Simulation Article
Simulation Article
Simulation Article
Background: The objective was to explore the current advances and extent of DES (Discrete Event Simulation)
applied to assisting with health decision making, as well as to categorize the wide spectrum of health-related topics
where DES was applied.
Methods: A systematic review was conducted of the literature published over the last two decades. Original
research articles were included and reviewed if they concentrated on the topic of DES technique applied to health
care management with model frameworks explicitly demonstrated. No restriction regarding the settings of DES
application was applied.
Results: A total of 211 papers met the predefined inclusion criteria. The number of publications included increased
significantly especially after 2010.101 papers (48%) stated explicitly disease areas targeted, the most frequently
modeled of which are related to circulatory system, nervous system and Neoplasm. The DES applications were
distributed unevenly into 4 major classes: health and care systems operation (HCSO) (65%), disease progression
modeling (DPM) (28%), screening modeling (SM) (5%) and health behavior modeling (HBM) (2%). More than 68% of
HCSO by DES were focused on specific problems in individual units. However, more attempts at modeling highly
integrated health service systems as well as some new trends were identified.
Conclusions: DES technique has been an effective tool to approach a wide variety of health care issues. Among all
DES applications in health care, health system operations research occupied the most considerable proportion and
increased most significantly. Health Economic Evaluation (HEE) was the second most common topic for DES in
health care, but with stable rather than increasing numbers of publications.
Keywords: Systematic review, Discrete event simulation, Health care management
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Zhang BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:687 Page 2 of 11
concept of DES, which go through the whole process Studies had to be carried out in health care delivery
simulated. Attributes of target entities, which can affect or public health scenarios, which can be related to
or even determine entities’ responses to events, include any specific context of health service systems.
age, sex, health status, illness history, duration of disease Discrete event simulation frameworks should be
and other demographics, the values of which are updat- pointed out as the main modeling technique and
able as models are running [1, 5]. Events can be viewed independently formulated and structured.
as a wide range of things which may happen during How exactly work flows were structured and
simulation, like the occurrence or recurrence of a dis- simulated should be clarified and clearly
ease, admission to health facility, delivery of some med- demonstrated in the form of either flow charts or
ical treatment or transitions between health states. More descriptive texts, according to the recommendations
detailed characterizations of DES are available from the of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research
studies by Caro and Karnon et al. [5, 6]. practice [1].
There are two relatively extensive reviews on DES Only peer-reviewed original research was included
applications in the health care sector [7, 8], which for further review. Papers published as literature
were restricted to specific sub-systems or contexts of reviews, editorials, conference proceedings or
health care systems. The earlier one was published in methodological guidelines were excluded.
1999, surveying and classifying the DES literature Only English articles were taken into account.
which focused on single health care units [7]. Around
ten years later, the second one sought to analyze DES Selection of publications
applications in hospital care [8]. To the best of our After removing duplicates, all studies were screened and
knowledge, the overall picture of how DES has been reviewed following two main phases. The initial stage of
applied to health care is still unclear. this review was conducted independently by XG and FG
The aim of this review is to provide an up-to-date following the predefined criteria mentioned above, at
overview of a considerable body of academic journal lit- title and abstract level, with the aim to identify studies
erature relevant to the application of DES in health care, which are appropriate for further full-text review. For in-
thereby further gaining deep insights into the extent of clusion criteria 1, 2 and 4, titles and abstracts screened
DES used to assist with health decision making and cat- in the Microsoft Excel table provided adequate informa-
egorizing the wide array of health-related topics where tion for reviewers to make decisions, but for criterion 3,
DES was applied. full texts of records were to be retrieved, when neces-
sary. In case of discrepancies in assessment results be-
tween the two reviewers, a third reviewer (WR)’s
Methods opinion was taken into consideration.
Search strategy In view of the emphasis of this review laid on the
For this systematic review, two main databases, PubMed overview of application advances of DES in health
and Web of Science, were systematically searched as the care, therefore only basic information hints of each
main sources for publications of interest. The last search paper retrieved were deemed necessary to be ex-
was performed on March 31, 2017, based on broad search tracted and screened on a standardized Excel form.
terms: ‘discrete event simulation’ or ‘(discrete event) AND All papers were stored and managed via EndNote X7.
