MIP17-HSE-JSA-JUB-39 JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, - Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023 Rev 0
MIP17-HSE-JSA-JUB-39 JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, - Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023 Rev 0
MIP17-HSE-JSA-JUB-39 JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, - Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023 Rev 0
Safety Glass X Safety Harness Goggles X Welding Gloves
1. This JSA is applicable only to the same situation/activity, any changes or additions prior to the activity should be
reported to supervisors immediately.
2. Concurrence of a competent person is needed with a signature.
3. Safety Officer and Site supervisor construction must monitor, control, and supervise the work.
4. Approved JSA shall be on site prior to the construction.
5. Subject to changes, if deemed required.
6. Method Statement to be explained to all employees and it must be made available at the site.
7. JSA to be made available at the site and Job Specific Hazards and Control Measures to be clearly communicated to all
personnel involved in the job
8. Toolbox meeting to be done by the crew before work starts.
9. The Site Supervisor shall be available at the site. Ensure appropriate control measures are implemented on the site.
10. Emergency Contact Numbers are to be made visible on the site and at the Temporary shelter.
11. First Aid Box must be made available in the area.
12. First Aider with a valid ID must be assigned on-site.
Emergency Response Procedure Office/Name Designation Number
1. Dial 911 from the nearest telephone or Saudi Aramco
from your mobile (03-6730911). N/A 911
2. When reporting an emergency to speak 013-673-0911
slowly, calmly, distinctly, in a clear voice Aramco Northern Area (RT) 013 378 0911
and give information in the following Emergency Tanajib Khursaniyah 013 679 0911
3. States there is an emergency or disaster Contractor Site
Zhang Kui Xing 0539121953
at your location and specify your location. Supervisor
4. Tell Your Name_____ and your Badge # Contractor Site
______. Ameer Hamza 0559693988
Safety Supervisor
5. Tell about emergency or disaster like
you see a fire, car accident, major injury,
etc. at the following location: _________.
6. Inform that there are _______ (number
of) people requiring medical assistance /
7. Repeat the above Information and
answer questions.
8. Do not hang up until the dispatcher
repeats the above or asks for more