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Behaviour Management Policy

for the National Education System

of Papua New Guinea

“Improving student behaviour and welfare”

Papua New Guinea

Department of Education

Policy Review date 2014

Behaviour Management Policy
for the National Education System
of Papua New Guinea

“Improving student behaviour and welfare”

Papua New Guinea

Department of Education

Policy Review date 2014

Issued free to schools by the Department of Education
Published in 2009 by the Department of Education
© Copyright 2009, Department of Education, Papua New Guinea
All rights reserved.

ISBN: 978-9980-86-209-9

Secretary of Education, Dr Joseph Pagelio, for his leadership and support of
this policy.

Guidance Branch for leading the development of this policy.

All of the students, parents, community members, teachers, head teachers,

provincial and national education officers, NGOs, church agencies, and the
National Catholic Education Board who participated and contributed to this

Production of this policy was made possible by the support of AusAID

through the Education Capacity Building Program.

2 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea

Contents 3
Foreword 4
Aims of the policy 5
The guiding principles of the policy 5
Introduction 8
Guidance to the policy 9
Who must follow this policy? 9
What do we mean by ‘child’ and ‘student’? 10
Key terms 11
Who is responsible for implementing the policy 13
1.0 The responsibilities of students 13
2.0 The responsibilities of parents and guardians 14
3.0 The responsibilities of communities 15
4.0 The responsibilities of teachers 16
5.0 The responsibilities of school based counsellors 18
6.0 The responsibilities of the head teacher 19
7.0 The responsibilities of the school board 21
8.0 The responsibilities of church agencies 23
9.0 The responsibilities of the Provincial Education Board 24
10. 0 The responsibilities of standards officers and TVET inspectors 25
11. 0 The responsibilities of guidance officers 26
12. 0 The responsibilities of the Department of Education 27
13.0 The responsibilities of the Teaching Service Commission 30
14. 0 The responsibilities of the National Education Board 30
Sections of a school behaviour management policy 31
The laws and acts that support this policy 32
International obligations 32
National laws 32
Departmental policies and guidance 34
Glossary and acronyms 35

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 3

The National Behaviour Management Policy is a milestone towards effective management

of behavioural issues in schools. This policy clarifies the roles, rights and responsibilities of
schools, parents/guardians, teachers and students in improving student discipline and raising
achievement. It is in the best interest of our country to develop responsible, educated and
skilled citizens who actively contribute to the future of Papua New Guinea.

Most students behave well in schools. However, the Papua New Guinean education system
experiences anti-social behaviour which harms the education and health of our young people.
It is important these issues are addressed and that schools are supported to deal effectively
with poor behaviour. The Department of Education and its schools have to be proactive in
ensuring that there are strategies for preventing these problems.

All schools and education institutions will be expected to develop their own School Behaviour
Management Policy in consultation with students, staff and parents/guardians. Every school
should strive to be a safe, caring and fair learning environment. Every teacher and school
manager should have effective skills in positive behaviour management to help students learn
from their mistakes. Every student has the right and the responsibility to learn, behave well
and develop to their full potential.

I endorse this policy for immediate implementation.


Minister for Education
September 2009

4 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
Aims of this policy

The national goal of Integral Human Development and the principles of human rights and
responsibilities are the foundation of this policy.

The aims of this policy are to help schools at all levels of the national education system to:

1. Promote and improve positive student behaviour through the collaborative efforts
of students, teachers, head teachers, parents/guardians, school boards and other
2. Help all stakeholders to understand and exercise their rights and responsibilities in
managing student behaviour.
3. Help schools create a fair, caring and safe learning environment for students and

The guiding principles of this policy

This policy is based on these core principles of human rights and responsibilities.

Principle 1: Right to education

Every child has the right to an education and the right to learn. For effective learning to take
place, good behaviour in all aspects of school life is essential.

Parents, communities and Government of Papua New Guinea have the responsibility to
ensure children have the opportunity to go to school.

Principle 2: Right to respect, equality and fairness

Every student and teacher has the right to be treated with respect in a fair, honest and
transparent manner regardless of gender, sexuality, race, age, HIV status, academic level,
disability, religion, family, economic and/or cultural background.

All members of the school community are responsible for upholding and respecting the rights
of others.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 5
Principle 3: Right to a safe learning environment
Every student and teacher has the right to work in a peaceful, caring and safe school which
promotes healthy lifestyles and behaviour.

Students and teachers have the right to work in an environment free from violence, sexual
harassment and all forms of abuse and exploitation. Corporal punishment is not to be used
at any time.

All members of the school community have the responsibility to promote peaceful, caring
and safe school environment and to ensure that schools are free from violence, sexual
harassment and all forms of abuse and exploitation.

Principle 4: Right to good quality education

Every student has the right to a relevant, student-centred and engaging curriculum and a
competent teacher who is fair and caring and who is a good role structured teaching on
values, morals and life skills.

Students have the right to a qualified and competent teacher who is fair and caring and who
is a good role model for behaviour.

Students and teachers have the right to work in a well-managed school. Well-managed and
well-led schools have fewer behaviour problems.

Students have the responsibility to learn and engage in school lessons and activities to the
best of their abilities.

Teachers have the responsibility to be professional, competent and to manage their

classrooms and schools well.

Principle 5: Right to fair and consistent rules

Students and teachers have the right to fair, appropriate and consistent application of school
rules listed in the school’s behaviour management policy.

