Jsa For Inst. of TSF & Laydown Area
Jsa For Inst. of TSF & Laydown Area
Jsa For Inst. of TSF & Laydown Area
Stop Work, switch off Equipment, Supervisor Directs Personnel to Nearest and Safest Muster Point Considering Wind direction.
Supervisor accounts for all workers.
RLIC EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. 135/#2, Note: If any of the tasks involves biological, physical or chemical hazards, then QP Industrial Hygienists to approve the work.
Details on safety and environment requirements can be found in project HSE Plan No.
Work beyond PTW Serious Violation and All the work will cease once the PTW time expires. Construction
stipulated time. damage to the Only work to commence after the PTW has been validated for the shift. manager,
company’s reputation No work shall carry out beyond the given permit time. Site
Proper planning to be done to finish the activity within the permitted Engineer,
time frame. Site
Any deviation from the work permit, MS and JHA shall be Supervisor,
communicated and approved by relevant permit authorities.
Site Preparation as Unauthorized access Damage to existing All workforces/staff should undergo safety induction prior to Construction
per method Slip, trip & fall Facilities commencement of work. manager,
statement/Permit Contact with sharp Injury to workers, Ensure the area has been confirmed and cleared by the concerned Site
3, requirements. objects site staff and authority, prior to entry into the work area. Engineer,
Incompetent Personnel operators, Wear PPEs (helmet, safety glass, safety shoes, hand gloves, face Site
Mobilization of Lack of knowledge on Damage to mask and high visibility vest). Supervisor,
personnel and the operating task equipment & Take the necessary work permits for the activities to be carried out. HSE officer.
equipment Exposure to hash property Only existing roads and pedestrian access would be used.
weather condition All the road signs must be followed (speed limits signs, No entry sign,
Poor Ground/ Base etc).
Condition, uneven Vehicles will be parked only at the designated areas.
ground surface Always use designated pedestrian walkway and keep work area tidy
and clean to avoid slip, trip and falls.
Vehicle and pedestrian movements shall be separated and minimized
reversing operations.
All operators should have a valid license and third party assessment for
the equipment/machinery they operate.
Castle Infrastructure management will ensure competent persons
To avoid hash weather all employees must comply with CASTLE
summer working plan.
Poor Communication All operative persons to have received site induction and additional
between work parties appropriate training
All tasks carried out by trained, authorized and competent personnel
Secure / apply all PTW and support documents prior to start of job
Conduct safety toolbox meeting and discuss the JSA and work
procedure prior to start of work
Evident document to be produced
All personnel will wear the appropriate PPE for their specific task
Supervision to be at the work front at all times by performing party to
ensure that the work force has good understanding of the task and
working to the approved JSA and permit requirements
Collapse of load Loads shall be adequately secured before travel and the vehicle shall
not be over loaded
Loads shall be off loaded with care, mechanical means of lifting to be
carried by complying all the safety requirements as per QatarEnergy
Keep personnel at least 3 meter away 360º from the equipment
Competent banks men to be deployed to ensure safe reaching out and
unloading of loads.
Falling objects Barricade the area from unauthorized entry and place relevant signage
All loads shall be properly covered/Secured, no loose materials shall be
left alone.
Collision with Segregate vehicular traffic route from pedestrian walkways using hard
pedestrians, structures barriers and signs
and other mobile Comply with site speed limit 15 KPH while working in and around the
equipment plant.
Provided banks man with equipment at all times
Beacon light and 360 º vision camera/mirror to be installed with all
mobile equipment.
