the forum comment. a) summary statement by reasons for opinion | statement of opinion 4) personal background Choose one of the topics from Exercise 6A and write a forum comment giving your point of view. Read other students’ forum comments and tell them which parts you agree and disagree with.6.5 (( LOOKBACK 1A Add the vowels to complete the sentences. 1 Society, not families, should take cate ofthe Id ry 2 People _nth_rprim_should simply enjoy life and nat work 3 The key sign of someone cm.ngof _g_iswhen they earn enough money to pay theirown rent 4 Ws embarrassing when an colder man or woman dresses too young rth rg. People should dress and act hog. 5 2 dsc_mnt_nis necessary certain types of jobs. 6 Mt r-tycomesfrom experience, not from age B Work in pairs and discuss. Which sentences do you agree with? LOPES TTS 2 A Underline the correct alternatives in the website forum. My worst job My curent job is the worst over. fm a waiter in an amusement park restaurant and the manager 'makas/ lets us dress up as bears. The ‘costume isthe worst and when I'm ‘woaring it | can't not abe to S00 properly. | cart believe some ofthe things children are alowed talshould do. We ‘don't have tolaren't supposed! to get angry with them fut I'm sure ‘one dey | "an'gwont be able to keep ry temper and will do something ‘atull Thankfully, we Sdon't ave tf arent allowed wear the costumes for more than two hours ata time. Fortunately, because of the masks, my friends “don't have tefoughor't to know ‘bout my 1b. Once, | Scoulatmanaged to serve two of my trends without ‘them realising it was me! B Work in pairs and discuss. ‘What's the worst job you've ever had or that you can imagine? ‘What was or would be so bad about it? Oia ENDYCUTls 3A complete the sentences with the correct form ofthe words in brackets. 1 Ten minutes from now, — here. (oot si) 2 Intwo hours’ time, the class defintely finish) 3 By the time you read this, 1 inNew York I'l be in touch! (arrive) 4 Ayear from now lof us in this group regularly (still communicate) 5 By 2025, the intemet ee hy ‘an alternative technology. (replace) B Work in pairs and discuss Which of the sentences above are true? C Workin pairs and write five predictions about yourslf/a classmate/a country/a famous person/the world. 1D Work with another pair and discuss your ideas. ‘© OPTIMISM/PES: 4A Correct eight mistakes in the words/phrases in bold. {ve had my downs and ups at work, but Ill never forget my frst jb feaching French toa group of sixteen-year-old in a state school. had fixed feelings about taking the job, since Iwas very young mysel, but d learnt to aluays look on the Light side of things. | ent in the ‘ist day feeling beat-up and realy looking backward to meeting my group. But they turned out to be Aiffcut, and for a long time | truly dread those lessons, No matte what "tied, |aluays felt | was coming nowhere, and it filled me up with despair. Then, one day, something ‘amazing happened. One f the students brought a. Le B Work in pairs and discuss. How ddo you think the story ended? aA 5 A Complete the conversation by ‘adding the missing words from ‘the box to the phrases in bold. what surely isn't agree can_clearly shouldn't a jon't you that everyone should be vaccinated against flu? B: But people ought to be able to choose for themselves. ‘A: Why? Anyone see that the community needs to be protected and that means ‘everyone has to be vaccinated ut parents decide what they thinks best for their children? What about some of the side effects of vaccination? ‘A: So you're saying is that you think parents know more than the medical profession? B: But it obvious that it's the companies who make the vaccines that are actually making money? ‘A: Well, well have to agree t0 disagree, B Practise the conversation above in pairs. Look only at the phrases in bold to help. Work in pairs. Use the phrases in bold in Exercise 5A to discuss the following topics. 4 People who drink and drive should never be allowed to drive again 2. The ideal world language is not English. 3. Everyone should do one day ‘week of community service work ‘A: Dorit you ogee that everyone should do community service? Bs Why? Anyone can se that wouldn't be fai.7 LANGUAGE BANK bo T present and past habits present habits Use the present simple, often with frequency adverbs such as usually, aways, generally, normally, typically, for regular repeated actions or states. usually get on very wel with my brother Nor. Use always + present continuous for a habit which the speaker often finds annoying, The people next door are always holding late-night partes Use will + infinitive for regular habits. This use of willis rot connected to the future, On Saturdays I'l usually buy croissants and we'll have them for breakfast. future forms When talking about the future, the choice of form is often flexible and depends on what the speaker wants to express plans, intentions and decisions Use be going to + infinitive to talk about general plans arrangements and intentions about the future. Use might/ could/may + infinitive when a plan or intention isnot definite {im going to ook fora jb n New York ‘We might go away forthe weekend Use the present continuous to talk about definite arrangements or plans. What are you doing today? 