MIP17-HSE-JSA-JUB-39 JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, - Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023 Rev 0

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Branch of Sinopec International Petroleum Services Corp.

MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines

CONTRACT No.: 6600044545 BI No.: BI-10-09004-0003

JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation

Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023
MLV-2(12"TNRTNG-1 KM139+654)


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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023

MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines

CONTRACT No.: 6600044545


Wu Peng Julius G. Carbonell Xu Pingfei

0 04/03/2023 First Issue for Review & Approval HSE Manager Project Manager
Prepared Reviewed Approved
Rev. No. Date Reason for Issue
By By By
Document Title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023
Document No.: Rev. No.: Issue/Rev. Date:
MIP17 - HSE - JSA - JUB - 39 0 04/03/2023
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MIP17 - HSE - JSA - JUB - 39 REV 0 Page 2 of 14

COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


√ NEW D/M/Y Contractor: Branch of Sinopec International
JSA#039 Marjan Downstream Petroleum Services Corp
Rev.00 DATE 04/03/2023 CONTRACT # 6600044545 / BI No. 10-09004-
Project, PK-17 REVISED

JSA FUNCTION Name ID# Job Title Mobile Phone#

SINOPEC Site Supv/Frmn. Zhang Kuixing 2401563941 Site Supervisor 0539121953
SINOPEC Project Engineer Wu Peng 2333731244 Project Engineer 0509709934
Julius G.
SINOPEC HSE Manager 2493855205 HSE Manager 0538732637
Abdullah PMT Project
PMT Project Engineer 746392 0507522186
Muhawish Engineer
DESCRIPTION OF TASK: JSA FOR Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation & Bolt Tightening)
Work Location/ Area then station numbers: At - MLV-2(12"TNRTNG-1 KM139+654)
SINOPEC Project Engineer JUBAIL Pipeline JUBAIL Pipeline PMT Representative
Wu Peng Supervisor Foreman
Signature Representative Representative
Abdulaziz AL-Mutairi Saud Alkisaifi
Julius G. Carbonell

Signature Signature Signature Signature

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company
International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023

Safety References: Equipment:

1. SINOPEC HSEQ Management System Manual • Hand tools and power tools
2. Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual. • Welding machine
3. Saudi Aramco Safety Handbook. • Mobile crane/side boom
4. Contractor Site Safety Program (CSSP) for PKG 17 • Boom truck
5. Hazard Identification Plan (HIP) for PKG 17 • Torque wrench
6. SA GI 2.100, Work Permit System • Welding machine
7. SA G.I. 2.709, Gas testing procedure • Welding equipment’s
8. SA G.I 6.012, Isolation Lock Out and Use of Hold Tags
9. SA G.I 8.00 Scaffolding
10. SA G.I 6.000 Incident Notification
11. SMG-08-001 Emergency Preparedness
12. 4.8 Hazard Control and PPE
13. CSM I-3 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
14. CSM 1-11 Hand Tools and Power Tools
15. SATIP-L-350-01 SATIP for On-Piot Piping Installation
16. SAIC-L-2011 Piping Pre-Installation Inspection (Prior to On-Piot Work)
17. SAIC-L-2012 Pipe Laying, Spool Erection and Assembly on Pipe racks and
Sleeper ways
18. SAES-W-011 Welding Requirements for On-Piot Piping
19. SAES-W-012 Welding Requirements for Pipeline.
20. SAMSS-010 Fabricated Steel Piping.


Hard Hats X Work Vest X First Aid Kit X Ear plug/muff X Gum Boots

Safety Glass X Safety Harness Goggles X Welding Gloves

Steel Toe Personal Flotation

X Face Shield X Barricades X Dust mask X
Boots Device

Safety Self Retracting

X Fire Extinguisher X Rubber Gloves, X Multi-Gas Monitor X
Gloves Lifeline (SRL)

MIP17 - HSE - JSA - JUB - 39 REV 0 Page 5 of 14

COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


The work shall be stopped when:
• If found to be not complying with safety requirements and procedures as listed in the JSA.
• If the weather condition is severe such as sandstorm, heat, fog, and heavy rain.
• If any equipment is found in an oil leak should be STOP and resume work once it is repaired.
• Do not perform crane lifts at wind speeds above 32 km/h (20 mph) unless otherwise specified by the
• Do not perform crane-suspended personnel platform (man-basket) operations at wind speeds greater than 25
km/h (15 mph).
• If there is an emergency warning or alarm.
• If there is any fire, explosion, or gas release)
• Hot work is not permitted if the atmosphere is above 0% of the lower explosive limit (LEL).
• Stop work if permit conditions change and notify the supervisor.
• If there is a Near-miss incident
• If there is an unsafe condition.
The work can only resume after a further assessment is conducted by a competent person and additional control
measures are implemented.


