FinSoc Zerodha 3 - Fundamental Analysis
FinSoc Zerodha 3 - Fundamental Analysis
FinSoc Zerodha 3 - Fundamental Analysis
Fundamental Analysis
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 1
1.1 – Overview
Fundamental Analysis (FA) is a holistic approach to study a business. When an
investor wishes to invest in a business for the long term (say 3 – 5 years) it becomes
extremely essential to understand the business from various perspectives. It is
critical for an investor to separate the daily short term noise in the stock prices and
concentrate on the underlying business performance. Over the long term, the stock
prices of a fundamentally strong company tend to appreciate, thereby creating
wealth for its investors.
We have many such examples in the Indian market. To name a few, one can think of
companies such as Infosys Limited, TCS Limited, Page Industries, Eicher Motors,
Bosch India, Nestle India, TTK Prestige etc. Each of these companies have delivered
on an average over 20% compounded annual growth return (CAGR) year on year for
over 10 years. To give you a perspective, at a 20% CAGR the investor would double
his money in roughly about 3.5 years. Higher the CAGR faster is the wealth creation
process. Some companies such as Bosch India Limited have delivered close to 30%
CAGR. Therefore, you can imagine the magnitude, and the speed at which wealth is
created if one would invest in fundamentally strong companies.
Here are long term charts of Bosch India, Eicher Motors, and TCS Limited that can
set you thinking about long term wealth creation. Do remember these are just 3
examples amongst the many that you may find in Indian markets.
At this point you may be of the opinion that I am biased as I am selectively posting
charts that look impressive. You may wonder how the long term charts of
companies such as Suzlon Energy, Reliance Power, and Sterling Biotech may look?
Well here are the long term charts of these companies:
These are just 3 examples of the wealth destructors amongst the many you may
find in the Indian Markets.
The trick has always been to separate the investment grade companies which create
wealth from the companies that destroy wealth. All investment grade companies
have a few common attributes that sets them apart. Likewise all wealth destructors
have a few common traits which is clearly visible to an astute investor.
Fundamental Analysis is the technique that gives you the conviction to invest for a
long term by helping you identify these attributes of wealth creating companies.
1.3 – I’m happy with Technical Analysis, so why bother about Fundamental
Technical Analysis (TA) helps you garner quick short term returns. It helps you time
the market for a better entry and exit. However TA is not an effective approach to
create wealth. Wealth is created only by making intelligent long term investments.
However, both TA & FA must coexist in your market strategy. To give you a
perspective, let me reproduce the chart of Eicher Motors:
Let us say a market participant identifies Eicher motors as a fundamentally strong
stock to invest, and therefore invests his money in the stock in the year 2006. As you
can see the stock made a relatively negligible move between 2006 and 2010. The
real move in Eicher Motors started only from 2010. This also means FA based
investment in Eicher Motors did not give the investor any meaningful return
between 2006 and 2010. The market participant would have been better off taking
short term trades during this time. Technical Analysis helps the investor in taking
short term trading bets. Hence both TA & FA should coexist as a part of your market
strategy. In fact, this leads us to an important capital allocation strategy called “The
Core Satellite Strategy”.
Let us say, a market participant has a corpus of Rs.500,000/-. This corpus can be
split into two unequal portions, for example the split can be 60 – 40. The 60% of
capital which is Rs.300,000/- can be invested for a long term period in fundamentally
strong companies. This 60% of the investment makes up the core of the portfolio.
One can expect the core portfolio to grow at a rate of at least 12% to 15% CAGR year
on year basis.
The balance 40% of the amount, which is Rs.200,000/- can be utilized for active short
term trading using Technical Analysis technique on equity, futures, and options. The
Satellite portfolio can be expected to yield at least 10% to 12% absolute return on a
yearly basis.
1.4 – Tools of FA
The tools required for fundamental analysis are extremely basic, most of which are
available for free. Specifically you would need the following:
1. Annual report of the company – All the information that you need for FA is available
in the annual report. You can download the annual report from the company’s
website for free
2. Industry related data – You will need industry data to see how the company under
consideration is performing with respect to the industry. Basic data is available for
free, and is usually published in the industry’s association website
3. Access to news – Daily News helps you stay updated on latest developments
happening both in the industry and the company you are interested in. A good
business news paper or services such as Google Alert can help you stay abreast of
the latest news
4. MS Excel – Although not free, MS Excel can be extremely helpful in fundamental
With just these four tools, one can develop fundamental analysis that can rival
institutional research. You can believe me when I say that you don’t need any other
tool to do good fundamental research. In fact even at the institutional level the
objective is to keep the research simple and logical.
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 2
Mindset of an Investor
To help you get this clarity, let us consider a market scenario and identify how each
one of the market participants (speculator, trader, and investor) would react to it.
RBI in the next two days is expected to convene to announce their latest stance on
the monetary policy. Owing to the high and sticky inflation, RBI has hiked the
interest rates during the previous 4 monetary policy reviews. Increase in interest
rates, as we know means tougher growth prospects for Corporate India – hence
corporate earnings would take a hit.
Assume there are three market participants – Sunil, Tarun, and Girish. Each of them
view the above scenario differently, and hence would take different actions in the
market. Let us go through their thought process.
(Please note: I will briefly speak about option contracts here, this is only for
illustration purpose. We will understand more about derivatives in the subsequent
Sunil: He thinks through the situation and his thought process is as follows:
Tarun: He has a slightly different opinion about the situation. His thought process is
as below:
o He feels expecting RBI to cut the rates is wishful thinking. In fact he is of the opinion
that nobody can clearly predict what RBI is likely to do
o He also identifies that the volatility in the markets is high, hence he believes that
option contracts are trading at very high premiums
o He knows from his previous experience (via back testing) that the volatility is likely
to drop drastically just after RBI makes its announcement
To put his thoughts into action, he sells 5 lots of Nifty Call options and expects
to square off the position just around the announcement time.
Girish: He has a portfolio of 12 stocks which he has been holding for over 2 years.
Though he is a keen observer of the economy, he has no view on what RBI is likely
to do. He is also not worried about the outcome of the policy as he anyway plans to
hold on to his shares for a long period of time. Hence with this perspective he feels
the monetary policy is yet another short term passing tide in the market and will not
have a major impact on his portfolio. Even if it does, he has both the time and
patience to hold on to his shares.
However, Girish plans to buy more of his portfolio shares if the market overreacts to
the RBI news and his portfolio stocks falls steeply after the announcement is made.
Now, what RBI will eventually decide and who makes money is not our concern. The
point is to identify who is a speculator, a trader, and an investor based on their
thought process. All the three men seem to have logic based on which they have
taken a market action. Please note, Girish’s decision to do nothing itself is a market
Sunil seems to be highly certain on what RBI is likely to do and therefore his market
actions are oriented towards a rate cut. In reality it is quite impossible to call a shot
on what RBI (or for that matter any regulator) will do. These are complex matters
and not straightforward to analyze. Betting on blind faith, without a rational
reasoning backing ones decision is speculation. Sunil seems to have done just that.
Tarun has arrived at what needs to be done based on a plan. If you are familiar with
options, he is simply setting up a trade to take advantage of the high options
premium. He is clearly not speculating on what RBI is likely to do as it does not
matter to him. His view is simple – volatility is high; hence the premiums are
attractive for an options seller. He is expecting the volatility to drop just prior to RBI
Is he speculating on the fact that the volatility will drop? Not really, because he
seems to have back tested his strategy for similar scenarios in the past. A trader
designs all his trades and not just speculates on an outcome.
Girish, the investor on the other hand seems to be least bit worked up on what RBI
is expected to do. He sees this as a short term market noise which may not have
any major impact on his portfolio. Even if it did have an impact, he is of the opinion
that his portfolio will eventually recover from it. Time is the only luxury markets
offer, and Girish is keen on leveraging this luxury to the maximum. In fact he is even
prepared to buy more of his portfolio stocks in case the market overreacts. His idea
is to hold on to his positions for a long period of time and not get swayed by short
term market movements.
All the three of them have different mindsets which leads them to react differently
to the same situation. The focus of this chapter is to understand why Girish, the
investor has a long term perspective and not really bothered about short term
movements in the market.
For example consider you invest Rs.100 which is expected to grow at 20% year on
year (recall this is also called the CAGR). At the end of the first year the money is
expected to grow to Rs.120. At the end of year 1 you have two options:
1. Let Rs.20 in profits remain invested along with the original principal of Rs.100 or
2. Withdraw the profits of Rs.20.
You decide not withdraw Rs.20 profit; instead you decide to reinvest the money for
the 2nd year. At the end of 2nd year, Rs.120 grows to Rs.144. At the end of 3rd year
Rs.144 grows to Rs.173. So on and so forth.
