Banners of Breland

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Table of Contents......................................................... 2
Designer: Peter Lapp
Introduction ................................................................. 2
Adventure at a Glance ......................................................... 3 Editor: Lydia Hodgins
Adventure Music .................................................................. 3 Art Director: Lydia Hodgins
Maps ....................................................................................... 3 Graphic Designer: Lydia Hodgins
Adventure Summary ........................................................... 3 Template: Simple Microsoft Word Template by
Setting .................................................................................... 3 Laura Hirsbrunner
Background ........................................................................... 3 Cover Illustrator: Jack Holliday
Part One: Mission to the Mournland ......................... 5 Interior Illustrators: Jack Holliday, Corey
First Contact ......................................................................... 5 Johnston, Rick Hershey, Dean Spencer,
Into the Mournland ............................................................ 6 Robert Hemminger, Dungeon Scribe, Paper
Agents of the Lord of Blades ............................................ 6 Mage. All other art either part of the public
Bulwark, the Living Mage Armor .................................... 6 domain, the DMsGuild Creator Content
Cyran Survivors .................................................................. 6
library, or created by Peter Lapp and Ferret
Kythri Manifest Zone......................................................... 6
Mirror Travelers .................................................................. 7 Foundry.
Rail of the Damned .............................................................. 7 Special Thanks: To Lydia Hodgins for putting
Reverse Storm ...................................................................... 7 up with late nights and my own incessant
Valley of Needles.................................................................. 7 crankiness.
Part Two: The Battlefield ............................................ 8
A. The Brelish Trenches .................................................... 8
D. Widow’s Hill .................................................................. 10
F. The Rail Line ...................................................................11
G. Karrnathi trenches ........................................................11
Finishing the Job ................................................................11
Part Three: Leaving the Battlefield ........................... 12
The Mournland Fights Back ............................................ 12
Elliott’s Fate ....................................................................... 12
Conclusion .......................................................................... 13
The Banners ........................................................................ 13
Elliott’s Tags ...................................................................... 13
Further Adventures ........................................................... 14
Appendix A: Supernatural Region - Time Distorted
Battelfield .................................................................... 15
Appendix B: Bestiary ..................................................18
Appendix C: Magic Items ........................................... 31
Appendix D: The Six Platoons .................................. 35
29th Aerial Division – “The Sky Horns” .......................35
17th Arcane Division – “The Bloody 17” .......................35
64th Cavalry Division – “Thunderhead Division” .....35
33rd Infantry Division – “The 3 and 3” .........................35
82nd Infantry Division – “The Young Pups” ...............35
112th Infantry Division – “Khyber’s Finest” ...............35
Contributors............................................................... 36

Publisher’s Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games
Some artwork copyrighted by Avalon Games, used with permission

Some content reproduced from Tome of Beasts, © Kobold Games 2016. Reproduced here as Open Game Content as defined under the Open Game License (OGL)
1.0a, Section 1(d)

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ra vnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.