Adequate lighting to be provided during night or poor lighting
Traffic Hazard Traffic controller/banks men to wear reflective vest and traffic cones
must be deployed at traffic site to control the flow of traffic
Provide proper barricade and traffic signage for unauthorized vehicle
entry to the area
Provide blinker lights on barricades for proper visibility
Ensure that hand safety briefing has been given prior to the activity
Proper tools to be used
Proper PPE must be worn during the activity
Hand injury
Appropriate hand gloves shall be used
Minimize manual handling by providing mechanical aids
Provide good housekeeping at all times
Proper stacking of materials
Secure materials when stacked
Slip, Trip and Fall
Material should not block access\egress
Slip, trip and falls Injury to workers Proper access/egress shall be provided to gain access to work area. Construction
Fall from height site staff and visitors Staircase or proper ladder access with handrails shall be provided. manager,
4, Access/Egress No Access Identify the Access by barricade the area with walkway sign and ensure Site
Poor Housekeeping it’s always free from obstruction. Engineer,
Use the roller to levelling the surface and ensure no stone or excavated Site
materials scattered on the way. Supervisor,
Provide safe access and egress for easy movement of operatives to HSE officer
work location and to access assembly point in event of emergency
Avoid all tripping and projecting hazards in walkway/ Inspect work area,
move material that may cause trips prior to performing work.
All the access to be cleared for any material, tools and equipments.
Access direction signs will be placed.
Housekeeping will maintain regular basis.
No running is allowed on site at any time.
Always use mandatory PPE.
TBT Shall be conducted including Emergency procedures to be
explained to visitors during site induction.
Access for Access will be cleared from material, tools, and equipment' s to ensure Construction
pedestrian and Injury the work area is safe and ready, should case of emergency there would manager,
5 vehicles to workers, staff not be any obstruction for the emergency vehicles and evacuation of Work site
transportation and visitors people. engineer, site
Incompetent drivers or
Operators Only existing roads and pedestrian access would be used. supervisor/
Damage to The driver and operators must have a valid Qatari Driver’s license safety officer
Defective vehicle or
equipment & property All the road signs must be followed (speed limits signs, No entry sign,
Vehicle collision etc).
Over speed, over load,
Work area would be barricaded appropriately.
Vehicle/ Equipment
All loose and light weight material to be properly secured to prevent
from falling during transportation.
Uneven or congested
Vehicles will be parked only at the designated areas.
Vehicle to be refueled only at petrol station.
Lack of traffic control
Stepping/driving over electrical cables, trays and equipment's would be
system/Unauthorize d
strictly prohibited.
Banks man will be provided as required.
Unauthorized entry will be strictly prohibited at work areas.
If required access sign will be posted.
Smoking will be strictly prohibited at work areas.
Care to be taken for any overhead obstructions.
Vehicle would be driven only at designated road areas.
Fire extinguisher must be available at site and the employees should
train how to use it.
Mandatory PPE should be used.
Close coordination will be maintained throughout the
execution of work with QatarEnergy/RLC.
Visual and atmospheric inspection/tests would be done by Castle and
concerned parties if required.
QatarEnergy/RLC Heat Stress Guidelines to be implemented during
summer season.
During the heavy wind, Fog or Rain work would be
immediately stopped.
If the noise is higher than 85 DB, adequate ear protection should be
Close coordination with concerned party's supervisors and safety
officers will be maintained.
Topographical • Personnel • Permit would be secured and any concurrence from other End-uses Construction
Survey work • Clients if required will be obtained. manager,
• Vehicles and Work site
6 GPS Instruments • Existing facilities • Tool box talk will be performed by Surveyor supervisor in the supervisor/
and Survey presence of Castle safety officer before commencement of work. Surveyor
accessories, CAT • Lack of • Only competent personnel will be deployed for the work in order to Supervisor,
(Cable Avoidable competency ensure the work is done safely. Safety officer
Tool)- Underground • Manual Handling • While crossing the main road, maintenance roads, utilities and any
Cable Detector, {Survey Tools) other work areas, care would be taken to prevent any
Total Station • Weather condition traffic/pedestrian accidents.
Equipment with {Heat stress Dust
accessories Dumpy Fog etc). • All the work force would be informed to use proper accesses.
leveling instrument • Heavy road traffic • Only medically fit and certified surveyor would be deployed for
with accessories. • Damage to nearby survey works.
and underground • While placing survey point or survey equipment, care would be
services. {Electrical taken not to damage the existing underground and above ground
cables, telecom services e.g. (LV/HV electrical cables, Pipe lines, telecom pipes &
cables, various other service).
types of pipelines
• Good communication with concerned personnel would be
maintained while doing survey activities.
