PHRM Assignement & Guidelines

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Tis Abay College, Bahir Dar Campus


Project Human Resource Management Assignment and Guidelines

Group assignment one: Field observation (Alternative one) (30 Percent)

Group 1 Equal employment opportunity and Workforce Diversity management, compare

companies policy and procedure with national and international laws.

Group 2 Workforce Empowerment, methods applied, guidelines/procedures being used in the


Group 3 What is sexual harassment? Types and Prevalence of sexual harassment in work place,
Effects of sexual harassment and Remedies for sexual harassment
Group 4 what is E- Human resource management? And Tips on E- Human resource management


Your report is expected to have the following parts and have to cover all of them!

1. What is the organization? Manufacturing or service providing. Business, governmental

of non-profit.
2. Where it is located, what is its history or background including vision, mission and
values of the organization?
3. Introduction about the HRM department (if there is any)?

Finally give conclusions and recommendations

1. How was your general observation of the organization? What can you say about their
HRM practice? (conclusion of your field observation)
2. Recommendations for the organization you observed.
Group assignment one: Case Study Analysis (Alternative Two) (30 Percent)

Sami Industries Ltd., is a medium sized engineering factory employing 250 employees. The
Factory Manager advised the Personnel Manager of the company to select a right man to fill up
the vacancy of a "Time-Keeper". The Personnel Manager inserted an advertisement for this
post in prominent local newspapers and received a large number of applications although
specific job description and job requirements were embodied in the advertisement. After
preliminary screening of applications, the Personnel Manager selected only 6 applications out
of 197 and sent them "Application Blank" for collecting their detailed information. On receipt
of Applications and on further scrutiny, it was observed that two candidates were age-bared,
although they had a good experience at their credit and one candidate had a suspicious personal
life. The Personnel Manager therefore selected only 3 candidates and sent them call-letters for a
personal interview on a stipulated date.

Only two candidates out of three appeared for the interview before the Interview Panel
consisting of three interviewers. The panel had therefore to take a decision on selection, of
either Moges or Solomon. The personal traits and merits of these two candidates are as follows:

Moges, a young man of 30 years, has worked for a year in the Time Office of a reputed
company. He is an exceptionally sociable, amicable individual who enjoys mixing with
employees. His verbal skills are average. But he has a good degree of hardness. He can sit late
in office, prepare payrolls of employees, and complete the checking of pay sheets a day before
the actual date of payment. He does not demand extra remuneration or over-time for sitting late
hours in office. He is a good sportsman also and has worked as a secretary of a sports club. A
glaring weakness as revealed during the interview is that not strong and he may forget a task
assigned to him. But he is straight forward and frankly accepts his limitations.

Solomon is also a youth, aged 25, and has a good personality, above average communication
skills, but at times is "rough" in dealing with people. His clerical and computational skills are
excellent. He does not on his own mix with people or takes part in extracurricular activities. He
joined a textile mill as a clerk in the Time Office and was promoted to the post of Assistant
Time Keeper within a period of 5 years. He is against the principle of sitting late in office. His
sense of time keeping, punctuality is good and regular. He feels that attendance of employees
must be posted in the regular register on the same day and pay sheets must be kept ready on 1st
of every month and sent to A/c Department, for checking before 3rd inst. Similarly, he prepares
required statements and returns in time and submits the same to respective Government
authorities in time. However, Solomon is short tempered and at times, he had heated arguments
with managerial executives. He limits his existence to his working table and if anybody
unconnected with the rime-office work comes near his table, he loses his temper.


(a) In terms of overall capabilities and job requirements, whom will you recommend out of the
two candidates, in your capacity as a Personnel Manager?
(b) What are the criteria of your decision?
(c) In case the other two members of the interview Panel differ from your decision, how will
you convince them?
(d) As a Manager HR, what will you do to improve the interpersonal relations in the

Case Analysis Guide line

1. Formal Case Study Analysis Format

What is the Case Study Model?

