Passage Plan From Escoumins To BURNS HARBOR

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Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08

Passage Plan from Les Escoumins to Milwaukee

From Escoumins to Quebec:

Charts: AVCS Cells .
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot), 120 n.m
Plotting Interval: 10/15 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Var. as Marked on charts
Sailing Directions: ATL 110 & ATL 111.
Navtex Stn.: C
ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

Vessel will be transiting from Les Escoumins to Quebec under Pilotage. Navigate
with caution Give wide berth to all V/l coming for picking up / dropping off pilot.
Beware of V/l in & outbound from the port of Quebec. Give wide berth. The main
shipping channel is in between the Ile d’orleans & south shore. It is well marked with
leading lights and buoys, & has a min. depth of 12.5 M. The tidal flow is up/down in the
main channel. Due to the narrowing of the river within the port of Quebec the tidal
streams increase in strength. Pilot will report at the CIP’s 13A, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, &
5A. Pilot Change at Quebec

From Quebec to Trios’ Rivers:

Charts: AVCS Cells
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot), 72 n.m
Plotting Interval: 10/15 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Var. as Marked on charts
Sailing Directions: ATL 111 & ATL 112.
Navtex Stn.: C

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08

V/l will be transiting under pilotage from Trios Rivers to Quebec. The passage is well
marked with leading lights and buoys. Least depth expected 10.7 M. Navigate with
particular caution whilst transiting Course St. Augustin, traverse Augustin, Co. St.
Antoine on chart CA 1315. And traverse Cap Sante & Portnuef on chart 1314. Keep clear
of No Go Areas as marked on charts. The pilot will report at the following CIP’s 19, 18,
17, 16, 15, 14, 13A & 13. Allow for set as required. Pilot will change at Trios’ Rivers.
Comply with CLD/ 08, 06 & 07, 09 &10.

From Trios Rivers to Montreal:

Charts: AVCS Cells.
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot), 71 n.m
Plotting Interval: 10/15 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Var. as Marked on charts
Sailing Directions ATL 112
Navtex Stn.: C

V/l will transit under pilotage from Trios River to Montreal. Least depth expected 11.3
M. The passage well marked with leading lights and buoys. Navigate with caution.
Beware of V/l in & outbound from the port of Sorel. Give wide berth. Keep clear of No
Go Areas as marked on charts. The pilot will report at the following CIP’s 25, 24, 23, 22,
21, 20, 19A & 19.
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08

Seaway Transit (Up Bound)

Pilot from Trois Rivers will take the vessel up to the 1st Seaway Lock (St. Lambert Lock).
Please be guided by the Seaway Handbook for the Seaway Navigation (Part III, from
Page 11 of 47 onwards). Please note that the maximum speed of the V/l has to be
regulated so as not to adversely affect other V/l or shore property. Please check the
chart in use for the speed limits on that particular chart. Collision regulations and U.S
Inland Regulations apply. Navigate with caution.
V/l will transit through various locks. Approach to the locks to be made at slow speed
and in compliance with the light signals displayed. Please carefully note all the times
viz. Contact with the lock wall, Sliding along the approach wall, Entering the lock, Clear
of the lock etc. in the movement book. The entry in to the lock should be made slowly
and in no case the V/l to exceed the stop symbol on the lock wall nearest the closed
gates. Thrusters should not be used when passing a lock gate. The line handlers will
pass on the hand lines as soon as the ship passes the open gates. They should be
secured by means of a clove hitch to the mooring line 60 cm behind the splice of the eye.
At Iroquois Lock and at Lock 8 (Welland Canal) the V/l has to use its own Hand line,
which should be secured to the eye at the end of the mooring line by means of a
Unless otherwise directed by an officer, Ships passing through the locks shall moor at
the side of the tie-up wall or lock as shown in the following table.
The speed limit in canal de la Rive Sud is 6.0 Kts. Lake Louis leads to Canal de la Rive
Sud, which has last two locks viz. Cote St. Catherine & St. Lambert. The Beauharnois
locks are situated at the lake Louis end of the canal separated by a distance of 0.5 n.m.
Lake St. Louis is also well marked with lights buoys and leading lights which help the
V/l in maintaining her course. The channel in the lake St. Francois is well marked with
lights and buoys. Lake St. Francois is connected with Lake Louis by the beauharnois
canal. Canal de beauharnois is 12.5 miles long and has a speed limit of 9.0 Kts. There
will be a change of pilot at Snell lock. From Snell to light buoy D49 the speed limit is 8.5
Kts. & from D 49 to D 3 buoy it is 12.0 Kts.
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08

Lock UP Bound Rise Transit Time

  Tie - Up In Lock   UP Bound

St. Lambert (1) Stbd Side Port 04 ~ 06 ---

Cote St. Stbd Side Port 10 ~ 11 01h 15m
Catherine (2) Side
Lower Port Side Stbd 12 ~ 13 02h 15m
Beauharnois Side
Upper Port Side Stbd 11 ~ 12 00h 15m
Beauharnois Side
Snell Stbd Side Stbd 13.7 ~ 05h 00m
Side 14.9
Eisenhower Stbd Side Stbd 11.6 ~ 00h 30m
Side 12.8
Iroquois Stbd Side Port 0.1 ~ 02 02h 30m
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08
Montreal to Cape Vincent:

Charts: AVCS Cells.

Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: 05/10 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Various.
Sailing Directions: Great Lakes Vol. 2, USCP 6
Navtex Stn.: C

For the lock transit please see the Seaway Upbound section. Speed limit from Iroquois
to Eisenhower is 11.5Kts. & Between Eisenhower to Snell lock it is 6.0Kts. From light
137A to Lock Iroquois the speed limit is 13.0 Kts. From the Brockville narrows to lock
Iroquois the river is generally deep and broad. The Iroquois is the last seaway lock on
the up bound lane. Before it comes Eisenhower and before that is the Snell lock, the
Beauhornis (Upper and Lower). The 1st Lock is St. Lambert followed by Cote. St.
V/l has to negotiate a very large turn just N of Carleton island, navigate with caution.
The v/l will be transiting the thousand islands. The narrowest part being the American
narrows with a width of 137.2 M in the channel. Then comes the Brockville narrows.
Throughout the transit the p-passage is well marked by lights & buoys. Beware many of
these islands are used as day use parks & there is much small craft activity going
around this time of the year. Also waves from passing ships have known to cause heavy
surging hence maintains the ship’s speed within the specified limits mentioned on each
chart. From Tibbets point to light 227 speed limit is 13.0Kts. From light 227 to light 186
speed limit is 8.5Kts. & from light 186 to light 137A speed limit is 11.5Kts.
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08
Lake Ontario Transit:
Charts: AVCS Cells.
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: 05/10 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Various.
Sailing Directions: Great Lakes Vol. 2, USCP 6
Navtex Stn.:

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

V/l will follow the up bound recommended routes for the lake. Plot position frequently
and keep V/l along the centerline of the channel. Keep clear of No Go Areas as marked
on charts. Monitor and log soundings frequently. Pilot change will take place at Port
Weller. Comply with CLD/06, 07, 08, 09 & 10. Mark the Canadian Areas of Transit (In
consultation with Master) and inform engine room for Grey Water Discharge.

Welland Canal Transit (Down Bound)

Charts: AVCS Cells.
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: 05/10 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Various.
Sailing Directions: CEN 300, CEN 303.
Navtex Stn.: H, P

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

Pilot change expected at Port Weller. Comply with CLD/ 08, 06/07, 09/10. Give E/Rm
sufficient notices for M/E & B/T. Please be guided by the Seaway Handbook for the
Seaway Navigation (Part III, from Page 11 of 47 onwards). Please note that the
maximum speed of the V/l has to be regulated so as not to adversely affect other V/l or
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08
shore property. Please check the chart in use for the speed limits on that particular
chart. Collision regulations and U.S Inland Regulations apply. Navigate with caution.
V/l will transit through various locks. Approach to the locks to be made at slow speed &
in compliance with the light signals displayed. Please carefully note all the times viz.
contact with the lock wall, sliding along the approach wall, entering the lock, clear of
the lock etc. in the movement book. The entry in to the lock should be made slowly & in
no case the V/l to exceed the stop symbol on the lock wall nearest the closed gates.
Thrusters should not be used when passing a lock gate. The line handlers will pass on
the hand lines when the ship passes the open gates. They should be secured by means
of a clove hitch to the mooring line 60 cm behind the splice of the eye. At Iroquois Lock
& at Lock 8 (Welland Canal) the V/l has to use its own Hand line, which should be
secured to the eye at the end of the mooring line by means of a bowline.
Unless otherwise directed by an officer, Ships passing through the locks shall moor at
the side of the tie-up wall or lock as shown in the following table.

Welland Stbd Side Stbd Side 14 16h 00m

Canal Lock 1
Lock 2 Stbd Side Stbd Side 14 00h 15m
Lock 3 Stbd Side Port Side 14 00h 30m
Lock 4 Stbd Side Port Side 15 00h 15m
Lock 5 N/A Port Side 15 00h 00m
Lock 6 N/A Port Side 13 00h 00m
Lock 7 Stbd Side Port Side 14 00h 15m
Lock 8 P/S Stbd Side 0.5 ~ 3.5 02h 30m