1. This JSA is applicable only to the same situation/activity, any changes or additions prior to the activity should be
reported to supervisors immediately.
2. Concurrence of a competent person is needed with a signature.
3. Safety Officer and Site supervisor construction must monitor, control, and supervise the work.
4. Approved JSA shall be on site prior to the construction.
5. Subject to changes, if deemed required.
6. Method Statement to be explained to all employees and it must be made available at the site.
7. JSA to be made available at the site and Job Specific Hazards and Control Measures to be clearly communicated to all
personnel involved in the job
8. Toolbox meeting to be done by the crew before work starts.
9. The Site Supervisor shall be available at the site. Ensure appropriate control measures are implemented on the site.
10. Emergency Contact Numbers are to be made visible on the site and at the Temporary shelter.
11. First Aid Box must be made available in the area.
12. First Aider with a valid ID must be assigned on-site.

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


List the steps required to perform the For each step list the hazards List the control measures required to eliminate or minimize the
activity in the sequence they are that could cause an injury, risk of injury arising from the identified hazards (Engineering
carried out. Use as many lines as equipment damage, or Controls, Procedures, Training, PPE, Stop Work Trigger). For each
needed to describe the job. There may environmental impact when identified hazard assign control measure(s) numerically linked to
be more than one hazard per job. List the task is performed that hazard.
each hazard
1 Preparation For Job 1.1. Miss communication/ 1.1.1. Issuer and receiver shall conduct a joint site inspection
understanding and secure work permits from Saudi Aramco
Operations in accordance with GI. 2.100 “Work Permit
1.1.2. If necessary, obtain countersign on a work permit from
the concerned department /personnel such as POD
(Power, Electrical), communication (IT), etc.
1.1.3. Obtain the work permit before starting work, all the
necessary documents shall be present and secured at
the site.
1.1.4. Daily toolbox meetings shall include a discussion of the
8 basic life-saving rules, to ensure the working crew is
aware of different hazards, especially line-of-fire
1.1.5. Ensure JSAs/HIP is communicated and used at the site
1.1.6. The results of the JSA should be communicated to
personnel performing the job/task via safety meetings
and pre-job toolbox talks.
1.2. Personal injury/Property 1.2.1. Get information about weather changes in advance.
damage 1.2.2. All workers, operators, and drivers have adapted
certificates and are competent for the job.
1.2.3. Use the tools for the right job.
1.2.4. Ensure all tools /equipment are properly inspected &
color-coded by competent/qualified personnel.
2 Mobilization of equipment to the 2.1. Distracted and In- 2.1.1. Obtain hot work permit as per G.I. 2.100
work site experience Driver(Roll 2.1.2. Install sufficient barricades and warning sign boards at
a) loading /offloading of material and over), Traffic hazard a reasonable distance.
heavy equipment (Vehicle mishap 2.1.3. Assign traffic /competent flagman/spotter to assist
b) manual handling Road traffic accident, and monitor the operation of vehicles / heavy
Injury to personnel, equipment as well as the surrounding personnel.
Property damage) 2.1.4. Follow the standard procedure on traffic and vehicles
as per G.I. 6.030.
2.1.5. Ensure that periodic maintenance of all the heavy
equipment vehicles is applied and must be equipped
with audible backup alarms and supplied with safety
gears (such as fire extinguishers, safety seat belts,
2.1.6. Traffic flow plan must be communicated to all the
operators, flagmen, spotters, and workers at the site.
2.1.7. Install a goalpost to warn the operator of the hazard
of the overhead power line.
2.1.8. Avoid conditions that could lead to loss of vehicle