This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

‘Eberron’ logo created by Gordon McAlpin

All other original material in this work is copyright 2021 by Peter Lapp and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
INTRODUCTION strange challenges that arise during their
expedition, the players successfully collect all 6
banners, only to have the battlefield itself rise up to
try and stop them. The players, upon returning with
ADVENTURE AT A GLANCE the banners, are then faced with the choice of what
to do with the great weight of responsibility thrust
• Level 8 [Tier 2] upon them by the job.
• 4-6 hours
• Focused on search a specific Mournland
battlefield. Exploration and combat SETTING
make up the bulk of this adventure, with Nearly all of the adventure takes place directly on
a handful of moments included the battlefield where the soldiers fell on the Day of
throughout for role-playing. Mourning. The battlefield is located on the
• The purpose of this adventure is to give Southern tip of the Glowing Chasm, West of Metrol.
players a taste of the dangers of the The Mournland is a strange, dangerous place,
Mournland, while providing hooks for seemingly haunted by the century of war that
further adventures relating to the preceded the Mourning.
politics of Breland, the mysteries of the
Glowing Chasm, or the relics of the BACKGROUND
Mournland. The Day of Mourning was the horrendous final
battle that ended the Last War, a conflict so terrible
ADVENTURE MUSIC it was agreed that it must be the final war between
nations. During this battle fighting was so intense it
Click here to re-download the music designed to
accompany this adventure. opened up a rift in the land itself which came to be
called the Glowing Chasm. The nature of the chasm
was so strange it was not even known whether
MAPS creatures could get near it safely, leaving the
Click here to re-download the battlefield map. Mournland much abandoned for a great while.
Recently, an Aundairian expedition bravely set out
ADVENTURE SUMMARY into the Mournland, getting near the Glowing
The players begin on the edge of the Mournland, Chasm and returning seemingly unharmed. This
and are soon contacted by a person who needs their space in the Mournland is the current resting place
help. This is either a representative of the Brelish of the 6 Brelish Divisions that died in the fighting,
Crown or an anti-monarchist Chartist depending along with their leaders and banners.
on the feelings of the party. They are tasked with On the home front tensions are building. A faction
retrieving the banners of 6 fallen Brelish platoons has begun to call for the dismantling of the Brelish
who were killed during The Mourning. The Crown Government to be replaced with a
Mourning ripped open a weird chasm which altered democracy and calls themselves the Chartists. The
the surrounding area, and has just recently been movement has begun to take serious hold in
deemed safe to go near. After overcoming the Eastern Breland, spearheaded by a woman named
Amber d’Lyrandar. This has caused the monarchist
government to look for a way to boost patriotism
and crush these new ideas without the need for
violence. Both the Monarchy and the Chartists want
the six banners resting in the Mournland. The
Monarchists want them as a reminder that the war
was fought to uphold Brelish values, the Chartists
want them as a symbol of the suffering caused by
the current form of Government. Upon this setting
the adventure plays out.
PART ONE: MISSION TO THE Droaam and Thrane to attack Breland and destroy
the freedoms the country has created. Either that,

MOURNLAND or allow the Dragonmark Houses, of which Amber

is a part, to fill the power vacuum created by a lack
of monarch. He wants to undermine the Chartist
movement by retrieving the six fallen banners from
FIRST CONTACT the Mournland for the Crown, displaying them as
Players require knowledge about the poignant reminder of everything the country has
Crown/Chartist tensions. This can either come sacrificed for order and prosperity.
during character building or while the party is
waiting on the edge of the Mournland. Player
feelings about the tensions mean they will be
contacted by the representative more closely
aligned with their opinions. If they are pro-
democracy, or simply anti-monarchy, they’ll be
contacted by Amber d’Lyandar, a handsome
woman with short, cropped hair and piercing eyes.
Amber is moderately influential in politics
thanks to her place in the Lyandar House. After the
Day of Mourning, Amber vowed she would never
again stand by and watch a generation of her peers
march off to a pointless war under the rule of a
single individual. She instigated the Chartist
movement with the goal of peacefully dismantling
the Monarchy. The first big step in that goal would
be by retrieving the fallen banners in the
Mournalnd, as poignant symbols of the
wastefulness of the Monarchy’s wars.

In either case, the party is handed a Raven’s

Perch Pauldron by their patron to help them scout
out the environment while they travel.

If they have no strong feelings or are

sympathetic to the monarchy have them be
contacted by Uthar Perryn, a slim man dressed in
dark robes with a thin mustache and darting eyes.
Uthar works for The King’s Dark Lanterns, an
agency recently developed to work in espionage and
counterespionage in the name of the Brelish Crown.
Uthar believes Amber is a plant who began the
Chartist movement to weaken the state allowing
INTO THE MOURNLAND Mournland Random Encounters
It’s 150 miles from the edge of the Mournland
d100 Result d100 Result
where the party starts to the battlefield where the
banners fell. The journey should take 5 days, if all 01-40 Nothing 57-58 1 Rift Swine,
goes well. But this is the Mournalnd. Every 12 hours 1d4 Living
the party spends in the Mournland, starting from Grease
when they begin travel, roll a d100 according to the
Mournland Random Encounters Table below. For
an in-depth introduction to the dangers of the area 41-42 1 Mourn 59- 2 Rift Swine
and how the creatures and horrors of the old Scavenger 60
battlefield feel you can play out each of the
encounters. To adhere to the 4-6 hour play time, 43-44 1d4+1 Flail 61-65 Agents of the
explain the challenges and ask the players how they Snail Lord of Blades
overcame each one using the skills and tools at their
disposal. 45-46 2 Living 66- Bulwark, the
Witch Bolt, 70 Living Mage
The party comes across devotees of the Lord of Magic Missile
Blades (5 in total) led by a warforged named Sliver.
They would normally be immediately hostile to any 47-48 1d4+3 Living 71-75 Cyran
non-warforged, but they are currently on too Ice Knife Survivors
important a mission to risk losing a needless fight.
Even then, the agents interrogate the party about
what they’re doing in the Mournland. If the agents 49-50 1 Flail Snail, 76- Kythri
don’t like the players answer, they won’t initiate 1d4+1 Living 80 Manifest Zone
combat, but they will clandestinely send a message Grease
to the Lord of Blades asking for a wetworks team to
eliminate the players later. 51-52 3 Carrion 81-85 Mirror
Crawler, Travelers
The party comes across a particularly intelligent
Magic Missile
Living Spell named Bulwark. Bulwark can
communicate psychically with the party and tells 53-54 2d6+1 86- Rail of the
them that it does not wish to fight. In fact, it’s a Ethereal 90 Damned
pacifist. Bulwark wants to understand the Marauder
Mournland and the circumstances that led to
Bulwork’s own creation. Bulwork is busy following 55-56 1 Mourn 91-95 Reverse Storm
a lead, but a successful Persuasion check (DC 20) Scavenger, 1d4
will convince Bulwork to join the party on their Living Ice
mission. Bulwork can enchant any unarmored Knife
creature to turn their base AC into 13 (instead of 10).

96-100 Valley of Needles

The party encounters a group of 10 survivors of the
Mourning led by a human woman named Abriella.
They assumed that the Mourning was an event that
went continent-wide and have no idea the world
persisted as normal outside the Mournland. They
beg the players to give them resources and escort
them back out to the regular world.


The party comes across a manifest zone for Kythri,
the Churning Chaos. The zone has an abundance of
animals native to Kythri. They appear as normal
animals native to Khorvaire, but each constantly
shifts between forms. A fox becomes a tiger, then a
bundle of ferrets, then a swarm of locusts, then an
eagle, and so on. It’s clear that they are biologically
adapted to the chaos of their home plane and
removing them from the manifest zone causes
them great suffering, as the structure and order of
the material plane try to force them into a single


A DC 15 Perception check reveals a group of
In addition to the encounters above, we recommend
travelers far off in the distance, walking away from
Encounters in the Mournland by Gregory Hallenbeck.
the party. They are a perfect duplicate of the party
and mirror every action that they take. When the
party stops moving, so do they. When someone in
the party turns around, they do too. They persist
until they crest a small hill, vanishing over the
horizon. Then they disappear forever.


A lightning rail car travels over the ground, along
the path of the old rail line. There are no conductor
stones and the train seems to be entirely empty.
Never-the-less, the train stops in front of the
players and the doors to a passenger cabin open up.
It is heading in the same direction the are headed. If
the players decide to enter the train, it will take a
day off of their travel time… but the car will
eventually try to eat them.

A thunderstorm begins to form where the players
are, but with the rain falling upward from the
ground and into the sky. After a moment, lightning
bolts begin shooting upward from the ground, as
well. Each round that they remain in the storm,
there’s a 50% chance a random player is hit by
lightning: DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, 17 (5d6)
lightning damage on a failed save, half damage on
success. The players need to find cover from the
storm to protect them. However, instead of needing
to be under something, they need to climb on top of
something to block the rain.

A glade of grass that looks fairly normal (and even
healthy) from a distance but a DC 12 Survival check
reveals that the blades are as hard and sharp as
glass skewers and they angle themselves toward
body heat.

Once the players have arrived at the battlefield, Depending on where the players entered the
read the following: Mournland from, they are likely to arrive on the
battlefield starting at either the western trenches
(Area A) or the eastern trenches (Area G).
The entire area near the Glowing Chasm is a
time-displacement zone, including the entire
battlefield. See “Appendix A: Time Displacement
Zone” for the possible effects this can have
throughout the adventure.


Out of the muck and grime layering the
bottom of the trenches a figure moves. Before
you can react it orients itself as a human, a
man in fact, wearing Brelish colors and
clutching a sword. For a moment the sight is
so ghoulish it seems as though a soldier has
returned from the dead, but as the man
catches sight of you he drops to his knees.
“Thank the gods,” he says, before sheathing his
sword and struggling back to his feet,
trudging towards you with a scarred and
shaking hand outstretched.

