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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited

Technical Specification for Bare

Conductor, Stay Wire and Tie Wire


Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

1. Purpose and Scope...................................................................................................... 1
2. References .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Applicable Standards .......................................................................................... 3
3. Drawings ....................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser ................................................................................. 3
3.2 Drawings by the Tenderer ................................................................................... 3
4. Service Conditions....................................................................................................... 3
5. Design and Construction ............................................................................................ 4
5.1 General ............................................................................................................... 4
5.2 King Wire ............................................................................................................ 4
5.3 Welding ............................................................................................................... 4
5.4 Grease ................................................................................................................ 4
5.5 Identification of Alloy ........................................................................................... 5
5.6 Tie Wire .............................................................................................................. 5
5.7 Drawings ............................................................................................................. 5
6. Performance and Testing ............................................................................................ 5
6.1 Testing ................................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Batch Tests on Complete Conductor .................................................................. 5
6.3 Sampling ............................................................................................................. 6
6.4 Routine Test Certificates ..................................................................................... 6
6.5 AAAC Conductor Requirements ......................................................................... 6
7. Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................... 6
8. Quality Assurance........................................................................................................ 6
8.1 Purchasers Policy ............................................................................................... 6
8.2 Documentary Evidence ....................................................................................... 7
8.3 Quality Certification ............................................................................................. 7
9. Samples ........................................................................................................................ 7
9.1 Production Samples ............................................................................................ 7
9.2 Sample Delivery .................................................................................................. 7

i Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
10. Packaging and Marking ............................................................................................... 7
10.1 General ............................................................................................................... 7
10.2 Lagging ............................................................................................................... 8
10.3 Drum Durability ................................................................................................... 8
10.4 Drum Surface Treatment .................................................................................... 8
10.5 Marking of Drums................................................................................................ 8
10.6 Fixing of Conductor End ..................................................................................... 8
10.7 Stay Wire ............................................................................................................ 9
10.8 Tie Wire .............................................................................................................. 9
10.9 Quarantine Requirements ................................................................................... 9
11. Service Performance ................................................................................................... 9
12. Reliability ...................................................................................................................... 9
12.1 Service Life ......................................................................................................... 9
12.2 Evidence in Support of Reliability........................................................................ 9
13. Training ......................................................................................................................... 9
14. Environmental Considerations ................................................................................. 10
15. Information To Be Provided ...................................................................................... 10
15.1 Specific Technical Requirements ...................................................................... 10
15.2 Checklist of Supporting Documentation ............................................................ 10
16. Appendix A.1 – Drum and Packaging Details .......................................................... 11
17. Appendix A.2 – AAAC/1120 Conductor Creep Performance .................................. 13
18. Attachment 1 – Technical Details - Conductor ........................................................ 14
19. Attachment 1 – Technical Details – Conductor (cont'd) ......................................... 15
20. Attachment 2 – Technical Details – Stay Wire ......................................................... 16
21. Attachment 2 – Technical Details – Stay Wire (cont'd) ........................................... 17
22. Attachment 3 – Technical Details – Tie Wire ........................................................... 18
Attachment 4 – Technical Documentation Checklist .............................................. 19
24. Schedule "COT"- Schedule of Costs of Complete Conductor Tests ..................... 20

ii Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

1. Purpose and Scope

This specification sets out the requirements for the manufacture, testing and delivery of bare
conductor, stay wire and tie wire for use on overhead electricity transmission and distribution
systems in a totally exposed environment, and copper strip as earthing electrode.

Items covered by this technical specification, are listed as follows:



All Aluminium Conductors (AAC 1350)

1 Distribution 7/3.00 (Libra) 1420109
2 Distribution 7/3.75 (Mars) 1420192
3 Distribution 7/4.50 (Mercury) Not required for 2401161
4 Distribution 7/4.75 (Moon) 1420206
5 Distribution 19/3.25 (Neptune) Not required for 2401124
6 Distribution 19/3.75 (Pluto) 1420141
7 Distribution 37/3.00 (Saturn) Not required for 1420451
All Aluminium Alloy Conductor (AAAC 1120)
8 Distribution 7/2.50 (Chlorine) 2401125
9 Distribution 7/3.00 (Fluorine) 1420500
10 Distribution 7/3.75 (Helium) 2400231
11 Distribution 7/4.75 (Iodine) 1420508
12 Distribution 19/3.25 (Krypton) 2402824
13 Distribution 19/3.75 (Neon) 2401126
14 Distribution/Transm 19/4.75 (Oxygen) 2402822
15 Transmission 37/3.00 (Nitrogen) 1420459
16 Transmission 61/3.25 (Selenium) 2418010
17 Transmission 61/3.75 (Sulphur) 2418028
Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR/AC)
18 Transmission 30/7/3.50 (Diving) 2418044
19 Transmission 30/7/2.50 (Cricket) 2422715
Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR/GZ)