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


2.1.9. Ensure that the Road or access going to the delivery
point is in good condition.
2.1.10. Stay focused and don’t drive distracted.
2.1.11. Don’t skip the Pre-Trip vehicle inspection.
2.1.12. Ensure that the Trailer/truck has preventive
2.1.13. Maintain tires properly and replace them when
2.1.14. Ensure that the load is properly secured prior to
transporting the load.
2.1.15. The driver must have proper rest and ensure that he is
competent to drive the Delivery Cargo truck/trailer.
2.1.16. Qualified supervision shall be established within the
workplace to ensure that the job will be done in a safe
2.1.17. Unauthorized personnel to keep a clear distance from
the machine.
2.2. Improper 2.2.1. Ensure that the Operators are Trained and Certified by
loading/offloading of Aramco approved Third Party Company. Aramco-
material and heavy certified Rigger must be available in the area to
equipment supervise Loading and unloading operations, and he
must inspect all lifting equipment prior to use onsite.
2.2.2. Unauthorized personnel to keep a clear distance from
the machine.
2.2.3. Area shall be barricaded to avoid unauthorized and
provide safety signage for the awareness of other
2.2.4. Refer to as build drawing to ensure there are no
underground utilities.
2.2.5. Properly transport materials and ensure loads do not
exceed the vehicle manufacturer’s design load
capacity. Loads shall be properly secured and tied
2.2.6. Materials shall not extend over the sides of the
2.1.1. Loads extending beyond the front or rear shall be
marked with a red flag and trailers shall be equipped
with visible brakes and taillights.
3 Piping Works 3.1. Improper access /fall 3.1.1. Appropriate work permits shall be issued for crane
• Flanged Installation, Uninspected or uncertified operations in accordance with GI 2.100.
• Gasket Installation lifting equipment and lifting 3.1.2. Comply with SA G.I. 7.028 & 7.029, (Crane Lifts, Types,
• Bolt Tightening tackle and Procedure lifting) & (Rigging Hardware)
Requirements), equipment must be inspected by a
• Lifting operation using a
third party with a valid inspection sticker.
mobile crane and side 3.1.3. All riggers shall be certified by SA per GI 7.024 and/or
boom GI 7.028, as applicable. Only SA-certified riggers shall
rig loads to be lifted, including transport trucks and
boom trucks. The rigger shall have responsibility for
coordinating the activities of all personnel involved
with the lift.

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


3.1.4. The SA-certified rigger shall visually inspect slings and
all other rigging hardware prior to each use.
3.1.5. The SA-certified rigger shall ensure that all lifting gears
have been tested, inspected, approved, and color-
3.1.6. Slings or other rigging hardware in contact with sharp
corners shall be padded to prevent damage to the
sling, other rigging hardware, or the load being lifted.
3.1.7. All crane operators shall be properly licensed and
certified by SA per GI 7.025 for the crane type/model
they are using.
3.1.8. Cranes shall be inspected by the crane operator using
form SA 9466 prior to each shift.
3.1.10. All lifting equipment shall have a valid 3rd party
inspection issued by an SA-approved third-party
inspection company.
3.1.11. All cranes shall have a valid crane inspection sticker
issued by SA or by an SA-approved third-party
inspection agency.
3.1.12. Crane lifts shall not be performed in wind speeds
exceeding 32 km/h (20mph} (17.4 knots) (9 m/sec}
unless otherwise specified by the crane manufacturer.
3.2. Caught in 3.2.1. The crane operator /side boom and boom truck shall
between/Personnel not leave the controls at any time while a load is
minor/serious injures attached.
3.2.2. Crane, Side boom, and boom truck operators shall
only pick up loads when the boom head and hook are
centered directly over the load.
3.2.3. When a crane, boom truck, or side boom is operating
near an energized power line, a designated signalman
shall be assigned to ensure the following minimum
distances are maintained.
3.2.4. Personnel shall not ride a hook or auxiliary headache
ball at any time. Personnel shall not ride the load
during the lift.
3.2.5. Welding on or modification of hooks and other lifting
equipment is strictly prohibited.
3.2.6. An Aramco-certified rigger will be directly in-charged
during the lifting operation.
3.2.7. Proper barricade with posted signages must be
installed in the area to prevent unauthorized entry of
personnel not involved in the activity.
3.3.1. Never put hands over the guard rail of the basket.
3.3.2. Don’t put hands on manual torque wrench spring or
clicking point
3.3. Pinch points 3.3.3. Provide guards to sharp edges of all equipment.
3.3.4. Install barricade tapes provide warning signs on sharp
materials to make it visible for all employees present
in the work site.