• Damage tool and
equipment. • Surveyor would not be allowed to place survey equipment's vary
near to the roads, excavated areas and other existing services.
• Markings on existing live pipe lines or any other services would not
be allowed.
• Smoking, naked flame and any sparks would be strictly prohibited
• Mushroom protection on fixing pin(rebar)
• Warning signs, warning lights, VBUs safety cone would be
• provided as required.
• Suitable fire extinguisher would be placed.
• Any instruction given by client or concurring parties' representative
would be strictly adhered to make the work area safe.
• Mandatory PPE will be used at site.
• During any emergency QatarEnergy/RLC control room will be
contacted 135.
Use of mobile • Workers. • Periodic inspection schedule/certification shall be made available Construction
crane /crane • Client. for verification. manager,
7 mounted pickup • Visitors and Site
and their nearby workers. • Driver and operator must have valid Qatari Driving License and Engineer,
accessories for • Nearby Existing third party certificate. Site
lifting of Facilities • Doily checklist to be OK before operating of crane and or crane Supervisor,
Portacabins. mounted pickup.
containers. site • Lack of
toilet. empty sewage competency • Visual inspection of cranes also would be performed to make sure
holding tank, • Fall of material free of any leakage e.g. (Hydraulic from pipes. diesel/ petrol and oil
portable water tank. • Vehicle occident.
DG set. & small • Nearby Heavy • Crane/crane mounted pickup would be made sure in sound
equipment etc.). road traffic condition.
• Environment. • Third party certificate of Rigger. Rigging gears & Crane with
• Crane failure QatarEnergy Stamp should be available at all times during any
• Damage to lifting activities.
• Visible jacket for Rigger will be provided.
• Fall/load slipped
hazards • Competent/ trained and certified operator, lifting supervisor would
• Deviation from be deployed to the crane operations.
approved method • Appropriate spreader- pads would be used.
statement and
supplier's • Lifts would not be left suspended.
instructions. • All lifts would be completed under direction of competent
• Falling objects personnel/Rigger.
and Materials • Work area would be restricted by barriers. guards and warning
• signs.
• Make sure the area must be well compacted.
• Work area will be made sure free from any overhead and nearby
obstruction like buildings, excavation, electrical wires. fences. pipe
line building etc.)
• Inspect the slings and other lifting accessories for its conditions.
• Centre of gravity to be monitor properly.
• Good communication between the crew members to be maintained
throughout the work.
• Angles of the slings would be tried not to exceed more than 45°.
• During heavy wind (25 KT) work would be slopped immediately .
• Loading or offloading will be properly controlled/supervised at all
• While transporting the mentioned things would be proper tightening
with proper belts or chain and security escort would be requested
well in advanced for the same.
Manual Handling • Workers, • Manual handling will be discouraged and avoided as much as Construction
8 • Client, possible manager,
• Visitors and • Carry out manual handling assessment, adopting a correct Site engineer
nearby workers posture to lift the load. Site
• Improper lifting • Using the proper method of lifting techniques or arrange for supervisor
• Slip Trips & fall team lifting.
• Improper tools • Any broken or unsuitable tool will be removed from the work
• No work breaks site. (ie, Homemade, Modified, Incorrect for task etc)
• Pinch Point • Work area kept clean & Tidy Providing work breaks or works
sharing to reduce exposure time.
• Reducing the exposure by job rotation & changing of task
• PPE will be used, this will consist of safety boots, Hi Viz coverall
safety glasses, safety helmet& hand gloves.
Cleaning, • Workers. • HSE Induction of all personnel including emergency procedures. Construction
Leveling. Grading& • Client. Location of escape route. Location of fire extinguisher and manager,
backfilling • Visitors and emergency numbers et c. Site engineer
nearby workers • Ensure that operators are competent and having Qatar driving Site
9 • Lock of • Existing nearby license & third party certificates. supervisor
competency • facilities • Vehicle movement is to be controlled by certified banksman.
• Un-authorized • Reverse alarm must be installed for all the moving equipment.
operation • Follow RLIC standard speed limits as applicable. (e.g.
