Ets03 03 01
Ets03 03 01
Ets03 03 01
1. Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................... 1
2. References .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Applicable Standards .......................................................................................... 3
3. Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser ................................................................................. 3
3.2 Drawings by the Tenderer ................................................................................... 3
4. Service Conditions....................................................................................................... 3
5. Design and Construction ............................................................................................ 4
5.1 General ............................................................................................................... 4
5.2 King Wire ............................................................................................................ 4
5.3 Welding ............................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Grease ................................................................................................................ 4
5.5 Identification of Alloy ........................................................................................... 5
5.6 Tie Wire .............................................................................................................. 5
5.7 Drawings ............................................................................................................. 5
6. Performance and Testing ............................................................................................ 5
6.1 Testing ................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Batch Tests on Complete Conductor .................................................................. 5
6.3 Sampling ............................................................................................................. 6
6.4 Routine Test Certificates ..................................................................................... 6
6.5 AAAC Conductor Requirements ......................................................................... 6
7. Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................... 6
8. Quality Assurance........................................................................................................ 6
8.1 Purchasers Policy ............................................................................................... 6
8.2 Documentary Evidence ....................................................................................... 7
8.3 Quality Certification ............................................................................................. 7
9. Samples ........................................................................................................................ 7
9.1 Production Samples ............................................................................................ 7
9.2 Sample Delivery .................................................................................................. 7
2. References
AS 1222 Steel conductors and stays - Bare overhead
AS 1531 Conductors - Bare overhead – Aluminium and aluminium alloy
AS 1574 Copper and copper alloys - Wire for electrical purposes
AS 1746 Conductors - Bare overhead - Hard drawn copper
AS/NZS 2857 - Timber Drums for insulated electric cables and bare conductors
AS 3607 Conductors - Bare overhead, aluminium and aluminium alloy - Steel
AS 3822 Test methods for bare overhead conductors
AS 3983 Metal Drums for insulated electric cables and bare conductors
AS/NZS ISO Quality Management Systems - Requirements
3. Drawings
4. Service Conditions
The items will be exposed to the following environmental conditions:
5.1 General
The conductors and stay wires shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the
applicable standard as given in Clause 2. Tie wire shall be suitable for the security of the
conductors when attached to the supporting insulators. Sizes of all items covered by this
technical specification are detailed in Appendix A.1.
5.3 Welding
Butt welding of steel wires before aluminium cladding or galvanising may be performed in
accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Australian Standards. The aluminium
cladding or galvanising shall be continuous across the weld point.
No butt welds of the aluminium clad steel wires, after cladding, shall be contained in any
drum of conductor.
No more than a total of four butt welds of the galvanised steel wires, after galvanising, shall
be contained in any 3000 m length of conductor. For welds in galvanised steel wires, the
mass of zinc coating in the regalvanised section of the wire shall be not less than that
specified in Table 4.6 of AS 3607.
Butt welding of aluminium wires may be performed in accordance with the provisions of the
appropriate Australian Standard. No more than a total of four such welds of the aluminium
wires shall be contained in any 3000 m length of conductor.
Welding certificates shall be supplied for all drums of conductor regardless of whether they
contain welds. They shall indicate the type of weld, strand layer, and approximate location
of the weld.
5.4 Grease
All ACSR conductors and stay wires shall be fully greased as defined in the relevant
Australian Standard. No grease is permitted on the outermost layer of the
conductor or stay wire.
Page 4 of 20 Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5
5.7 Drawings
Tenderers shall provide detailed drawings of the cross-section of the items offered.
6.1 Testing
Conductors and stay wires shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of this
specification and the relevant Australian Standards, including AS 3822. Stay wires shall be
tested in accordance with AS1222.
The Purchaser reserves the right to witness all tests and to select the samples for batch
testing. The Tenderer shall confirm two weeks in advance his intention to commence any
conductor/earth wire tests.
Conductor breaking load tests shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 6.2 of AS
3822 on two test samples, one selected from each half of the production schedule.
The lump sum cost for each test shall be shown separately in Schedule 'COT'. These costs
shall not form part of the tender price.
Of Test
6.3 Sampling
Sample lengths for batch tests shall be taken from two drums randomly selected, one from
each half of the production schedule of the manufacturing lot.
This data shall be expressed as µm/m over a 10 year period based on extrapolation of
measurements taken in accordance with the provisions of AS 3822, at a loading of 20%
CBL and 20°C for a minimum time of 1000 hours.
Test data shall be submitted with the tender to validate the information provided in
Appendix A.2. Data for representative samples of the same or similar conductor sizes will
be acceptable provided that these tests are based on conductor produced within a
reasonable time period at the same plant and by the same process as is proposed for
conductor tendered.
7. Risk Assessment
There is no requirement for Tenderer provided safety risk assessments for the items
covered by this specification.
8. Quality Assurance
9. Samples
10.1 General
Distribution conductors and stay wire may be supplied on either hardwood timber drums, or
steel drums complying with the requirements of AS 3983. The purchaser will nominate the
type of drum required. Item 44 – 1540304 may be acceptable on a plastic drum.
Conductor and stay wire supplied on timber drums shall be manufactured in accordance
with the requirements of AS 2857 - 1986.
Operational difficulties are anticipated with the use of timber drums manufactured in
accordance with AS 2857-1996. Hence this specification is based on cables supplied on
timber drums manufactured in accordance with the requirements of superseded standard
AS 2857-1986.
Transmission conductors shall be supplied on steel drums complying with the requirements
of AS3983.
Fully dimensioned detail drawings (and any available photographs) of the proposed steel
drums shall be submitted with the tender.
The conductor or stay wire shall be in one (1) length on each drum.
10.2 Lagging
The conductor or stay wire on the drum shall be protected by external lagging to ensure
that it is delivered undamaged giving due consideration to the methods and distance of
transportation and handling. Sheet form wrapping alone is NOT acceptable.
All drums, including lagging, must be of suitable quality to withstand a minimum of twenty-
four (24) months exposure to all types of weather conditions during outdoor storage without
Tenderers shall state the type of surface treatment applicable to drums for each item.
In addition, the following information shall be provided indelibly and legibly marked directly
on both flanges:
a) The name Ergon Energy and the relevant stores stock code.
b) Contract number.
c) Order release authority or purchasing order number.
d) Manufacturer's traceability number – derived from Manufacturer’s first letter,
hyphen, batch number, hyphen, drum number for this batch.
e) Routine & Batch Test Report Numbers
f) Project name when nominated on the purchase order.
(a) the period of service achieved by the items offered within Australian service
(b) Australian electricity supply authorities who have a service history of the
items offered; AND
(c) Contact names and phone numbers of relevant employees of those supply
authorities who can verify the service performance claimed.
12. Reliability
13. Training
Training material in the form of drawings, instructions and/or audio visuals may be required
to be provided for the items accepted under the offer.
Tenders shall state the availability of training materials which should include but is not
limited to the following topics:
Drum Surface Treatment:
DATE: ___________________
Drum Surface Treatment:
DATE: ___________________
DATE: ___________________
DATE: ______________________
3/2.75 SC/GZ -
3/2.75 SC/AC -
3/3.25 SC/AC -
DATE: ___________________