Doc 61/18
Revision of Doc 61/12
All technical publications of EIGA or under EIGA's name, including Codes of practice, Safety procedures and any other technical
information contained in such publications were obtained from sources believed to be reliable and are based on technical
information and experience currently available from members of EIGA and others at the date of their issuance.
While EIGA recommends reference to or use of its publications by its members, such reference to or use of EIGA's publications by
its members or third parties are purely voluntary and not binding.
Therefore, EIGA or its members make no guarantee of the results and assume no liability or responsibility in connection with the
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EIGA's publications are subject to periodic review and users are cautioned to obtain the latest edition.
EIGA 2018 - EIGA grants permission to reproduce this publication provided the Association is acknowledged as the source
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 2
3.1 Publications terminology ........................................................................................................... 2
3.1.1 Shall ................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1.2 Should ............................................................................................................................... 2
3.1.3 May .................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1.4 Will ..................................................................................................................................... 2
3.1.5 Can .................................................................................................................................... 2
4 Oxygen cylinders in marine service ................................................................................................. 2
4.1 Nature and aspects of the problem .......................................................................................... 2
4.2 Ingress of sea water into oxygen cylinders .............................................................................. 2
4.3 Mechanism of corrosion and corrosion rates ........................................................................... 3
4.4 Cylinder pre-fill procedures ....................................................................................................... 4
4.5 Information to users .................................................................................................................. 4
4.6 Recommendations to prevent internal contamination and corrosion ....................................... 4
5 Acetylene cylinders in marine service .............................................................................................. 5
5.1 Nature and aspects of the problem .......................................................................................... 5
5.2 Pre-fill checks ........................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 Frequency of periodic inspection .............................................................................................. 6
5.4 Procedures for periodic inspection ........................................................................................... 6
5.5 Identification of last test ............................................................................................................ 6
5.6 Information to owners/users ..................................................................................................... 6
6 References ....................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix 1 .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Amendments to 61/12
Section Change
Editorial to align style with EIGA Style manual
3.1 Addition of Publications terminology
3.2 Recommendation on closing cylinder valves
4.6 Additional recommendations to users
6 References updated and aligned to text
Appendix B removed
1 Introduction
The number of industrial gas cylinders which are used in areas such as off-shore oil production, on
board ships, shipyards, fish farms and diving applications has increased considerably over the past
few decades. The consequence of this is that these cylinders are exposed to the risks of rough
handling as well as internal contamination, for example by sea water.
A number of incidents have been reported, caused by internal corrosion of oxygen cylinders in marine
service, resulting in perforation or violent rupture of the cylinder.
In addition, severe internal corrosion has been detected during routine inspections and periodic
Investigations have revealed a higher occurrence of damage to the porous material of acetylene
cylinders in marine service than in industrial use.
Though the majority of the above incidents have not resulted in injuries or fatalities, it is evident that
these incidents represent a potential risk of damage to both users and personnel in cylinder filling
IGC Technical Note 32/82 Detection and Prevention of Internal Corrosion of Oxygen Cylinders in Off-
Shore Service [1] 1 first examined the problem and provided recommendations to prevent and detect
internal corrosion of oxygen cylinders in marine service.
This publication covers only the additional recommendation believed to be specific to gas cylinders in
marine service. All inspection and prefill checks as required by transport regulations such as the
European Agreement on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road, ADR [2] shall also be performed
as necessary.
By applying the recommendations of this publication, the integrity of gas cylinders in marine service
should be improved and thereby reduce safety concerns.
This publication has been prepared based on the additional information collected by EIGA companies
and supersedes TN 32/82 [1].
Since the recommendations in this publication have been applied, EIGA has noted a significant
reduction in marine service incidents.
2 Scope
This publication applies only to those cylinders which can be identified as having a significant risk of
internal contamination and/or rough handling.
It covers primarily dedicated oxygen and acetylene cylinders including bundles of cylinders used in
the marine environment, but many of its recommendations may be applied also to other industrial gas
cylinders in marine service.
NOTE This publication does not cover any regulatory requirements for filling, transporting, use and retesting of
gas cylinders, which are outside their regional area of approval.
1 References are shown by bracketed numbers and are listed in order of appearance in the reference section.
EIGA DOC 61/18
3 Definitions
3.1.1 Shall
Indicates that the procedure is mandatory. It is used wherever the criterion for conformance to specific
recommendations allows no deviation.
3.1.2 Should
3.1.3 May
3.1.4 Will
3.1.5 Can
Oxygen is usually supplied in either single cylinders or bundles of cylinders, with the cylinders being
manufactured from either steel or aluminium alloy.
