CCC Lit Review
CCC Lit Review
CCC Lit Review
Markus Becker*
et al., 2015). CCs can be applied by simple immersion of the achieved a maturity level that may seriously be con-
metallic part into a chemical bath, by spraying at moderate sidered by the industry for commercial application.
temperatures, or by wipe application as a touch process. Although the paint adhesion of alternative CC technolo-
The latter two procedures render it possible to protect over- gies frequently equals (or sometimes even outperforms)
sized aircraft components that may not be accessible to the that of chromate-based systems, only a few seem to
anodizing lines or to protect cut edges and other local areas provide satisfactory overall corrosion resistance perfor-
(Milošev & Frankel, 2018). Additionally, some CCs provide mance for the stringent requirements in the aerospace or
electrical conductivity, which may be beneficial for, e.g. defense sector. Therefore, hexavalent chromium replace-
space components or lightning protection purposes during ment and the exemption of compliance for aeronautics
the aircraft service life (Fletcher, 2008). still represents a major issue at international discussions
During the past decades, chromate conversion coat- (Lane et al., 2012; Fahrenholtz & O’Keefe, 2013; Robert-
ings (CCC) have been intensively applied in the aerospace son, 2013). This review focuses on important proceedings
industry due to their outstanding performance in corro- for chromium replacement and critically reviews alterna-
sion resistance and paint adhesion for AAs. Thereby, a lot tive protective systems developed in the recent decades.
of knowledge about film formation mechanisms, growth Thereby, a comprehensive overview and the rudimentary
dynamics, structure, and composition has been generated chemical basics for the most relevant and promising tech-
(Hawkins et al., 1987; Hughes et al., 1997; Xia & McCreery, nologies are given by considering published scientific
1998; Zhao et al., 1998; Brown & Kobayashi, 2001; Zhang results about the trivalent chromium process (TCP), rare
et al., 2002; Kendig & Buchheit, 2003; Campestrini et al., earth chemical conversion coatings (RECC), transition
2004; Meng & Frankel, 2004; Liu et al., 2005; Kulinich metal oxyanion additives (TMOA), Zr/Ti-based conversion
et al., 2007c). The superior advantages of CCCs result from coatings (Zr/TiCC), sol-gel coatings, and smart coatings
the “self-healing” ability provided by Cr6+ species, which providing stimulus-related inhibitor release. In particu-
may reform a protective layer after its mechanical or chem- lar, the bath composition and coating characteristics are
ical damage. In detail, Cr6+ ions, which are stored in the discussed with a focus on the corrosion protection per-
coating, are highly mobile. In case of an exposure to an formance and the resulting paint adhesion in compari-
aqueous electrolyte, Cr6+ ions may diffuse to the defective son with chromate-based approaches. As the aeronautics
area where they react with the bare aluminum to be elec- industry is confronted with the necessity to move away
trochemically reduced to Cr3+. A backbone of insoluble and from chromates in the near term, the advantages and
hydrated Cr3+ oxide/hydroxides precipitates and prevents disadvantages of alternative technologies with regard to
further pitting. Additionally, anodic inhibition restricts the their practical implementation are assessed.
rate of aluminum dissolution. The remarkable corrosion
resistance of chromates is persistent over a wide range of
pHs and electrolyte concentrations, which is only hardly 2 Trivalent chromium process (TCP)
matched by alternative compounds (Frankel & McCreery,
2001; Kendig & Buchheit, 2003; Fletcher, 2008). Neverthe- Protective coatings prepared by the TCP, first patented
less, despite their obvious advantages, CCCs pose severe by the US Navy’s Naval Air System Command (NAVAIR),
health and environmental drawbacks due to the presence consist of a mixture of amorphous oxides, hydroxides,
of hexavalent chromium, which is highly toxic and carci- and hydrated oxides based on Cr3+ species (Matzdorf et al.,
nogenic (O’Brien, 1995; Saha et al., 2011). Consequently, 2000). The latter is of relatively low toxicity compared to the
administrative legislations (e.g. the REACH EU Regulation Cr6+ ion (Saha et al., 2011). Typical conversion baths contain
EC No. 1907/2006 or OSHA final standard of 2006) specify a Cr3+ salts (e.g. the sulfate Cr2[SO4]3), a fluorine compound
drastic reduction in human exposure to chromates during (e.g. NaF, Na2SiF6, or Na2ZrF6), and additions of NaOH or
maintenance as well as manufacturing operations. It is H2SO4 for the pH adjustment (Sheasby & Pinner, 2001). The
of urgent need to find alternative technologies that are fluoride is necessary in order to dissolve the alumina (Al2O3)
environmentally more friendly but provide a comparable of the native oxide layer and to inhibit the re-passivation of
corrosion protection and adhesion performance with the Al for accelerating the film formation reaction:
desire to develop an industrial “drop-in” replacement for
the current procedures with hexavalent chromium. Al 2O3 + 6F − + 6H+ → 2AlF3 + 3H2O (1)
In the past decades, numerous studies have been
devoted for chromate substitution in CC formulation In situ measurements with a tungsten microelectrode
for AAs. However, until today, only a few systems have confirmed that, due to the local pH increase at the
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 323
cathodic sites (i.e. IMPs), a Cr3+-rich layer forms by alka- vs. 500 nm, respectively), they demonstrate inferior corro-
line precipitation (Li et al., 2013): sion protection in a SST with 5% NaCl (according to ASTM
B117) (Pearlstein & Agarwala, 1994). Furthermore, some
O2 + 2H2O + 4e − → 4OH− (2)
active protection on an artificial scratch seems to arise
from mobile Cr6+ species that are formed locally by the
Cr 3+ + 3OH− → Cr(OH)3 (3) oxidation of Cr3+ via H2O2. The latter behaves as a strong
oxidant that is produced by the reduction of O2 at the
IMPs, leading to the self-healing mechanism as mentioned
2H+ + 2e − → H2 (4)
above (Li et al., 2011a; Cai et al., 2017; Qi et al., 2017b).
However, the level of Cr6+ is expected to be quite low and
When hexafluorozirconate compounds are added as of a transient nature, and there is still debate about its
an activator, a mixed Zr/Cr film precipitates on the AA presence in TCP coatings under aerated environments.
substrate with Zr and Cr constituting about 40 and 10 wt% Commercial TCP solutions are available on the market,
of the coating, respectively (Guo & Frankel, 2012b). TCP and their application has demonstrated promising corro-
films exhibit particles of several hundred nanometers in sion resistance in relation to CCCs. A pre-screening study
size distributed over the entire surface; however, the film via SST was performed on eight different chromate-free
thickness on the IMPs is usually thicker. The inner layer protection systems in order to identify potential replace-
mainly comprises aluminum as oxides and/or fluorides, ments for CCC, and the best candidates were further eval-
whereas the outer part is composed of the Cr- or Cr/Zr-rich uated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
phases (Qi et al., 2015, 2016a) (see Figure 1H). Indeed, the (Carreira et al., 2017). As a result, PreCoat A32 (AD Inter-
presence of a native-like Al2O3 interfacial layer after the national B.V., Heijningen, The Netherlands) was identified
conversion reaction was confirmed by EIS measurements as superior TCP coating, which demonstrated high corro-
(Boyer et al., 2018). Surface cracking was partly observed sion protection on both of the alloys, AA2024-T3 as well as
in scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrographs and AA2024-T81. EIS results during immersion in 0.5 m NaCl
ascribed to volume shrinkage due to dehydration pro- solution for up to 7 days even revealed slightly improved
cesses in dry air or vacuum (Guo & Frankel, 2012b) (see performance of PreCoat A32 compared to Alodine 1200
Figure 1A). (Henkel Adhesives, Düsseldorf, Germany), and both SST
TCP layers made up from Cr3+/Zr4+ provide significantly military standards, MIL-DTL 5541 and 81706, were passed.
