Patient Education To Prevent Falls Among Older Hospital Inpatients
Patient Education To Prevent Falls Among Older Hospital Inpatients
Patient Education To Prevent Falls Among Older Hospital Inpatients
Patient Education to Prevent Falls Among
Older Hospital Inpatients
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Terry P. Haines, PhD; Anne-Marie Hill, MS; Keith D. Hill, PhD; Steven McPhail, BS; David Oliver, MD;
Sandra Brauer, PhD; Tammy Hoffmann, PhD; Christopher Beer, MBBS
Background: Falls are a common adverse event dur- als only, 8.61; and complete program, 7.63). However,
ing hospitalization of older adults, and few interven- there was a significant interaction between the interven-
tions have been shown to prevent them. tion and presence of cognitive impairment. Falls were less
frequent among cognitively intact patients in the com-
Methods: This study was a 3-group randomized trial to
plete program group (4.01 per 1000 patient-days) than
evaluate the efficacy of 2 forms of multimedia patient edu-
cation compared with usual care for the prevention of among cognitively intact patients in the materials-only
in-hospital falls. Older hospital patients (n = 1206) ad- group (8.18 per 1000 patient-days) (adjusted hazard ra-
mitted to a mixture of acute (orthopedic, respiratory, and tio, 0.51; 95% confidence interval, 0.28-0.93]) and con-
medical) and subacute (geriatric and neurorehabilita- trol group (8.72 per 1000 patient-days) (adjusted haz-
tion) hospital wards at 2 Australian hospitals were re- ard ratio, 0.43; 95% confidence interval, 0.24-0.78).
cruited between January 2008 and April 2009. The in-
Conclusion: Multimedia patient education with trained
terventions were a multimedia patient education program
based on the health-belief model combined with trained health professional follow-up reduced falls among pa-
health professional follow-up (complete program), multi- tients with intact cognitive function admitted to a range
media patient education materials alone (materials only), of hospital wards.
and usual care (control). Falls data were collected by Trial Registration: Identifier:
blinded research assistants by reviewing hospital inci-
dent reports, hand searching medical records, and con-
ducting weekly patient interviews.
Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(6):516-524.
Results: Rates of falls per 1000 patient-days did not dif- Published online November 22, 2010.
fer significantly between groups (control, 9.27; materi- doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2010.444
ALLS ARE A LEADING PATIENT peared effective for preventing falls in
safety incident event in gen- hospitals, no recommendations could be
eral hospitals and are espe- made regarding effective components of
cially common in older pa- these multifactorial interventions. In ad-
tients.1 Approximately 30% of dition, compared with individual inter-
falls result in injury,2 the consequences of ventions, multifactorial falls programs may
which may cause increased length of stay (1) be more difficult and costly to imple-
or risk of institutionalization for the pa- ment, (2) create confusion for individual
tient,3 and legal complaint with subse- patients, and (3) reduce the effectiveness
quent litigation against the health service.4 of constituent components.13 Hence, there
is need to identify single intervention strat-
See also page 525 egies that prevent falls across a mixture of
hospital wards.
A promising intervention is the patient
Randomized trials of single interven- education program used as a part of the first
tions to prevent falls in hospitals have not targeted multifactorial program shown to
identified a statistically significant reduc- prevent falls in a randomized trial.2 The
tion in falls outcomes.5-8 Multifactorial in- education program involved providing
terventions have also been investigated written information coupled with 1-to-1
with mixed results.2,9-11 A recent Coch- follow-up with a research occupational
Author Affiliations are listed at rane review of these trials12 found that al- therapist. Surprisingly, exploratory analy-
the end of this article. though multifactorial interventions ap- ses revealed that the intervention was ef-
The primary outcome measure was participant falls. The defi-
A 3-group randomized controlled trial with recruiters, data col- nition of a fall used in this study was the World Health Orga-
lectors, and statistical analyst blind to group allocation, was un- nization definition: “an event which results in a person com-
dertaken.15 Potential participants were older adults admitted ing to rest inadvertently on the ground or floor or other lower
to acute (orthopedic and acute-respiratory medicine) and sub- level.”19 Prestudy training was provided to hospital staff on study
acute (geriatric assessment and rehabilitation) wards of the Prin- wards regarding classification of falls and procedures for re-
cess Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, and the acute cording falls on incident reports using previously developed
(medical-surgical) and subacute (restorative–stroke rehabili- video materials.20 Falls data were collated from 3 sources dur-
tation) wards of Swan Districts Hospital, Perth, Australia. Pa- ing the trial: computerized incident reports, hand searching of
tients were excluded if (1) they were too ill to provide in- individual patient medical notes, and weekly patient inter-
formed consent, as determined by hospital staff, until discharge, views (or at patient discharge if earlier than 1 week), and falls
death, or transfer to a nonstudy ward; or (2) if they had pre- captured through any of these approaches were included. It was
viously participated in the trial. considered important to use multiple sources of data collec-
tion for the primary outcome owing to identified limitations
INTERVENTIONS of using single sources.21-23
Numerous participant demographic measures were taken
Two models of a patient education program were tested. The at the baseline assessment, including the Short Portable Men-
first (complete program) involved providing written and video- tal Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ)24 as a screen of cognitive func-
based materials and 1-to-1 follow-up with a health profes- tion where scores of 7 of 10 or below indicated impairment.
sional (physiotherapist) trained to provide this program at the This cut point corresponded to 23 of 30 or below on the Mini-
patient’s bedside. The content and progression of this educa- Mental State Examination (the cut point used in the previous
tion program was based on the health-belief model and in- subgroup analysis of the education program14) when 455 avail-
cluded presentation of epidemiologic falls data (frequency and able Mini-Mental State Examination scores were regressed
outcomes), causes of falls, self-reflection of individual risk, prob- against SPMSQ scores from this baseline demographic data set.
lem area identification, development of preventive strategies The Geriatric Depression Scale25 and the EQ-5D26 (formerly Eu-
and behaviors, goal setting, and goal review.16 Video materials roQol) health-related quality of life instruments were also ad-
were subjected to extensive testing and consumer feedback,17 ministered (Table 1).
and the overall program underwent incremental cost- Time spent by trained health professionals providing the com-
effectiveness analysis economic modeling to ensure feasibility plete program was recorded session by session. The trained health
of the delivery approach.18 Video materials were viewed by pa- professional at the Princess Alexandra Hospital site also re-
tients using a portable digital video disk player with a 9-inch corded the written behavior modification goals that were set by
screen and external head phones. Bedside curtains were drawn participants in the complete program and materials-only groups.
during the 1-to-1 follow-up to minimize contamination with
participants not allocated to this group. One-to-1 follow-up ses- PROCEDURE
sions were aimed to be completed during the first week of pa-
tient involvement in the study. The number of actual sessions Recruitment
provided was at the discretion of the research physiothera-
pists providing the follow-up.
Participant flow through this study is presented in Figure 1.
The second model (materials only) involved providing the
All patients admitted to subacute study wards were referred to
written and video-based materials without the trained health
researchers by clinical staff. Patients older than 60 years on acute
professional follow-up. Assistance was provided by the trained
wards who were expected to stay at least 3 more days were also
health professional to use the portable digital video disk player
referred. Those referred were approached for consent by re-
for viewing of the video materials.
searchers to participate as soon as practicable. Family mem-
Both interventions were provided in addition to usual ward-
bers were approached for consent where treating clinicians had
based care.
assessed the patient to have impaired cognitive function. Re-
cruitment occurred between January 2008 and April 2009, with
CONTROL the final participant being discharged in October 2009. Par-
ticipants recruited on one ward but later transferred to an-
A usual-care-only control group (control) received no specific other ward participating in this study (eg, transferred from acute
falls prevention education from the research team members. ward to rehabilitation ward) were observed until discharge to
Abbreviations: EQ-5D (formerly EuroQol)26 quality of life instrument; IQR, interquartile range; SPMSQ, Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ)24
(10 is the highest possible SPMSQ score); VAS, visual analog scale.
a Unless otherwise indicated, data are reported as number (percentage) of participants.
b Other geriatric management is its own diagnostic code and is not a summation of all other diagnostic categories.
c Fallers are those who experienced 1 or more falls.
the community or a ward or facility not participating in this S.M.). The randomization envelopes were kept in the locked re-
study. search office at each site, and 1 envelope was opened for each par-
ticipant in order of recruitment on completion of the baseline as-
Randomization and Masking sessment by the trained health professionals providing the
intervention at each site (A.-M.H. and S.M.), who were unaware
A computer-generated, random allocation sequence (without per- of the participant’s result from the baseline assessment. The trained
muted blocks) was developed by the principal investigator (T.P.H.), health professionals then provided the materials-only interven-
and the randomly allocated numbers were placed into opaque, tion or the complete program to participants as soon as practi-
consecutively numbered envelopes by 2 investigators (T.P.H. and cable following this random allocation sequence.
87 Exclusions
061, Medically unwell until discharge, transfer, or death
026, Emotionally distressed
174 Patients approached but did not provide consent
134, Not interested in study
032 Patients did not think they would benefit
008 Patients felt their hearing was too poor
133 Researchers unable to contact family
0 25 Family members approached but did not provide consent
16 Family members felt patient had insufficient English
1206 Randomized communication skills to benefit
10 Family members approached but were not interested
381, Control group 424, Materials only group 401, Complete program group
381, Discharge and collation 424, Discharge and collation of falls data 401, Discharge and collation of falls data
of falls data
1206, Analyzed
Research assistants who approached participants for con- The rate of falls and rate of injurious falls per 1000 patient-
sent also completed the baseline assessments, weekly falls re- days outcomes were compared across groups using Andersen-
views, and discharge assessments and were blind to group al- Gill Cox recurrent events survival analysis with clustering by
location. Data, with mock codes for group allocation (inserted participant and robust variance estimates.27,28 The proportion
by S.M.), were forwarded to the principal investigator (T.P.H.), of patients who incurred 1 or more falls was compared be-
who undertook the study interim analysis and final data analy- tween groups using logistic regression. For these analyses, an
sis procedures. A blinding survey was also distributed to clini- initial model was constructed that included an interaction term
cal staff members (nursing and allied health) caring for par- between the group variables and the dichotomous variable of
ticipants during the final month of the study recruitment period, whether a patient’s admission SPMSQ score was 7 of 10 or less.
asking the staff members which group they believed their pa- Where significant interaction was identified, simple effects were
tients had been allocated to. investigated for participants with intact cognitive function sepa-
rately from those with impaired cognitive function.
Analysis The Andersen-Gill Cox recurrent events survival analysis
approach models data under the assumption of proportional
Falls outcomes were divided into 3 categories: the rate of falls, the hazards. Nelson-Aalen plots displaying the cumulative hazard
proportion of patients who experienced 1 or more falls (fallers), curves for each group were used to investigate this assump-
andtherateofinjuriousfalls.Therateoffallswasmeasuredinevents tion. Where there was graphical evidence of this assumption
per 1000 patient-days. Injurious falls were defined as falls result- being violated, negative binomial regression was used instead.
ing in bruising, laceration, fracture, loss of consciousness, or pa- Statistical power for this study was calculated using 1000
tient reports of persistent pain. All analyses were conducted with bootstrap simulations of patient-level data previously col-
participants in their assigned groups and were adjusted for whether lected from the Australian hospital setting,2 and the results in-
the patient was treated on a subacute ward during the study (given dicated that our experiment would have 80% power to detect
the imbalance between groups in this factor and the impact this a difference between groups in the rate of falls of 30%. This as-
factor has on length of stay and rate of falls).2,10 sumed a sample size of 390 patients per group, a falls rate of
15.7 per 1000 patient-days in the group with the higher falls tal radius and first metacarpal in one case and distal ra-
rate, and a 2-tailed alpha of .05. An additional 12 patients per dius and rib in another; and complete program: orbital
group were recruited (additional 3%) to account for potential fossa and C2 vertebra). Pairwise comparisons did not re-
dropouts, creating a per-group size of n=402 (total, n=1206).
veal significant differences between groups overall
(Table 2, Table 3, and Figure 2). Interaction plots be-
Deviation From Published Protocol
tween group allocation and cognitive impairment for each
The published protocol for this trial did not include detail on use fall outcome (Figure 3) and statistical investigation of
of negative binomial regression where the proportional hazards these revealed significant interaction for each falls out-
assumption did not hold, nor did it include adjustment for whether come (P⬍.05).
the participant was treated on a subacute ward during the study. The rate of falls was significantly lower among par-
These modifications were made in light of the distribution of trial ticipants with intact cognitive function and allocated to
data collected. Examination of the interaction effect between in- the complete program group (4.01 falls per 1000 patient-
tervention group and cognitive impairment was not included in days) compared with the rate among similar partici-
the published protocol despite the previously stated intention of
pants allocated to the control and materials-only groups
the authors to examine this interaction.14
(8.72 falls per 1000 patient-days and 8.18 falls per 1000
patient-days, respectively), and the proportion of these
TRIAL REGISTRATION AND ETHICAL APPROVAL patients who became fallers was lower in the complete
This trial was registered with the Australia New Zealand Clini-
program group than in the control group (6% vs 11%).
cal Trials Registry (ACTRN12608000015347) on January 11, The unadjusted number needed to treat with the com-
2008. Ethical clearance was provided by the medical research plete program to prevent 1 patient becoming a faller rela-
ethics committee of the University of Queensland and the hu- tive to the control group was 32.9; and to prevent 1 fall,
man research ethics committees of the Princess Alexandra Hos- it was 15.4. The proportion of cognitively intact partici-
pital and Swan Districts Hospital. pants in the complete program group who fell was sig-
nificantly lower than that in the control group (6% vs
RESULTS 11%). There was a trend toward a reduction in the rate
of injurious falls among cognitively intact participants
Baseline and demographic characteristics of partici- in the complete program group compared with those in
pants allocated to each group are summarized in Table 1. the control group.
Participants in each group were broadly similar, al- Among participants with impaired cognitive function,
though a noticeable difference was evident for the pro- those allocated to the complete program incurred a sig-
portion of participants allocated to each group who were nificantly higher rate of injurious falls per 1000 patient-
recruited from a subacute ward. There were no control days than participants in the control group (7.49 vs 2.89).
participants provided with either of the intervention con- However, there were no serious injuries (fractures) in-
ditions, but some participants allocated to the interven- curred by any of these patients, and the proportion of par-
tion conditions did not receive their intervention for rea- ticipants with impaired cognitive function who fell was com-
sons presented in Figure 1. parable (complete program, 26%; control, 24%).
There were 247 falls across the study sample and 97 The median (interquartile range) time spent by the
injurious falls (Table 2 and Table 3). Five falls re- trained health professional setting up the multimedia ma-
sulted in fractures (control: pubic rami and sacrum in terials and in face-to-face contact with participants in the
one case and olecranon in another; materials only: dis- complete group was 25 (20-36) minutes, with a maxi-
a Unless otherwise indicated, data are reported as adjusted hazard ratios (robust 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) or adjusted odds ratios (95% CIs). All analyses
were adjusted for whether the patient was treated on a subacute hospital ward during the study.
b Fallers are those who experienced 1 or more falls.
c Negative binomial regression incidence rate ratio (95% CI); P value used if proportional hazards assumption violated.
1.00 2.00
0.50 1.00
per Patient
0.20 0.40
No. at Risk
Complete program 401 48 11 2 2 0 310 34 4 0 0 091 14 7 2 2 0
Materials only 424 71 12 5 1 0 316 44 8 3 0 108 27 4 2 1 0
Control group 381 42 14 4 1 0 280 22 7 0 0 101 20 7 4 1 0
Figure 2. Nelson-Aalen cumulative hazard curves for rates of falls and rates of injurious falls outcomes.
mum of 200 minutes for 1 participant. Of the 280 pa- wear or clothing (38 patients), and doing more exercise
tients allocated to the complete program group at the Prin- to get stronger and better balance (34 patients). Of the
cess Alexandra Hospital site, 273 patients recorded a total 299 patients allocated to the materials-only interven-
of 700 goals in relation to behavior modification in their tion at the Princess Alexandra Hospital site, 31 patients
education materials. The most common goal (142 pa- recorded a total of 75 goals. The most common goals re-
tients) related to asking for help, followed by identify- lated to asking for help and waiting for help to arrive once
ing environmental hazards (131 patients), using walk- it had been asked for (14 patients each), followed by iden-
ing aids or other aids (97 patients), waiting for help after tifying environmental hazards (9 patients) and using aids
it has been asked for (71 patients), wearing safe foot- (8 patients).
promoting behaviors and is a reason why an education pro-
gram might not be beneficial among these patients. How-
ever, reasons why it may be harmful are less apparent. It is
possible that the education process made these partici-
pants more willing to report injuries from falls, such as pain,
to the blinded research assistants. In support of this no-
tion, we found a discrepancy in the proportion of injuri-
ous falls to total falls reported by patients in the materials-
only (43% of falls were injurious) and complete program
0 (49% injurious) groups compared with those in the con-
Intact Impaired
Cognitive Function
trol group (29% injurious).
Our study was limited by its inability to conceal from
study participants their group allocations, although this
Figure 3. Interaction plots between group allocation and cognitive function
(intact/impaired) on falls outcomes. limitation is common for education-based interven-
tions. It may have influenced results because partici-
pants allocated to the intervention groups may have been
The cross-sectional hospital staff blinding survey re-
particularly motivated to avoid falls by virtue of know-
vealed that of 54 study participants, only 16 had their
ing they had been allocated to the intervention groups.
group allocation correctly identified by their primary care
This enhanced level of motivation might not have been
nurse (29%) ( = −0.05), and 17 had their group cor-
present had the complete program been provided out-
rectly identified by their treating physiotherapist (31%)
side the research context.
(=−0.06). No adverse events were reported directly from
The simple randomization approach used in the pres-
interaction with the education materials.
ent study generated groups that were not equal in total
size or proportion recruited from subacute hospital wards.
COMMENT The investigators had anticipated that a simple random-
ization approach would be sufficient for generating groups
The 2 models of patient education did not significantly of relatively equal size and comparable baseline demo-
reduce falls outcomes across the entire sample. This study graphics given the number of participants being re-
was one of the few falls prevention randomized trials to cruited. However, the discrepancy in proportion of par-
specifically target cognitively impaired patients for re- ticipants recruited from subacute hospital wards
cruitment, and this decision was made on the basis of en- necessitated adjustment for this in the analyses to ac-
couraging findings from an earlier trial. An exploratory count for the effect of this imbalance.