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Data Communication and Network



Roll No.
8 Sem EEE

Mrs. Gurjapna Dhawan

Roll No.
Experiment - 1

AIM: To study the software Cisco Packet Tracer.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0


 About Cisco Packet Tracer –

it is a simulation software also called as ICT (Information Communication
Technology) is a tool which provides e-learning of a network tool which provides set
up. Packet tracer provides simulation, visualization, offering, assessment
collaboration capabilities to design complex network architecture.

 Packet Trace modes:

- Real – Time Mode: In this, the network behaves as real devices do, with
immediate real time response for all network activities. The real time gives
students a viable alternative to real equipment and allows them to gain
configuration practice before working with real equipment.
- Simulation Mode: In this, the user can see and control time intervals, the inner
workings of data transfer, and the propagation of data across the network.
This helps students understand the fundamental concepts behind network
operations. A solid understanding of network fundamentals can help accelerate
learning about related concepts.
 The features of Cisco Packet Tracer:
- Simulates continuous real-time updates of underlying network logic and
- Empowers students to explore concepts, conduct experiments and test their
- Makes learning easier by providing a realization network simulation and
visualization environment.

Discussions: We discussed about the introduction of the software and the evolution of the
versions. The user and applications of the Cisco Packet Tracer was also been discussed.

Applications: Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulation platform enabling students to

experiment with network behavior. It supplements physical example in the classroom by
allowing students to create network with an almost unlimited number of devices discovery
and troubleshooting.

Roll No.
Experiment - 2

AIM: To study the difference between cross-over cable, roll-over cable and straight-through

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0


 Cross-over cables:
An ethernet cross-over cable is a type of ethernet cable to connect computing
devices together directly. Normally straight through cables were used to connect
from a host network interface controller to a network switch, hub or router.

- Two devices in the same category use a cross over cable.
- These are most widely used to connect tow hosts directly
- Some connections standards use different balanced pairs to transmit data, so
crossover cables for them have different configuration to swap the transmit and
receive pairs.

 Straight through cables:

This is a type of twisted pair copper wire cable for local area network use for which
the RJ-45 connectors at each time and have the same pin out (i.e., a management of

- Straight through cables are used for connecting unlike devices.
- It is used in the following situations
i. Connecting a router to a hub
ii. Connecting a computer to switch
iii. Connecting a LAN port to a switch, hub or computer
- Most commonly used to connect a host to client.

 Rollover Cables:
Rollover cables is a type of null modem cable that id often used to connect a
computer terminal to a router’s console port. This cable typically flat to help
distinguish it from other types of networking cabling.


Roll No.
- They primarily connect a device to a switch or router’s console port. This permits
on engineer or programmer to connect the network device and manipulate the
programming as required.
- Although many networks programming task can be centrally completed there
remains the need for technicians to use rollover cables for network hardware
upgrades, maintenance and troubleshooting.
- Rollover cables are not intended to carry data but instead create an interface
with the device.


We discussed about different types of wires to be used for connecting any two systems and
its applications.


i. Straight-through cable is used to connect compute and other end-devices to

networking devices such hubs and switches.
ii. Rollover cable is used to connect a computer terminal toa router’s port.
iii. Crossover cable is used to connect two devices of the same type.

Roll No.
Experiment - 3

AIM: to implement a simple LAN between two computer and to exchange data.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0


 Local Area Network: It is a computer network that interconnects computer within a

limited area such as residence, school, university campus or an office building.
 IP address: An Internet Protocol address is a numerical label assigned to each device
connected to a computer network that used the internet protocol for
communication. It is the logical address assigned to a computer.


1. Open the cisco packet tracer software.

2. Then select two devices from end devices and drag and drop in the logical area.
3. Now, click on each system and go to IP configuration settings to assign each system
its IP address.
4. Then, select wires from connecting devices. Select cross-over wire and then night
click on first device, select fast ethernet and then right.
5. If green dots occur on the wire, it means a LAN network has been established.
6. Click on mail icon on top right and click on sender and receiver device. If successful
transmission then on right corner simulation successful will be shown.

Roll No.

We discussed about local area network and how to exchange data between two systems in
LAN using Cisco Packet Tracer.


1. Personal computer LANs

2. Low cost
3. Limited data rate
4. High speed office networks

Roll No.
Experiment - 4

AIM: to implement a simple LAN between two computers and to exchange data through a

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0


Switch- A network switch is networking hardware that connect devices on a computer

network by using packet switching to receive and forward data to the destination device. It
is a multi-port device.


1. Open the cisco the cisco packet tracer software.

2. Select two system from end-devices.
3. Select the switch from left corner and drag and drop on the logical part.
4. Select the device and set its IP configuration.
5. Select wires from left corner, select straight through wire and connect one device to
the switch and another device to the switch.
6. Click on envelope icon and click on sender and receiver device. If successful
transmission then it would write successful otherwise failed.

Roll No.

We discussed implementation LAN network using switch and its applications.


Connecting multiple hosts: A switch provides a large number of ports for cable connections;
it is usually used to connect multiple PCs to the network. It also increases LAN bandwidth.

Roll No.
Experiment - 5

AIM: To implement Star Topology using switch as a network device.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0

Theory: Switch has multiple ports, each of which can connect to one computer. The job of
switch is to relay packets between computers that are attached to it, using address. In each
packet to determine which computer to send it to another.


1. Open Cisco Packet Tracer and take switch and place it.
2. Take 5 generic computers with at center.
3. Connect each with switch using straight through wire.
4. Set IP address of each of generic computers.
5. Take message and set the source and destination.
6. In simulation node, click on play and simulation starts.