improved degradation resistance to AA2024 in aggressive ChromitAL (SurTec 650, Bensheim, Germany) showed
environments during electrochemical measurements as promising degradation resistance for AA2024-T351 in EIS
well as in salt spray tests (SST) (see Figure 1B–G). This experiments, though its performance was slightly inferior
can be attributed to the suppression of both anodic dis- compared to a CCC (Qi et al., 2016c; Mitton et al., 2017).
solution and oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), whereby However, a recent investigation stated a clear reduction of
the ORR is inhibited more strongly due to blocking of O2 Cr6+ species in the TCP coating after adding Fe2+ into the
chemisorption on IMPs (Guo & Frankel, 2012a, Cai et al., conversion bath (Qi et al., 2018). It was assumed that the
2017, Shruti & Swain, 2018). However, as the coatings are production of Cr6+ is suppressed due to the consumption
considerably thinner than CCCs (approximately 40–120 of H2O2 by Fe2+ at the cathodic sites. The additive had a
A H Cr(III)/Zr/O/F
Figure 1: (A) SEM micrograph of a TCP on AA2024-T3 after 10 min of immersion. Reprinted with permission from reference Guo & Frankel (2012b),
Elsevier 2019. (B–G) Macro-morphologies of (B–D) uncoated and (E–G) coated samples after salt spray exposure: (B–D) correspond to uncoated
samples after exposure for 6, 72, and 192 h, respectively; (E–G) correspond to coated samples after exposure for 6, 72, and 192 h, respectively.
Reprinted with permission from reference Cai et al., (2017), John Wiley and Sons 2019. (H) Simplified scheme of a TCP coating structure.
324 M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys
minor influence on coating morphology, growth kinet- the most studied element in the field of RECC (Muster
ics, and composition but slightly enhanced the corrosion et al., 2010, 2012). The latter can be surely ascribed to the
resistance in EIS experiments in a 0.05 m NaCl solution fact that, while Ce is of relatively low toxicity (compared
(i.e. by a factor of ~1.4). The addition of CuSO4 also sup- to Cr6+) and occurs abundantly in nature as, e.g. CeCl3 and
pressed the H2O2 formation at cathodic sites by promoting Ce(NO3)3, corrosion inhibition ability close to CCC was fre-
the four-electron ORR above Cu-rich deposits. However, quently achieved (Muecke & Möller, 1988; Mansfeld et al.,
no information on corrosion protection performance was 1991; Bethencourt et al., 1997; Aballe et al., 2001; Mishra &
given in the report (Qi et al., 2017c). A patent discloses a Balasubramaniam, 2007; Allachi et al., 2010). The follow-
highly protective TCP coating when mixed with magne- ing section puts its main focus on these Ce-based protec-
sium salts and aminoquinoline, which performed equal to tion systems as the auspicious paradigm, but conclusions
a CCC (Huicheng et al., 2013). should be transferable to other lanthanide members due
Post-treatment strategies for TCP coatings on AA2024 to their similar electrochemical behavior.
have been employed in the last years and shown to The immersion of an AA substrate into a Ce-based
enhance their corrosion resistance significantly. The most conversion bath leads to the buildup of a mixed oxide/
promising examples are bath immersions in warm water, hydroxide composite with Al and Ce species. Al-rich
treatment with H2O2 as well as lanthanum salts, and the phases (i.e. mainly Al2O3) evolve primarily over the alloy
aging in air at elevated temperatures (Li & Swain, 2013; Qi matrix areas, whereas Ce compounds (oxides/hydroxides)
et al., 2016b,c, 2017a; Ely et al., 2017). precipitate over the IMPs due to the increase in the pH
A valuable summary about the chemistry, film for- during the chemical reactions [see Eqs. (2) and (3)] (Kolics
mation mechanism, and electrochemical behavior of et al., 2003; Bethencourt et al., 2008; Paussa et al., 2012;
the TCP processes was published by Mitton et al. (2017). Sánchez-Amaya et al., 2012; Matter et al., 2013; Venkatasu-
Generally, TCP systems perform very well in combination bramanian et al., 2014; Li et al., 2015). Indeed, Palomino
with chromate-containing primers; however, the corro- et al. showed that a Cu-rich smut leads to the homogene-
sion resistance is significantly lower when non-chromium ous precipitation of a Ce-based CC (Palomino et al., 2006).
organic coatings are applied. In addition, some suspicions The detailed mechanism of inhibition depends on the
arose regarding the carcinogenicity or genotoxicity risks counter anion of the salt (e.g. chloride, acetate, nitrate,
for potential worker exposure (Gharbi et al., 2018). It is malate, etc.), but ultimately a mixture of Ce3+/Ce4+ oxides
still difficult to give a final assessment about the reliable and hydroxides deposits over the surface by a successive
replacement of Cr6+ coatings by TCP. Although the cor- oxidation of Ce(OH)3 to Ce(OH)4 (Decroly & Petitjean, 2005;
rosion resistance of the latter was occasionally outper- Yasakau et al., 2006; Catubig et al., 2015; Rodič & Milošev,
formed, the TCP is highly sensitive to process parameters 2016; Hu et al., 2019). CeCl3 and Ce(NO3)3 were frequently
and pre-treatments. Consequently, a potential industrial applied on AAs, whereby CeCl3 led to a higher precipitation
success of this technology may rely on future research on with the formation of a thicker coating. However, Ce(NO3)3
understanding and optimizing the various process steps or mixtures of CeCl3/Ce(NO3)3 resulted in a more homoge-
in order to exploit its full potential. neous film with improved corrosion resistance (Dabalà
et al., 2004; Brunelli et al., 2012). Earliest attempts demon-
strated the need for extended immersion times of the sub-
3 R
are earth conversion coating strate (~100 h) in order to cover the entire surface (Hinton
et al., 1986). However, newer types of Ce-based CCs involve
(RECC) higher temperatures and H2O2 as additive, which signifi-
cantly increase the deposition rate of the coating from
Among the rare earth elements, lanthanide salts dem- several days to a few minutes (Bethencourt et al., 2002,
onstrated to be effective retardants for corrosive attack 2003; Dabalà et al., 2004; Rivera et al., 2004; Scholes et al.,
of metallic substrates, and initial investigations were 2006; Zhao et al., 2010; Brunelli et al., 2012; Kozhukharov
reported by Hinton et al. (1984) and Hinton (1992). Since et al., 2014; Valdez et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2015). Polariza-
then, a large number of academic research papers as well tion measurements displayed a broadening of the passive
as patents have been published; however, only those range and confirmed that the CeCC effectively protects the
that displayed promising corrosion resistance for AAs matrix against localized corrosion and acts as a diffusion
are further evaluated (Wang et al., 2012; Tianquan et al., barrier for the active zones (see Figure 2G). There exists a
2014). In particular, the trivalent cerium ion (Ce3+) is a large amount of scientific reports about the application of
powerful cathodic inhibitor for IMPs on various AAs, and inorganic and organic Ce-based compounds as pigments
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 325
A B C G –0.4
D E F –0.9
–1.1 Ce(Ac)3
10–9 10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4 10–3
Current density (A cm )
Figure 2: Photographs of as-prepared (A–C) and 168 h SST (D–F) ZrCC, ZrCeCC, and chromate-based CC specimens. Reprinted with
permission from reference Yoganandan et al., (2015), Elsevier 2019. (G) Potentiodynamic polarization measurements for AA2024-T3 in 0.1 m
NaCl without or with addition of 3 mm Ce(III) and Ce(IV) salts as corrosion inhibitors. Free via Creative Commons from reference Rodič &
Milošev (2016).