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
20 Distribution 3/4/1.75 (Quince) 2401155
21 Distribution 3/4/2.50 (Raisin) 1421016
22 Distribution 6/1/2.50 (Almond) 2400230
23 Distribution 6/1/3.00 (Apple) 1421148
24 Distribution 4/3/3.00 (Sultana) 1421024
25 Distribution/Transm 6/1/3.75 (Banana) 1421032
26 Distribution/Transm 6/4.75+7/1.60 (Cherry) 1421067
27 Transmission 30/7/2.50 (Grape) 2400232
28 Transmission 30/7/3.50 (Lime) 104612
29 Transmission 54/3.73+19/2.25(Pawpaw) 2418051
Steel Conductor – Galvanised (SC/GZ):
30 Distribution 3/2.75 1425518

31 Distribution/Transm 7/2.75 2418036

32 Distribution/Transm 7/3.25 1425526
Steel Conductor – Aluminium Clad (SC/AC): Left Hand Lay
33 Distribution/Transm 7/2.75 1425010
34 Distribution/Transm 7/3.25 1425011
35 Distribution 3/2.75 1425046

36 Distribution 3/3.25 2401121

Hard Drawn Bare Copper Conductor (HDBCC):

37 Distribution 7/1.75 2400225
38 Distribution 7/2.00 2401437
39 Distribution 7/2.75 2400228
40 Distribution 19/2.14 1313049
41 19/2.75 2400223
42 19/3.00 2425890
Annealed Bare Copper Conductor
43 Distribution 35mm2 19/1.53 1311142
Tinned Annealed Bare Copper Conductor
44 Distribution 10mm2 77/0.40 1540304
Galvanised Steel Stay Wire (SC/GZ):
45 Distribution 7/2.75 0492878
46 Distribution 19/2.00 0492894

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
47 Distribution 19/2.75 0492908
Tie Wire:
48 Distribution 4.00 mm Φ Annealed Aluminium 2403845
49 Distribution 2.03 mm Φ Annealed Stainless Steel 0104306
50 Distribution 2.64 mm Φ Annealed Copper 0491669

2. References

2.1 Applicable Standards

All items shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the relevant parts
of the following Standards and all amendments issued from time to time except where
varied by this specification.

AS 1222 Steel conductors and stays - Bare overhead
AS 1531 Conductors - Bare overhead – Aluminium and aluminium alloy
AS 1574 Copper and copper alloys - Wire for electrical purposes
AS 1746 Conductors - Bare overhead - Hard drawn copper
AS/NZS 2857 - Timber Drums for insulated electric cables and bare conductors
AS 3607 Conductors - Bare overhead, aluminium and aluminium alloy - Steel
AS 3822 Test methods for bare overhead conductors
AS 3983 Metal Drums for insulated electric cables and bare conductors
AS/NZS ISO Quality Management Systems - Requirements

3. Drawings

3.1 Drawings by the Purchaser

There are no drawings attached to this specification.

3.2 Drawings by the Tenderer

The Tenderer shall supply with the tender, detailed drawings of the items tendered.

4. Service Conditions
The items will be exposed to the following environmental conditions:

Temperatures 450C summer day time

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
-50C winter night time
Solar Radiation Level 1,100 W/m2 with high ultraviolet content
Precipitation Tropical summer storms with gust winds above
160 km/h, and an annual rainfall in excess of 1,500 mm
Humidity Extended periods of relative humidity in excess of 90%.
Pollution Areas of coastal salt spray and/or industrial pollution with
equivalent salt deposit densities in the range 2.0 to 3.0

5. Design and Construction

5.1 General
The conductors and stay wires shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the
applicable standard as given in Clause 2. Tie wire shall be suitable for the security of the
conductors when attached to the supporting insulators. Sizes of all items covered by this
technical specification are detailed in Appendix A.1.

