Newark City Mayor01
Newark City Mayor01
Newark City Mayor01
DEFENDANT/TRUST has been an agent/vessel of the United States since November 15th,
1977, and a resident of the the State of Illinois Department of Vital Statistics, 18 U.S. Code
subsection 9 (The term “vessel of the United States”, as used in this title, means a vessel
belonging in whole or in part to the United States, or any citizen thereof, or any corporation
created by or under the laws of the United States, or of any State, Territory, District, or
possession thereof) and 26 U. S. Code subsection 2652 (b) (1)(definition of a trust- "any
arrangement that has the effect of a trust is a trust whether it is called a trust or not"),
[Insinuation Black's Law 8th and 5th ed. , anytime a deed is recorded by insinuation it is
called a donation] I am the Contracting Officer for said trust and no contracts are entered into
without my expressed written consent. All contracts can be rescinded when the three basic
principles are not adhered to i.e. Offer, Acceptance and Consideration. One cannot contract
without full disclosure. Due to the secrecy I did not receive full disclosure, All previous
contracts with LICKING COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT are hereby rescinded. The
Trust know as MALIK H AHMAD, account number 389-82-6362, has a bonded escrow
account located at the DTC ( 55 Water Street, New York, New York, [10041-0099] ),from
where all necessary funds may be accessed to settle any and all debts associated with this
matter, on the behalf of the beneficiary Malik Hafez Ahmad. This fraud was perpetrated by
court officers, whom never disclosed the true nature and cause of the action of which brought
the defendant before the court. Which was to unjustly use the " full faith and credit" of the
defendant to unjustly enrich themselves. Considering the fact that all the public servants
involved in this matter are "debtors in possession" and sought to dupe one of the people into
assisting with discharging a bankruptcy, that technically you have chosen to be a Trustee of
and by operation of law accepted responsibility for. The SEC 424 b5 prospectus sheds light
on the true nature of what is occurring in Licking County Courts, i.e. my Trust is being pooled
with other trusts into the Licking County Impact Fund, LP and sold as unregistered securities
( 2018 SEC filing with the SEC) which is then managed by CoNimby GP, LLC. I will leave
the forensic accounting to the professionals if need be. You can't use my trust to unjustly
enrich yourselves and then sell the natural man to the prison industrial complex under the
guise of aid and assistance. A 100,000$ bond and other financial instruments were created but
I don't see anywhere in the record where the tax was paid that is due? Under title 26
subsection 2032A (e) (11) the prosecution was initially suppose to put up a bond to offset
their liability for even making a claim against my estate. Failure to do so is a breach. I have
become quite familiar with IRS publication 1212 and there are numerous instances in this
matter where mandatory taxes have been evaded and that is not on behalf of the defendant.
ANY LAWFUL MEANS will constitute a Trust ex maleficio, for the wrong taxable
termination of my interest and conveyance of my property to unjustly enrich yourselves and
the County, and will result in a claim of Fiduciary Trust Fraud for the wrongful conversion of
beneficiary Malik Hafez Ahmad's beneficial interest in the tendered bonds enclosed with this
missive. All lawful measures will be taken and the appropriate authorities will be contacted.
There now exists, a private contract/trust between us and what I expect of you as co-
administrator and co-fiduciary trustee is to remain on your side of the Declaration of Rights
that precedes and attaches to the STATE OF WASHINGTON corporation constitution and
Certified Mail No. 7021 2720 0003 3467 5687 U.S.
that you remain in the state of Ohio corporation constitution and out of my domain, that is the
declaration of the Bill of Rights and
IT IS the intent here in that any conducted court proceeding are intended to be of competent
jurisdiction and
IT IS the intent herein that Plaintiff's are CORPORATIONS and
IT IS the intent herein that the act of criminal barrarty will be charged to the clerk of court or
the court administrator for any reassignment of fiduciary duty by the court
administrator/director and/or denial to the filings of this Private Settlement Agreement Order
creating the denial of the right to access the court and
IT IS the intent herein that the act of criminal barrarty will be charged to the judge/agent,
clerk of court and/or court administrator/director for any controversy brought into this court in
opposition to this Private Settlement Agreement and
IT IS the intent herein that abuse of office, and official misconduct will occur for any failure
of the clerk of court and/or court administrator and/or Judge to place this Private Settlement
Agreement into the evidence file and
IT IS the intent herein that the standard judicial procedures (SOP) can never override
obstruction of Justice or Due Process ( Trezevant v. City of Tampa 741 F. 2d 336) and
IT IS the intent herein that Administrators, Prosecutors, Fiduciary Trustees provide equal
protection of the law as a Matter of Law and as a Matter of Record and
IT IS the intent herein that Administrator's, Executors, Fiduciary Trustees comply with
Federal Tax regulations and codes and
IT IS the intent herein that the act of criminal barrarty abuse of office and/or official
misconduct will be charged to the judge/agent, clerk of court and/or court
administrator/director fior any failure to acknowledge and deliver this private Settlement
Agreement Judgement to the tenants herein and
IT IS the intent herein that is judgement is acknowledged by Plaintiffs and Clerk of Court and
IT IS the intent herein that this judgement is entered with prejudice.
