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Tender No – BN23PP118


Tender No : BN23PP118 (E-Tendering) Date : 18.07.2023

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Bongaigaon Refinery (IOCL-BGR) invites electronic bids through its website
https://iocletenders.nic.in under two bid system, (Part-I : Techno-Commercial Part & Part-II : Price Part) for the subject work,
from experienced Contractors fulfilling the qualifying requirements stated hereunder:
Brief Details of Tender:

1. Tender No BN23PP118
3. Name of the Job Installation of CDU-II Air Pre Heater and its associated
4. Time Schedule / Duration of 7 ( Seven) Months
5. Start date for downloading of 18.07.2023
Tender Document
6. Date of pre-bid meeting Not Applicable
7. Last date for downloading of 01.08.2023 up to 15.00 Hrs IST. IOCL (BGR) at its discretion
Tender by bidder and uploading may extend the deadline for submission of the bids.
of bid by bidder Tender documents can be downloaded free of charge from
the website www.iocletenders.nic.in during the above period.
8. Date & Time of opening of 02.08.2023, 15.00 Hrs IST onwards.
Techno-commercial bid (Part-I) Tender (Techno-commercial) shall be opened on above
date/time or at a later date/time convenient thereafter. Date
and time of Priced Bid opening will be communicated only to
techno-commercially acceptable bidders.
9. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Not Applicable.
However, in lieu of this, bidder has to submit a “Bid Security
Declaration BSD)” as per the format provided in the tender
(Refer form- A1 of proposal forms / at end of NIT
Bids submitted without Bid Security Declaration shall be
treated as bid without EMD / Bid Security and shall be
liable for outright rejection as per the terms and conditions
specified in Techno Commercial Bid for treatment of any bid
submitted without EMD.
10. Pre-qualification The intending tenderers shall have to furnish proof of their
Criteria(PQC) pre- qualification and experience along with the Part-I
(Techno- commercial bid).
10.1 Annual Turnover (ATO) Minimum Rs. 43.33 lacs. During any of the three preceding
financial years i.e. April 1, 2019 onwards.
Proof of ATO shall be submitted in form of Audited
Balance Sheet & profit and loss account of the bidder.
Audited certificates / Balance Sheet / Profit & Loss Account
Statement issued by any Auditor / Chartered Accountant shall
mandatorily bear UDIN (Unique Document Identification
Number) for such reports of FY 2019-20 onwards.
Published Annual report available in the public domain shall
Tender No – BN23PP118

also be acceptable provided that the bidder has given

reference of respective website from which it can be verified.
In case the NIT publication date is within 09 (Nine) months
from close date of preceding financial /accounting year, the
bidder can submit the balance sheets of any of the previous
three years (excluding the immediate preceding year), if the
balance sheet of immediate preceding year is not available.
Criteria of Annual Turnover is relaxed by 15% for MSEs
where tendered items/ services are not Critical in nature
[*Refer Clause 12 of NIT].
No turnover criteria with respect to start up shall be
considered where tendered items / services are not critical in
nature [*Refer Clause 12 of NIT].
10.2 Value of Single Work (SWO) a) Three similar completed works each costing not less
executed by the bidder as main than the amount equal to Rs.21.67 lacs OR
contractor or sub contractor for b) Two similar completed works each costing not less
similar nature of work (during than the amount equal to Rs.28.89 lacs OR
any of the last five years ending
c) One similar completed work costing not less than the
on last day of the month
amount equal to Rs.36.11 lacs
immediately previous to the
month in which last date of bid
submission falls) The above value of completed works is exclusive of service
Note: In case of extended bid submission date, original bid
submission date shall be considered.

Criteria of prior experience is relaxed by 15% for MSEs where

tendered items/ services are not Critical in nature [*Refer
Clause 12 of NIT].
No prior experience criteria with respect to start up shall be
considered where tendered items / services are not critical in
nature [*Refer Clause 12 of NIT].
10.3 Similar nature shall be defined Dismantling/Erection of Equipment (50% of tonnage
as envisaged against highest single load) in any petroleum
Refinery/Petrochemical plants/Hydrocarbon fertilizers/
Hudrocarbon Industry,
10.4 Whether the Tendered Job is No
job then the work experience
value submitted by the bidder
shall be annualised]
11. 1
Additional Technical N/A
(if any)
12. Criticality of Work Critical
13. Mode of Submission Offer must be uploaded on e-tender website
www.iocletenders.nic.in before the last date & time of
submission of tender.
Offer submitted using any other mode will not be accepted.
14. Other requirements (a) PF Code Allotment letter/ PF registration.
(b) Independent ESI Code or undertaking for Independent
ESI code in the Form-F of proposal forms.
(c) Tender Acceptance Format duly filled up and signed by
Tender No – BN23PP118

