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Oxford Level 1+ First Sentences

Kipper’s Diary
Teaching Notes Author: Lucy Tritton
Comprehension strategies Decodable words
• Comprehension strategies are taught a, fun, hot, it, wet
throughout the Teaching Notes to enable
pupils to understand what they are reading Tricky words
in books that they can read independently. In day, diary, Friday, I, Monday, park, pool, shops, sunny, the, to,
these Teaching Notes the following strategies Thursday, Tuesday, was, Wednesday, went, windy
are taught:
Prediction, Questioning, Clarifying, = Language comprehension
Summarising, Imagining
= Word recognition

Group or guided reading

Introducing the book
(Clarifying, Prediction) Read the title and show the picture on the cover. Ask the children: What is a
diary? When do you write in it? What sort of things do you write in it?
(Clarifying, Prediction) Look through the book and identify what Kipper did on each day. Ask: Who do
you think did the drawings?
(Clarifying) Point to the days of the week at the top of each page and read them with the children.

Strategy check
Remind the children to sound out the letters to help them work out new words.

Independent reading
• Ask the children to read the story. Praise and encourage them while they read, and prompt
as necessary.
Praise the children for reading the high frequency words and CVC words on sight.
If children have difficulty with the tricky words ‘was’, ‘windy’, ‘pool’ and ‘park’, tell the words to them.
Check that children:
• use phonic knowledge to work out decodable words
• can read on sight the familiar high frequency words.
Returning to the text
(Summarising) Ask the children to retell the story in one or two sentences.
(Clarifying, Questioning) Ask: What time of year do you think Kipper is writing this diary? Is it during
school time? Why did Kipper go to the pool on Wednesday? Would Thursday have been a better day?
(Questioning, Imagining) Ask: Which day of the week do you think was best? Why?

Group and independent reading activities

Read a range of familiar and common words.
You will need word cards of each day of the week and a calendar.
Working in pairs, ask the children to use the words as flash cards: one child holds a card up and the
other child has to read it.

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• Together, ask them to put all the cards out on the table in front of them and put them in the correct order.
• Show the children a calendar and ask them to find the days of the week.
• Explain how a calendar works.
Do the children recognise the days of the week from reading the story?
Recognise some common digraphs.
Ask the children to look at page 1.
• Ask: What are the two sounds in ‘day’? (‘d–ay’) Explain that the two letters ‘ay’ make one sound.
• Say: Find me another word where two letters together make one sound. (See page 3, ‘shops’ ‘sh–o–p–s’;
page 5 ‘pool’ ‘p–oo–l’; page 6 ‘Thursday’ ‘Th–ur–s–d–ay’)
• Remind them of another sound that ‘oo’ can make in a word, e.g. ‘look’.
Do the children find the words with common digraphs?
Show how information can be found in texts to answer questions about where, who, why and how.
(Clarifying) Discuss with the children whether they think Kipper’s diary is a story or whether it is
giving information.
• Establish that the book is giving us information about Kipper’s week and therefore it is not a story.
• Ask: What day did Kipper go to the shops? What was the weather like on Monday? Why was Friday a
fun day? etc.
• Remind the children that they can use the text and illustrations to work out the answers to
the questions.
• In pairs, encourage the children to ask each other questions about Kipper’s week.
Do the children look through the text to find the answers to the questions?

Speaking, listening and drama activities

Use language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences. Speak clearly and audibly with confidence
and control and show awareness of the listener. Sustain attentive listening, responding to what they have
heard by relevant comments, questions or actions.
You will need scarves, sun hats and umbrellas.
• Give each pair of children one of the props above: the scarf means a cold day, the sun hat a hot day and
the umbrella a wet day.
• Ask the children to think about the sorts of things they do on these types of day and to prepare a short
presentation, using the prop.
• Invite pairs to present their ideas to the rest of the class or group.
• Encourage the ‘audience’ to ask questions.
Writing activities
Attempt writing for various purposes.
• Ask, What days are missing from Kipper’s diary?
• Establish that Saturday and Sunday are missing.
• Model writing the words Saturday and Sunday and ask them to write
the words at the top left–hand side of an A4 piece of paper divided
into two (to mirror the book).
For teachers
• Ask them to describe the type of day it was – hot, cold, wet, or Helping you with free eBooks, inspirational
windy – then describe what they think Kipper might have done resources, advice and support

on that day. For parents

Helping your child’s learning
Do the children attempt to write in sentences? with free eBooks, essential
tips and fun activities

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