Compare this with withdrawing Rs.20 profits every year. Had you opted to withdraw
Rs.20 every year then at the end of 3rd year the profits would have been just Rs. 60.
However since you decided to stay invested, the profits at the end of 3 years is
Rs.173. A good Rs.13 or 21.7% over Rs.60 is generated just because you opted to do
nothing and decided to stay invested. This is called the compounding effect. Let us
take this analysis a little further, have a look at the chart below:
The chart above shows how Rs.100 invested at 20% grows over a 10 year period. If
you notice, it took almost 6 years for the money to grow from Rs.100 to Rs.300.
However the next Rs.300 was generated in only 4 years i.e from the 6th to 10th
This is in fact the most interesting property of the compounding effect. The longer
you stay invested, the harder (and faster) the money works for you. This is exactly
why Girish decided to stay invested – to exploit the luxury of time that the market
All investments made based on fundamental analysis require the investors to stay
committed for the long term. The investor has to develop this mindset while he
chooses to invest.
2.3 – Does investing work?
Think about a sapling – if you give it the right amount of water, manure, and care
would it not grow? Of course it will. Likewise, think about a good business with
healthy sales, great margins, innovative products, and an ethical management. Is it
not obvious that the share price of such companies would appreciate? In some
situations the price appreciation may delay (recall the Eicher Motors chart from
previous chapter), but it certainly will always appreciate. This has happened over
and over again across markets in the world, including India.
The Qualitative aspect mainly involves understanding the non numeric aspects of
the business. This includes many factors such as:
9. Shareholders – Who are the significant shareholders in the firm, who are the
people with above 1% of the outstanding shares of the company
10. Political affiliation – Is the company or its promoters too close to a political party?
Does the business require constant political support?
11. Promoter lifestyle – Are the promoters too flamboyant and loud about their
lifestyle? Do they like to display their wealth?
A red flag is raised when any of the factors mentioned above do not fall in the right
place. For example, if a company undertakes too many related party transactions
then it would send a signal of favoritism and malpractice by the company. This is
not good in the long run. So even if the company has great profit margins,
malpractice is not acceptable. It would only be a matter of time before the market
discovers matters pertaining to ‘related party transactions’ and punishes the
company by bringing the stock price lower. Hence an investor would be better off
not investing in companies with great margins if such a company scores low on
corporate governance.
Qualitative aspects are not easy to uncover because these are very subtle matters.
However a diligent investor can easily figure this out by paying attention to annual
report, management interviews, news reports etc. As we proceed through this
module we will highlight various qualitative aspects.
The quantitative aspects are matters related to financial numbers. Some of the
quantitative aspects are straightforward while some of them are not. For example
cash held in inventory is straight forward however ‘inventory number of days’ is not.
This is a metric that needs to be calculated. The stock markets pay a lot of attention
to quantitative aspects. Quantitative aspects include many things, to name few:
The list is virtually endless. In fact, each sector has different metrics. For example:
Over the next few chapters we will understand how to read the basic financial
statements, as published in the annual report. As you may know, the financial
statement is the source for all the number crunching as required in the analysis of
quantitative aspects.
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 3
Since the annual report is published by the company, whatever is mentioned in the
AR is assumed to be official. Hence, any misrepresentation of facts in the annual
report can be held against the company. To give you a perspective, AR contains the
auditor’s certificates (signed, dated, and sealed) certifying the sanctity of the
financial data included in the annual report.
Potential investors and the present shareholders are the primary audience for the
annual report. Annual reports should provide the most pertinent information to an
investor and should also communicate the company’s primary message. For an
investor, the annual report must be the default option to seek information about a
company. Of course there are many media websites claiming to give the financial
information about the company; however the investors should avoid seeking
information from such sources. Remember the information is more reliable if we
get it get it directly from the annual report.
Why would the media website misrepresent the company information you may ask?
Well, they may not do it deliberately but they may be forced to do it due to other
factors. For example the company may like to include ‘depreciation’ in the expense
side of P&L, but the media website may like to include it under a separate header.
While this would not impact the overall numbers, it does interrupt the overall
sequencing of data.
For a better understanding, I would urge you to download the Annual Report of
ARBL and go through it simultaneously as we progress through this chapter.
o Financial Highlights
o The Management Statement
o Management Discussion & Analysis
o 10 year Financial highlights
o Corporate Information
o Director’s Report
o Report on Corporate governance
o Financial Section, and
o Notice
Note, no two annual reports are the same; they are all made to suite the company’s
requirement keeping in perspective the industry they operate in. However, some of
the sections in the annual report are common across annual reports.
The details that you see in the Financial Highlights section are basically an extract
from the company’s financial statement. Along with the extracts, the company can
also include a few financial ratios, which are calculated by the company itself. I
briefly look through this section to get an overall idea, but I do not like to spend too
much time on it. The reason for looking at this section briefly is that, I would anyway
calculate these and many other ratios myself and while I do so, I would gain greater
clarity on the company and its numbers. Needless to say, over the next few chapters
we will understand how to read and understand the financial statements of the
company and also how to calculate the financial ratios.
The next two sections i.e the ‘Management Statement’ and ‘Management
Discussion & Analysis’ are quite important. I spend time going through these
sections. Both these sections gives you a sense on what the management of the
company has to say about their business and the industry in general. As an investor
or as a potential investor in the company, every word mentioned in these sections is
important. In fact some of the details related to the ‘Qualitative aspects’ (as
discussed in chapter 2), can be found in these two sections of the AR.
One example that I explicitly remember was reading through the chairman’s
message of a well established tea manufacturing company. In his message, the
chairman was talking about a revenue growth of nearly 10%, however the historical
revenue numbers suggested that the company’s revenue was growing at a rate of 4-
5%. Clearly in this context, the growth rate of 10% seemed like a celestial move. This
also indicated to me that the man on top may not really be in sync with ground
reality and hence I decided not to invest in the company. Retrospectively when I
look back at my decision not to invest, it was probably the right decision.
Here is the snapshot of Amara Raja Batteries Limited; I have highlighted a small part
that I think is interesting. I would encourage you to read through the entire message
in the Annual Report.
Moving ahead, the next section is the ‘Management Discussion & Analysis’ or
‘MD&A’. This according to me is perhaps one of the most important sections in the
whole of AR. The most standard way for any company to start this section is by
talking about the macro trends in the economy. They discuss the overall economic
activity of the country and the business sentiment across the corporate world. If the
company has high exposure to exports, they even talk about global economic and
business sentiment.
ARBL has both exports and domestic business interest; hence they discuss both
these angles in their AR. See the snapshot below:
ARBL’s view on the Indian economy:
Following this the companies usually talk about the trends in the industry and what
they expect for the year ahead. This is an important section as we can understand
what the company perceives as threats and opportunities in the industry. Most
importantly I read through this, and also compare it with its peers to understand if
the company has any advantage over its peers.
For example, if Amara Raja Batteries limited is a company of interest to me, I would
read through this part of the AR and also would read through what Exide Batteries
Limited has to say in their AR.
Remember until this point the discussion in the Management Discussion & Analysis
is broad based and generic (global economy, domestic economy, and industry
trends). However going forward, the company would discuss various aspects related
to its business. It talks about how the business had performed across various
divisions, how did it fare in comparison to the previous year etc. The company in
fact gives out specific numbers in this section.
Some companies even discuss their guidelines and strategies for the year ahead
across the various verticals they operate in. Do have a look at the snapshot below:
After discussing these in ‘Management Discussion & Analysis’ the annual report
includes a series of other reports such as – Human Resources report, R&D report,
Technology report etc. Each of these reports are important in the context of the
industry the company operates in. For example, if I am reading through a
manufacturing company annual report, I would be particularly interested in the
human resources report to understand if the company has any labor issues. If there
are serious signs of labor issues then it could potentially lead to the factory being
shut down, which is not good for the company’s shareholders.
Typically, a well established company has many subsidiaries. These companies also
act as a holding company for several other well established companies. To help you
understand this better, I have taken the example of CRISIL Limited’s shareholding
structure. You can find the same in CRISIL’s annual report. As you may know, CRISIL
is an Indian company with a major focus on corporate credit rating services.
As you can see in the above share holding structure:
1. Standard & Poor’s (S&P), a US based rating agency holds a 51% stake in CRISIL.
Hence S&P is the ‘Holding company’ or the ‘Promoter’ of CRISIL
2. The balance 49% of shares of CRISIL is held by Public and other Financial institutions
3. However, S&P itself is 100% subsidiary of another company called ‘The McGraw-Hill
1. This means McGraw Hill fully owns S&P, and S&P owns 51% of CRISIL
4. Further, CRISIL itself fully owns (100% shareholding) another company called
Keeping the above in perspective, think about this hypothetical situation. Assume,
for the financial year 2014, CRISIL makes a loss of Rs.1000 Crs and Irevna, its 100%
subsidiary makes a profit of Rs.700 Crs. What do you would be the overall
profitability of CRISIL?