5.2 King Wire

Conductors covered by this specification do not have king wires.

5.3 Welding
Butt welding of steel wires before aluminium cladding or galvanising may be performed in
accordance with the provisions of the appropriate Australian Standards. The aluminium
cladding or galvanising shall be continuous across the weld point.

No butt welds of the aluminium clad steel wires, after cladding, shall be contained in any
drum of conductor.

No more than a total of four butt welds of the galvanised steel wires, after galvanising, shall
be contained in any 3000 m length of conductor. For welds in galvanised steel wires, the
mass of zinc coating in the regalvanised section of the wire shall be not less than that
specified in Table 4.6 of AS 3607.

Butt welding of aluminium wires may be performed in accordance with the provisions of the
appropriate Australian Standard. No more than a total of four such welds of the aluminium
wires shall be contained in any 3000 m length of conductor.

Welding certificates shall be supplied for all drums of conductor regardless of whether they
contain welds. They shall indicate the type of weld, strand layer, and approximate location
of the weld.

5.4 Grease
 All ACSR conductors and stay wires shall be fully greased as defined in the relevant
Australian Standard. No grease is permitted on the outermost layer of the
conductor or stay wire.
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
 Greasing is not required on the AAC and AAAC conductors unless it is specially
requested by the Purchaser. The Purchaser may require grease to be applied on
AAAC conductors used on transmission lines traversing corrosive environments,
(e.g. Iodine, Krypton, Neon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Selenium and Sulphur). The
additional cost of application of grease on these conductors shall be provided with
the tender submission.
 The grease shall be lithium based and shall not contain graphite. The grease shall
have a drop point of not less than 120 ºC determined in accordance with ASTM
 A Material Safety Data Sheet for the grease shall be submitted with the offer.

5.5 Identification of Alloy

1120 alloy conductor shall be marked by means of a blue coloured thread as detailed in
Clause 3.2 of AS 3607 and Clause 3.2 of AS 1531.

5.6 Tie Wire

Aluminium, copper and stainless steel tie wire shall be annealed.

5.7 Drawings
Tenderers shall provide detailed drawings of the cross-section of the items offered.

6. Performance and Testing

6.1 Testing
Conductors and stay wires shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of this
specification and the relevant Australian Standards, including AS 3822. Stay wires shall be
tested in accordance with AS1222.

The Purchaser reserves the right to witness all tests and to select the samples for batch
testing. The Tenderer shall confirm two weeks in advance his intention to commence any
conductor/earth wire tests.

“Routine” Testing in accordance with the appropriate Australian standard shall be

conducted before stranding, together with “Lay Ratio” measurements on all layers after
stranding. The costs associated with this testing are deemed to be included in the tendered
conductor unit prices.

6.2 Batch Tests on Complete Conductor

In addition to the stranding tests the Purchaser may at his discretion choose to have the
tests specified below performed on a specified number of samples of the complete
conductor/stay wire after stranding in accordance with AS3822.

Conductor breaking load tests shall be carried out in accordance with Clause 6.2 of AS
3822 on two test samples, one selected from each half of the production schedule.

The lump sum cost for each test shall be shown separately in Schedule 'COT'. These costs
shall not form part of the tender price.

Of Test

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
Stress-Strain characteristics Batch
Breaking Load Batch
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Batch
Creep characteristics Batch
d.c. resistance of the conductors Batch
Fatigue characteristics Batch
Thermal aging characteristics Batch

6.3 Sampling
Sample lengths for batch tests shall be taken from two drums randomly selected, one from
each half of the production schedule of the manufacturing lot.

6.4 Routine Test Certificates

A certificate of compliance shall be provided with each delivery of conductor, stay wire or tie
wire. Routine and all other test reports/certificates shall be held by the Tenderer and
provided to the Purchaser on request within one (1) working day. These records shall be
held by the Tenderer for a period of 10 years after the expiry of the contract. In addition,
electronic records of the routine and batch test reports/certificates shall be supplied to the
Purchaser on compact discs at the end of the contract period. Additionally, for
Transmission conductors and 19/2.75 SC/GZ stay wire, the full Routine & Batch test
reports/certificates shall be provided prior to dispatch of the conductor and stay wire.

