Commitment, Motivation, and Involvement of Students in Improving Academic Performance
Commitment, Motivation, and Involvement of Students in Improving Academic Performance
Commitment, Motivation, and Involvement of Students in Improving Academic Performance
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Strategic Issues on Economics, Business and,
Education (ICoSIEBE 2021)
The use of technology in distance learning is now a trend in addition to face-to-face learning that cannot be done
directly. But not all courses can be done remotely as in practical courses. The importance of using modules in
remote practical learning helps students understand and improve skills in these courses. The purpose of this
research is to develop an online learning module in business computer practice courses. Module testing is carried
out to see the effectiveness of remote practical learning so as to improve performancestudent academics. The
results of this study indicate that the use of modules helps in the distance learning process even though practical
courses must be conducted face to face. Hypothesis testing shows that student commitment to improve academic
performance has a positive effect so that there is an intention to acquire business computer practice learning skills.
Meanwhile, motivation and involvement in class showed a significant effect. These results indicate that a
commitment at the beginning of learning will encourage students to improve academic performance.
State University which implements virtual learning effectively [9], [10]. One of the appropriate methods in
which is carried out in mid-March 2020. The learning virtual learning for practical courses is by providing
process is carried out by utilizing E-Learning such as learning modules whose purpose is to help students
Sipda, Zoom, Google Meet and other products. It's been repeat the material after the course is finished. It is
almost 3 semesters the implementation of learning has hoped that virtual learning through module creation can
been done virtually. increase motivation, student satisfaction, and class
attendance [11]–[13]. In contrast, according to [14],
This virtual learning does not always provide
[15] shows traditional learning is more effective than
benefits or progress for students. This is because there
online learning in terms of increasing motivation,
are obstacles faced by students in the implementation
satisfaction and attendance and has an impact on
of learning such as the availability of facilities,
decreasing test scores.
supporting facilities, or networks. Especially in
practical courses where the implementation of learning One measure of the success of using modules in
must include direct practice while learning is carried business computer application practice courses is
out virtually. As a result, the learning process is not student academic performance. Academic performance
maximized. Such as the implementation of learning in is the result achieved by students after carrying out the
the even semester of 2020/2021 where business lecture process. Many factors affect academic
computer application learning is carried out in the first performance where in this business computer
year student business education study program. Under application course there are obstacles such as the lack
normal conditions, this course is carried out practically of availability of facilities and infrastructure as well as
in a computer laboratory, but due to the current previously acquired skills, so it is important to know the
pandemic, it must be carried out virtually so that there factors that determine academic performance achieved
are obstacles that cannot be directly practiced by by students. According to [16] that the importance of
students. The use of E-Learning used in this study uses interaction, motivation, course structure, knowledge,
google meet. Many E-Learning can be used in learning and facilities on academic performance and student
such as zoom, edmudo, google meet, sipda, and other satisfaction. This is also supported by research
e-learning. But according to the teacher and the ease of conducted [17]–[19] which shows that motivation,
use, the E-Learning used is google meet. engagement, academic interest, and commitment in the
classroom have an impact on academic performance.
Based on the initial survey conducted on first year
Therefore, with the above problems, researchers are
students related to the practical learning of business
interested in examining the use of E-Learning in online
computer applications, the following results were
learning for practical courses with various obstacles
faced by students related to facilities and infrastructure
and facilities that ultimately have an impact on their
academic performance. The factors used in measuring
academic performance are motivation, involvement,
30% Don’t Have and commitment in online learning that takes place
Computer during the pandemic.
