Korn Ferry 2022 ESG Report
Korn Ferry 2022 ESG Report
Korn Ferry 2022 ESG Report
William King
Matthew Page
Natalie Quiñones
Stacy Rozen
JT Saunders
2 3
2022 ESG
Grace is what makes us inherently human — the turning to leaders for help, hope, direction, and
better self that shines a light for others. It is the decisions. Leaders need to lead differently,
goodwill of human nature that is predisposed to and companies need to respond accordingly.
helping others. At Korn Ferry, we are purpose- After all, leadership is inspiring others to believe
driven to provide a better future for those who and enabling that belief to become a reality.
follow. As a global organizational consulting firm
Every day and in all we do, we are about changing
of more than 10,000 colleagues, we take seriously
lives. We are motivated and committed to helping
the role we play, the example we set, and our
people exceed their potential, and to exceed
responsibility as a corporate citizen.
their potential, people need an abundance of
We are built upon a foundation of trust, respect, opportunity. That’s why we at Korn Ferry put
and service — with and to our clients, colleagues, our focus on the intersection of talent and
investors, and the communities where we work strategy, supporting our people and
and live. In everything we do — and will continue communities through this lens.
to do — we are guided by our values.
When we see how far we’ve come together,
The world has sent so much change our way over we’re incredibly inspired by just how —
the last few years. We are constantly toggling together — we can become More Than.
among changing circumstances, and people are
6 7
We advise organizations around the world on It’s not just about our people; it’s about all
finding and nurturing the best talent — and we take people. We are committed to making a difference
the same approach for ourselves. It is a priority for in our communities and the world. We proudly
us to hire, develop, and advance talent across the contribute financially to organizations and causes
firm. To attract and retain top talent, we seek to that we believe will significantly impact the
deliver a leading employee experience by fostering greater good. We believe that donating our time,
a culture of inclusion and an environment where talent, and resources is equally as important. Our
everyone feels their input is valuable, can do their local offices and colleagues worldwide take part
best work, and can exceed their potential. We in community service through a variety of
focus on making Korn Ferry a firm that energizes, organizations and programs, including the Korn
develops, rewards, and empowers people to pursue Ferry Charitable Foundation (the “Foundation”
their passions and help our business succeed. or “Korn Ferry Charitable Foundation”).
We believe these efforts have fostered stability
and expertise in our workforce. Investors
We are committed to building value for our
We are proud to share Korn Ferry’s fifth On the following pages, you will read
Clients shareholders. We view our focus on environmental
We care about helping people and organizations sustainability, social responsibility, and good
ESG Report highlighting Korn Ferry’s about our ESG activities concentrated on
achieve more than they ever thought possible. governance as an important consideration in our
many ESG initiatives, activities, and four areas — client impact and thought We thrive when our impact not only benefits our value-creation strategy, which delivers benefits
accomplishments in 2022. In our role leadership, environmental sustainability, business and colleagues but also extends to the to our shareholders. In 2022, we continued to
as the preeminent organizational people and community, and business success of the people and organizations we partner engage with shareholders on ESG matters and
consultancy, we continue to pursue practices — and how we embed diversity, with and out into the communities they serve. We enhance our ESG reporting and disclosure
our purpose of helping people and equity, and inclusion (“DE&I”) into these continue to align our offerings to the most pressing practices. We have prepared a report in line with
organizations unleash their potential. activities and our culture. issues for organizations, including DE&I and other the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board
ESG matters. We think we are uniquely positioned (SASB) Standard for our sector since 2020. We
We believe our purpose is more
We focus our ESG activities on to help organizations exceed their potential in this have also taken steps toward examining risks
important than ever before. Like our
creating shared value for four environment and strive to create value for our and opportunities to our business from climate
clients, we are focused on sustaining
key stakeholder groups. clients, including by integrating ESG considerations change through a climate risk screening process.
an inclusive culture that flourishes — into the way we do business and advancing the Our first Task Force on Climate-related Financial
especially during periods of social ESG profession through the placement of ESG Disclosures (“TCFD”) Report, which we are
change and transformation. professionals into client organizations. We do this publishing in 2023, will describe this process.
by bringing together the science of what makes
people tick, what changes behavior, and what
motivates us to do better. We also engage with
“We strive to learn, to grow, to be our clients to share and collaborate on initiatives “We invite you to read this Report
better today than we were and contribute to a culture of sustainability. and learn about our journey to help
yesterday, and to always do our create a more sustainable world of
best for our colleagues, clients, work that works for everyone.”
communities, and investors.” Heather Axe, Co-Chair ESG Program
Jonathan Kuai, Co-Chair Leadership Team
ESG Program Leadership Team
8 9
2022 ESG
Goal to reduce
since its launch Decrease in
and data privacy total Scope 1 and Scope 1 and
$3m+ 900+
practices (ISO 27001 by
2 emissions 2 emissions
and ISO 27018) against 2019 ’21 vs. ’20
baseline year
45% 62%
financially or through backgrounds have participated in the Decrease in Decrease
in-kind services Foundation’s Leadership U for Scope 1 and in Scope 3
Humanity program since its launch 2 emissions business travel
’21 vs. ’19 emissions
’21 vs. ’20
* “Diverse” statistics reflect the percentage of employees and Board members who are women and/or from a
low-carbon future
traditionally underserved/underrepresented group. For more information, including on the use of defined terms
“Diverse” and “Board Leadership Role,” see the corresponding section of the Report at pages 66-67.
** This symbol (~) indicates an approximate figure, where used.
10 11
Fiscal Year 2022 Performance
Who we are Vision
Our vision is to be the preeminent Annual revenue We partnered with almost
$2.6B 15,000
Korn Ferry is a global organizational
organizational consultancy.
consulting firm.
We work with our clients to design optimal Promise
organization structures, roles, and responsibilities. Our brand promise is to Be More Than. organizations worldwide
We help them hire the right people and advise
them on how to reward and motivate their Purpose We worked with
workforce while developing professionals as Our purpose is to enable people and
97% 85%
they navigate and advance their careers. organizations to unleash their potential.
92% 85%
and work as one team.
Our more than 10,000 employees in over 50
countries deliver on five core areas: Organization
We say what we mean and do what we say.
Strategy, Assessment & Succession, Talent Euronext 100 FTSE 100
We hold ourselves to the highest standards.
Acquisition, Leadership & Professional
73% 80%
And we make it safe for people to speak
Development, and Total Rewards.
out when they see something wrong.
80% 96%
of us and is embedded in our core values, which
are designed to guide the way we work together
We never settle for the status quo. We always
and with others. We believe that genuinely
strive to be better today than we were yesterday of the world’s top- of the top 50 world’s
connecting with others can only be done by
and do our best for our clients, colleagues, performing companies most admired companies
removing the “professional” façade. Being true.
and shareholders. (Drucker Institute) (Fortune Magazine)
Being you. Being honest. Always.
12 13
While this Report primarily focuses on our internal ESG
initiatives and actions, our efforts are not solely internal.
In the following section, we highlight the impact we drive
for external stakeholders through our offerings and thought
leadership, including how we help organizations realize
their ambitions by taking a people-focused approach to
ESG, sustainability, and DE&I.
STRATEGY Empowering
paper company to place sustainability at the
heart of its strategy. Korn Ferry is helping the
organizations company deliver on its 2030 plan by developing
We work with organizations to adapt their
people and governance processes, culture,
on their ESG and deploying an innovative and measurable
purpose and well-being framework that connects
and operating models so our clients can journeys to the company’s sustainability goals and
fully realize their short- and longer-term broader key performance indicators.
goals. Korn Ferry has a unique set of
integrated, fit-for-purpose capabilities to
help organizations holistically embed their
commitment to ESG and sustainability
into how they do business.
An American electric and natural gas holding
Drawing on data, insights, and expertise across the full Building a company is transitioning to clean energy. Its
breadth of our people solutions, we work with leaders pipeline of goal is to achieve net zero carbon emissions by
to help them address these issues:
perform- 2050. We’re partnering with the company to
create a pipeline of enterprise leaders capable
| Purpose: How important is ESG to us? Why are we transform
prioritizing it, who are we trying to satisfy, what is of meeting today’s business needs while
leaders transforming for the future.
our time horizon, and how do we measure success?
