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Referensi 1
DOI: 10.21767/2469-2980.100035
Received: December 21, 2016; Accepted: December 26, 2016; Published: December Corresponding author: Maha MF Mounir
30, 2016
[email protected]
The dental pulp, this sophisticated tissue protected inside the Professor of Oral Biology, Department of
tooth dentin, when is destroyed or dead causes a great deal Oral Diagnostic Science, Faculty of Dentistry,
of pain and suffering to the patient. The only viable treatment King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Kingdom
is either root canal treatment RCT or extraction. To eliminate of Saudi Arabia.
infection and protect the decontaminated tooth from further
deterioration, root canal treatment RCT is performed. Tel: 00966555707604
The conventional means of RCT means removing the pulp and
packing the chamber with a plastic material. Regenerative
endodontics uses the concept of tissue engineering to deliver
Citation: Mounir MMF. Pulp Regeneration:
biologically based regenerative endodontic treatment of
The Ultimate Goal of Regenerative
necrotic immature permanent teeth resulting in continued root
Endodontics. J Orthod Endod. 2016, 3:1.
development, increased thickness in the dentinal walls and apical
closure. The ultimate goal of regenerative endodontics is pulp
The regenerated pulp tissue that fills the pulp chamber and root
Recombinant amelogenin protein can provide signals that regulate
gene expression and modify the inflammatory response, as well canal eliminates sites that can harbor even minimally active
as advance the repair mechanisms of odontoblasts. Mounir et al. biofilms that can form in root canal treated teeth. Biofilms can
[1] have developed a technology to use recombinant amelogenin contain many different types of microorganism, such as bacteria
protein to recruit the regenerative capacity of the patient, that causes infection. A healthy apical tissue is regenerated
resulting in the regeneration of a complete pulp. The regenerated forming the tooth attachment apparatus made of dentin,
pulp is predicted to function identically to the one destroyed cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL) and bone. This tissue
by disease thus transforming the tooth to a disease free state. is the hole that allows the nerve tissue, with its accompanying
This material closes the opened apex with a regenerated dentin blood vessels, to enter the tooth by regenerating a dent in bridge
bridge. The treated teeth show a regenerated complete dental and stops any infection that is present restoring the root canals to
pulp, and in turn, revitalize a dead tooth with all the nerves, a healthy state. This development in regeneration of a functional
blood vessels restoring tooth function eliminating any possibility
pulp-dentin complex will have a promising impact on efforts to
of infection thus the tooth is less subject to material failure as is
the case for RCT treated teeth. retain the natural dentition.
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License | This Article is Available in: 1
Journal of Orthodontics DE MEDICINA
& Endodontics 2016
ISSN 1698-9465
2469-2980 Vol. 3 No. 1: 1
1 Mounir MMF, Matar MA, Lei Y, Snead ML (2016) Recombinant
amelogenin protein induces apical closure and pulp regeneration in
open-apex, non-vital permanent canine teeth. J Endod 42: 402-412.