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For Similarity Index. Group 3 Research Manuscript

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Rationale of the study

Role-playing is a technique that allows students to explore realistic situations by

interacting with other people in a supported environment. It is a type of experiential

learning (Russell & Shepherd, 2010). Thus, engaging in role-playing activities will help

the students develop descriptive skills. This skill describes the ability of students to

reflect on the senses through role-playing.

This activity is challenging in accordance with the statement of Zaidi et al (2017)

and supported by Manguil (2021) that the role play in a large classroom can be chaotic

and the performers sometimes forget their dialogues, which creates embarrassment.

However, according to Islam (2012), the role play technique has a positive impact on

improving learners’ speaking skills as it gives the students a chance to explore different

situations of real life and enables them to speak accurately and confidently in that

situation in the target language.

To lighten it up, the previous authors claim that role-playing strategy has a

positive impact on speaking skills while the other two are negative as it makes shy

people uncomfortable. Thus, the current researchers are going to determine how

effective is the role-playing activity. Additionally, this issue inside the classroom is vital
however only a few researchers are conducting this topic. Moreover, the current

researchers are eager to sustain the information longing from society.

Hence, to address the gaps the researchers conducted a study on grade 9

students of Cresencio S. Lago National High School using an adapted and modified

standardized survey questionnaire from Tura (2022). In this regard, the researchers

gathered the necessary data that is needed to determine the development of the

students in descriptive skills through role-playing strategy.

Conceptual Framework

The first box is the independent variable that determines the demographic profile

of the respondents in terms of; age, section, and sex. The line between the first box and

the second box connects the independent variable.

The second box is the procedure of the researchers that is needed to gather data

from respondents. And it is the process of how the researchers will address the gaps.

The arrow connects the relationship between the process and the dependent variable,

which is the way the researchers address the problem.

The last box is the dependent variable in which the researchers propose an

enhancement activity to address the problem. Hence, the gathered data will help the

researchers to present an enhancement activity.

Theoretical Framework

The development of role-playing strategy on students can be interconnected to

Social Learning Theory of Albert Bandura. It stated that everyone can learn or change
based on the environment they surrounded. The way the students being part or engage

on role-playing activities the more they improve the descriptive skill.

Thus, constructivism theory can be applied— a branch of social learning theory

that the knowledge is constructed by adapting new information based on previous

experience. Building or developing descriptive skill is not easy, however as time goes by

a person will be mold or constructed by observing, imitating, and applying to everyday

life what have learned in doing role-playing

Statement of the Problem

The researchers aim to determine the effect of role-playing on the development

and seek information in grade 9 students of Cresencio S. Lago National High School

during the second quarter of the school year 2022-2023.

Specifically, this answers the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of

1.1 age;

1.2 section; and

1.3 Sex?

2. How effective is role-playing strategy on developing the descriptive skill of the


3. Based on the findings of the study, what enhancement activities can be

Scope and Delimitation

This study covers the grade 9 students of Cresencio S. Lago National High

School excluding the out-of-school youth. This is located in Purok Ipil-ipil, Poblacion,

Marihatag, Surigao del Sur. The researchers choose this scope because the facility is

near, convenient to researchers, easy to acquire data, and relevant to the students of

grade 9. However, the limitation is that the researcher could not control those students

that will not take seriously the survey questionnaires.

Significance of the Study

The results of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

Students. The study might help the students to improve their descriptive skills through

role-playing strategies.

Teachers. This study might help teachers to understand and guide their students in


Parents. This study might serve as a guide to parents for them to assist their children in


Department of Education Marihatag district. The results that were gathered by the

researchers will be significant to the DepEd Surigao del Sur division for them to

analyze the importance of role-playing in student learning.

Future Researchers. This research might be used as a reference and a guide for them.
Definition of Terms

Role-playing. In this study, this academic activity helps the students develop their

descriptive skills.

Descriptive Skill. In this study ability of the students is developed through role-playing.

Development. Improvement of the students in academic performance with the help of


Learning. Process of acquiring descriptive skills through the help of role-playing.