Well, this is quite simple – CRISIL on its own made a loss of Rs.1000 Crs, but its
subsidiary Irevna made a profit of Rs.700 Crs, hence the overall P&L of CRISIL is
(Rs.1000 Crs) + Rs.700 Crs = (Rs.300 Crs).
Hence, Standalone Financial statements represent the standalone numbers/
financials of the company itself and do not include the financials of its subsidiaries.
However the consolidated numbers includes the companies (i.e.standalone
financials) and its subsidiaries financial statements.
Have a look at the snapshot of one of ARBL’s financial statement (balance sheet):
Each particular in the financial statement is referred to as the line item. For example
the first line item in the Balance Sheet (under Equity and Liability) is the share
capital (as pointed out by the green arrow). If you notice, there is a note number
associated with share capital. These are called the ‘Schedules’ related to the
financial statement. Looking into the above statement, ARBL states that the share
capital stands at Rs.17.081 Crs (or Rs.170.81 Million). As an investor I obviously
would be interested to know how ARBL arrived at Rs.17.081 Crs as their share
capital. To figure this out, one needs to look into the associated schedule (note
number 2). Please look at the snapshot below:
Of course, considering you may be new to financial statements, jargon’s like share
capital make not make much sense. However the financial statements are extremely
simple to understand, and over the next few chapters you will understand how to
read the financial statements and make sense of it. But for now do remember that
the main financial statement gives you the summary and the associated schedules
give the details pertaining to each line item.
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 9
A typical financial ratio utilizes data from the financial statement to compute its
value. Before we start understanding the financial ratios, we need to be aware of
certain attributes of the financial ratios.
On its own merit, the financial ratio of a company conveys very little information.
For instance, assume Ultratech Cements Limited has a profit margin of 15%, how
useful do you think this information is? Well, not much really. 15% profit margin is
good, but how would I know if it is the best?
However, assume you figure out ACC Cement’s profit margin is 12%. Now, as we
comparing two similar companies, comparing the profitability makes sense. Clearly,
Ultratech Cements Limited seems to be a more profitable company between the
two. The point that I am trying to drive across is that more often than not, Financial
Ratios on its own is quite mute. The ratio makes sense only when you compare the
ratio with another company of a similar size or when you look into the trend of the
financial ratio. This means that once the ratio is computed the ratio has to be
analyzed (either by comparison or tracking the ratio’s historical trend) to get the
best possible inference.
Also, here is something that you need to be aware off while computing ratios.
Accounting policies may vary across companies and across different financial years.
A fundamental analyst should be cognizant of this fact and should adjust the data
accordingly, before computing the financial ratio.
1.2 – The Financial Ratios
Financial ratios can be ‘somewhat loosely’ classified into different categories, namely
1. Profitability Ratios
2. Leverage Ratios
3. Valuation Ratios
4. Operating Ratios
The Profitability ratios help the analyst measure the profitability of the company.
The ratios convey how well the company is able to perform in terms of generating
profits. Profitability of a company also signals the competitiveness of the
management. As the profits are needed for business expansion and to pay
dividends to its shareholders a company’s profitability is an important consideration
for the shareholders.
The Leverage ratios also referred to as solvency ratios/ gearing ratios measures
the company’s ability (in the long term) to sustain its day to day operations.
Leverage ratios measure the extent to which the company uses the debt to finance
growth. Remember for the company to sustain its operations, it has to pay its bills
and obligations. Solvency ratios help us understand the company’s long term
sustainability, keeping its obligation in perspective.
The Valuation ratios compare the stock price of the company with either the
profitability of the company or the overall value of company to get a sense of how
cheap or expensive the stock is trading. Thus this ratio helps us in analysing
whether the current share price of the company is perceived as high or low. In
simpler words, the valuation ratio compares the cost of a security with the perks of
owning the stock.
The Operating Ratios, also called the ‘Activity Ratios’ measures the efficiency at
which a business can convert its assets (both current and noncurrent) into
revenues. This ratio helps us understand how efficient the management of the
company is. For this reason, Operating Ratios are sometimes called the
‘Management Ratios’.
Strictly speaking, ratios (irrespective of the category it belongs to) convey a certain
message, usually related to the financial position of the company. For example,
‘Profitability Ratio’ can convey the efficiency of the company, which is usually
measured by computing the ‘Operating Ratio’. Because of such overlaps, it is difficult
to classify these ratios. Hence the ratios are ‘somewhat loosely’ classified.
3. Return on Equity (ROE)
4. Return on Asset (ROA)
5. Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
EBITDA Margin:
In order to calculate the EBITDA Margin, we first need to calculate the EBITDA itself.
Continuing the example of Amara Raja Batteries Limited, the EBITDA Margin
calculation for the FY14 is as follows:
[Total Revenue – Other Income] – [Total Expense – Finance Cost – Depreciation &
Note: Other income is income by virtue of investments and other non operational
activity. Including other income in EBITDA calculation would clearly skew the data.
For this reason, we have to exclude Other Income from Total Revenues.
= [3436] – [2876]
= 560 Crores
560 / 3436
= 16.3%
1. What does an EBITDA of Rs.560 Crs and an EBITDA margin of 16.3% indicate?
2. How good or bad an EBITDA margin of 16.3% is?
The first question is a fairly simple. An EBITDA of Rs.560 Crs means that the
company has retained Rs.560 Crs from its operating revenue of Rs.3436 Crs. This
also means out of Rs.3436 Crs the company spent Rs.2876 Crs towards its expenses.
In percentage terms, the company spent 83.7% of its revenue towards its expenses
and retained 16.3% of the revenue at the operating level, for its operations.
Now for the 2nd question, hopefully you should not have an answer.
Remember we did discuss this point earlier in this chapter. A financial ratio on its
own conveys very little information. To make sense of it, we should either see the
trend or compare it with its peers. Going with this, a 16.3% EBITDA margin conveys
very little information.
To makes some sense of the EBITDA margin, let us look at Amara Raja’s EBITDA
margin trend for the last 4 years, (all numbers in Rs Crs, except EBITDA margin):
It appears that ARBL has maintained its EBITDA at an average of 15%, and in fact on
a closer look it is clear the EBITDA margin is increasing. This is a good sign as it
shows consistency and efficiency in the management’s operational capabilities.
In 2011 the EBITDA was Rs.257 Crs and in 2014 the EBITDA is Rs.560Crs. This
translates to a 4 year EBITDA CAGR growth of 21%.
Clearly, it appears that both EBITDA margin and EBITDA growth are quite
impressive. However we still do not know if it is the best. In order to find out if it is
the best one needs to compare these numbers with its competitors. In case of ARBL
it would be Exide batteries Limited. I would encourage you to do the same for Exide
and compare the results.
PAT Margin:
While the EBITDA margin is calculated at the operating level, the Profit After Tax
(PAT) margin is calculated at the final profitability level. At the operating level we
consider only the operating expenses however there are other expenses such as
depreciation and finance costs which are not considered. Along with these expenses
there are tax expenses as well. When we calculate the PAT margin, all expenses are
deducted from the Total Revenues of the company to identify the overall
profitability of the company.
PAT is explicitly stated in the Annual Report. ARBL’s PAT for the FY14 is Rs.367 Crs on
the overall revenue of Rs.3482 Crs (including other income). This translates to a PAT
margin of:
= 367 / 3482
=10.5 %
The PAT and PAT margin trend seems impressive as we can clearly see a margin
expansion. The 4 year CAGR growth stands at 25.48%, which is again good. Needless
to say, it always makes sense to compare ratios with its competitors.
The Return on Equity (RoE) is a very important ratio, as it helps the investor assess
the return the shareholder earns for every unit of capital invested. RoE measures
the entity’s ability to generate profits from the shareholders investments. In other
words, RoE shows the efficiency of the company in terms of generating profits to its
shareholders. Obviously, higher the RoE, the better it is for the shareholders. In fact
this is one of the key ratios that helps the investor identify investable attributes of
the company. To give you a perspective, the average RoE of top Indian companies
vary between 14 – 16%. I personally prefer to invest in companies that have a RoE of
18% upwards.
This ratio is compared with the other companies in the same industry and is also
observed over time.
Also note, if the RoE is high, it means a good amount of cash is being generated by
the company, hence the need for external funds is less. Thus a higher ROE indicates
a higher level of management performance.
There is no doubt that RoE is an important ratio to calculate, but like any other
financial ratios it also has a few drawbacks. To help you understand its drawbacks,
consider this hypothetical example.