• Faulty Equipment Excavator I Backhoe.
• Dust • Ensure that all equipment Grader, etc) have valid third party
• Noise certificates and inspected as per QatarEnergy/RLIC procedure.
• Struck • Deploy water truck to sprinkle water at frequent intervals for the
dust suppression.
• Dispose top soil and other unusable excavated materials as per
QatarEnergy/RLIC approved dumping procedures.
• Avoid equipment oil change/repair works on site.
Working at • Workers. s taff • RLIC e-Permit would be obtained prior to start any activities Construction
Height and Nearby • Competent workers will deploy for the task. manager,
workers Work site
• Continuous monitoring by a competent supervisor and Safety
• Properties. Officer.
• Falling objects and Equipment Supervisor,
Materials • Tool box talk will be conducted prior to start any working at
10 • Existing nearby height by a competent supervisor in the presence of CASTLE
Safety officer
• Fall from Height facilities
• Slip. Trip and Fall Safety Officer.
• Safety Harness with double lanyard and other mandatory PPE's
will be use while working at height at all times.
• Secured and proper access and egress will be arranged prior to
start any working at height.
• Workers. s taff • RLIC e- Permit would be secured and any concurrence will Construction
and Nearby be obtained. manager,
11 workers Site engineer
Excavation for • Properties. • HSE checklist and required activities shall be performed. Site
installation of site Equipment • Strict compliance with supplier's instructions I method supervisor
hoardings, • Existing nearby statements.
plumbing works, facilities • Review the available drawings and mark potential hazards
Electrical works and
on the site.
• Extreme care will be taken to prevent any unintentional
• Lack of competency damage to the existing underground and nearby services
• Deviation of (Warning tape, loose soil) present special tools like plastic
approved Method shovel etc would be used.
Statement • Concurrence from the concerned parties will be obtained as
• Slip, trip & fall required by QatarEnergy/RLIC.
• Soil collapse • Area will be scanned before commencing of the excavation
• Electrocution works.
• Fire hazard
• Tool box talk will be performed by site engineer in the
• Noise presence of CASTLE safety officer prior start of work.
• Vibration • Hand tools and equipment to be inspected daily & calibration
• Dust certificates & Insurance to available at site.
• Nearby road traffic
• Underground • Proper shoring will be provided if required.
service damage • To control dust at site water will be sprayed wherever as
• Supervisor to be available full time during the excavation
• All the area around the excavations would be barricaded with
warning tap, safety cones. proper sign boards and wherever
required blinking lights would be provided
• Flagman would be provided.
• No mechanical works within 3 meters to the existing services.
Painting work if • Painters. Staff • Only experienced painters will be deployed for all the paint- Construction
required and nearby related works. manager,
workers Site engineer
• Good ventilation will be provided if required. Site
12 • Ignition source will be kept away from the working areas. supervisor
• No smoking sign will be provided.
• Workers will be advised to wash their hands before eating.
• Irritation to eye
and skin • The container will be seal when not in use and will be stored
• May cause separately at flammable storage area.
ensitization/ • Work area will be barricaded withwarning tapes. Caution
irreversible by skin boards.
contact • Cleaning or washing of paint to the drainage system or
• Harmful for sewage lank would be prohibited
inhalation (toxic
fumes) • After completion of the paint marking/water proofing works
• Fire and explosion the entire west will be disposed as per QatarEnergy/RLIC
hazard. waste management plan.
• Breaks for the work force would be provided.
• Proper supervision would be obtained.
• Proper fire extinguishers as mentioned in the SDS would be
provided. First Aid Kit will be available at site.
• SDS instruction will be followed.
• Adequate and suitable PPE will be used at site.
Carpentry and • Carpenters, • Deploy water truck to sprinkle water at frequent intervals for Construction
Masonry works, • Mason, staff the dust suppression. manager,
Erection of car and Nearby Site engineer
13 shade etc . • Tool box meeting will be conducted. Site
(Block work. • Dust (cement. • Properties. • Only experience masons would be deployed for the work. supervisor
Plastering, Sand) Equipment • Minimize carrying of loads by hand. Mechanical assistance
blinding concrete • Sharp edges • Existing nearby such as hoist, trolleys, and lifts shall be use.
etc.) • Hit by flying object facilities
• Falling objects • While working on scaffolding harness would be used.
and materials • Presence of site supervisor is must.
