Bianconi-Barabási Model

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Bianconi–Barabási model

The Bianconi–Barabási model is a model in

network science that explains the growth of
complex evolving networks. This model can
explain that nodes with different characteristics
acquire links at different rates. It predicts that a
node's growth depends on its fitness and can
calculate the degree distribution. The
Bianconi–Barabási model [1][2] is named after
its inventors Ginestra Bianconi and Albert-
László Barabási. This model is a variant of the
Barabási–Albert model. The model can be
mapped to a Bose gas and this mapping can
predict a topological phase transition between a
"rich-get-richer" phase and a "winner-takes- Bose–Einstein Condensate: The Bianconi–Barabási
model's fitness concept can be used to explain the Bose–
all" phase.[2]
Einstein condensate. Here the peaks show that as the
temperature goes down, more and more atoms condense
Concepts to the same energy level. At lower temperature when the
"fitness" is higher, this model predicts that more atoms will
The Barabási–Albert (BA) model uses two be connected to the same energy level.
concepts: growth and preferential attachment.
Here, growth indicates the increase in the
number of nodes in the network with time, and preferential attachment means that more connected nodes
receive more links. The Bianconi–Barabási model,[1] on top of these two concepts, uses another new
concept called the fitness. This model makes use of an analogy with evolutionary models. It assigns an
intrinsic fitness value to each node, which embodies all the properties other than the degree.[3] The higher
the fitness, the higher the probability of attracting new edges. Fitness can be defined as the ability to attract
new links – "a quantitative measure of a node's ability to stay in front of the competition".[4]

While the Barabási–Albert (BA) model explains the "first mover advantage" phenomenon, the Bianconi–
Barabási model explains how latecomers also can win. In a network where fitness is an attribute, a node
with higher fitness will acquire links at a higher rate than less fit nodes. This model explains that age is not
the best predictor of a node's success, rather latecomers also have the chance to attract links to become a

The Bianconi–Barabási model can reproduce the degree correlations of the Internet Autonomous
Systems.[5] This model can also show condensation phase transitions in the evolution of complex
network.[6][2] The BB model can predict the topological properties of Internet.[7]

The fitness network begins with a fixed number of interconnected nodes. They have different fitness,
which can be described with fitness parameter, which is chosen from a fitness distribution  .


The assumption here is that a node’s fitness is independent of time, and is fixed. A new node j with m links
and a fitness is added with each time-step.

Preferential attachment

The probability that a new node connects to one of the existing links to a node in the network depends
on the number of edges, , and on the fitness of node , such that,

Each node’s evolution with time can be predicted using the continuum theory. If initial number of node is
, then the degree of node changes at the rate:

Assuming the evolution of follows a power law with a fitness exponent

where is the time since the creation of node .



Equal fitnesses

If all fitnesses are equal in a fitness network, the Bianconi–Barabási model reduces to the Barabási–Albert
model, when the degree is not considered, the model reduces to the fitness model (network theory).

When fitnesses are equal, the probability that the new node is connected to node when is the
degree of node is,
Degree distribution

Degree distribution of the Bianconi–Barabási model depends on the fitness distribution . There are two
scenarios that can happen based on the probability distribution. If the fitness distribution has a finite
domain, then the degree distribution will have a power-law just like the BA model. In the second case, if
the fitness distribution has an infinite domain, then the node with the highest fitness value will attract a large
number of nodes and show a winners-take-all scenario.[8]

Measuring node fitnesses from empirical network data

There are various statistical methods to measure node fitnesses in the Bianconi–Barabási model from
real-world network data. [9][10] From the measurement, one can investigate the fitness distribution or
compare the Bianconi–Barabási model with various competing network models in that particular

Variations of the Bianconi–Barabási model

The Bianconi–Barabási model has been extended to weighted networks [11] displaying linear and
superlinear scaling of the strength with the degree of the nodes as observed in real network data.[12] This
weighted model can lead to condensation of the weights of the network when few links acquire a finite
fraction of the weight of the entire network.[11] Recently it has been shown that the Bianconi–Barabási
model can be interpreted as a limit case of the model for emergent hyperbolic network geometry [13] called
Network Geometry with Flavor.[14] The Bianconi–Barabási model can be also modified to study static
networks where the number of nodes is fixed.[15]

Bose-Einstein condensation
Bose–Einstein condensation in networks is a phase transition observed in complex networks that can be
described by the Bianconi–Barabási model.[1] This phase transition predicts a "winner-takes-all"
phenomena in complex networks and can be mathematically mapped to the mathematical model explaining
Bose–Einstein condensation in physics.


In physics, a Bose–Einstein condensate is a state of matter that occurs in certain gases at very low
temperatures. Any elementary particle, atom, or molecule, can be classified as one of two types: a boson or
a fermion. For example, an electron is a fermion, while a photon or a helium atom is a boson. In quantum
mechanics, the energy of a (bound) particle is limited to a set of discrete values, called energy levels. An
important characteristic of a fermion is that it obeys the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two
fermions may occupy the same state. Bosons, on the other hand, do not obey the exclusion principle, and
any number can exist in the same state. As a result, at very low energies (or temperatures), a great majority
of the bosons in a Bose gas can be crowded into the lowest energy state, creating a Bose–Einstein
Bose and Einstein have established that the statistical properties of a Bose gas are governed by the Bose–
Einstein statistics. In Bose–Einstein statistics, any number of identical bosons can be in the same state. In
particular, given an energy state ε, the number of non-interacting bosons in thermal equilibrium at
temperature T = β is given by the Bose occupation number

where the constant μ is determined by an equation describing the conservation of the number of particles

with g(ε) being the density of states of the system.