I have a right to redeem the bonds which the court and or prison sold in the
Defendant's/Inmate's name and Social Security Number, therefore I am replacing those bonds
with the enclosed bonds.
I now own this case. The enclosed forms authorize you and indeed order you to:
1.) RECALL all the bonds/securities (Margin Call) which were previously sold in my name
and Social Security Number, and return those monies to me as those funds belong to my
Trust/Estate or at the very least the interest on the principal.
2.) Obtain your funding through the bonds enclosed with this missive.
Certified Mail No. 7021 2720 0003 3467 5687 U.S.
3.) Send a statement of account showing a zero(-0-) balance and a check for all bond monies
received on this account in the name of the defendant to: Ahmad-King Trust, Post Office Box
80616, Milwaukee, Wisconsin [53208].
4.) Release the defendant/surety from confinement and all conditions of supervised release.
If you think you have reason to reject these forms, you are required to provide proof of claim
via a sworn affidavit as to why you are not required to accept the forms, or advise me of any
defect you may find in the forms, and provide your bond in support of your position. Your
failure to do so will be certified as fraud on your behalf, Pursuant to U.S. v Tweel (“Silence
can only be equated with fraud where there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or where
an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading. . .” U.S. v. Tweel, 550
F.2d 297, 299. See also U.S. v. Prudden, 424 F.2d 1021, 1032; Carmine v. Bowen, 64 A.
932.). Please note that the court's and/ respondent's comments are directed to the Internal
Revenue Service employees, and apply equally to all government employees.
YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, I understand it may take 60 days to process the enclosed bonds,
but I require a good faith letter from you within 30 days to my private address ( Ahmad-King
Trust, Post Office Box 80616, Milwaukee, Wisconsin [53208]) in which my authorized
representative will relay the message to me. Said communication will acknowledged receipt
of the bonds and your good-faith intention to process and release me, or in the alternative your
affidavit and bonding in support of your claim and defects in tendered instruments. I am also
requesting copies of the 1099 OID (with accompanying 8281 identifying the issuer of the first
payment order, originator of the first funds transfer in relation to this account), 1099 A and
1099 C which should have been filed with the original issue, as well as copies of IRS forms
706 and 709 which should have been filed as well. You failure to respond within the
aforementioned time frame, in the manner stipulated will comprise your default.
DEFAULT, failure to respond pursuant to the aforementioned terms of response or
specifically perform under the provisions of the enclosed government forms, i.e. , credit and
or ledger claimant's tender of consideration, will comprise a default on your behalf. As an
operation of Law, a default will comprise your agreement, consent, acquiescence and
confession to all the relevant, statements and facts herein and all inclusions and indorsements
front and back annexed hereto. Your default will comprise your confession to hold all liability
in the aforementioned matter, your stipulation that I have exhausted my administrative
remedies and your consent to all collection procedures. As well, your default will comprise
your confession to securities fraud, tax evasion/fraud, breach of fiduciary duty and false
imprisonment and will be reported to the Governor, SEC, DTC, Comptroller District Director,
IRS (CID) and the local U.S. Attorney. Your default will comprise your agreement to the
arrest of your bond and the filing of a criminal complaint and tort In the federal district court
against you.
CONFESSION OF JUDGEMENT: Default will comprise your agreement to accept and pay
certain fees. Your default is your agreement to pay a co-claimant fee of Nine Million Dollars
(9,000,000.00) for the privilege of being a co-claimant against legal fiction MALIK H
Certified Mail No. 7021 2720 0003 3467 5687 U.S.
AHMAD pursuant to each attempt to impair the Claim or stultify the Claimant (me) or Debtor
(the estate/trust).
ESTOPPEL BY ACQUIESENCE, your default will comprise your agreement that all issues
pertaining to this contract are deemed settled and closed red judicata, stare decisis and
collateral estoppel, and as a result, judgement by estoppel, and therein you will be confessing
to he criminal act of barrarty and false imprisonment.
your consent agreement to waive any and all rights to raise a controversy, appeal, object to, or
controvert administratively or judicially any of the terms and provisions in this contract or the
estoppel, as well as your consent to serving as a successor surety for all obligations,
commercial and corporeal, attributed to the account. Upon Default, you and your agents may
not argue, controvert, or protest the finality of the administrative findings to which follows is
declared in writing. Any such argument or controversy will comprise confession of judgement
in the said amount is res judicata and stare decisis.
Authorized Representative
Certified Mail No. 7021 2720 0003 3467 5687 U.S.