70% Don’t Have Skill 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
Ms Office
In the current pandemic conditions, universities are
required to use online learning methods that utilize e-
learning in the learning process [9]. E-learning itself is
an implementation of technological and
communication developments that bring changes to
Figure 1 Condition of Business Computer
aspects of life, be it social, economic, educational and
Application Students
other aspects of life [1], [4]. According to [20] that there
The picture above shows that 70% of students who is a theory that underlies e-learning learning called
take computer application courses do not have the constructivism theory which explains the types of new
skills/understanding in using MS Office because they learning methods/strategies. This theory plays an
do not practice good learning at school . While 30% important role in producing new learning methods, one
indicated that they did not have supporting facilities and of which is the theory of dialectical constructivism
infrastructure such as computers, making it difficult to where learning methods emerge through individual
practice using computer applications for business. In experiences with social interactions, where knowledge
addition to the above problems, the unavailability of reflects the external world filtered through culture,
practice modules makes it increasingly difficult to learn language, beliefs, and interactions with others, direct
this course at other times, so it is important to choose learning and modeling. . Information and
the right method so that learning can run more communication technology is a technology that
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204
processes new information which includes computers research conducted by [27] that motivation that comes
such as broadcasting, cellular telecommunications, and from within oneself in choosing in the academic field is
so on [1]. The development of information and the reason for improving academic performance. The
communication technology includes the development importance of interaction in online learning, student
of globalization that we cannot contain and must be motivation, instructor knowledge, and facilities have a
used to improve the lives of many people and increase positive impact on academic performance [16], [31],
student creativity [3], [21]. [32]. The importance of motivation as the power of
creativity and readiness of learners in learning and
According to [22], there are three learning
academic performance [33], [34]. But research
environments, namely (1) online learning, (2) face-to-
conducted by [35], [36] shows that motivation does not
face, (3) blended learning. Through the use of
affect student academic performance in online learning.
technological developments, developments in the
So the importance of the instructor's role in guiding
world of education can be through the development of
online learning so that learning objectives and
online or virtual learning methods [23]. So far, learning
motivation are clear in online learning [37].
is done using traditional methods, namely through
direct face-to-face interaction between educators and Involvement
students. But through the implementation of the
The involvement of students in the learning process
development of information and communication
is participation in online learning. Students who are
technology, learning can be done online or virtual
involved in the online learning process show
through the use of E-Learning. Through E-Learning,
participation to be able to take part in online learning
students will easily obtain information and knowledge
which will ultimately improve their learning
independently [8] and can improve higher order
achievement. Students who are not involved in the
thinking skills [7] . The forms of E-Learning that are
learning process show a lack of care or only follow the
often used in learning are Zoom, Google meet, Cisco,
requirements of the lecture so that there is no desire to
and others. The E-Learning that is often used in the
improve learning achievement. In online learning,
online learning process is using Google Meet. Many
interaction can be done through synchronous tools such
advantages such as easy to use and free to use.
as video conferencing, audio channels, and
According to research conducted [24] resulted that
asynchronous tools such as email [38] for the purpose
learning using Google was more efficient and effective
of increasing interest in learning. Research conducted
and reduced time in evaluating assignments and student
though [17] shows that simultaneously involvement has
attendance. According to [25] that a learning using
a significant effect on learning achievement but
online methods is said to be successfully determined by
partially shows no effect. Research conducted [18] also
a group of students consisting of: (1) social presence,
explains that student involvement in class will increase
(2) cognitive presence, (3) teaching attendance. This is
their learning achievement. In online learning the
supported by [16] that online learning includes
importance of interaction which is a factor in learning
interactions that are not done face-to-face, the freedom
[31] both between teachers and students and
of space and time compared to traditional learning
interactions among students [39].
methods. Research conducted by [11]–[13] shows the
results that online learning is better than traditional Commitment
learning. But research conducted by [10], [14], [15]
Commitment shows the desire in oneself to achieve
shows the opposite result where the traditional method
one that is desired. The commitment in this study was
is better in terms of motivation, satisfaction, and student
measured by academic interest and learning behavior.