The party meets a soldier, Elliot Bailey, trapped on

the battlefield. Elliot explains that he survived the
Mourning but is unable to stray too far from the
Chasm. Whenever he ventures too far away, too
close to his home, an arcane force stops him, B. THE TRAIN STATION
throwing him back into the bloody hellscape he
wants so desperately to leave. The forcefield which
holds him isn’t the only strange occurrence out
here, he’s also seen scavengers who try to take
important things from the dead slaughtered by the
battlefield itself. Small trinkets seem fine, but
anything of significance, apparently including
people, is not allowed to leave.
Elliot is very weak from two years under the
influence of the time-distortion and waves of
arcane energy pouring from the Chasm. He’ll offer
to help the players, but anyone can tell he’s barely
able to stand. He asks the players to take his
military tags (a necklace which “speaks” his name,
rank, unit, and next-of-kin in the head of anyone
who wears it) to his sister Eleanor in Wroat, should
they survive the venture. He asks that the players lie The players can take some time to search for the
to her and tell her he died bravely on the Day of banner. It is not particularly hidden, simply covered
Mourning so that she can move on and find peace by a fallen Brelish soldier. The Brelish soldier also
without wondering about his fate. has a Comrade’s Bracelet on their wrist. A detect
Elliott tries to hand the party the Gravekeeper’s magic spell will reveal that the bracelet is magical,
Lantern that he took from the body of a Brelish but it won’t do anything without it’s linked partner
officer. He says that it’s protected him from undead (located under the bridge in Area C). Have the party
in the time that he’s been on the battlefield and that roll a Perception check, which doesn't determine if
the players may need it if they insist on exploring they find it, but how long it will take them. Upon
further. finding the banner, read the following:

The distorted time of the The Chasm causes the area

to revert back to the middle of the war. For a
moment the players see soldiers, alive again,
fleeing the blast-disk on the ground, ready to
explode once-again.
Have the players inside the station roll DC 15
Dexterity saving throws. On a failure, they take 4d6
fire damage. They take half of that on a success.
The banner is singed but remains basically whole.


Should one of the players roll a perception check, a

roll of 15 or higher will reveal that the ball is not
exactly static. Rather, it seems to be drawn to them,
its tendrils of lightning straining to reach them. If
As the players get near the bridge, a spectre the players notice this, a successful DC 15 Arcana
appears, dressed in the uniform of a soldier of check will reveal that this a Living Spell. If they
Karrnath. It is flashing with arcane energy, its succeed this Arcana check by 5 or more, they deduce
powers increased in death. This is a Karnaathi that it is a Living Chain Lightning.
Phantom – a special forces unit enchanted to The moment the players approach to retrieve the
continue the fight after death. banner, the creature truly comes alive. It
The Phantom seems to believe the battle is still ceaselessly attacks the players as they attempt to
going. He guards this bridge while seeing the battle retrieve the banner.
happening all over, where the players see just On top of the hill lies the body of the commanding
corpses. officer of the 64th cavalry. Both she and her horse
The players can try to convince the phantom to died while fighting, as she is still in the horse’s
let them take the banner. It is up to them how they rotting saddle. Her skeletal hand grips a cavalry’s
do that. Because of the strength of the magic war pick tightly.
flowing through the phantom it has advantage on
saving throws against magic during roleplay. The E. THE GLOWING CHASM
players can convince the phantom they are from a
different division and are friends with a DC 16
Charisma (Deception) check, given disadvantage if
they are in possession of a Brelish banner. This
soldier’s existence has been reduced to holding this
bridge, so convincing him the fight is over will be
difficult, requiring a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion)
check. Dispel Magic does not get rid of the spectre,
but does serve to confuse and disorient him, giving
Charisma rolls advantage for 5 minutes following
the casting of the spell. If they fail to convince the
phantom or simply attack it, the phantom will fight
back. If it comes to this, the phantom starts the
fight by raising 4 Karnaathi soldiers as ghouls.
Under the bridge is a body, half-buried in mud,
The banner has been claimed by whatever lies in the
wearing a comrade’s bracelet. While still magical,
bottom of the Chasm, an eldritch monstrosity
the bracelet does nothing without the other
wishing to expand. As the players approach to seize
bracelet it is paired with (located in Area B).
it, a shape flies from the Chasm and lands between
them and it, ready to fight them. G. KARRNATHI TRENCHES
The thing before the players is a humanoid in
shape, wrapped in tattered rags and standing much
taller than the players. Its “face” is made of an
inscrutable, soulless light and as the players look at
it, it seems to them that its skin quivers, as if worms
were moving just below the surface. This is a Chasm
After the creature is defeated, the banner stops
glowing and can be picked up. Near where the
flagpole stuck in the ground is the body of a strike
leader in the 112th infantry. They wear a lesser
strategist’s monocle. Standing above the trenches on the battlefield itself
the players can see a white hound inlaid on green:
the banner of the 82nd infantry. Surrounding the
F. THE RAIL LINE banner, lodged deep in the trenches amidst the
bodies and broken equipment, are a strange series
of nests. The nests are built with a gooey, glob-like
material that players can recognize as being closely
tied to either Spellwarped Goblin Mercenaries or
Spellwarped Spiders, though from where they
stand it is impossible to tell which. If the party
wants to sneak around the nests without bothering
whatever is inside it requires a DC 16 group
Dexterity (Stealth) check. The 5 Gob-Spiders that
live in the nests are highly territorial, keeping close
watch on this area they’ve made home. If the party
doesn’t use stealth or fails their stealth check the
spiders attack on sight, only retreating if the
players withdraw from the trenches.
Should the players decide to rummage through
the gob-spider webbing, it will take some work. A
DC 12 Athletics check would allow them to pull apart
the webs. A DC 15 Perception check then reveals a
severed hand with a Karnaathi tattoo in its palm
and a band of the dead on its ring finger.