In this chapter, the review of related literature and studies will help the

researchers gain a better understanding of the Effect of Role-playing Strategy on the

Development of Descriptive Skills by examining the previous studies, articles, journals,

and books that are relevant to the current research.

Related Literature

A role-playing strategy is an act that plays for a better understanding of the

situation in the social context of the students. This situation reflects the sensory of a

student to engage himself in doing the activity (Porter, 2017).


As a child begin to ask anything and learn from others' behavior, this is the time

when the development of descriptive skills occurs. The development may be varied

depending on the capability of a child's learning. Thus, role-playing will help the children

to step-by-step understand things in the real world (NA 2022).

Students on the other hand need to expand their ability in any type of skill for

future success. This could be challenging for the teacher since there are hundredth

methods of teaching in new education for students. In choosing the best method to

teach, one of the candidates is dramatization or role-playing (Manguil, 2021).

Role-playing is an imaginative activity to take on the role of someone from a story

—fiction or non-fiction, or any other work that shows interest. This activity helps the

students build confidence, communication skills, and the ability to solve problems

(twinkl, 2018). Also, role-playing allows one to practice many skills and develop critical


However, role-playing requires money for props, costumes, music, and make-up.

These may be a disadvantage for those students who suffer from financial problems.

Additionally, this is a time-consuming activity that takes days for the preparation of the

actual scene. Although cheerful activities can lead to students' indiscipline behavior

because of the attitude of shouting at one another (Manguil, 2021).

All in all, role-playing has a disadvantage, but it is undeniably effective in

teaching students about life, motivates them to examine their self-perspective, and

encourages them to teamwork. Thus, as used as a technique in early-year education

(twinkl,2018), role-playing is an energetic activity that a student experiences their whole

life in studying and attending school.


According to Northern Illinois University (2012), the role-playing strategy provide

students the chance to expect the position of a person or act out a given situation.

These roles can be carried out through individual, partner, or grouping which can play

out an extra complex scenario.

This strategy was supported by Education of Victoria (2019) who added

knowledgeable ways to provoke students into functional play by asking the small group
to present a freeze frame scene. The students are required to think about the

personality they are portraying, along with the action, stance, and facial expressions. By

acting script like this out, students can explore how people are likely to respond to

different approaches; and can get a sense of approaches that are likely to work, and

those that might be counterproductive. Simply, roleplaying allows students to expand

their sense of how people are likely to feel and think in a particular situation.

This sensory also evokes the imaginative thinking of the audience (Brown, 2021).

Through the descriptive script of the writer and the help of the actors, it allows the

audience to imagine and embrace the character portrayed in the stage play. However,

role-playing is not easy as other people think it. Students need to try and try until the

success of the play. Patience and a sense of responsibility are the keys and

requirements for this activity. Being smart in choosing or selecting the role-player is the

first thing to consider and being prepared is the best thing to do in every situation.

(Wand of Knowledge team,2020).

To sum up, role-playing strategies are both beneficial to the audience and the

actor. The audience can develop descriptive skills and the actors is not only developing

this skill but also learning a situational conflict to resolve and practice appropriate

behavior for various situation. (Your Dictionary,2022)

Related Studies

In accordance with the study conducted by Garcia (2015), the role-playing

strategy is very significant in addressing an issue that could make the students learn in

various fields. This is also interconnected with the study of Ampatuan and San Jose

(2016) that dramatization is a helpful technique for the student to be more innovative,

imaginative, and expressive.

Moreover, the most common play in the Philippines is the novel written by Jose

Rizal, "Nole Mi Tangere", in English "Touch Me Not". This story is about the history of

the country during the Spanish era, for the student to better understand this topic

dramatization or role-playing is the solution. However, as COVID-19 spread to the whole

country, learning is being disrupted, in the study, conducted by Sales, et al (2021)

shows that role-playing has a commendable effect on student performance and is an

effective tool in teaching history classes even the pandemic states. Additionally, role-

playing is not only for history but also it is applicable in science class. According to Tura

(2022), this technique will allow the student to meditate in simulation in learning science.