• Chemical Hazard
• Carry out manual handling assessment
• Fall hazards {while
working on height) • Construction and working area would be properly barricaded.
• Manual Handling • Good housekeeping to be maintained.
• While working on height underneath area would be
• Mandatory PPE would be used.
Electrical works for • Electrician and • Trained electrical personnel to do the job. Construction
the Provision of nearby workers manager,
14 Temporary • Isolation of the area and ensure disconnection from power Site engineer
power Supply. supply with coordination of QatarEnergy/RLIC electrical focal Site
point. supervisor
• Non-conducting tools will be using during the electrical war.
• Bothe ends of the cables will be monitored.
• Static discharge /
Electrical shock, • Coble should be handled with care because of the presence
• Fire of electrical hazards.
• Warning signs indication 'Voltage' and 'Danger' testing in
progress shall be displayed.
• Suitable PPE to be worn
• Electrical Distribution board and Junction box would be
inspected frequently and color coding system would be apply
for all electrical power tools and cables as well as hand tool.
Scaffolding works • Scaffolders, • Only competent and certified scaffolders would be deployed Construction
for installation of Staff and for all the scaffold related works. manager,
15 overhead water nearby workers Site engineer
• All the Scaff old lubes couplers planks and ladders provided,
tank, sheeting work • Existing nearby Site
and other related would be made sure in good working condition (free of supervisor
works above damage, crocks, bends, ladders in good condition. Coupler Scaffold
required height. and planks free of crocks, bend etc). supervisor
• Scaffolding • Scaffold would not be allowed near to excavated or Firm
collapse base for scaffolding would be provided.
• Hit by falling
materials. • Avoid uncompleted areas which may lead to settlement later
• Fall of person due to weight or rain etc.
• Falling objects • Scaffold would be tied with proper support from all the
and materials. angles, toe board, handrail. proper ladder with one meter
• Damage scaffold above from the landing point would be provided.
material • The scaffold area would be barricaded with warning tope
• Working at safety cone and with proper sign board.
• Only certified scaffolding inspector will be allowed to sign on
the scaffolding tog.
• Do not remove or alternate the scaffold unless approved by
scaffolding inspector.
• Mandatory PPE will be used.
• Make sure material are properly rigged and secured prior to
hosting them.
• No other work will be carried out nearby the scaffolding works
• Movement of unauthorized persons will be prohibited.
• Good communication would be maintained.
• Work area will be cleaned from excess materials to reduce
the tripping & other related hazard.
• Frequent breaks wilt be provided for the workforce.
• Closed coordination will be maintained with
QatarEnergy/RLIC safety representative.
Electrical & Loss • Workers • Competent person shall be used in installing firefighting materials Construction
Prevention • Technician/electri such as, smoke detectors, heat detector, DCP fire extinguishers, manager,
16 cians fire alarm sounder with flasher, fire blanket, exit light and manual Work site
• Electrocution
• Staff and nearby call point are as per QatarEnergy/RLIC standards and approved by Engineer/
• Use of untrained QatarEnergy representative. Supervisor,
electricians for • Information boards like, NO SMOKING, EXIT, CAUTION, FIRE Safety officer
electrical works EXIT, DANGER, etc. are to be posted and fixed as per HSE rules
• Use of substandard and regulations.
electrical fixtures • Closed supervision will be implemented.
and fittings
• Proper access and egress will be provided during installation of fire
• Use of substandard alarm and detection system.
• All electricians to be suitably trained and experienced in the works.
• Non-adherence to
• All wiring, connections and terminations inspected prior to
colour coding of
connection to live supply.
• All wiring to follow colour coding standards; All fuses shall be to
• Incorrect earthing
correct rating for electrical system or equipment.