authorized person.
(d) Copy of PAN Card
(e) Proof of Authority in favour of person authorized to
submit the bid
(f) Certificate of Incorporation / Partnership deed /
Proprietorship affidavit.
15. Tender inviting and receiving Deputy General Manager Alternative Contact Details:
authority (Contracts) Manager (Contracts)
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd,
Bongaigaon Refinery Bongaigaon Refinery
Administrative Building Block “A” Administrative Building Block “A”
P.O-Dhaligaon, Dist – Chirang P.O-Dhaligaon, Dist – Chirang
Assam – 783385 Assam – 783385
Tel: 03664-253343 ; Tel: 03664-253389 ;
email: [email protected] email: [email protected]
16. Integrity Pact Agreement Applicable / Not Applicable
17. Reverse Auction Applicable / Not Applicable
18. Type of tender Works Contract/ Service contract
19. Public Procurement Yes / No
(Preference to Make in India),
2017 and amendments Bidder is to go through “modality regarding evaluation of
thereof (PPP - MII) preferential bidders” mentioned in Instructions to bidders
20. Purchase Preference to Micro Applicable / Not Applicable
and Small Enterprises (MSEs)
Bidders (PPP - 2012)
21. Note
1. 0Preferential Bidding Module has been developed in IOCL e-Tendering Portal to facilitate preferential bidding and
. evaluation of the bidders as per their respective preference category in line with the existing provisions in the
2government policies and guidelines.
2. Bidders participating in the tender must submit requisite documents to support their claim to benefits under any of
the preference categories mentioned above.
3. During bid submission, system will prompt the bidder to update the preferential status and category in his profile
and claim preferential benefits (if applicable) as per the tender conditions along with the supporting documents.
4. For each tender, where bidder wants to avail preferential benefit, he will have to claim preference and upload
supporting document in the portal. Otherwise bidder will not be considered for preferential benefits for purchase
5. Bidders not claiming preferential benefit or whose preferential claim is rejected shall be treated like a normal (non
preferential) bidder.
22. Others
(a) Beware of Fake Communications--- IOCL officials never ask for any financial transaction other than as
mentioned in NIT or Tender document. Any communication like Call SMS Email etc. can be made by
fraudster. Please do not act on such communication.
(b) Physical Bids will not be accepted. Tender Documents can be downloaded from the website
https://iocletenders.nic.in and online bids are required to be submitted with Digital signatures on the system. All
help files are available at https://iocletenders.nic.in website. However, tender issuing authority is not responsible
for the delay / non-downloading of tender document by the recipient due to any problem in accessing the e-tender
website. The tender issuing authority is also not responsible for delay in uploading bids due to any problem in the
e-tender website.
(c) Bidders are required to go through the NIT and tender document carefully and submit the required documents in
favour of their credentials and other requirements along with their offer as per instruction given in the Tender.
(d) The bidders must ensure that their offers are submitted electronically in time.
(e) Conditional offers are liable for rejection. Offer shall be evaluated with respect to bid qualification criteria to
determine the techno-commercially qualified bidders. Offers of unqualified bidders is liable for rejection.
(f) IOCL-BGR reserves the right to accept/reject any or all bids or to split the work amongst various contractors or to
award only part of the work or annul the total bid process without assigning any reason whatsoever. No
compensation is paid for the efforts made by the contractor in case tendering process is abandoned by IOCL-
Tender No – BN23PP118

(g) Prevailing Government guidelines regarding Purchase Preference shall be applicable.
(h) Any dispute relating to this NIT is subject to jurisdiction at Bongaigaon, Assam.

