John Kennedy
John Kennedy
John Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
This was during the start of World War II. Kennedy did what many people were
doing at the time. He joined the military by signing up with the Navy.
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Kennedy was sent to rs
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heember? on a torpedo ship. In
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1943 his ship was sunk. He risked his life to help
compall his crewmates to safety.
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When Kennedy returned home from war, he made the decision to go into politics.
He ran for Congress and won the seat in 1946. He won again in 1948 and 1950. His next
goal was to join the United States Senate. He won that seat in 1952.
During this time, Mr. Kennedy met a woman named Jaqueline. They were married
in 1953, and they had two children.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy ran for and won the Presidency of the United States. He
began his term in 1961.
The country loved President Kennedy for his youth and excitement. He had big
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goals for America, including ending the tensions left over from the Korean conflict and
the Cold War. He also felt compassion for the Civil Rights movement, which was
becoming a huge issue within the country.
The president’s biggest challenges included tensions with the Soviet Union and
Cuba. A failed mission to overtake the communist government in Cuba was a major
disappointment for him.
However, he was able to calm the waters with the Soviet Union. Another of his
great victories was the way in which he was able to support the mission of the Civil
Rights movement.
He called civil rights a moral cause, and he said the country should end
discrimination. This earned him respect in all the country. He hoped to make equal
access to public areas, end segregation in schools, and further the right to vote.
However, President Kennedy would not live long enough to see many of his goals
fulfilled. On November 22,M1963,
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President. They were riding car when the president
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fatal, and he died that same day. access.
President Kennedy left a legacy in America by his many noble actions throughout
his life. For his heroic actions during World War II he received the Navy and Marine Corps
He wrote a book titled Profiles In Courage, which won a Pulitzer Prize in 1957. He
spoke one of the most-remembered quotes in history during his inaugural speech in
1961. He said, “Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for
your country”.
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John F. Kennedy
1) Which answer best encapsulates the main idea of the passage?
a. The sad truth that Kennedy didn't live long enough to see many of his goals
b. How being born in a wealthy family made it easy for him to become president.
c. How President Kennedy, taking advantage of his youth and excitement, set great
goals for America and accomplished these with tremendous determination.
d. How Kennedy was able to calm the waters with the Soviet Union.
2) What do you think made John Kennedy America's most loved President?
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3) Cite instances from the text to support the qualities a to c with reference to
a. Supporting a moral cause:
b. Acclaimed writing:
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John F. Kennedy
c. Distinguished education:
4) What does the word “discrimination” mean? Use it in a sentence of your own.
5) Write a brief explanatory note on the famous words of Kennedy “Ask not what your
country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”
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Answer key
John F. Kennedy
1) Which answer best encapsulates the main idea of the passage?
a. The sad truth that Kennedy didn't live long enough to see many of his goals
b. How being born in a wealthy family made it easy for him to become president.
c. How President Kennedy, taking advantage of his youth and excitement, set great
goals for America and accomplished these with tremendous determination.
d. How Kennedy was able to calm the waters with the Soviet Union.
2) What do you think made John Kennedy America's most loved President?
Kennedy was loved for his youth and excitement. In addition to this,
b. Acclaimed writing:
Kennedy wrote “ Profiles In Courage”, which won him a Pulitzer Prize in