16 17
OUR CLIENT IMPACT We help our clients build sustainably diverse,
Vision, accountability, &
equitable, and inclusive organizations by: role modeling
HELPING COMPANIES | Identifying the root causes
BUILD DIVERSE, We assist organizations in looking at an
EQUITABLE, objective, data-driven approach to inform
Equitable & transparent
Inclusive mindsets,
AND INCLUSIVE their DE&I strategies. We conduct an in-depth structures, processes,
skillsets, & relationships
ORGANIZATIONS quantitative and qualitative analysis for our practices, & algorithms
clients to uncover the root causes of why they Community
may not be as diverse, equitable, and inclusive
To respond in the face of increasing as they would like to be and help organizations
complexity and disruption, organizations focus on actions that will make a difference. DRIVING CHANGE
need talent that matches the complexity Culture, outcomes, & feedback loops
| Building inclusive leadership
of the world in which they operate. And
We believe inclusion should be an essential
to thrive, they need to identify, unlock, WE TAKE A SYSTEMIC APPROACH TO BUILDING
competency of all leaders. We help our clients
and empower the potential of that talent. AN INCLUSIVE ORGANIZATION
assess, recruit, and develop inclusive leaders at
Research shows that diverse, equitable, scale, starting from the top and through the rest
and inclusive organizations led by inclusive of the organization.
leaders perform better than IO N RI S
| Shaping behavioral inclusion T EG RU
their peers. IN
Korn Ferry designs and implements leadership T
Many of our clients accelerating their DE&I efforts
development and coaching solutions to
are asking questions such as these: How can we help clients recruit, advance, and retain
accelerate innovation? How do we develop our underrepresented talent. Our behavioral 1 BASIC
products and services to meet the needs of our inclusion programs are also designed to enable 3
diverse customers? How do we address social and underrepresented talent to have agency over 1 2 PROGRESSING
racial inequities within our organizations and the their aspirations and reach their full potential.
communities we impact? How can we build cultures
| Architecting structural inclusion
of inclusion and belonging? 4 LEADING
We work with our clients to examine their talent
Korn Ferry has one of the world’s largest DE&I
and business practices for potential inequities
consulting practices. We have been providing
and shape their structures, processes, services, N
advice and designing solutions related to DE&I and products based on those insights.
matters for over 40 years. TA
| Driving change
Building sustainably inclusive and diverse
organizations is an ongoing effort. We support EXAMPLE OF KORN FERRY'S DE&I MATURITY MODEL
our clients in implementing change management Korn Ferry’s DE&I Maturity Model is designed to be a comprehensive snapshot
and enterprise-wide communications strategies of how mature an organization is with regard to DE&I. Unlike most maturity
as they communicate and manage models, which are presented linearly, the Korn Ferry Maturity Model consists of
five different dimensions presented in wedges of a circumplex that reflect the
transformational change. reality that organizations may mature in more than one dimension at the same
time. Each dimension is broken up into behavioral and structural inclusion.
18 19
20 21
Our Chief Diversity Officer participated
Korn Ferry colleagues in Belgium hosted with local leaders in the panel “Building a
a client forum with sustainability leaders Pipeline of African American Leadership,”
in Europe about how to operationalize hosted by The Robinson Center for Civic
climate action through a people and Leadership and Foundation For Black
organizational design lens. Philanthropy at the Foundation For
| the Carolinas.
| Senior Client Partners Inga Beyler, Jürgen Peukert, and
KORN FERRY AND Frédéric Pirker hosting a Korn Ferry expert panel on “Radically
Human Transformation to Sustainability” with business leaders
We seek to drive change for a
sustainable future by bringing
together and engaging with
business leaders who are shaping
the future of our world through
positive change and making their Change for Good
ESG ambitions a reality across the WEBINAR SERIES
public and private sectors. As part
We hosted this ESG and
of our commitment to empowering
Senior Client Partner Tierney Remick (far left) moderating an sustainability speaker series
talent, teams, and organizations ESG culture panel at the Aspen Institute’s ESG Summit.
addressing everything from the
to unlock their potential, we also importance of a purpose-driven
contribute to thought leadership, organization and culture to
research, data, and expertise to addressing people needs and
support organizations on their evaluating an organization’s resource
ESG journeys through the Korn | circularity and business diversity.
Ferry Institute (the “Institute”). The Korn Ferry spoke about the importance
Institute is an innovation center of incorporating purpose and ESG at
focused on illuminating the key Ragan and PR Daily’s 2022 Strategic
trends and drivers of human and Communications Conference.
organizational performance. | Recordings of this series are available
at our website, kornferry.com
22 23
“How the World’s Most Admired |
Companies prioritize ESG” surveys “Veterans are the employees companies
In “Who Are We?”
OUR THOUGHT LEADERSHIP over 700 senior executives from the should be seeking” explores how veteran
Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison
World’s Most Admired Companies talent can provide the capabilities and
2022 ESG RESEARCH in 2022 and leaders from similar knowledge needed to thrive amid
explains why we all have a
AND PUBLICATION organizations about what they disruption for certain civilian jobs.
responsibility to be inclusive.
| |
“I don’t know what to say! When
“Women CEOs “3 ways to build resilience in the face
of climate change” identifies ways
inclusive language leaves us at a
loss for words” is our guide for
speak today” studies companies can foster resilience and
make sustainability efforts last.
using inclusive language to address
role of CEO. lead to more diverse, equitable, report was developed by Korn Ferry and the
and inclusive cultures. World Business Council for Sustainable
Development for its member organizations.
24 25
Korn Ferry is committed to environmental sustainability.
We seek to maximize value for clients and investors
while contributing to a more sustainable future.
26 27
our operational carbon footprint primarily
consists of the greenhouse gas (“GHG”)
emissions our people generate through
Completed first annual GHG
workplace electricity use and when traveling
inventory reporting on our 2016
on client matters. GHG emissions also arise in
Scope 2 emissions, which are
the production and transportation of goods and generated through purchased
services we purchase to run our business. Our electricity and heat usage across
areas of opportunity to reduce and compensate our global office footprint. Began reporting Scope 1 emissions
for these environmental impacts include using from Company-leased vehicles
natural resources efficiently, minimizing waste with our 2017 emissions.
and energy consumption, purchasing Energy
Attribute Certificates (“EACs”), and investing in
climate action projects beyond our value chain.
We also seek to foster a culture of environmental 2020
stewardship among our colleagues, clients,
and suppliers.
Began reporting Scope 3
emissions generated by our 2021
business air and road travel
Our environmental sustainability commitment Updated Scope 2 emissions
with our 2019 emissions.
focuses on three areas: methodology to include
fugitive emissions from
Updated Scope 2 emissions
| Enhancing the measurement and disclosure refrigerants with our 2020
back to 2019, the baseline year
of GHG emissions. emissions and retroactively
for our emissions target, to
updated 2017 to 2019
| Reducing GHG emissions. incorporate improved data
emissions data to reflect
availability and recent business
| Engaging with our colleagues, clients, suppliers, this methodology.
acquisitions. Began reporting
investors, and other stakeholders to share and
Scope 3 emissions generated
collaborate on initiatives and contribute to a
from Company downstream leased
culture of environmental sustainability, both
assets with our 2021 emissions.
internally and externally.
28 29
Reduction in Scope 1
≈ 1
241KGallons of gasoline
Smartphone charges
Reduction in Scope 3
≈ 291K 315M
Gallons of gasoline
Smartphone charges
and 2 emissions from consumed business travel emissions consumed
2020 to 2021 from 2020 to 2021
30 31
Metric Tons of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (MTCO₂e)
BY 2025
45% 96%
ACTUAL Approximately
’21 vs. ’19
’21 vs. ’19
Progress toward our of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), which
seeks to promote sustainability in building design,
investments covers a broad spectrum of renewable
sources that include wind, solar, and hydro projects.
to review the potential relevancy of a range
of physical and transitional climate risks and
2025 reduction target construction, and operations. opportunities to Korn Ferry’s business operations
Our EAC purchases contributed to the significant
and strategy. We also considered how effective our
To support our environmental sustainability Our emissions reduction strategy includes reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions between
current management responses are in mitigating
commitment, we established a target in 2021 supporting renewable energy through purchasing 2019 and 2021. That reduction is also due in part
risks and realizing opportunities. We are publishing
to reduce total Scope 1 and 2 (market-based) EACs, which verify that one megawatt-hour to our employees working from home for most
our first TCFD Report in 2023, describing our
GHG emissions for our global offices by 30% (“MWh”) of electricity was generated and fed into of 2020 and in 2021, when we emerged from the
climate risk screening in further detail.
by 2025, compared to our 2019 emissions (our the grid from an eligible renewable source. To help primary lockdown period related to the COVID-19
“2025 Target”). This target is designed to align mitigate our 2020 electricity-related (Scope 2) pandemic. We will continue to monitor our IT systems powered by renewable energy
with the Paris Agreement’s goal of limiting global emissions and further progress toward our 2025 emissions relative to our target as our global By transitioning our information technology (“IT”)
temperature increase to within 1.5 degrees Celsius. Target, in 2021, we purchased Green-e certified offices continue moving toward resuming more systems to cloud-based platforms, our IT workload
Renewable Energy Certificates (“RECs”) equal normal operations. is being delivered more efficiently and by systems
Our 2025 Target has informed decisions related
to 1,300 MWhs of renewable electricity. Green-e that are increasingly powered by renewable
to our global office footprint, and we expect it will Exploring the implications of climate
is a leading certification program that establishes energy. Under our Cloud First program, more than
continue to do so over the coming years, including change for our business
minimum standards for RECs and related claims 95% of our IT systems reside in the cloud, with
targeted reductions in the amount of space that Beginning in 2022, we took steps toward further
in the United States. The purchased RECs were approximately two-thirds of these systems
we occupy. Because we lease our offices globally, examining risks and opportunities to our business
generated by the Persimmon Creek Wind Farm supported by Microsoft Azure’s cloud-based
we do not have direct control over the electricity- from climate change through a climate risk
in Oklahoma. infrastructure. Microsoft has announced its
purchasing decisions for those buildings. When screening process. Working with a consulting
possible, we consider energy efficiency in our commitment to sustainable business practices,
Later in 2021, we expanded our EAC purchases to partner, we engaged a cross-functional group
selection criteria for future office space and/or including shifting Azure’s power supply
include renewable energy projects from around the of executives and senior managers as well as
renewals of existing office space. to 100% renewable energy by 2025.3
world. Our 2021 and 2022 combined purchases of members of our Board of Directors (the “Board”
almost 12,000 MWhs of EACs include projects or “Board of Directors”) in a structured process
As of December 31, 2022, approximately 70% of
located in the European Union, India, China, South
our total square feet was in leased properties that
Africa, Brazil, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the
are certified to green building standards, such as
United States. In addition, our portfolio of EAC
LEED and/or BREEAM. We are also a member
3 “The carbon benefits of cloud computing: A study on the Microsoft Cloud in partnership with WSP,” at 3 (updated 2020), available at
32 33
Sustainability benefits
of e-signatures CULTURE OF space materials, such as metal filing cabinets.