Parents, guardians and students have the right to be heard at disciplinary committee
meetings and the right to appeal against expulsion to an impartial and qualified authority.

Students have the responsibility to follow school rules.

6 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
Parents have the responsibility to assist their children to follow school rules. They have to
work with schools to ensure fair, appropriate and consistent application of school rules.

Principle 6: R ight to a school behaviour management policy

Schools have the responsibility to implement effective and appropriate behaviour
management strategies.

Parents, guardians, students, teachers and the school board members have the right and
responsibility to be actively involved in the writing and review of the school’s behaviour
management policy. The policy must be communicated clearly to all members of the school

Principle 7: R ight to access counselling and referral services

All students and teachers have the right to access counselling and referral services.

Schools have the responsibility to provide counselling and referral services.

Principle 8: Best practice and cooperation

Teachers, head teachers and schools have the responsibility to learn from each other to
improve student behaviour management strategies.

All teachers, head teachers, school boards and relevant education officers have the right to
high quality training and support to implement best practice in behaviour management.

All stakeholders have the responsibility to work together to maintain and improve student

Principle 9: Personal responsibility

All members of the school community are responsible for their own actions and the
consequences of their behaviour.

The school community has the responsibility to help younger children and children with
special needs, learn to be responsible for their decisions and behaviour, within the limits of
their maturity and developmental ability.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 7

The Department of Education is determined to support schools to effectively manage

student behaviour. This policy provides the foundation for ways in which stakeholders can
work together to guide and improve student behaviour. It also sets out a framework to assist
schools in resolving those student issues that require disciplinary actions.

School behaviour management is more than just school rules, codes of conduct, punishments
and counselling. It also involves effective classroom management, a safe working
environment, praise and rewards, clear communication, participation by all stakeholders, life
skills training, sharing best practice, assertive discipline, good planning and well trained and
well supported professional teachers. Effective behaviour management is a whole school
approach and reduces the potential for poor and antisocial behaviour to occur by developing
the social, emotional and behavioural skills of students.

The PNG education reform has rapidly led to a large increase in student enrolment. The
curriculum has changed to become more relevant and student centred. Cultural and
social changes have also made additional demands on the education system. Schools and
teachers have had to rise to the difficult challenge of these changes and the increasing
demand for quality education. The Department of Education has recognised the need to
change approaches and systems to meet the challenge of education and student behaviour
management in the 21st century.

In November 2005, the Department of Education and AusAID commissioned research on

behaviour management. The Review of Student Behaviour and Counselling Requirements in
PNG made a series of recommendations for improving support for schools and was endorsed
for implementation by the DoE in May 2007.

The review identified social problems that affect students including drug and alcohol abuse,
violence, sexual harassment and rape, unplanned pregnancies, pornography, cult activities
and generation names, bullying, abuse of information technology (internet, mobile phones),
and poor behaviour when travelling to and from school. Poor student-teacher communication
and poor teacher behaviour contribute to discipline problems and disruption in the school.
However it is important to recognise that the majority of students and behave well and work

This policy is one strategy for changing the way schools manage and respond to student
behaviour. Other activities are highlighted in the responsibilities for stakeholders, such as
improving and expanding the training of school based counsellors, improving the quality
of teacher training in behaviour management, improving systems for teacher discipline,
improving school management, improving school infrastructure and increasing community

8 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
There has been wide consultation to develop this policy including a media campaign in
newspapers and on radio, national consultation visits and forums, literature reviews,
distribution of two draft copies and four regional editing workshops. Teachers, students and
parents/guardians were the main focus of the initial consultation. National and international
best practices have been studied and the content and principles have been discussed with an
extensive group of stakeholders, particularly students, parents/guardians and teachers.

Guide to this policy

There is a supplementary document, Behaviour Management: a Guide for Schools to support

this policy which provides guidance to teachers and schools on best practice in behaviour
management. This supplementary document provides information on behaviour management
strategies, recommendations on discipline procedures, appropriate rewards and sanctions.
Behaviour Management: a Guide for Schools also provides advice on how to respond to
specific problems and issues faced by schools.

Who must follow this policy?

This policy covers all government and church agency schools and educational institutions
within the national education system. All students, teachers, head teachers and school
management (including boards of management, boards of governors and governing councils),
school based counsellors and ancillary staff have a responsibility to follow this policy.

This policy also applies to all education officers from both national and provincial levels,
including the National Education Board (NEB), Provincial Education Boards (PEBs), education
advisors, standards and guidance officers.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 9
Furthermore, this policy recognises the vital roles played by different stakeholders in the
school community including parents/guardians, young people, churches, non-governmental
organisations (NGOs), health services, welfare services and the police. These vital
partnerships are to be established, maintained and encouraged.

Permitted educational institutions are welcome to adopt the support document, Behaviour
Management: a Guide for Schools.

What do we mean by ‘child’ and’student’?

Children are under 18 years old. They are covered by special laws and international
obligations such as the Juvenile Justice Act, Lukautim Pikinini Act and United Nations,
Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Students can be of any age as long as they are enrolled in an educational institution.
Students older than 18 years have adult legal responsibilities but should be treated
accordingly within the principles of this policy.