(computer simulat* OR model*)’, accompanied by terms The following items were extracted and summarized
like ‘health service*’, ‘Patient*’, ‘healthcare’ or ‘health care’. from the literature: Title, author, publication date,
Papers which brought up discrete event simulation and journal, medical conditions, perspective for cost meas-
health-related topics in the title, abstract or keywords and urement, specific settings analyzed, setting classifica-
were published over the last 2 decades were searched for tion and application category, on the latter two of
without any restrictions on setting and country of origin which the two precedent similar reviews were focused
applied. As a supplement, the reference lists of relevant respectively [7, 8]. In this sense, this work could be per-
reviews previously published and the latest studies in- ceived as an update for our precedents. Nonetheless, more
cluded were scanned and hand-searching of pertinent detailed insights can be gained herein, for example, this
open-access journals was also conducted in order to re- review presented the physical contexts simulated more
trieve additional potential peer-reviewed publications. specifically instead of only roughly classifying them as in-
patient facilities, outpatient clinics and emergency depart-
ment. Additionally, a more comprehensive taxonomy of
Inclusion criteria application areas was introduced, which was built on re-
To identify studies pertaining to our intentions, the in- views by Mielczarek et al. [9] and Fone et al. [10]. To indi-
clusion of papers was based on the following criteria: cate the breadth and scope of DES applications in health
Zhang BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:687 Page 3 of 11
care, medical conditions surveyed were also indicated and before 2010 (except for 2008) to almost 35 in 2016, with
categorized based on ICD-10 codes (International Statistical 73% of the included papers published after 2010. This
Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems indirectly reflects a constantly rising popularity of DES
10th Revision) endorsed and recommended by WHO. modeling in health care management.
classified in terms of medical conditions in this section. ear and mastoid process), are included in Fig. 4 to varying
Out of the 211 papers included, there are a total of 101 pa- degrees.
pers (48%) which stated explicitly that specific disease areas
and corresponding treatment flows were targeted and mod- Disease progression modeling
eled. The most frequently analyzed medical indications are In regard to disease progression modeling, DES is com-
related to circulatory system, nervous system, Neoplasm monly employed to transparently conceptualize and con-
and musculoskeletal system diseases, occupying 18%, 15%, struct the course of diseases, health states transition and
15% and 13% respectively. The detailed distribution of dis- disease-related events patients will go through under dif-
eases focused on is clearly displayed in Fig. 4. ferent interventions [11, 12]. This application field is
ICD-10 is divided into 22 chapters from chapter I to mainly intended to assist in making well-informed med-
chapter XXII, each of which can be further divided into a ical decisions through comparing different treatment al-
number of sub-categories, and chapters I-XVII are associ- ternatives at medical level in terms of resources
ated to specific morbid conditions and different body sys- consumed, health outcomes or both.
tems. This distribution of diseases presented in Fig. 4 Forty six (77%) of all 60 disease progression modeling
covers more than half (14) of all 22 chapters of ICD-10. compared various medical interventions from a cost-ef-
Furthermore, it is worth noting that 13 (76%) of all the 17 fectiveness perspective. Ten (16%) were undertaken in
chapters I-XVII of ICD-10 and nearly all categories related order to find the most beneficial treatment options,
to body systems, except for chapter VIII (Diseases of the based only on either economic cost or health impact
dimension. Most of the remaining 7% papers were pre- investigate complex relationships among different sections
dictive models for future health service demands. In within a system with the aid of DES, so as to make opti-
total, the most (56) of disease progression models are re- mal operational and administrative decisions [9, 13]. As
lated to health economic evaluations. has been presented in section “Categorization of applica-
Of the 51 papers which collected and analyzed cost tions”, DES is most commonly utilized for operations re-
data, 21 (41%) employed the health care payer perspec- search purposes in health care, with the most significant
tive. 15 (29%) and 14 (28%) were conducted from the upward trend in contrast with other application areas.