6.5 AAAC Conductor Requirements

Creep performance data for AAAC conductors offered shall be provided in Appendix A.2.

This data shall be expressed as µm/m over a 10 year period based on extrapolation of
measurements taken in accordance with the provisions of AS 3822, at a loading of 20%
CBL and 20°C for a minimum time of 1000 hours.

Test data shall be submitted with the tender to validate the information provided in
Appendix A.2. Data for representative samples of the same or similar conductor sizes will
be acceptable provided that these tests are based on conductor produced within a
reasonable time period at the same plant and by the same process as is proposed for
conductor tendered.

7. Risk Assessment
There is no requirement for Tenderer provided safety risk assessments for the items
covered by this specification.

8. Quality Assurance

8.1 Purchasers Policy

It is the Purchaser’s policy to procure goods, equipment and services from sources that
demonstrate the ability to support quality products.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
8.2 Documentary Evidence
Documentary evidence shall be provided concerning the level of Quality System
Certification associated with the Tenderer and/or manufacturer. This documentation shall
include the Capability Statement associated with the Quality System Certification.

8.3 Quality Certification

It is expected that the Tenderer and manufacturer will have a quality system certified to ISO
9001 in operation.

9. Samples

9.1 Production Samples

When requested, production samples of each item offered shall be submitted to assist in
the evaluation of the offer. Samples shall also be provided after award of the contract, if

9.2 Sample Delivery

Each sample shall be delivered freight free, suitably packaged and labelled with the
following information:

Name of Tenderer and this Contract No.

Contract Item Numbers

Any supporting data on features or characteristics

10. Packaging and Marking

10.1 General
Distribution conductors and stay wire may be supplied on either hardwood timber drums, or
steel drums complying with the requirements of AS 3983. The purchaser will nominate the
type of drum required. Item 44 – 1540304 may be acceptable on a plastic drum.

Conductor and stay wire supplied on timber drums shall be manufactured in accordance
with the requirements of AS 2857 - 1986.

Operational difficulties are anticipated with the use of timber drums manufactured in
accordance with AS 2857-1996. Hence this specification is based on cables supplied on
timber drums manufactured in accordance with the requirements of superseded standard
AS 2857-1986.

Transmission conductors shall be supplied on steel drums complying with the requirements
of AS3983.

Fully dimensioned detail drawings (and any available photographs) of the proposed steel
drums shall be submitted with the tender.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
Bare conductors and stay wire shall be supplied on drum sizes and in the lengths as
detailed in Appendix A.1 to this specification. Drums shall be of optimum dimensions to
suit conductor length, and shall be neither too big nor too small.

The conductor or stay wire shall be in one (1) length on each drum.

10.2 Lagging
The conductor or stay wire on the drum shall be protected by external lagging to ensure
that it is delivered undamaged giving due consideration to the methods and distance of
transportation and handling. Sheet form wrapping alone is NOT acceptable.

The Tenderer shall provide details concerning the method to be used.

10.3 Drum Durability

The cable drums shall be sufficiently robust to ensure that the cable is delivered
undamaged, giving due consideration to the method of transportation and the distances

All drums, including lagging, must be of suitable quality to withstand a minimum of twenty-
four (24) months exposure to all types of weather conditions during outdoor storage without

10.4 Drum Surface Treatment

Drum surface treatment to protect against weather, the environment, galvanic action, and
corrosion is required.

Tenderers shall state the type of surface treatment applicable to drums for each item.

10.5 Marking of Drums

Cable drums shall be marked in accordance with the requirements of the relevant
Australian Standard.

In addition, the following information shall be provided indelibly and legibly marked directly
on both flanges:
a) The name Ergon Energy and the relevant stores stock code.
b) Contract number.
c) Order release authority or purchasing order number.
d) Manufacturer's traceability number – derived from Manufacturer’s first letter,
hyphen, batch number, hyphen, drum number for this batch.
e) Routine & Batch Test Report Numbers
f) Project name when nominated on the purchase order.

10.6 Fixing of Conductor End

The inner end of the conductor or stay wire shall be secured to the drum to ensure that the
end will not flick off the drum barrel when the conductor or stay wire is being run out.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
10.7 Stay Wire
Stay wire shall be supplied suitably packaged in coils or on drums as per Clauses 10.1 to
10.6 above. Coils may be packaged in heat shrink plastic wrap, polyester wrap, hessian or
other approved wrapping.