Cylinders are not designed nor intended to be exposed to corrosive products or to be used under
water (except diving cylinders).
The correct use and handling of the cylinders prevents the ingress of foreign materials and therefore
the risk of internal corrosion.
The main aspects, which are considered relevant, are summarized as follows:
Cylinders and bundles of cylinders in marine use can be subject to rough handling and harsh
environmental conditions not usually encountered on shore.
In addition, cylinder valves are frequently left in the open position, (even though this practice is not
recommended) after the cylinder has been emptied. This is based upon a survey carried out by EIGA
member companies that revealed about 25 % of the total number of cylinders supplied for offshore
service are returned with the valves open.
EIGA DOC 61/18
In such conditions internal contamination of cylinders with sea water can occur in one or more of the
following ways:
The corrosion rate of steel in neutral or distilled water as a result of differential aeration increases
linearly with rising air pressure until the partial pressure of oxygen reaches about 0.4 bar. Further
increase in air pressure results in a rapid decrease in the corrosion rate due to the formation of a
passive film over the metal surface. However, in the presence of chloride solutions, such as seawater,
which contains about 3.0% sodium chloride, complete passivation is no longer possible and increased
oxygen partial pressure will merely result in increased corrosion rate and severe pitting damage.
The corrosion rate is influenced by factors such as temperature, chloride ion concentration and
agitation, but it is governed mainly by the oxygen partial pressure [3].
A study carried out in 1970 by the University of Rhode Island, USA, on the corrosion of steel and
aluminium alloy cylinders [4] demonstrated the effect of oxygen partial pressure on the pit penetration
rate in the presence of seawater. The first part of the study was carried out on four alloy steel
cylinders (DOT-3AA high pressure type) over a period of one hundred days at a temperature of 40°C.
Each cylinder contained 0.5 litre of water. Three cylinders were filled with air to 152 bar and the fourth
to 6.9 bar. Two of the high-pressure cylinders were held in the horizontal position.
The data obtained in the above study were plotted in conjunction with data obtained by F. La Que [5]
for steels in contact with natural seawater at atmospheric pressure to establish a correlation line, see
Appendix 1, which shows the pit penetration rate to be approximately proportional to the square root
of the oxygen partial pressure.
Extrapolation of the correlation line indicated that the corrosion rate for a cylinder of oxygen at 172 bar
contaminated with seawater could exceed 7 mm per year.
Tests were carried out by UEF Chesterfield (formerly TI Chesterfield Ltd.) on various steels in a
0.05% sodium chloride solution at 30° C in the presence of oxygen at atmospheric pressure and 170
bar. The tests were conducted over a period of fourteen days with partially immersed samples of
chromium-molybdenum, manganese and nickel-chromium-molybdenum steels. The pit penetration
rates, also shown in Appendix A, were calculated from the 14-day test data assuming a linear pit
depth/time relationship.
The relationship may not hold over an extended period of time, but the test results seem to support
the findings of the Rhode Island study. There was no evidence of any significant differences in the
corrosion resistance of the steels.
This suggests that corrosion rates for low alloy steel oxygen cylinders, such as chromium-
molybdenum steels, derived in the manner described above can only be regarded as approximate
EIGA DOC 61/18
since no allowance is made for frequency of filling, temperature, conditions of storage and use and
other factors which will significantly influence corrosion rates. Nevertheless, the evidence does
indicate that unless preventative measures are undertaken, the presence of seawater in an oxygen
cylinder will rapidly deteriorate it to a point where it is no longer safe for use.
Cylinders returned to the filling stations are subjected to a thorough external inspection for general
appearance, especially corrosion defects and damage, see EN ISO 24431 Gas cylinders — Cylinders
for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding acetylene)— Inspection at time of filling, and EN ISO
11372 Gas cylinders. Acetylene cylinders. Filling conditions and filling inspection [6,7])
The external inspection cannot provide any information on possible internal contamination, but heavily
externally corroded condition can indicate internal corrosion.
Whenever the risk of internal corrosion is present in the cylinder application, such as for cylinders
used in marine environment, a residual pressure check should be performed before refilling and also
where there is any doubt an additional internal inspection.
The presence of residual pressure is generally considered a satisfactory indication that water ingress
in unlikely to have occurred during recent cylinder service.
Some companies follow the practice of tapping each individual cylinder with a hammer or metal bar
and judge the condition of the cylinder based on the quality of sound produced. This test can detect
heavy generalized corrosion or the presence of large quantities of water, but it will not detect localized
corrosion or the presence of small quantities of water.
As described in 4.2, an incorrect handling by the users is frequently the origin of internal
contamination and of the consequent corrosion of cylinders used in marine environment.
