Practical Research 1 Group 1

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Chapter I


This chapter exhibits the Background of the Study, Research

Questions, Objective of the Study, Significance of the Study, Scope and
Delimitation of the Study, Conceptual Framework, and Definition of Terms

Ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school canteens is an

important concern for parents, teachers, and government officials.
Implementing school policies and practices is a crucial factor in preventing
foodborne illnesses, and promoting healthy eating habits among students. In
this research paper, we will explore the role of school policies and
practices in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school canteens,
including the impact of food safety regulations, food hygiene practices, and
training programs on the canteen staff. Additionally, we will examine the
effectiveness of monitoring and inspection systems in identifying and
preventing foodborne outbreaks in school canteens.

By exploring these critical components of food safety in school

canteens, we aim to provide insights that can ultimately help enhance the
quality of food served in these facilities, safeguarding the health of
millions of school-going children across the globe.


Food safety and hygiene is crucial to the overall health and well-
being of schoolchildren. As a result, school policies and practices must be
put in place to ensure that the food served in school canteens is both safe
and contamination-free.

The school canteen is a vital place for children to consume

nutritious meals, and it is critically essential to ensure that the food
served in these canteens is free of harmful bacteria and other contaminants.
With the spread of foodborne illnesses and other infections, schools must
take extra precautions to prevent contamination and ensure food safety.
Furthermore, when schools enforce strict food safety policies, it
creates a culture of hygiene, which is crucial for children's overall well-
being. This atmosphere instills good hygiene practices in children, leading
to better hygiene habits outside the school environment.

The lack of proper food storage, handling, and preparation practices

could have serious health consequences. Furthermore, an outbreak of food-
related diseases could lead to school closures and disruptions, resulting in
missed lessons and lost academic potential.

In conclusion, a healthy school nutrition policy that includes

regular training and monitoring of food handlers is pivotal to ensuring that
students are safe when eating meals in school cafeterias. This policy can
also serve as a means to establish good hygiene habits and adherence to
health guidelines among students. Therefore, exploring the role of school
policies and practices in food safety and contamination-free food in school
canteens is essential.

Research Questions

1.What should be done to ensure that our food is clean and healthy?.

2.How does contamination affect food?.

3.How does food contamination affects human?

4.How can food be protected from food contamination in canteens?

5.What are the causes of food contamination in school canteens?

Scope and Delimitation

This research study will be conducted at Las Piñas City National

Senior High School – Manuyo Campus that is located in Tramo St. Manuyo Uno
Las Piñas City.

This research is limited only to grade 11 students of las piñas city

national senior high school - manuyo campus that buys food every recess time
on the school canteen.

This study focuses on exploring the role of school policies and

practices in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school canteens.
The study will cover the policies and practices implemented in different
schools within a specific region/country. The study will investigate the
different policies on food safety, food management, food handling and
preparation, hygiene and sanitation, and compliance with government
regulations. The study will also explore the practices in the canteen
including food preparation, handling, storage, and disposal.

The study will gather data by administering a survey questionnaire to

school administrators, canteen personnel, and students. The data will be
analyzed using statistical tools and techniques to provide a comprehensive
understanding of the different policies and practices in place to ensure safe
and contamination-free food in school canteens.


This study only focuses on the role of school policies and practices
in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school canteens. It does not
cover food safety practices outside the school premises, such as students’
packed lunches or food bought outside of the school. Moreover, the study may
only represent a specific region or country, which may differ from other
regions or countries in terms of food safety policies and practices.
Furthermore, the study only gathers data from self-reported responses, which
may be biased, leading to possible limitations in the accuracy of the study

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this research study is to know how many students of

Manuyo Campus buys food every week, when it comes to recess break. The title
of this research paper is “Exploring the Role of School Policies and
Practices in Ensuring Safe and Contamination-Free Food in School Canteens.”
The study aims to explore the role of school policies and practices in
ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school canteens. This research
is significant in several ways. First, school canteens are essential in
providing students with nutritious meals, and it is crucial to ensure that
the food served is safe and healthy.

Second, food contamination can have severe consequences, including

food poisoning, which can lead to adverse health effects and even death in
extreme cases.