As the players approach the train lines to collect the FINISHING THE JOB
banner, the dead of the Mournland rise up to meet When all 6 banners are successfully collected, the
them. Two soldiers, two Brelish and two Karnaathi, players may attempt the leave the battlefield with
rise up as undead, mist leaking out of their mouths them. When they do, move on to Part Three:
and eyes. These are Mournland Forsaken. One of the Leaving the Battlefield
Brelish forsaken has Robine’s scabbard, granting it
+1 to attacks and damage with its sword, as well as
the effect of the bless spell for 2 minutes after it first
draws its sword from the scabbard.
Throughout the battle, time displaces and reverts
to previous periods, causing a lightning rail to
appear barreling along the tracks. It appears in a
flash, moving at breakneck speed, and disappears
even faster. The train can hit whoever is on the lines
as it passes and those immediately next to the line
(5 ft nearby). Any creatures on the tracks make a DC
16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d6 force damage
and being knocked prone on a failure. On a success,
they take half damage and remain standing.
PART THREE: LEAVING THE The Mournland Elemental seeks to stop the
players from taking the banners. They are too

BATTLEFIELD important a component of the battlefield for the

mists of the Mournland to let leave.
The elemental is not particularly intelligent, but
it hits hard, focusing down the players one by one,
THE MOURNLAND FIGHTS starting with the one carrying the banners.
When the elemental is defeated, the Mournland
BACK gives up its hold on maintaining the battlefield and
Read the following once the players have all the the players may now leave with the banners.
banners and begin leaving:

As the arcane magic explodes outwards,
lifting the strange hold on the land, a
terrible scream erupts from the Brelish
trenches. The voice of a single man, a man
trapped here for too long, being torn into
by the unjust magic. Jumping down into the pit
you can see Elliott writhing in the mud,
innumerable wounds racing each other across
his face and body. Every injury he obtained
while wandering this broken land happening
all over again as the Mournland’s time field
collapses on itself.

Elliott, too, is an important part of the battlefield.

So much so that Elliott is affected by the death of
the Mournland Elemental. The arcane backlash of
the event causes Elliott to relive all the wounds of
war ever inflicted upon him on these grounds in a
single instant. Every cut, stab, burn, broken bone,
and worse that he ever felt throughout the many
battles he participated in all happen at once. The
players can save Elliot if they succeed at a skill
Saving Elliott
Because the wounds are so great in number and severity, a simple healing spell, potion, or laying of hands is not enough to
save him on its own. Characters must take turns declaring how they can help stabilize Elliott. You can run this either in
combat rounds or by using a real-world timer. Once a skill has been used to help Elliott, it cannot be used again by any
player until the following round. If the players can succeed at 5 ways to heal Elliot, he will stabilize. However, if they fail
three skill checks and/or time tuns out (3 full rounds if using combat rounds, 5 minutes if using a timer), he will die.
It is up to you whether an attempt to heal Elliott is valid, but here are some ways the party could attempt to prevent
the damage.