Illustrative of this, over 800 pounds of e-waste
in 2021-22 SUSTAINABILITY from the closing of one of our Texas office locations We engage in other ways to eliminate waste and
was removed and recycled in accordance with the extend the life of important natural resources. In
Waste management and recycling
Responsible Recycling (R2) Standards, and the our 2022 Change for Good webinar series, we
We are committed to building a more reduction of leased space for one of our California hosted a webinar for external stakeholders and our
environmentally sustainable organization by locations produced over 20 tons of recycled metal. colleagues called “ESG: Getting your people behind
fostering a culture of sustainability both internally
Our global colleagues have continued contributing your path to circularity.” The webinar focused on
and externally. In 2020, Korn Ferry began the
how companies can engage employees on their
broader adoption of DocuSign for executing to our sustainability efforts while working from
home, in a hybrid environment, or back in the path to circularity. Sustainability leaders from Estée
contracts and other official documents. The
office. As an example of local waste minimization Lauder, Walmart, and the Alliance to End Plastic
decision to embrace a digital signature solution
and recycling initiatives, our Mexico offices hosted Waste shared learnings on circularity in action,
resulted in over 96,000 recipients not printing over
the “Korn Ferry Go Green” teaching initiative common challenges in and recommendations for
TREES SAVED 2,146,000 pages for calendar year 2022. During
how to implement a circular approach, and ways
calendar year 2022, Korn Ferry successfully remotely for the second consecutive year in 2022.
Colleagues worked with a third party to develop a to reuse more resources.
expanded the adoption of DocuSign across our
organization with a 43% increase in documents customized environmental sustainability learning
processed compared to calendar year 2021. The program for Korn Ferry colleagues in Mexico.
cumulative environmental impact of these actions Sessions covered topics such as the United Nations
A recording of this webinar is available
in calendar years 2021 and 2022 is estimated to Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) and at our website, kornferry.com
have translated to saving over 1,000 trees, ecological footprints. Korn Ferry Go Green also
~1M conserving approximately 1 million gallons of implemented a reduce, reuse, and recycle initiative
water, and reducing GHG emissions by about for colleagues working in the office and hosted a
370 MTCO2e.4 bottle cap collection drive to support cancer Commuter Benefits
treatment for children. Korn Ferry offers a variety of local benefits to
GALLONS OF WATER Korn Ferry has established recycling programs
support our employees who commute to work
CONSERVED for toner cartridges and other forms of e-waste. Other examples of sustainability and recycling
and promote more environmentally conscious
Through our partnerships with Xerox and Staples in our local offices include regular electronic waste
travel. These benefits can include the opportunity
in the United States, we recycle used toner collection and recycling in Brazil and Mexico as a
to use tax-free funds on commuting costs.
cartridges from our printers and copier machines. way for employees to dispose of their unwanted
In addition to the benefits that are covered by
For bulkier used computer equipment, such as items responsibly. In Europe and the United States,
pre-tax funds, some locations also offer a biking
monitors, keyboards, and docking stations, we colleagues made efforts to decrease the use of
benefit to promote active travel. As an example,
use e-waste recycling programs within certain single-use plastics by switching to environmentally
our “Cycle to Work” program in the United
of our office locations to dispose of equipment in friendly materials such as compostable coffee
Kingdom allows employees the opportunity
a responsible manner. In 2022, Korn Ferry had cups. Certification of International Organization for
to purchase a high-quality bike and offers a
office location moves or closures that resulted in Standardization (“ISO”) 14001 is maintained for
payment option that spreads the cost of the
opportunities to recycle e-waste and other office Korn Ferry’s London office, which requires
bike across an agreed-upon period.
employee engagement and helps to improve
resource efficiency and reduce waste.
4 Figures provided by DocuSign. To estimate the environmental savings from reduced paper usage, DocuSign uses the Environmental Paper Network’s Paper
Calculator Version 4.0. The Environmental Paper Network’s Paper Calculator uses data from North America. More information about the methodology is available at
34 35
36 37
Arial view of the Darkwoods Forest. Lake view within the Darkwoods Forest. Inspecting and repairing gas leaks in Dhaka. Checking leak detectors and hi-flow samplers in Dhaka.
CANADA5 the following:
In the Bangladesh capital of Dhaka, more than Decent Work and Economic Growth:
According to Global Forest Watch, Canada's Clean Water and Sanitation: The forests 21 million people rely on natural gas to power Bangladesh is one of the 50 least developed
tree cover has decreased by over 10% since 2000. of Darkwoods act as natural water filters their homes, businesses, and factories. The local countries in the world, where poor
Located in southeastern British Columbia, the and purifiers, providing fresh water for many gas distribution company has an old network in infrastructure hampers development.
Darkwoods Forest Conservation project began species of plants, animals, and people in disrepair, resulting in the significant release of International experts trained 70 people
in 2008 when the project developer purchased nearby areas. Restoring degraded ecosystems methane, a heat-trapping greenhouse gas over from local communities to find and repair
approximately 156,000 acres of private inland and conserving the project area have led to 20 times more potent than carbon dioxide. leaks, while a further 30 support staff
temperate rainforest (the largest private land continued net ecosystem service benefits, To reduce and prevent natural gas leaks, the were employed.
conservation project in Canada) to protect it such as improved water quality throughout Gas Leak Reduction project financed the purchase
Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure:
from subdivision, high-impact logging, and other the mountainous region and over 50 lakes. and import of specialized equipment, including
Specialized technology and techniques
environmental threats. The project zones and leak detectors and high-flow samplers, along with
Climate Action: The project reduces GHG have been transferred to support the
monitors different areas of the property and targets advanced sealant materials to provide long-lasting
emissions by preventing the release of development of sustainable infrastructure.
specific areas for strict biodiversity protection by sealing of leaks identified by the project. Specially
carbon associated with logging, road Gas leaks were found to be far more
limiting/deactivating roads, infrastructure, and trained staff have checked more than 500,000
building, and other forestry operations. common in the poorest areas due to a lack
activity; limiting public access; controlling invasive gas risers as of 2022, identifying and repairing
of knowledge and social power among the
species; conducting conservation research; and Life on Land: The project area is one of the more than 37,000 leaks.
people there. The networks in deprived areas
maintaining a low level of sustainable harvesting. most ecologically diverse forest areas in
Sustainable development benefits include had been neglected for many years and had
The project leverages carbon finance to conserve Canada and is home to approximately 40
the following: the greatest number of gas leak repairs.
critical ecosystems and carbon sequestration areas confirmed tree or animal species at risk of
at an unprecedented scale. As an Improved Forest extinction. The conservation of Darkwoods Good Health and Well-Being: The project Climate Action: Natural gas leaks result in
Management project, it delivers a mix of emission protects the integrity of nearby protected reduces the risk of accidents and hazardous emissions of methane into the atmosphere.
reduction and removal outcomes. lands and helps establish a corridor for a pollution from gas leaks. The repairs also Preventing these leaks improves
number of wide-ranging animals, including address low-pressure problems that leave environmental quality and minimizes risks
grizzly bears and mountain caribou. some customers unable to cook and heat to local communities due to the reduction of
their homes. harmful pollutants (methane). Implementing
this project is estimated to reduce these
Affordable and Clean Energy: Bangladesh is
emissions by approximately 4.38 million
struggling to meet rising energy demands.
MTCO₂e per year.
The country is running out of locally sourced
natural gas and had to begin importing
liquefied natural gas (“LNG”). This project
reduces the need for LNG imports that
are up to five times the local price.
5 The discussion on pages 38-41 regarding the climate action projects and their achievements is based on information
provided to the Company by our climate project sourcing partner.
38 39
The Kulera project replaces traditional indoor wood-fired The Kulera project supports the expansion of forest Water filters provide safer drinking water Schoolchildren with a water filter from the
cookstoves with fuel-efficient cookstoves. conservation in surrounding wildlife reserves. to local residents. Guatemala project’s clean water program.
