ISO15118-5-2018 p146

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ISO 15118-5:2018(E)

Expected behavior
f-EVCC-CMN_TB_VTB_CmValidate_010, f-EVCC-CMN-TB _VTB_CmSlacParm_OOl,
-EVCC-CMN_ TB_VTB_CmValidate-004
Table 179 lists the test case description for 'TC_EVCC_CMN_VTB_CmValidate_Ol4'.
Table 179 -Test case description for 'TC_EVCC_CMN_VTB_CmValidate_014'

TC Id TC_EVCC_CMN_VTB_CmValidate_014
Test objective Test System starts GoodCase procedure and waits for the CM_VALIDATE.REQ message
(step 1). Test System then sends a CM_VALIDATE.CNF message (step 1) with 'result'
equals to '03'H and all additional valid parameters.
Test System then checks if the SUT will stop the SLAC validation process by detection of
TT_match_sequence timeout.
Document Document: ISO:15118-3:2015:IS
reference Section(s): 15118-3:9.4; 15118-3:A.9.3.1; 15118-3:A.9.3.2; 15118-3:A.; 15118-
3:A.9; 15118-3:A.9.2.l
Referenced [V2G3-M09-07], [V2G3-M09-12], (V2G3-A09-52], (V2G3-A09-54], (V2G3-A09-56],
requirement(s) [V2G3-A09-57], [V2G3-A09-51], [V2G3-A09-01], [V2G3-A09-17]
Config ld CF_05_002
PICS selection
PIXIT selection PIXIT_EVCC_CMN_CmValidate : = cmValidate,
PIXIT_EVCC_CMN_FallbackValidationFailed terminate
Expected behavior
Table 180 lists the test case description for 'TC_EVCC_CMN_VTB_CmValidate_OlS'.
Table 180 -Test case description for 'TC_EVCC_CMN_VTB_CmValidate_015'

TC Id TC_EVCC_CMN_VTB_CmValidate-015
Test objective Test System starts GoodCase procedure and waits for the CM_VALIDATE.REQ message
(step 1). Test System then sends a CM_VALIDATE.CNF message (step 1) with 'result'
equals to '03'H and all additional valid parameters.
Test System then checks if the SUT will skip the SLAC validation process and continue
the matching process by sending a SLAC_MATCH.REQ message with the current runID,
EV MAC, EVSE MAC and all additional valid parameters.
Document Document: ISO:15118-3:2015:IS
reference Section(s): 15118-3:9.4; 15118-3:A.9.3.1; 15118-3:A.9.3.2; 15118-3:A.; 15118-
3:A.9; 15118-3:A.9.2.l
Referenced [V2G3-M09-07], [V2G3-M09-12], [V2G3-A09-52], [V2G3-A09-54], [V2G3-A09-56],
requirement(s) [V2G3-A09-57], [V2G3-M09-08], [V2G3-A09-51], [V2G3-A09-01], [V2G3-A09-17]
Configld CF_05_002
PICS selection
PIXIT selection PIXIT_EVCC_CMN_CmValidate : = cmValidate,
PIXIT_EVCC_CMN_FallbackValidationFailed ·= skip
.. .. ... . .. . .. .. .. . ..
' .

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