Result: Star Topology using switch is implemented correctly.

Roll No.
Experiment - 6

AIM: To implement Bus Topology.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0

Theory: Bus topology is a network device setup in which each computer and network device
are connected to single mode cable.


1. Take 4 switches and place it on white pane.

2. Take 8 generic computers with 4 on one side and 4 on another side.
3. Connect each switch 2 adjacent computers and adjacent switch using crossover
4. Set IP address of each of generic computers.
5. Take message and set the source and destination.
6. Execute in simulation mode.

Result: Implementation of Bus Topology is done.

Roll No.
Experiment - 7

AIM: To implement Ring Topology.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0

Theory: It is a type of topology in which end to end devices are connected which form a ring


1. Ring topology str. Is formed by connecting switches to each other in a ring form.
2. Basic str is extension of bus topology, but just connecting the devices.
3. The message sending and receiving is same foe all devices.

Result: Ring topology is implemented successfully.

Discussions: This is advantageous in manner data flows in one direction, reducing the
chance of packet collisions.

Roll No.
Roll No.
Experiment - 8

AIM: To implement connection between devices using router.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0.


1. We need two PCB, a router and two crossover cables to connect them. We use
crossover cable to connect PC to a router because they both use the same pins for
transmission and receiving of data.
2. Now we will connect them by selecting fast ethernet interface on both ends.
Similarity, on the PC side also we will select fast ethernet interface.
3. Now we have connected the devices. Further we will go to the router CLI mode and
enter the following commands.
a. Access interface one by one.
b. Assign IP address to interface.
c. Change the statue of the interface.
d. Assign IP addresses to PC’s.
e. Assign default gateway to PC’s.
4. Now commands of the router CLI mode are as follows for PCI.
Router > en
Router # config
Router (config) # interface fast ethernet 0/0.
Router (config - if) # if address
Router (config - if) # no shutdown

Now for PC2

Router (config - if) # exit
Router (config) # interface fastethernet 0/1.
Router (config - if) # ip address,
Router (config - if) # no shutdown
5. Now we have accessed both interface one by one we have assigned ip address resp.
6. It can be seen that lengths have changed the color from red to green.
7. Green color indicates the connection has been established and any data can be sent
from source to destination.
8. Select the message and put it on the source.
9. Now our communication is enabled and we are able to communicate from PC0 to
PC1 via router.
10. Once all the connection setup clicks on the simulation icon.

Roll No.
Results: The connection is set up between the devices through router.

Roll No.
Experiment - 9

AIM: Use the Cisco IOS show commands.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0.


The cisco IOS show commands are used extensively when working with cisco equipment. In
this activity, you will use the show commands on a router that is located at an ISP.

1. Connect to ISP Cisco 1814 router

Use the terminal emulation software on ISP PC to connect to the Cisco 1841 router.
The ISP router prompt indicate that you are in user EXEC mode.
Now type enable at the prompt.
The ISPRouter # prompt in privileged EXEC mode.
2. Explore the show commands
a. Type show arp
b. Type showflash
c. Type show ip route
d. Type show interface
e. Type show protocols
f. Type show users
g. Type show version

Results: The IOS commands on router has been studied out.

Roll No.
Experiment - 10

AIM: Write a program to switch between various modes of a router.

Theory: A Router is a layer 3 devices used to forward packet from me network to another. IT
forward basis of destination IP address and the entry in the rooting table.

Modes of router:

There are mainly 5 modes in router:

1. User execution mode: this is used to pop up format.

2. Privileged mode: this mode allows to view and change the configuration of router.
3. Global mode: to configure terminal to user mode, will enter this mode.
4. Interface mode: we use this mode to interrupt boot processor of router.


- execution of user mode:

router >
- entering to privilege mode from user execution mode:
router > enable
router #
- exiting from privilege mode to execution mode:
router # disable
router >
- entering in global configuration from privilege mode:
router # configure terminal
router (config) #
- exiting from global configuration to privilege mode:
router (config) # exit
router #
- entering into interface mode from global configuration mode:
router (config) # interface fa 0/0
router (config - if) #
- exiting from interface mode to privilege mode:
router (config – if) # end
router #
- entering into ROMMON mode from privilege mode:
router # reload

Roll No.
Experiment - 11

AIM: To do various actions using switches.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0.


Blow to set name on Switch

Switch name can be set from global configuration mode. Use hostname Command to set
name on switch

Switch > enable

Switch # configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line.
end with CNTL/z
Switch (config) # hostname, S1
S1 (config) #

How to set password on a catalyst switch

Password can be set from their respective line mode.

Switch > enable

Switch # configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line.

Switch (config) # line. Console 0.

Switch(config-line) # password on 123
Switch(config-line) # login
Switch(config-line) # exit
Switch(config) #

Roll No.
Experiment - 12

AIM: Implement a simple network with 2 switches, 6 nodes and 1 server.

Software used: Cisco Packet Tracer 8.0.


A network switch is networking hardware that connects devices on a computer network by

using packet switching to receive network and forward data to the destination device.

A network switch is a multiport network bridge that uses Mac address to forward data at
the data layer of the OSI model.


1. Open Cisco Packet Tracer in Realtime mode.

2. Take 2 switches and place it on the write port.
3. Take six generic computers(nodes) and place it on the write pane.
4. Take a server and place it on the white pane.
5. Connect all the node to the switch and the server.
6. Set the IP address of all the generic computers (nodes).
7. Take the message and set the source and the destination.
8. In simulation mode, click on play/capture button and the flow of message can be

Roll No.
Results: simple network with 2 switches, 6 nodes and 1 server implemented correctly.

Roll No.

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