Assume Vishal runs a Pizza store. To bake pizza’s Vishal needs an oven which costs
him Rs.10,000/-. Oven is an asset to Vishal’s business. He procures the oven from his
own funds and seeks no external debt. At this stage you would agree on his balance
sheet he has a shareholder equity of Rs.10,000 and an asset equivalent to Rs.10,000.
Now, assume in his first year of operation, Vishal generates a profit of Rs.2500/-.
What is his RoE? This is quite simple to compute:
RoE = 2500/10000*100
Now let us twist the story a bit. Vishal has only Rs.8000/- he borrows Rs.2000 from
his father to purchase an oven worth Rs.10000/-. How do you think his balance
sheet would look?
Debt = Rs.2000
This makes Vishal’s total liability Rs. 10,000. Balancing this on the asset side, he has
an asset worth Rs.10,000. Let us see how his RoE looks now:
RoE = 2500 / 8000*100
= 31.25%
With an additional debt, the RoE shot up quite significantly. Now, what if Vishal had
only Rs.5000 and borrowed the additional Rs.5000 from his father to buy the oven.
His balance sheet would look like this:
Debt = Rs.5000
Vishal’s total liability is Rs. 10,000. Balancing this on the asset side, he has an asset
worth Rs.10,000. Let us see how his RoE looks now:
Clearly, higher the debt Vishal seeks to finance his asset, (which in turn is required
to generate profits) higher is the RoE. A high RoE is great, but certainly not at the
cost of high debt. The problem is with a high amount of debt, running the business
gets very risky as the finance cost increases drastically. For this reason inspecting
the RoE closely becomes extremely important. One way to do this is by
implementing a technique called the ‘DuPont Model’ also called DuPont Identity.
This model was developed in 1920’s by the DuPont Corporation. DuPont Model
breaks up the RoE formula into three components with each part representing a
certain aspect of business. The DuPont analysis uses both the P&L statement and
the Balance sheet for the computation.
If you notice the above formula, the denominator and the numerator cancels out
with one another eventually leaving us with the original RoE formula which is:
However in the process of decomposing the RoE formula, we gained insights into
three distinct aspects of the business. Let us look into the three components of the
DuPont model that makes up the RoE formula :
o Net Profit Margin = Net Profits/ Net Sales*100
This is the first part of the DuPont Model and it expresses the company’s ability to
generate profits. This is nothing but the PAT margin we looked at earlier in this
chapter. A low Net profit margin would indicate higher costs and increased
o Asset Turnover = Net Sales / Average Total asset
Asset turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio that indicates how efficiently the company
is using its assets to generate revenue. Higher the ratio, it means the company is
using its assets more efficiently. Lower the ratio, it could indicate management or
production problems. The resulting figure is expressed as number of times per year.
o Financial Leverage = Average Total Assets / Shareholders Equity
Financial leverage helps us answer this question – ‘For every unit of shareholders
equity, how many units of assets does the company have’. For example if the
financial leverage is 4, this means for every Rs.1 of equity, the company supports
Rs.4 worth of assets. Higher the financial leverage along with increased amounts of
debt, will indicate the company is highly leveraged and hence the investor should
exercise caution. The resulting figure is expressed as number of times per year.
As you can see, the DuPont model breaks up the RoE formula into three distinct
components, with each component giving an insight into the company’s operating
and financial capabilities.
Let us now proceed to implement the DuPont Model to calculate Amara Raja’s RoE
for the FY 14. For this we need to calculate the values of the individual components.
Net Profit Margin: As I mentioned earlier, this is same as the PAT margin. From our
calculation earlier, we know the Net Profit Margin for ARBL is 9.2%
We know from the FY14 Annual Report, Net sales of ARBL stands at Rs.3437 Crs.
The denominator has Average Total Assets which we know can be sourced from the
Balance Sheet. But what does the word ‘Average’ indicate?
From ARBL’s balance sheet, the total asset for FY14 is Rs.2139Crs. But think about
this, the reported number is for the Financial Year 2014, which starts from 1st of
April 2013 and close on 31st March 2014. This implies that at the start of the financial
year 2014 (1st April 2013), the company must have commenced its operation with
assets that it carried forward from the previous financial year (FY 2013). During the
financial year (FY 2014) the company has acquired some more assets which when
added to the previous year’s (FY2013) assets totaled to Rs.2139 Crs. Clearly the
company started the financial year with a certain rupee value of assets but closed
the year with a totally different rupee value of assets.
Keeping this in perspective, if I were to calculate the asset turnover ratio, which
asset value should I consider for the denominator? Should I consider the asset value
at the beginning of the year or at the asset value at the end of the year? To avoid
confusion, the practice is to take average of the asset values for the two financial
Do remember this technique of averaging line items, as we will be using this across
other ratios as well.
= 1955
= 1.75 times
This means for every Rs.1 of asset deployed, the company is generating Rs.1.75 in
We will now calculate the last component that is the Financial Leverage.
We know the average total assets is Rs.1955. We just need to look into the
shareholders equity. For reasons similar to taking the “Average Assets” as opposed
to just the current year assets, we will consider “Average Shareholder equity” as
opposed to just the current year’s shareholder equity.
= 1.61 times
Considering ARBL has little debt, Financial Leverage of 1.61 is indeed an
encouraging number. The number above indicates that for every Rs.1 of Equity,
ARBL supports Rs.1.61 of assets.
We now have all the inputs to calculate RoE for ARBL, we will now proceed to do the
I understand this is a lengthy way to calculate RoE, but this is perhaps the best way
as in the process of calculating RoE, we can develop valuable insights into the
business. DuPont model not only answers what the return is but also the quality of
the return.
However if you wish do a quick RoE calculation you can do so the following way:
From the annual report we know for the FY14 the PAT is Rs.367 Crs
= 30.31%
Having understood the DuPont Model, understanding the next two ratios should be
simple. Return on Assets (RoA) evaluates the effectiveness of the entity’s ability to
use the assets to create profits. A well managed entity limits investments in non
productive assets. Hence RoA indicates the management’s efficiency at deploying its
assets. Needless to say, higher the RoA, the better it is.
And we know from the Dupont Model the Total average assets (for FY13 and FY14) =
Rs.1955 Crs
So what does interest *(1- tax rate) mean? Well, think about it, the loan taken by
the company is also used to finance the assets which in turn is used to
generate profits. So in a sense, the debtholders (entities who have given loan to the
company) are also a part of the company. From this perspective the interest paid
out also belongs to a stakeholder of the company. Also, the company benefits in
terms of paying lesser taxes when interest is paid out, this is called a ‘tax shield’. For
these reasons, we need to add interest (by accounting for the tax shield) while
calculating the ROA.
The Interest amount (finance cost) is Rs.7 Crs, accounting for the tax shield it would
= 7* (1 – 32%)
~ 372.16 / 1955
The Return on Capital employed indicates the profitability of the company taking
into consideration the overall capital it employs.
Overall capital includes both equity and debt (both long term and short term).
Overall Capital Employed = Short term Debt + Long term Debt + Equity
= 37.18%
Key takeaways from this chapter:
1. A Financial ratio is a useful financial metric of a company. On its own merit the ratio
conveys very little information
2. It is best to study the ratio’s recent trend or compare it with the company’s peers to
develop an opinion
3. Financial ratios can be categorized into ‘Profitability’, ‘Leverage’, ‘Valuation’, and
‘Operating’ ratios. Each of these categories give the analyst a certain view on the
company’s business
4. EBITDA is the amount of money the company makes after subtracting the
operational expenses of the company from its operating revenue
5. EBITDA margin indicates the percentage profitability of the company at the
operating level
6. PAT margin gives the overall profitability of the firm
7. Return on Equity (ROE) is a very valuable ratio. It indicates how much return the
shareholders are making over their initial investment in the company
8. A high ROE and a high debt is not a great sign
9. DuPont Model helps in decomposing the ROE into different parts, with each part
throwing light on different aspects of the business
10. DuPont method is probably the best way to calculate the ROE of a firm
11. Return on Assets in an indicator of how efficiently the company is utilizing its assets
12. Return on Capital employed indicates the overall return the company generates
considering both the equity and debt.
13. For the ratios to be useful, it should be analyzed in comparison with other
companies in the same industry.
14. Also, ratios should be analyzed both at a single point in time and as an indicator of
broader trends over time
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 9
A typical financial ratio utilizes data from the financial statement to compute its
value. Before we start understanding the financial ratios, we need to be aware of
certain attributes of the financial ratios.
On its own merit, the financial ratio of a company conveys very little information.
For instance, assume Ultratech Cements Limited has a profit margin of 15%, how
useful do you think this information is? Well, not much really. 15% profit margin is
good, but how would I know if it is the best?