The first 6.3-mile stretch consists of three locks, which, raise the V/l by abt 42M from the
level of Lake Ontario. The next three locks raise the V/l to the level of Niagara
escarpment. These locks, known as the flight locks, built in steps, one after another, so
that V/l's can be raised or lowered by 43 M in a distance of 0.5 n.m. Lock 7 the last of the
main up bound locks raises the V/l by approximately 14 M. From lock 8 to lock 7 there
is approximate two-hour transit. Lock 8 is a Guard lock, constructed at Port Colborne,
just north of where the canal joins Lake Erie, to raise or lower ships from the regulated
level of the canal to that of the lake. Plot positions frequently. Keep clear of No Go
Areas as marked on charts. Monitor & log soundings regularly. Please note the speed
limits mentioned on the chart and take precautions not to exceed them.
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08

Lake Erie Transit:

Charts: AVCS Cells.
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: 05/10 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Various.
Sailing Directions: Great Lakes Vol. 2, USCP 6
Navtex Stn.: H

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

V/l will follow the recommended lake routes as marked on the ECDIS. Vessel will be
under Pilotage throughout the transit. Plot position frequently and keep V/l along the
centerline of the channel. Keep clear of No Go Areas as marked on charts. Monitor and
log soundings frequently. Pilot change will take place at Port Colborne. Comply with
CLD/06, 07, 08, 09 & 10.

Lake St Claire & St Claire & Detroit River Transit:

Charts: AVCS Cells.
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: 05/10 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Various.
Sailing Directions: CEN 300, CEN 304, USCP 6
Navtex Stn.: P

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

Lake Erie connects with Pele Passage (caution to be exercised due to depths at Pele
Passage) which connects to Detroit River. Follow the Buoyed Channed in the Detroit
river. The main V/l route across the lake is through the dredged channel that leads from
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08
St Claire cutoff channel to the head of the Detroit River. Fleming channel connects the
Detroit River with the Lake St. Claire
River St. Claire is 35 n.m long and is well marked by lights, buoys and ranges. Plot
positions frequently and keep V/l along the centerline of the channel. Allow for set as
required. Monitor and log soundings frequently. The cut off channel between the
Seaway Is. & the Bassets Is. Joins the south channel of the river with the lake.

Lake Huron Transit:

Charts: AVCS Cells.
Course x Dist: - Var. (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: 05/10 Min Radar, Visual & GPS Fixes.
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering. / Manual (1)
Landmarks & PI Points Various.
Sailing Directions: Great Lakes Vol. 2, USCP 6
Navtex Stn.: P
ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

Change of pilot at Sarnia and river pilot on board for the Lake Huron Transit.
V/l will follow the recommended lake routes. Keep well clear of the wreck & Yankee
reef. Plot position frequently and keep V/l along the centerline of the channel. Keep
clear of No Go Areas as marked on charts. Monitor and log soundings frequently. Pilot
change will take place at Sarnia. Comply with CLD/06, 07, 08, 09 & 10.
M.V. Federal Yukon
Escoumins ~ Burns Harbor
Voy: 17/08
Lake Huron Transit to Mackinac Bridge:
ENC’s: As per Attached List.
Course x Dist: Various (As advised by Pilot),
Plotting Interval: Auto Plotted on ECDIS, Manual Position Fixes V/R 15/20 Mins
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering / Manual (2)
Bridge Manning Level: 4/5
Sailing Directions: USCP-GREAT LAKES
Navtex Stn: P
VHF Channel: Ch- 16

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 9 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 11 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 18 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’
V/l will be following the Up bound sailing recommended route. Upbound vessels to lay
a course of 318 from Middle island point light to a point 5 miles 050 off Presque isle
light, then steer a course of 295 for 47 miles to abreast of Cordwood Point lighted buoy
1; then steer a course of 270 for 3 miles to a point off Poe Reef Light. Vessel then leads to
Strait of Mackinac. Lake Huron narrows abruptly to a width of 4 miles between Old
Mackinac Point and Point St. Ignace, the narrowest part of the Strait of Mackinac. Plot
positions frequently & keep V/l on the charted track. Keep clear of No Go Areas as
marked on charts. Monitor & log soundings regularly.
Mackinac Bridge to Burns Harbour:
ENC’s: As per Attached List.
Course x Dist: Various (As advised by Pilot)
Plotting Interval: Auto Plotted on ECDIS, Manual Position Fixes V/R 15/20 Mins
Engine & Steering Status: Maneuvering / Manual (2)
Bridge Manning Level: 4/5
Sailing Directions: USCP-GREAT LAKES
Navtex Stn: H, P
VHF Channel: Ch- 16

ECDIS Settings:
Shallow Contour- 7 mtr Safety Height- 2 mtr
Safety Contour & Depth- 9 mtr Cross Track Limit- 0.02 & 0.01’
Deep Contour- 15 mtr Watch Vector Setting- 0.25’

Once the V/l is out of Lake Huron. Pilot will report as per CIP. Monitor Vessel’s
positions & keep V/l on the charted track. Monitor & log soundings regularly.
Vessel to enter the Port of Burns Harbour. The Harbour is to be entered from SW
from the deep water in Lake Michigan. Berthing instructions will be received later on
and it is to be discussed with Pilot Accordingly.

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