It is important to note that children differ in their ability to make decisions at different
ages. Whilst this policy applies generally to all students of all ages, please remember that
consideration needs to be made for younger students or those students with special needs
who may not be able to understand and realise the causes and consequences of their own

10 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
Key terms

Behaviour is the reactions and actions of an individual or group to other individuals or
groups of people, events, or the environment. Student behaviour refers to the sets of
behaviours that would usually be seen in groups of young people at school. The behaviour of
students is influenced by their age, peers, family, teachers, culture and gender. Examples of
positive student behaviours include helping friends, studying hard, obeying school rules and
organising social activities. Examples of poor student behaviour include disruption in class,
not completing work, poor punctuality and not listening to teachers. Anti-social behaviours
are those behaviours that cause distress and harm to others and are unacceptable in society.
Examples of anti-social behaviour include bullying, cult activities, drug and alcohol use, and

School behaviour management

Behaviour management is a whole school approach to promoting positive student behaviour.
It is about creating an environment where students are valued and learn socially acceptable
ways of behaving. It includes a range of strategies for responding to poor behaviour,
including effective discipline techniques, effective sanctions, fair suspension and expulsion
processes, and counselling.

It also includes strategies that encourage positive student behaviour such as ensuring a safe,
supportive and healthy learning environment, effective class and school management and
teaching of life skills.

School behaviour management reduces the potential for poor and antisocial behaviour by
developing the social, emotional and behavioural skills of students through a wide range of

Discipline comes from the word ‘disciple’ which means ‘to instruct’. School discipline is
about teaching children the rules of acceptable behaviour, and helping them to understand
what is expected of them in their society. Effective discipline ensures there is a sense of
order amongst students and school are safe places where learning can take place without
interference. School rules and behaviour management policies are part of discipline. Often
when people talk about discipline, they really mean ‘punishment’ which is one method to
enforce discipline by negative or harmful means.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 11
Punishment is when a negative and unpleasant consequence is given to an individual so that
they will not repeat the same behaviour again. Punishments are often designed to make the
individual suffer. For example, calling children names to embarrass them in front of their
classmates, forcing a student to go without food during their lunch or hitting a child. Often
punishments are ineffective and even harmful because they based using fear and discomfort
as a strategy to control students and do not provide an opportunity for the student to learn
alternative behaviour. Corporal punishment (using physical force against a student) is not
permitted by the Department of Education. In recognition of the issues around the use of
punishment, this policy uses the term sanction rather than punishment to refer to measures
taken by schools to enforce a consequence for poor behaviour. Behaviour Management: a
Guide for Schools provides further information about the use of sanctions.

Counselling is a process that helps people to cope with issues and reach decisions affecting
their lives. It involves the counsellor talking with a person (client) in a way that helps that
person explore their problems, understand the contributing factors and identify ways to
change or improve their behaviour, character, values or life circumstances. It does not involve
giving advice or making judgements.

People usually seek counselling when they are experiencing distress, change or when there
has been a crisis. Counselling is always voluntary. You cannot force people to enter into

Sometimes, poor student behaviour is caused by problems or challenges that the young
person is facing in their life. Counselling can help young persons to change their behaviour
and better deal with their problems. In schools, counselling is provided by a school based
counsellor who has been trained by the Department of Education.

12 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
Who is responsible for implementing this policy?

1. The responsibilities of students

Students are the most important stakeholders in maintaining good behaviour in schools.

To help implement this policy students have a responsibility to:

1.1  Behave well, respect others and follow school rules

1.1.1 Behave well in school and follow the school rules in the school behaviour
management policy.

1.1.2 Take responsibility for their own behaviour and learn from their mistakes.

1.1.3 Say “no” to risky or illegal behaviours.

1.1.4 Respect the learning and rights of others.

1.1.5 Contribute to the writing and review of a school behaviour management policy.
Understand the policy, its expectations and be guided by it.

The Department of Education expects all students to:

1. Do their best in school.
2. Treat peers in a caring and friendly way regardless of their gender, sexuality,
health, disability, religion, race or cultural background.
3. Solve problems and conflicts in a peaceful way.
4. Value school property and respect the properties of others.
5. Cooperate with fellow students, teachers and school authorities.
6. Actively contribute to decision making in the school and the Student
Representative Council.
7. Try to be a good role model for others and encourage peers to behave well.
8. Be honest.
9. Report incidents of disruption, bullying, violence and any form of harassment.
10. Ask for help if they need it and help others.
11. Dress neatly in line with the school rules.
12. Come to school (don’t truant) and attend lessons on time.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 13
2. The responsibilities of parents and guardians
Parents and guardians have a vital role to play in the education of their children and are the
first teachers of good behaviour and positive values. Some behaviour problems in school are
linked to a student’s home life.

To help implement this policy parents and guardians have the responsibility to:

2.1  Raise children in a safe, healthy and caring home

2.1.1 Provide food, water, clothing, shelter, love, support, security and discipline for
their children.

2.1.2 Raise children in a home free from violence, fear, drugs, alcohol and all forms
of abuse.

2.1.3 Provide education for their children.

2.1.4 Provide a well organised home with time for work and play. There should be a
place for children to study.

2.2  Build the foundations for good behaviour

2.2.1 Be a good role model.

2.2.2 Treat all children under their care equally.

2.2.3 Value all children: praise and encourage their strengths and recognise their
good behaviour.

2.2.4 Teach acceptable behaviour in a non-violent, loving and consistent way.

2.2.5 Help children set realistic goals.

2.2.6 Help children to understand and appreciate key values. Teach them good
morals, ethics and customs.

2.3  Support education and behaviour management in schools

2.3.1 Ensure the safety and good behaviour of their children to and from school.

2.3.2 Meet regularly with their child’s teacher and discuss the child’s progress.

14 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
2.3.3 Report academic, behavioural, health or family problems that affect the child at
school quickly to the teacher, school based counsellor or head teacher.