 The Case Study Model is to prepare senior students to interpret and analyze real life
situations in business.
 All case studies are prepared in the form of a formal report.
 They must follow the formal format of a case study model presented here:
Part 1: Summary of the Facts

 This section should present a brief listing of the key facts with proper Harvard style
citation from the case where appropriate.
 It should not exceed one paragraph (which is no more than 6 sentences) in length.
 Therefore, there is little room for a long-winded presentation of each fact.
Part 2: Statement of the Problem

 This section should present a brief treatment of the major problem. It should include a
concise statement of the major problem you identify in the case. This part of your
analysis should not exceed one paragraph in length and may even be presented in a few
sentences. You will want to be careful about identifying too many problems before you
select the most relevant one.
Some questions to ask when formulating your definition of the problem are:

 Have I identified the basic problem or am I dealing with the symptoms?

 If I have identified more than one problem are they separate or related?
 Am I putting myself in the manager's shoes and looking toward future actions?
Part 3: Causes of the Problem

 This section should provide a detailed analysis of the causes of the problem you
identified in Section II. A major objective is to illustrate clearly how you are using
course concepts to better understand the causes of the problem.
Some questions to ask when writing your causes of the problem section are:

 Have I applied the appropriate course material?

 Do the causes I have identified relate to the problem stated in Section II?
 When I draw conclusions or make assumptions do I support these conclusions or
assumptions with a sentence from the case or a quote or paraphrase from the
readings or an example from class?
Part 4: Possible Solutions

 This section should outline a variety of possible solutions to the problem. Make sure
that you solution addresses the CAUSE (s) of your problem. It should be specific
stating what should be done, by whom, and in what sequence. Outline the pros and
cons of each alternative. Point form is fine.
Some questions and concerns to keep in mind when writing your solution and
implementation sections are:

 Have I been too general? For example, a general solution might state: "The
manager needs to realize that they match his style to the situation." A specific
solution would indicate what style is most appropriate for the situation and how
you will attempt to have the manager "realize" the appropriate style. Note the
emphasis on how as well as what.
Part 5: Recommendation/Conclusion

 This section of your analysis should, using course concepts and THEORY, tell why
your solution and implementation will work. Provide specifics (step by step). A
major objective of this section is to show clearly how you are applying course concepts
to arrive at a workable solution and implementation to the problem you have identified.
This section is not to exceed one paragraph in length.
Some questions to ask when writing your justification are:

 Have I applied the appropriate course material?

 Do I support my conclusions with appropriately referenced facts, quotes, and
explanations from the case, readings, and lecture notes?
 Does my justification recognize the pros and cons listed earlier?

Finally provide answers for questions raised in the case provided.

Assignment II – Individual Assignment - Article Review (20%)

Choose one of the three articles provided and make a short summary of the article. Look for the
detailed guideline below:

Guide line /Specifications for article review

Under this students are expected to critically review articles published on Journal (already
given). The report should normally be between 300-450 words (not more than two pages). The
article should normally be a scientific study on Human resource functions/practices and their
effect/relationship on/with business activities based on empirical evidence.

Reviewing the article has got three fold purposes;

 it helps students to understand modern concepts and principles of Human resource

management practices exploited by different researchers.
 Students can understand major researchable /problematic areas under the course and
this may give them an opportunity to come up with research problems related to the
subject matter.
 The students will gain in depth understanding and experience on research
methodologies applied in the articles reviewed.

The review must reflect knowledge and understanding of relevant academic and professional
literature, academic discourse, debate and/or argument of scholars in the field. Students are not
expected to copy and paste from the article, rather can make their own syntheses, and perhaps
rephrase using their own language. The summary must be developed on the appropriateness of
the topic, Questions/problems the article is intending to answer/solve, basis of research design
and methods followed, relevance of theories in the literature, major finding of the study.

You can submit the assignment hard copy version or soft copy version. If it is soft copy use the
following email address – [email protected]

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