for AA protection; however, only key findings in terms of Cerium compounds can be successfully incorporated
corrosion resistance are mentioned here. as inhibiting additives into other types of corrosion pro-
Ce(NO3)3 was added to a mixed solution of ZrO(NO3)2 tective systems. For instance, inorganic sol-gel coatings
(zirconyl nitrate) and H2O2 and significantly improved the provide barrier properties for oxygen and water diffusion.
electrochemical corrosion protection of AA2024 compared However, due to the lack of a self-healing ability like in CCCs,
to the Zr-only treatment or the bare metal (Yoganandan the ingress of corrosive species via micropores or cracks
et al., 2015). With progressing immersion time in an aggres- after mechanical damage cannot be avoided. Sugama
sive 0.6 m NaCl solution, the inhibiting activity seemed to doped an aminopropylsilane triol solution with cerium
increase by displaying enhanced EIS responses, while acetate (up to 10 wt%) and observed an in situ conversion
after 168 h of neutral SST (NSST) the ZrCeCC performed to Ce(OH)3 followed by a subsequent transformation to
nearly equivalent to a conventional CCC, displaying very Ce2O3 during the heat treatment (Sugama, 2005). With an
little pitting (see Figure 2A–F). Damage tolerance and optimized value of 3 wt% for cerium acetate, the ORR at the
scratch cell tests confirmed a self-healing ability of the cathodic sites could be significantly suppressed, and even
Ce-doped coating by displaying an increase in the charge a nanoscale coating (i.e. with a thickness of less than 5 nm)
transfer resistance (Rct) and a concomitant visual repair of lowered the corrosion rate by 2 orders of magnitude. The
the defect. SST resistance could be enhanced from ~40 h to more than
Improved corrosion resistance can also be achieved 1440 h. Similarly, Tiringer et al. and Bahrami et al. intro-
via cerium addition as an organic salt. Cerium tartrate, duced cerium nitrate into a hybrid sol-gel coating based on
when added as a saturated pigment into a 0.05 m NaCl tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) and 3-glycidoxypropyl-trimeth-
solution, effectively avoided pitting of AA2024-T3 speci- oxysilane (GPTMS) for AA7075 and AA6061, respectively,
mens by acting as both cathodic and anodic inhibitor in order to obtain an active corrosion protection (Bahrami
(Hu et al., 2015). The carboxylic groups of the tartrate et al., 2015, 2017; Tiringer et al., 2018). The electrochemical
anion bond to the Al matrix obstructing corrosive attack, responses during exposure to a NaCl solution were clearly
while cerium oxides and/or hydroxides precipitate at the enhanced in both cases. Additional studies on cerium-
cathodic IMPs. The small particle size and low solubility organic acid compounds confirmed their beneficial effects
render cerium tartrate an attractive inhibitor pigment. on sol-gel coatings (Yu et al., 2015).
Cerium cinnamate and dibutylphosphate (dbp) showed a Synergistic effects on the corrosion protection of
similar behavior by acting as cathodic and anodic inhibi- AAs were studied by the combination of cerium salts
tor, whereby the organic sublayer offers additional barrier with organic as well as inorganic compounds, and these
protection to Cl− ions (Ho et al., 2006; Shi et al., 2011; demonstrated to be more effective than the effects from
Garcia et al., 2013). single additions. The inhibitive performances during
326 M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys
electrochemical measurements in corrosive electrolytes electrochemically reduced and subsequently form insol-
were typically enhanced accompanied by occasional uble oxides, a similar chemical behavior to chromates
self-healing of artificial scribes. Additionally, anodic sup- was observed. The most promising candidates in terms
pressions were frequently observed. Noticeable reports of future industrial implementation are permanganates
were published with cerium nitrate and dodecylbenze- (MnO4−), molybdates (MoO42−), and vanadates (VO43−). It
nesulfonate (DBS) on AA5052 (Liu et al., 2016a), cerium is expected that the main inhibition mechanism follows
chloride and DBS on AA2024 (Zuo et al., 2017), cerium a competitive adsorption of these anions with corrosive
nitrate and glutamic acid on AA5052 (Zhu et al., 2018), species like chlorides or sulfates (Cicek, 2014).
cerium chloride and benzotriazole (BTA) on AA2024 Manganese-based conversion treatments were sus-
(Coelho et al., 2018), cerium acetate and sodium sulfate pected to provide some self-healing ability to AAs due to
(Na2SO4) on AA7075 (Rodič & Milošev, 2019), and cerium their high equilibrium potential that leads to the reduction
diphenylphosphate (dpp) and praseodymium dpp on of Mn7+ species to Mn4+ at flawed or chemically damaged
AA2024 (Markley et al., 2007). Mixing of different lantha- regions. Typical MnO4− conversion baths produce a coating
nide salts also showed promise to enhance the corrosion that is a mixture of hydrated MnO2, Mn3O4, Mn2O3, and
protection of AAs (Milošev & Volarič, 2017). Cerium dpp Al2O3. The inner layer is mainly comprised of Mn and Al
provides a complex that showed excellent corrosion inhi- oxides, whereas the outer part is enriched by Mn oxides.
bition for AA2024 similar to a CCC. Furthermore, filiform The films exhibit a yellowish appearance with a thick-
corrosion under harsh environmental conditions was effi- ness in the range of 50–100 nm, and the electrochemical
ciently suppressed when added as a pigment to an epoxy growth process seems to follow that for CCCs (Bibber, 2001;
coating (Forsyth et al., 2008). The adhesion performance Hughes et al., 2006; Yoganandan et al., 2012; Madden &
was slightly improved over the chromate control (Sastri, Scully, 2014; Oki & Adediran, 2018; Shamsi et al., 2018).