23. General
Bidder to note
i. Provisions/Conditions stipulated in NIT supersedes all of the sections of Tender
ii. Offer from following types of bidder will not be accepted
a) Who are in the Holiday list of IOCL or its Administrative Ministry, MoPNG.
b) Who are under liquidation, court receivership or similar proceedings.
c) Who are undergoing insolvency resolution process or liquidation or bankruptcy
proceeding under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code,2016(Code) or any other applicable
law (in case where Code is not applicable).
d) Whose insolvency resolution process or liquidation or bankruptcy proceeding is initiated
under the Code or any other applicable law (in case where Code is not applicable) at
any stage of evaluation of the bid.In case where the bid of the L-1 bidder is rejected on
the aforesaid grounds during the period between Price-Bid-Opening and Award-of-
Contract, then the bid of the next higher eligible bidder will be considered for further
e) Consultant appointed for the project / work shall not be allowed to participate in the
tender either directly or indirectly for the same project for which they are working as
f) Foreign bidders are participating in Domestic /National tender.
g) Offer from Joint Bidders / Consortium
h) Offer from bidders who are on Watch List of IOCL
iii. In case the NIT publication date is within 09 (Nine) months from close date of preceding
financial /accounting year, the bidder can submit the balance sheets of any of the previous
three years (excluding the immediate preceding year), if the balance sheet of immediate
preceding year is not available.
iv. The subject work is indivisible and shall be awarded to single successful bidder unless stated
otherwise elsewhere in the tender document.
v. Experience of only the bidding entity shall be considered, unless specifically permitted in the
tender document to use the credentials of its parent or any group company to meet the
Experience Criteria. A work executed by a bidder for its own plant/projects shall not be
considered as experience for the purpose of meeting requirement of experience criteria of the
tender. However, jobs executed for Subsidiary / Fellow Subsidiary / Holding company will be
considered as experience for the purpose of meeting experience criteria subject to
submission of tax paid invoice(s) duly certified by Statutory auditor of the bidder towards
payments of statutory tax in support of the job executed for Subsidiary / Fellow Subsidiary
/Holding company. Such bidders shall submit these documents in addition to the documents
specified in the PQ Documents to meet Experience Criteria. Consultant appointed for the
project / work shall not be allowed to participate in the tender either directly or indirectly. An
indirect participation shall include participation through an affiliate or as a sub-contractor,
consultant or supplier. The expression ‘affiliate’ for the purpose of this clause will include any
person, or company or association (howsoever designated) who/which is a member of the
consultant (if the consultant is a joint venture or consortium or who or which directly or
indirectly holds 10% (ten percent) or more of the capital or voting capital of consultant (if the
consultant or any of its members is a company or a body corporate) or who or which is a
consultant or sub-contractor of the consultant with regard to the project.
Tender No – BN23PP118

vi. Detail work order qualifying for similar in nature as described including covering letter and
schedule of rates and satisfactory completion certificate containing executed value & date of
completion of similar nature of work as defined above shall be required. However where the
executed value is not mentioned in the completion certificate, the copy of certified bill shall
also be acceptable for determining value if submitted along with completion certificate. In
case executed value is not mentioned in the completion certificate issued by the client, work
order value with amendments, if any, shall be considered for the purpose of evaluation.
Executed value or work order value, whichever is higher shall be considered for evaluation of
pre-qualification. In case, the executed value of job is more than work order value and bidder
claims for meeting the PQC requirement on the basis of executed value then it is the
responsibility of the bidder to submit the documentary evidence of final executed value (such
as copy of final bill, executed value mentioned in completion certificate etc.) along with his
vii. In case of Sub contract works, the bidder is also required to submit a Certificate from the end
user / Owner / Consultant of the Owner stating that the main contractor has intimated them
about the engagement of sub-contracting OR have been allowed/ permitted as a
subcontractor. In case any bidder submits work order and completion certificate of any
executed contract where the bidder had worked as a leader / member of Joint Venture /
Consortium / Joint Bidder, the work value shall be worked out as per the percentage share of
the bidder in the JV / Consortium / Joint bidding agreement. Further in case the bidder had
executed only a certain portion of the composite job through such agreement, his experience
shall be counted for that particular portion of the job executed by him only, as specified in the
JV/ consortium/joint bidder agreement. For such cases, in addition to work order and
completion certificate(s), bidder will also submit copy of JV / consortium / joint bidder
agreement and work order & completion certificate(s) has to be issued in the name of such JV
/ consortium / Joint bidder OR in the name of the Leader with brief details of JV / consortium /
joint bidder specified in the work order.
In case the bidder submit a copy of composite work order containing the supply, installation
and AMC/CAMC/PWAMC/O&M contract for a certain period of contract. In case the
AMC/CAMC/PWAMC/O&M is going on and supply installation part is completed by the
Contractor well within the time limit specified in the tender and submitted completion
certificate towards supply & installation indicating the AMC/CAMC/PWAMC/O&M part i.e.
balance part of the work order is going on, the same is to be considered as completed work
and the amount towards supply installation shall be considered for qualifying the bidder in
PQC towards experience criteria. Such work orders in which both supply & installation and
AMC/CAMC/PWAMC/O&M is completed, the same shall be treated ‘At Par’ with the other
work orders and bidder is required to submit the copy of work order and completion certificate
for the complete work including AMC/CAMC/PWAMC/O&M part.
viii. The offers with incomplete /irrelevant documents or anomalies are liable to be rejected
without any communication. Hence, bidders are advised to take utmost care while uploading
their prequalification documents.
ix. In case of Rate Contracts, which are running under extension after original contractual
completion period, suitable document (certified by “WO issuing company” / Engineer-
InCharge) indicating executed value up to the original/extended completion period along with
extension letter will be treated as proof of successful completion of work. For Rate Contract
tender of duration one year or more, evaluation of the experience criteria will done based on
annualized value of the Rate Contract.
x. If the value indicated is in currency other than INR the same shall be converted in equivalent
INR considering the conversion rate as on the date of issue of the reference order(s) based
on SBI bill selling rate.
xi. Relevant supporting documents towards other requirements specified are also to be
uploaded along with Techno-commercial bid failing which bid is liable for rejection.
xii. The completion certificate, submitted by the bidder shall separately indicate the Service
Tax/GST amount included in the value of completed job OR a separate certificate from the
Tender No – BN23PP118

