2. Vedana2 Tika
(i) Sukhaya vedanaya sampayutta dhamma. Dhammas associated with
pleasant feeling.
Which dhammas are associated with pleasant feeling? From the sense-sphere
wholesome, four consciousnesses accompanied by pleasure; from the
Venerable Sayadaw Dr. Nandamalabhivamsa, Fundamental Abhidhamma, (Yangon 2015) p. 30.
In the Khandha classification, these two mental factors are classified as separate khandha.
unwholesome four; six from the resultants of the sense-sphere wholesome and five
from the functional; three or four fine-material-sphere jhanas from the wholesome;
three or four fine-material-sphere jhanas from the resultants; and three or four fine-
material-sphere jhanas from the functional; three or four supramundane jhanas
from the wholesome; three or four supramundane jhanas from the resultants;
except pleasant feeling arising in them. These dhammas are associated with
pleasant feeling.
(ii) Dukkhaya3 Vedanaya Sampayutta Dhamm, Dhammas associated with
unpleasant feeling.
Which dhammas are associated with unpleasant feeling? Two consciousness
accompanied by displeasure and body consciousness accompanied by pain, except
unpleasant feeling arising in them. These dhammas are associated with pleasant
(iii) Adukkhamasukhaya Vedanaya Sampayutta Dhamma, Dhammas
associated with neither unpleasant nor pleasant feeling.
Which dhammas are associated with neither pleasant nor unpleasant feeling?
From the sense-sphere wholesome, four consciousnesses accompanied by
indifference; six from the unwholesome; ten from the resultants of sense-sphere
wholesome; six from the resultants of the unwholesome; six from the functional;
the fourth fine-material- sphere jhana from the wholesome, the fourth fine-
material-sphere jhÈna from the resultants, the fourth fine-material-sphere jhana
from the functional; four immaterial (jhanas) from the wholesome, four immaterial
(jhanas) from the resultants, four immaterial (jhanas) from the functional; and the
fourth supramundane jhÈna from the wholesome and the fourth supramundane
jhÈna from the resultants; except the neither pleasant nor unpleasant feeling arising
in them – these dhammas are associated with neither pleasant nor unpleasant
feeling. The three feelings, matter and Nibbana, these dhammas should not be said
to be either associated with pleasant feeling or associated with unpleasant feeling
or associated with neither pleasant nor unpleasant feeling.
3. Vipaka4 Tika
Vitakka (sammasa~kappa) can associate only with 1st jhana supramundane consciousnesses. From 2nd jhana
supramundane consciousness onwards, vitakka does not associate. Therefore each path will be either associated
with 8 or 7 path factors.
The dhamma involved in ‘Free from Truth’ are from lokuttara citta and cetasika. Among them, Phalacittuppada
(phala citta and cetasika associated with them) are always saccamuttaka. In case of lokuttara citta, the 8 cetasikas
of eightfold noble path are magga sacca; the remaining cetasika as well as the magga citta are ‘free from truth’.
(i) Vipaka dhamma, Dhammas that are results
Which dhammas are results? The resultants in the four planes, these dhammas are
(ii) Vipaka-dhamma-dhamma, Dhammas that have the nature of giving
Which dhammas have the nature of giving results? The wholesome in the four
planes and the unwholesome - these dhammas have the nature of giving results.
(iii) Nevavipakanavipakadhammadhamma, Dhammas that are neither results
nor have the nature of giving results.
Which dhammas are neither results nor have the nature of giving results? The
indeterminate functional in three planes, matter and NibbÈna, these dhammas are
neither result nor have the nature of giving results.
4. Upadinna Tika
(i) Upadinnupadaniya Dhamma, Dhammas that are clung kamma born as
11.Sekkha Tika
(i) Sekkha dhamma.
Dhammas that belong to trainees or DhammÈ which are the mental properties of
ariyas who are still training themselves for arahantship.
(ii) Asekkha dhamma.
Dhammas that belong to non-trainees or Dhamma which are the mental properties
of ariyas who have completed their training.
(iii) Nevasekkhanasekkha dhamma.
Dhammas that neither belong to trainees nor belong to non-trainees or Dhamma
which are neither the mental properties of ariyas still training themselves for
Arahatship nor of ariyas who have completed their training.
(i) Paritta dhamma.
Dhammas that are limited or Dhamma of limited efficacy.
(ii) Mahaggata dhamma.
Dhammas that are sublime or Dhamma of lofty attainments.
(iii) Appamana dhamma.
Dhammas that are illimitable or Dhamma which are incomparable.
13.Parittarammana Tika
(i) Parittarammana dhamma.
Dhammas that have a limited object or Dhamma which have object of limited
(ii) Mahaggatarammana dhamma.
Dhammas that have sublime object or DhammÈ which have lofty attainments as
(iii) Appamanarammana dhamma.
Dhammas that have an illimitable object or Dhamma which have incomparable
dhamma as object.
14. Hina Tika
(i) Hina dhamma. Inferior dhamm.
Which dhammas are inferior? The twelve unwholesome consciousnesses, these
dhammas are inferior.
(ii) Majjhima dhamma. Medium dhamma.
Which dhammas are medium? The wholesome in three planes, the resultant in
three planes, the indeterminate functional in three planes and all matter. These
dhammas are medium.
(iii) Panita dhamma. Superior dhamma.
Which dhammas are superior? The Unincluded four Paths, the four Fruits of
Recluseship and Nibbāna. These dhammas are superior.
15. MicchattaTika
(i) Micchattaniyata dhamma.
The wrong dhammas which are fixed or which unfailingly produce results
(immediately after death).