Sam f102 v3 Mac en US
Sam f102 v3 Mac en US
Sam f102 v3 Mac en US
EPSF standards
Technical documents
Acceptable means of
Magnetic brakes
SAM F 102
Foreword ...................................................................................................................................3
1. Object ..................................................................................................................................4
2. Area of application...............................................................................................................5
3. Documentary references .....................................................................................................5
4. Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................6
5. Functional and technical requirements................................................................................6
5.1 Areas of use ........................................................................................................................6
5.2 Using the magnetic brake....................................................................................................6
5.3 Construction and installation conditions ..............................................................................7
5.3.1 Mounting conditions.......................................................................................................7 Equipment with a maximum speed exceeding 100 km/h ...........................................7 Equipment with a maximum speed of 100 km/h or less .............................................8
5.3.2 Characteristics of electromagnetic brake components ..................................................8
5.4 Checking and isolating the magnetic brake.........................................................................8
5.4.1 Function test ..................................................................................................................8
5.4.2 Fault reporting ...............................................................................................................8
5.4.3 Isolation .........................................................................................................................8
5.5 Disturbance of track circuits ................................................................................................8
5.6 Disruption of hot axle box detectors (HABD) and axle counters...........................................9
5.7 Safety requirements ............................................................................................................9
5.7.1 Generic requirements ....................................................................................................9
5.7.2 Specific requirements ....................................................................................................9
6. Maintenance ........................................................................................................................9
7. Verification of conformity ...................................................................................................10
Before About
This text constitutes an acceptable means of compliance. In accordance with Article 4.I of
the Order of March 19, 2012, compliance with its provisions presumes compliance with the
applicable regulatory requirements. However, this does not preclude the implementation by the
entities concerned of solutions other than those proposed by the present text as provided for in
article 4. III of the above-mentioned order.
1. Object
This document defines the technical provisions for magnetic shoe brakes (FMg) used on rolling stock.
Two types of magnetic brakes are considered:
▪ The electromagnetic brake (FEM) ;
▪ The permanent-magnet magnetic brake (PMS).
It constitutes an acceptable means of compliance with the following articles of the Order of March 19,
Art. 49. Without prejudice to compliance with other regulations in force, such as those concerning the
environment, health and safety at work, or persons with reduced mobility, all rolling stock must comply
with the following requirements:
a) The gauge of rolling stock prevents any collision with railway infrastructure equipment or with other
equipment running or parked on adjacent tracks;
c) The static and dynamic, vertical, longitudinal and transverse forces transmitted to the track, particularly
in the event of maximum acceleration or braking, are compatible with its mechanical characteristics;
f) The characteristics of the rolling stock allow the nominal operation of the various detection equipment
installed on the lines used, in particular track circuits, pedals and hot box detectors;
Art. 62 - The braking of a train must, at any point along its planned route :
a) Guarantee a minimum deceleration to enable the driver to comply with the slowing down or stopping
instructions, in particular following the indications of the signs or the information transmitted by the agents
of the service in charge of traffic management;
b) Enable it to come to a standstill on any gradient.
This text responds to the open point of TSI ERA ERTMS 033 281 § 3.2.3 (complementary document to
TSI loc&pass 1302/2014).
The elements cited in this specification that are also required by the TSIs and validated by a notified body
do not have to be reassessed by the designated body (DeBo) under national rules.
The standard NF EN 16207 Applications ferroviaires : Freinage-Critère pour la fonction et la performance
des systèmes freinage électromagnétiques pour véhicules ferroviaires, now includes most of the
requirements of this SAM F102.
The use of the provisions of the standard is indicated in each relevant paragraph of this ASM. The
specifics of using the magnetic brake on the RFN are also indicated.
Thus, as standard NF EN 16207 is cited neither in the loc&pas TSI 1302/2014 nor in its application guide,
it is considered an acceptable means of compliance due to the publication of this ASM.
2. Field of application
This document applies to all railway rolling stock fitted with these devices.
It specifies performances that must also be respected to reduce the damage that magnetic pads can cause
to rails.
3. references
The following reference documents are essential for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the edition valid on the date of
publication of the ASM applies.
▪ TSI relating to the rolling stock subsystem of the trans-European high-speed rail system
of February 21, 2008 ;
▪ TSI relating to the infrastructure subsystem of the trans-European high-speed rail system
of December 20, 2007 ;
▪ Commission Regulation No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical
specification for interoperability relating to the rolling stock subsystem -
"Locomotives and passenger rolling stock" of the railway system in the European Union;
▪ Modified decree no. 2006-1279 of October 19, 2006 on rail traffic safety and the
interoperability of the rail system;
▪ Arrêté du 19 mars 2012 fixant les objectifs, les méthodes, les indicateurs de sécurité et la
réglementation technique de sécurité et d'interopérabilité applicables sur le réseau ferré
national ;
▪ standard NF EN 15273-2 : March 2010 Rolling stock gauges - Part 2 : Rolling stock gauges
▪ standard EN 15734-1 Braking systems for high-speed trains - Part 1: Requirements and
definitions ;
▪ NF EN 15734-2 (2011-04-01) : Railway applications - Braking systems for high-speed
trains - Part 2: Test methods ;
▪ UIC Leaflet 540: Compressed-air brakes for freight and passenger trains;
▪ UIC Leaflet 541-06-1992: Prescriptions concerning the construction of various brake
components, magnetic brake (standard referred to in STI loc&pas);
▪ SAM F 004: Automatic braking actions ;
▪ SAM F 005 Stopping and slowing braking performance - Lines equipped with
conventional lateral signalling ;
▪ SAM F 007: Parking brake performance ;
▪ SAM F 017 : Braking - Technical file and validation tests ;
▪ SAM F 018 Stopping and slowing braking performance - Lines equipped with TVM
signalling ;
▪ SAM S 005 Protocol for the verification and compatibility of rolling stock with electronic
wheel sensors ;
4. Abbreviations
▪ FMgMagnetic brakes
▪ FEMelectromagnetic brake
▪ PMSPermanent magnet brake
▪ SSLSub Local System
A control device available to the driver, independent of speed and service braking, is permitted in addition
to emergency braking:
• in the case of slopes greater than or equal to 40 ‰ or low adhesion conditions (NF EN 16207
• in the special case of equipment used on gradients in excess of 60‰ (cases encountered on the
Mont-Blanc/Cerdagne metric tracks, for example, not covered by the loc&pas TSI).