10.8 Tie Wire

Tie wire shall be supplied suitably packaged in coils. Coils may be packaged in heat shrink
plastic wrap, polyester wrap, hessian or other approved wrapping.

10.9 Quarantine Requirements

Should the items offered be supplied from overseas manufacturers, then it is mandatory
that all conditions and inspections required by the Australian Quarantine Act be met and
that all these costs be included in the tendered price. In particular, timber crates must be
fumigated with methyl bromide with a concentration of 48 grams per cubic metre for 24
hours at 21C. The Tenderer shall ensure that the procedure does not produce any
deleterious effects to the conductor or stay wire or the drums.

11. Service Performance

Tenderers shall provide satisfactory information on:

(a) the period of service achieved by the items offered within Australian service
(b) Australian electricity supply authorities who have a service history of the
items offered; AND
(c) Contact names and phone numbers of relevant employees of those supply
authorities who can verify the service performance claimed.

12. Reliability

12.1 Service Life

Tenderers are required to comment on the reliability of the equipment and the performance
of the materials offered for a service life of 35 years under the specified system and
environmental conditions.

12.2 Evidence in Support of Reliability

Such comments shall include evidence in support of the reliability and performance claimed
including information on Failure Mode and Effect Analysis.

13. Training
Training material in the form of drawings, instructions and/or audio visuals may be required
to be provided for the items accepted under the offer.

Tenders shall state the availability of training materials which should include but is not
limited to the following topics:

 Handling

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
 Storage
 Application (particularly in areas of heavy coastal pollution)
 Installation
 Maintenance
 Environmental performance
 Electrical performance
 Mechanical performance
 Disposal

14. Environmental Considerations

Tenderers are required to comment on the environmental soundness of the design and the
materials used in the manufacture of the items offered. In particular, comments should
address such issues as recyclability and disposability at the end of service life.

15. Information to Be Provided

15.1 Specific Technical Requirements

The specific technical details for the items offered shall be as stated in Attachments 1, 2, 3
and 4, and Appendix A.2 of this specification. The Tenderer shall fill in all data requested
in these Attachments and shall guarantee such data.

15.2 Checklist of Supporting Documentation

Attachment 5 details a checklist of supporting technical documentation which is required to
be submitted with the offer.

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

16. Appendix A.1 – Drum and Packaging Details


Drum Designation Conductor Code Nominal Length

Names (m/drum)
Timber Metal
1000/500/550 1200/600/800 7/3.00 AAC LIBRA 3100
7/3.75 AAC MARS 1900
7/2.50 AAAC CHLORINE 4500
7/3.00 AAAC FLUORINE 3100
7/3.75 AAAC HELIUM 1900
3/4/1.75 ACSR/GZ QUINCE 5000
3/4/2.50 ACSR/GZ RAISIN 4500
6/1/2.50 ACSR/GZ ALMOND 4000
6/1/3.00 ACSR/GZ APPLE 3100
4/3/3.00 ACSR/GZ SULTANA 3100
6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ BANANA 1900
3/2.75 SC/GZ - 3100
7/2.75 SC/GZ - 3600
7/3.25 SC/GZ - 2200
3/2.75 SC/AC - 3000
3/3.25 SC/AC - 3100
7/1.75 HDBCC 250
7/2.00 HDBCC - 500
7/2.75 HDBCC - 3600
19/2.14 HDBCC - 2100
19/2.75 HDBCC - 1200
19/3.00 HDBCC - 1000
1200/600/650 1200/600/800 7/4.75 AAC MOON 2200
19/3.25 AAAC KRYPTON 1200
19/3.75 AAAC NEON 1200
19/3.75 AAC PLUTO 1200
7/4.75 AAAC IODINE 2200
6/4.75 + 7/1.60 ACSR/GZ CHERRY 2200
1600/800/950 30/7/2.50 ACSR GRAPE 3600
Steel Drum size compatible 19/4.75 AAAC OXYGEN 4000
with nominal conductor lengths 37/3.00 AAAC NITROGEN 4000
specified in the last column. 30/7/3.50(ACSR/GZ) LIME 4000
54/3.75+19/2.75 PAWPAW 2500
30/7/3.5(ACSR/AC) DIVING 4000
61/3.25 AAAC SELENIUM 3000
61/3.75 AAAC SULPHUR 2500
“Transmission Conductors” 7/4.75 AAAC IODINE 3000 - 6500
19/3.25 AAAC KRYPTON 7500 - 8000
From time to time these cables 19/3.75 AAAC NEON 5800 – 6000
may be ordered by Special 37/3.00 AAAC NITROGEN 4800 – 5000
Order on a Larger Steel 30/7/2.50 ACSR/GZ GRAPE 6500 – 7000
Drum size compatible with 30/7/2.50 ACSR/AC CRICKET 6500 – 7000
nominal conductor lengths 6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ BANANA 7000 - 8000
specified in the last column 6/4.75 + 7/1.60 ACSR/GZ CHERRY 3000 - 6500
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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire
7/2.75 SC/GZ 7500 – 8000
7/2.75 SC/AC 7500 – 8000
7/3.25 SC/GZ 5800 - 6200
7/3.25 SC/AC 5800 – 6200


