Design Symmetricand Asymmetric Single Circular Split Ring Microwave Sensor Using COMSOLMultiphysics
Design Symmetricand Asymmetric Single Circular Split Ring Microwave Sensor Using COMSOLMultiphysics
Design Symmetricand Asymmetric Single Circular Split Ring Microwave Sensor Using COMSOLMultiphysics
1 181
3 authors:
Ahmed Soliman
Helwan University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Ahmed Soliman on 04 December 2020.
Abstract— Microwave sensors are very promising for frequency response shifts as a function in the presence of
sensing the biological medium with different advantages such as different materials. There are many various application and
non-invasive and miniaturized dimensions. In this paper, the techniques depend on the detection of the frequency shift
analysis of the change in the geometry parameters of a planar such as the biological and biomedical applications.
circular split microwave sensors for detecting and
characterizing the dielectric properties of different materials is Split-Ring Resonators (SRR) combine between the main
presented. The study is applied on two main types of sensors, a advantages of real-time analysis and the detection of the
planar symmetrical split ring resonator (SSRR) and a planar frequency shift. The planar Split-Ring Resonator (SRR) was
Asymmetrical split ring resonator (ASRR). These sensors are introduced by Pendry in the late 90s. The sensor structures
used to investigate the difference in dielectric properties of the based on SRRs are interesting for sensing applications due
medium which affected the resonance frequency based on the to its low cost, quick response time, high sensitivity and
perturbation theory. The results show a comprehensive study selectivity [3]. Other approaches based on SRRs structures
for the microwave sensor. It can be used in different application have been proposed such as biosensor of the symmetric and
as a high sensitivity sensor to extract the difference among more asymmetric split-ring resonator (SSRR & ASRR). SSRR is
matched materials in S-parameters. The mathematical model is considered the most exploited topologies of metamaterials
developed for the accurate calculation of shifts in the resonant and has been utilized for the synthesis of various
frequencies, transmission, and reflection coefficients S21 and
structures/components such as radio frequency (RF)
S11 under loaded materials vs the change of sensor geometric
antennas, sensors, filters, and absorbers [4]. Various
and the orientation of the gap. The analysis and simulation are
investigated using COMSOL Multiphysics tool.
configuration of SSRR topologies has been investigated
such as circular, square, triangular, etc. The selection of
Keywords— Microwave Sensors, Asymmetrical Split Ring configuration is utilized depending on the requirements of
Resonator, Symmetrical Split Ring Resonator, Transmission the applications. SSRR and its resonant elements provide
Coefficients, Reflection Coefficient, COMSOL, Resonance high-quality factor at microwave and millimeter wave
Frequency. frequencies [5].
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2019 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)
which are represent inner radius, a width of ring/slot, split capacitance decreases as the gap dimension increases based
gap, and coupling gap between consecutive rings, on the relation between the gap width (g) and the gap
respectively. capacitance (Cgap) as shown as follows [8]:
The proposed dimensions of the ASRR geometric are the 𝐶𝑔𝑎p=𝜀0∗(ℎ𝑤/𝑔) (1)
same as mentioned previously in SSRR dimensions for the
ASRR width, the radius and the gap width. In addition, the Where: ε0, w, h, and g are the free space permittivity,
change of the gap position with different 𝜃 position are 𝜃1 the ring thickness, and the height of the SSRR, and the gab
width respectively. Fig. 5 shows the plotted S-parameters
= 0ᵒ, 𝜃2 = 30ᵒ, 𝜃3 = 60ᵒ, 𝜃4 = 90ᵒ, 𝜃5 = 120ᵒ, 𝜃6 = 150ᵒ, 𝑎𝑛𝑑
with the effect of the decreasing in the capacitance of the
𝜃7 = 180ᵒ. A flame retardant (FR4) board is used as a gap. The resonance frequency value for the reflection
substrate. The reason for the selection FR4 due to its stable coefficient |S11| is around 20 dB. Also, the resonance
dielectric properties (εr and tanδ) even at different frequency in the transmission coefficient |S21| is around 6
temperatures and frequencies. Therefore, it is the first choice GHz compared with the 5.5 GHz in Fig. 3 for the first
for RF and microwave designs. configuration (gap width (g)= 1 mm).
The results show that the significant clear difference in
the S-parameters with the small change in the capacitance of
the gap.
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2019 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)
Fig. 6. The electric field distribution for the third configuration with the
maximum electric field value according to the gap thickness is around
1.8 KV/m. Fig. 9. The influence of the change in S-parameters for the first
configuration according to the ring thickness.
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2019 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)
Fig. 14. The electric field distribution with the maximum electric field value
according to the gap angle 𝜃2 = 30° is around 2.2 KV/m.
Fig. 12. The electric field distribution for the first configuration with the
maximum electric field value according to the ring radius is around 7.2
Fig. 15. The influence of the change in S-parameters according to the gap
angle 𝜃2 =30°. The magnitude of S11 decreases with the change in 𝜃2.
Fig. 13. The influence of the change in S-parameters for the first
configuration according to the ring thickness.
Fig. 16. The electric field distribution with the maximum electric field value
according to the gap angle 𝜃3 = 60° is around 1.65 KV/m.
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2019 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)
Fig. 17. The influence of the change in S-parameters according to the gap Fig. 22. The electric field distribution with the maximum electric field value
angle 𝜃3 =60°. The increment in the gap angle position leads to according to the gap angle 𝜃6 = 150° is around 2.2 KV/m. The
decrease the magnitude of S11 with 𝜃3 = 60°. distribution of the electric field more matched with the distribution of
the electric field of 𝜃2 =30°.
Fig. 18. The electric field distribution with the maximum electric field value
according to the gap angle 𝜃4 = 90° is around 0.6 KV/m.
Fig. 23. The influence of the change in S-parameters according to the gap
angle 𝜃6 = 150°. S11 and S21 coefficients more matched with the 𝜃2
=30° results.
Fig. 19. The influence of the change in S-parameters according to the gap
angle 𝜃4 = 90°.
Fig. 24. The electric field distribution with the maximum electric field value
according to the gap angle 𝜃5 = 120° is around 2.5 KV/m. The
distribution of the electric field more matched with the distribution of
the electric field of 𝜃1 = 0°. But the increment in the electric field is
notable as a difference between two cases.
Fig. 20. The electric field distribution with the maximum electric field value
according to the gap angle 𝜃5 = 120° is around 1.65 KV/m.
Fig. 25. The influence of the change in S-parameters according to the gap
angle 𝜃7 = 180°. S11 and S21 coefficients more matched with the 𝜃 =
0° results.
Fig. 21. The influence of the change in S-parameters according to the gap
angle 𝜃5 = 120°. S11 and S21 coefficients more matched with the 𝜃3
=60° results.
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2019 IEEE Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Information Systems (ICICIS)
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The new case study shows the effect of ASRR with two 2016.
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separated by two identical narrow 1 mm gap width. The first
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[9] M. Fei, S. Ma, X. Li, X. Sun, L. Jia and Z. Su, “Advances Computational
Methods In Life System Modeling And Simulation”, SPRINGER
Fig. 27. The influence of the change in S-parameters for a special case of
ASRR getting by two symmetric arcs with two opposite angles for the
gap orientation.
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