In actively engaging, role-playing enhance the student's communication and

public speaking skills (2015). This program is designed for the student for them to

recognize how society works (Fulton et al, 2019) in different aspects of life. Thus, it can

be a useful tool for students to improve their academic performance

(Barrera et al, 2020) and to find efficiently a sustainable job in the future.

Relationship from the Previous to the Present Study

To begin with, the related literature locally contains three different authors from

the internet stating the advantage and disadvantages of role-playing. It also revealed

some importance of doing the activity in class that could make a student produce. In

addition, the foreign literature contains articles from five different authors or websites

that define role-playing strategy and the connection in developing descriptive skills. It is

somewhat the same for the current study that focuses on the effect of role-playing

strategy on the development of descriptive skills. However, the present study will also

expand the knowledge of it from students' responses and reactions in role-playing.

Furthermore, the related study in local contains 4 research studies conducted in

the areas of the Philippines. The previous researcher collected data to prove that role-

playing is very important in learning science and history effectively for the student.

However, the current researcher will also examine the importance of role-playing in

enhancing descriptive skills. Additionally, the foreign studies contain three research

study that focuses on academic performance through engaging role-playing however it

does not explain how it affects descriptive skills thus the present study will gather

information on how the role-playing strategy develop a descriptive skill.


Research Methodology

This chapter will further explain the step-by-step planning used by the researcher

to gather a primary source about the effect of role-play strategy on the development of

descriptive skills. Moreover, it consists of five subheadings the research design,

respondents, instrument, validation of the instrument, and data gathering procedure.


The researchers used the descriptive research design to gather the necessary

data to determine the Effects of role-playing strategy on the development of descriptive

skills among grade 9 students. This design is accurate to use since the researchers

answered the what, who, where, and how questions.

The flow of the Study

The main purpose of this study is to determine the development of descriptive

skills in role-playing among the students and to find an enhancement activity that is

significant for them. This is shown in figure 1.

Initially, the study’s input shows the demographic profile of the respondent in

terms of age, section, and gender. Then the researchers used a standardized survey

questionnaire of Tura (2022) to find the data from the chosen respondent of the grade 9
students of Cresencio S. Lago National High School. After gathering the data, the

researchers analyzed the result using a statistical method, then interpret the findings

and present an enhancement activity for students to develop descriptive skills. That

serves as an output for the researchers to help the students develop the ability that is

needed for the future.


This study was conducted at Cresencio S. Lago National High School

located in Purok Ipil-ipil, Poblacion, Marihatag, Surigao del Sur. And as stated in the

scope of this research, the researchers choose this place because the facility is near,

convenient, and easy to acquire the data. Thus, respondents were interviewed from

their respective classrooms or at any vacant time that the respondents choosed. The

study was be conducted in the second quarter of the school year 2022-2023.


The respondents of this study were the grade 9 students that consist of 4

sections: Mendeleev, Darwin, Dalton, and Banzon. The researchers used Slovin's

formula to get the sample size from 142 population size. The researchers then used

stratified random sampling to determine the respondents' sample size per subgroup.


The researchers used an adapted and modified standardized questionnaire

from Tura (2022) to gather the necessary data because this questionnaire has a

similarity to the current study. According to Boynton and Greenhalgh (2004), the

instrument used by the researchers should be valid and reliable and so this study
possesses that validation and reliability because the questionnaire to use is already

established and conducted from a previous study.

Hence, the questionnaire has two parts. The first part is the demographic

profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, and section. The second part is the 5-

point Likert Scale to determine how respondents react to role-playing with 5= Always;

4= Usually; 3= Sometimes; 2= Seldom; and 1= Never. This

rating reflected how effective the student the activity in dramatization.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers wrote a letter of approval to the school head, adviser, parents,

and the respondents of grade 9 students. After it was approved by the school head and

agreed by the adviser, parents, and respondents the researcher’s asked permission

from the students to participate in the conducted study and after the respondent

productively agree to be conducted, this is the time when the researchers shall print the

survey questionnaires and distribute it personally to the 105 respondents. Then, after

answering the survey questionnaires the researchers will gratitude all the participants

for cooperating.