Timber Drums Coils

Drum Nominal Pack Size Nominal Nominal
Designation Length OD ID
M/drum (kg) (mm) (mm)
35mm2 19/1.53 450/340/450 250 80
Tinned 10mm2 TBA 100


Timber Drums Coils

Drum Nominal Pack Size Nominal Nominal
Designation Length OD ID
M/drum (kg) (mm) (mm)
7/2.75 SC/GZ 1000/500/55 250
7/2.75 SC/GZ 50 700 550
19/2.00 SC/GZ 1000/500/55 250
19/2.00 SC/GZ 50 700 550
19/2.75 SC/GZ 1000/500/55 250
19/2.75 SC/GZ 50 700 500


Diameter Pack Size Nominal Outer Nominal Inner Material

Diameter of Diameter of Coil Designation
(mm) (kg) Coil (mm)
Aluminium 4.00 10 600 450 1350
Stainless 2.03 30 600 450 304
Copper 2.00 25 600 450 110A
Copper 2.64 25 600 450 110A

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

17. Appendix A.2 – AAAC/1120 Conductor Creep Performance

Conductor Code Creep
Names Performance in
19/3.75 AAAC NEON

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

18. Attachment 1 – Technical Details - Conductor

NOTE: A separate schedule is to be provided for all items offered except for
details common to all items which only needs to be provided once.


Manufacturer's Name and Address

Place & Country of Manufacture

Conductor Details:
Conductor Stranding and Code Name
Nominal Overall Diameter mm
Cross Sectional Area mm2
Nominal Mass No Grease kg/km
With Grease
Minimum Calculated Breaking Load kN
Equiv. Aluminium Area mm2
Maximum DC Resistance Ω/km @
AC Resistance Ω/km @
Composite Coefficient of Linear Expansion per oC
Calculated Final Modulus of Elasticity GPa
Mean 10 year creep at 200C and 20% CBL µm/m
(AAAC Conductor only)
Optional Grease for AAAC Conductor:
Type of Grease
Drop Point of Grease Used °C
Safety Data Sheet for Grease Included Yes/No

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

19. Attachment 1 – Technical Details – Conductor (cont'd)


Packaging Details:
Type of Drum
AS 2857 – 1986 Drum Designation
AS 3983 Drum Designation
M Flange Diam./Barrel Diam./Internal Width M ………./…………./..……….
Spindle Hole Diameter mm
Method of Lagging
Length of Conductor per Drum m
Gross Mass of Drum, Conductor and kg
Protective External Lagging
Mass of Drum and Conductor kg
Mass of Empty Drum kg
Drum Surface Treatment:

Drum Surface Treatment:

Internal Surface of Flanges

Metal Drum:
Protection Against Weather or Environment
Price per Steel Drum (Refer Clause 10.1) $




DATE: ___________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

20. Attachment 2 – Technical Details – Stay Wire

NOTE: A separate schedule is to be provided for each item offered except for details
common to all items which only needs to be provided once.