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


3.3.5. Provide proper personal protective equipment i.e.,
hard hat, safety shoes, safety glass and working
4 Welding, Cutting, and Grinding of 4.1. Fire or explosion 4.1.1. Prior to commencing open flame work, all
Pipe combustible materials should be removed from the
work location.
4.1.2. Personnel involved in cutting, welding, or brazing
operations, including helpers, shall use a Welding
mask, Respiratory protection equipment shall be
provided and used as needed.
4.1.3. Leather gloves and leather body protection shall be
worn for protection against heat, sparks, flying metal
particles, and radiation. Gloves shall protect wrists
and forearms.
4.1.4. Cutting, welding, and brazing shall not be allowed in
oxygen-enriched environments (i.e., an oxygen
concentration greater than 23.5%).
4.1.5. Cutting, welding, and brazing operations shall be
conducted in a well-ventilated area.
4.1.6. Compressed gas cylinders shall be properly marked or
4.1.7. Cylinders shall be chained or otherwise secured in an
upright position; use bottle/cylinder racks wherever
4.1.8. Trained fire watch shall be assigned to any cutting,
welding, or burning operation. The fire watch shall
remain in the work area during activities and for no
less than 30 minutes after the hot work has finished.
4.1.9. Ensure that adequate Fire Extinguishers (FM or UL) are
available in the area.
4.1.10. Power tools shall always be kept clean. Tools shall be
inspected before and after use, as well as before
4.1.11. All welding, cutting, and heating operations shall be
verified such that personal exposure to hazards and
concentrations of airborne contamination is within
acceptable limits.
5 Working at Height (if any) 5.1. Different level fall/Falling 5.1.1. Fall protection a required on all works1.8 man above
objects e.g., full body harness, scaffolding platform. Drums,
barrels, and other unstable objects shall not be used
as work platforms regardless of the height.
5.1.2. Full body harness shall be double lanyards with
individual shock absorbers.
5.1.3. Personnel engaged in working at height shall undergo"
Work at Height Training
5.2. Falling of 5.2.1. A full-time employee of the Scaffold Erector who is the
personnel/workers immediate supervisor of craftsmen erecting, altering,
or dismantling scaffolds in the area for which he is
responsible, and who has the authority, training, and
experience necessary to competently direct

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


scaffolding work and verify compliance with applicable
standards. All Scaffold Supervisors shall be certified by
Saudi Aramco.
5.2.2. All scaffold work shall meet the requirements of this
General Instruction, the Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety
5.2.3. Personnel shall inspect the scaffold tag before using
the platform. Green-safe to use, Yellow 100% tie off
required, and Red-do not use Scaffold tag shall have a
valid inspection
5.2.4. All scaffolds shall have installed toe boards to prevent
the objects from falling
5.2.5. Only a qualified scaffolder shall do modification of
5.2.6. Tools and materials to be transported from and to
elevated areas shall be hoisted with the use of the
material bag, rope, and pulleys. Throwing is strictly
5.2.7. The area below shall be fully isolated by means of a
5.2.8. The ladder shall be fully secured before use. No
material s shall be carried during ascending and
descending on the ladder, maintain 3-point contact
5.2.9. Work platform shall be free from any loss of materials
that may fall or create tripping hazards.
6 Working in adverse weather 6.1. Poor visibility, Fall Slip, 6.1.1. Stop work temporarily when the sandstorm gets
conditions Trip, Electrocution, heavy worst.
rain & Heat stress 6.1.2. Work with extra care during sandstorms, mild rain,
and fog.
6.1.3. Access/egress shall be clear from any obstruction.
6.1.4. Personnel shall not be on any outdoor scaffold or
other temporary elevated work areas during storms or
high winds (i.e., sustained winds more than 65 kph
6.1.5. Access shall be clear from any obstruction.
6.1.6. Proper access shall be elevated areas that need to be
reached by the personnel
6.1.7. De-energized all exposed electrical cords, extensions,
or cables during rain.
6.1.8. Immediately stop all outdoor involved in electrical
activity during light / heavy rain.
6.1.9. Check all electrical tools / equipment after the rain
and ensure that is not wet prior to use.
6.1.10. Ensure that the excavation is properly shored or
sloped to avoid cave-in or collapse during heavy rain
6.1.11. Excavation must be inspected by a degreed
Civil/Structural Engineer after the rain to ensure that
the area is in good condition prior to starting the
work. Any findings that found should be corrected and
communicated to the workforce to avoid mis-