2.3.4 Learn about the school policies and curriculum.

2.3.5 Support the school in decisions about student behaviour and use proper
procedures for appeal when there is disagreement about the decision.

2.3.6 Contribute to the development of the school and be actively involved in school
activities such as parents & citizens (P&C) meetings and the school learning
improvement plan (SLIP).

2.3.7 Contribute to the writing, implementation and review of the school behaviour
management policy.

3. The responsibilities of communities

Communities form the wider environment for the development of the child. They also have an
important role to play in their local school. Children’s behaviour reflects the community they
grow up in and all community members have a responsibility to help young people grow to be
responsible citizens.

To help implement this policy communities have the responsibility to:

3.1  Build a safe and healthy environment for students

3.1.1 Protect all children against all forms of violence and abuse, bullying, drugs and
alcohol and exploitation.

3.1.2 Protect all children, especially girls and young women, from sexual harassment,
rape, incest and sexual exploitation.

3.1.3 Help children to resist harmful peer pressure.

3.1.4 Identify trustworthy and reliable people in the community that young people
and children can go to if they need help or advice.

3.1.5 Teach children the positive traditional values, cultures and customs which are
beneficial to their health, education and well being.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 15
3.1.6 Establish and support programs and activities for young people. For example,
sports, religious activities, scouts, girl guides, musical activities, peer education
and youth clubs.

3.2  Support education and behaviour management in schools

3.2.1 Ensure all children in the community go to school and value education equally
for both boys and girls. Help disadvantaged children to go to school.

3.2.2 Respect the decision of the school when dealing with unacceptable student

3.2.3 Encourage a culture of respect for the school and discourage vandalism, theft,
and other destructive behaviour.

3.3.4 Select school board members wisely and have equal participation of men and

3.3.5 Support the teaching of the subject titled ‘personal development’.

3.3.6 Participate in P&C meetings and other school activities such as the SLIP.

4. The responsibilities of teachers

Teachers have a duty of care to all students. They must establish an effective, safe, calm and
productive learning environment. A well-prepared, knowledgeable, skilful and caring teacher
will have a well-behaved and well-managed class. Every teacher is responsible for managing
student behaviour in their school.

To help implement this policy teachers have the responsibility to:

4.1  Be a good role model for behaviour

4.1.1 Follow the PNGTA Teacher Code of Ethics. Teachers who are not a member of
PNGTA can still use the PNGTA Teacher Code of Ethics as a guide to ethical
teacher behaviour.

4.1.2 Treat all students equally and fairly regardless of their gender, sexuality, health,
disability, religion, race or cultural background.

4.1.3 Respect the rights of all students and other members of the school community.

16 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
4.1.4 Listen to students and give them the opportunity to contribute meaningfully in
school activities.

4.1.5 Promote positive, honest and caring relationships within the school.

4.1.6 Be punctual and do not leave their class unsupervised.

4.2  Professionally manage student behaviour

4.2.1 Plan and use a range of positive and effective behaviour management strategies.

4.2.2 Be fair, prompt, calm and consistent when dealing with student misbehaviour.
Teachers must not use any form of violence or corporal punishment. Sanctions
should never deliberately cause physical, emotional or mental harm to students.

4.2.3 Communicate honestly and effectively with parents and guardians about their
student’s learning and behaviour. Plan and prepare regular student-teacher-
parent/guardian conferences.

4.2.4 Build the self esteem of students by recognising, valuing and developing all the
skills and talents of students.

4.2.5 Support positive extra-curricular activities, peer education or student

leadership programs in the school.

4.3  Protect children

4.3.1 Encourage and refer students to counselling.

4.3.2 Safeguard confidential information unless someone is at risk.

4.3.3 Immediately report to the Director of Child Protection or his/her delegated

authority, if the teacher has reason to believe a child is in need of protection.
Teachers may inform their head teacher but the teacher has a legal duty to

4.4  Share best practice

4.4.1 Plan and teach student-centred lessons which are motivating and challenging.

4.4.2 Work as a team with fellow teachers to write and implement a school behaviour
management policy.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 17
4.4.3 Keep accurate and proper written records of student behaviour issues and
provide regular updates to school management, and parents and guardians.

4.4.4 Improve their teaching and behaviour management skills through professional

5. The responsibilities of school based counsellors

A school based counsellor is trained and certified by DoE to counsel and provide guidance
to students in the school. Counselling and guidance are positive behaviour management
strategies. There should be at least one male and one female school based counsellor in every
secondary school and one school based counsellor in every large primary school.

To help implement this policy school based counsellors have the responsibility to:

5.1  Be an ethical and effective school based counsellor

5.1.1 Follow the DoE School Based Counsellor Code of Ethics.

5.1.2 Be a positive role model: neutral, non-judgemental and supportive.

5.1.3 Keep counselling sessions confidential unless a person is at risk to themselves

or others or if they provide consent for you to share information from the

5.1.4 Refer students to other supporting services if necessary.

5.1.5 Assist the school to organise student leadership training, peer education
programs and other relevant activities to improve and manage student

5.1.6 Report regularly to the provincial guidance officer and seek advice if necessary.

5.1.7 Immediately report to the Director of Child Protection or his/her delegated

authority, if the counsellor has reason to believe a child is in need of
protection. Counsellors may inform their head teacher but the counsellor has a
legal duty to report.