'm having lunch with Mitsuko, ‘The following phrases can also be used for intentions and plans planning to/hoping to + infinitive, thinking of + ing. Petes hoping to go to university next year ‘Are you thinking of leaving the company? Use wil (tn spoken English to talk about decisions made at the moment of speaking, Ths is often used with I thik Ir tred. think goto bed now. past habits Use the past simple, often with frequency adverbs, for regular repeated actions or states in the past. We generally travelled to the campsite by car Use always + past continuous for annoying habits in the past. ‘She was always criticising me. Use used (0 + infinitive for repeated activities or states in ‘the past which usually don't continue now. Jon used to smoke but he doesn't any longer. ledidn't use to be so expensive, NOT Heider used to beso expensive: Use would + infinitive for repeated activities in the past Don't use it for states Sometimes would has the idea of nostalgia. This use of would is nat connected to conditional, We'd sit down together for our meals Not like families nowadays. NOT Heetbeveryhapoye predictions Use will/might/could/won't+ infinitive to make predictions based on opinion, Use with verbs suchas think, hope, expect, know, guess, be sure or adverbs such as maybe, perhaps expect Sara will agree. I'm sure everything willbe fine. Use wil + definitly /certanly/possbly/probably to say how certain you are. Note the word order with wort Jodie and Al wil probably get divorced soon. You definitely won't get a ticket now. Use be likely to + infinitive for strong possibilty and be due to+ infinitive for something that is expected or scheduled to happen ‘She's likely tobe tired aftr the journey. Megiisdue to retire next year Use going to to make a prediction based on present evidence Look at those clouds. I's going to rain, Lisa’s going to have a baby. future facts Use the present simple to talk about schedules, timetables and itineraries, The course starts in September. We leave ot 6am. Use will + infinitive for Future facts Your doycleaning wil be ready tomorrow. I be 28 next year describing procedures “the aim ofan activity different procedures or steps The point isto. Basically the way it works i that the st payer... “The point/goal/sim is for you to. | emphasise an important point ‘The key/main/most important thing isto ‘What happens (next is that you. ‘The first/next/last thing you dois you... After you've fnished/done that, you. ‘What you have to dois to First/Next/After that/Then/Finally, youPRACTICE ‘A Complete the exchanges about present or past habits. ‘Sometimes there is more than one possible answer. 1 A: Did you know John before? B: Yes, we be at school together 2 A: How are you finding your new flatmate? B: She's nice but quite messy. She leaving stuff around the place. 3. A: How often did you see your grandmother when you were young? a: We see her most weekends. 4 A: Did you enjoy being in swimming ‘competitions? B: Actually, no. felt relieved as soon ‘as one was over. 5A: Is this a photo of you on holiday when you were young? B: Yes, we 20 to Portugal every year 6 A: Do you goto the gym regularly? B: Every year | sign up for a year's ‘membership and then after a month H usually stop going. 7 As was quite an awkward child B: | remember. You and you toyou 8 A: People who don't work here park their cars here all day. I's outrageous! B: Yes, and it's illegal. knocking things over {go fed when visitors spoke often ‘A Cross out the incorrect option in the conversation. A: Hey Mike, ‘are you coming/are you going to come/ will you come on the ski trip this weekend? 8B: OF course. haven't signed up yet, but *1m likely to da/t'm going to do/l do that now. Where “does the bus leave/is the bus due to leave/ Js the bus planning to leave from? 2: It Sleaves/might leave/’s leaving from infront of the office B: Great! What are the snow conditions likely ta/going to/ hoping to be like? A: It’s already snowing there now so t's being/ Its going to be/tlbe perfect conditions. 