Action DC Description

20 The character gains a better understanding of the nature of the strange magic, and
better predict the patterns that it follows in wounding Elliott, thus making
preventing them easier.

Deception or 15 The player soothes Elliott, either by telling him the wounds aren’t very serious or
Persuasion encouraging him to hang in there. In doing so, his heart rate lowers and he staves off
shock for a moment longer.

History 15 The player has excellent knowledge of battlefield wounds and dressings, which
allows them to recognize and apply healing quicker. Anyone with a military
background has advantage on this check.

Medicine 10 + 5/ This character understands the way of healing and is able to keep pace with the
previous failure wounds as they open, hands moving at lightning speed with a lifetime of experience.
in the skill
Survival 20 This character understands the supplies necessary to maintain life, and can salvage
most of what they need to help Elliott from the many items littered about the

Healing Magic - Any healing spells spent on behalf of saving Elliot automatically succeed toward
this skill challenge at the rate of one success per level of the spell.


After the players defeat the Mournland Elemental, If the party escapes with Elliott’s tags intact and
they can leave the Mournland in (relative) safety. deliver them to Eleanor, she will offer them
immense thanks, despite her obvious torment at his
death. She will open her home, allowing a place to
THE BANNERS stay if they ever need one no matter when or why,
After returning from the Mournland the players as well as the family sword. Since Elliott was the last
may do one of three things: hand over the banners male of his line, the sword would have no one to be
to the one who hired them, hand over the banners passed on to, so she offers it to the party to carry on
to the opposing faction (perhaps having their his legacy. If the party returns with Elliott alive and
minds changed by the horrors of the Mournland) or well, Eleanor’s thanks will be tenfold. She will still
keep the banners, believing them to be too offer room and board whenever it is needed, and
important to be used in petty political squabbles. If swears a solemn Oath of Gratitude for her and all
the banners are returned to either of the factions, her bloodline, should the party ever need an ally in
regardless of who contacted the party originally, the future.
the players will receive a lump sum of 1600 GP, and
immense thanks. Uthar promises Honorary
Lord/Ladyships, and Amber offers posts as
strategists for the revolution. If the players do not
return the banners, the faction that originally hired
them will take poorly to the news, sending out
forces to retake the banners by any means
a Demon
FURTHER ADVENTURES Lord, some strange Manifest Zone, or something
Upon accepting and then completing this job, the
entirely new to this world. To find answers, players
party is now undeniably a part of the Chartist vs
can visit places of learning and magic: universities,
Monarchist conflict. Both sides want their help
libraries and mystics, in the hopes of unravelling
going forwards, one to continue aiding in
the mysterious gash in the earth.
undermining the other faction, the other in the
Their success at venturing to and from the
hopes of turning them into double agents. For
Mournland puts the party as the foremost experts
some this may be a cause that hits close to home,
on the area. As such they might want to milk such
and they’ll devote a great deal of time and energy to
an expertise for profit, taking jobs and contract that
the righteous campaign. For others it may just be a
send them to and from the Mournland now that
paycheck and no guilty conscience.
they understand its nature and dangers better.
The players may also want to know more about
People will seek the riches of equipment
the Glowing Chasm. There
and closure of family heirlooms
are many possibilities for
recovered from the brutal battlefield.
what could cause such an
anomaly, and the
short time spent
along its
edge is not
enough to rule
any out. It could
be The