However, assume you figure out ACC Cement’s profit margin is 12%. Now, as we
comparing two similar companies, comparing the profitability makes sense. Clearly,
Ultratech Cements Limited seems to be a more profitable company between the
two. The point that I am trying to drive across is that more often than not, Financial
Ratios on its own is quite mute. The ratio makes sense only when you compare the
ratio with another company of a similar size or when you look into the trend of the
financial ratio. This means that once the ratio is computed the ratio has to be
analyzed (either by comparison or tracking the ratio’s historical trend) to get the
best possible inference.
Also, here is something that you need to be aware off while computing ratios.
Accounting policies may vary across companies and across different financial years.
A fundamental analyst should be cognizant of this fact and should adjust the data
accordingly, before computing the financial ratio.
1. Profitability Ratios
2. Leverage Ratios
3. Valuation Ratios
4. Operating Ratios
The Profitability ratios help the analyst measure the profitability of the company.
The ratios convey how well the company is able to perform in terms of generating
profits. Profitability of a company also signals the competitiveness of the
management. As the profits are needed for business expansion and to pay
dividends to its shareholders a company’s profitability is an important consideration
for the shareholders.
The Leverage ratios also referred to as solvency ratios/ gearing ratios measures
the company’s ability (in the long term) to sustain its day to day operations.
Leverage ratios measure the extent to which the company uses the debt to finance
growth. Remember for the company to sustain its operations, it has to pay its bills
and obligations. Solvency ratios help us understand the company’s long term
sustainability, keeping its obligation in perspective.
The Valuation ratios compare the stock price of the company with either the
profitability of the company or the overall value of company to get a sense of how
cheap or expensive the stock is trading. Thus this ratio helps us in analysing
whether the current share price of the company is perceived as high or low. In
simpler words, the valuation ratio compares the cost of a security with the perks of
owning the stock.
The Operating Ratios, also called the ‘Activity Ratios’ measures the efficiency at
which a business can convert its assets (both current and noncurrent) into
revenues. This ratio helps us understand how efficient the management of the
company is. For this reason, Operating Ratios are sometimes called the
‘Management Ratios’.
Strictly speaking, ratios (irrespective of the category it belongs to) convey a certain
message, usually related to the financial position of the company. For example,
‘Profitability Ratio’ can convey the efficiency of the company, which is usually
measured by computing the ‘Operating Ratio’. Because of such overlaps, it is difficult
to classify these ratios. Hence the ratios are ‘somewhat loosely’ classified.
1. EBITDA Margin (Operating Profit Margin)
o EBITDA Growth (CAGR)
2. PAT Margin
o PAT Growth (CAGR)
3. Return on Equity (ROE)
4. Return on Asset (ROA)
5. Return on Capital Employed (ROCE)
EBITDA Margin:
In order to calculate the EBITDA Margin, we first need to calculate the EBITDA itself.
Continuing the example of Amara Raja Batteries Limited, the EBITDA Margin
calculation for the FY14 is as follows:
[Total Revenue – Other Income] – [Total Expense – Finance Cost – Depreciation &
Note: Other income is income by virtue of investments and other non operational
activity. Including other income in EBITDA calculation would clearly skew the data.
For this reason, we have to exclude Other Income from Total Revenues.
= [3436] – [2876]
= 560 Crores
560 / 3436
= 16.3%
1. What does an EBITDA of Rs.560 Crs and an EBITDA margin of 16.3% indicate?
2. How good or bad an EBITDA margin of 16.3% is?
The first question is a fairly simple. An EBITDA of Rs.560 Crs means that the
company has retained Rs.560 Crs from its operating revenue of Rs.3436 Crs. This
also means out of Rs.3436 Crs the company spent Rs.2876 Crs towards its expenses.
In percentage terms, the company spent 83.7% of its revenue towards its expenses
and retained 16.3% of the revenue at the operating level, for its operations.
Now for the 2nd question, hopefully you should not have an answer.
Remember we did discuss this point earlier in this chapter. A financial ratio on its
own conveys very little information. To make sense of it, we should either see the
trend or compare it with its peers. Going with this, a 16.3% EBITDA margin conveys
very little information.
To makes some sense of the EBITDA margin, let us look at Amara Raja’s EBITDA
margin trend for the last 4 years, (all numbers in Rs Crs, except EBITDA margin):
It appears that ARBL has maintained its EBITDA at an average of 15%, and in fact on
a closer look it is clear the EBITDA margin is increasing. This is a good sign as it
shows consistency and efficiency in the management’s operational capabilities.
In 2011 the EBITDA was Rs.257 Crs and in 2014 the EBITDA is Rs.560Crs. This
translates to a 4 year EBITDA CAGR growth of 21%.
Clearly, it appears that both EBITDA margin and EBITDA growth are quite
impressive. However we still do not know if it is the best. In order to find out if it is
the best one needs to compare these numbers with its competitors. In case of ARBL
it would be Exide batteries Limited. I would encourage you to do the same for Exide
and compare the results.
PAT Margin:
While the EBITDA margin is calculated at the operating level, the Profit After Tax
(PAT) margin is calculated at the final profitability level. At the operating level we
consider only the operating expenses however there are other expenses such as
depreciation and finance costs which are not considered. Along with these expenses
there are tax expenses as well. When we calculate the PAT margin, all expenses are
deducted from the Total Revenues of the company to identify the overall
profitability of the company.
PAT is explicitly stated in the Annual Report. ARBL’s PAT for the FY14 is Rs.367 Crs on
the overall revenue of Rs.3482 Crs (including other income). This translates to a PAT
margin of:
= 367 / 3482
=10.5 %
The PAT and PAT margin trend seems impressive as we can clearly see a margin
expansion. The 4 year CAGR growth stands at 25.48%, which is again good. Needless
to say, it always makes sense to compare ratios with its competitors.
Return on Equity (RoE):
The Return on Equity (RoE) is a very important ratio, as it helps the investor assess
the return the shareholder earns for every unit of capital invested. RoE measures
the entity’s ability to generate profits from the shareholders investments. In other
words, RoE shows the efficiency of the company in terms of generating profits to its
shareholders. Obviously, higher the RoE, the better it is for the shareholders. In fact
this is one of the key ratios that helps the investor identify investable attributes of
the company. To give you a perspective, the average RoE of top Indian companies
vary between 14 – 16%. I personally prefer to invest in companies that have a RoE of
18% upwards.
This ratio is compared with the other companies in the same industry and is also
observed over time.
Also note, if the RoE is high, it means a good amount of cash is being generated by
the company, hence the need for external funds is less. Thus a higher ROE indicates
a higher level of management performance.
There is no doubt that RoE is an important ratio to calculate, but like any other
financial ratios it also has a few drawbacks. To help you understand its drawbacks,
consider this hypothetical example.
Assume Vishal runs a Pizza store. To bake pizza’s Vishal needs an oven which costs
him Rs.10,000/-. Oven is an asset to Vishal’s business. He procures the oven from his
own funds and seeks no external debt. At this stage you would agree on his balance
sheet he has a shareholder equity of Rs.10,000 and an asset equivalent to Rs.10,000.
Now, assume in his first year of operation, Vishal generates a profit of Rs.2500/-.
What is his RoE? This is quite simple to compute:
RoE = 2500/10000*100
Now let us twist the story a bit. Vishal has only Rs.8000/- he borrows Rs.2000 from
his father to purchase an oven worth Rs.10000/-. How do you think his balance
sheet would look?
Debt = Rs.2000
This makes Vishal’s total liability Rs. 10,000. Balancing this on the asset side, he has
an asset worth Rs.10,000. Let us see how his RoE looks now:
= 31.25%
With an additional debt, the RoE shot up quite significantly. Now, what if Vishal had
only Rs.5000 and borrowed the additional Rs.5000 from his father to buy the oven.
His balance sheet would look like this:
Debt = Rs.5000
Vishal’s total liability is Rs. 10,000. Balancing this on the asset side, he has an asset
worth Rs.10,000. Let us see how his RoE looks now:
Clearly, higher the debt Vishal seeks to finance his asset, (which in turn is required
to generate profits) higher is the RoE. A high RoE is great, but certainly not at the
cost of high debt. The problem is with a high amount of debt, running the business
gets very risky as the finance cost increases drastically. For this reason inspecting
the RoE closely becomes extremely important. One way to do this is by
implementing a technique called the ‘DuPont Model’ also called DuPont Identity.
This model was developed in 1920’s by the DuPont Corporation. DuPont Model
breaks up the RoE formula into three components with each part representing a
certain aspect of business. The DuPont analysis uses both the P&L statement and
the Balance sheet for the computation.
