SM17 Guide en-US

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MODEL SM17 from the rubber bushing below the nut.

Insert the screw

INSTRUMENT DYNAMIC MICROPHONE head and bushing end of the expansion mount in one of
the string holes of the tailpiece. [Note that a total of
three different bushing sizes-4, 4.37 and 6 mm (0.16,
0.17 and 0.24 in.) diameter- are supplied. If the 4 mm
bushing installed on the expansion mount is too small,
unscrew the knurled nut and replace the bushing with
one of a larger diameter.] Swivel the expansion mount to
the approximate desired position and tighten the knurl-
ed nut to expand the rubber bushing in the string hole.
Snap the microphone into the shock mount (see Figure
2). Note that the microphone can be swiveled in the
shock mount after installation.
The SM17 can also be mounted on a violin, viola or
cello using the cloth mounting adapter by pulling the
The Shure Model SM17 is a miniature dynamic “loop” strip away from the “hook” strip. Fasten the
microphone designed specifically for use with acoustic adapter (with the elastic microphone band upward)
stringed instruments and other acoustic musical in- around the instrument strings between the bridge and
struments. The SM17 has an omnidirectional pickup tailpiece by pressing the “loop” and “hook” strips
pattern and a frequency response well suited for instru- together. Insert the SM17 in the elastic band with the
ment use. The microphone is supplied with an attached microphone grille toward the bridge (see Figure 3).
3m (10 ft) cable, shock mount, clip, expansion mount, To hold the microphone cable in place, remove the
additional bushings (for the expansion mount), cloth
paper backing from the supplied cable clips, affix the
mounting adapter, and two cable clips
clips to a suitable flat surface, and insert the cable in
Model SM17 Features: the clip slot.
Excellent frequency response for acoustic instru-
ment use. Will not overload or distort at high sound
Small and lightweight for unobtrusive, virtually un-
seen operation
Smooth exterior and recessed grille screen minimize
accidental rubbing noise
Rugged aluminum case construction
Extremely flexible lightweight cable
Three mounting options -expansion mount for
string hole mounting, cloth mounting adapter for
string mounting, or clip for sound hole or other edge
To mount the SM17 on a violin, viola or cello, re- VIOLIN MOUNTING-EXPANSION MOUNT
move the shock mount from the clip and slide it on the FIGURE 2
expansion mount blade. Unscrew the knurled nut on the
expansion mount (see Figure 1) until tension is removed




Copyright 1985, Shure Brothers Inc.

27A2196 (EH) Printed in U.S.A.
To mount the SM17 on an acoustic guitar (or similar SPECIFICATIONS
instrument with a wide sound hole), insert the clip blade Type
(see Figure 1) in the slots of the shock mount. Squeeze Dynamic
the clip to open it, and affix the clip to the edge of the
guitar sound hole (below the strings). NOTE: The clip Frequency Response
teeth are cushioned to avoid marring the instrument 50 to 15,000 Hz (see Figure 5)
finish. Snap the SM17 into the shock mount and swivel
the microphone to the desired position (see Figure 4).
Note that the microphone can be positioned on the top
surface of the guitar as shown, or placed within the
guitar body. Make sure the location of the microphone
does not interfere with playing. The cable clips can be
used to fasten the microphone cable along any flat sur-


Polar Pattern

Microphone rating impedance is 150 ohms (200 ohms
actual) for connection to microphone inputs rated at
19 to 300 ohms

Output Level (at 1,000 Hz)

Open Circuit Voltage. . . . . . . . -84.5 dB (.06 mV)
(0 dB = 1 volt per microbar)
Power Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -63.5 dB
(0 dB = 1 milliwatt per 10 microbars)

GUITAR MOUNTING Positive pressure on diaphragm produces positive
FIGURE 4 voltage on pin 2 of microphone connector

The SM17 can also be used with a number of other Hum Pickup
musical instruments. For instance, the clip can be 35.3 dB equivalent SPL in a 1 millioersted field
affixed to the bell of a saxophone, trumpet or trombone.
Other uses depend on the availability of edges or sur- Cable
faces to which the clip can be fastened. In addition, the Non-detachable, 3m (10 ft), two-conductor, shielded,
SM17 can be used (without mounting accessories) to plastic-covered
pick up amplified instruments by suspending the
microphone in front of the instrument amp speaker. Connector
Professional three-pin audio connector designed to
CONNECTOR mate with Cannon XL series, Switchcraft A3 (Q.G.)
The SM17 is supplied with a professional 3-pin audio series or equivalent connectors
connector designed to mate with Cannon XL series,
Switchcraft A3 (Q.G.) series or equivalent connectors. Case
Note that the supplied connector has a special strain Aluminum with gray enamel finish
relief to accommodate the very small diameter cable.
See Figure 6
The SM17 is supplied wired for low-impedance
microphone inputs (rated at 19 to 300 ohms). The low-
impedance, balanced line operation is desirable where
long cable lengths are required or conditions where
severe hum pickup may exist. To connect to high im-
pedance (¼ in. phone jack) instrument amplifier or
microphone inputs, connect the SM17 cable connector
to the low-impedance side of a Shure Line Matching
Transformer and plug the high-impedance side (¼ in. OVERALL DIMENSIONS
phone plug) into the input. FIGURE 6
Net Weight The overall dimensions of the microphone shall be
7.8 grams (0.28 oz) less cable 33.5 mm (1-15/16 in.) in length and 14.7 mm (9116 in.) in
Packaged Weight The microphone shall be the Shure Model SM17 or
352 grams (12½ oz) equivalent.
The following furnished accessories and replacement
parts may be ordered through your Authorized Shure
Professional Products Dealer or from Shure Brothers
Expansion Mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90B2739
Cloth Mounting Adapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95A961
Shock Mount and Clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90A3645
Rubber Bushing, 4 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66A161
Rubber Bushing, 4.37 mm . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 66C161
Rubber Bushing, 6 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66B161
Cable Clip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80A291
Cartridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R99
Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90B2505
ARCHITECTS’ SPECIFICATIONS This Shure product is guaranteed in normal use to be
The microphone shall be a moving-coil (dynamic) type free from electrical and mechanical defects for a period
with a frequency response of 50 to 15,000 Hz. The of one year from date of purchase. Please retain proof
microphone shall have an omnidirectional polar of purchase date. This guarantee includes all parts and
characteristic. The microphone shall be low impedance labor. This guarantee is in lieu of any and all other
with a rated impedance of 150 ohms for connection to guarantees or warranties, express or implied, and there
microphone inputs rated at 19 to 300 ohms. shall be no recovery for any consequential or incidental
The microphone output shall be -63.5 dB where 0 dB damages.
= 1 milliwatt per 10 microbars.
The microphone shall be an instrument type, and SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS
shall be provided with a 3m (10 ft) non-detachable, two- Carefully repack the unit, have it insured, and return it
conductor, shielded cable with a professional, three-pin prepaid to: Shure Brothers Incorporated
audio connector designed to mate with Cannon XL Attention: Service Department
series, Switchcraft A3 (Q.G.) series or equivalent con- 222 Hartrey Avenue
nectors. The microphone shall also be provided with an Evanston, Illinois 60202-3696
expansion mount, cloth mounting adapter, shock If outside the United States, return the unit to your
mount, clip, two additional bushings for the expansion dealer or Authorized Shure Service Center for repair.
mount, and two plastic cable clips. The unit will be returned to you prepaid.

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