respective client, mentioning the service tax/GST amount , if any, included in the value of
completed job under consideration should be submitted by the bidder.
xiii. The amount considered for meeting the experience criteria of PQC shall be exclusive of
Service Tax/GST. In case proof /certificate submitted by the bidder does not have clarity
regarding taxes i.e.The value of work specified in order /certificate is whether inclusion or
exclusion of Service tax/GST, the amount appearing in the certificate/order shall be
considered exclusive of tax and shall be evaluated accordingly.
xiv. IOCL reserves the right to reject any or all of the tenders or any parts of the tender so
received and may cancel the tender in part or full, extend the due date of Tender submission
etc. without assigning any reason.
xv. IOCL will allow Purchase Preference to MSE or other organization as per applicable Govt.
xvi. Bidders are to quote their most competitive rates. Negotiations will not be conducted with the
bidders as a matter of routine. However, Owner reserves the right to conduct negotiations.
Ordinarily the lowest responsive bids shall be preferred. However, the OWNER reserves the
right not to accept the lowest bid, if in its opinion this would not be in the interests of the
xvii. Legal dispute, if any, shall only be within the jurisdiction of Local Court unless mentioned
xviii. All communication will be made through e-Tendering web site (www.iocltetenders.nic.in).
However, IOCL reserve the right to take cognizance of the communication made outside
eTendering Portal under exceptional circumstances.
xix. Bidder cannot make any claim against IOCL towards its expense incurred in connection with
the preparation and delivery of their bids, site visit, participating in the discussion and other
expenses incurred during bidding process.
xx. Bidder should make sure that their priced bid (Part-II/BOQ) contain only prices. Rates
mentioned elsewhere shall not be taken into cognizance. Offer shall be liable for rejection if
any condition directly or implied, recorded in Priced Bid (Part-II/BOQ).
xxi. Submission of authentic documents is the prime responsibility of the bidder. Wherever IOCL
has concern or apprehension regarding the authenticity/ correctness of any document, IOCL
reserves the right to get the documents verified from issuing authority/any relevant source. If
documents (part or full) are found forged, such offers will be summarily rejected and EMD will
be forfeited and may be debarred from future tenders.
xxii. After opening of the technical bids but before the opening of the price bids, the bids may be
rejected for unsatisfactory performance or adverse comments which have come to the notice
of the tender inviting authority.
xxiii. Offers not meeting statutory requirement are liable for rejection.
xxiv. Bidders are advised to visit Announcement section/ Information for DSC/ Bidders Manual Kit/
FAQ of e-Tender Portal before bidding.
xxv. Notwithstanding any other condition/ provision in the tender documents, bidders are required
to submit complete documents pertaining to PQC along with their offer. Failure to meet the
PQC will render the bid to be summarily rejected. IOC reserves the right to complete the
evaluation based on the details furnished by the bidder, with or without seeking any additional
supporting documents/ clarifications.
xxvi. Refer ITB of the tender document /Special Instruction to Bidder (SITB) of e-tender web site for
more details.
xxvii. Any Addendum/Corrigendum/Sale date extension in respect of above Tender shall be issued
on our website: https://iocletenders.nic.in only and no separate notification shall be issued in
the press. Bidders are therefore requested to regularly visit our website to keep themselves
updated. Failure of Bidder to submit tender without taking cognizance of Corrigendum /
Tender No – BN23PP118