Academic interest shows the desire of students to attend
Motivation lectures well. Students who are not interested in
attending lectures will not develop themselves in
Motivation is the drive that a person has to achieve
obtaining learning goals, understanding and intellectual
something he wants. In online learning, it is important
development [40], [41]. Interests tend to develop skills
to motivate students to improve academic performance.
and talents which will ultimately affect academic
According to [26] that motivation helps develop new
performance [42], [43]. In addition, interest will
skills in facing existing challenges and achieving
increase personal control, emotions, and feelings so that
success. Motivation can be measured by expectations
in the end it will affect academic performance [44],
and willingness [17] where expectations which include
[45]. However, research conducted [46] shows that
academic expectations, career, political involvement,
interest has no significant effect on academic
social interaction can motivate in improving academic
performance. In addition to interest in learning,
performance in higher education [27]–[29]. The results
learning attitudes also show how committed students
of research conducted by [30] show that students can
are in participating in online learning. Students who
improve academic performance if they are willing to
have a good learning attitude can be seen from how they
study in the study program. This is supported by
behave during the online learning process. Someone's
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204
dislike of a course or entering a study program that is research population. This is because researchers find it
not interested will affect their learning attitude. When difficult to supervise respondents to fill out the
students have good learning attitudes, they will always questionnaire. Before looking at academic
be present and show good attitudes in the learning performance, first, the implementation of business
process [47]–[49]. Through this good learning attitude computer application modules for students is carried
during the learning process, it will help students receive out.
material, improve thinking skills and ultimately
Implementation Phase (Implementation)
improve academic performance [50]. But research
conducted by [44] does not show that attendance has a Implementation is the application of the use of
significant effect on learning achievement. modules in the learning process. The learning process
is carried out online with the aim of how practical
3. RESEARCH METHODS courses that should be carried out in a computer
This research is a quantitative and developmental laboratory during distance learning can be done at
research where the learning module is developed first home.
and then uses the module to determine the increase in This implementation will provide an illustration that
academic performance through data collection data computer application courses can be done online and
derived from questionnaires given to respondents. The can be repeated at home aiming to improve student
location of this research in the Faculty of Economics, skills in using computer applications for business
State University of Medan. The results of this study needs. The following are the results of the
become a reference for evaluating e-learning learning implementation of the module on students.
at the Faculty of Economics, State University of
Medan, especially academic performance. The research Table 1. Implementation Results for Students
population is students of the Business Education Study Degree of
Information Achievement Category
Program, Faculty of Economics, Medan State
University. Sampling used a random sampling method Ease for Users (Learnability) 86.26 Practical
with the criteria that all students had carried out online Usability (Efficiency) 83.90 Practical
learning using the platform during this pandemic Effectiveness of time 82.26 Practical
period, especially in business computer application
Average 84.14 Practical
courses in the even semester of 2020/2021. Data
Source: Data processed
collection is done online through the google form
application. Researchers arrange questions and test the Based on the implementation of the module on
validity and reliability. Then after valid and reliable students, it was found that 86.26% of students found it
questions compiled into google form. The link from the easy to use the module in the distance learning
google form is given to students to fill out. The process. Meanwhile, 83.90% found that the business
analytical technique used in interpreting and analyzing computer application module has efficient use in
the data is using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) supporting practical learning at home. In addition,
which aims to determine the relationship between 82.26% that the use of the module will have time
exogenous and endogenous variables where this model effectiveness in the learning process. So that in testing
allows effects that are in line with temporary theory and the implementation of the use of the module, it can be
for simultaneous evaluation of variables (including concluded that the category of testing is practical in the
latent variables); In addition, SEM also provides model distance learning process. The following is a
fit statistics. Prior to testing the model, the classical comparison picture of the implementation of the degree
assumptions were tested first. of achievement of the module implementation.
4. RESEARCH RESULTS AND After testing the implementation of the module, the
DISCUSSION researcher tested the effect of using the module through
This study aims to look at the use of business involvement, commitment and motivation in the online
computer application modules to improve the academic learning process on academic performance through the
performance of students in the business education study use of a business computer application module. The
program. The population in this study was 60 students following are the characteristics of the respondents in
consisting of 2nd semester students who took business this study.
