2020 Philips WSD Infographic Sleep Apnea 2 6.download
2020 Philips WSD Infographic Sleep Apnea 2 6.download
2020 Philips WSD Infographic Sleep Apnea 2 6.download
Only 36%
of sleep apnea 27%
patients use CPAP at were told by their partner/spouse that they stopped
least once a week. breathing at night
17% 24%
were told their snoring disturbed their
of sleep apnea
patients who have
been prescribed
CPAP do not use it. To help understand sleep issues, use the
SmartSleep Analyzer tool to assess your sleep
Yet, if used properly, CPAP therapy quality and receive personalized feedback,
is highly effective at treating OSA⁴. valuable insights, and recommendations.
For expert tips on ways to improve sleep, click here. To see more findings from this
year’s World Sleep Day survey, please visit: Philips.com/WorldSleepDay.
1 .OSA may affect nearly 1 billion adults worldwide, Healio Pulmonology 3 Indicates net “somewhat” or “complete” agreement with the statement
2 Sleep Apnea Information For Clinicians, sleepapnea.org 4 From CPAP To Tailored Therapy For Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine