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Abstract. In the first part of the paper the detailed analysis of solved using detection algorithms based on the methods of
the existing current transformer (CT) saturation detection mathematical analysis (difference quotient) [3] – [11] and
methods with their classification is presented. A new saturation mathematical statistics [12]–[16].
detection method has been proposed in second part of the paper.
Mathematical description of the method is given. In the next The saturation detection method proposed in [3]–[10]
section of the paper a CT model with test scheme is presented. operates based on difference function [18]. During testing
To identify the reliability of proposed method against nose and of [18] it was identified that the method has a high
remanent flux density experiments have been produced in the
fourth section. Comparative analysis between proposed and
sensitivity to white noise which influences on the method
existing methods is also given. Finally, in conclusion a detailed results. In order to avoid this effect, the authors of [9] and
description of the method is given regarding its behavior with [10] using Savitzky–Golay filter [21] performed
respect to remanent flux and noise. preliminary smoothing of measured current. However, as
shown by the test results, the method is unable to provide
Key words. Current transformer (CT), saturation detection during severe saturation. Moreover, if during
detection, flux density, unsaturated section. saturation occurrence measured current has no sharp
decline, the method failing to provide detection (Fig. 1, b).
1. Introduction
In [11] for detecting CT saturation the difference function
proposed in [22] is used. Difference between [18] and [22]
One of the main current measurement sources in electrical functions is that the first one applies current derivative,
power systems are electromagnetic CTs. Information which in saturation cases has a high splash, the last one
obtained from these CTs is used for both protection and based on US section predicts measured current samples in
metering systems. However, as shown in [1], during faults saturated section that allow to determine the difference
the core of such CTs can saturate and as a result a between predicted and saturated samples. Based on the
maloperation of the protection system (PS) may take obtained information the saturation detection problem is
place. According to [2] CT saturation affects sensitivity solved. During testing the method in [22] it was
and time operation of PS as well as on the accuracy of the discovered that the measured current with noise
fault localization method. significantly effects on the method efficiency and as result
it leads to the method efficiency losses.
In order to avoid the negative impact of CT saturation on
the PS operation, it is proposed to use mathematical In [12] based on two adjacent extreme points of the first
methods to detect CT saturation [3] – [16] with derivative of the measured current, obtained last (last and
subsequent correction of the measured current [17] – [20]. penultimate), the following two criteria are formulated:
From the point of digital signal processing view, the CT 1. The length of timeline between these extreme
error compensation problem in saturation mode can be
points must be less than 10 ms i.e.
divided into three sub-problems - segmentation, selection,
and filtering. Segmentation is an operation of dividing
measured current into normal and transient sections
(t last − t penultimate 10ms ).
(modes), selection is a choosing measured current samples 2. The ratio of these extreme points is greater than 1
connected to CT unsaturated section (US) and filtering is a
correction of measured current samples connected to CT
last 1 .
saturated section. i.e.
i penultimate
The most difficult of the listed ones are the selection and
filtering sun-problems. Typically, the selection problem is
k m
Saturation section
Fig. 3. Upper plot – reference and measured currents; Fig. 4. CT magnetizing curve
lower plot – the flux density λ in CT saturation
The Th is calculated according to equation (4).
In (1), due to unknown initial flux density which is 2
( k − e )
represented as λ(n-1), there will be a shift between the
reference λ and calculated λc. However, the shape of the Th = k =1
calculated and reference flux density will match exactly m
which is an important fact for the MFD method. As the The occurrence of saturation is determined in accordance
MFD method estimates the location of λc samples relative with (5).
to its population mean e , excluding the initial flux
density λ(n-1) in (1) will not impact on the efficiency of
( n ) Th . (5)
the method.
The window length N must be selected so that during
Thus, knowing the behavior of the flux density in the CT faults not leading to CT core saturation the maloperation
of the MFD is blocked, i.e. Th would not exceed the σ(n).
core, its deviation σ from the population mean e can be
To avoid maloperation of the method under normal and
calculated using expression (2). peak load conditions of a grid, the start of the method is
1 N triggered by the following expression:
(n − N ) = ( n − m ) − e ,
N − 1 m =1
C 2 I max , (6)
5. Conclusions
Within the paper a new CT saturation detection method
has been proposed. For correct operation of the method, a
threshold calculation and the method setting are given.
The method sensitivity was checked with respect to a
noise and a level of the initial flux density. Difference
Fig. 6. CT currents and its saturation detection with function-based methods are analyzed. The advantages and
variation of φA0 disadvantages of the existing saturation detection methods
are described.
Checking the MFD sensitivity to an initial flux density
To avoid maloperation of the method in normal and peak
In this experiment it was intended to check the MFD conditions of a grid a new amplitude prediction method
method sensitivity to the CT core initial flux density λ0 has been proposed which was implemented on the basis of
with various levels. Variation of the λ0 was performed in numerical differentiation. It is well known that the
the range of -0.5 to 1.8 T only in the CT core established numerical differentiation has high sensitivity to noise as a
on the phase A. An initial phase was a constant and result their accuracy can be significantly decreased. To
specified as φA0 = 0o. Fig. 7 shows the reference and reduce this effect, a median filtering of the measured
measured currents as well as the result of the MFD current was used. Afterwards, based on 3 or 4 samples of
method for phase A during fault between phases A and B.