With the exception of streetcar trains, the magnetic brake must never be activated automatically when the
train is at a standstill, even in the event of a fault or when the train is out of service (the reason for this is
to ensure the safety of maintenance personnel).
Emergency braking is triggered automatically (§ 5.10 NF EN 16207):
▪ or by a vacuum in the main line, in which case the release pressure is less than 3 bar;
▪ or directly by the emergency braking control devices.
The speed threshold must be set locally for each bogie or car, b a s e d o n the information provided
by the speed sensors, and must be redundant if necessary to comply with the safety requirements of
paragraph 6.2 (§ 5.10 NF EN 16 207).
The SSL (excluding tram-trains) is powered by electrical and pneumatic energy.
Each bogie must have an air supply to ensure that the skids can be lowered even if there is no pneumatic
power supply (§ 6.1 NF EN 16207).
The availability of the pneumatic energy required to operate the magnetic brake must be checked at all
times. Any failure in the availability of an independent unit must be reported to the driver, enabling him to
take the necessary steps to ensure safe operation.
It is recommended to supply the skids of the same bogie in series. In the case of parallel power supply, a
study of the consequences of degraded modes (dissymmetry of effort on the bogie, for example) must be
provided. This study can take the form of a calculation note relating to bogie stability, or any other
exhaustive document guaranteeing visibility of the consequences of degraded modes (see § 5.10 NF EN
The time taken to apply the magnetic brake (between the start of emergency braking detection and 50%
of the pull force) must be less than 3 seconds (§ 5.10 NF EN 16 207).
Power is supplied to the skid in the lowered position.
The runners are mounted in high suspension, and are lowered to the rails by pneumatic power supply (§
5.8 NF EN 16207).
The position of the magnetic pad above the rail (§ 5.1 NF EN 16207) must guarantee sufficient clearance
to prevent the magnetic pads from coming into contact with the rail when they are not actuated, in all
operating configurations (under the effect of vibrations or suspension flutter, whatever the speed, in the
extreme case of suspension collapse, wear-limited wheels and new pads (see also appendix A of
standard NF EN 16207).
The force (vertical force) on the rail, excluding magnetization, must be as low as possible, and whatever
the extreme conditions of use, the recommended force must be less than 600 daN (this performance is
not to be underestimated).
is based on feedback from RFN experience. It is 1000 daN per rail, as specified in NF EN 16207 § 5.10).
The runners can be mounted in low suspension, but in this case they are suspended at a distance of at
least 8 mm above the rail. To maintain this distance, the suspension device must be adjustable (this
performance is not covered by NF EN 16 207, as it is not used on conventional lines, but concerns the
When the magnetic force is applied, the shoe automatically moves down the rail. When the magnetic flux
is cut off, the shoe must return to its initial position.
5.4.3 Isolation
(§ 5.10 NF EN 16207) It must be possible to isolate the brake equipment on each bogie separately for
maintenance purposes. This isolation must not cause the brake shoes to drop.
(§ 5.9 NF EN 16 207) For permanently magnetized magnetic pads (PMS), an independent lifting device
must be provided to eliminate the attractive force generated between the pad and the rail, in the event of
SSL failure.
If a bogie equipped with magnetic brakes is located close to antennas or sensors on the rolling stock, it is
necessary to check and demonstrate that the magnetic brakes do not interfere with transmission systems
between the ground and the train (track-to-machine transmission, phase-skipped loop, etc.) (§ 8.2 NF EN
5.7.2 Requirements
The technical safety requirements to be met by braking systems, including magnetic brakes, are defined
in SAM F 015: Safety requirements for the design of braking systems.
The following ERs are the minimum to be demonstrated and do not replace a risk analysis or malfunction
analysis to be carried out on the magnetic brake system. Traceability is required with the ERs listed below
(standards EN 15734-1 and 16185-1 list the ERSs to be studied as well).
6. Maintenance
The rolling stock maintenance schedule must enable the above provisions to be guaranteed throughout the life
cycle of the rolling stock, taking particular account of the actual characteristics of the rolling stock in service and
its operating conditions.
7. Verification of compliance
The following documents must be provided to the appraiser:
▪ application force calculation note ;
▪ safety studies (FMEA, fault trees).
▪ Standard tests to NF EN 16207 § 9 and 10 test procedures and reports
▪ All the performance you'd expect from a SAM F102.
Identification sheet
Reference Hardware
Version history
Version number Version date Application date Object
1 16/11/2007 16/11/2007 EPSF publication
General update to EN 16207
2 21/10/2014 21/10/201408/10/2015
Update of § 3 with EN 16207- 2014,
3 08/10/2015 08/10/2015 reference BEA-TT report, § 5.2 on
GEF implementation
Specification Division
Établissement Public de Sécurité Ferroviaire
60 rue de la Vallée - 80000 AMIENS