perspective of the health care system and society, re-
spectively, with only one analysis taking the point of Distribution of settings for HCSO
view of a health care provider. It has been repeatedly pointed out that the applications of
DES were highly confined to specific single health care units
Health and care systems operation with rare attempts to model broader scenarios [7, 8]. The re-
Health and care systems operation is meant to enable sults of this review are also in support of this conclusion. As
health care managers to better understand the underlying is presented in Table 1, more than 68% (93) of HCSO con-
mechanisms of how a system operates, comprehensively centrated on single micro-systems. Furthermore, consistent
with previous reviews and surveys [8, 14, 15], the major at- Screening modeling
tention of health care modelers was mainly focused on mod- A total of 10 screening modeling papers by DES were
eling workflows of emergency departments (32) and identified in this review, most of which were published
intensive care units (10) relative to other health care contexts after 2010.
modeled. Among all DES screening models, cancer screening
Nevertheless, the potential of DES for representing broader modeling has been most frequently embarked on. It is
continuums of health care delivery system was increasingly noteworthy that breast cancer screening dominates this
taken advantage of. Multi-facility health service providers type of modeling, accounting for 50% of cancer models.
and even health care systems as a whole were more fre- DES was applied to investigate the costs and health out-
quently modeled by DES than reported before, both taking comes of different mammographic follow-up schedules
up around 26% (36) of all HCSO papers. The remainder 6% [16, 17], alternative breast cancer screening programs
examined coordination effectiveness among departments or [18, 19] as well as the routine performance of a mam-
micro-systems within a certain health service provider. mography facility under different operational conditions
[20]. Health benefits were commonly measured as gains
in QALY (quality-adjusted life years) and costs were
Sub-categories of HCSO mainly measured from the perspective of the health care
The DES approach has been used to address a wide payer and system.
range of operational challenges encountered by health Other screening studies reviewed incorporate two
care stakeholders, as is depicted in Fig. 5. This tax- models which analyzed the effects of distinct colorectal
onomy was derived from the proposal of Lagergren cancer screening strategies on patient outcomes and sys-
[13], which was extended in this review by adding the tem performance [21, 22], with the remaining evaluating
category of “health economic evaluation”. This classi- different screening practice options for tuberculosis [23],
fication method distinguishes six major operations Niemann–Pick type C disease [24] and diabetic retinop-
research issues consisting of patient scheduling (in- athy [25].
cluding appointment and discharge scheduling for
both outpatient and inpatient care), resource alloca- Health behavior modeling
tion, capacity planning and management, staff sched- In marked contrast to other industries modeled by DES,
uling, system diagnosis and evaluating the effects of the health care domain is deemed more complex to
operational changes or reconfigurations, the last one simulate. One important reason, among others, is that
of which occupies the most substantial proportion entities such as patients or health service providers
(25%) of all HCSO papers and all others stand at a modeled are individuals characterized by complicated
very similar level of around 12%. 19 (14%) health eco- psychological and behavioral attributes. This attribute
nomic evaluations were identified in HCSO category. makes health care more difficult to be represented by
computer simulation than to purely model production model to estimate the number of new pediatric HIV infec-
machines or materials. Incorporating human behavioral tions through Mother-to-Child Transmission [32].
factors into modeling practice is a newly emerging con-
cern for health care modelers. Most studies of this type More efforts towards modeling integrated multi-facility
were published after 2011. providers were identified
One attempt for health behavior modeling was to view The majority of modeling studies included are unit spe-
a certain individual behavior as the object to be mod- cific, focusing on individual micro-systems such as emer-
eled, in others words, to model the trajectories of indi- gency department and intensive care unit, consistent with
vidual behavioral changes over time under different previous reviews [7, 8]. Nonetheless, there are an increas-
interventions in order to determine the most influential ing number of studies modeling complex integrated
and efficient mechanisms to encourage desirable health healthcare providers, which were published particularly
behaviors. This category was highly dominated by after 2010. Certainly, these independent multi-facility pro-
smoking-cessation behavior. Smoking behaviors, quit at- viders modeled as a whole tended to be simulated at an
tempts, relapses and sets of events corresponding to aggregate and abstract level, because it appeared infeasible
smoking-cessation behaviors were simulated by DES to model in great detail—only a sequence of essential ac-
structures with the intention to identify the most tivities occurring during patients’ stay from admission to
cost-effective smoking-cessation strategies for diverse discharge were represented by DES frameworks.