Manufacturer's Name and Address

Place & Country of Manufacture

Stay Wire Details:
Nominal Overall Diameter mm
Cross Sectional Area mm2
Nominal Mass kg/km
Minimum Calculated Breaking Load kN
Coefficient of Linear Expansion per oC
Calculated Final Modulus of Elasticity GPa
Type of Grease
Drop Point of Grease Used °C
Safety Data Sheet for Grease Included Yes/No
Packaging Details: COILS
Length of Stay Wire per coil m
Mass of coil kg
Outer diameter of coil mm
Inner diameter of coil mm
Type of Packaging – e.g. hessian, polyester
wrap etc

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

21. Attachment 2 – Technical Details – Stay Wire (cont'd)


Packaging Details: DRUMS
Type of Drum
AS 2857-1986 Drum Designation
AS 3983 Drum Designation
Spindle Hole Diameter mm
Method of Lagging
Length of Stay Wire per Drum m
Gross Mass of Drum, Stay Wire and kg
Protective External Lagging
Mass of Drum and Stay Wire kg
Mass of Empty Drum kg
Drum Surface Treatment:

Drum Surface Treatment:

Internal Surface of Flanges

Metal Drum:
Protection Against Weather or Environment




DATE: ___________________

Page 17 of 20 Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

22. Attachment 3 – Technical Details – Tie Wire

NOTE: A separate schedule is to be provided for each item offered except for details
common to all items which only needs to be provided once.


Manufacturer's Name and Address

Place & Country of Manufacture

Tie Wire Details:
Nominal Overall Diameter mm
Material designation
Packaging Details:
Length of Tie Wire per coil m
Nominal Mass of Tie Wire kg/km
Mass of coil kg
Outer diameter of coil mm
Inner diameter of coil mm
Type of Packaging – e.g. hessian, polyester
wrap etc




DATE: ___________________

Page 18 of 20 Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

23. Attachment 4 – Technical Documentation Checklist


Have full and comprehensive details been submitted WITH the tender documents
associated with each of the following items?
5.4 Material Safety Data Sheet for Grease Yes/No
5.8 Drawings of conductor cross-section Yes/No
6.2 Availability of batch tests and cost of tests indicated in tender Yes/No
6.5 AAAC conductor Creep requirements Yes/No
8.2 Documentary evidence of the Quality System Certification of Yes/No
BOTH the TENDERER and the MANUFACTURER (including
Capability Statement)
10.1 Detailed Drawings of Steel Drums Yes/No
10.2 Method of lagging for cable drums Yes/No
10.4 Method of Drum Surface Treatment Yes/No
11 Service Performance Yes/No
12 Reliability Yes/No
13 Training Materials (availability) Yes/No
14 Environmental Considerations (availability) Yes/No
15 Completed Attachments 1 , 2, 3 and 4, Appendix A.2 and Yes/No
Schedule "COT"




DATE: ______________________

Page 19 of 20 Specification ETS03-03-01 Ver 5

Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

Technical Specification for Bare Conductor,
Stay Wire and Tie Wire

24. Schedule "COT"- Schedule of Costs of Complete Conductor Tests

These tests may be required at the Purchaser's discretion. These costs shall not form part
of tender Price.


Breaking Load Stress-Strain Coef. Of Creep Test

Test Test Thermal

19/3.75 AAC (Pluto)

7/3.00 AAAC (Fluorine)
7/4.75 AAAC (Iodine)
19/3.25 AAAC (Krypton)
19/3.75 AAAC (Neon)
19/4.75 AAAC(Oxygen)
37/3.00 AAAC (Nitrogen)
61/3.25 AAAC(Selenium)
61/3.75 AAAC (Sulphur)
3/4/2.50 ACSR/GZ(Raisin)
6/1/3.00 ACSR/GZ (Apple)
6/1/3.75 ACSR/GZ (Banana)
4/3/3.00 ACSR/GZ (Sultana)
6/4.75+7/1.60 ACSR/GZ(Cherry)
30/7/2.50 ACSR (Grape & Cricket)

30/7/3.50 ACSR (Lime & Diving)

54/3.75+19/2.25 ACSR (Paw Paw)

3/2.75 SC/GZ -

7/2.75 SC/GZ or 7/2.75 SC/AC -

7/3.25 SC/GZ or 7/3.25 SC/AC -

3/2.75 SC/AC -

3/3.25 SC/AC -

19/2.75 SC/GZ Stay Wire - - -




DATE: ___________________

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Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062

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