Laplace Examples Ogata
Laplace Examples Ogata
Laplace Examples Ogata
obtained in advance. That is, this method does not apply until the denominator polyno-
mial has been factored.
where ak (k = 1,2,. .. ,n) are constants.The coefficient ak is called the residue at the pole
at s = - p k . The value of a, can be found by multiplying both sides of Equation (2-14)
by ( s + p,) and letting s = - p k , which gives
= ak
We see that all the expanded terms drop out with the exception of ak.Thus the residue
ak is found from
Note that, since f ( t ) is a real function of time, if p1 and p2 are complex conjugates, then
the residues al and a, are also complex conjugates. Only one of the conjugates, a, or a,,
needs to be evaluated because the other is known automatically.
- -
f ( t ) is obtained as
f ( t ) = ~ - ' [ F ( s )=
] a,e-P~' + a2e-pzr + + ane-P.', for t 2 0
- ze-l - e-21
, fort 2 0
Here, since the degree of the numerator polynomial is higher than that of the denominator
polynomial, we must divide the numerator by the denominator.
Note that the Laplace transform of the unit-impulse function S(t) is 1and that the Laplace trans-
form of dS(t)/ dt is s.The third term on the right-hand side of this last equation is F ( s ) in Exam-
ple 2-3. So the inverse Laplace transform of G(s) is given as
g(t) = - S(t)
+ 26(t) -t 2e-' - eA2', for t 2- 0-
It follows that
f(t) = z-'[~(s)l
where b3, b2,and b, are determined as follows. By multiplying both sides of this last
equation by ( s + I ) ~we
, have
We thus obtain
f (t) = T - l [ ~ ( s ) l
= (1 + t2)e-', fort r 0
Comparing Equations (2-14) and (2-18), we note that p ( 1 ) = -pl, p ( 2 ) = -p2, ...,
p ( n ) = -pn; r ( 1 ) = al, r ( 2 ) = a2,... ,r ( n ) = a,. [ k ( s )is a direct term.]
The residue command can also be used to form the polynomials (numerator and denominator)
from its partial-fraction expansion. That is, the command
where r, p, and k are as given in the previous MATLAB output, converts the partial-fraction
expansion back to the polynomial ratio B ( s ) / A ( s ) as
, follows:
The command
gives the result shown on the next page. It is the MATLAB representation of the following partial-
fraction expansion of B ( s )/ A (s):
-1 .oooo
-1 .oooo
-1 .oooo
To obtain the zeros (z), poles (p), and gain (K), enter the following MATLAB program
into the computer:
Then the computer will produce the following output on the screen:
z = [-I; -31;
p = [O; -2; -4; -61;
K = 4;
[num,den] = zp2tf(z,p,K);
numlden =
4sA2 + 16s + 12
sA4 + 12sA3 + 44sA2 + 48s
In this section we are concerned with the use of the Laplace transform method in solv-
ing linear, time-invariant, differential equations.
The Laplace transform method yields the complete solution (complementary solu-
tion and particular solution) of linear, time-invariant, differential equations. Classical
methods for finding the complete solution of a differential equation require the evalu-
ation of the integration constants from the initial conditions. In the case of the Laplace
transform method, however, this requirement is unnecessary because the initial condi-
tions are automatically included in the Laplace transform of the differential equation.
If all initial conditions are zero, then the Laplace transform of the differential equa-
tion is obtained simply by replacing d / dt with s, d2/ dt2 with s2, and so on.
In solving linear, time-invariant, differential equations by the Laplace transform
method, two steps are involved.
- 3 3 3
- - - e-' sin 2t - - e-' cos 2t, fort 2 0
5 10 5
which is the solution of the given differential equation.
A-2-4. Find the Laplace transform F ( s ) o f the function f ( t ) shown in Figure 2-3. where f ( t ) = 0 for
t < 0 and 2a 5 t. Also find the limiting value o f F ( s ) as a approaches zero.
Solution. The function f ( t )can be written
1 2 1
f ( t ) = - l ( t ) - - l ( t - a ) + - l ( t - 2a)
a2 a2 a2
F ( s ) = T [ f( t ) l
1 2
= - T [ l ( t ) ]- ,T[l(t
a2 a
- a)]+
~ [ l (-t 2a)]
Figure 2-3
Function f ( t ) .
-s2 - 2s
= lim = -1
S + W s 2 + ~1 +
A-2-6. The derivative of the unit-impulse function 6 ( t )is called a unit-doublet function. (Thus,the inte-
gral of the unit-doublet function is the unit-impulsefunction.) Mathematically,an example of the
unit-doublet function, which is usually denoted by u2(t),may be given by
= lim -[tzs2+ (higher-orderterms in tos)]= s
A-2-7. Find the Laplace transform off ( t ) defined by
f ( t ) = 0, fort < 0
= t2sinwt, for t 2 0
Solution. Since
%[sinwt] = ---
s2 + w2
applying the complex-differentiationtheorem
where F ( s ) = 2 [ f ( t ) ] .
Solution. Note that
Y [ l ; ( t ) dt] = iFo
Since J;P"f( t )dt exists, by applying the final-value theorem to this case,
lTf ( t ) i g dt
2[f(t)l = 1 - e-Ts
2 [ f ( t ) ] = J W f (t)e-" dt
f (t)e-st dt
where we used the fact that f (T + nT) = f (7) because the function f ( t ) is periodic with period
T. Noting that
It follows that
A-2-10. What is the Laplace transform of the periodic function shown in Figure 2-4?
Solution. Note that
Figure 2-4
Periodic function
(square wave).
Solution. Since the numerator polynomial is of higher degree than the denominator polynomial,
by dividing the numerator by the denominator until the remainder is a fraction, we obtain
It follows that