40 41
A A-
RECOGNITIONS As of 2022, Korn Ferry received an MSCI
For the past six years, Korn Ferry has responded to the
CDP Climate Change Questionnaire, reporting on our GHG
ESG Rating of A. MSCI ESG Research provides
emissions and broader practices related to climate
MSCI ESG Ratings on thousands of companies
change. CDP is an international nonprofit organization
worldwide according to exposure to industry-
that runs a global disclosure system for investors,
specific ESG risks and the ability to manage
companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their
those risks relative to peers.
environmental impacts.
We received a Leadership level rating with a score
of A- for our 2022 submission, which detailed our
calendar year 2021 emissions and climate-related
practices. The Leadership level rating is the highest
GOLD level in the CDP framework. According to CDP, this
rating recognizes Korn Ferry as a leader in advancing
environmental stewardship, including by showing a
thorough understanding of risks and opportunities
2% SUSTAINABILITY RATING related to climate change, formulating and implementing
strategies to mitigate or capitalize on these risks and
In 2022, Korn Ferry was awarded the Gold opportunities, having verified GHG emissions statements,
SUSTAINALYTICS Medal Sustainability Rating from EcoVadis for its and effecting emissions reduction strategies to reach
company-wide goals.
ESG RISK RATING sustainability practices. This represents a score in
the top 5% of the companies assessed by EcoVadis We have improved our CDP score over time. In 2022,
In 2021 and 2022, Korn Ferry received an ESG globally. Korn Ferry received the Silver Medal from Korn Ferry’s Leadership level rating with a score of
Risk Rating of 9.6 from Sustainalytics and was EcoVadis for three consecutive years prior to A- places us two full rating levels and three score
assessed by Sustainalytics to be at a negligible 2022, and our score has improved each year. levels higher than the global CDP average, the North
risk of experiencing material financial impacts EcoVadis is an independent industry standard American regional CDP average, and the global
from ESG factors. This ESG Risk Rating places for evaluating and rating how well a company specialized professional services sector CDP
Korn Ferry in the top 2% of the global universe has integrated environmental, social, and ethical average, as shown below.
of companies assessed by Sustainalytics. principles into its business practices. EcoVadis
Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company, is uses a stringent methodology covering numerous
criteria across categories, including the Korn Ferry Score
an independent ESG research, ratings, and data
firm that supports investors around the world environment, labor and human rights, ethics,
with the development and implementation of and sustainable procurement. The ranking factors
responsible investment strategies. Sustainalytics in 21 issues, that are based upon international Average Scores LEADERSHIP
ESG Risk Ratings measure a company’s exposure sustainability standards such as the Global
to industry-specific material ESG risks and how Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, the United MANAGEMENT
well a company is managing those risks. The Nations Global Compact Principles, the
ESG Risk Ratings provide a quantitative measure International Labour Organization (ILO) AWARENESS
of unmanaged ESG risk and distinguish between conventions, and the CERES principles. In
five levels of risk: negligible, low, medium, assessing organizations, EcoVadis evaluates D
high, and severe. company policies, actions, and results. D-
42 43
We focus on making Korn Ferry a firm that energizes, develops, rewards,
and empowers people to pursue their passions and help our business
succeed. It is a priority for us to hire, develop, and advance the best
talent from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and experiences with equal
opportunity across the firm. We strive to foster a supportive, respectful
culture of inclusion where everyone feels their input is valuable, can do
their best work, and can exceed their potential. Our approach to talent
acquisition, development, recognition, engagement, and benefits is
designed to support this culture.
44 45
TALENT ACQUISITION Early career and campus programs manage complexity, tolerate ambiguity, and, given
today’s crises, cope with stress and rise above
| Expose students to Korn Ferry, our clients,
and our proprietary solutions.
We believe in an integrated, three-pronged
approach to the college and university market: challenging times. Successful graduates of these | Demonstrate the impact that skillful consulting
We aspire to build a world-class programs can move on to permanent roles within
direct recruiting from campuses, internships, and can have on people’s lives.
organization — one that aligns with our one of our solution areas, helping us continue to
research collaborations. When combined, it creates | Provide the opportunity to meet other Korn
strategy and purpose and that is staffed a deepened, synergistic, and mutually beneficial innovate around our clients’ toughest challenges.
Ferry interns and senior leaders from around
by a skilled, motivated, diverse, and agile relationship with the school that can grow into To build a strong foundation for sustainable the world.
workforce. Korn Ferry takes great pride in what we call a “Premier Partnership.” Through this change, we focused in 2022 on enhancing the
Upon completing the 2022 internship program,
finding, attracting, and hiring exceptional approach, we seek to provide meaningful way we recruit diverse and underrepresented
approximately 98% of our interns surveyed
talent. We strive to offer an outstanding opportunities for students and recent graduates; talent for internships and jobs in parallel with
responded that the internship provided them with
candidate experience by connecting identify, train, and develop Korn Ferry consultants developing and advancing our early career and
the knowledge and transferable skills required to
and leaders of the future; and increase our brand experienced talent. This has included expanding
individual purpose, aspirations, and skills help them move forward in their careers.
recognition on campuses. Our consultants address our relationships with Historically Black Colleges
with our opportunities. In 2022, we
classes on talent issues and trends, work with and Universities (“HBCUs”). Additionally, to help In our research collaborations with universities, we
continued to invest in and expand our students on special research projects, and us identify talent, we have partnered with several strategically engage with and support human
internal talent acquisition capabilities collaborate with faculty and administration on capital and business programs to drive innovation
nonprofit organizations serving underrepresented
as part of our overall talent strategy how to engage and develop student capabilities talent, such as The Academy Group, The African in these areas. Research collaborations have
to grow talent from within the business to best leverage their motivation and success. American Leadership Academy, The Institute included work with HEC Paris (École des Hautes
and help our employees become more Our early-career recruitment programs include for Responsible Citizenship, and 10,000 Black Études Commerciales de Paris), New York
than they thought possible. Interns, which provide leadership development and University, the Wharton School at the University of
career training for recent graduates from colleges
training programs for individuals from underserved Pennsylvania, the University of California–Riverside,
and universities around the world. These immersive
communities. We also engage our employees in and the University of Minnesota.
programs combine classroom activities with smart
simulations and on-the-job learning. Participants recruiting through programs at their alma maters,
can gain valuable exposure to Korn Ferry subject- career fairs, and referrals.
matter experts, our leaders at the talent industry’s We offer internship opportunities at Korn Ferry
forefront, and our solutions. for students globally. Internships are designed
“Korn Ferry is in the business of
people, and we search for the best Early-career recruitment program participants to achieve these goals:
for our clients and our organization. generally learn about the end-to-end talent | Support career skills, including the development
As the workplace continues to evolve, acquisition process and talent management of foundational consulting skills, executive
we strive to evolve with it and offer
consulting methodologies. The program also presence and brand, effective networking,
compensation, benefits, and growth
seeks to develop participant communication and and business acumen.
opportunities that keep our employees
engaged and rewarded.” consulting skills. We use our intellectual property | Teach about career progression through
Linda Hyman, Executive Vice President, to provide career assessment and guidance for career conversations and fireside chats
Chief Human Resources Officer participants, including through our purpose survey, with senior leaders.
which guides individuals through a research-based | Gain insight into the motivations and purpose
personal purpose journey. We believe a clear preferences of students to help them set goals
personal purpose enables employees to better and make impactful career choices.
Students from our 2022 internship program.
46 47
48 49
career goals, and focus. These partnerships
Korn Ferry understands leaders and the
help our employees define and direct their
challenges they face. We believe that evolving our
career aspirations.
colleague promotions The Mentoring Program seeks to provide great
own leadership development program is critical
to building an agile, collaborative organization
in 2021-2022 opportunities for mentees and mentors. Mentees that can mitigate economic and social volatility.
can gain a knowledgeable Korn Ferry colleague to For this reason, we developed RISE, a leadership
help navigate their careers. Mentors can not only development, engagement, and alignment
guide and nurture colleagues as they professionally initiative for Korn Ferry’s senior partners and
develop but learn from them as well. The program leaders. Launched in 2022, RISE uses Korn Ferry
reinforces our culture of collaboration, information- intellectual property, technology platforms, and
sharing, and personal development. Through the expertise. RISE aims to deepen a participant’s
Mentoring Program, Korn Ferry seeks to deliver self-awareness, accountability for individual
the counsel, structure, and skills that set employees success and the success of others, and ability to
~3,000 up to thrive on their individual career journeys. lead in a larger, more complex organization in a
In 2022, almost 3,000 employees participated hybrid, post-pandemic context. RISE is also
in the Mentoring Program. designed to increase team trust and effectiveness,
Mentoring Program empowerment, peer-to-peer collaboration,
Leadership U for Korn Ferry
participants in 2022 and Korn Ferry’s collective impact.
Beginning in 2021, we extended the reach of our
During a four-month journey, participants take
Korn Ferry Advance platform (“KF Advance”),
part in the following activities:
used externally by clients for career coaching and
career development, into an internal development | Individual self-reflection on leadership
program called Leadership U for Korn Ferry. effectiveness and feedback conversations
Available to all employees, Leadership U for with teams.
Korn Ferry uses Korn Ferry intellectual property, | One-on-one executive coaching.
technology platforms, and expertise to grow and
| Cross-organization peer innovation labs.
develop our talent. The program includes a self-
| Executive exchanges with leadership on
assessment tool with access to broad leadership
and professional development content from strategy, culture, practices, and processes.
across Korn Ferry.