If you notice the above formula, the denominator and the numerator cancels out
with one another eventually leaving us with the original RoE formula which is:
However in the process of decomposing the RoE formula, we gained insights into
three distinct aspects of the business. Let us look into the three components of the
DuPont model that makes up the RoE formula :
o Net Profit Margin = Net Profits/ Net Sales*100
This is the first part of the DuPont Model and it expresses the company’s ability to
generate profits. This is nothing but the PAT margin we looked at earlier in this
chapter. A low Net profit margin would indicate higher costs and increased
o Asset Turnover = Net Sales / Average Total asset
Asset turnover ratio is an efficiency ratio that indicates how efficiently the company
is using its assets to generate revenue. Higher the ratio, it means the company is
using its assets more efficiently. Lower the ratio, it could indicate management or
production problems. The resulting figure is expressed as number of times per year.
o Financial Leverage = Average Total Assets / Shareholders Equity
Financial leverage helps us answer this question – ‘For every unit of shareholders
equity, how many units of assets does the company have’. For example if the
financial leverage is 4, this means for every Rs.1 of equity, the company supports
Rs.4 worth of assets. Higher the financial leverage along with increased amounts of
debt, will indicate the company is highly leveraged and hence the investor should
exercise caution. The resulting figure is expressed as number of times per year.
As you can see, the DuPont model breaks up the RoE formula into three distinct
components, with each component giving an insight into the company’s operating
and financial capabilities.
Let us now proceed to implement the DuPont Model to calculate Amara Raja’s RoE
for the FY 14. For this we need to calculate the values of the individual components.
Net Profit Margin: As I mentioned earlier, this is same as the PAT margin. From our
calculation earlier, we know the Net Profit Margin for ARBL is 9.2%
We know from the FY14 Annual Report, Net sales of ARBL stands at Rs.3437 Crs.
The denominator has Average Total Assets which we know can be sourced from the
Balance Sheet. But what does the word ‘Average’ indicate?
From ARBL’s balance sheet, the total asset for FY14 is Rs.2139Crs. But think about
this, the reported number is for the Financial Year 2014, which starts from 1st of April
2013 and close on 31st March 2014. This implies that at the start of the financial year
2014 (1st April 2013), the company must have commenced its operation with assets
that it carried forward from the previous financial year (FY 2013). During the
financial year (FY 2014) the company has acquired some more assets which when
added to the previous year’s (FY2013) assets totaled to Rs.2139 Crs. Clearly the
company started the financial year with a certain rupee value of assets but closed
the year with a totally different rupee value of assets.
Keeping this in perspective, if I were to calculate the asset turnover ratio, which
asset value should I consider for the denominator? Should I consider the asset value
at the beginning of the year or at the asset value at the end of the year? To avoid
confusion, the practice is to take average of the asset values for the two financial
Do remember this technique of averaging line items, as we will be using this across
other ratios as well.
= 1955
= 1.75 times
This means for every Rs.1 of asset deployed, the company is generating Rs.1.75 in
We will now calculate the last component that is the Financial Leverage.
We know the average total assets is Rs.1955. We just need to look into the
shareholders equity. For reasons similar to taking the “Average Assets” as opposed
to just the current year assets, we will consider “Average Shareholder equity” as
opposed to just the current year’s shareholder equity.
= 1.61 times
Considering ARBL has little debt, Financial Leverage of 1.61 is indeed an
encouraging number. The number above indicates that for every Rs.1 of Equity,
ARBL supports Rs.1.61 of assets.
We now have all the inputs to calculate RoE for ARBL, we will now proceed to do the
I understand this is a lengthy way to calculate RoE, but this is perhaps the best way
as in the process of calculating RoE, we can develop valuable insights into the
business. DuPont model not only answers what the return is but also the quality of
the return.
However if you wish do a quick RoE calculation you can do so the following way:
From the annual report we know for the FY14 the PAT is Rs.367 Crs
= 30.31%
Having understood the DuPont Model, understanding the next two ratios should be
simple. Return on Assets (RoA) evaluates the effectiveness of the entity’s ability to
use the assets to create profits. A well managed entity limits investments in non
productive assets. Hence RoA indicates the management’s efficiency at deploying its
assets. Needless to say, higher the RoA, the better it is.
And we know from the Dupont Model the Total average assets (for FY13 and FY14) =
Rs.1955 Crs
So what does interest *(1- tax rate) mean? Well, think about it, the loan taken by
the company is also used to finance the assets which in turn is used to
generate profits. So in a sense, the debtholders (entities who have given loan to the
company) are also a part of the company. From this perspective the interest paid
out also belongs to a stakeholder of the company. Also, the company benefits in
terms of paying lesser taxes when interest is paid out, this is called a ‘tax shield’. For
these reasons, we need to add interest (by accounting for the tax shield) while
calculating the ROA.
The Interest amount (finance cost) is Rs.7 Crs, accounting for the tax shield it would
= 7* (1 – 32%)
~ 372.16 / 1955
The Return on Capital employed indicates the profitability of the company taking
into consideration the overall capital it employs.
Overall capital includes both equity and debt (both long term and short term).
Overall Capital Employed = Short term Debt + Long term Debt + Equity
= 37.18%
Key takeaways from this chapter:
1. A Financial ratio is a useful financial metric of a company. On its own merit the ratio
conveys very little information
2. It is best to study the ratio’s recent trend or compare it with the company’s peers to
develop an opinion
3. Financial ratios can be categorized into ‘Profitability’, ‘Leverage’, ‘Valuation’, and
‘Operating’ ratios. Each of these categories give the analyst a certain view on the
company’s business
4. EBITDA is the amount of money the company makes after subtracting the
operational expenses of the company from its operating revenue
5. EBITDA margin indicates the percentage profitability of the company at the
operating level
6. PAT margin gives the overall profitability of the firm
7. Return on Equity (ROE) is a very valuable ratio. It indicates how much return the
shareholders are making over their initial investment in the company
8. A high ROE and a high debt is not a great sign
9. DuPont Model helps in decomposing the ROE into different parts, with each part
throwing light on different aspects of the business
10. DuPont method is probably the best way to calculate the ROE of a firm
11. Return on Assets in an indicator of how efficiently the company is utilizing its assets
12. Return on Capital employed indicates the overall return the company generates
considering both the equity and debt.
13. For the ratios to be useful, it should be analyzed in comparison with other
companies in the same industry.
14. Also, ratios should be analyzed both at a single point in time and as an indicator of
broader trends over time
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 10
Well managed companies seek debt if they foresee a situation where, they can
deploy the debt funds in an environment which generates a higher return in
contrast to the interest payments the company has to makes to service its debt. Do
recollect a judicious use of debt to finance assets also increases the return on
However if a company takes on too much debt, then the interest paid to service the
debt eats into the profit share of the shareholders. Hence there is a very thin line
that separates the good and the bad debt. Leverage ratios mainly deal with the
overall extent of the company’s debt, and help us understand the company’s
financial leverage better.
3. Debt to Asset Ratio
4. Financial Leverage Ratio
So far we have been using Amara Raja Batteries Limited (ARBL) as an example,
however to understand leverage ratios, we will look into a company that has a
sizable debt on its balance sheet. I have chosen Jain Irrigation Systems Limited (JISL),
I would encourage you calculate the ratios for a company of your choice.
Let us apply this ratio on Jain Irrigation Limited. Here is the snapshot of Jain
Irrigation’s P&L statement for the FY 14, I have highlighted the Finance costs in red:
We know EBITDA = [Revenue – Expenses]
= Rs.769.98 – 204.54
= Rs. 565.44
= 565.44/ 467.64
= 1.209x
The ‘x’ in the above number represents a multiple. Hence 1.209x should be read as
1.209 ‘times’.
Interest coverage ratio of 1.209x suggests that for every Rupee of interest payment
due, Jain Irrigation Limited is generating an EBIT of 1.209 times.
Please note, the total debt here includes both the short term debt and the long term
Here is JSIL’s Balance Sheet, I have highlighted total equity, long term, and short
term debt:
Debt to Asset Ratio:
This ratio helps us understand the asset financing pattern of the company. It
conveys to us how much of the total assets are financed through debt capital.
This means roughly about 45% of the assets held by JSIL is financed through debt
capital or creditors (and therefore 55% is financed by the owners). Needless to say,
higher the percentage the more concerned the investor would be as it indicates
higher leverage and risk.
From JSIL’s FY14 balance sheet, I know the average total assets is Rs.8012.615.The
average total equity is Rs.2171.755. Hence the financial leverage ratio or simply the
leverage ratio is:
8012.615 / 2171.755
= 3.68
This means JSIL supports Rs.3.68 units of assets for every unit of equity. Do
remember higher the number, higher is the company’s leverage and the more
careful the investor needs to be.
To get a true sense of how good or bad the operating ratios of a company are, one
must compare the ratios with the company’s peers /competitors or these ratios
should be compared over the years for the same company.