computer application courses, namely classes A and B. Characteristics of Respondents
This study looked at the effectiveness of using modules
in improving academic performance as seen from The subject of this research was the second semester
involvement, commitment, and motivation. Due to the students of the Business Education Study Program,
pandemic period, filling out the questionnaire was done Faculty of Economics, State University of
online. The number of respondents who filled out the Medan. While the object of this research is to examine
questionnaire was 53 people or 74% of the total the use of practice modules in learning business
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204
computer applications in improving academic obtained. This can be seen from the significant level of
performance related to involvement, commitment, and 0.019 or less than 0.019. Meanwhile, the motivation
motivation during distance learning. The following are and involvement of students in participating in online
the characteristics of the respondents in this study. learning has no significant effect on academic
Table 2. Characteristics of Respondents
Characteristics Total Percentage Table 4. Coefficient of Determination
Gender Man 9 17
Woman 44 83 R Square Adjusted
High School Science 11 22 Academic
0.243 0.197
Major Performance
Social 25 47 Source: Data processed
Vocational 17 32
Source: Data processed Based on the table of determination coefficient
above, the R Square value is 0.243 or 24.3%. This
Based on the table above, the results of the means that the influence of motivation, involvement,
characteristics of respondents consisting of 9 men or and commitment variables on student academic
17% while women are 44 people or 83%. These results performance is 24.3% or is said to be weak. The rest is
indicate that the participation of respondents in filling influenced by other variables that are not included in
out the questionnaire is dominated by women compared this study. This can also be seen in hypothesis testing
to men. The total population is 70 people and 53 people which shows only 1 independent variable or
fill out the questionnaire. The second characteristic of commitment variable which has a significant effect on
the respondents in this study is the majors taken during academic performance. Meanwhile, motivation and
high school. Based on this it also shows that 11 people involvement have no significant effect.
or 22% of respondents came from the Natural Sciences Discussion
department while 25 respondents or 47% came from
This study aims to look at the use of business
Social Sciences and the remaining 17 people or 32%
computer application modules for practical courses that
came from vocational school. So it was concluded that
are taught remotely. The problem faced in this research
most of the research subjects came from social sciences
is that many respondents do not have computers and
and were in accordance with the business education
skills in the use of business computer applications at the
study program.
time of the initial survey. The business computer
Hypothesis testing is done by testing the effect of application course is a practical course that should be
motivation, involvement, and commitment to have a carried out in a computer laboratory. Due to the
significant effect on the academic performance of pandemic, all learning activities must be carried out
students of the 2nd semester business education study online, causing difficulties for students in repeating
program, Faculty of Economics, State University of related learning facilities and infrastructure. Therefore,
Medan on business computer application courses that it is important to use modules that help students
are carried out remotely participate in distance learning for practical
courses. Based on testing the implementation of the use
Table 3. Hypothesis Testing
of the module, it was found that based on the
T Concl description of ease for users, usability, and time
Statistics P usion
(|O/STD Values
effectiveness, it was obtained that the module was
(O) categorized as practical and easy to understand in the
Motivation ->
Hypot distance learning process. Modules can help students
hesis understand the material and repeat it again to get a
Academic 0.242 1.330 0.184
Performance better understanding.
Engagement ->
hesis The next test is to see student attitudes in the form
Academic 0.328 1.505 0.133 of student motivation, involvement, and commitment in
ed participating in online learning which aims to improve
Commitment -
academic performance in business computer
> Academic 0.346 2.349 0.019 application courses during online learning. The first
ted variable, namely motivation, shows the encouragement
Source: Data processed of students to take this course, which shows
insignificant results where the score is less than
Based on the table above, it shows that among the
5%. These results indicate that student motivation is not
independent variables that affect academic
a factor that shows a significant influence on academic
performance, the results show that student commitment
performance and contradicts research conducted [17],
in participating in online learning has a positive and
[26], [47]. Online learning has been carried out for
significant effect on academic performance
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 204
quite a long time during the pandemic so that it is importance of facilities and infrastructure that support
possible for students to get bored in learning that is the implementation of learning for practical courses. In
carried out remotely. These results also indicate that addition, motivation and direct interaction are
student motivation during the learning process does not important to improve academic performance, so it is
significantly increase academic performance. recommended that learning be carried out using
blended learning so that students can further improve
The second variable that affects academic
their academic performance.
performance is student involvement in the online
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