5.2  Share best practice and learning about counselling

5.2.1 Advocate for the importance of counselling and guidance as strategies of
behaviour management.

18 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
5.2.2 Advise the school administration on student behaviour. The school based
counsellor must not be involved in disciplinary decision-making.

5.2.3 Contribute to the writing and review of a school’s behaviour management


5.2.4 Organise professional development for teachers on basic counselling skills,

child protection and behaviour management strategies.

5.2.5 Continue to learn more about behaviour management and counselling

practices. Share best practices with other professional colleagues.

6. The responsibilities of the head teacher

A well managed and well led school is a school with fewer behaviour problems. The head
teacher manages and leads the school to create an effective, safe and caring environment for

To help implement this policy head teachers have the responsibility to:

6.1  Manage a safe, healthy and well-behaved school

6.1.1 Be a role model for good behaviour.

6.1.2 Manage the school effectively, honestly and fairly.

6.1.3 Ensure the school is a safe, clean, well supervised and healthy environment.
Make sure classes are supervised when teachers are absent.

6.1.4 Ensure sanctions never deliberately cause physical, emotional or mental harm to
students. Violence and corporal punishment are never to be used.

6.1.5 Inform the police, chairperson of the school board and provincial officers
immediately if serious criminal offences are committed by students. Take
administrative action to remove students or prevent them from attending classes
if there is a clear and serious danger to people or property.

6.1.6 Immediately report suspensions and potential expulsions to the school board
or to the Chair of the Discipline Committee if the board has delegated it’s
authority to this committee. Expulsions must be approved by the school board.

6.1.7 Ensure parents/guardians and senior staff are informed promptly in serious
discipline cases.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 19
6.1.8 Immediately report to the Director of Child Protection or his/her delegated
authority, if the head teacher has reason to believe a child is in need of protection.

6.1.9 Ensure teachers are familiar with processes of mandatory reporting of children
in need of special protection.

6.2  Implement a school behaviour management policy

6.2.1 Work with school board, parents/guardians, students and teachers to develop a
school behaviour management policy which follows this policy.

6.2.2 Implement, manage and monitor the school behaviour management policy and
enforce fair, consistent and transparent rules with appropriate sanctions for
misbehaviour. Respond promptly to behaviour issues.

6.2.3 Work with teachers to help students improve their behaviour and make better
choices. Ensure all teachers follow the school behaviour management policy.

6.2.4 Regularly report on behaviour issues to the school board.

6.2.5 Include student behaviour and welfare in the SLIP.

6.3  Building capacity in behaviour management

6.3.1 Ensure regular training for teachers on school behaviour management

6.3.2 Organise the training of the school board on this policy.

6.3.3 Improve their own behaviour management skills through professional development.

6.4  Providing counselling and support for students

6.4.1 Ensure any school based counsellors have adequate time and a suitable place
to meet with students. School based counsellors may require a reduced teaching

20 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
6.5  Improving teaching and learning of life skills
6.5.1 Ensure the effective teaching of life skills in personal development and other
relevant subjects.

6.6  Build a strong stakeholder network

6.6.1 Participate in and support P&C meetings.

6.6.2 Make links with external support services such as, guidance officers, juvenile
justice working groups, lukautim pikinini councils, child protection services,
approved NGO groups, churches, police and health services.

7. The responsibilities of the school board

The school board is the body that governs the management of the school or institution and
has a vital role in improving the school. It could be a board of management or board of
governors or governing council.

Under the current Education Act, 1983 and provincial education acts that are in force, the
school board is responsible for making school rules and decisions about expulsion and
suspension. This policy states that all stakeholders must be involved in making school rules.

To help implement this policy school boards have the responsibility to:

7.1  Support a safe, healthy and well-behaved school

7.1.1 Make sure that all students and teachers work in a safe, healthy and peaceful
environment with adequate resources for learning.

7.1.2 Create a peaceful, effective working relationship between the school and the
parents/guardians and community regarding student behaviour.

7.1.3 Appoint male and female school based counsellors, if applicable.

7.2  Develop and supervise a school behaviour management policy

7.2.1 Write and regularly review the school’s behaviour management policy and
ensure it is in line with this policy.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 21
7.2.2 Ensure students, parents, guardians and teachers are involved in the writing
of the school’s behaviour management policy and that every stakeholder
understands the purpose and procedures.

7.2.3 Approve the school’s behaviour management policy and arrange for review by
the school’s standards officer as part of the SLIP.

7.2.4 Support and supervise the implementation of the school’s behaviour

management policy.

7.3  Decide carefully on student expulsions

7.3.1 Ensure all students have the opportunity for learning. Expulsion is the last
resort and is to be used only for serious offences. It can also be used for
repeated disruptive behaviour when counselling and other sanctions and
strategies have been exhausted.

7.3.2 Ensure students are not expelled for pregnancy.

7.3.3 Delegate disciplinary powers to suspend students for a stated length of time to
the head teacher, who must immediately report any suspension to the chair of
the school board or the chair of the discipline committee.

7.3.4 Delegate disciplinary powers to a school board disciplinary committee, if

necessary. The school board or its delegated committee makes decisions on

7.3.5 Ensure equal representation of men and women on the school board or
disciplinary committee for making decisions about student expulsion. The board
must also ensure any members of the board who have conflicts of interests
withdraw for expulsion decisions.