Fixed Assets Turnover
The ratio measures the extent of the revenue generated in comparison to its
investment in fixed assets. It tells us how effectively the company uses its plant and
equipment. Fixed assets include the property, plant and equipment. Higher the
ratio, it means the company is effectively and efficiently managing its fixed assets.
The assets considered while calculating the fixed assets turnover should be net of
accumulated depreciation, which is nothing but the net block of the company. It
should also include the capital work in progress. Also, we take the average assets for
reasons discussed in the previous chapter.
= (767.864 + 461.847)/2
= Rs.614.855 Crs
We know the operating revenue for FY14 is Rs.3436.7 Crs, hence the Fixed Asset
Turnover ratio is:
= 3436.7 / 614.85
While evaluating this ratio, do keep in mind the stage the company is in. For a very
well established company, the company may not be utilizing its cash to invest in
fixed assets. However for a growing company, the company may invest in fixed
assets and hence the fixed assets value may increase year on year. You can notice
this in case of ARBL as well, for the FY13 the Fixed assets value is at Rs.461.8 Crs and
for the FY14 the fixed asset value is at Rs.767.8 Crs.
This ratio is mostly used by capital intensive industries to analyze how effectively the
fixed assets of the company are used.
Working Capital = Current Assets – Current Liabilities
If the working capital is a positive number, it implies that the company has working
capital surplus and can easily manage its day to day operations. However if the
working capital is negative, it means the company has a working capital deficit.
Usually if the company has a working capital deficit, they seek a working capital loan
from their bankers.
The working capital turnover ratio is also referred to as Net sales to working capital.
The working capital turnover indicates how much revenue the company generates
for every unit of working capital. Suppose the ratio is 4, then it indicates that the
company generates Rs.4 in revenue for every Rs.1 of working capital. Needless to
say, higher the number, better it is. Also, do remember all ratios should be
compared with its peers/competitors in the same industry and with the company’s
past and planned ratio to get a deeper insight of its performance.
Let us implement the same for Amara Raja Batteries Limited. To begin with, we
need to calculate the working capital for the FY13 and the FY14 and then find out
the average. Here is the snapshot of ARBL’s Balance sheet, I have highlighted the
current assets (red) and current liabilities (green) for both the years:
The average working capital for the two financial years can be calculated as follows:
We know the revenue from operations for ARBL is Rs.3437 Crs. Hence the working
capital turnover ratio is:
= 3437 / 672.78
= 5.11 times
The number indicates that for every Rs.1 of working capital, the company is
generating Rs.5.11 in terms of revenue. Higher the working capital turnover ratio
the better it is, as it indicates the company is generating better sales in comparison
with the money it uses to fund the sales.
Total Assets for FY 13 – Rs.1770.5 Crs and Total Assets for FY 14 – 2139.4 Crs. Hence
the average assets would be Rs. 1954.95 Crs.
Operating revenue (FY 14) is Rs. 3437 Crs. Hence Total Asset Turnover is:
= 3437 / 1954.95
= 1.75 times
If a company is selling popular products, then the goods in the inventory gets
cleared rapidly, and the company has to replenish the inventory time and again.
This is called the ‘Inventory turnover’.
For example think about a bakery selling hot bread. If the bakery is popular, the
baker probably knows how many pounds of bread he is likely to sell on any given
day. For example, he could sell 200 pounds of bread daily. This means he has to
maintain an inventory of 200 pounds of bread every day. So, in this case the rate of
replenishing the inventory and the inventory turnover is quite high.
This may not be true for every business. For instance, think of a car manufacturer.
Obviously selling cars is not as easy as selling bread. If the manufacturer produces
50 cars, he may have to wait for sometime before he sells these cars. Assume, to
sell 50 cars (his inventory capacity) he will need 3 months. This means, every 3
months he turns over his inventory. Hence in a year he turns over his inventory 4
Finally, if the product is really popular the inventory turnover would be high. This is
exactly what the ‘Inventory Turnover Ratio’ indicates.
Cost of goods sold is the cost involved in making the finished good. We can find this
in the P&L Statement of the company. Let us implement this for ARBL.
To evaluate the cost of goods sold, I need to look into the expense of the company,
here is the extract of the same:
Cost of materials consumed is Rs.2101.19 Crs and purchases of stock-in-trade is
Rs.211.36 Crs. These line items are directly related to the cost of goods sold. Along
with this I would also like to inspect ‘Other Expenses’ to identify any costs that are
related to the cost of goods sold. Here is the extract of Note 24, which details ‘Other
There are two expenses that are directly related to manufacturing i.e. Stores &
spares consumed which is at Rs.44.94 Crs and the Power & Fuel cost which is at
Hence the Cost of Goods Sold = Cost of materials consumed + Purchase of stock in
trade + Stores & spares consumed + Power & Fuel
= 2101.19 + 211.36 + 44.94 + 92.25
COGS= Rs.2449.74 Crs
This takes care of the numerator. For the denominator, we just take the average
inventory for the FY13 and FY14. From the balance sheet – Inventory for the FY13 is
Rs.292.85 Crs and for the FY14 is Rs.335.00 Crs. The average works out to Rs.313.92
= 7.8 times
~ 8.0 times a year
This means Amara Raja Batteries Limited turns over its inventory 8 times in a year
or once in every 1.5 months. Needless to say, to get a true sense of how good or
bad this number is, one should compare it with its competitor’s numbers.
The inventory number of days is usually calculated on a yearly basis. Hence in the
formula above, 365 indicates the number of days in a year.
This means ARBL roughly takes about 47 days to convert its inventory into cash.
Needless to say, the inventory number of days of a company should be compared
with its competitors, to get a sense of how the company’s products are moving.
Now here is something for you to think about – What would you think about the
following situation?
However, what if the company has a great product (hence they are able to sell
quickly) but a low production capacity? Even in this case the inventory turnover will
be high and inventory days will be low. But a low production capacity can be a bit
worrisome as it raises many questions about the company’s production:
2. Are they not able to increase production because they are short of funds?
3. If they are short of funds, why can’t they seek a bank loan?
4. Have they approached a bank and are not been able to raise a loan successfully?
5. If they are not able to raise a loan, why?
6. What if the management does not have a great track record, hence the banks
hesitation to give a loan?
7. If funds are not a problem, why can’t the company increase production?
8. Is sourcing raw materials difficult? Is the raw material required regulated by
government (like Coal, power, Oil etc).
9. Difficult access to raw material – does that mean the business is not scalable?
As you can see, if any of the points above is true, then a red flag is raised, hence
investing in the company may not be advisable. To fully understand the production
issues (if any), the fundamental analyst should read through the annual report
(especially the management discussion & analysis report) from the beginning to the
This means whenever you see impressive inventory numbers, always ensure to
double check the production details as well.
This means ARBL receives cash from its customers roughly about 8.24 times a year
or once every month and a half.
Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) )/ Average Collection Period/ Day Sales in
The days sales outstanding ratio illustrates the average cash collection period i.e the
time lag between billing and collection. This calculation shows the efficiency of the
company’s collection department. Quicker/faster the cash is collected from the
creditors, faster the cash can be used for other activities. The formula to calculate
the same is:
This means ARBL takes about 45 days from the time it raises an invoice to the time it
can collect its money against the invoice.
Both Receivables Turnover and the DSO indicate the credit policy of the firm. A
efficiently run company, should strike the right balance between the credit policy
and the credit it extends to its customers.
1. Leverage ratios include Interest Coverage, Debt to Equity, Debt to Assets and the
Financial Leverage ratios
2. The Leverage ratios mainly study the company’s debt with respect to the company’s
ability to service the long term debt
3. Interest coverage ratio inspects the company’s earnings ability (at the EBIT level) as
a multiple of its finance costs
4. Debt to equity ratio measures the amount of equity capital with respect to the debt
capital. Debt to equity of 1 implies equal amount of debt and equity
5. Debt to Asset ratio helps us understand the asset financing structure of the
company (especially with respect to the debt)
6. The Financial Leverage ratio helps us understand the extent to which the assets are
financed by the owner’s equity
7. The Operating Ratios also referred to as the Activity ratios include – Fixed Assets
Turnover, Working Capital turnover, Total Assets turnover, Inventory turnover,
Inventory number of days, Receivable turnover and Day Sales Outstanding ratios
8. The Fixed asset turnover ratio measures the extent of the revenue generated in
comparison to its investment in fixed assets
9. Working capital turnover ratio indicates how much revenue the company generates
for every unit of working capital
10. Total assets turnover indicates the company’s ability to generate revenues with the
given amount of assets
11. Inventory turnover ratio indicates how many times the company replenishes its
inventory during the year
12. Inventory number of days represents the number of days the company takes to
convert its inventory to cash
1. A high inventory turnover and therefore a low inventory number of days is a great combination
2. However make sure this does not come at the cost of low production capacity
13. The Receivable turnover ratio indicates how many times in a given period the
company receives money from its debtors and customers
14. The Days sales outstanding (DSO) ratio indicates the Average cash collection period
i.e the time lag between the Billing and Collection
Module 3 — Fundamental Analysis
Chapter 11
The valuation ratios help us develop a sense on how the stock price is valued by the
market participants. These ratios help us understand the attractiveness of the stock
price from an investment perspective. The point of valuation ratios is to compare
the price of a stock viz a viz the benefits of owning it. Like all the other ratios we had
looked at, the valuation ratios of a company should be evaluated alongside the
company’s competitors.