2011). Promising corrosion inhibition with cerium dpp Multi-element composite coatings in combination with
was also reported for the AA7000 series (Hill et al., 2011). rare earths were patented and displayed promising corro-
Wittmar et al. reported a very effective corrosion resist- sion inhibition efficiency as well as good wear resistance
ance in SST for a hybrid silica-based sol-gel coating that (Du Jun et al., 2013). Although permanganates possess
was doped with a mixture of cerium, praseodymium, and some environmental and health concerns, their toxicity
phosphates. The bulk of an AA2024 was not affected for in comparison with hexavalent chromium is considerably
more than 1500 h (Wittmar et al., 2012). Chambers and less. Paint adhesion and atmospheric corrosion protec-
Taylor reported a method for the rapid assessment of cor- tion were stated to be comparable to CCCs; however, the
rosion protection performance by fluorometric probes susceptibility to pitting for a lacquer-coated specimen in
at different pH values as well as immersion times in 0.6 an aggressive NaCl solution was inferior (Oki et al., 2018).
m NaCl (Chambers & Taylor, 2007). They observed that Furthermore, MnO4−-based coatings seem to perform
the synergistic behavior of mixed inhibitive pigments is worse on AA2000 and AA7000 series, which are the most
strongly dependent on the solution concentrations and relevant substrates for aerospace applications. An irreg-
pH. Mixtures of cerium chloride or lanthanum chloride ular film growth on the IMPs leads to a different failure
with sodium molybdate demonstrated excellent inhibi- mechanism in corrosion protection, and cracks start to
tion comparable to dichromate-based solutions. appear due to thickness variations. The small amounts of
However, a potential drawback that was reported for MnO4- species on the top surface further indicate a limited
rare earth coatings on AA2024 specimen is the inferior self-healing potential (Kulinich et al., 2007a,b).
stability of the precipitated oxides in acidic environments. Scientific reports or patents on AA protection by per-
Compared to, e.g. a Cr2O3 layer, the improvement in cor- manganates are quite scarce in the literature, which can
rosion current and pitting potential is moderate (Kolics be mainly ascribed to the disparagement of its general
et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2004). protective features. However, a conference report was
published indicating the encouraging performance and
the potential to replace chromate-based systems on air-
craft-relevant AAs (Bibber, 1999). Synergistic treatments
4 T
ransition metal oxyanions (TMOA) with KMnO4 and Al2(SO4)3 or Al(NO3)3 showed improved
corrosion protection for AA3003 specimens by reducing
Common TMOA coatings include transition metal cations both the cathodic current and pitting initiation (Danilidis
in their highest oxidation state, which may form stable et al., 2007). Additionally, the presence of Zn2+ enhanced
oxyanions in aqueous solution. As these metal ions can be the inhibition efficiency in electrochemical experiments
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 327
for a permanganate coating on pure aluminum via accel- chloride solutions was found to be not as good as for CCCs
erated mass transport (Agnesia Kanimozhi & Rajendran, (Breslin et al., 1994; Krishnan et al., 2007). Furthermore,
2010). A spin-coated no-rinse permanganate film success- a direct comparison of electrochemical measurements
fully inhibited pitting corrosion on AA3003 by driving the displayed an inferior corrosion protection of molybdates
corrosion potential to more positive values. The inhibition compared to chromates or dichromates on a Cu-rich AA
was mainly an anodic one. Exposure to a 0.5% NaCl solu- (Ghassem Mahjani et al., 2008).
tion demonstrated a similar polarization resistance com- The necessity to apply high molybdate contents to
pared to a CCC system (Danilidis et al., 1999). solutions containing chlorides spurred the investigation
Similar to the behavior of permanganates, CCs based of synergistic effects with inorganic chemicals (Moshier
on MoO42− demonstrated to provide corrosion inhibition & Davis, 1990; Emregül & Aksüt, 2003). For instance,
for AAs due to the reduction of Mo6+ species to Mo5+ and/or a synergistic effect between molybdates and rare earth
Mo4+. The latter are able to precipitate as insoluble oxides elements (i.e. Ce and La) yielded corrosion inhibitor
(e.g. as MoO2 or Mo2O5) (Rodriguez & Chidambaram, 2013). performances similar to Na2CrO4 in high-throughput
Molybdenum is not fully harmless, but has a very low tox- fluorescent experiments (Chambers et al., 2005; Cham-
icity during human exposure. The potential to effectively bers & Taylor, 2007; Taylor & Chambers, 2008). Cerium
protect aluminum and replace highly toxic chromates led molybdate nanowires on AA2024 demonstrated corro-
to an extensive exploration in the scientific literature, and sion inhibition ability in highly concentrated NaCl solu-
relevant findings are discussed in this section. tions (Yasakau et al., 2013). The effect was ascribed to a
In general, MoO42− are classified as both anodic and structural transformation from a mixed amorphous phase
cathodic inhibitors, which increase the pitting potential to into crystalline (NaCe)0.5MoO4, which enables the release
more noble values with respect to the open circuit poten- of Ce3+ species. Organic additions (i.e. ethylenediamine-
tial (OCP) (Shaw et al., 1990; Breslin et al., 1994; Emregül tetraacetate and triethanolamine) to the MoO42− conver-
& Aksüt, 2003; Silva et al., 2005; Li et al., 2011b; Rodriguez sion bath significantly enhanced the corrosion resistance
et al., 2013; Kwolek et al., 2016). However, it was observed as well as surface morphology of the CC on AA6063 (Mu
that the corrosion potential and, in turn, the extent of et al., 2016). A considerable film thickness of up to 30
inhibition are dependent on the concentration of MoO42− μm was achieved. Recent patents indicate good adhesion
anions in the conversion bath (Jakab et al., 2005, 2006; properties and high corrosion resistance when molybdate
Li et al., 2011b). Diluted solutions typically perform better species are mixed with fluorozirconates or trivalent chro-
than concentrated ones, and the surface morphology mium salts (Xiaoling et al., 2016; Raoling, 2018). Gener-
resembles that of other CCs by displaying a mud-cracked ally, the availability of scientific reports on the corrosion
appearance (Naimi et al., 2012; Liang et al., 2014). A study inhibition of AAs is encouraging; however, concrete rela-
on the corrosion protection of AA2024 indicated a two- tion to the performance of state-of-the-art CCCs for the
step process with intermediate MoO(OH)2 species that aerospace sector is substantially lacking.
are formed over the IMPs and a subsequent oxidation to Vanadates are the salts of the naturally unstable vana-
molybdenum oxide in the presence of oxygen. A threshold dium acid. Compounds that contain vanadium were gen-
concentration of ~0.1 m of Na2MoO4 led to an increase in the erally thought to be of low toxicity compared to chromates;
pitting potential as well as to a reduced corrosion current acute or subchronic toxicity to human exposure was not
(icorr), and the total impedance in EIS measurements was reported (Cicek, 2014). However, recent evidence on the
increased by a factor of ~40 (see Figure 3) (Lopez-Garrity potential carcinogenicity and mutagenicity for animals
& Frankel, 2014). The general protection mechanism raised some concerns about the long-term viability of
of molybdates was suggested to be due to a closure of vanadium and its compounds, and future research direc-
cavities inside the boehmite film (i.e. Al2O3 · H2O) on the tion should be reconceived (Ress et al., 2003; Hosseini
surface of the AA substrate. It was stated that the surface et al., 2013; Imura et al., 2013; Gharbi et al., 2018). Despite
pre-treatment via NaOH etching is an essential step allow- their incipient health concerns, the corrosion-inhibition
ing the efficient reduction of Mo6+ to Mo4+ (Bairamov & features are discussed here for the sake of completeness.
