MCA Syllabus PU Sem 3

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Paper Title: Interactive Computer Graphics Paper Code: CS – 2120

1. Display Devices:
Line and point plotting systems, Raster, vector, pixel and point plotters, Continual Refresh and storage
displays, Digital frame buffer, Plasma panel displays, Display processors, Character generators,
Colour-display techniques : shadow mask and penetration CRT, Colour look-up tables, Hard-copy
colour printers.

2. Display Description:
Screen co-ordinates, User co-ordinates, Use of homogeneous coordinates, Display code generation,
Graphical functions, the view algorithm, Two-dimensional transformation, Linedrawing, Circle
drawing algorithms.

3. Interactive Graphics:
Pointing and positioning devices (cursor, light pen, digitizing tablet, the mouse, track balls),
Interactive graphical techniques, Positioning, (Elastic or Rubber Band lines, Linking, zooming,
panning, clipping, windowing, scissoring), Mouse Programming.

4. 3-D Graphics:
Wire-frame, perspective display, perspective depth, Projective transformations, Hidden line and
surface elimination (Back-face removal algorithm).

5. Turbo-C Graphic Language:
Primitives (constants, actions, operators, variables), Plotting and geometric transformations, Display
subroutines, Concept of Animation, Saving, Loading and Printing graphics images from/to disk,
Animated algorithms for Sorting, Towers of Hanoi.

6. Open GL:
Primitives of the language, interface with C/C++.

7. Programming Projects:
Two Dimensional Transformations, 3-dimensional Transformations, Interactive Graphical Techniques,
GUI, Turbo C (Graphics Routines) is to be used as the standard teaching tool.
Paper Title: Theory of Computations Paper Code: CS – 2121

1. Recursive Languages:
Recursive definition, Alphabets, Language, Regular expression, Definitions of Finite state machine,
Transition graphs, Deterministic & non-deterministic finite state machines, Regular grammar, Left-
linear and right linear, Thomson’s construction to convert regular Expression to NDFA & subset
algorithm to convert NDFA to DFA. Minimization of DFA, Finite state machine with output (Moore
and Meally Machine), Conversion of Moore machine to Meally machine & vice-versa.

2. Properties of Regular languages:
Conversion of DFA to regular expression, Pumping lemma, Properties and limitations of finite state
machine, Decision properties of regular languages, Applications of finite automata.

3. Context Free Grammar:

Context free grammar, Writing context free grammar for problems, Derivation tree and ambiguity,
Application of context free grammars, Chomsky and Greibach Normal form, Conversion of CFG to
CNF and GNF. Properties of context free grammar, CYK algorithm.

4. PDA:
Push down stack machine, Design of deterministic and non-deterministic push-down stack, Parser

5. Turing Machine:
Turing machine definition and Design of Turing Machine, Church-Turing Thesis, Variations of Turing
Machines, combining Turing machine, Universal Turing Machine, Post Machine, Chomsky Hierarchy.

6. Incommutability:
Halting problem, Turing enumerability, Turing acceptability and Turing decidabilities, Unsolvable
problems about Turing machines.

7. Computation Complexity: P, NP and NP Complete Problems.

Paper Title: Advance JAVA & Network Programming Paper Code: CS – 2122


1. Review of Java Basic Features, Applets, AWT Controls, Event Handling, Multithreading, I/O files.
2. Swing : Features, components, Swing vs AWT, Swing containers, Controls, using Dialogs, Sliders,
Progress bars, Tables, Creating user interface using swing.


3. Java Database Connectivity : Connectivity model, Java.SQL package, JDBC Exception classes,
Database connectivity, Data manipulation and navigation, creating database applications.
4. Java RMI : Distributed object technologies, RMI architecture, creating RMI applications.


5. Java Servlets :Servelets vs CGI, Servlet lifecycle, Creating and running simple servlets.

6. Networking : Networking basics, Client/server model, Java and the Net, TCP/IP client sockets,
TCP/IP server sockets, Inet Address, URL, Data grams, Creating simple networking applications.