populations [26–28]. Health care management could benefit a lot from DES
There were other attempts to take human behavioral used to model integrated providers as a whole rather than
factors into account while modeling health care delivery, just limiting to single units. Given the intricate inter-
so as to better reflect what really happens in reality. The dependencies of modern health care services, a more real-
latest example is the model developed by Brailsford et al. istic representation of the workings of a real system will
[29], which represented screening policies for breast can- be achievable from this integrative perspective. Instead of
cer via DES with the addition of behavioral factors to simplifying the multi-faceted treatment pathways of acute
each simulated patient’s characteristics. The earliest case bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSIs),
was published in 2003 and presented a screening model Revankar et al. [33] developed a DES framework which
for diabetic retinopathy focusing on attendance behavior captured the complete variations in locations of care from
through embedding individual emotion, cognition and emergency departments, through to outpatient and in-
social status elements [30]. patient units, which properly reflected the real-world
complexities related to such treatment administrations.
Discussion High-level decision supports can be provided via DES
This systematic review was undertaken to summarize models for hospital managers in terms of the diagnosis
the advance status and new trends of the application of of system inefficiencies and evaluation of alternative sys-
DES in health care over the last two decades and provide tem configurations [34–37]. Patient flow through a
a more quantitative overview of a larger number of DES multidisciplinary sleep center was constructed by Pend-
models compared to precedent reviews. harkar et al. with the support of DES [36]. Multiple sys-
tem constraints resulting in treatment access delays
Rarely applied at policy strategic level were recognized and alternative reconfigurations aimed
The extent to which DES modeling has been employed to at improving access to sleep care were tested.
deal with issues at the strategic level is relatively disappoint- Patient satisfaction lies in their comprehensive experi-
ing, which is possibly due in part to the intrinsic attribute ence throughout a whole integrated system. Consequently,
of this modeling technique. According to Mielczarek et al. to model an integrated provider as a whole is considered
[9], the DES framework lends itself better to simulate oper- necessary for improving patient overall experience [38].
ational details and physical mechanism of a specific process Bard et al. [39] applied DES to mimic patient flow through
instead of health policy evaluation and planning. Thus, a series of activities as a network in a Family Health Cen-
DES is a suitable tool when it comes to concrete oper- ter and gained deep insights into the influential factors
ational issues of health care delivery. Regarding public jeopardizing patient satisfaction such as excessively long
health policy evaluation, in contrast, System Dynamics (SD) hospitalization and high provider utilization.
is viewed as a more preferred modeling technique. Certainly there are a few pitfalls for DES modeling at
However, there are still some efforts of applying DES on this higher lever in health care. The most frequently
this highly aggregate level. One of these is the study con- mentioned would be the generalizability issue. These
ducted by Deo et al. [31], which evaluated the long-run model frameworks for integrated care providers were
merits and drawbacks of integrating outpatient and HIV usually populated by data collected from specific institu-
services in sub-Saharan Africa. Nguefack et al. built a DES tions during a certain historical period, which in this
Zhang BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:687 Page 8 of 11
sense leads to limitations on the applicability of model- with DES through a health service system for speech
ing results into other settings or other periods of time language pathology and further tested the effectiveness
[34, 36]. In addition, lack of necessary data makes it in- of integrated policy changes which involved increasing
evitable to make assumptions about the systems mod- group treatments, paraprofessional utilization and so on.