This last equation may lack a solution at low enough temperatures when g(ε) → 0 for ε → 0 . In this case
a critical temperature T c is found such that for T < T c the system is in a Bose-Einstein condensed phase
and a finite fraction of the bosons are in the ground state.

The density of states g(ε) depends on the dimensionality of the space. In particular therefore
g(ε) → 0 for ε → 0 only in dimensions d > 2 . Therefore, a Bose-Einstein condensation of an ideal
Bose gas can only occur for dimensions d > 2 .

The concept

The evolution of many complex systems, including the World Wide Web, business, and citation networks,
is encoded in the dynamic web describing the interactions between the system’s constituents. The evolution
of these networks is captured by the Bianconi-Barabási model, which includes two main characteristics of
growing networks: their constant growth by the addition of new nodes and links and the heterogeneous
ability of each node to acquire new links described by the node fitness. Therefore the model is also known
as fitness model. Despite their irreversible and nonequilibrium nature, these networks follow the Bose
statistics and can be mapped to a Bose gas. In this mapping, each node is mapped to an energy state
determined by its fitness and each new link attached to a given node is mapped to a Bose particle
occupying the corresponding energy state. This mapping predicts that the Bianconi–Barabási model can
undergo a topological phase transition in correspondence to the Bose–Einstein condensation of the Bose
gas. This phase transition is therefore called Bose-Einstein condensation in complex networks.
Consequently addressing the dynamical properties of these nonequilibrium systems within the framework
of equilibrium quantum gases predicts that the “first-mover-advantage,” “fit-get-rich (FGR),” and “winner-
takes-all” phenomena observed in a competitive systems are thermodynamically distinct phases of the
underlying evolving networks.[2]

The mathematical mapping of the network evolution to the Bose gas

Starting from the Bianconi-Barabási model, the mapping of a Bose gas to a network can be done by
assigning an energy εi to each node, determined by its fitness through the relation[2][16]
where β = 1 / T . In particular
when β = 0 all the nodes have
equal fitness, when instead
β ≫ 1 nodes with different
"energy" have very different
fitness. We assume that the
network evolves through a
modified preferential
attachment mechanism. At
each time a new node i with
energy εi drawn from a
probability distribution p(ε)
enters in the network and
attach a new link to a node j
chosen with probability:

Schematic illustration of the mapping between the network model and the
In the mapping to a Bose gas,
Bose gas.[2]
we assign to every new link
linked by preferential
attachment to node j a particle in the energy state εj.

The continuum theory predicts that the rate at which links accumulate on node i with "energy" εi is given

where indicating the number of links attached to node i that was added to the network at the
time step . is the partition function, defined as:

The solution of this differential equation is:

where the dynamic exponent satisfies , μ plays the role of the chemical potential,
satisfying the equation

where p(ε) is the probability that a node has "energy" ε and "fitness" η = e−βε. In the limit, t → ∞ , the
occupation number, giving the number of links linked to nodes with "energy" ε, follows the familiar Bose
The definition of the constant μ in the network models is surprisingly similar to the definition of the
chemical potential in a Bose gas. In particular for probabilities p(ε) such that p(ε) → 0 for ε → 0 at high
enough value of β we have a condensation phase transition in the network model. When this occurs, one
node, the one with higher fitness acquires a finite fraction of all the links. The Bose–Einstein condensation
in complex networks is, therefore, a topological phase transition after which the network has a star-like
dominant structure.

Bose–Einstein phase transition in complex networks

The mapping of a Bose gas predicts the

existence of two distinct phases as a function
of the energy distribution. In the fit-get-rich
phase, describing the case of uniform fitness,
the fitter nodes acquire edges at a higher rate
than older but less fit nodes. In the end the
fittest node will have the most edges, but the
richest node is not the absolute winner, since its
share of the edges (i.e. the ratio of its edges to
the total number of edges in the system)
reduces to zero in the limit of large system
sizes (Fig.2(b)). The unexpected outcome of
this mapping is the possibility of Bose–Einstein
condensation for T < T BE, when the fittest
node acquires a finite fraction of the edges and
maintains this share of edges over time

A representative fitness distribution that

Numerical evidence for Bose–Einstein condensation in a
leads to condensation is given by
network model.[2]

where .

However, the existence of the Bose–Einstein condensation or the fit-get-rich phase does not depend on the
temperature or β of the system but depends only on the functional form of the fitness distribution of
the system. In the end, β falls out of all topologically important quantities. In fact, it can be shown that
Bose–Einstein condensation exists in the fitness model even without mapping to a Bose gas.[17] A similar
gelation can be seen in models with superlinear preferential attachment,[18] however, it is not clear whether
this is an accident or a deeper connection lies between this and the fitness model.
See also
Barabási–Albert model

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External links
Networks: A Very Short Introduction (
Advance Network Dynamics (

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