BATTELFIELD The battlefield is covered by a violent

thunderstorm. It’s in the middle of the Last War
and soldiers retreat back to their respective
trenches. A soldier is stuck in the mud, having
Time behaves strangely around the vast perimeter
slipped into a crater. They cannot pull
of the Glowing Chasm. This includes the many,
themselves out, but the other soldiers do not
many battlefields bordering the Chasm. Near the
notice in the chaos of the retreat. The players
Glowing Chasm, time will slow down, speed up, or
can help the soldier by using an appropriate
manifest past events right in front of the players.
tool (a staff, rope, etc.) and a DC 20 Athletics
These effects are not illusory and the players can
check. If they manage to save the soldier, then
interact with them, for as long as they last.
the players managed to change the events of
Roll on the Time Distorted Battlefield table
the war and the soldier lives. The soldier returns
whenever you please to produce a supernatural
home and lives out the rest of their life with
effect. Consider rolling when any of the following
their family. After 1 minute, the effect ends and
instances take place:
the players return to the present.
• A creature picks up an object the
battlefield considers an “important”
part of it.
• A creature casts a damage-dealing spell 7-11
Up to 6 creatures chosen randomly heal 8
2nd-level or higher. (1d4+6) HP, as if affected by the Mass Healing
• Any time someone rolls on a Sorcerer’s Word spell (PHB pg. 258)
Wild Magic table.
• A creature loses two death saves. 12-17
A pitched battle appears in an instant and then
disappears. Roll 1d4 attacks for each creature
with a +3 attack roll. For each hit, the creature
takes 5 (1d8) damage of a type chosen at
random (roll 1d10):
1 – Bludgeoning, 2 – Piercing, 3 – Slashing, 4 –
Fire, 5 – Cold, 6 – Electricity, 7 – Acid, 8 –
Radiant, 9 – Necrotic, 10 - Psychic
A wave of exhaustion spreads over the
battlefield, as if every creature spend the last
few weeks in the trenches, only sleeping for an
hour or two each night. Each creature must
make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
take one level of exhaustion.

The battlefield fills with the loud roar of battle,
even if none can be seen. For the next 10
minutes, any creature attempting to cast a spell
or maintain a concentration spell must succeed
on a DC 10 Concentration check.
d100 Result d100 Result
A Staff of Swarming Insects (DMG pg, 203) 54-59 The battlefield reverts to its state before the
spears on the ground. It has 10 charges. It war: a peaceful apple orchard near an old rail
shunted forward in time from the war. Players station. A vibrant sunset filters through the
can use the staff without needing to attune to orchard leaves and a trio of children (siblings)
it. After 1 hour, the staff returns to its proper play hide and seek between the trees. If they
place in time. spot the players, they are confused, slightly
scared, and have many questions. After 1
minute, the battlefield returns to normal.

A wyvern and its rider fall from the sky. 60-63 A Warforged Titan (RftLW pg. 315). Its
Declare a 5 foot radius area. Any creatures in weapons are heavily damaged and only
that area have 1 round to leave it before the attacks with a +4. It attacks any creatures
pair land on the ground. Any creature caught wearing the colors or insignias of Breland, as
in the area when they land must make a DC well as any creatures that attack it. It
13 Dexterity saving throw or take 21 (6d6) disappears after 3 rounds.
damage, taking half on success.
For the next 10 minutes, healing spells are less 64-68 Every creature rolls a d20 with the following
effective. Whenever a creature casts a spell results.
for healing, subtract 1d4 from the result. 1-5: Starting in the next round, the creature acts
at an initiative count 10 less than before.
6-15: Nothing happens.
16-20: Starting the next round, the creature
acts at an initiative count 10 higher than before.

1d6 random creatures are affected by either 69-73 A random creature must make a DC 17
the haste spell (if the amount of creatures Constitution save or be aged forward (if the
affected is even) or the slow spell (if the d100 result was even) of backward (if the d100
amount of creatures is odd. This effect lasts for result was odd) by 2d6 years. They gradually
1 minute. return to their proper age at a rate of 1
year/round. Until they return to normal, they
have a penalty to attack rolls and saving
throws equal to the amount of years off from
their proper age they are.

A random character shunts forward in time. 74-79 A character sees 3 rounds into potential
Remove them from the place they are in. Each futures. Every creature (including those run by
round, the player can roll 1d20. On an even the DM) secretly writes down what they want
roll, they return to where they were. On an they want to do over the next 3 rounds and
odd roll, they do not. At the end of 1 minute (10 passes it to the player. The player can do with
rounds), they automatically return. To the that information what they wish.
character, it will feel instantaneous, as if
everything else suddenly moved forward in
time. If there is an obstruction in the same
space when the character returns, both it and
the character take 5 (1d10) damage and the
character returns to the nearest unoccupied
d100 Result

80-84 An electric blast disk appears in the ground

where the players stand. Anyone with a
passive perception of 15 or higher can notice
it before anyone triggers it. If noticed, the
disk can be disarmed with a successful DC
13 Sleight of Hand check with thief’s tools.
Failing to notice the disk results in
somebody triggering it. All creatures within
a 20 ft radius must make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw or take 11 (2d10) electricity
damage, taking half as much on a successful
save. Any creatures who are wet, standing
on wet ground, or wearing metal armor have
disadvantage on this save.