50 51
Power of Choice
Power of Choice is a Korn Ferry
differentiated development offering
Mosaic Emerging Over a six-month journey, participants take Korn Ferry has established an alumni program
part in the following activities: for Mosaic graduates (“Mosaic Alumni Program”) that supports the growth of thousands
Talent Program | Facilitated virtual Korn Ferry Power of Choice to keep participants engaged and provide ongoing of our clients’ employees globally.
The Mosaic Emerging Talent Program (“Mosaic”) support so they can apply what they learned in Power of Choice is designed to help
leadership development sessions.
is Korn Ferry’s global talent development program Mosaic while supporting and mentoring each
| One-on-one executive coaching. talent learn the following skills:
for diverse, high-performing early- to mid-career other and current participants. For example, so
professionals from across our lines of business and | Sponsorship from senior leaders alumni can better appreciate how to support and
corporate functions. Mosaic was established in late within Korn Ferry. advance large, cross-solution projects, they learn
2020 to accelerate participants’ careers so they | Networking opportunities with peer
more about “One Korn Ferry,” our go-to-market IDENTIFY
are better enabled to expand their contribution strategy bringing together our core solutions to ways to increase their impact
colleagues and other leaders within the firm.
and create more impact for Korn Ferry clients drive more integrated, scalable client impact. on the firm by maximizing
and the firm. As of December 2022, Korn Ferry While in the program, participants are
their contribution.
has offered this program to about 750 employees generally supported in:
globally. Approximately 50% of Mosaic participants | Identifying ways to drive their career path
who graduated from the program in fiscal year and overcome headwinds that may be
2022 have received promotions. getting in the way. technical, relational,
| Establishing a clearer perspective on how to
represent their personal brand and build a
participants since and influential confidence.
network that supports their career aspirations. launch and
| Creating a plan to get the types of
stretch assignments that will drive their IDENTIFY
development and the support to succeed key network-building approaches.
at those assignments.
“While there are many things about
| Developing stronger business acumen and
promotion rate
my job that I enjoy, engaging directly
with Mosaic participants as an an enhanced understanding of Korn Ferry’s among 2022 CREATE A PLAN
executive sponsor is at the top of my business model, solutions, and go-to- to get the types of visible, important,
list. This program has helped the firm market strategies.
and complex assignments that will
recognize, reward, and develop some
of our best talent.” drive development and the support
Robert Rozek, Executive Vice President, to succeed at those assignments.
Chief Financial Officer & Chief
Corporate Officer
to practical, actionable steps they
can take to achieve their goals.
52 53
54 55
We also use a learning management system
accessible to employees that we call “iAcademy.”
iAcademy has rich and personalized content to
help employees continue their personal and courses added
professional development. This content
encompasses hundreds of digital learning
resources covering foundational skill building,
technologies, management training, our products,
and our solutions. Specific courses include different courses
professional skills, DE&I, and mandatory completed
56 57
58 59
As we continue our journey to broaden our | Diverse and inclusive affinity-based think
understanding of each other’s diversity, we strive tanks managed by employees who produce Inclusive family Gender-affirming Inclusive Care@work
to be intentional about celebrating our differences thought leadership and perspective papers formation benefits healthcare benefits
and creating platforms for employees to share on their cultural experiences, shared history,
more of themselves. This includes exploring and traditions. Adoption Reimbursement Ability to save money on
different dimensions of diversity and engaging in reimbursement of travel expenses healthcare contributions
Recognition programs
conversations on inclusion through the following: (up to a cap) incurred by engaging in healthy
We work hard to build an environment of to receive covered activities
| Local and regional DE&I Steering Committees Healthy pregnancy
recognition by acknowledging others and medical services
formed by colleagues in APAC, EMEA, Latin programs
appreciating their contributions and achievements.
America, and North America to build additional Policies for transgender
communities within offices or regions. The Korn Ferry Founders Award, our internal Flexible work and nonbinary
Inclusive parental
| Webinars focused on how we can create a employee engagement award, recognizes and leave arrangements employees to transition
stronger and more inclusive culture where celebrates exceptional individuals and teams who in the workforce
colleagues can share their backgrounds, pursue the extraordinary. Whether for candidates, Dedicated nursing
experiences, and authentic selves as well as clients, or colleagues, these recipients live our firm’s or wellness rooms
learn how to be better allies to one another. values and embrace its principles. Every cycle of
| Video interviews of Korn Ferry colleagues awards, we assemble a committee of influential
sharing their experiences navigating the leaders who represent the businesses and regions
of the firm to deliberate and determine winners
workplace as members of different communities. Seeking to insulate our workforce from risk but
based on nominations by Korn Ferry colleagues.
| Honoring the diverse cultures, backgrounds, not isolate them from our community, we have
histories, and contributions of individuals and For 2022, the 11th cycle of the program, we AND WELL-BEING increased our focus on a number of initiatives
communities around the globe. celebrated a diverse group of colleagues to connect and support employees, such as:
The safety and well-being of our employees is
| Educational materials and recommendations to worldwide. This year, we added an Early Impact | An internal mental health awareness campaign.
very important to us. The last few years have
increase the understanding and awareness of Award for those colleagues who have been at the been an unprecedented time of change, and we | Telemedicine benefits in countries where
the experiences of our different communities. Company for one to two years yet have had an have endeavored to support our people in different they are available.
immediate influence on our firm. The Founders ways through it. We offer competitive benefits | An Employee Assistance Program for all
Award is a Korn Ferry tradition that gives each one around the globe customized to each country employees and their household family members,
of us an opportunity to appreciate and commend we operate in based on market prevalence and which includes support in finding specialized
colleagues who have made a significant impact. cultural relevance. We seek to provide benefits healthcare and mental health resources for
Another way in which we recognize employees is that give employees the ability to make the best members of the LGBTQ+ community.
by highlighting work milestones and anniversaries. choices for themselves and their families. | Expansion of our Mindfulness Program, which
“I truly believe a healthy, safe, and
engaged workforce drives our culture Through our program Korn Ferry Accolades, we Before the COVID-19 pandemic, our Human includes webinars on meditation, yoga,
forward to help make Korn Ferry celebrate one another’s contributions on a global resiliency, anxiety, and stress, to all employees
Resources team initiated a wellness campaign
a premier career destination.” scale through a social network. We use this to and household family members.
called “Korn Ferry Cares” focused on the physical,
Brian Bloom, Vice President, Global create a more impactful, consistent, and memorable | Flexible work schedules and parental support
emotional, financial, and social well-being of our
Benefits & Mobility Operations experience for colleagues celebrating work workforce to motivate a holistic approach to for distance learning.
milestones and anniversaries. employee wellness and instill an organizational | Access in the United States to Care@work
culture of caring and health. This campaign took benefits by Care.com to help find caregivers
on additional meaning in recent years. for children, elders, and pets.
60 61
2021 2021
In 2022, the Human Rights Campaign
Foundation (“HRC”) named Korn Ferry as one
of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality 100 BEST BEST
for the fourth consecutive year. Achieving this
designation means that Korn Ferry earned a
100% rating on HRC’s Corporate Equality Index,
which is the national benchmarking tool on
corporate policies, practices, and benefits
pertinent to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, FOR PARENTS
and queer (LGBTQ+) employees. The HRC
For the fourth year in a row, we are honored to
seeks to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ people be among the 100 companies that earned a
by working to increase understanding and spot on the 2022 100 Best Companies list by
encouraging the adoption of LGBTQ+ Seramount (formerly Working Mother Media).
inclusive policies and practices. The 100 Best Companies list honors companies
that offer inclusive benefits for families,
including generous maternity and parental leave
and affordable emergency childcare. The 2022
100 Best Companies application includes more
2020 than 400 questions related to leave policies,
2021 workforce representation, benefits, childcare,
the 2022 Best Companies for Dads for the
WOMEN third consecutive year.
In 2022, Korn Ferry earned a place on the These recognitions reflect our commitment
It makes us incredibly proud to be recognized Top Companies for Executive Women list to colleagues who have faced so many unique
by several organizations for our commitment to by Seramount for the third year in a row. challenges in 2022, including the continuation
The Top Companies for Executive Women of homeschooling, virtual learning, lockdowns,
DE&I. These awards endorse our efforts to be a survey is a comprehensive evaluation of and the constant juggling of work and family
leading career destination for our current and policies, programs, and workforce profiles life. We seek to make the needs of our
future colleagues from all backgrounds. of participating companies that yields a employees a priority by creating an inclusive
definitive list of top workplaces for women workplace culture where working parents
to advance through the corporate ranks. can thrive.
62 63
Inclusion is intentionally the first of our core values. Our colleagues
bring together diverse backgrounds, cultures, experiences,
ethnicities, genders, orientations, and religious beliefs. We value
this diversity and believe that it makes us stronger, smarter, more
agile, and more innovative. It gives us multiple perspectives on
the world and informs the ways we connect with our people,
our clients, and the communities we touch.