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023


7 Housekeeping 7.1. Multiple injuries 7.1.1. Maintain good housekeeping all the time especially
before and after the work.
7.2. Tripping /Slipping hazard 7.2.1. Remove all redundant material as soon as possible.
7.2.2. Remove all installed barricades and signboards.
7.2.3. Remove all tools, equipment and other materials that
are not needed.
7.3. Contaminated waste 7.3.1. Ensure the work site is returned to its original good
7.3.2. Contaminated waste to be disposed of at Saudi
Aramco approved facilities.
7.3.3. Eating/ drinking/ smoking is allowed only under the
7.3.4. Use black trash bags to throw left over of food stuff.

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COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023

Recommendations/Notes Assigned to Mobile

Phone #
All site personnel to wear the required minimum PPE’s such as
SINOPEC/ Operation &
1 safety helmet, safety glasses, FRC, gloves, and safety shoes 0553186313
at site.
SINOPEC/ Operation &
2 Conduct Toolbox Safety Meeting prior to start the work activity. 0553186313
Explain to key personnel the purpose of the JSA and enforce SINOPEC Project
3 0503910052
the implementation of content. Engineer
Use the JSA to identify hazards and list the precautions on the SINOPEC Safety
4 0559693988
work permit. Supervisor
SINOPEC Safety Sup. &
5 Garbage shall be disposed of properly on a daily basis. 0559693988
If an injury or near miss occurs, the JSA shall be reviewed
SINOPEC HSE Manager 0538732637
6 immediately to determine whether changes are needed in the
/ Safety Supervisor 0559693988
job procedures.
Identify safe location for emergency assembly area, rest SINOPEC Safety
7 shelter, vehicle and heavy equipment parking areas at site, Supervisor / Safety 0559693988
Toilet and Washing Facility. Officer
First Aid kit shall properly monitor by the competent first aider SINOPEC Safety
8 0559693988
at site. Supervisor / First Aider
L6.09 Safety Officers Report and Tool-Box Attendance Sheet
9 Supervisor / Safety 0559693988
and L6.10 Job Safety Log Forms must be used at site.
10 Emergency Contact personnel must be posted at site. Supervisor / Safety 0559693988
Work activities must be stopped due to adverse weather
11 Supervisor / Safety 0559693988
12 Stop Work Authority signage must be installed at all lo cations Supervisor / Safety 0559693988

MIP17 - HSE - JSA - JUB - 39 REV 0 Page 13 of 14

COMPANY Branch of Sinopec
Saudi Arabian Oil Company International Petroleum
Services Corp
Project: CONTRACT No# 6600044545
MIP PKG 17 Ras Tanura Area Pipelines
BI No. 10-09004-0003
Document title:
JSA For Piping Works (Flanged Installation, Gasket Installation Welding & Bolt Tightening) - 2023

Emergency Response Procedure Office/Name Designation Number
1. Dial 911 from the nearest telephone or Saudi Aramco
from your mobile (03-6730911). N/A 911
2. When reporting an emergency to speak 013-673-0911
slowly, calmly, distinctly, in a clear voice Aramco Northern Area (RT) 013 378 0911
and give information in the following Emergency Tanajib Khursaniyah 013 679 0911
3. States there is an emergency or disaster Contractor Site
Zhang Kui Xing 0539121953
at your location and specify your location. Supervisor
4. Tell Your Name_____ and your Badge # Contractor Site
______. Ameer Hamza 0559693988
Safety Supervisor
5. Tell about emergency or disaster like
you see a fire, car accident, major injury,
etc. at the following location: _________.
6. Inform that there are _______ (number
of) people requiring medical assistance /
7. Repeat the above Information and
answer questions.
8. Do not hang up until the dispatcher
repeats the above or asks for more

MIP17 - HSE - JSA - JUB - 39 REV 0 Page 14 of 14

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