85-90 A random creature must make a DC 17

Intelligence saving throw or take on the
psychic energy of past soldiers for 1 minute.
They become convinced that they are a
soldier fighting in the war and behave
accordingly. They alternate periodically
through which army they believe they’re
fighting for.

91-95 Two random creatures feel compelled to

fight one-another. Each creature must make
a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be subject
to the effects of the compelled duel spell
(PHB pg 224) for the next minute.

96-99 The time of day suddenly changes to either

mid-day, sunset, sunrise, or night (your
choice). Whether the characters moved
forward or backwards in time is unclear (also
your choice). This effect does not reverse, and
time moves forward normally from there.

100 The characters see the looming wall of The

Mourning rapidly approaching them from
the northern horizon. Everyone who
witnesses this must make a DC 25 Wisdom
saving throw or become frightened for as
long as The Mourning remains visible.
Thankfully, the manifestation disappears
before it reaches the battlefield, 1d4+1
rounds after it appeared.
Flail Snail art contributed by:
Karnaathi Phantom art contributed by:
Art for Living Grease contributed by:
New living spells designed by:
Mournland Elemental art contributed by:
Chaos Mutations
d6 Result

1 Acid Boils: A creature that hits the rift swine with a

melee attack must make a successful DC 12 Dexterity
saving throw or take 3 (1d6) acid damage.

2 Tentacular Tongue: Instead of using its tusks, the rift

swine can attack with its tongue: Melee weapon
attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4)
bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it is
grappled and restrained as with a tentacle attack
(escape DC 14).

3 Covered in Slime: Increase the rift swine's AC by 1.

4 Acid Saliva: The rift swine's tusk or tongue attack does

an additional 3 (1d6) acid damage

5 Poison Spit: Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range

15 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d12) poison damage.

6 Roll Twice
“3 go up 3 come down”
Cocky and fond of risks, the
was the motto of the jolly
29th earned their Horns in the
and optimistic 33rd
defense of Breland during the
division. Unendingly
early stages of the war.
positive in the face of the
Experienced and decisive, the
trenches, you’d always
29th stayed on the forefront of
want a soldier of the 33rd
warfare tactics with the
beside you cracking jokes
guidance of Air Chief
at the drop of a hat (or fireball). The 33 rd left no
Marshall Douglas.
enemy unfinished and no man behind.


Drafted from the most
Despite taking the
promising candidates in
youngest, least ex-
the magic schools of
perienced soldiers, the
Breland, it is rumored that
82nd acted as a ruthless
the 17th was tested on to
tip of the spear in ground
reduce their capacity for
attacks. The supreme
empathy. These rumors,
military mind and
along with the 17ths rise to
loyalty to his troops
fame, began during the Battle of Verdam, later
made Captain Miller not
referred to as “the Meat Grinder”.
only one of the most respected leaders, but he
helped create some of Breland’s best soldiers.


Known for their sheer
ferocity and speed, the
This crack team was
64th acted as the
hand selected by General
unstoppable follow-up to
Stirling to act as small,
an arcane bombardment.
independent groups that
Led by the charismatic
would infiltrate and
Major General Aldershot,
eliminate enemy
they gained their
squadrons. Their tasks
reputation for the daring
ranged from dismantling
rescue of Brigadier Wilson during a harrowing
hard-to-penetrate defenses, to assassinating
lightning storm, while under fire from enemy
enemy officers. A job given to the 112th was a job that
you could already consider done.
Ferret Foundry creates maps, music,
adventures and more for 5th edition D&D,
specializing in Eberron content.

Paper Mage creates highly detailed and

beautiful paper miniatures and tokens for
different TTRPG characters and creatures.

Eventyr Games is an Adamantine best-

selling author on DMs Guild and independent
5e content creator.

Dungeon Scribe is an artist and 5e content

creator with over 150 magic items to their
name. Their work can be seen in the
Munchkin: Critical Roll card game, as well as
their bustling Instagram.

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