Verdiev, 1992). When the conversion bath becomes too Similar to other oxyanions, vanadates exhibit pro-
acidic, larger polymeric molybdate species (e.g. Mo8O264−, tective functions by acting as a competitive adsorptive
Mo7O246−, Mo6O216−, or Mo3O114−) may form from the ortho- species for, e.g. Cl− and by the formation of insoluble
molybdate. These are not able to penetrate into the flawed V5+/V4+ oxides on the IMPs (Guan & Buchheit, 2004; Ian-
areas of the passive film and provide active inhibition. nuzzi et al., 2006; Iannuzzi & Frankel, 2007; Kharitonov
As a consequence, the corrosion protection in aggressive et al., 2017; Kharitonov et al., 2018a,b). Iannuzzi and
328 M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys
θ (°)
–1400 1 20
10–10 10–8 10–6 0.0001 0.01 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 104 105
Current density (A/cm2) Frequency (Hz)
50 µm 50 µm
Figure 3: (A) Naturally aerated polarization curves for AA2024-T3 in 0.1 m NaCl solution at varying Na2MoO4 concentrations. (B) Bode
magnitude and phase-angle plot after immersion in 0.1 m NaCl with and without 125 mm Na2MoO4 in aerated solution. (C) SEM micrograph of
the surface after 2 h exposure to 0.1 m NaCl + 125 mm Na2MoO4 solution at 1100 mV SCE fixed potential. (D) Optical micrographs after 1-day
exposure to (left) NaCl-only solution and (right) 0.1 m NaCl + 125 mm Na2MoO4 solution at the OCP. Free via Creative Commons from reference
Lopez-Garrity & Frankel (2014).
Frankel as well as Ralston et al. observed that only the not ascribed to provide a similar inhibition mechanism
tetrahedrally coordinated metavanadate and pyrova- like Cr6+ coatings. Vanadates suppressed the formation of
nadate forms inhibit the ORR on AA2024 to a compara- large pits during an SST according to ASTM B117 for more
ble extent like chromate. The octahedrally coordinated than 168 h (Guan & Buchheit, 2004). During the electro-
decavanadate does not (Iannuzzi et al., 2006, 2007; chemical investigation of 27 compounds for the corrosion
Iannuzzi & Frankel, 2007; Ralston et al., 2008). As the inhibition of AA2024 specimens, sodium metavanadate
latter forms only by polymerization under acidic condi- performed best and demonstrated a possible replacement
tions, this should not be an issue due to aircraft-exposed for sodium chromate (Cook & Taylor, 2000). The corrosion
electrolytes being typically neutral or slightly basic. The resistance values (Rcorr) during a 10-day EIS measurement
mitigation of anodic metal dissolution during the initial in a 0.6 m NaCl solution were constantly on a high level,
stages of exposure to NaCl solution was also recognized and the resulting pit depths were excellent. Shresta et al.
(Kharitonov et al., 2017, 2018b). However, it was reported reported the use of multiple-beam interferometry with a
that the decrease in the overall corrosion rate is strongest surface forces apparatus in order to directly visualize the
on the Cu-rich aeronautical AAs 2024 and 7075, display- crevice corrosion process with Ångstrom resolution. They
ing a significant increase in the passivity range in poten- observed an efficient corrosion inhibition of aluminum for
tiodynamic polarization curves (see Figure 4) (Ralston & 25 h in a 5 mm NaCl solution by adding 2.5 mm sodium
Buchheit, 2013). For Cu-less AAs like, e.g. 6061, the inhi- metavanadate (Shrestha et al., 2015).
bition becomes increasingly anodic in nature. Reduction Oxyanions of transition metals may behave as elec-
reactions to, e.g. V4+ species occur quite slowly and were trochemical analogs to chromates; however, as Cr6+ is a
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 329
0.10 –0.4 0.10 –0.4
–0.6 –0.6
0.05 0.05
–0.8 –0.8
0.00 –1.0 0.00 –1.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
mm mm
B –0.5
Potential (VSCE)
V 6061
–0.7 –0.8 6 h 6061
–0.8 7075 6 h V 6061
V 7075
1 h 7075
–0.8 1 h V 7075 –0.9
V 2024
–0.9 4 h 2024 –0.9
4 h V 2024
10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5
i (A/cm2)
Figure 4: (A) Qualitative corrosion morphology after 24 h of exposure in 0.1 m NaCl of AA7075-T6 without (left) and with (right) 0.0025 m
NaVO3. (B) Sample potentiodynamic polarization curves for AA2024-T3, AA7075-T6, and AA6061-T6 obtained in 0.1 m NaCl with and without
0.0025 m NaVO3 after both “short” and “long” OCP stabilizations. Reprinted with permission from reference Ralston & Buchheit (2013),
Electrochemical Society 2019.
stronger oxidant, they will only give a comparable stability information on coating properties and pre-treatment
to Cr-based oxides when deposited as polyoxometallates. conditions. Typical conversion baths contain hexafluo-
Nevertheless, synergistic effects of vanadates with organic rometallate complexes (e.g. H2ZrF6, Na2ZrF6, H2TiF6, etc.),
and inorganic compounds were reported. Especially in com- inorganic acids for the pH adjustment, and additives in
bination with Zr/Ti species, the protective coatings demon- order to modify the film formation kinetics or adhesion
strated superior performances in the corrosion resistance properties (Niknahad et al., 2010; Khun et al., 2013; Zhong
of AAs (Zhong et al., 2013, 2015). The corresponding details et al., 2013; Ruiguang et al., 2014; Santa Coloma et al.,
will be discussed later in the section Zr/TiCC. 2015; Yi et al., 2015; Zuo et al., 2015; Liu et al., 2016c; Li
et al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2017). The hexafluoro ions simulta-
neously act as surface activators. Slightly acid conditions
5 Zirconium/titanium conversion (i.e. a pH of ~4) and immersion times between 2 and 5 min
may produce well-performing layers at mild conditions
coating (Zr/TiCC) near room temperature. Thereby, the nucleation and film
growth starts mainly from the IMPs (i.e. precipitation of
Protective coatings based on Zr and/or Ti belong to the hydrated metal oxides, mainly ZrO2, due to the local pH
most important alternative systems that have achieved increase) followed by the deposition on the Al matrix. The
a maturity level for commercial utilization. The fast pro- cross-sectional dimensions of the coatings range between
cessing times, thin-film properties, and small amounts of 50 and 100 nm, depending on the processing parameters.