64 65
11% promotions employees leaders
Gen Z, iGen,
or Centennials
50% 63% 54%
of Board of Board of executive officers
Latin America
Leadership Roles9 directors and corporate executive
Boomers leadership
66 67
and Legal teams to manage and grow our
Inclusive Supplier Program. This expansion
includes quarterly analysis of our diverse spend,
improved engagement with diverse and small
business enterprises, and increased partnerships
with clients and community organizations.
| Lastly, our DE&I team continues to support
Our Strategic
our Executive Search and Professional Search
teams by raising greater awareness around DE&I Priorities
DE&I in their recruiting processes for clients.
Investing beyond our recruitment initiatives, Talent
the firm has made some great progress with our
Mosaic Emerging Talent Program. Since Mosaic’s Hire, develop, and advance
launch, Korn Ferry has provided Mosaic to about diverse and underrepresented
750 employees and increased the number of talent across the firm.
employees who can be supported in the program.
About 50% of Mosaic alumni who graduated in
2022 received a promotion. I am so pleased to
keep hearing from current and former Mosaic Build a more sustainable
participants and their managers about how approach to driving an inclusive
Mosaic is making a difference in their lives culture for all talent.
I believe that each year our firm | The DE&I team is working in partnership with
personally and professionally. Our alumni often
becomes more resilient, more global, Human Resources to support the firm’s strategic
tell us they feel more engaged, motivated, and
and more aligned on how we can enable human resources initiatives, which include our
empowered to take control of their careers
global promotions process, onboarding process,
our employees to use their diverse at the firm. Drive greater societal impact
internship program, and early-career program.
backgrounds, experiences, and These initiatives allow us to engage more around DE&I issues with clients,
I feel strongly that our investments are good
perspectives to drive greater impact meaningfully with diverse, smart, and ambitious indicators of how we continue to live our core colleagues, and communities.
and performance for our clients. young talent who bring to the firm fresh value of inclusion. Inclusion has always been
perspectives, great energy, a strong work ethic, a part of who we are as a firm and always will
Our strategic priorities around talent, culture,
and a passion for what we do. Our collective be. We intend to continue accelerating our
and impact continue to be important to our
efforts are helping to position the firm to DE&I efforts to achieve a greater impact for our
broader DE&I progress and, ultimately, to our
equitably hire, promote, and extend greater employees, clients, suppliers, and communities
firm’s success. In 2022, our DE&I team continued
opportunities to women and people from in the years to come.
to engage in meaningful DE&I discussions with
underrepresented backgrounds.
leaders around our talent management policies, Thank you for being a part
practices, and procedures. Through this process, | With our IT team, we created an IT accessibility of our journey.
we gathered important feedback that enabled portal on Korn Ferry’s intranet to provide access
us to make wiser investments in the firm. to the technologies available to employees
who are managing mobility, hearing, vision,
JT Saunders
neurodiversity, and mental health disabilities.
68 69
| Tom Fanning, Chairman and CEO,
Southern Company
| Nadia Quarles, Assistant Vice President of
Business Diversity, University of Chicago
Total 2022
| Kim Waller, Head of North America DE&I
calendar year spend
Practice, Korn Ferry
with diverse and small
suppliers in the U.S.10
10 Figure presented based on our review and identification of certified and self-certified diverse and small suppliers in our supply chain with assistance from our
third-party diversity supplier consulting firm. Our diverse and small suppliers include those providing professional, consulting, and IT support services; office-related
goods and services; catering and food services; travel and hospitality services; and professional facilitators, coaches, and consultants to support our client needs.
70 71
A Q&A ABOUT optimize your supply chain in a new way? Can you
think more inclusively in partnering with more
BUSINESS DIVERSITY innovative and agile companies? How do you drive ACCESSIBILITY
WITH KIM WALLER value through the business that you do?
DE&I is a primary driver of our culture and strategy
because we believe that it is the right way to foster
You have been working with environments for success. DE&I unlocks the power
Korn Ferry on developing our across an organization’s talent, enabling people
to work together to solve complex issues. A key
Inclusive Supplier Program. What is
Kim Waller, pillar of DE&I is equitable access to tools and
Korn Ferry’s approach to building best-
resources that allow individuals, teams, and
Head of our North America in-class business diversity programs organizations to grow and develop. By working
DE&I Practice for clients as well as for itself? to remove barriers that prevent accessibility,
Korn Ferry is committed to providing content
At Korn Ferry, we recognize that
that is inclusive and accessible.
organizations in today’s complex world
must think broadly when considering We created an IT accessibility portal on Korn
What’s the difference between how they will make a positive impact. Our deep Ferry’s intranet that provides access to the
expertise in ESG and DE&I strategy cuts across technologies available to employees who are
supplier and business diversity?
organization strategy, change management,
managing mobility, hearing, vision, neurodiversity,
Organizations that recognize the power workforce transformation, executive search, and the and mental health disabilities. Colleagues can
of supplier diversity and the important many other capabilities essential for building a request dictation, document reading software, and
role it can play in helping corporations best-in-class business diversity program. By using a screen reading software. Korn Ferry also provides
create greater equity within their business are now broad, integrated approach, we help organizations guidance on accessibility features available on the
embracing “business diversity” — an approach develop sustainable business diversity strategies Company’s standard software.
that views business partnerships through a that reflect their diverse needs as well as the
broader, holistic, and sustainable lens. It offers diverse needs of their customers and the We think of accessibility as also making our external
the mindset shift needed to turn an organization’s communities that they serve. platforms, products, and content accessible to a
supplier diversity efforts up a notch by creating wider range of people with disabilities. In this
Korn Ferry, in the evolution of its own business regard, we have embarked on a project to make
competitive opportunities for companies to engage
diversity strategy, is seeking to model and activate our website more accessible. As an example, we
systematically with diverse and small businesses
ESG through business diversity. Through this added closed captioning in English to videos
beyond the traditional customer-supplier
approach, we want to create economic impact hosted on the website to make our video content
relationship. Business diversity elevates inclusion
for our diverse partners and our clients. Korn Ferry accessible to those with hearing disabilities. To
in supply chains as a business imperative.
understands that inclusive sourcing strategies reflect our diverse geographical footprint, we
This is increasingly critical in today’s business
designed to broaden the field of opportunity for plan to add closed captioning in other languages.
environment because ESG and sustainability
diverse businesses to engage in delivering value We have also worked with our creative teams to
can be top of mind for customers, employees,
— both for Korn Ferry and our clients — can help educate them on accessible design principles and
and investors. Business diversity challenges
accelerate positive economic growth for all. implemented processes to review content created
organizations to take a broader view of their
operations and partnerships. How can you on third-party platforms for compliance with our
website accessibility standards.
72 73
It’s not just about our people — it’s about all people.
We are committed to making a difference in our
communities and the world.
for students seeking additional guidance in
partnered with Year Up to create the Korn Ferry
designing and finding the right job for them.
Year Up Career Coaching Program. Year Up is a
nonprofit organization dedicated to preparing Australian Business and Community
young adults from underserved communities for Network mentoring program
donated by Korn Ferry
successful corporate careers and higher education. Korn Ferry colleagues in Australia volunteer with
financially or through in-kind During the 12-week program, Korn Ferry team the Australian Business and Community Network
services in 2022 coaches are paired with Year Up alumni to share (“ABCN”), a nonprofit organization working to
guidance on topics such as interview preparation, address educational disadvantages among middle Korn Ferry Australia mentors with ABCN Accelerate
Scholarship Program recipients.
76 77
philanthropic activities
Moving for a cause
| In Brazil, colleagues participated in a 10k
walk for GRAACC, a medical organization
providing cancer treatment for children
and adolescents.
78 79
80 81
82 83
An initiative of the Korn Ferry
Charitable Foundation
2022 scholarship
In 2021, the Foundation created the Lester
Korn Scholarship Program in honor of Korn
recipient snapshot
Ferry’s late co-founder. Lester Korn was a bold | Over $300,000 in
entrepreneur who transformed the search industry scholarships awarded.
when he started the Company with his partner,
Richard Ferry. He believed in hard work and big | 31 exemplary student recipients.
dreams. He also believed in rewarding people
for their achievements. | Recipients from Australia, Canada,
Chile, Hong Kong, India, Mexico,
It’s in this spirit that the Foundation honors
Lester Korn’s memory with the Lester Korn Peru, the United Kingdom, and
Scholarship Program. These $10,000 scholarships the United States.
support the children of Korn Ferry employees
worldwide. The Foundation is proud to help | Majors ranged from art history
students achieve their dreams. to biology, business, computer
science, economics, law, marketing,
To qualify, students must be pursuing a bachelor’s
medicine, occupational therapy,
degree, graduate degree, or the equivalent from
an accredited college or university. An independent philosophy, psychology, and
third party manages the scholarship application social work.
and selection process.
Korn Ferry's founders Lester Korn (left) and Richard Ferry (right).
84 85
I have a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology LineUp Athletics provides skills coaching your studies?
from Augusta University, and I’m currently
pursuing my doctorate in occupational therapy
at Georgia State University, which the scholarship
to young athletes with the goal of
strengthening their mental determination and
overall mental health to help them develop into
A Receiving the Lester Korn Scholarship has
helped me tremendously. I’ve been able to
lessen my workload, which gives me more time
is helping me fund. bold, poised, and fearless competitors. We also to focus on my studies, as the doctorate program
provide in-depth visual analysis and coaching on is extremely demanding.