Amendment (if any) issued by IOCL shall make bid liable for rejection.
xxviii. IOCL does not take any responsibility for the correctness of tender documents obtained from
any other source. Bidders are advised to visit above mentioned website before submitting
their offer for official version of the tender document including any corrigendum / amendment
if any, which shall be binding to the bidder.
xxix. EMD (if applicable):
 EMD must be submitted online by Indian bidders. EMD in the form of Demand Draft /
Banker’s cheque, Swift Transfer will be accepted only from Foreign bidders. Tenders
without Earnest Money are liable to be rejected. However, MSE registered agencies
covered under MSMED act, Startups(recognized by DIIIT), Central/State PSU and JVs of
IOCL are exempted from submission of EMD. Bidder claiming such exemption need to
submit necessary documentary proof of their eligibility along with their techno-commercial
bid. The certificate must be valid on the bid submission date. In absence of same their
offer are liable for rejection. Suo motto submission of MSE certificate after the due date of
bid submission will not be considered for EMD exemption / Purchase preference.
 BG in prescribed format from a scheduled bank is acceptable provided EMD amount
prescribed above is not less than Rupees One Lac. BG should be valid for a minimum
period of Bid Validity plus three months.
 Wherever applicable, scanned copy of EMD Instrument (i.e. B.G /MSEs/NSIC certificate
etc.) must be uploaded along with offer & original of BG should reach to the office of
tender issuing authority in sealed envelope super-scribing tender name, tender number,
date of opening and bidder’s name, before the deadline of submission but not later than 7
(seven) days from tender opening date. Offers for which EMD BG is not received within 7
days from tender opening date, are liable for rejection.
xxx. In case, a bidder submits any of the Pre Qualification supporting documents in any Foreign
language other than English, then it will be the responsibility of the bidder to also provide the
English translation copy of the such document duly certified, stamped and signed by their
Local Chamber of Commerce/ Notary.
xxxi. During the contract / engagement the organization, its employees, agents, other contractors,
sub-contractors and their employees, etc., may be exposed to certain unpublished price
sensitive information (UPSI), that is not generally available and which upon becoming
generally available is likely to materially affect the price of the securities issued by IndianOil.
Such UPSI shall be held by the organization, its employees, agents, other contractors,
subcontractors and their employees etc., in strictest confidence and shall not be disclosed to
any other party except on need to know basis and with the prior consent of IndianOil. It is
hereby further cautioned that, the organization, its employees, agents, other contractors, sub-
contractors, their employees and immediate relatives thereof, should not trade in the
securities of IndianOil while in possession of such UPSI or communicate such UPSI to any
person except in furtherance of legitimate purposes, performance of duty or discharge of legal
obligations. Any trades in securities of IndianOil, while in possession of any UPSI would be
presumed to have been motivated by the knowledge and awareness of the UPSI and liable
for penal action under this contract / engagement as well as under SEBI (Prohibition and
Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015. It is therefore advised to familiarize with the “Code for
Prevention of Insider Trading in the Securities of IndianOil”, copy of which is hosted on the
website www.iocl.com. Accordingly, it must be ensured that any UPSI, whenever received
from the IndianOil,
(a) shall be used solely for the purpose for which it is being disclosed;
(b) shall be preserved and the secrecy of such information shall be maintained;
(c) shall not be disclosed to any third party;
(d) shall be kept securely and properly protected against theft, damage, loss and
unauthorized access (including access by electronic means) by deploying means
similar to those being used to secure their own confidential information;
Tender No – BN23PP118

(e) to notify IndianOil immediately upon becoming aware that any of the confidential
information has been disclosed to or obtained by a third party. The organization shall
undertake that its employees & their immediate relatives, agents, subcontractors and
any other person associated with said contract / engagement does not violate any of
the provision of the SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulation, 2015. Any
violation shall be considered as breach of terms of contract / engagement and IndianOil
shall take necessary action for such breach in addition to reporting to SEBI for taking
necessary action under SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 2015.

Deputy General Manager (Contracts)

Indian Oil Corporation Limited (Bongaigaon Refinery)
Tender No – BN23PP118

Bid Security Declaration

(on Company Letterhead)

Format of Bid Security Declaration from bidders in lieu of Earnest Money Deposit / Bid Security
(On Bidders’ Letter Head)

I /We, the authorized signatory of M/s______________, participating in the subject Tender No:
______, for the job of _______________, do hereby declare that in the event:

I / We withdraw / modify our bid during the period of bid validity

I/We commit any other breach of tender conditions/ contract which would have otherwise attracted
forfeiture of EMD
I / We fail to / refuse to initiate the execution of the awarded Contract as per the terms of the Contract

then I / We could be debarred from being eligible for bidding / award of all future tender(s) of Indian Oil
Corporation Limited as deemed fit under holiday listing guidelines of Indian oil Corporation Limited.

Signature and seal of authorized signatory of bidder

Name of authorized signatory:

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by PRADIP PATOWARY
Date: 2023.07.18 14:32:22 IST
Location: Indian Oil Corporation Ltd-IOCL

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