Data Analysis

The researchers used a descriptive statistical technique to analyze the data to be

gathered. This analysis helped the researchers to measure central tendencies the

mean, median, and mode. Then the standard deviation is the computer of all sets of


Scoring Procedure
The researchers used a scoring system after gathering the data. These scores

are the basis for interpreting the participants' answers regarding roleplaying strategy.

Below is the range of scores computed by the researchers, the category of it how

respondents react on doing role-playing, and the description of it in analyzing the data.


In this chapter presents statistical data relevant to the problems outlined in the

SOP. Thus, this section comprises the study's analysis and interpretation of the data

gathered by the researchers.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondent

The demographic profile of the respondents is classified in terms of age, section

and sex.

1.1 Age. The table 3 presents the distribution of the respondents in terms of age. As

shown in the table, there are forty-nine or 46 percent (%) of respondents ages

12-14 and fifty-six or 53 percent are 15-17 years old with the total of one

hundred percent respondent.

Data shows that there are more 15-17 years old of grade 9 students enrolled at

Cresencio S. Lago National High School this academic year 2022-2023. Studies

shows that 15-17 years old students are more experiential in doing role-playing

and the ability to developed new things rather than ages 14 below (Clark et al,


1.2 Section. Table 4 presents the frequency and percentage of respondents in

terms of section. As shown in the table, both Mendeleev and Banzon have
twenty-five or 24 percent of respondents. While twenty-six or 25 percent (%)

from Darwin and twenty-nine or 27 percent of respondents are from Dalton with

a total of 100 percent of respondents participate in the study.

As reflected in table, most of the respondents are from Dalton. According to the

teacher’s narrative report, this section possessed a high experienced with a good

performance in role-playing activities. It was also proven that this class was dominant

among the other in terms of actively engaging to any activities given by the teachers.

1.3 Sex. Table 5 present the frequency and percentage of respondents in terms of sex.

As shown in the table, there are fifty-four or 51 percent consist of male, while fifty-one

or 49 percent are female with a total of 100 percent of respondents.

As reflected in table, most of the respondents are from Dalton. According to the

teacher’s narrative report, this section possessed a high experienced with a good

performance in role-playing activities. It was also proven that this class was dominant

among the other in terms of actively engaging to any activities given by the teachers.

1.3 Sex. Table 5 present the frequency and percentage of respondents in terms of sex.

As shown in the table, there are fifty-four or 51 percent consist of male, while fifty-one

or 49 percent are female with a total of 100 percent of respondents.

The data shows that there are more male respondents than female. This is

supported by Razzak (2011) that majority of the male students tends to be more active

in role-playing than the female students.

2. Effect of Role-playing on the Respondents

The effect of role-playing on the respondents is reflected in table 6 that shows

the weighted mean and interpretation based on respondents’ response in survey

questionnaire. As reflected, majority of the respondents cooperate in role-playing

activity with a weighted mean of 4.04 which can infer as usually or high interest. The

respondent’s likeliness of creative role-playing activities has weighted mean of 3.86

which can indicate as usually or high interest. Then the respondent considers this

activity as valuable has a weighted mean of 3.64 that can also infer as usually or

high interest. As well as the confidence to act in front and preferring this studying

role-play given by the teacher has weighted mean of 3.55 and 3.54 that can indicate

as usually or high interest. While spending time in designing a role-playing scenario

and consider this as easier has a weighted mean 3.12 and 3.36 that can infer as

sometimes or somewhat moderate interest.

This implies that the role-playing might be included as necessary requirement as

to developed descriptive skill. One of the most significant aspects of role-playing is the

interaction between the participants, when arguments, discussions, or even informal

conversations take place while the participants observe one another. According to
Bandura's "Social learning theory," role-playing activities boost students' motivation and

cooperation for the actions they see other students take (Bawa, 2020).

