CriteriaAPAC InfoBrief CCAT
CriteriaAPAC InfoBrief CCAT
CriteriaAPAC InfoBrief CCAT
Criteria Cognitive
Aptitude Test
(CCAT )®
Criteria Cognitive
Aptitude Test (CCAT®)
A person’s cognitive aptitude is a MEASURES
powerful predictor of their future • Critical thinking
work performance and how suitable • Problem-solving skills
they are for the job. • Learning ability
• Ability to digest and
Cognitive aptitude - often referred to as general
apply new information
intelligence or g - refers to the ability to solve
problems, digest and apply information, learn
new skills, and think critically. The Criteria
Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT®) is one of
Criteria’s most popular aptitude tests and is Predict how well
commonly used for a broad range of mid- to someone will acquire,
high-level positions. organise, retain and apply
information on the job
Candidates complete
up to 50 questions
The CCAT is timed and
takes 15 minutes
to complete
A strong and long-standing body of research demonstrates that cognitive aptitude is one of the
most accurate predictors of job success:
Research has also shown cognitive aptitude to be valid, reliable and strongly predictive of future
work performance. People with high levels of cognitive aptitude can:
The CCAT provides a traditional approach to assessing cognitive aptitude and is popular with
customers assessing for mid- to senior-level roles such as managers, sales executives, software
developers, executive assistants and analysts. It’s also critical for jobs that involve a great deal of
training, such as apprentice, intern or graduate roles.
Spatial reasoning
Ability to visualise objects in physical space, make spatial judgments, and solve problems.
Verbal ability
Reading and comprehension of words, logic, constructive thinking and attention to detail.
L Accounting/Finance
L Administrative Assistant/Clerical
L Analyst
L Bookkeeper
L Computer Programmer
L Controller
L Customer Service Representative
L Finance Manager
L Financial Analyst/Advisor
L Front Desk/Receptionist
L Lawyer/Attorney
L Loan Officer
L Network Administrator
L Operations Manager
L Product Manager
L Production Manager/Supervisor
L Project Manager
L Recruiter
L Sales Manager
L Sales Representative
L Senior Managers/VP
L Store Manager
Example questions
The CCAT contains 50 items in total. However, most candidates won’t complete every question
within the 15-minute time limit. These questions assess the three areas of spatial reasoning,
verbal ability, and math and logic.
Choose the word that is most nearly OPPOSITE to the word in capital letters.
A. abdicate
B. truncate
C. elongate
D. stifle
E. resist
A group of 3 numbers has an average of 17. The first two numbers are 12 and 19.
What is the third number?
A. 17
B. 19
C. 20
D. 23
E. 30
Vince Sample
Position: Sample Test Portfolio
Test Date: May 23, 2022
Event ID: ABC-D1Fg-2H3I-jklmN
Conscientiousness 75
Medium 0 20 40 60 80 100
Perseverance 67
Applicants who receive Medium Ratings will 0 20 40 60 80 100
Theft 51
0 20 40 60 80 100
Raw Score Percentile 0 20 40 60 80 100
Raw Score Percentile 0 8 16 24 32 40
The score report gives you more detailed results for a single candidate. It includes:
Vince Sample
Position: Sample Test Portfolio
Test Date: Jan 17, 2022
Event ID: ABC-D1Fg-2H3I-jklmN | Test Ver: 1.0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Project Manager
Suggested Range: 22-37
Vince Sample achieved an overall score of 24, which means Vince answered 24 questions correctly. This corresponds to a percentile
rank of 50, meaning Vince scored better than 50% of the people who have taken this test. Below are details of how Vince performed
in specific sub categories.
58 62 24
Ability to visualize, make spatial Reasoning and comprehension of Ability to reason using numbers and
judgements, and problem solve; words, constructive thinking, and numerical concepts. Also measures
correlated toBrief
CCAT Information general
attention to detail. logic and analytical thinking.
Sample - CCAT Score Report - Page 1 © 2022 Criteria Corporation. All Rights Reserved. • • (877) 909-8378
In the Suggested CCAT Score Ranges by Position section, you’ll see how the candidate’s raw
score compares to all of the available score ranges for the CCAT.
Sample - CCAT Score Report - Page 2 © 2022 Criteria Corporation. All Rights Reserved. • • (877) 909-8378
In the Problem Solving section of the report – which relates to their performance on the CCAT -
the candidate can view information about their key problem solving strengths.
This score report is intended to be shared with the test-taker, and be used in a post-hire setting for the purpose of enhancing self-awareness,
and encouraging growth and development. It may also be shared with Jesse's team members, manager and/or direct reports, if appropriate, so
that new team members may become aware of Jesse's likely work styles and how their behavioral tendencies may influence interactions with
team members in the workplace.
Problem Solving
Development Suggestions
Jesse is likely to be most effective at solving verbal or written problems. One way for Jesse to develop their effectiveness at problem
solving may be for Jesse to approach problems from a verbal or written perspective where possible. This could be done by
expressing or framing problems through written descriptions and using that information as a basis for solving problems.
Since the initial standardisation sample, the CCAT has been administered over 4 million times.
Based on the large volume of position-specific data that has been gathered on the CCAT,
Criteria has established score expectations and score ranges for various occupations.
Reliability typically refers to the internal consistency of a test, or the extent to which all the
questions in the test measure the same construct and result in similar test scores. The most
common measurement of test reliability is Cronbach’s alpha, which can range from 0.00,
indicating no reliability at all, to 1.00 indicating perfect reliability. More reliable assessments
produce assessments that are more precise and more stable.
Based on a sample of 97,929 test takers, the Cronbach’s alpha for the CCAT is 0.86.
Psychometricians generally consider alpha coefficients of .70 or above to constitute an
acceptable level of reliability. Therefore, the alpha coefficient of .86 demonstrated by the CCAT
indicates a very high degree of reliability.
Construct validity
Construct validity is established through evidence for convergence, or the relationships
demonstrated between a test with other well-established tests that are purported to measure
the same construct or attribute. The CCAT has demonstrated construct validity through its
strong correlations with other leading measures of cognitive aptitude.
For example, among a sample of 34 individuals who took both the CCAT and Wonderlic
Personnel Test (WPT), the correlation observed between the CCAT and the WPT was .78.
Similarly, among a sample of 355 individuals who took both the CCAT and the Minicog Rapid
Assessment Battery (MRAB), the correlation observed between the CCAT and the MRAB was
.55. Thus, the CCAT has demonstrated strong construct validity evidence through its high
correlations with similar assessments like the WPT and MRAB.
Criterion-related validity
Criterion validity refers to the extent to which test scores relate to a relevant outcome such as
job performance. The CCAT functions as an especially effective predictor of performance for jobs
that require enhanced abilities in the areas of problem-solving, learning, critical thinking, and
verbal and mathematical reasoning. Criteria Corp has conducted numerous criterion validity
studies in collaboration with research partners and customers across many different industries.
These studies have demonstrated evidence for the criterion validity of the CCAT in a wide variety
of organisational settings.
For example, in a sample of 745 sales representatives, the CCAT was found to correlate .33 with
performance in a training period. Similarly, in a group on 42 social workers at a government
agency, the CCAT was found to correlate .44 with supervisor rated performance.