Repeated information should be sent to customers in the form of letters, bulletins or cylinder applied
warning labels, stressing the importance of precautions such as:
The practice of requesting users to identify cylinders, which for any reason have been submerged or
damaged, has been adopted by some companies with encouraging results.
• Cylinders used in marine environment should be identified, for example by marking or labelling.
These cylinders shall be internally visually inspected before being deployed into marine service;
• Cylinders identified for marine use should be equipped with residual pressure valves (RPV);
• Cylinders not equipped with RPV valves shall be individually checked for residual pressure prior
to each refilling;
EIGA DOC 61/18
• Cylinders which are equipped with a RPV valve may be submitted to normal filling provided it is
established that the cylinder has been protected for example. by the presence of a residual
pressure; and
• Cylinders with no indication of residual pressure should be internally visually inspected or
checked for moisture/contamination content prior to refilling.
Acetylene is usually supplied in either single cylinders or cylinder bundles fabricated of low alloy steel.
The acetylene is dissolved in a solvent, contained within a porous material.
Acetylene cylinders in marine service can be subject to rough handling and harsh environmental
conditions. Recent findings have shown that the rejection rate during internal examination has
revealed a higher value especially due to top clearance than with acetylene in industrial service.
This follows over a year’s investigation by EIGA member companies performing an internal
examination before each filling.
The main aspects that are considered relevant are summarised below:
• The date of the last test and tester shall be clearly readable;
• Any cylinder due for testing shall not be filled, but submitted to periodic inspection;
• The cylinder shall not exhibit any serious abnormalities such as burns, severe corrosion,
heat/fire damage or significant mechanical damage;
• The valve shall be suitable for acetylene and in a satisfactory condition. If the valve is changed
any neck/core hole filters and the porous mass shall be inspected for presence of
contamination or defects;
• The nature of the porous material and the type of solvent shall be established; and
• Any solvent shortage shall be replenished.
Cylinder owners can request that their authorisation is obtained prior to their cylinders being filled. In
this case ownership shall be established and this authorisation obtained before filling the cylinders
EIGA DOC 61/18
The frequencies of periodic inspection for acetylene cylinders in marine service are recommended as
• The initial periodic inspection shall be performed as described in EN ISO 10462:2013 Gas
cylinders. Acetylene cylinders. Periodic inspection and maintenance [8]. Subsequent periodic
inspection at a maximum period of five years after the last periodic inspection.
Years in service
0 1 3 5 10 15
5 5
1st Periodic 2nd Periodic 3rd Periodic
Inspection Inspection Inspection
The procedures to be used are those laid down in EN ISO 12863 [8]. The top clearance shall not
exceed what is specified in EN ISO 12863 [8].
In addition to any regulatory requirements for stamp marking cylinders, a clear and durable
identification shall be attached to the cylinder. This shall include the date of the last test and the test
body. The latter can, for example, take the form of a plastic or metallic ring fitted between the valve
stem and cylinder neck. Only one test-ring shall be present. Any previous ring shall be removed and
replaced by the new ring denoting that a new inspection has been successfully performed.
This approach has an additional benefit of being able to indicate that the valve has been removed in
order to perform an internal inspection.
As described in 5.1 an incorrect handling by users is frequently the origin of internal contamination
and the subsequent corrosion or mass damage of acetylene cylinders used in the marine
Repeated information should be sent to customers in the form of letters, bulletins of cylinders applied
warning labels, stressing the importance of precautions such as:
• avoiding impacts which could damage either the shell and/or porous material;
• closing valves on empty cylinders;
• maintaining the residual pressure within the cylinder;
EIGA DOC 61/18
6 References
[1] EIGA-IGC/TN 32/82: Detection and Prevention of Internal Corrosion of Oxygen Cylinders in Off-
Shore Service (now withdrawn);
[2] ADR, European Agreement on the Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
[3] Herbert H. Uhlig: “Corrosion and Corrosion Control; John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
[4] F. C. Cichy, H. Schenck and J. J. McAniff: “Corrosion of Steel and Aluminium Scuba Tanks”;
University of Rhode Island, Marine Technical Report 62.
[5] Herbert H. Uhlig: “Corrosion Handbook”; John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pages 383 – 388
[6] EN ISO 24431 Gas cylinders — Cylinders for compressed and liquefied gases (excluding
acetylene)— Inspection at time of filling;
[7] EN ISO 11372 Gas cylinders - Acetylene cylinders - Filling conditions and filling inspection
[8] EN ISO 10462:2013 Gas cylinders. Acetylene cylinders. Periodic inspection and maintenance
EIGA DOC 61/18
Appendix 1
EIGA DOC 61/18