However, the respondent somewhat moderate interest in considering that role-

play activity is easy because most of them felt that it was difficult. This is due to the lack

of confidence and fear of judgement (Zaida et al, 2017). On the other hand, the overall

indicate in the table shows the positive response of respondents in role-playing on

development of descriptive skill (Tura, 2022). It also shows a high interest of

respondents in role-play that promotes cooperation of the students and learning


3. Suggested Enhancement Activity

In as much as this study has shown conclusively that the role-playing strategy

requires cooperation, interaction and determination to acquire the ability of describing

things that can be seen in the reality. This can be done if a group of student has a

strong bond and teamwork, thus as time of conflicts and trials they can easily solve the

problem instantly.

As shown in table 6 the highest weighted mean 4.02 is from the respondents’

cooperation in role-playing strategy. As a result, on students’ teamwork, they improve

the way they communicate, learn to think before speak and have the ability to make the

role-playing strategy in an effective way.



This chapter presents the summary of the problems, the conclusion drawn from the

findings as well as the recommendations based from the conclusions.


The salient findings of the study are as follows:

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondent

1.1 Age. There are forty-nine or 46 percent of respondents ages 12-14 and fifty-six

or 53 percent are 15-17 years old with the total of one hundred percent respondent.

The data show that there are more 15-17 years old of grade 9 students enrolled at

Cresencio S. Lago National High School this academic year 2022-2023.

1.2 Section. Majority of the participant are from Dalton with twenty-nine or 27

percent of respondents while both Mendeleev and Banzon has twenty-five or 24

percent of respondents and twenty-six or 25 percent from Darwin with a total of 100

percent of respondents participate in the study.

1.3 Sex. There are fifty-four or 51 percent consist of male, while fifty-one or 49

percent are female with a total of 100 percent of respondents. It indicates that there are

more males’ respondents than females.

2. Effect of Role-playing on the Respondent

Majority of the respondents cooperate in role-playing activity with a weighted

mean of 4.04 which can infer as usually or high interest. The respondent’s likeliness of

creative role-playing activities has weighted mean of 3.86 which can indicate as usually

or high interest. Then the respondent considers this activity as valuable has a weighted

mean of 3.64 that can also infer as usually or high interest. As well as the confidence to

act in front and preferring this studying role-play given by the teacher has weighted

mean of 3.55 and 3.54 that can indicate as usually or high interest. While spending

time in designing a role-playing scenario and consider this as easier has a weighted

mean 3.12 and 3.36 that can infer as sometimes or somewhat moderate interest.

2. Enhancement Activity

In as much as this study has shown conclusively that the role-playing strategy

requires cooperation, interaction and determination to acquire the ability of describing

things that can be seen in the reality. This can be done if a group of student has a

strong bond and teamwork, thus as time of conflicts and trials they can easily solve the

problem instantly. As shown in table 6 the highest weighted mean 4.02 is from the

respondents’ cooperation in role-playing strategy. As a result, on students’ teamwork,

they improve the way they communicate, learn to think before speak and have the

ability to make the role-playing strategy in an effective way

Based on the findings, the researchers concluded with the following:

1. There are more males than female’s respondent in this study and majority are from

section Dalton with an age between fifteen to seventeen years old.

2. Majority of the respondent cooperate in role-playing in which their speaking and

listening skill develop as it is one of the concepts of descriptive skill. Thus, students

find this activity enjoyable and creative.

3. As a result, on students’ teamwork, they improve the way they communicate, learn

to think before speak and have the ability to make the role-playing strategy in an

effective way.


In line with the findings and conclusion of this study, the following

recommendations were made:

1. The teacher might consider the preference of every student in line of giving the role

to play.

2. The school administrator and teacher should utilize the results of this study giving

full understanding of student learning through role-playing strategy.

3. The teacher might make this activity productive rather than stressful.

4. The school administrator may implement a friendly library to capture the student's

heart on reading books.

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