7.3.6 Give a fair, detailed, prompt and impartial hearing to students and parents/
guardians in cases of expulsion.

7.3.7 Ensure all concerned parties have a fair opportunity to represent themselves
when the board meets to discuss a possible expulsion. The student concerned
can ask for an observer to accompany them during the meeting.

7.3.8 Keep an accurate written record of expulsion decisions made by the board and
immediately report these to the Provincial Education Board and the Provincial
Disciplinary Appeals Committee.

22 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
8. The responsibilities of church agencies
Many schools have aims which reflect the philosophy of their founding church agency. These
agencies have an important role to play in supporting schools to improve student behaviour.
Students who learn values such as compassion, empathy, non-violence and personal
responsibility will be better behaved.

To help implement this policy, church agencies have the responsibility to:

8.1  Support positive behaviour management practices

8.1.1 Support their agency schools to develop their own school behaviour
management policies based on the rights and responsibilities in this policy and
the philosophy of the agency.

8.1.2 Promote positive and non-violent approaches to behaviour management in

agency schools, including counselling and the banning of corporal punishment.

8.1.3 Ensure expulsion is used only as a last resort in agency schools and that the
expulsion and appeals process conforms with this policy.

8.2  Work in partnership

8.2.1 Work in partnership with standards and guidance officers to manage and
improve student behaviour in schools.

8.2.2 Work in partnership with DoE to train church agency officers in behaviour
management, guidance and counselling strategies.

8.3  Promote best practice on teaching and counselling

8.3.1 Ensure school based counsellors in agency schools have successfully
completed a DoE approved training course.

8.3.2 Ensure high quality teaching of religious education in their agency schools
which develops life skills, good values and positive self esteem in all students.

8.3.3 Contribute to the development and review of this policy and other school
behaviour management initiatives.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 23
9. The responsibilities of the Provincial Education Board
The PEB has an important role to play in student discipline and expulsion appeals. Their
responsibilities are listed in the relevant education acts.

It is recommended that the PEB delegate these powers to effective local committees to
ensure effective expulsion appeal decisions for the good of the student and the school. For
example, by creating district expulsion appeals committees. The expulsion appeals committee
is the final arbiter on appeals against expulsion of students. Delegation of powers is at the
discretion of the PEB and the PEB will still be accountable for decisions made by any local

To help implement this policy the PEB (or its delegated committee) has the responsibility to:

9.1  Ensure effective expulsion appeals

9.1.1 Ensure that expulsion appeals are conducted promptly, fairly and transparently
and that all parties can be represented.

9.1.2 Ensure that expulsion appeals committees can be quickly convened after a written
appeal is received by the chairperson of the PEB or their delegated authority.
It is strongly recommended appeals are decided within 15 working days of the
receipt of the written appeal by the PEA or their delegated committee. Students
will be reinstated automatically (with conditions set by the school, if necessary) if
the expulsion appeals committee fails to meet within 15 working days.

9.1.3 Ensure there is representation of both men and women on the expulsion
appeals committee.

9.1.4 Ensure fair and transparent procedures and membership criteria for the
expulsion appeals committee are developed and regularly reviewed. These
procedures should be in line with this policy.

9.1.5 Ensure the committee only considers expulsion appeal cases. The expulsion
appeals committee can:
• Uphold the expulsion
• Uphold the appeal and reinstate the student without further sanction or
• Uphold the appeal and reinstate the student with conditions and sanctions.

9.1.6 Keep written records of expulsion appeals.

24 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
9.2  Support schools to improve their behaviour management
9.2.1 Supporting the in-service plans of schools to improve student behaviour
through, for example, funding in-service coordinators.

9.2.2 Monitor the implementation of this policy by recording and reporting on the
numbers of schools with an approved school behaviour management policy as
reported by standards officers.

10. The responsibilities of standards officers and TVET

Standards officers and TVET inspectors regularly visit schools to monitor the performance of

To help implement this policy standards officers and TVET inspectors have a responsibility to:

10.1  Monitor how school’s improve behaviour

10.1.1 Review the school’s behaviour management policy and check it is in line with
this policy. Advise schools on policy best practice and improving their policy.
10.1.2 Report on the number of schools with approved policies to the PEB and
national education system as required.
10.1.3 Work in partnership with guidance officers.

10.2  Support schools to improve student’s behaviour

10.2.1 Support schools to include student behaviour management in their SLIP and
teacher in-service plan (TIP).
10.2.2 Immediately report neglectful management practices, inadequate facilities
or any other factors that will impact on student’s welfare and behaviour to
relevant provincial and national education authorities.
10.2.3 Charge teachers who breach this policy. For example, using corporal
punishment on a student.
10.2.4 Raise awareness of this policy.
10.2.5 When necessary, support schools in crisis management.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 25
10.3  Protect children
10.3.1 Immediately report to the Director of Child Protection or his/her delegated
authority, if the officer has reason to believe a child is in need of protection.
10.3.2 Support training of staff within schools on mandatory reporting and child
10.3.3 Support the guidance officer and school based counsellor to design and
develop child protection programmes for children within the school.