'm *hoping/ thinking/planning to try some of the highest runs. B: Great. "probably see/lm seeing/I might see you before then, but if not, see you on the bus! ‘A Complete the rules to the game Cyclops by putting the underlined words in the correct order. B Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the wordis) in brackets in your 1 hate the way Mike comes up behind people and looks cover their shoulders. Mike shoulders {always} 2 What was your address before you moved here? Where live? (to) 3. I'm quite a spontaneous person and | often start conversations with strangers. ''m quite a spontaneous person and conversations with strangers. (il) 4 Pollution was never a rural problem, only an urban one, Pollution dida't only an utban one. (be) 5 Inthe 1960s the authorities used to keep track of all their citizens! movements, Inthe 1960s all their citizens’ movements, (would) 6 Pegay used to borrow money all the time and never pay it back. That was really annoying. Peggy was back. (borrowing money) B Complete the sentences with an appropriate future form. Sometimes there is more than one possibility. agi (stay) at home this evening, but | hhaver't decided yet. Maybe (watch) a YD or something. 2 Sandra (be) there tomorrow? Then | (Gefinitely/go)! 3 Thefrst metro___(due/arrve) at 5a.m, bbut there is an electrical problem so it's (likely/delay) (think offmove) abroad. | guess he (be) happier there. 5 The deadline is midnight tonight, so | {probably/not finish) the application in time. 6! (not see) Ken before the end of the aftemoon but | (definitely/see) him tomorrow, 4 Rick “itworks is Basicalthat the way you have two players and just one dice. thing The is the fist do toll to see who goes first. "Then first the player does what is to roll the die, and add up the numbers that they rll ‘objects The to get a hundred points, point The is to be lucky ‘enough not to rll a one, because if you get a one, you lose all your points for that turn thats happens What a player gets greedy, thinks he can make a run toa hundred, but then gets a one and loses it all That's the best part —it's really funny. "tos thing key The work in itl steps, end your tur after afew rolls and don’t get greedy!5 LANGUAGE BANK CTS articles Use the indefinite article (a/an): with singular countable ‘ouns when itis not clear which thing or person is, boeing talked about We got an email fiom Cavta, ‘She's renting an apartment in Berlin with o friend, ‘the fist time something is mentioned Theres a problem. in phrases of quantity or | 2eurosa lilo, 5 days aweek, frequency 70km an hour Use no atic with plurals and Uncountable nouns to talk about things in general for continents, counties, towns, roads, stations, ‘mountains and lakes Children need at least eight hut’ sleep, ‘Asia, Spain, Moscow, Kings Cross Station, Everest, Lake Garda real and hypothetical conditionals real conditionals [ | conditional clause | result clause peal Gero) | if+ present simple | present simple vil ig tocar! real (first) {f+ present simple could may/might/ eo Should infinitive Use the real (zer0) conditional to talk about a real situation that is always or generally true with a result that always happens, Wf you pay by debit card, you get a 5 percent discount, Use the real (First) conditional to talk about areal possibility in the present or future. n the main clause, use may/might/can/could instead of wil for an uncertain, result, and use should for advice. Ifyou put in the wrong PIN number, the machine will take ‘your card. Ifyour card gets stuck, you should ring the number on the machine. suggesting ideas | roposing/sugestng ideas How do you fel about What about Would you consider this idea? tuying something new? strike you? How does the idea of grab you? making a lm Ie be great if we could Suppose we geta celebrity Use the definite article (the): hen it clear to the listener/reader what is Lia had the children with her. (her children) boeing talked about [liked the speech you made, ‘when something is The first man on the moon. Unique; superiatives | Is the fastest car ‘when something has been | There a problem and the mentioned before for oceans rivers, organisations, deserts, problem is money. The Pacific the Danube, the UN, the Alps, the Sahara, ‘mountain ranges, decades | the 1990s What’ the matter? in xed lexical phrases | The igwer the better. with an adjective ora singular countable noun far things in general The city Is dlvided berween the rich and the poor, The tiger could soon be extinct. Note: a singular countable noun can never stand alone: it must go with a, an, each, every, this, that, his, her, the, et. hypothetical/unreal conditionals conditional clause | result clause hypothetical would/outd/might/ becca | Pe Pastsiople | should + iniitive Use the hypothetical (second) conditional to talk about a hypothetical or unreal situation in the present or future. Inthe main clause, use might/could for an uncertain result, With be, use were or (informally) was. If Valerie practised more, she could be really good. If were you, I'd leave now. alternatives to if + Use providing/provided (that), on condition that and, less formally, as ong as, to mean if and ony if, often. with real conditions, where the speaker or writer has real reservations. 