• Tripping hazard
• All junction boxes and sockets fixed securely to structure.
• Damage to
• All electrical junction boxes, sockets and fittings to be of suitable
unprotected cables
quality as per QatarEnergy standard.
• Use of incorrectly
• Insulation tape shall not be used for cable connections, correct
rated fuse
junction boxes to be used as per QatarEnergy standard.
• All earth connections shall be to as per QatarEnergy standard.
• No cables shall trail on the floor; all securely clipped clear of
damage or posing a trip hazard;
Use of Power Tools • Electrocution due to • Workers, staff, • Ensure workforces understand the hazard/risk and control Construction
Drilling Machine, electric shock and Nearby measures through TBT meeting. manager,
Cable Tester, Power • Crushing and cut workers. • The area must be free from any combustible materials before start Site engineer
17 meter, multimeter, injury • Properties, work. Site
electrician fitter • Sharpe edges, nip • Equipment • Ensure Adequate access and egress, supervisor
tools, Bending point and trap. • Existing nearby • All tools and machines must be inspected /certified.
Machine, Gas • Entanglement facilities • Only diesel operated Generator to be used and make sure earthing
Cylinder • Back pain and spinal is done before start.
injury due to
improper manual • Power tools must be double insulator and dead man switch fitted
handling. with.
• Rotating parts of the • Tools would not be altered, maintained or repaired without
machinery authorization.
• Dust/noise. • All the rotating parts should be covered by using guard system
• Use of faulty/ • Provide drip tray for generator
uncertified • All electrical connection should be inspecting prior to start the work
equipment. and provide good earthing.
• Fall, trip and slip • Provide adequate fire extinguisher at site
Hazards • Availability of fire blanket and fire watcher
• Miscommunication/ • Adequate illumination. Required ventilation.
lack of supervision • Always ensure that the power supply is maintained in an
• Electrocution due to appropriate condition and that all live cables are suitable protected.
faulty power • Units which are damaged in any way must not be used as they
tools/electromagneti represent a significant shock risk.
c interference. • Electrical cables should keep away from the hot surfaces.
• Fire/Explosion • Minimize the workers from the area
• Deviation from • Maintain adequate body ergonomics.
approved • Power tools should be inspected and color coded before starting
procedures. the work
• Cord appears fully insulated with no splits or pinches
• Socket and appliance are not wet.
• Isolate the sockets after use
• Ensure good standard house keeping
• Provide adequate PPEs such as heat resistance gloves,
• dust mask, face shield, (double eye protection) ...etc
Use of Hand Tool • Personnel • Tools would be use by the competent and experience personnel Construction
Screw driver, • Congested areas • Client's only. manager,
18 Spanner etc. • Damage tools, • Equipment's • All the involve personnel would be informed about the associated Site engineer
equipment's and • (new & existing) hazards. Site
materials. • Only competent personnel will be deployed for the task. supervisor
• Roll over • Proper and suitable tool would be used during the execution of the
• Hit by flying object task.
• Falling objects and • Homemade tools would be strictly prohibited at site.
materials • Monthly inspection and color coding with inspection sticker in power
• Health effect due to tools will be implemented.
inhalation of dust • Tools would be made sure free of any wet condition, grease, oil or
• Sharp edges any other chemical which can lead to danger situations.
• Pinch Point • Tools would not be altered or repaired without authorization.
• Electrocution
Access and egress • Workers • Alternative proper access to be provided for workers. Construction
• Lack of adequate
into the excavation
access/exit way • Co-workers • All the Access shall be well secured and conduct periodic manager,
and across
• Equipment ramp, • Public inspection Site Engineer
19 excavation
access resulting to • Vehicles • Proper barrication with signage will be provided prior to start Safety Officer
• Existing any excavation works. Site
personnel Slip,
Trip & Fall. services • Provide access route with proper landing area supervisor
• • Provide enough signages regards to the access and egress. Scaffold
Short cuts resulting • Foot crossing access shall be prepared by a competent scaffolder inspection
to the personnel (If required).
falling into deep
• The same access shall be inspected by the scaffolding inspector
and green tagged to ensure safe access .
