W 2022 Cam
W 2022 Cam
W 2022 Cam
Q.2 (a) Draw and explain axis designation for vertical axis milling machine. 03
(b) What are the different elements of an industrial robot? 04
(c) Illustrate the use of canned cycle and subprograms with example in case of 07
manual part programming.
(c) Write a manual part program for drilling and milling of a component with 07
10mm thickness as shown in Fig. 1. Consider 10 mm diameter milling cutter
and necessary drill size for drilling operation. Assume suitable spindle speed
and feed for drilling and milling operation.
Q.3 (a) Define Part Families. Explain different attributes used for family formation. 03
(b) Write a short note on: Automated guided vehicle associated with FMS 04
(c) Discuss the three basic code structures used in classification and coding for 07
group technology.
Q.3 (a) What is CAPP? Explain its benefits over traditional process planning. 03
(b) Write a short note on: Tool monitoring system used in FMS 04
(c) Discuss various codes used for GT. Explain the digits used in Opitz code. 07
(b) List the robot configurations and explain any one with neat sketch. 04
(c) Write a note on: Different types of flexibility required in an FMS. 07
Q.4 (a) Describe with neat sketch AS/RS system used in FMS 03
(b) What are SCARA configuration robot? Explain its work envelope. 04
(c) Explain different types of FMS layouts with neat diagram. 07