eled or rely on expert estimates as well as data from Similarly to the shortcomings stated in section “More
literature instead of real observations. These alternatives efforts towards modeling integrated multi-facility pro-
naturally can help simplify the DES modeling practice, viders were identified”, these system-wide DES simula-
but, how and to what extent the validity and accuracy of tions also suffer limited generalizability and lack of
DES models will be affected should not be disregarded sufficient data needed. In addition, the construction of
[33, 40, 41]. macro-models is considered far more time-consuming
and data-intensive because of higher complexity and vast
Modeling of the continuum of entire health services for a numbers of activities involved [43]. Furthermore, synthe-
certain disease area emerged sizing of data from a range of distinct sources will lead
Health service pathways are a continuous process to additional uncertainty into parameters estimated [50].
throughout the whole health system involving a wide Another challenge mentioned by Katsaliaki et al. [51] is
range of care providers, from primary health care clinics the lack of consistent terminology. The same processes
(downstream), to highly specialized tertiary units (up- or services may be named quite differently across differ-
stream), caring for different phases of disease progres- ent parts of a health system, which can also give rise to
sion. Unexpectedly, a few DES models of this continuum some difficulties in modeling.
of care have been reported since 2005, imitating the in-
tegrated networks and interconnectedness among differ- Advantages of DES in health economic evaluation have
ent parts of the whole health care pathways for a certain been increasingly admired
disease area. According to the results of this review, health economic
The exploration of DES in this direction started in evaluation is the second most common theme, occupy-
2005, which, since then, opened up the possibilities of ing 36% (75) of all DES applications in health care, fol-
drawing the attention of health care modelers to a bigger lowing health operations research.
picture of the relationships between diverse components Although Markov models and decisions trees are still
of a health care continuum. These macro modeling en- the most frequently applied modeling techniques in
deavors are intended to deal with some critical chal- pharmacoeconomic evaluations, it is not hard to find the
lenges in which micro-system models can hardly play a arguments for the advantages of DES used in HEE that
role, for example, evaluating the cooperation and trans- highlight the valued potential of DES to overcome the
ferring efficiency [42, 43] and balancing the distribution inherent limitations of cohort Markov models and deci-
of scarce health resources within a health system [44]. sion trees.
Medical and administrative initiatives may be favorable One merit of DES is called “individual heterogeneity”,
for one specific section of a health system where they namely, each of the entities modeled is stochastically
will be conducted, but may conversely cause unintended assigned their own unique properties at the beginning of
damages to other parts, or lead bottlenecks to shift simulation [26, 52–54]. Moreover, these initial character-
within the system [42, 43, 45]. Therefore, applying DES istics can be updated according to events experienced
to evaluate the overall long-term performance of policy over time, which will in turn impact the possibilities of
changes from a scale perspective is considered appealing. the occurrence of following events [55]. Hartz et al. [52]
With the assistance of DES in modeling the care system argued that individual characteristics neglected by most
for Parkinson’s disease (PD) in the UK, Lebcir et al. [42] of cohort models might have profound impacts on the
reported the impact of an increased use of PD commu- long term outcomes predicted. The omission of indi-
nity services on the demand for hospital-based health- viduality could be viewed as an obvious deficiency for
care and resources. homogenous cohort models.
In addition, complex health care interventions now- Another noteworthy point of DES for HEE is its allowing
adays usually imply integrative programs, implementa- for “individual interaction”, which is valuable especially for
tions of which require the deployment of profound models involving analyzing the effects of treatment
organizational and systematic changes and improve- delays due to patient competition for constrained re-
ments. Accordingly, analyzing the potential benefits of sources [56, 57]. Standffield et al. [56] conducted a
such sophisticated interventions necessitates the em- cost-utility analysis using DES because of the need to
ployment of a systematic and holistic horizon [46–49]. consider the impact of introducing OPSC (Ortho-
As an example, a recent research presented by Wil- paedic Physiotherapy Screening Clinics and Multidis-
loughby et al. [48] mapped a system-wide patient flow ciplinary Services) on patients queuing time.