7. Java Beans : Component architecture, Advantages of Beans, Bean Developer kit (BDK), JAR files,
introspection, developing Beans, Using Bound properties, The Java Beans API, Introduction to EJB
(Enterprise Java Beans),Types of EJB, Uses of EJB.
8. Java Server Pages : Introduction, JSP Architecture, JSP objects, Developing simple Web
Paper Title: Mobile Communication & Application Development Paper Code: CS-2123


1. Mobile communication: Definition, Guided Transmission, Unguided Transmission; Mobile

computing architecture, Mobile Devices, Mobile System Networks: Cellular, WLAN, Ad-hoc
networks; GSM: Services and System Architecture, Radio Interfaces, Localization, Calling, Handover,
Security; CDMA: Architecture, Spread Spectrum, Coding Methods ; GPRS: Introduction ,system
Architecture; Introduction to EDGE.

2. Mobile database: Database hoarding techniques, Data Caching, Client Server computing: 2 tier and
3 tier client server architecture; Transactional models, Query processing, Data Recovery process; Data
Dissemination; Communication Asymmetry, Classification of Data delivery mechanism: Push based,
pull based, Hybrid; Selective tuning and indexing techniques, Mobile Application Languages, Mobile
Operating system: Symbian, Android, iOS, Windows.


3. Android Application Development: Android Architecture, Getting started with Android,

Mastering Android Development tools: Using Android Documentation, Working with Android
Emulator; Building simple Android Applications: Using the Application Context, Working with
Activities, Using callback methods, Working with intents, Dialogs, Fragments, Logging application

4. Android Application Development: Managing Application Resources: Working with Simple

Resource values, Draw able Resources, Layouts, Files; Configuring the Android Manifest file and
basic application Settings, registering activities, Designating the launch activity, Managing
Application permissions, Designing an application framework.
Paper Title: Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Paper Code: CS – 2124

Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Heuristic Search Technologies :
Introduction to AI technique, Turing test, History and developments in AI, applications of AI, State space
representation, Production systems, Characteristics and problem characteristics.
Introduction to heuristic search, Generate and test, Hill Climbing, Best First search, A*, Problem reduction,
AO*, Constraint satisfaction and Means-ends-analysis techniques, MiniMax search procedure, Reducing
alternatives using Alpha-Beta pruning method, Examples for Game Planing..
Knowledge representation:
Issues in knowledge representation, Knowledge representation methods - Propositional logic & first order
predicate logic, Resolution principle, Horn's clauses, Semantic networks, Partitioned semantic nets, Frames &
Expert Systems:
Introduction, Examples, Characteristics, Architecture, People involved & their role in building an Expert
systems, Examples of Expert systems.
Natural Language understanding and processing:
Introduction, Techniques for Syntactic processing, Semantic Analysis, Discourse & pragmaticprocessing
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Language PROLOG and LISP : Features and examples.
Introduction to Soft Computing Technologies - Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid
systems, Applications of soft computing.
Artificial Neural Network Technologies : Biological Neural Networks, Characteristics of neural networks;
Basic Building Blocks of artificial neural network; Connections; Learning methods, Activation functions;
Neural network architectures.

Neural Network Learning Models:

Supervised Learning Networks : Introduction to supervised learning, Architecture and trainingalgorithms
for perception network and Back propagation networks.
Unsupervised Learning Networks: Introduction to unsupervised learning, Architecture and training
algorithms for Kohonen self-organizing maps and adaptive resonance theory networks (ART1, ART2).
Hopfield Networks: Introduction, Architecture and training algorithm for discrete Hopfield nets.

Fuzzy Logic and Control Systems:
Introduction and Applications to Fuzzy logic, Classical sets, Fuzzy Sets, Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy
Techniques, Membership functions: Features & Methods of membership value assignment, Defuzzification
methods. Architecture and Operation of Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC) systems, FLC System Models,
Applications of FLC Systems.
Genetic Algorithms:
Introduction to genetic algorithms; Biological background, Genetic algorithms versus traditional algorithms.
Basic terminologies in genetic algorithm: Genes, Fitness and populations, General Genetic Algorithm,
Operations in genetic Algorithm: Selection, Crossover and Mutation, Applications ofGenetic Algorithms.

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