1 get a university place providing | pass the entrance exam. + Use unless to mean if not. MWarrve at 10am, unless the tain is late. + Use suppose/supposing, imagine and, less formally, let's say instead of if when something is unlikely. Suppose you won the lottery, what would you do? reacting to or commenting on ideas Thats a greavfantastic/excelent/idea + I thinkwe should go for X/Id go for x. Lets go with thav/the health angle. Ican't make up my mind. lim torn between X and Y. That could bea problem. Ie wouldn't be my frst choice It wouldn't worl/It doesn't grab me. (in) [think we're on the wrong track here.PRACTICE AComplete the text with ‘a/an, the or The Thomas Edisons of food mo artile men peopl tink of *___ inventors they might think of Theme Esion ard ght blo or ‘Gutenburg and ping press but do you know who invented some ofthe food you eat? © George Crum was” head chef at®__resortin Saratoga Springs, New York. One day ‘estomer complained thatthe French fis were too thick, 89 Crum sicad "peta paperin and ‘ted , just tomake “__customer happy. And o,* cls were bom, ‘= Sausages of al sorts have been commen in Europe for centuries, but” __hot dogs were fist sold as sausages in buns by Geman immigrants on tha stests of "NewYork Ciyin = mish oortry “+ Mayonnaise was probably invented by” ___ French chef in *_mid-t8th century and was fst soln glass betes in USA in 1972 “+ Popeom was invented by Native American indians, butts not clear by which group or whore Sack food frst appeared. Early Amercan setters ate” popcom with milk for So the next tine you'e sting n'® cinema, munching on popcom and eteps, eM poopie who frst ckecovered hase reas Nowy, who wore hoy again? | A Complete the sentences with the B Underline the correct alternative in the sentences. appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. 1 ll tell you provided/supposing you promise to keep it a secret. 1 Ifyou give me your phone number, 2. We won't go imagine/unless they pay our expenses. |__Pete tocall you back (ask) 3. Supposing/Provided that you lost your job tomorrow, what would 2 Wiould you be interested if we you do then? you a free til? (offer) 4 /Proviing that we have enough time, lintend to visit all of my init you should wear a relatives. waterproof jacket. (rin) 5m going to leave unless/ifyou stop being aggressive with me. Iflarrved adayeartyit______ Unless/Imagine we met them inthe street: how might you react? me the chance to look around, (give) Im going to get worried if she ° Complete the sentences so that they mean the same as 1-6 above, soon, (not call) 1 wont tell you untess in good with numbers, 2 Wewontgoif— {could help you with yourhomework (be) 3, what would you doifyou | may go home early if Anna 4 Lintend to vist all of my relatives unless at the party. (not be) Stmgoingtolevef_—— You asportfyouwantto How might youreaci we be {great shape like me. (take up) ‘A Complete the conversation with the words from the box. ‘think between consider feel go grab sound track dreadful wok fe what do youfabut rain our language schol Tongues? B: That's a idea! How do you about Taikame? As It doesn't me. Would you English24e? B: | think we're on the wrong here. All these numbers. A: How does Language Lab? B: Hmmm ... Not bad. Im torn Language Lab and Lingo Lab B: Let's with Language Lab then. 7 \6 LANGUAGE BANK CV modal verbs and related phrases present past bigation "2°20 had to go ation ust go : (strong) ake someone 20 made someone go igation | S°0U089 should have gone |ebligation | ouehtto go aught to have gone ‘am supposed to g0 ras supposed to go [ier et oq dovithavetoge | rit have ogo cmustitgo prohibition | cantgo could go STOTT arn not allowed to go_| wasnt allowed ta go shouldrt go should have gone | reiting go | ough tohae gore tmnt supposed togo| was suppsed to go ange could go amalowed go | wasallowed 199 jermlson Berntesion vay go right go letsomeone go | letsomeone go carvean'e go couldcoutr go abiay | sam tablet go | was/vas ale to go itty manage! rmanaged/ don't manage to go didrit manage to go future continuous Use will +be + ing form for: + something that youcat Sa ator around 3 ~~ Ses spec future time driving "lle