Use of equipment • Workers • Equipment shall be third party certified and approved by the Construction
for excavation • Co-Workers QatarEnergy prior to use. manager,
20 (Hand tools, Power
• Lack of competency • Existing services • Excavation checklist and mandatory activities shall be Site Engineer
Tools, Hilt, shovel.
• Damage to • Public performed. Safety Officer
pickaxe, Chisel.
underground • Strict compliance with supplier 's instructions I method Site supervisor
Hammer, plate statements.
• Damage equipment • Only authorized and experienced person will be deployed for the
Wheel Borrow, job.
Diesel Generator). • Fatigue
• Contact with live electrical cables can lead to electrocution and
• Fire and explosion
fire hazard.
• Electrocution.
• Dip tray will be provided.
• Noise
• Proper cable management will be implemented.
• Dust
• Personnel involved with the equipment must maintain safe
• Vibration
distance from the equipment as much as possible.
• Impact, crash etc.
• To control dust at site water will be sprayed wherever required.
• Cave-in
• Fire extinguisher will be placed in the equipment and employees
will be trained for the correct use of the same by the competent
supervisor. Mandatory PPE will be used at site.
Excavation, • Lack of • Workers • Ensure is conformed, carry out survey works and identified Construction
compaction, and competency • Co-Workers underground services, carry out underground service scanning manager,
21 backfilling by hand • Deviation from • Existing services and trial pit. Site engineer
and equipment. approved Method • Public • HSE checklist and mandatory activities shall be performed. Site
statement. • Strict compliance with supplier 's instructions/method supervisor
• Slip, Trip, fall statements.
hazards. • Review the available drawings and mark potential hazards on
• Soil collapse the site.
• Electrocution. • Extreme care will be taken to prevent any unintentional damage
• Fire hazards to the existing underground and nearby services. (Warning tape,
• Noise loose soil) present special tools like plastic shovel etc would be
• Vibration used.
• Dust • Area will be scanned before commencing the excavation work.
• Heavy nearby • All electrical cables will be taken as live unless declared dead by
road traffic. authorized QatarEnergy/RLIC personnel.
• Underground • Tool box talk will be performed by site engineer in the presence
service can be of Castle safety officer prior start of work.
damage. • Work area will be cleaned on regular bases.
• Proper manual handling techniques will be explained to the
workers to prevent any injuries while handling the mentioned
• While crossing the street road, maintenance road, utilities and
any other work areas care would be taken to prevent any
traffic/pedestrian accidents.
• All the work force would be informed to use proper accesses.
• Hand tools and equipment to be inspected daily & calibration
certificates, TPC& Insurance to be present onsite.
• Proper shoring will be provided if required.
• Special tools like plastic shovel etc would be used.
• Excavated material will be placed minimum one meter away
from the edge of excavation.
• To control dust at site water will be sprayed wherever
• required.
• Supervisor to be available full time during the excavation work.
• All the area around the excavations would be barricaded with
warning tap, safety cones, proper sign boards and wherever
required blinking lights would be provided
• Good communication with concerned personnel would be
maintained while doing survey activities.
• Suitable fire extinguisher would be placed.
• Flagman would be provided.
• Good housekeeping will be maintained.
• Emergency evacuation procedure would be followed during any
emergency e.g. (water Pipe damage, Gas leakage, Fire or any
other dangerous situations and RLIC control room would be
contacted on 135).
• Removal and replanting of any trees, plants & shrubs encountered
in the cable routes will be done only after getting the required
permissions and approval from the concerned QatarEnergy/RLIC
Soil removal • Movement of • Co-workers, • Workers should be made aware of the hazards of working near Construction
workers during • Local public and such equipment through toolbox meeting. manager, Site
22 excavation and equipment • Workers should not be allowed to work in proximity of Engineer,
soil handling may equipment. Work site
hit workers in the • Proper coordination at all times will be maintained. supervisor
operating radius
and lading severe • Dust suppression shall be done by sprinkling water in the
injury and fatality. premises.
• Dust pollution • Workers in the vicinity should be provided with dust mask