Third, school administrators and policymakers play a critical role in

ensuring that policies and practices are in place to prevent food
contamination and promote food safety.

This study will help identify effective policies and practices that
can be implemented in school canteens to ensure safe and contamination-free
food, leading to improved student wellbeing and academic achievement.

Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

Review of Related Literature

The researcher conducted the related literature in many different

kind of text and some research in the internet.

What are the benefits of cleaning eating utensils?

According to World Health Organization cleaning eating utensils will

most likely prevent you for getting food contaminated and will also prevent
you for getting foodborne illnesess.

In recent years, concerns regarding the safety and quality of food in

school canteens have increased globally. The prevalence of foodborne
illnesses and the potential for contamination have led to calls for increased
regulation and oversight in this area. This review of related literature
focuses on the role of school policies and practices in ensuring safe and
contamination-free food in school canteens.
School food safety policies and practices play a crucial role in
ensuring the safety and quality of food served in school canteens. Studies
have shown that the implementation of effective food safety policies and
practices can significantly reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses in school
settings (Bremer et al., 2016). Proper hygiene practices, adequate staff
training, and regular sanitation and cleaning procedures are essential
components of an effective food safety program.

In addition to the implementation of policies and practices, it is

essential to monitor and enforce food safety regulations in school canteens.
Several studies have highlighted the importance of regular audits and
inspections to ensure compliance with food safety guidelines and regulations
(Havelaar et al., 2017). These evaluations must be conducted by trained
personnel who understand the intricacies of food safety regulations and can
identify potential risks and hazards.

The involvement of students and parents in the food safety process is

another critical factor in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in
school canteens. Studies have shown that education and awareness programs can
significantly improve students' and parents' understanding of food safety
principles (JOO et al., 2013). This increased awareness can lead to greater
adherence to food safety guidelines and practices in school canteens.

In conclusion, the implementation of effective school policies and

practices is critical in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school
canteens. Proper hygiene practices, adequate staff training, and regular
sanitation and cleaning procedures are essential components of an effective
food safety program. Regular audits and inspections and student and parent
education and involvement are also critical components. Schools, policy
makers , and other stakeholders must work together to establish and enforce
food safety guidelines and regulations to ensure the safety and quality of
school canteens’ foods.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for exploring the role of school policies

and practices in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school canteens
includes several key components.
Firstly, it is important to consider the various factors that can
impact food safety in school canteens. These may include issues such as poor
hygiene practices, inadequate storage and handling of food, and the use of
contaminated ingredients. Additionally, food safety risks may also arise as a
result of the wider school environment, such as through exposure to pests or
inadequate cleaning practices.

Building on this understanding of the key risks and factors that

contribute to food contamination in school canteens, the next step in the
conceptual framework is to consider the various policies and practices that
schools can implement in order to mitigate these risks. This may include
policies such as regular cleaning and sanitization schedules, the use of food
safety guidelines and procedures for food handling, and the implementation of
quality control measures to ensure that ingredients and supplies are

Additionally, it is important to consider the various stakeholders

involved in ensuring food safety in school canteens, including school
administrators, food service providers, and government regulators. Effective
communication and collaboration between these stakeholders are essential to
ensure that food safety standards are met and that any issues or concerns are
promptly addressed.

Overall, the conceptual framework for exploring the role of school

policies and practices in ensuring safe and contamination-free food in school
canteens requires a holistic approach that considers both the risks and
challenges involved in ensuring food safety and the various policy and
practice changes that can be implemented to mitigate these risks. By adopting
such an approach, schools can work towards ensuring that all students have
access to safe and healthy food options in their canteens, thereby promoting
their overall health and well-being.

Definition of Terms
Food Contamination. Food contamination refers to the presence of harmful
chemicals and microorganisms in food, which can cause consumer illness.

School Canteen. It is the school canteen’s responsibility to check and ensure

the cleanliness of the food that they sells on grade 11 students.

Safety of Foods. It is important for the grade 11 students to know if the

food that they were buying are clean and if the food is still consumable

Teachers. If any of the grade 11 students gets food contaminated it would be

the teachers responsibility to take care of them.

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