Shannen-Rose Q What made you want to study
kinesiology and occupational therapy?
different athletic skills (such as attempting a
roundoff back handspring) so that we can help
How did you feel when you received
A My interest in kinesiology comes from my our athletes better master those skills. I believe the news that you had been selected
this holistic coaching approach helps our athletes
love of sports. I’ve been an athlete my entire as a recipient?
develop their physical skills as well as more self-
life, beginning with gymnastics. When I reached I was stunned! At first, I didn’t know what
awareness, self-love, and self-care.
the elite level, I decided to switch my focus to track the notification package was as it came in
and field as a hurdler, jumper, and sprinter. I was a tube, and I hadn’t ordered anything that would
When you’re not working or studying,
introduced to occupational therapy when I had need to come in a package that shape. It wasn’t
my third hip surgery (due to an injury from my
what do you like to do?
until I started unrolling it and saw the “000” of the
collegiate track and field career), which sparked
my interest in the area. An occupational therapist A I am passionate about helping others.
I founded and run Backpacks for Change,
$10,000 that I realized I was one of the recipients
of the scholarship. I showed everyone in the house
came to my hospital bedside, and she was the a nonprofit project that assists people experiencing immediately! I am so grateful I was selected.
one who showed me how to walk and climb stairs homelessness by providing backpacks containing
with 2022 Lester Korn again. The therapist was really encouraging and basic supplies and daily essentials. I also volunteer
Scholar Shannen-Rose kept my spirits high. I want to be able to do for as a trained mental health crisis counselor.
others what she did for me.
Tatiana Edward
Billy James
More 2022
Lester Korn Scholars Aitana
Andrea Isidora
Jaden Tarun Sophia
86 87
Community Partners
The Korn Ferry Charitable Foundation intends Leadership U for Humanity is available at no cost
Leadership U for Humanity to expand the current to participants selected by the Foundation. The
leadership pipeline by helping to cultivate diverse, program is made possible by the financial and
An initiative of the Korn Ferry talented professionals with the leadership acumen, resource support of Korn Ferry, which includes
Charitable Foundation passion, and commitment to drive impact in the delivery of live virtual classes and personal
The Leadership U for Humanity vision is to be a their communities. coaching. Participants are also provided with
catalyst for the underrepresented leaders of self-guided learning, opportunities for peer
Through this initiative, the Foundation has
tomorrow. Launched in November 2020, the interactions, and fireside chats with subject-matter
partnered with over 20 community organizations
Foundation’s Leadership U for Humanity is an experts on topics such as self-determination,
(“Community Partners”) to help bring Leadership
interactive six-month leadership development relationship building, and networking.
U for Humanity to as many people as possible.
program that was developed by Korn Ferry for the
“Investing in underrepresented leaders and At the end of March 2023, over 900 diverse
Foundation. The program’s purpose is to help
building strong leadership pipelines through professionals from a number of industries were
professionals of color and other professionals from
programs like Leadership U for Humanity is having enrolled in or completed the program.
underrepresented and underserved backgrounds
a proven benefit, not just for individual employees
with 4 to 15 years of work experience strengthen “Since completing the program, I have felt
but also for the engagement, job satisfaction, and
their leadership skills and empower them to equipped not only to excel in my current role
morale of their teams — and ultimately for the
accomplish their career goals. but also empowered to examine my future career
strength of an entire organization,” said Isabel
path, plan my personal and professional growth
Porras, Senior Director of Learning & Development
objectives, and tackle difficult challenges that
with Community Partner Out & Equal.
in the past may have seemed intimidating,” said
Graduates of Leadership U for Humanity have 2022 Leadership U for Humanity graduate Paul T.
reported that the program helped them to “I found Leadership U for Humanity to be an
advocate better for themselves, resulting in more invaluable resource for allowing me to reach
clarity and satisfaction within their roles, my full professional potential.”
promotions, pay raises, and career opportunities.
“My career has skyrocketed since participating in
the program,” said 2022 Leadership U for
Humanity graduate Dareshanie D. “The program
Learn about the Foundation and its
was an incredible opportunity to invest in myself Leadership U for Humanity initiative at
and focus on my professional goals by giving me kornferryfoundation.org
88 89
Participant facts
and figures 11
African American/Black
Institute fo
Re sp o n si b
le Citizenship
8% 61%
National Associ
of Health Servic
Er in
Asian/Asian-American/ Women Out & E
Pacific Islander Dareshanie
37% 2%
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Executive Leadership Council Michael
LGBTQ+ Nonbinary Nationa
l Associa
Services tion of H
Executiv ealth
Out & E
Program hours
1:1 professional Khalem
te for nship an
Institu sible Citize a
coaching hours n Isha a n Ame Kimberly
Respo nal A
f r i c n
Communities In Schools Natio nce Asso American Medical
Insur Women's Association
90 91
An initiative of the Korn Ferry
Charitable Foundation WHY?
The HBCU Leadership Accelerator Conference Counteract systemic underrepresentation
is designed to support college students heading across industries by accelerating the
into their first internship or job. The program
will leverage Korn Ferry’s leadership development
development of Black talent.
intellectual property to aid HBCU students in
career preparation by exploring their purpose,
goals, and skills required to navigate their careers.
The conference aims to foster a space for students
to learn about networking, relationships, and
personal brand in preparation for the
workforce ahead. HOW?
The HBCU Leadership Accelerator Conference Unleash Black talent’s potential by
will be launched in partnership with Claflin equipping them with the tools, skills,
University, the first and oldest historically Black
university in South Carolina. Through this
and capabilities required to drive their
program, the Foundation aims to deepen its personal and professional success.
relationships with HBCUs and enable the
Foundation to have a broader impact on
the diverse talent pipeline.
Launch a cohort-based experience
that expands Black talent’s
understanding, knowledge, and
exposure to leadership and careers.
Learn about the Foundation and its HBCU
Leadership Accelerator Conference initiative
at kornferryfoundation.org
92 93
As a global corporation, our commitment to act ethically
begins with each of us. This approach is embedded in our
core values of Inclusion, Honesty, Knowledge, and
Performance and guides how we work together and with
others. We strive to be a leader in corporate governance;
report results with accuracy and transparency; conduct
ourselves in a legal, ethical, and trustworthy manner; comply
with both the letter and spirit of our business policies and
the law; and protect the information provided to us.
GOVERNANCE Doyle N. Laura M. Gary D. Charles L. Jerry P. Angel R. Debra J. Lori J.
Beneby Bishop Burnison Harrington Leamon Martinez Perry Robinson
The Board and Company are focused on creating Our Board of Directors In carrying out its responsibilities, the Board is evolving SEC disclosure and shareholder proposal
a Board that reflects a wide range of backgrounds, governed by certain guiding principles about its requirements, and cybersecurity and data privacy
experiences, and cultures. The following skills are Good governance starts with independent, composition and essential duties. Korn Ferry also practices and programs, among others.
possessed by one or more of our directors: effective, and diverse Board leadership. has strong corporate governance policies and
The Board and its committees are responsible
Our Board is one of Korn Ferry’s most practices to promote the management of our firm
for overseeing the Company’s process for assessing
Extensive senior Appreciation of crucial assets. As such, the composition with integrity while delivering value to clients and
and managing risk. Various members of senior
leadership/executive diverse cultures stakeholders. The Board reviews these policies
of the Board evolves alongside our management periodically report and present to
officer experience and backgrounds and practices at least annually.
strategic needs for the future. We the Board on risk mitigation measures related
(including as a public
company CEO)
Significant strategic believe we are more likely to achieve The Board is assisted in carrying out its to business continuity, disaster recovery, and
oversight and long-term, sustained shareholder value responsibilities by three standing committees the key risks facing the Company.
Significant public execution experience consisting only of independent directors: an
when our Board has the right mix of The Board receives a security status briefing
company board, Audit Committee, a Compensation and Personnel
Experience overseeing skills, expertise, and tenure. from senior leadership at least annually, with
committee, and Committee, and a Nominating and Corporate
large and diverse special topic updates as requested or needed.
corporate governance
Governance Committee.
workforces The Board benefits from the additional experience
Oversight role of the Board on data privacy and cybersecurity matters of Board
Broad product and
Risk management/ The Korn Ferry Board and its committees are members Lori Robinson, based on her experience
marketing experience Independent Board Diverse directors in Board
oversight experience Leadership Roles responsible for overseeing Korn Ferry’s business with international security issues, and Charles
Breadth of experience and affairs, including strategy and long-term Harrington, based on his nearly 40-year career
Innovative thinking
across industries business plans, management development, with a technology-focused defense, intelligence,
Broad international executive compensation, succession, human security, and infrastructure engineering firm.
Climate and energy 3 Female directors
experience capital and other ESG matters, business continuity,
experience The Board oversees the Company’s shareholder
and cybersecurity.
High ethical standards engagement program and, where appropriate,
Information security
The Board reviews the strategic plan at least Board members engage directly with our
Accounting expertise expertise
annually and monitors its implementation shareholders on a range of governance topics.