phosphates or heavy metal eutrophication during waste Although most of the research on Zr/TiCCs was conducted
disposal render them attractive for large-scale applica- with stagnant immersion tanks, stirring was observed
tion. Consequently, a variety of scientific papers and to aid a faster film formation due to the accelerated
patents have been published in the recent years providing mass transport of activating species and CC components
330 M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys
(Cerezo et al., 2016). In general, Zr- or mixed Zr/Ti-based additions of polyacrylic acid (PAA) and polyacrylic amide
systems performed superior on AAs compared to pure (PAM) to a ZrCC demonstrated promise in the corro-
Ti-based coatings. sion protection of AA1050 by displaying a similar visual
Organic and inorganic additives were found to play a appearance after 1000 h of SST compared to a mixed
major role for the inhibitive properties and adhesion per- chromate/phosphate coating (Niknahad et al., 2010). The
formance of Zr/TiCCs. The homogeneity of the CC, interac- adhesion strength to an epoxy topcoat was slightly inferior
tion with the substrate, and adhesion to organic topcoats to the former in dry as well as in wet conditions (see Figure
are typically modified by polymer additives, whereas 5A, B). Tannic acid (TA) and NaVO3 were s imultaneously
inorganic compounds affect the kinetics of deposition incorporated into a mixed Zr/TiCC and showed excellent
and provide self-healing abilities. The adhesion to organic corrosion protection on AA6063 in SST as well as in elec-
topcoats is generally improved due to the rough surface trochemical measurements (Zhu et al., 2017). The integrity
morphology of Zr/Ti layers (Khun et al., 2013; Liu et al., of the coating after 168 h exposure to NSST was compa-
2016c; Zhu et al., 2016; Milošev & Frankel, 2018). A patent rable to a CCC (i.e. DCHZ-405) and even slightly superior
on a polyhydroxy-esterified Zr/TiCC demonstrates high in polarization experiments. Pull-off adhesion showed a
corrosion protection performance for AAs capable of sub- similar strength to the epoxy coating in wet or dry condi-
stituting chromate treatments (Liu et al., 2012). Combined tions (see Figure 5C, D), which was ascribed to the high
A B 200
Dry adhesion strength (kg/cm2)
Wet adhesion strength (kg/cm2) 100
Adhesive remaining (%)
Adhesion strength (kg/cm2)
120 60
80 40
40 20
0 0
CPCC No. 10 No. 1 No. 4 No. 10 No. 13 No. 16 CPCC
C –1 D Sample
log icorr (A/cm2)
–2.0 –1.8 –1.6 –1.4 –1.2 –1.0 –0.8 –0.6 –0.4 –0.2
Figure 5: (A) CPCC: chromate/phosphate and No. 10: Zr/PAA/PAM CC on AA1050 after 1000 h SST. (B) Pull-off adhesion strength of various
pretreated epoxy coats on AA1050 and percentage of adhesive remaining after humidity test according to ASTM D 3359. Reprinted with
permission from reference Niknahad et al., (2010), Elsevier 2019. (C) Tafel polarization curves of Zr/TiCC + TA + NaVO3 (TZVCC) on AA6063,
CCC on AA6063 and AA6063 after 30 min immersion in 3.5 wt% NaCl solution at 25 ± 2°C. (D) Epoxy-coated AA6063, epoxy-coated TZVCC/
AA6063, and CCC/AA6063 samples after pull-off tests. Reprinted with permission from reference Zhu et al., (2017), Elsevier 2019.
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 331
roughness, wettability, and OH− content. Similarly, Zuo such as Si, Zr, Ti, Al, Fe, etc., whereby the most frequently
et al. reported the preparation of a smooth, compact, and applied alkoxides are based on silicon due to its low cost
pin-hole free Zr/TiCC due to the addition of TA (Zuo et al., and ease of exploitation. Strong chemical bonds to the alu-
2015). The metavanadate species significantly decreased minum substrate are created via oxygen bridges, and the
the film formation period, and the final coatings provided inclusion of organic compounds enables the efficient inter-
improved electrochemical corrosion resistance compared action with an organic topcoat. Purely inorganic films can
to an unaltered Zr/TiCC. A purely Zr-based CC with addi- be prepared from, e.g., tetraethylorthosilicates (i.e. tetrae-
tions of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) and NaF demonstrated thoxysilanes, TEOSs) or tetramethoxysilanes (TMOSs), but
an outstanding corrosion protection on AA5083 that these are only limited applicable for AAs due to need for high
was better than from a chromium-free CC (i.e. Alodine curing temperatures (>300°C) and the concomitant metal-
5200) and nearly comparable to a commercial CCC (i.e. lurgical changes (Brinker et al., 1990; Conde et al., 2003).
Alodine 1200S) (Liu et al., 2016c). The multilayer system However, a sol-gel coating based on zirconium tetrapro-
comprised various phases like Na3AlF6, AlPO4, ZrO2, and poxide (ZrTPO) was successfully cured at temperatures
Zr(HPO4) · H2O and provided a similar pull-off adhesion below 100°C with additions of the surfactant Triton X-100
strength to an epoxy resin comparable to the CCC. during the alkaline cleaning step (Sepúlveda et al., 2007).
Various mixtures of Zr/TiCCs with heavy elements or Hybrid sol-gel systems can be prepared by augmenting
rare earths were reported to achieve significantly improved the inorganic coatings with functional or non-functional
corrosion resistance on AAs compared to the undoped organic groups. These demonstrated enhanced flexibility
coating systems. Mo, Mn, Cu, or Zn additions successfully as well as density and enabled significantly lower curing
shifted the pitting potential toward more noble values and temperatures (i.e. <150°C). Phenyl trimethoxysilane, for
decreased the corrosion currents by some orders of magni- instance, provides superior electrochemical corrosion pro-
tude (Sarfraz et al., 2014; Santa Coloma et al., 2015; Yi et al., tection compared to coatings from inorganic TEOS, which
2015; Li et al., 2016). Vanadium, trivalent chromium, and is ascribed to the increased hydrophobicity of the result-
cerium behave similar to Cr6+ species and provide a self- ing coating (Sheffer et al., 2003). Even more promising is
healing ability to the coating with greatly improved corro- the modification with functional organic groups like, e.g.
sion protection (Zhong et al., 2013; Yoganandan et al., 2015; epoxy or methacrylic. The first reports indicated promising
Cai et al., 2017). In summary, Zr/TiCC systems showed to short-term corrosion protection, which partially outper-
provide remarkable performance in corrosion protection formed chromate-containing Alodine 1200 (Parkhill et al.,
and epoxy adhesion on AAs when combined with organic 2001; Voevodin et al., 2001). However, an amine-based
and/or inorganic additives. However, further improve- cross-linking agent was usually necessary to aid the epoxy-
ments are still necessary as SST frequently yields inferior ring opening reaction. From this point on, several coating
performance compared to CCCs. A valuable report about systems encompassing polymerizable organo-functional
Zr- and Ti-based systems on different metallic substrates groups were studied for the corrosion inhibition of aero-
was recently published by Milošev and Frankel (2018). nautical AAs. The results in electrochemical investigations
They reviewed the large number of scientific papers with and salt spray testing are promising (Metroke et al., 2002,
an emphasis on corrosion protection and topcoat adhesion. 2004; Voevodin et al., 2006; Rosero-Navarro et al., 2009;
Álvarez et al., 2010b; Andreatta et al., 2011; Kozhukharov
et al., 2012; Rodič et al., 2014, 2016; Bera et al., 2015).