11. The responsibilities of guidance officers

Guidance officers have a wide range of responsibilities within their province. Their primary
role is to build the capacity of schools to deal with student behaviour, counselling and
guidance issues. They do this through advice, school visits, in-service, monitoring and
evaluation. Guidance officers also train, mentor, assess and supervise school based

To help implement this policy guidance officers have the responsibility to:

11.1  Monitor the implementation of the policy

11.1.1 Work in partnership with standards officers and TVET inspectors to ensure
that this policy is implemented by all education institutions.
11.1.2 Raise awareness on this policy and the changes this brings for schools.
11.1.3 Collect data and information on school behaviour management issues
and report to Guidance Branch and PEB if necessary. Include policy
implementation in their quarterly report.

11.2  Share best practice and build capacity

11.2.1 Provide high quality training, supervision and support for teachers who want
to become school based counsellors.
11.2.2 Train and support school based counsellors, teachers, head teachers and
standards officers in behaviour management strategies including assertive
discipline and student leadership training.

26 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
11.2.3 Work with external support services such as juvenile justice working groups,
lukautim pikinini councils, child protection services, relevant NGO groups,
churches, police and health services.

11.3  Protect children and support schools

11.3.1 Follow best practice and the DoE School Based Counsellor Code of Ethics.
11.3.2 Provide counselling services upon referral from schools.
11.3.3 Provide, professional and objective advice on disciplinary action when
11.3.4 When necessary, support schools in crisis management.
11.3.5 Support the training of staff within schools on mandatory reporting and
child protection.
11.3.6 Support school based counsellors with the design and development of child
protection programmes for children.
11.3.7 Immediately report to the Director of Child Protection, or his/her delegated
authority, if the officer has reason to believe a child is in need of protection.

12. The responsibilities of the Department of Education

There are key divisions within the DoE that have specific responsibilities for implementing this

12.1  Standards & Guidance Division

To help implement this policy the Standards and Guidance Division will:

12.1.1 Lead development, review and implementation of this policy.

12.1.2 Plan and implement strategies to improve guidance and counselling services
in schools.
12.1.3 Support, train and resource guidance officers to provide training in
behaviour management, child protection and school based counselling.
12.1.4 Develop and distribute new student behaviour management, guidance and
counselling materials and training resources.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 27
12.1.5 Conduct research on student welfare and behaviour issues.
12.1.6 Make recommendations to the Top Management Team on matters affecting
student behaviour.
12.1.7 Recruit and deploy guidance officers to effectively and equitably cover all
Provinces in Papua New Guinea.
12.1.8 Train and prepare standards officers to include behaviour management
issues in SLIP.
12.1.9 Work in partnership with Teacher Education Division and other training
providers to improve the training of teachers in student behaviour
management, guidance and counselling.

12.2  Teacher Education Division

To help implement this policy Teacher Education Division will:

12.2.1 Review and improve teacher and head teacher training in behaviour
management, inclusive education, child protection, guidance and counselling.
12.2.2 Include this policy in all relevant teacher training programs.
12.2.3 Work in partnership with Standards and Guidance Division to develop
teacher training materials in behaviour management, guidance and

12.3  Curriculum Development & Assessment Division:

To help implement this policy Curriculum Development & Assessment Division will:

12.3.1 Work in partnership with Teacher Education Division and Standards and
Guidance Division to include this policy in relevant curriculum areas and
materials development.
12.3.2 Work with the Church Education Council to help improve the planning,
teaching and assessment of religious education.
12.3.3 Develop, trial and distribute materials to support the teaching of personal
development, life skills and peer education.

28 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
12.4  Policy, Planning and Research Division:
To help implement this policy, the Policy, Planning and Research Division will:

12.4.1 Work alongside the Standards and Guidance Division to monitor the
implementation of this policy.
12.4.2 Work alongside and support the Guidance Branch to initiate, conduct and
disseminate research into behaviour management issues.
12.4.3 Collect student behaviour management information in the school census.
For example, recording the number of schools with their own behaviour
management policies and recording information on expulsions.
12.4.4 Ensure student welfare is prioritised and adequately funded in the National
Education Plan and in provincial education plans.
12.4.5 Review the Education Act in light of recent national and international
legislation, lessons learnt from the education reform and best practice in
behaviour management.

12.5  Special Education Unit

To help implement this policy the Special Education Unit will:

12.5.1 Ensure that all schools have a copy of the Special Education Policy (1993,
revised 2004).
12.5.2 Regularly review and update the Special Education Policy to reflect
international standards and best practice in inclusive education.
12.5.3 Work in partnership with Teacher Education Division and other training
providers to improve the training of teachers, and other education officers
in inclusive education.
12.5.4 Work in partnership with Standards and Guidance Division to improve
school’s capacity to include children with special needs in education.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 29
13. The responsibilities of the Teaching Service Commission
This policy makes a link between good professional teachers and well behaved students.
The Teaching Services Commission (TSC) has an important role to play in improving the
performance of teachers.

To help implement this policy the TSC has a responsibility to:

13.1  Enable improvement in teaching and counselling in schools

13.1.1 Deal immediately and firmly with teachers who behave unprofessionally,
unethically or who harm their students.
13.1.2 Work in partnership with PNGTA and other stakeholders to develop and
distribute an updated and binding code of ethics for all teachers.
13.1.3 Create and adequately fund school based counsellor positions.
13.1.4 Review the TSC Act in light of recent national and international legislation,
lessons learnt from the education reform and best practice.