Valuation ratios are usually computed as a ratio of the company’s share price to an
aspect of its financial performance. We will be looking at the following three
important valuation ratios:
3. Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio
Continuing with the Amara Raja Batteries Limited (ARBL) example, let us implement
these ratios to see how ARBL fares. The stock price of ARBL is a vital input used to
calculate the valuation ratios. As I write this chapter on 28th of Oct 2014, ARBL is
trading at Rs.661 per share.
We also need the total number of shares outstanding in ARBL to calculate the above
ratios. If you recollect, we have calculated the same in chapter 6. The total number
of shares outstanding is 17,08,12,500 or 17.081Crs
In many cases, investors may use sales instead of earnings to value their
investments. The earnings figure may not be true as some companies might be
experiencing a cyclical low in their earning cycle. Additionally due to some
accounting rules, a profitable company may seem to have no earnings at all, due to
the huge write offs applicable to that industry. So, investors would prefer to use this
ratio. This ratio compares the stock price of the company with the company’s sales
per share. The formula to calculate the P/S ratio is:
Let us calculate the same for ARBL. We will take up the denominator first:
This means for every share outstanding, ARBL does Rs.203.86 worth of sales.
A P/S ratio of 3.24 times indicates that, for every Rs.1 of sales, the stock is valued
Rs.3.24 times higher. Obviously, higher the P/S ratio, higher is the valuation of the
firm. One has to compare the P/S ratio with its competitors in the industry to get a
fair sense of how expensive or cheap the stock is.
Here is something that you need to remember while calculating the P/S ratio.
Assume there are two companies (Company A and Company B) selling the same
product. Both the companies generate a revenue of Rs.1000/-each. However,
Company A retains Rs.250 as PAT and Company B retains Rs.150 as PAT. In this
case, Company A has a profit margin of 25% versus Company B’s which has a 15%
profit margin. Hence the sales of Company A is more valuable than the sales of
Company B. Hence if Company A is trading at a higher P/S, then the valuation
maybe justified, simply because every rupee of sales Company A generates, a higher
profit is retained.
Hence whenever you feel a particular company is trading at a higher valuation from
the P/S ratio perspective, do remember to check the profit margin for cues.
Before we understand the Price to Book Value ratio, we need to understand what
the term ‘Book Value’ means.
Consider a situation where the company has to close down its business and
liquidate all its assets. What is the minimum value the company receives upon
liquidation? The answer to this lies in the “Book Value” of the firm.
The “Book Value” of a firm is simply the amount of money left on table after the
company pays off its obligations. Consider the book value as the salvage value of
the company. Suppose the book value of a company is Rs.200Crs, then this is the
amount of money the company can expect to receive after it sells everything and
settles its debts. Usually the book value is expressed on a per share basis. For
example, if the book value per share is Rs.60, then Rs.60 per share is what the
shareholder can expect in case the company decides to liquidate. The ‘Book Value’
(BV) can be calculated as follows:
Revaluation Reserves = 0
= Rs.79.8 per share
This means if ARBL were to liquidate all its assets and pay off its debt, Rs.79.8 per
shares is what the shareholders can expect.
Moving ahead, if we divide the current market price of the stock by the book value
per share, we will get the price to the book value of the firm. The P/BV indicates how
many times the stock is trading over and above the book value of the firm. Clearly
the higher the ratio, the more expensive the stock is.
P/BV = 661/79.8
This means ARBL is trading over 8.3 times its book value.
A high ratio could indicate the firm is overvalued relative to the equity/ book value
of the company. A low ratio could indicate the company is undervalued relative to
the equity/ book value of the company.
The Price to Earnings ratio is perhaps the most popular financial ratio. Everybody
likes to check the P/E of a stock. Because of the popularity the P/E ratio enjoys, it is
often considered the ‘financial ratio superstar’.
The P/E of a stock is calculated by dividing the current stock price by the Earning
Per share (EPS). Before we proceed further to understand the PE ratio, let us
understand what “Earnings per Share” (EPS) stands for.
EPS measures the profitability of a company on a per share basis. For example
assume a certain company with 1000 shares outstanding generates a profit of
Rs.200000/-. Then the earnings on a per share basis would be:
=200000 / 1000
Hence the EPS gives us a sense of the profits generated on a per share basis.
Clearly, higher the EPS, better it is for its shareholders.
If you divide the current market price with EPS we get the Price to Earnings ratio of a
firm. The P/E ratio measures the willingness of the market participants to pay for
the stock, for every rupee of profit that the company generates. For example if the
P/E of a certain firm is 15, then it simply means that for every unit of profit the
company earns, the market participants are willing to pay 15 times. Higher the P/E,
more expensive is the stock.
Let us calculate the P/E for ARBL. We know from its annual report –
PAT = Rs.367Crs
= 367 / 17.081
= Rs.21.49
= 30.76 times
This means for every unit of profit generated by ARBL, the market participants are
willing to pay Rs.30.76 to acquire the share.
Now assume, ARBL’s price jumps to Rs.750 while the EPS remains at Rs.21.49, the
new P/E would be:
= 750/21.49
= 34.9 times
While the EPS stayed flat at Rs.21.49 per share, the stock’s P/E jumped. Why do you
think this happened?
Clearly, the P/E Ratio jumped because of the increase in the stock price. As we know
the stock price of a company increases when the expectations from the company
Remember, P/E Ratio is calculated with ‘earnings’ in its denominator. While looking
at the P/E ratio, do remember the following key points:
1. P/E indicates how expensive or cheap the stock is trading at. Never buy stocks that
are trading at high valuations. I personally do not like to buy stocks that are trading
beyond 25 or at the most 30 times its earnings, irrespective of the company and the
sector it belongs to
2. The denominator in P/E ratio is the ‘Earnings’, and the earnings can be manipulated
3. Make sure the company is not changing its accounting policy too often – this is one
of the ways the company tries to manipulate its earnings.
4. Pay attention to the way depreciation is treated. Provision for lesser depreciation
can boost earnings
5. If the company’s earnings are increasing but not its cash flows and sales, then
clearly something is not right
* Source – Creytheon
From the P/E chart above, we can make a few important observations –
1. The peak Index valuation was 28x (early 2008), what followed this was a major crash
in the Indian markets
2. The corrections drove the valuation down to almost 11x (late 2008, early 2009). This
was the lowest valuation the Indian market had witnessed in the recent past
3. Usually the Indian Indices P/E ratio ranges between 16x to 20x, with an average of
4. As of today (2014) we are trading around 22x, which is above the average P/E ratio
Based on these observations, the following conclusions can be made –
1. One has to be cautious while investing in stocks when the market’s P/E valuations is
above 22x
2. Historically the best time to invest in the markets is when the valuations are around
16x or below.
One can easily find out Index P/E valuation on a daily basis by visiting the National
Stock Exchange (NSE) website.
On NSE’s home page click on Products > Indices > Historical Data > P/E, P/B & Div
> Search
In the search field enter today’s date and you will get the latest P/E valuation of the
market. Do note, the NSE updates this information around 6:00 PM every day.
Clearly as of today (13th Nov 2014) the Indian market is trading close to the higher
end of the P/E range; history suggests that we need to be cautious while taking
investment decisions at this level.
4. Sales of a company with a higher profit margin is more valuable in comparison to
the sales of a company with lower profit margins
5. If a company is going bankrupt, the ‘Book Value’ of a firm is simply the amount of
money left on table after the company pays off its obligations
6. Book value is usually expressed on a per share basis
7. The Price/BV indicates how many times the stock price is trading over and above the
book value of the firm
8. EPS measures the profitability of a company on a per share basis
9. The P/E ratio indicates the willingness of market participants to pay for a stock,
keeping the company’s earnings in perspective
10. One has to be cautious about the earning manipulation while evaluating the P/E
11. The Indices have a valuation which can be measured by the P/E, P/B or Dividend
Yield ratio
12. It is advisable to exercise caution when the Index is trading at a valuation of 22x or
13. A valuation gets attractive when the index is trading at 16x or below
14. The index valuations are published by NSE on their website on a daily basis