(including two
During 2022, topics included the Company’s ESG
throughout the year. In addition, the Board
holds an annual offsite meeting that focuses program and executive compensation practices.
on the Company’s long-term strategy and
DIVERSE competitive environment.
Throughout the year, the Board receives regular Access to key governing documents such as
our Code, Corporate Governance Guidelines, and
updates on governance topics, ranging from the Board committee charters, which describe each
focus on ESG, diversity, and human capital matters committee’s respective roles and responsibilities,
can be found on our website, kornferry.com
by investors and regulators, legal developments
related to corporate governing documents,
1 Hispanic/Latino director
1 Black/African-American director
96 97
98 99
AND INTEGRITY for those who have a role in the preparation and/or
review of information included in the Company’s
principles of the Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics for Contractors and Vendors and our key
The Korn Ferry approach to business ethics public filings, to report such information accurately policies into agreements with contractors and
and honestly. The Code also prohibits bribery and vendors (such as those related to security and
and integrity is embedded in a culture of training, Board Audit Committee
communication, policies, and support from corruption, including any use or attempted use protecting confidential information) to address
management as well as our Board. Korn Ferry by directors, employees, and officers of their how we will work fairly with these parties and
endeavors to maintain a strong and effective position at Korn Ferry to obtain an improper what we expect in return, including high levels
global Ethics and Compliance Program under personal benefit. of ethics, quality, and confidentiality. Oversees Code implementation
the oversight of the Audit Committee and the and administration.
Company’s Management Ethics and Compliance
No matter where they are in the world, our people
are expected to commit to abiding by the Code as
Our global
Committee, which is composed of senior
well as many other critical policies and procedures training programs
management. Together, these committees aim
as a condition of employment, including Korn Korn Ferry seeks to increase the level of awareness Recommends Code
to foster a culture of compliance and integrity
Ferry’s Information Technology Security Policy and understanding of our policies and of applicable changes to the Board.
by setting that tone at the top, reinforcing that
(“IT Security Policy”), Agreement to Protect law through ethics and compliance training and
ethics are important and taken seriously, and
Confidential Information, and any engagement- other communications. We train our employees,
embedding ethical values into everyday actions.
specific confidentiality obligations. including management, annually on the Code to Reviews and assesses Ethics and
Code of Business Code of Business Conduct
reinforce the standard of ethical conduct our Compliance Program effectiveness.
employees are expected to meet, how everyday
Conduct and Ethics and Ethics for Contractors behavior should align with our core values, and
how professional responsibility and quality start
The Board has adopted the Code, which applies
and Vendors Management Ethics and
to all Korn Ferry directors, employees, and officers with them.
(including our CEO, Chief Financial Officer, and Our expectations for high standards of business Compliance Committee
Our annual Ethics and Compliance training
Principal Accounting Officer). The Code offers conduct, integrity, and adherence to the law
for employees includes subjects such as anti-
a set of shared ethical values and legal guidelines reach beyond our employees. They extend to our
corruption laws, conflicts of interest, insider
for conducting business in a fair, ethical, and legal contractors and vendors that we use to help us
trading, maintaining a respectful workplace, Supports Ethics and Compliance
way in the workplace and our marketplace. These meet the needs of our business. We seek to
confidentiality, data privacy, and information Program administration.
guidelines include the following principles: develop and strengthen partnerships based on
security. We have a 100% completion rate for
transparency, collaboration, and mutual respect.
| Loyalty, honesty, and integrity. active employees required to take this Ethics
| Observance of ethical standards. Korn Ferry’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Compliance training in fiscal year 2022.
Promotes stakeholder collaboration
for Contractors and Vendors describes our Additional Ethics and Compliance training is
| Accountability. on compliance issues.
expectations for our contractors and vendors, provided to employees in a risk-based manner.
| Adherence to the law.
including a commitment to high professional
Directors, employees, and officers are expected standards, ethical conduct, and a work environment
to maintain the confidentiality of information that respects fundamental human rights in their
entrusted to them in compliance with applicable business dealings with Korn Ferry and otherwise.
100 101
Speaking up Human rights and a OUR COMMITMENT employees are required to complete annual
training related to information security and privacy
Korn Ferry encourages employees, contractors, respectful workplace TO DATA SECURITY matters, augmented by dynamic training through
and vendors to report suspected misconduct to
the Company. Korn Ferry provides several avenues
As reflected in our Human Rights Statement, we AND PRIVACY an industry-leading security training platform that
support the fundamental principles of human provides real-time feedback through tailored
through which to report concerns. The Company Trust is the cornerstone of our relationships with phishing simulations.
rights throughout our business and in each region
regularly publicizes the means to report potential clients, individuals, and the public. When these
of the world where we operate. Our respect for In connection with the Board’s risk management
violations and seek guidance on compliance issues stakeholders provide information to us, they expect
protecting and preserving human rights is guided oversight responsibility, Board members receive
to employees and contractors. us to keep that information secure and comply with
by the principles outlined in the United Nations a full cybersecurity and data privacy program
applicable data protection laws and regulations.
Korn Ferry prohibits retaliation of any kind Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Korn briefing annually as well as periodic briefings
Taking a holistic approach to privacy and security,
against anyone who, in good faith, reports Ferry’s commitment to human rights informs our based on specific requests or current events.
Korn Ferry regularly evolves its information security
violations or possible violations or who assists practices, including our values, culture, policies,
and data privacy programs and practices. We do Management and oversight
in the investigation of a reported issue. We and actions toward our employees, contractors,
this to promote the safety, security, and responsible
encourage the reporting of any potential vendors, clients, candidates, and the communities Our Vice President of Security and the global
use of the information and data entrusted to us.
retaliation. Our nonretaliation policy is in which we operate. security organization are responsible for managing
publicized through the Code, training, Approach and enforcing Korn Ferry’s information security
We focus our human rights efforts on areas most
and other communications. Korn Ferry endeavors to take appropriate technical policies and programs and report to the Senior Vice
relevant to our business and operations regarding
and organizational measures and precautions to President, Chief Information Officer. Korn Ferry’s
Korn Ferry’s Alertline, operated by a third-party potential human rights impacts. Maintaining an
protect and secure data entrusted to the firm. global Security team is responsible for managing
compliance service provider, is publicly available inclusive workplace is a critical dimension of our
Information security policies and procedures are Korn Ferry’s Information Security Management
to our employees, contractors, clients, vendors, culture and of creating the environment we all
in place and specifically designed to protect System, which includes policies like our IT Security
and others outside of the organization to report want to be a part of at Korn Ferry. We are
personal information from unauthorized access, Policy. The IT Security Policy is designed and
concerns. Alertline reports: dedicated to providing our personnel with a
alteration, disclosure, or destruction. We regularly administered to follow the guidelines outlined
respectful, safe, and ethical workplace free from
| Can be made anonymously and confidentially examine our data collection, use, transfer, disclosure, in ISO standards 27001 and 27018.
hostile, discriminatory, or harassing conduct.
(unless prohibited by law). and disposal policies and procedures to promote Korn Ferry has a dedicated global Privacy team
In our workplaces and our dealings with clients, ongoing compliance with data protection laws
| Are handled in a confidential manner to the that reports to Co-Chief Privacy Officers who
business partners, and suppliers, we support: and ISO standards.
extent possible considering the potential are responsible for overseeing the compliant
need to investigate the alleged violation or | Abolishing child labor. We have a robust set of data security risk mitigation processing of personal data. The global Privacy
otherwise follow up on the report. | Eradicating all forms of forced, bonded, and measures that include internal, external, and third- team is charged with the maintenance and
| Are directed to the General Counsel and compulsory labor. party risk assessments as well as required employee enhancement of the Company’s data privacy
the Senior Vice President, Internal Audit and training. Cybersecurity and data privacy risks are program, which includes the following:
| Avoiding complicity in the adverse human rights
Risk Management Oversight. impacts caused by others. categories surveyed as part of Korn Ferry’s annual | Promoting awareness of privacy across the
| Are expected to be evaluated and investigated, | Eliminating unlawful discriminatory practices
Enterprise Risk Assessment. We also engage organization by working with business teams.
as appropriate, to the extent related to concerns industry-leading third-party cybersecurity
with respect to all aspects of employment. | Conducting assessments intended to identify
of a possible violation of law or policy. companies to conduct testing and assessments
and address areas for enhancement.
of our systems and processes, thereby providing
FOR MORE INFORMATION | Monitoring changing regulatory and
external validation of our policies and programs.
Access our Code, Human Rights Statement, Code industry standards.
of Business Conduct and Ethics for Contractors This is complemented by a third-party risk
and Vendors, Modern Slavery Act Policy Statement management program designed to identify | Implementing new policies, procedures,
2022 (U.K.), and Modern Slavery Statement
(Australia) at kornferry.com and mitigate third-party cyber risks. In addition, and measures as needed.
102 103
104 105
106 107
Business advisors. Career makers.
People are our purpose. Developing them,
supporting them, and helping them to
unleash their potential. And that starts with
everyone who is part of Korn Ferry. We
want to acknowledge and thank our Korn
Ferry colleagues who are dedicated to
living our core values and embedding them
throughout our organization. We continue
to be inspired by their commitment to our
clients, communities, and each other.
Together, we are More Than.