Vimek Info
Vimek Info
Vimek Info
ODW 7.12a
Machine Description The forwarder has 6 powered wheels and a
maximum quoted load of 3 000 kg. The 2 front
wheels are direct drive and the 4 rear wheels are
The Vimek is solely designed for timber extraction. It
driven by robson rollers which are engaged when six
is constructed to the same basic design as large
wheel drive is required.
purpose built forwarders. Two chassis 'halves' are
connected by a robust type of universal joint which
The bunk (2.7 m long) was designed to carry a single
allows hydraulic powered steering and vertical
product of an estimated maximum average length of
rotation to conform to undulating terrain. The front
4.0 m.
section carries the engine, main transmission
components and the cab which has a frame to give
The Vimek can be transported between sites on a
roll-over protection (ROP). The rear section in the
suitable long flatbed, road trailer which can be towed
forwarder model carries the loader and timber
by a 4 wheeled drive vehicle. A detailed machine
carrying bunk.
description is given in Table 1.
Table 1
Machine Specification
Bunk 2.7 m
Ground clearance 40 cm
Manoeuvrability with the frame-steering design and
Supplier & Cost
full hydraulic powered steering was much improved
compared to a tractor/trailer combination.
The Vimek can be obtained directly from the UK
agent: The 'Vimek 423' loader was a good match for the
'Nordic' 5 lever control system. Lifting capacity and
Caledonian Forestry Services Ltd stability were adequate but some dumping was
West Third noticed on downward movement of the crane. The
Tullibardine engine was low revving during loading.
Perthshire Safety & Ergonomics
Tel 01764 663798
Fax 01764 664299 The machine has a 'CE' mark and complies with
European machinery regulations.
The price quoted (2000) is c £28 500 (excluding VAT)
for the base machine and c £30 000 when including A ROPS frame that conforms to ISO 8082 and SMS
band tracks and chains. 2789 is fitted to the cab.
Table 2
Load Mean Piece Mean Load Mean Site Output per Cost+ per 100 m
(m³) (m³) Extraction Outputs 100 m Extracted
Distance (m) (m³/shr*) Extracted (£/m³)
1 0.08 2.16 4.29 3.26 6.76 2.36
2 0.05 1.95 511 2.55 5.11 3.13
3 0.06 1.74 417 3.18 6.31 2.53
4 0.04 2.36 508 3.37 7.38 2.17
5 0.05 2.25 427 3.05 6.36 2.51
Average 0.06 2.09 458 3.07 6.38 2.50
* Standard outputs include an allowance of 17% for Other Work and 15% for Rest.
+ Costs are based on an estimated £10.0/hr for operator and £6.0/hr for the machine.
Higher outputs would also be achievable with a better
formed product.
Careful site planning and correct presentation of
produce together with proper operator training are
Outputs for extraction distances of 100 m ranged
essential to optimise output of the forwarder.
from 6.31 m³/shr to 7.38 m³/shr and costs from
£2.17/m³ to £3.13/m³.
Other factors affecting output include extraction
distance, ground steepness, load size and type of
Training of fellers and forwarder operators is
material carried.
essential to optimise output.
In common with other small machines, proper
The Vimek can readily be carried between sites on a
maintenance is essential for efficient performance.
trailer pulled by a 4 wd vehicle.
Forest Research
The Vimek performed well in this trial giving Technical Development Branch
impressive outputs in this broadleaf thinning. It is Ae Village
considered to have more potential in conifer thinnings Dumfries
but this would require further evaluation. DG1 1QB
Loads up to 2.36 m³ were extracted over 500 m with Tel: 01387 860264
a poorly formed broadleaf 2.0 m product. If the bunk Fax: 01387 860386
was configured for two bays of 2.0 m product then e-mail: [email protected]
output would have increased on this trial.
Technical Development Branch