Favorable corrosion protection for AAs was also dem-
6 Sol-gel coatings onstrated by mixtures of silanes with one component
being a bisfunctional silane like, e.g. bis-sulfur silane,
Corrosion protection of metallic substrates by sol-gel coat- bis-(trimethoxysilylpropyl)amine, or bis-aminosilane-
ings is a fiercely debated issue in the scientific community, vinyltriacetooxysilane. In painted conditions, these
and several valuable reviews have been published in the systems performed similarly compared to a CCC in polari-
recent time concerning the basic chemistry and corrosion zation experiments as well as in SST (see Figure 6) (Zhu
inhibition mechanisms (Figueira et al., 2015, 2016; Barton & van Ooij, 2004a,b). The hydrophobic character of the
et al., 2017; Gonzales et al., 2018; Pehkonen & Yuan, 2018). coatings provides a barrier for the diffusion of water and
In a typical sol-gel process, progressive condensation reac- corrosive ingredients like Cl− or O2.
tions of alkoxide-based molecular precursors contained Sol-gel coatings typically exhibit a moderate wear
in a liquid medium result in the buildup of a 3-D oxide resistance and poor mechanical properties. However,
network. The metals/metalloids can be different elements the incorporation of inorganic nanoparticles into the
332 M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys
1 CH3 H3C
B –0.500
Si Si
NH –0.600
Figure 6: (A) Structures of (1) bis-(trimethoxysilylpropyl)amine and (2) vinyltriacetoxysilane (VTAS). (B) Cathodic polarization curves of AA
2024-T3 treated with and without silane mixture. (C) Polyurethane-powder-painted AA 2024-T3 panels after 1008 h of SST: (1) untreated,
(2) chromated (CHEM CODE 105®) and (3) silane treated. (D) Polyester-powder-painted AA 2024-T3 panels after 1008 h of SST: (1) untreated,
(2) chromated (CHEM CODE 105®), and (3) silane-treated. Reprinted with permission from reference Zhu & van Ooij (2004a), Elsevier 2019.
c onversion bath may hurdle this issue. ZrTPO and meth- Immersion into acidic and neutral 3.5% NaCl solutions
acrylic acid (MAA) improved the hydrophobic properties as revealed a protective performance up to 24 months, and
well as the electrochemical corrosion resistance of a TEOS 500 h of SST were passed without signs of corrosion or
sol-gel film under simulated aerospace conditions (Rodič undercutting (Akid et al., 2011).
et al., 2016). Good anticorrosive properties and excellent Hybrid sol-gel coatings were evaluated in a large diver-
adhesion for an upper topcoat on an AA2024 specimen sity with enhanced physico-chemical and morphological
were also found for a hybrid titania-silica film. However, properties. They are becoming a serious candidate for
the SST performance was slightly inferior compared to a “smart” protection systems due to combining good barrier
CCC (Poznyak et al., 2008). properties and effective self-healing (Khobaib et al., 2001;
The lack of an active protection of sol-gel coatings Figueira et al., 2015; Gonzales et al., 2018). Nevertheless,
motivated the incorporation of corrosion inhibitors to the despite their worthy performance in the corrosion pro-
bath formulations. Thereby, cerium showed great promise tection of AAs, this technology has to be examined more
to enhance the electrochemical properties as well as abra- intensively in combination with sustainable aerospace
sion resistance of AAs (Sugama, 2005; Bahrami et al., 2015, paint systems, as research was frequently conducted with
2017; Yu et al., 2015; Hu et al., 2018; Tiringer et al., 2018). chromate-based primers and/or topcoats (Osborne et al.,
Typically, Ce(OH)3 precipitates at the cathodic sites and 2001; Voevodin et al., 2003).
partially transforms to CeO2 during the sol-gel curing step
at temperatures of ~100°C. Both species can be released
from the matrix and provide pitting inhibition, as shown
in exposure tests in 0.1 m NaCl and in polarization experi-
7 C
oatings with stimulus-related
ments (see Figure 7) (Shi et al., 2010). inhibitor release
Polyaniline demonstrated a self-healing ability on
AA2024 in combination with a silica-based sol-gel coating Nanostructured components can also be used to incorpo-
due to its ability to undergo oxidation-reduction reactions. rate corrosion inhibitors into hybrid sol-gel systems and
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 333
Ag/AgCl (V)
AA7075-GTS-D-R –0.1
AA7075_GTS-Ce-D-R –0.7
10–12 10–11 10–10 10–9 10–8 10–7 10–6 10–5 10–4
Current density (A/cm2)
Figure 7: (A) Images of AA7075-T6 substrate uncoated and coated by hybrid silica (GTS-D-R) and by silica-Ce (GTS-Ce-D-R) coatings during
an immersion test for 50 days in 0.1 m NaCl at room temperature. Images were taken after different times of immersion. (B) Potentiodynamic
polarization curves recorded in 0.1 m NaCl, after 1 h of stabilization, with a scan rate of 1 mV/s, for AA7075-T6 both uncoated and coated by
hybrid GTS and for silica-Ce coatings GTS-Ce subjected to curing with (GTS-D-R and GTS-Ce-D-R) and without ramp (GTS-D and GTS-Ce-D).
Reprinted with permission from reference Tiringer et al., (2018), Springer Nature 2019.
to confer it with a self-healing ability. Thereby, the use of Álvarez et al., 2010a; Yasakau et al., 2014, 2018). Patents
“smart” micro- or nanocontainers intends to negotiate the demonstrating the ease of application with promising
drawbacks associated with free inhibitor occlusion and results in the corrosion protection of AAs are available
stability decrease due to interactions with the polymer (Lida et al., 2013). LDHs doped with, e.g. cerium or vana-
matrix (Garcia-Heras et al., 2004; Zheludkevich et al., date species were also investigated as stand-alone coat-
2012; Figueira et al., 2016). The triggering mechanisms ings or as nanocontainers for hybrid sol-gel systems. The
for inhibitor release comprise mechanical damage, ionic corrosion resistance in electrochemical measurements
interaction, light irradiation, or pH change, and the types on AAs during immersion in aggressive electrolytes were
of containers can be categorized into container layer, significantly improved, as shown by simple exposure
inorganic nanocontainers, organic nanocontainers, and tests and EIS results (see Figure 8A–F, H, and I) (Buchheit
layer-by-layer assemblies (Yasakau et al., 2017). A cost- et al., 2002; Zheludkevich et al., 2010; Tedim et al., 2011,
effective layer-by-layer deposition of silica nanoparticles 2014; 2016; Liu et al., 2015; Wu et al., 2017; Zhang et al.,
loaded with the inhibitor benzotriazole in combination 2017). However, the hydrothermal conditions during the
with polyelectrolyte molecules significantly improved the immersion procedure can be a determining factor regard-
long-term corrosion resistance of AA2024 specimens and ing industrial applications.