14. The responsibilities of the National Education Board

It is recommended that the National Education Board (NEB) discusses the delegation of
its power to hear and determine appeals in cases where a governing body of a national
institution expels a student. It is recommended that this power is delegated to a provincial or
local appeals committee to improve effectiveness and speed of appeal processes.

30 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
Sections of a school behaviour management

The school’s behaviour management policy must be developed in consultation with students,
teachers, parents, guardians and other relevant stakeholders before approval by the school
board and should follow the principles and responsibilities of this policy.

A school behaviour management policy must have the following sections. Schools are free
to have additional sections if required. Sample school behaviour management policies are
included in Behaviour Management: a Guide for Schools.

1. Vision of the school

(This can be taken from the SLIP)

2. Aim of the school behaviour management policy

3. Responsibilities of students
(Written in student centred language)

4. Responsibilities of teachers
5. Partnerships with parents/guardians
6. School rules (or code of conduct)
7. Behaviour management procedures (including expulsion)
• Strategies and consequences
• Flow chart of possible actions
• List of acceptable sanctions

8. Who was consulted on the policy?

9. Review date of the policy

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 31
The laws and acts that support this policy

This policy builds on and replaces the earlier Ministerial Policy Statement 3/2000 and
Secretary’s Circular 52/2000
The policy lays out the operational behaviour management responsibilities of teachers,
schools and other elements of the national education system based on national laws,
international obligations and DoE procedures.

International obligations
1. United Nation Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989; signed by PNG in
• Article 28 which is the right to education.
• Article 29 which is the right to an education which tries to develop your personality
and abilities as much as possible and encourages you to respect other people’s
rights and values and to respect the environment.
• Article 19 which is the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.
• Article 37 which is the right not be punished in a cruel or hurtful way.
• In this document ‘children’ refers to anyone under the age of 18.

National laws
1. Education Act, 1983 (Consolidated to No. 13 of 1995)
This policy makes one operational additions to the Education Act, 1983:

• The school board remains responsible for setting school rules but must now do this
through consultation with parents, guardians, students and teachers.

2. Teaching Service Commission Act, 1998 (Consolidated to No. 20 of 1995)

• Relevant sections that relate to teacher behaviour and child protection.

3. Lukautim Pikinini Act (2009) for children under the age of 18

Key points:

• Child protection laws and child protection teams and officers.

• It is a duty of a parent or guardian to provide education and guidance to their child.

32 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
• It is unlawful to subject a child to social or customary practices that harm a child’s
well being.
• No child should be employed in any activity if it harms their education.
• Children with disabilities have equal right to education.
• The Pikinini Care Fund can provide education for children under the care of the
Director for Child Protection.
• Teachers and head teachers have a duty to immediately inform the Director of
Child Protection or his/her delegated authority if they believe a child is in need of
• A person convicted of a child-related criminal offence is never allowed to work with

4. Juvenile Justice Act (2005) for children under 18 years old

There are strong similarities between the principles and strategies of the DoE Behaviour
Management Policy and the Juvenile Justice Act (2005).
Key points:

• Subject to reasonable conditions, juveniles in correctional institutions can attend

school and training.
• Diversion should be considered rather than giving a criminal record. One possible
response to juvenile crime is compulsory school attendance and any other diversion
option must not interfere with the juvenile’s schooling.
• When sentencing juveniles, educators can be asked for their input.
• There is a list of serious offences which may lead to remand in a Correctional
Services Centre. Detention is the last resort.
• No corporal punishment is to be used.

5. Relevant criminal law including Summary of Offences Act

• Particularly laws on drugs, rape, sexual assault, serious violence, serious theft,
dangerous weapons, child abuse, threats and other serious offences.

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 33
Departmental policies and guidance
1. PNG Teachers Association Code of Ethics, 2002
• The standards of behaviour for teachers in PNG

2. DoE HIV/AIDS Policy for the National Education System of PNG, 2005
• Provision of counselling services in schools and protection from stigma and

3. Gender Equity in Education Policy 2002

• All schools should treat boys and girls, men and women equally and fairly so they
can reach their potential.

4. Special Education Policy (1993, revised 2004)

• Provision of education within the National Education System for children with special
needs, including those children with disabilities.

5. National Education Plan 2005-2014

• In line with UN Medium Term Development Goals on Universal Primary Education
(UPE) 2005 – 14
• Training and appoint of school based counsellors
• Parental participation in schools

34 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea
Glossary and acronyms

Child Anyone under the age of 18 years old

DoE Department of Education

NEB National Education Board

P&C Parents and Citizens group

PEA Provincial Education Adviser

PEB Provincial Education Board

PNGTA Papua New Guinea Teaching Association

School board General term for a board of management or board of governors or

governing council

SLIP School Learning Improvement Plan

SRC Student Representative Council

Standards officer A national education officer who inspects elementary, primary and
secondary schools

Truant When students decide not to go to class without a good reason and
without parent/guardian knowledge.

TIP Teaching In-Service Plan

TSC Teaching Service Commission

TVET inspectors A national education officer who inspects vocational centres

UN United Nations

Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea 35
Policy development
Developed by Guidance Branch, Standards & Guidance Division, DoE
1st draft released for consultation 27th June 2008
2nd draft released for consultation 6th November 2008
Final draft complete 6th May 2009

If you would like additional copies of this policy or the Guidance document, please

Guidance Branch
PO Box 446

(p) 325 7555 ext 488

(f) 325 3963

Policy review date


36 Behaviour Management Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea

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