Zhang BMC Health Services Research (2018) 18:687 Page 9 of 11
Additionally, the advances of the DES-specific software increasing number of publications, particularly after
packages make it possible to communicate the frame- 2010. In addition, this extending trend could also been
works and results of HEE to lay decision makers in an proven by the fact that more than half of ICD-10 chap-
easier and more intuitive way, for example with different ters have been covered by DES studies. This could prob-
levels of animation [58]. The transparent presentation ably be viewed as an indication that DES models are
plays an important role in improving the understandabil- becoming more and more embraced in health care man-
ity and acceptability of model outputs to health care agement, but this point warrants further evidence of the
stakeholders [5, 59, 60]. value and extent of DES implementations in realistic
There are also other reasons for DES being chosen in health care decision making, which would be one of the
preference to other alternatives, such as less limitations on focuses of the following publication.
the number of events and health states to be represented In this survey, DES models were arguably classified into 4
[61, 62], higher flexibility, less computing intensity [63], main categories based on the nature of subjects modeled.
and event-based conceptualization attribute [55]. Taken This classification may need more discussions because of
together, DES models are increasingly considered as a the intrinsic complexity and overlapping of the applications
more practical and flexible modeling technique in case of of DES in health. Undoubtedly, health and care systems op-
complex and dynamic contexts in health care. erations were the dominant issues approached with the as-
sistance of DES, occupying a massive proportion and
Limitations expanding at the highest rate. The dominance of this lead-
There are several limitations of this review which need ing application area has also been demonstrated in previous
to be mentioned. Firstly, only PubMed and Web of Sci- comprehensive reviews on computer simulation in health
ence were searched as main databases. This seems to care, especially, the reviews conducted by Mielczarek et al.
limit the supply of target publications. However, given [9] and Fone et al. [10] which evidently presented quantita-
the significant number of studies included and no novel tive supporting evidence for the extensive use of DES in
application areas of DES in health care was further iden- health system operations.
tified in the later reviewing stage, it is reasonable to be- Although modeling of specific individual units still has
lieve that the majority of representative literature has a predominant role in all the HCSO areas, more scien-
been captured. tific endeavors to simulate more integrated health care
Secondly, the inclusion criteria could also be seen as a settings like hospitals or even the whole health service
limitation. Only peer-reviewed original DES studies in continuum have been identified than before, which im-
health care management, which unambiguously pre- plies the rich potential of DES to provide a broader pic-
sented model structures and mechanisms, were given ture of how health care systems behavior. Both of the
consideration. This set of criteria excluded a certain pro- precedent DES reviews by Jun et al. [7] and Günal et al.
portion of literature, especially papers compiled in pro- [8] also discussed the weaknesses of unit-specific piece-
ceedings of prestigious conferences. Nevertheless, these meal modeling as well as the significance of modeling at
criteria were deemed necessary in order to make sure the macroscopic and integrated level. Additionally, the
the modeling techniques employed in papers were in- causes and barriers of the limited number of higher-level
deed DES frameworks and also ensure consistency with DES models were also analyzed and delineated in both.
the suggestions by ISPOR-SMDM [6]. In addition, as Health economic evaluations via disease progression
discussed before, it was believed that the sufficient rep- modeling have become the second most common theme
resentativeness of the papers included was not affected among all DES applications in health care. This topic area
substantially in this review. was distinguished as one of major categories in the classifi-
Thirdly, this review is limited to a broad overview of cation systems proposed by Fone et al. [10] and Katsaliaki
applications of DES in health care delivery, but without et al. [64]. However, no significantly increasing trend in this
critically assessing their reporting quality. There is thus sphere has been discovered. The majority of these evalua-
a need for more detailed quantitative analyses which tions could be reasonably categorized as cost-effectiveness
were beyond the scope of this study. analysis, approximately half of which were carried out from
the perspective of health care payers.
Conclusion It is hoped that health policy developers could yield an
This systematic review has presented the versatility and up-to-date overall picture of the application of DES
new trends of DES models applied to deal with a broad across various health-related topic areas and get moti-
spectrum of issues facing health care administrators and vated to actively apply DES techniques to tackle the co-
stakeholders. A survey of 211 studies was conducted and nundrums they are facing. Regarding the quality and
the rapidly growing popularity of DES in health care sec- value of the research surveyed, a critical appraisal will be
tor could be reflected by the substantially and constantly demonstrated in the following publication.
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