provided effective inhibitor storage together with a pH- The establishment of active corrosion protection
stimulated release “on demand” (Shchukin et al., 2006). A for aeronautical AAs by the modification with encapsu-
similar behavior was observed for SiO2 containers loaded lated corrosion inhibitors was mainly investigated for
with 2-(benzothiazol-2-ylsulfanyl)-succinic acid (Skorb hybrid sol-gel coatings and revealed great promise in
et al., 2009). terms of efficient container storage. Various reports have
Layered double hydroxides (LDH) represent another appeared in the recent years, which address the modifi-
type of corrosion inhibitor reservoirs and consist of stacks cation of sol-gel systems with porous nanocontainers or
of positively charged metal hydroxides (brucite type) and LDHs (Zheludkevich et al., 2005; Lamaka et al., 2006,
stabilizing anions and/or solvent molecules, which are 2007; Tedim et al., 2010). The latter are relatively easy
electrostatically bound between these layers. The release to synthesize and provide the opportunities for a large
of inhibitor follows an anion-exchange mechanism and range of potential inorganic and organic inhibitors due
can be triggered by the pH change during the corro- to their anionic exchange ability. Nevertheless, accord-
sion process. Additionally, LDHs may entrap aggressive ing to a valuable issue summary, which was recently
anionic species such as chlorides (see Figure 8G), while published by Yasakau et al., some important points must
markedly enhancing the corrosion resistance of AA2024 be tackled in the near future in order to allow an indus-
specimens when dispersed in a mixed Zr/Si sol-gel trial uptake (Yasakau et al., 2017). The load capacity of
coating or as a stand-alone addition (Poznyak et al., 2009; the containers should be increased, the efficiencies of the
334 M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys
H2O Inh– H O Cl–
Inh– 2 Cl–
Metallic substrate
a b B
0.05 M NaCl –70
5 Zn-AI-NO3 LDHs
10 –60
103 –20
1 month immersion
Oxide layer LDH 0
IMC 102
Treatment 10–3 10–2 10–1 100 101 102 103 104 105 106
AA2024 AA2024
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 8: (A) Optical photos of the AA2024 surface after 15 days of immersion in (A) 0.05 m NaCl, and 0.05 m NaCl doped with (B) LDH-HxPO4,
(C) LDH-MBT, (D) LDH-VOx, (E) LDH-HxPO4/LDH-VOx, and (F) LDH-MBT/LDH-VOx. (G) Schematic view of the LDH action in corrosion protection:
the release of inhibitors (Inh−) is triggered by the presence of anions in solution (Cl−). (II) LDHs play a double role, providing inhibitors to
protect the metallic substrates and entrapping aggressive species from the environment. Reprinted with permission from reference Tedim
et al., (2010), ACS 2019. (H) SEM images of the bare substrate (left) and Zn-Al LDH intercalated with V2O72− (right). (I) EIS spectra of AA2024
plates immersed in 0.05 m NaCl for 1 month. Reprinted with permission from reference Tedim et al., (2011), RSC 2019.
current inhibitors are amendable and should be further hexavalent chromium could be inconsistent with legis-
improved, the compatibility of the container to the hybrid lative restrictions, as it is highly toxic and carcinogenic.
matrix should be optimized, and their shelf life must be Future research should be related to the ultimate appear-
enhanced. Furthermore, the ease and speed of immer- ance of Cr6+ depending on the preparation conditions.
sion and/or spray application regarding oversized aero- Cerium salts were extensively studied as direct addi-
space components, which is provided by alternative CC tives as well as main components in the field of RECC
methods described above, is still not met by nanocon- and frequently showed similar corrosion protection to
tainer-modified systems. CCCs. The deposition mechanism is somewhat depend-
ent on the surface chemistry and nature of the counter
ion. Generally, cathodic inhibition is expected to be the
predominant mechanism, but anodic or mixed protec-
8 Conclusions tion was also observed. The application of synergistic
inhibitor combinations is a strategy that provides even
Trivalent chromium became a standard alternative for higher corrosion protection and allows the use of smaller
chromate-based coatings and is increasingly envisaged pigment amounts, which may render them very attractive
by the aerospace industry due to its promising corrosion for industrial implementation. Furthermore, while most
protection for AAs. However, the transient presence of reports are based on dual combinations, mixtures that are
M. Becker: Chromate-free chemical conversion coatings for aluminum alloys 335
more complex can be prepared aiming at increasing the Today, the vast majority of explored alternative tech-
inhibitive efficiencies. nologies for CCCs show great promise in terms of corro-
Zr/TiCCs achieved good results on AAs considering sion inhibition performance for AAs. However, scale up
corrosion protection as well as paint adhesion and seem and cost considerations for their industrial application
to fulfill many criteria for an environmentally friendly are still in the early stages of development. Further-
pre-treatment. Additionally, the low concentration of more, experimental results about long-term exposition to
ionic species in the conversion baths may prevent issues aggressive environments and adhesion performance with
in terms of sludge waste formation. The corrosion inhi- organic topcoats are rarely reported in the literature and
bition of Zr/TiCCs is mainly associated with the barrier should be addressed more intensively. At the same time,
properties of the coating; however, additive incorpora- the development of new CC designs and experimental
tion can upgrade the functionality by providing self- methodologies allows a progressive understanding of
healing mechanisms. However, further understanding of the fundamental chemical mechanisms and factors that
the interactions that take place between the CC and an trigger the corrosion processes on AAs.
organic topcoat is required in order to improve the general
adhesion and cathodic delamination processes. Thereby, Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant
the assessment of a pre-treatment layer alone does not from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-
provide sufficient information about the performance of for-profit sectors.
a full coating system. Conflict of interest statement: The author declares no
Hybrid sol-gel coatings for the protection of AAs have competing financial interests.
become a very complex and fast-growing issue with an
exponential increase in the number of scientific reports
over the last decades. A large variety of compositions is
already available including optimized physico-chemical,
morphological, as well as mechanical properties. The References
wide range of organic monomers and inorganic nano-
Aballe A, Bethencourt M, Botana FJ, Marcos M. CeCl and LaCl binary
particles makes it worthwhile to explore possible hybrid
solutions as environment-friendly corrosion inhibitors of
combinations with tailored properties in the near future. AA5083 Al–Mg alloy in NaCl solutions. J Alloys Compd 2001;
Moreover, the possibility of forming barrier layers with 323–324: 855–858.
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for the replacement of chromates. However, technically
Akid R, Gobara M, Wang H. Corrosion protection performance of
more integrated solutions are necessary as the develop- novel hybrid polyaniline/sol–gel coatings on an aluminium
ments of less complex formulations and preparation con- 2024 alloy in neutral, alkaline and acidic solutions. Electrochim
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Álvarez D, Collazo A, Hernández M, Nóvoa XR, Pérez C.
In the last decade, several reports appeared concern- Characterization of hybrid sol–gel coatings doped with
ing the potential of lithium-containing coatings for the pro- hydrotalcite-like compounds to improve corrosion resistance of
tection of AAs. This technology will probably become an AA2024-T3 alloys. Prog Org Coat 2010a; 67: 152–160.
interesting alternative for chromates due to their concomi- Álvarez P, Collazo A, Covelo A, Nóvoa XR, Pérez C. The
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Gharbi et al., 2018; Marcoen et al., 2018). These novel pro- Andreatta F, Paussa L, Lanzutti A, Rosero Navarro NC, Aparicio M,
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