An Exploratory Study To Assess The Academic Stress, Stress Reactions and Coping Strategies Among The B.Sc. Nursing 1st Year Students in Selected Colleges of Moga, Punjab
An Exploratory Study To Assess The Academic Stress, Stress Reactions and Coping Strategies Among The B.Sc. Nursing 1st Year Students in Selected Colleges of Moga, Punjab
An Exploratory Study To Assess The Academic Stress, Stress Reactions and Coping Strategies Among The B.Sc. Nursing 1st Year Students in Selected Colleges of Moga, Punjab
Volume 7 Issue 3, May-June 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Nursing is a high stress level occupation. Various by the student nurses during the initial academic
aspects of nursing have been studied around the world period is more and that leads to certain behavioral and
in recent decades, where the student faces challenging emotional problems. Therefore based on the above life
situations that often influence both his learning experience and ground full evidences, the researcher
process and health condition. Graduation students face took interest in exploring the stress experienced by the
a new environment, different and distant from their B.Sc. Nursing 1st year students during the academic
life context. Another study was to examine period. Here the researcher wants to help student
effectiveness of brief improving well- being and nurses to better understand about the phenomenon of
mental health among 1st year BSc. Nursing students. stress, stress reactions and coping strategies. This
The results of the study showed that stress reduction will help them to lead a stress free life and to show
interventions decrease the risk for depression while the better academicperformances
contributing to increased self-efficacy and skills
problem statement
performance in a student nurse population and also An exploratory study to assess academic stress,
increased feelings of confidence, leading to a more
stress reactions and coping strategies among B.Sc.
rewarding educational experience in nursing student.
nursing 1st year students in selected colleges of Moga,
The researcher identified that the stress experienced Punjab.
5. A comparative study can be conducted between [5] Luo Y, Wang H ”co-relation research on
the knowledge level of private and govt. school psychological health impact on nursing students
students regarding academic stress, stress reaction against stress, coping way and social support.’’
and coping strategies. Nursing education today. August 38(7):89-19.
6. A similar study can be conducted on college
students to assess their academic stress, stress [6] Sathiyaseelam M, Vijayakumar C,
reaction and coping strategies. "Psychological distress, personality and
adjustment amoung nursing students." Journal
7. The similar study can be conducted by providing of Nursing Education Today. August; 27(6) :
planned teaching programmme regarding 597 - 601. 2007
academic stress, stresss reactions and coping
strategies to the parents and teachers and evaluate
its effectiveness.