driving home when you cal, so just leave a message + something that wll happen in the normal course of events, not as part of a particular intention or plan. ‘expect 1 be talking to fan tomorrow, so I could ask him then, Note: We can use this meaning to introduce requests in a neutral way. ‘A: Will you be passing the postbax? B:Yes. ‘In that case, could you post this for me? persuading Use the following phrases to persuade someone by giving a strong opinion: Surely Clearly ‘Anyone can see that parents need to take more responsibilty fr their kids’ education, obligation ‘Must can express thatthe obligation is internal not (only) because of a rule. { must finish this report - dont want to annoy the boss. Use make someone do something when someone forces another person to do something. My mum makes me stud fortwo hours every night. Use be supposed io especially when the obligation is broken. {im not supposed to eat chocolate but lack of obligation/prohibition Note the diference between dont have toand must't You don't have to arrive before Spi. i's not necessary) You mustn't arrive before Spm. you'e not allowed to) permission Use let + someone or allow someone oto say that ‘someone gave permission to someone. Do you think she'l let me take a doy off? My company allows ust wok from home one day week ability Forabllity ona single occasion inthe past, use was/ were able to or managed to (not could) Hewas able to find his way ou ofthe forest and get help. NOT Hecould find ise Use manage to for something that is/was difficult to do He managed to run the race in under thee hours. future perfect Use will+ have + past participle to talk about something. that will finish before a specific time in the future, often with the preposition by, meaning at the latest. Ihave finished this report by the end ofthe week nih the report ow the end of the week It’s possible to use other modals, adverbs and phrases vith both forms. I might have finished definitely won't have finished/ 1 like to have finished by then. This time next week I could be relaxing/'l probably be relaxing/Id like to be relaxing on a beach. Use negative questions when you want to persuade someone by irwting them to agree with you Dorf you agree/think (that) Isrit it true/obvious that Shouldn't people Doesrit she want to ‘texting is harmful for childrens writing? spend more time at home?
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The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
From Everand
The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
From Everand
Angela's Ashes: A Memoir
Brooklyn: A Novel
From Everand
Brooklyn: A Novel
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
From Everand
A Man Called Ove: A Novel
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
From Everand
The Yellow House: A Memoir (2019 National Book Award Winner)
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
From Everand
Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
From Everand
The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Yes Please
From Everand
Yes Please
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
From Everand
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
The Outsider: A Novel
From Everand
The Outsider: A Novel
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
From Everand
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
From Everand
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
From Everand
Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
The Woman in Cabin 10
From Everand
The Woman in Cabin 10
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
From Everand
A Heartbreaking Work Of Staggering Genius: A Memoir Based on a True Story
Wolf Hall: A Novel
From Everand
Wolf Hall: A Novel
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
From Everand
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Fear: Trump in the White House
From Everand
Fear: Trump in the White House
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
From Everand
Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
From Everand
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
From Everand
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
John Adams
From Everand
John Adams
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
From Everand
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
From Everand
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Unit 3
Speakout Grammar Extra Advanced Unit 3
Vocabulary Extra Unit 2
Vocabulary Extra Unit 2
Outline For A Business Plan
Outline For A Business Plan
Tense Practice Level 10
Tense Practice Level 10
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women